No entry for group 1!!!

Hi guys am running solaris 9 x86 on a celeron 2.6,when i boot my machine i get an error that says
no group entry for 1
INIT process respawning rapidly please check for possible errors..
the same error msg appears when i am in the console especially when i try to recal previous commands that i have used.
what could be the problem

Umm, do you have the following in your /etc/group?
What does your /etc/group file looks like?

Similar Messages

  • How do I create address book entries for groups of individuals

    How can I group several individual people in my address book into a group to collectively send them a msg without adding each one separately?

    Look under Address Book/File - there should be an option to create a new group.

  • Benefits No entry for eligibility variant ELVA / eligibility grouping

    Hallo Experts,
    I am facing tha following error when I try to enroll someone to a plan.
    No entry for eligibility variant ELVA / eligibility grouping
    Message no HRBEN00TABLEREADS269
    Can anyone help?
    I have checked having infotype 171 with the corrct dates.
    If anyone knows what this message means please help.
    Thank yoy
    Edited by: sofiastef1 on Aug 26, 2010 2:33 PM

    I realize this is an old thread, but this is more than likely a very simple fix to a somewhat misleading error message.  This is assuming that all other eligibility configuration is correct (e.g. T5UBU is correct, ELIGR feature is correct, no user exits are overriding the value).
    The error No entry for eligibility variant XXXX / eligibility grouping YYYY could be that eligibility rule for the variant/grouping of XXXX/YYYY has a start date which is greater than the employee hire date record in infotype 0000.  This scenario will generate the error.
    To verify, set the start value for the eligibility rule equal to or before the hiring start date for the employee which you are receiving the error.  For example, if your employee has an initial hire date of 12/10/2001 check the eligibility rule in table T5UBV (IMG > Personnel Management > Benefits > Flexible Administration > Programs > Employee Eligibility > Define Eligibility Rules) to see if the start date is less than or equal to 12/10/2001.  If the date is greater than the hire date, simply change the start date of the eligibility rule to precede the hire date.
    The difficulty in this error is that the plan might be correctly offered for certain employees (with later hire dates for example), but incorrectly for employees with much older hire dates (see sofiastef1u2019s comment on 8/26/2010).
    To avoid any conflicts of determining the hire date altogether, you can also set the begin date of the rule to 01/01/1900.

  • On the IPhone 5, is it possible to set up a Contact entry for a group of people?

    On the IPhone 5, is it possible to set up a Contact entry for a group of people, and, if so, how?

    true... there are many basic functions in which apple loves to stay 10 years behind competitiors by design. my 2001 nokia could do that.

  • Equal Number Of Entries For Each Group

    I have been working on the problem off and on for a couple of weeks. I posted a simplified version of the question earlier and got good answers but the problem was not in the answers but how I asked the question.
    My issue is this: I have a large data set with many dimensions. One of those dimensions is line number. The way the data is enter if the value for line number is zero there is no entry for that line number. So say California has 40 line numbers and Alaska has 3. This layout will not work for a project we are doing. What we need it to have the same number of line entries for each dimensions. So California would have 140 line entries with zeros for the blank entries and Alaskia would also have 140 line entries with zeros for the blank entries.
    I'm using Toad and Oracle 10

    Sure, you can do that. Outer-join a table (or result set) that has 140 rows to your real table.
    Here's an example of a sub-query that has 140 rows:
    WITH    cntr  AS
        SELECT  LEVEL   AS n
        FROM    dual
        CONNECT BY  LEVEL  <= 140
    ) ...Later in the query, you can reference cntr as if it were a table. cntr.n will have the values 1, 2, 3, ..., 140.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables, and also post the results you want from that data. Simplify the problem as much as possible. For example, instead of needing 140 rows (when the actual data has only 3 or 40), say you want 4 rows, and post data that has 1 or 3 rows. You can change the numbers easily after you understand the solution.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using.

  • Track changes showing multiple entries for a single change?

