Nohup.out help

Hi Guys,
Last week, my mac book pro (running tiger 10.4.6) ran out of space. When I looked at it in detail, I saw that the nohup.out file in my home directory was 46GB. I deleted the file, cleared trash, rebooted and thought life was good again.
However, a couple of days on, the file is now 8gb big. I've tried opening the file using textedit and vi, but to no avail.
Could it be possible that Terminal's standard out is going into this file? I run a constant ping (to google) as long as my mac is running just to make sure that my internet connection is ok. Could the ping output also be piped to this file?
Any help will be much appreciated

Tailing the nohup.out file resulted in the following being repeated again and again.
6:28:11.498 [stRelauncher ]CD is not yet mounted by OS
I have also noticed a strange terminal window that starts up with OSX that looks like this
Last login: Sat May 27 07:23:09 on console
/tempwiz/launch.command; exit
Welcome to Darwin!
MacBookPro:~ divyakantbengani$ /tempwiz/launch.command; exit
Process Id: 184
sending output to /Users/divyakantbengani/nohup.out
Process parent id: 178
Process parent id: 169
[Process was terminated by signal 9]
I have no doubt that this is the process writing to nohup.out, but dont have a clue why. I then went into /tempwiz and looked at launch.command. It contained the following script
cd /tempwiz
nohup ./stRelauncher /Volumes/STRESR532v6/ &
id=`ps -o ppid -p $$ | tail -n 1`
id2=`ps -o ppid -p $id | tail -n 1`
echo "Process parent id: $id"
echo "Process parent id: $id2"
id3=`ps -o ppid -p $id2 | tail -n 1`
id4=`echo $TERMPROGRAMVERSION | cut -d '.' -f 1`
if test $id4 -gt 132
kill -9 $id2;
kill -9 $id3;
Now STRESR532v6 is the firmware for my ADSL router. I have no idea why/how this is getting called here. Somehow I feel it's looking for the cd and when it's unable to find it, it's redirecting the output to nohup. I'm not sure, however, what stRelauncher is. I can also confirm that there is no disk in my cd drive.
Any help will be appreciated guys.

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    Hi, cheers for getting back to me. I looked through some of the google searches but really couldn't understand it, so seeing as you said you couldn't find this nohup.out file on your system I decided to just delete it. At first it wouldn't let me delete it, but a quick restart of the system and it went fine.
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    b= bgt5
    n= hny6
    m= jmu7
    comma= ik8,
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    Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
    Sony Corporation VGN-FE21S
    Current user is an administrator.
    Network Adapter Information
    Adapter Name: {1CB9EE56-7F9B-4B15-ACB3-28BE159EB621}
    Description: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection - Packet Scheduler Miniport
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled: Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained: Sat Sep 08 16:02:19 2007
    Lease Expires: Sun Sep 09 16:02:19 2007
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name: {FD313ACD-BDEE-489A-AB3E-DD931458D876}
    Description: Intel(R) PRO/100 VE Network Connection - Packet Scheduler Miniport
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled: Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained: Sat Jul 22 23:23:22 2006
    Lease Expires: Sun Jul 23 02:23:22 2006
    DNS Servers:
    Adapter Name: {302D7F6B-B995-4E44-99B1-1A5158EF7090}
    Description: Bluetooth Personal Area Network from TOSHIBA - Packet Scheduler Miniport
    IP Address:
    Subnet Mask:
    Default Gateway:
    DHCP Enabled: Yes
    DHCP Server:
    Lease Obtained: Sun Jul 23 02:23:22 2006
    Lease Expires: Sun Jul 23 02:23:22 2006
    DNS Servers:
    Network Connection Information
    Active Connection: LAN Connection
    Connected: Yes
    Online: Yes
    Using Modem: No
    Using LAN: Yes
    Using Proxy: No
    SSL 3.0 Support: Enabled
    TLS 1.0 Support: Enabled
    Firewall Information
    Windows Firewall is on.
    iTunes is enabled in Windows Firewall.
    Connection attempt to Apple web site was unsuccessful.
    The network connection timed out.
    Connection attempt to iTunes Store was unsuccessful.
    The network connection timed out.
    Secure connection attempt to iTunes Store was unsuccessful.
    The network connection timed out.
    Any advice would be very much appreciated.
    Thanks very much.

