No animation in Exposé

The is some mention of this here but the main thread is about slugish animation and there are a few issues going on there so I'll start a new post:
After the machine's been up for a while, F9 exposé stops its animated transition for windows to their position on the grid; they just jump there immediately. Push F9 again to return and they do transition back smoothly as they should. This issue doesn't affect dock exposé, F10, or F9 during F8, and even F9 works perfectly in slow motion when holding down shift.
Kill the Dock to restart it and normality returns for a while. This seems like a resource leak to me.

Download and install the 10.6.1 combo update. As with any update, make sure and back up all important data first.
After the installation, repair disk permissions.
Quit any open applications/programs. Launch Disk Utility. (Applications/Utilities) Select MacintoshHD in the panel on the left, select the FirstAid tab. Click: Repair Disk Permissions. When it's finished from the Menu Bar, Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac. If you see a long list of "messages" in the permissions window, it's ok. That can be ignored. As long as you see, "Permissions Repair Complete" when it's finished... you're done. Quit Disk Utility and restart your Mac.

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  • Graphics performance degradation going from 10.4.11 to 10.6.3

    I finally upgraded my 2006 Mac Mini to 10.6, straight from 10.4. Things are generally fine and some apps load faster. However, I've noticed that the animations in Exposé and Dashboard aren't nearly as smooth as they were under 10.4. Also, dragging an application window around the screen can get laggy, as if something were locking up the CPU or GPU.
    Is this something I should now accept, having an old low powered Mac, or might there be a specific issue that Apple will address in a future update, or maybe an issue I can address by tweaking something?

    I think the Mac Mini struggles to multitask under 10.6.
    It may be related to disk I/O. Not sure yet.

  • Snow is Slow: Any Quartz Animation : Exposé, Dock, Spaces

    I am documenting a problem with Snow Leopard.
    I installed Snow Leopard the Friday Morning it was released.
    Immediately experiencing a weird anomaly in the transitions when using the F11 reveal windows Exposé—I was shocked! The first time I used it, there was a half-zoom out. Meaning that it jumped to half zoom then to reveal the complete desktop. I did it again and a different and worse resulted resulted.
    Then, this stuttering pattern happened when I switched to spaces.
    I was immediately depressed because of this very un-like Mac behavior.
    At this point I went into an extreme analysis of this issue.
    Beginning with checking the behavior in an alternate user profile. (This profile worked ok initially, but failed after much testing.)
    Removing all auto-start items.
    Starting in safe mode
    Pulling various .plist's at the user level, the library level and the system level.
    Setting up various combinations of programs.
    Setting up various combinations of windows.
    Many reboots in various configurations.
    Reading may system logs and referencing for various corresponding messages in multiple logs.
    Here is what I have found:
    When there are a certain number or windows open, <or>
    a Windows with a certain density of information (eg. a busy Safari window, vs. four empty finder windows. Then Snow Leopard begins to get very choppy in its execution of the 'sliding transition' effect.
    This effect extends to all Exposé transitions, spaces transitions and dock ballooning at the extreme ends of either side
    Zooming can also be a bit choppy, but there has to be many windows open.
    I can successfully replicate this behavior to precisely how many windows are open. I can visually see the expected smoothness with three finder windows & one Activity Monitor. If I add a fourth finder window the transitions fall apart and become very choppy.
    * Further, I can comfortably identify the problem as a conflict between the "Finder" & "WindowServer" When this choppy behavior is experienced, the WindowServer subsystem jumps it a minimum of 50% CPU consistently, with a maximum of about 80%.
    ---> When "Finder" is eliminated (request the program to quit) then all poor transition performance disappears. This too can be consistently replicated.
    * In summary, on some Macs with certain video drivers, there is an issue with transition performance. This is directly causable by setting up a certain number of open windows. And this result is due to some (unknown to me) conflict between the 'Finder" and 'WindowServer."
    Certain logs reflect that finder is interrupting WindowServer under certain conditions.
    Note: I have noticed several posts of complaints to various issues that all seem to center around this issue. And the help responses are always; zapping pram, running out of disk space, running too low on ram, too many processes running, running incompatible programs. --- This advice is misguided.
    ps: Snow Leopard is otherwise very slick and much faster.
    System tested:
    Mac Mini
    Core 2 Duo (Merom)
    4GB Ram
    100Gig Free
    GMA950 Video (64M Shared)
    1440 x 900 60Hz Screen Size
    File Vaulted Main Profile.