    Hi there .. I'm using Pages '09 v4.1 to edit MS Word '97 documents. I've been using the 'track changes' feature to work on chapters in a book and have done so with no problems so far (about 6 chapters so far in separate files). I went to start the next chapter and noticed that when I make a single change such as highlighting a word and making it italic, the tracking bubbles will show up as individual entries for every letter instead of for a single word. The really annoying thing is that it's not consistent .. some whole-word changes show up as a single entry, while some show as a few entries but don't necessarily correspond to how many letters are in the word being changed. When I try deleting specific tracking bubbles to see which part of the word they correspond to, it varies. For example, if I put the word "similar" in italics on page one, paragraph one, it shows up as 2 entries. When I delete the last entry, "imilar" will go back to standard font, while "s" stays italic until I delete the other entry. It's as though the words in the document are being recognized based on something other than the obvious, and certain letters are being grouped together in the program's brain, while others are separate.
    It's not isolated to italics, btw. If I reformat the entire document to be left-aligned instead of center-aligned, it will show lots of separate tracking bubbles in various places through the document, rather than showing one bubble for my single change.
    I've tried duplicating and saving a new version of the document, as well as creating a new doc and pasting everything into that and saving as a new doc, though I wasn't sure if this would carry over the problem .. It did.
    It's not the end of the world as far as finishing this job, but it's pretty annoying and will be worse for the person who ultimately verifies the changes I've made. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    TekWarrior wrote:
    I'm part of the end user computing and we are in the process of making a consolidated tnsnames.ora file as part of our migration from Windows XP to 7.
    The following two entries are to the same host, but are named different and use different ports, we can't locate the original programmer that set it up.
    I need to know if this would cause conflicts or not?
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = [same hostname])(Port = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SID = pyrp1)
    PYRP1 =
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = [same hostname])(PORT = 1526))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVICE_NAME = pyrp1)
    TekWarrior wrote:
    I'm part of the end user computing and we are in the process of making a consolidated tnsnames.ora file as part of our migration from Windows XP to 7.
    The following two entries are to the same host, but are named different and use different ports, we can't locate the original programmer that set it up.
    I need to know if this would cause conflicts or not?
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(Host = [same hostname])(Port = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SID = pyrp1)
    PYRP1 =
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = [same hostname])(PORT = 1526))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVICE_NAME = pyrp1)
    It  won't cause any problem.

  • Very urgent...accounting entries for (excise duty)taxes and duties on sales

    Hi Friends,
    I'd appreciate if anyone would help me out the entries for excise duty and cenvat utilisation during sales.
    During billing document:
    Customer -- dr
    To sales a/c --(cr)
    Now could anyone tell me what kind of account is cenvat suspense account i.e., current asset or current liability.
    Like wise can anyone help me out with the entries of excise invoice creation, TR6C Challan, Entries for Fortnightly utilization etc. that is all the entries until that particular sale is completed.
    It would be greatly useful if you could even specify the kind of account is (for each account possibly) i.e, if the account is an expense or current asset or current liability.
    If anyone possesses a document in regards to the same plz do forward the same to my mail id:
    [email protected]

    Hi!!! Kim,
    Entries related to Excise –
    When Availing of Cenvat Credit – (T.Code – J1IEX)
    (GL A/Cs against ETT – GRPO)
    RG23A BED A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    RG23A E.Cess A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    RG23A S&H E.Cess A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    To Cenvat Clearing A/C (BS GL – Current Liabilities)
    RG23C BED A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    RG23C E.Cess A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    RG23C S&H E.Cess A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    To Cenvat Clearing A/C (BS GL – Current Liabilities)
    When Billing Document is created, Corresponding A/C Entry -
    (GL A/Cs from VKOA & Tax Codes)
    Customer A/C Dr. (Recon GL – BS – Current Assets)
    To Sales A/C (P&L GL – Income)
    To BED. Recovered A/C / Cenvat Suspense A/C
    To E.Cess Recovered A/C / Cenvat Suspense A/C
    To S&H E.Cess Recovered A/C / Cenvat Suspense A/C
    When BED / E.Cess / S&H E.Cess Recovered A/Cs are used -
    These are P&L A/Cs & Grouped as Income A/Cs in FS Version.
    When Cenvat Suspense A/C is used  -
    It is BS A/C & Grouped in Current Liabilties in FS Version
    When Creation of Excise Invoice - (GL A/Cs against ETT - DLFC)
    E.D Paid A/C  / Cenvat Suspense A/C Dr.
    To BED. Payable A/C (BS GL – Current Liabilities)
    To E.Cess Payable A/C (BS GL – Current Liabilities)
    To S&H E.cess Payable A/C (BS GL – Current Liabilities)
    When E.D. Paid A/C (P&L GL - Expenditure)
    When Cenvat Suspense A/C (BS GL - Current Liabilities)
    When TR6 Challan & Deposit of Cash into PLA A/C - (JV by FB50 / F-02)
    PLA on Hold A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    To Cheque Issued A/C  (BS GL – Current Assets)
    Updation of TR6 Challan in J1IH – (GL A/Cs against ETT – TR6)
    PLA BED Dr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    PLA E.Cess Dr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    PLA S&H E.Cess Dr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    To PLA on Hold A/C (BS GL – Current Assets)
    When Fortnightly Utilization – (T.Code – J2IUN)
    Utilization from RG23A Registers / RG23 C Registers (GL A/Cs against ETT – UTLZ)
    BED. Payable A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Liabilities)
    E.Cess Payable A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Liabilities)
    S&H E.cess Payable A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Liabilities)
    To RG 23A BED A/C Cr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    To RG23A E.Cess A/C Cr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    To RG23A S&H Ecess A/C Cr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    BED. Payable A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Liabilities)
    E.Cess Payable A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Liabilities)
    S&H E.cess Payable A/C Dr. (BS GL – Current Liabilities)
    To RG 23C BED A/C Cr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    To RG23C E.Cess A/C Cr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    To RG23C S&H Ecess A/C Cr. (BS GL – Current Assets)
    Hope that this information will serve your purpose.
    Please give necessary marks.
    Ameya D. Mohoni...