    I have been experiencing this as well for about a month and just about five minutes ago I resolved it! I have done everything! You need to unistall iTunes and Quicktime. Don't think you will loose your music as it is on you PC. Trust me. _Follow the links_ on unistalling everything, download it again with the following link and all you music automatically uploads again. It was amazing!
    How to uninstall QuickTime on a Windows PC
    Removing iTunes For Windows
    Note: Titles you purchased from the iTunes Store or imported from CDs are saved in your iTunes folder by default and are not deleted by uninstalling iTunes.
    If you have difficulty removing iTunes, you may find this helpful:
    Microsoft's Windows Installer CleanUp Utility:
    After successfully uninstalling iTunes and QuickTime, install the latest version of iTunes for Windows, which comes with QuickTime:
    If you continue to experience difficulty with this issue, you will need to call Apple technical support (there may be a fee associated with the call). To find the appropriate phone number, please visit:

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I just don't know why I keep buying this Adobe crap. Apparently, they must outsource all the programming to China, because it sure isn't written in a way that I can understand as an American. Like most of the big software companies, they do not provide either a clear path to or a coherent explanation of how to use the arcane & obtuse programming that makes up their fare. Of course, you never really know what you are getting into, because they don't make it clear just how difficult it is to learn or use.
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    It is the same mistake that many programmers the world over make day in & day out, they can't concieve that those who have no familiarity with the way they see how to make their software work, find their software unfathomable. THE NEWS FLASH IS THAT NOT EVERY ONE KNOWS WHAT YOU KNOW ABOUT HOW TO MAKE SOFTWARE WORK. The attitude seems to be: "Anyone who doesn't know the secrets of the brotherhood shouldn't be using it!"
    As one who once went through the rigors of obtaining a CS degree (and actually considered starting a software company), it became obvious (20 years ago) that the future was not how many tricks you could make the pony do, but rather how intuitive you could make the software to allow the intended user to operate it without having to know it's arcane secrets AND to make it fault tolerant and self healing as much as possible. The telephone is a reasonable analogy, very few people know how it works, but they sure can use it until the cows come home with very few operator errors. In short, the technology is virtually transparent to the user.
    I realize that company cultures rarely change unless an outsider is brought in to clean house and start afresh and that the likelyhood of that happening at Adobe is about the same as winning the Powerball lotto Jackpot 3 times in your life. I guess that makes me a modern day Don Quixote, but so be it. I also know that EVERY organization that does not change it's approach to the marketplace will eventually be replaced by some upstart who figures out a way to do it better.
    So, ladies & germs, I did what anyone who uses a telephone would do when you aren't making any progress, I hung up the phone (un-installed the program) and stopped trying to figure out the technology that keeps my screen black AND does not allow me to undo the prefs quickly, and with a new dialtone, I redialed the number (re-installed). A clever little monkey am I.
    If it happens again (or something similar) I'll bring my disk and man's best friend to the park for a stress bustin game of frisbee!
    Adobe, it really is the 21st century, and you have failed miserably at meeting the future of making software more transparent to the user !
    P.S. - For the record, I've been in an altered state (call frustration) for 20 years worth of Adobe products, and the light at the end of their tunnel, IMO is an oncoming train.

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    Change your name at...
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    thanks to anyone who can describe me in every step how to have my Mega180 on my tv (pal).
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    Originally posted by cosmosk
    What graphics card are you using ?
    What connector out of the graphics card ?
    What connector into your pal TV ?
    sorry for the details :
    * the internal geforce4
    * the svideo out
    * peritel (audio+video)
    edit : in the properties of my display. I have 2 screens. 1 is inactive.
    the 2 screens shows the 2 vga or vga + TV ?

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    I don't know exactly what you've done so far, but I'll start from scratch.
    1. First (and I suspect you've already done this), go  to System Preferences/Displays, and choose 1920 x 1200 resolution. You can pick another resolution later, but let's start at the max and move down later, if you choose.
    2. If you cannot change your screen resoution, please enclose some more detailed info, i.e., what happened when you tried to go to different resolutions. Did it stay the same size? Get any error messages?
    Oh, and leave your responses here, so others can give their input!

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    When you are using DVD Decrypt, are you taking the 6 channel sound (or best quality channel just below video), as some of the other sound tracks are Directors Cut etc.
    If this fails, try running DVD Decrypter again, and check your buffer is not running out at the bottom of the screen. Try testing the VOB which is created by DVD Decrypter in your Windows DVD player, and see if it ok prior to being converted by Videora. Your DVD player should have an option to play a video file from the disk, I am not familier with the Vaio, but this works with InterVideo WinDVD which came with my ThinkPad.

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