    I just tried to replicate your issue on my Mac Mini 2,1 (1.83GHz C2D, stock 1GB, GMA 950 64MB shared) machine (which acts as a server for my 2 x AppleTV 160GBs and is constantly on 24/7) and the animations were smooth using (fn) f11 and the Expose (f3) button. No stuttering.
    I had iTunes (movie page with 682 files in it all with cover art), Safari (default Apple start up page) and 3 finder windows open (Mac HD + 2 1TB USB externals). Seemed fine to me.
    I also tried on my Rev A MacBook Air which has the GMA- X3100 graphics, and it too was smooth with no stuttering. (Snow Leopard runs really well on my little Air, so much quicker).
    I can only suggest it's something else on your system which is causing the issue. I see from your system specs you have 4GB RAM installed. Your Mac Mini is the same 2,1 as my machine only with the faster CPU and larger hard drive. I read the Apple Tech Specs and the Mac Mini only supports up to 2GB RAM (presumably chipset restricted).
    See here:
    Perhaps the additional 2GB RAM installed is causing a conflict?

  • Possible Simultaneous Corruption in Dock, Exposé and Spaces?

    I upgraded to 10.5 a couple of weeks ago, and it was running smoothly, save for some Time Machine issues, until yesterday morning. I woke my computer up and exposé would no longer work--none of my F quick keys were functional, I couldn't Tab+~ to cycle through applications, nothing. Spaces also shut down (or more correctly, the menu bar icon said that I had not yet enabled Spaces even though I had been using it the entire time I've had Leopard), but the Dock was acting even stranger.
    I normally keep my Dock at the bottom of the screen and hidden, but since yesterday I can neither hide nor show it at will. I can't change the side it's on, and now it randomly shows itself (it's come up at least 3 times since I've been writing this), but either disappears when I try to click on it, or seems frozen for a second and then vanishes. I've been able to launch one application--Safari--one time from the Dock in two days. I can't make changes to the Dock, or Spaces or Exposé, for that matter, through System Preferences.
    I've deleted the Dock preferences several times, run disk utilities several times, started in Safe mode, turned off all my peripherals, reinstalled my Waccom driver (out of pure desperation) and done a clean reinstall of Leopard, but so far nothing has worked. Disk utilities says everything is fine, and though I've run into the same problems repairing my permissions that others here have found--the LONG run time, the barber pole without progress, the weird messages--it seemed to have worked okay.
    I can manually launch programs from the Applications folder, and they seem to be working pretty well when they are launched. The only thing that I've noticed that could be out of the ordinary, though I don't know, is that when I delete the Dock preferences--both, and file,, will flash every so often, though not necessarily when the dock reappears.
    (right this second half the dock peeked up, disappeared and then after a beat, appeared fully and disappeared again--in roughly the same amount of time it took me to write this sentence).
    As you can probably guess, by now I'm desperate and completely out of ideas. Does anyone have any insight?

    Can't find the edit button, so I'll add two things onto the list:
    7. Terminal - sudo periodic daily weekly monthly
    8. Reinstalling OS X
    ...and nothing has worked.
    And for some reason, there is some screen tearing while scrolling... could this be a problem with core video/animation?

