No audio on mac mini - have searched other threads

First of all, there is no Icon in the menu bar for the volume control. Second, Audio/MIDI setup and Sound Pref Pane does not report any output devices at all. Strangely enough, System Profiler DOES report audio output as LoadToonie (Which I can assume is the correct device, though it seems like a strange name). LoadToonie also shows the internal speaker as working (but it does not work when in OSX). Also, strangely enough, I can hear the startup sound on boot from the internal speaker. I have looked at the article about the output frequencies, but this does not apply to me because the preferences pane does not report any output devices. Quicktime only plays video, iTunes does not play anything, and VLC reports "No Output Device Found." Please help!
Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   1.42GHz 1GB RAM Combo Drive

It sounds to me that you have 1 of 2 things going on with your mini. Either the os is no longer seeing your output device and you need to reinstall using an archive install, or the hardware on your mini is burned out which is doubtful given the strange name in the hardware profile. Hope this helps

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