  • Pass single entry for GRIR clearing

    Dear Expert,
    I want single entry for GRIR clearing by F.13 in spite of multiple Clearing entries, can anyone tell me how to configure this?
    Saurabh Chaplot

    System groups the items based on clearing criteria in OB74. The purpose of this setup is to correctly match the open items during clearing. If this is not the case, open items cannot be related to open Purchase orders. If this requirement is only for specific cases, then better use manual classic clearing transactions.

  • The TADIR entry for Program name is missing in ABAP report

    I created an  User group , Infoset  & ABAP query, generated a report with the help of ABAP Query.
    However when I did the extended syntax check for the same i got the fatal error.
    "The TADIR entry for <Program name> is missing
    (Message cannot be hidden using comment)"
    Could you please let me know why the above error is being given & how we can remove the same.
    Vinay Pasalkar

    Moved to ABAP General, thanks for pointing this out. In the future you can use the yellow triangle on the top right of each message to report such cases, they will be taken care of.

  • Hot links to report listing journal entries for an account

    Hi Experts,
    We are going live soon with BPC-NW and have some questions regarding BPC-Excel reports, all done with EVDRE() function. Our BPC service pack level is 05, we are using Excel 2007 SP2 for the client and BW 7.01 ABAP Stack (Enh Pack 1) on the server side.
    We want to produce an Excel standad report with hot links to a report listing journals entries, passing it a parameter (account) so the report would list all journals and their entries for that account, and, so far, we haven't been able to find out how to do it.
    We tried using buttons and associate them with macro MNU_eJOURNAL_REPORT but it doesn't open the report journal by account directly and doesn't seem to accept any parameters.
    Has anyone found a way to do this?
    Best regards,

    Hi Peter
    Thanks for the quick reply.
    Yes, we do manage our stock by warehouse. I went to admin->setup-> stock-> and then 'item groups' and 'warehouses' and checked the accounting tab. In both cases the 'Sales return Account' is marked as our stock account. Are there more hidden places I can look? Thanks

  • Offsetting Entry for Inventory Posting

    Hi ,
    While Working on Automatic Postings - Offsetting Entry for Inventory Posting
    can any one explain me what are all General modification ,valuation modification entries made ?
    What are all General Valuation Class applicable for GBB Entries & give me the G / L account details where the entries will be posted
    Please give me solution on this
    Thanks & Regards,

    Refer belo link this may give some idea

  • No entries for org unit, job or position in T5KWB

    Hi Experts,
    I am running payroll for canada , i am getting this error for 2 employees for whom the org assignment been chaged recently -
    now they are giving , kindly help me - i have checked this table T5KWB and it dosnet hold value maintained for org unit
    KTXDM Canadian Tax Infotypes Data Management
    No entries for org unit, job or position in T5KWB
    Search in organization structure failed
    Check T5KWB for org unit 50737186 or higher-level org unit for 20101031

    Hi Jay
    Get the position of the employees for whom you are getting the error message and maintain infotype "Canada Groups for WCB" for those positions. This should solve your issue.
    You may want to go through below link:
    Hope this helps
    Best Regards

  • Two questions:  how do Skype and iChat compare for group video?  quality, reliability, cost, etc are important.  2) Is my MobileMe ID what I need to use in the window in making an iChat buddy?  It only says AIM above the window, online tutorial differs.