  • Exposé crashes Yosemite, must hard-restart

    Invoking the Exposé feature on my Mac (MacBook Pro mid-2010 15" model 6,2) has been causing it to crash.  I have Exposé set so that moving the pointer to the upper-left corner shows the open windows of the front-most running app.  I have the upper-right corner set to show clusters of windows for each of the running apps.
    Moving to the upper left causes all of the open windows to clear from the screen altogether, leaving a blurred backdrop that's the color of the picture on my desktop (a picture of the Mars landscape from an orbiter).  The mouse pointer is still visible and can be moved normally, but it can't select anything,  After repeatedly moving the mouse to and from the upper left corner, eventually a scrambled arrangement of fragments will appear on the screen, as shown in the screen shot below, and the pointer changes to the beach-ball.   Notice that the icon of the hard drive on the Mac desktop appears in three places.
    (description continues after this screen-shot)
    This seems to happen only when the pointer/cursor/mouse is moved to the upper left very quickly, or by mistake by brushing the track pad.  My theory is that this is happening because the animation of the windows, as they are moving to their positions in Exposé, is happening too fast for the graphics RAM buffer to handle.
    I opened Console to see if I could figure something out, but I didn't know what to look for - maybe someone reading this can tell me, so I can help trouble-shoot this.   I don't have much hope that there is an easy fix...
    In case this is another hint, this MacBook Pro is one of the models that had graphics processor issues in Mavericks, which were eventually resolved with a later dot-release of Mavericks.  See this thread:  Graphics corruption issue continues in Mavericks 10.9.1
    PS - This situation may be the same issue that's also reported here:
    App Expose freezing Yosemite

    You have the MacBookPro6,2—the Edsel of Macs. It may have the logic-board defect that was covered by a recall program that has now ended.
    Residents of the EU may be entitled to warranty service for up to six years after purchase.
    Make a "Genius" appointment at an Apple Store, or go to another authorized service provider, to have the machine tested. The routine hardware diagnostics used by service providers do not detect the fault. There is a specific test for this issue that Apple calls "VST" (for "Video Switching Test.") Ask for it. A "Failed" result means that the fault is present.
    You may be quoted a price of about $300 (in the U.S.) for a "depot repair," which involves shipping the unit to a central repair facility and takes about two weeks. For that flat fee, anything found wrong with it should be fixed, not just the logic board.
    Sometimes the replacement part is also defective, so be prepared for that possibility. If you decide to pay for a new logic board, test thoroughly during the 90-day warranty period on the repair. Some owners have reported that they went through as many as three replacement boards before getting one that worked.
    If you don't want to pay for the repair, you may (or may not) be able to work around the problem by disabling automatic graphics switching. To use the discrete graphics processor, you'll need a third-party utility to switch to it manually.
    Often the problems start after an OS upgrade. If the upgrade was recent, and you have backups, then you can revert to a previous OS X version.

  • Problems with Dock, Exposé and Mouse functions

    First: Sorry for my bad english.
    The function that the symbols in Dock are getting bigger and smaller by placing the mouse on them doesn´t work.
    The functions in the corners (Exposé, dashboard,...) don´t work.
    The same with my right mouseclick.
    I can´t put something in my trash. I can grab a folders but not put in in the trash.
    The same with my "Top Sites". They are show´n but i can´t use them.
    There are different other little things wrong, but there must be a solution for all the stuff, cause everything has broken today.
    Thanks for your support.

    I have exactly the same problem :
    - My dock don't react when i put my mouse on the right (dock stay hidden)
    - When i let my dock on the right but I clic, the dock see my mouse and show
    - After to clic on aplication, the dock animation stay locked until i clic again somewhere (dock hide)
    - Exposé don't work when I move my mouse to each corner, when I use keyboard all is ok, but he just don't detect my mouse (like my dock).
    I test some solutions :
    - Creat new administrator acount (same problem)
    - Try to reapared with the CD of Snow leopart (boot from CD)
    - Use OnyX to clean all (same problem)
    - Reboot (normal reboot)
    - change settings of dock and exposé (same problem)
    I don't want to format my computer, could you help me ?
    Message was edited by: Angeal Niagara

  • Exposé slow?

    For some reason on my Mac Pro activating Exposé - all windows tends to result in animation which appears rough, jagged and slow. However, if I do it a few times or if I hold shift it goes back to being smooth and uniform like it was in 10.5. Is this a problem with Nvidia drivers? My Air uses Intel graphics and does not experience the same thing as far as I can tell.
    In addition, there is also an initial delay from pressing the key until I see any movement of the windows. Opening certain apps like NetNewsWire tend to make the delay longer. This appears only to happen under the 32 bit kernel.
    I am not experiencing both of these at the same time; either one or the other. Is anyone else having an issue like this? I did a clean install and then ran the migration assistant under an admin account. I am currently running with the 64 bit kernel enabled and am having the laggy exposé problem, and it persists across user accounts.

    Well, at least it's not just me. The problem that occurs in 32 bit kernel mode appears to be related to the amount of minimized windows you have. The more you have, the longer it will take for exposé to render. My machine is pretty much top of the line and this is definitely not expected behavior.

  • Genie effect and Exposé on my iMac G5

    Hi there,
    well, this topic comes after several days of testing, thinking, testing...
    Why does the OS X genie effect isn't smooth on my iMac? I mean, it has a Radeon 9600 Pro 128MB, which it's quite better than the Geforce FX 5200 64MB I had on my previous PowerMac G5 (dual 1.8GHz Rev.A), there must be something mysterious I don't know about videocards...
    My iMac is already set to "maximum performance" but the genie effect isn't as smooth as it was on my PowerMac G5. If I set to "automatic" the dock animation runs at 1/2 framerate as it should.
    I guess these sort of FX are not related (not directly at least...) to CPU speed...aren't them?
    I've had bad experiences with the dock animation too... one day I discovered it was not as smooth as before, than I discovered that if the OS X desktop gets crowded with icons, you loose some smoothness in the GUI, I guess it's strange, but GUI smoothness came back when I decided to move all the stuff inside ONE folder (still on the desktop).
    Now...the desktop isn't crowded anymore, but genie effect and exposè aren't as smooth as they should be, it's far from being smooth, even with one little window.
    any advice?
    (I've just tried ATIcellerator, but it doesn't change anything even at +33% overclock...RAM/CORE, which is something I wouldn't recommend on an iMac)

    Defragging your drive will do nothing, as Tiger automatically defraggs itself on the fly.
    I noticed a significant difference in the performance of Expose if I had multiple windows open up at a time - even if it was nothing more than several Safari windows. My guess is that performance depends on memory load.
    One other thing I noticed was that litlle things like that would slow down if I left apps open, particularly Safari. If I closed all apps, then reopened them - without rebooting - performance was much better.

  • Tap click dragging cancel now has an animation.. that lags...

    enable tap to click, then double tap the desktop and drag as you would in leopard. this creates a shaded box. now tap the desktop again. cool a new animation. oh wait, it has a 1 second lag time...
    were these done on purpose or accidental? i'm starting to wonder if SL was really ready to be released, or if apple was worried about windows 7 and rushed to release it before microsoft's new OS.
    there are too many problems in SL for this to be a REAL release. so many complaints on driver problems, laggy animations, the OS actually slowing things down a bit, etc.

    Hmm, looking at your system specs, I think I see why you're having lag problems.
    Personally, I have a top of line MacBook 2.0 GHz Core Duo with 2 GB of RAM, and a 250 GB hard drive. Yes, it's over three years old, but I think your problem is that your computer isn't black polycarbonate. Mine is. Yours is aluminum. It probably needs to be taken to an Apple Store to get recycled.
    No serious lagging here, and definitely not with the so-called animation of a fading selection box. If there is ever a slight stutter with Spaces or Exposé, it's usually only the first time it's used and it clears up afterwards, and that's more a matter of catching the system off guard when it sitting there thinking it was about to go to sleep. Spaces and Exposé seem to be doing a lot more now and yet without stuttering or jumping too quickly.
    In fact, it seems like everything has gotten smoother and faster for me since the 10.6 upgrade. It even seems like my LCD screen has been replaced with something better. Kind of makes this Intel GMA 950 built-in graphics with 64 MB of shared memory seem quite nice after all. I feel like my computer has been replaced with a new model. But, obviously, not with a unibody model. Naaah nah nah naaah nah! :-p
    Hope things smooth out for you. If they don't, I might consider a trade… Though, I'm kind of attached to this one now that it's gotten so much faster and smoother.
    Oh! Hey! I just remembered something. Are you holding down the shift key? That can cause certain activities to move in slow motion, on purpose. Great for keynote demos, but I'm not sure why they left it in except maybe to show it off to PC users. Though, that doesn't seem to affect the fading selection box.
    Oh, another tip: you don't have to wait for the selection box to fade before doing something else. It's not stopping you. Not that I can test that out myself, since my system is working so much better, but I'm guessing that it doesn't prevent you from doing something else.
    Oh, but karma is probably going to get me on this one, and it likely won't wait for another lifetime. Yep, 10.6.1 is probably going to reverse the matter, and then you're computer will be fine and mine will screaming out for replacement. Scary. I guess I better enjoy it while I can. Heh heh heh.