    Two questions:  1) How do Skype and iChat compare for group video?  Quality, reliability, cost, etc are important.  2) Is my MobileMe ID what I need to input in the window in making an iChat buddy?  It only says AIM above the window, online tutorial differs, saying MobileMe, AIM, GoogleTalk (Jabber) all work. Thnx

    IChat uses better Video Compression than Skype does.
    On a top flight Mac you can send a 640 X 480 pixel frame up to 30 frames a sec.
    Skype can't match this.
    iChat in Video is Peer to Peer. (you can actually Log out of the Buddy list)
    Skype seems to borrow something from everyone's bandwidth to make connections.
    What do you mean by Business account Tracking ?
    iChat Adds (or can add) the First Name, Last Name of your Buddies and create an Address Book Entry
    Whether you mark those cards connected with a  company is up to you.
    (I have heard of issues with earlier version of iChat and the Address Book that "saw" the Company Name as the part of the Name and linking several Screen Names to the one name
    Audio on a Mac using Skype tend to be the same as the streaming needs are less.
    However you have to rely on any PCs audio abilities from PCs which may not be to the same standard.
    Mac to PCs in iChat and AIM can be difficult though.  (It should work but it rarely as simple as Plug and go)
    Skype may suit your needs better on ocassions.
    9:11 PM      Thursday; May 5, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.7)
    , Mac OS X (10.6.7),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • When importing my address book from Outlook why do I have multiple entries for the same contact?

    I have an address book and it contains one list in Outlook. I just downloaded Thunderbird and imported my address book. The address book and one list imported very easily but there are anywhere from 3-5 entries for each person in my contacts. If I delete the extras they are removed from my list as well. Why are there multiple listings for each contact and how can I remove the duplicates without losing my list entries?

    as I was looking thru pictures in my finder I noticed there were several copies of the same pictures I had taken yesterday. I just went thru all Seven copies of the pictures (accidental pics of my hands and the desk etc) and right clicked and moved  them to trash, then I thought I'd look it up when I realized its not just these pics, but very many had een stored in groups of three or four.
    1. Why is that?
    Depends on where you saw them - If they were in the iPhoto library iPHoto has either two or three different versions (no duplicates) or each photos in its library - this is not optional and can not be changed  --  If they were not in the iPhoto library then you can do what you please with them and they have nothing to do with iPhoto - iPhoto is only involved with the photos in its library
    2. Why is it advised to NEVER make changes to the structure or contents of iPhoto in Finder?
    (as quoted Below)
    "I would suggest using one of the proven safe programs - if you are going to manually remove them be sure to remember that you NEVER make any chnages to the structure or contents of the iPhoto library using the finder - only make changes using iPhoto"
    Very simple - if you do you will destroy your iPhoto library and have to start over losing all work you have done in iPhoto - The iPHoto library is a SQLite database and there are NO user servicable parts in the iPhoto library and any changes made using teh finder will corrupt the database and cause dataloss
    Is that a good enopugh reason for you?
    So if these photos were in the iPhoto library when you
    I just went thru all Seven copies of the pictures (accidental pics of my hands and the desk etc) and right clicked and moved  them to trash,
    You destroyed your iPhoto library and will either have to restore your backup from before you did this. put everything back EXACTLY like it was before or start over


    Moderator message: please post again, but not in all upper case.
    [Rules of engagement|]
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Jun 19, 2011 10:05 PM

    There are actually 5 queries in this report now. From what I understand about a union query, I don't think it will work here because the data being returned in each of the queries is so different. I basically need to know how to make all the criteria for each individual to be displayed before proceeding to the next data set, which will include the same data as the first, but for the next employee, and so on. I need to basically create a repeating frame with each individual's respective data I guess, but every time I do, it tells me that it's referencing an invalid group.

Maybe you are looking for