  • Open and edit animated .gif while preserving frame timing

    CS4 Premium Design Edition, Win XP
    I was disappointed with the removal of Image Ready from CS3 because although some of the functionality was placed into Photoshop 10, there was no way to open and edit an existing animated .gif while preserving the timing of each individual frame. I was told on the PS forum at the time that I really needed to use Fireworks. I resented that, because I was very happy with Image Ready and I didn't want to have to learn a new application just to gain functionality that had been included in previous versions of PS/IM.
    I've now got CS4 Premium Design Edition which of course includs Fireworks... and here's what Help has to say on the subject of imported .gifs.
    "Note: When you import an animated GIF, the state delay setting defaults to 0.07 seconds. If necessary, use the States panel to restore the original timing."
    This is no use to me. What if I don't know the individual frame timings? What if there are 200 frames with varying timings?
    Simple question: which current Adobe product is capable of importing a .gif while retaining the frame timings? If anyone knows, or if I've misunderstood the nature of the Fireworks Help quote above, I'd really appreciate some input here. Thanks :)
    Not so simple question: why was an excellent gif-editing application thrown out to have its functionality partially replaced by a bunch of scripts and half-effective workarounds cooked up by desperate users ("import a gif by using the video import and typing *.* into the filename box..")? It's a fair question I think.

    Hi Bob, that's not glib at all, it's a reasonable question.
    I uninstalled it along with everything else when I installed CS3, in the reasonable expectation that whatever replaced IR would be at least equal in functionality.
    Perhaps I should just dig out CS2 and install IM from there, but I have some serious reservations about doing so, because I don't know if/how a partial install of CS2 will impact upon my installation of CS4, and I'm not confident of getting support.
    I am also curious to know if/why Adobe actually removed basic functionality without replicating or replacing it in their other software. I really want to know: which recent, currently supported Adobe product
    should I be using in order to regain this functionality? Or do Adobe no longer produce a geniuinely comprehensive .gif-editing application?

  • Animated GIF ignoring frame timing

    I am trying to create simple animated GIFs with a few layers
    of text that simply fade in and fade out in sequence. My initial
    attempt worked perfectly. Most frames use the default 7/100's of a
    second delay as they fade. A few frames were manually set to much
    longer delays so that the text pauses, before fading out to be
    replaced by the next text.
    When I reopened the file, to adjust the background color, and
    then re-saved it, the GIF now plays straight through, ignoring the
    timing of each frame. Nothing I do now can get it to pause on the
    appropriate frames. I've tried cutting the symbols out and pasting
    them into a new file, removing the animation from the symbols and
    reapplying it, etc.
    Any ideas, anyone?
    Thanks in advance.

    None, None.

  • Edit animated gif

    How can I edit an animated gif in Photoshop Elements 6 for Mac?
    When I open the file there is just the first frame in one layer - no other layers available.

    Thanks Barbara!
    Barbara B. wrote:
    ... then bring it to PSE.
    I can't drag the single frames from Preview to PSE, because PSE 6 doesn't run in window mode.
    (Is this improved in the current version?)
    I can only drag the single frames to the desktop (as TIFF files, I guess transparency info is lost then?).
    Barbara B. wrote:
    ... there's a bug beginning in PSE 6 where you can't change the frame delay rate from the default when you save an animated gif.
    What's the default frame delay rate? Maybe it's just what I need.
    Barbara B. wrote:
    You might  want to look into a free program like giffun from instead.
    Yes that's maybe a better idea. It doesn't have to be free software. Can you recommend something good?
    Thanks again!

  • Can i open and edit animated GIF in Adobe Photoshop Touch?

    Can i open and edit animated GIF in Adobe Photoshop Touch?

    No, only regular static GIF images are supported. The desktop version of Photoshop does support this however.

  • Gif animations in Mail

    I've read some threads about this problem, and while there is lively debate, there doesn't seem to be an answer. So I thought I would try it again with a new question.
    A friend of mine (he has an old IMac) forwarded me an email with an animated gif. It was funny, and I wanted to forward it on. But I have never been able to do this. If I try to save the file, it saves as a MIME attachment, and I can't even open it. If I Download the file, the Get Info says it is a gif file, but if I open it in Preview, or attach it to a new email, it no longer animates and is just a still picture.
    I tried forwarding the original email with the animated gif back to myself, and when it arrives, it no longer animates. My friend is no help. He's not really in to computing. He told me he just gets them from somebody else, and forwards it to me.
    So why can I see the animated gif in my Mail, but can't save it, download it, cut & paste it, or forward it? I tried the Append Message suggestion from an old post, and that did not work either.
    I noticed in some of the old posts some people seem to really hate gif's. I don't really care one way or the other. I just want to understand why my computer can receive them, but can't do anything else with them.

    Although Jaguar and Panther Mail renders HTML received, they do not support composing HTML which also includes when forwarding a message received that was composed in HTML including animated gifs.
    Although you cannot compose complex HTML within the body of a message with Tiger Mail, RTF with Tiger Mail is HTML and supports forwarding a message received that was composed in HTML including animated gifs.
    Reason for this: if you automatically render all HTML received (with any email client with OS X) and a spammer uses HTML for message composition and includes embedded images or objects that must be rendered from a remote server, if the Junk Mail filter does not automatically mark the message as junk and you open the message, this can reveal that your email address is valid to the spammer causing more spam to be received.
    Copied from Why HTML in E-Mail is a Bad Idea:
    "Because it introduces accessibility problems. When you write in plain text, the receiving mail client renders the text in whatever font the reader chooses. When you format email with HTML, the sender controls the formatting. But this is a trap: You only think your message will render the same way to the viewer as it appears to the sender. In reality, the receiver can end up squinting because the font looks so tiny, or vice versa. HTML is not rendered the same way from one viewing client to the next - all guarantee of accessiblity goes out the window. This is especially problematic for visually impaired persons."
    Because it can introduce security issues and trojan horses -- it's a gateway to danger as any Outlook user can tell you. HTML can include any number of scripts, dangerous links, controls, etc.
    Powerbook G4 17"   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

  • Animated GIFs are ridiculously large - why?

    Hi all,
    I cannot figure out why the animated GIFs I am exporting are
    so massive in file size. For example, I import a small 5-frame
    650Byte GIF. I edit the size of the canvas to pad it to a square
    (from 54x40 to 54x54, or something like that), then I save it with
    the following settings:
    Animated GIF
    Exact Palette
    0 Loss
    4 Colours (5 including alpha channel)
    No dither
    And it comes out as 64.4KB. How can the file size increase by
    100 times with barely any change? Even if I import it, change
    nothing and save the file with the same settings as above, it's
    still 64.4KB. Is Fireworks padding the file with unnecessary
    information or something?
    Thanks for any help,

    > But the original image is an animated GIF and it's less
    than 1KB big! So
    > how
    > does it increase in size 100 times when I save it
    even if I don't
    > change
    > anything about the image before saving? There is no
    PNG file but I can
    > link
    > you to the original 650 Byte Animated GIF:
    I'm confused. What is this I am looking at. What have you
    done to it to
    make it increase in weight?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Quircus" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:g6fohk$mip$[email protected]..
    > But the original image is an animated GIF and it's less
    than 1KB big! So
    > how
    > does it increase in size 100 times when I save it
    even if I don't
    > change
    > anything about the image before saving? There is no
    PNG file but I can
    > link
    > you to the original 650 Byte Animated GIF:
    > Is it something to do with my settings perhaps? Like
    telling it to save
    > extra
    > information in the file?

Maybe you are looking for

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