Nokia or fake?

Hi! I saw on internet and eBay this model: "Nokia 6300 Sirocco Gold Limited Edition"! Is this a genuine Nokia product or is it something fake? If it's genuine, where can I buy new one online?
Message Edited by marger on 11-Mar-2009 11:33 AM
Message Edited by marger on 11-Mar-2009 11:37 AM
Go to Solution.

That model is not made by nokia as they have never produced a 6300 with the "sirocco" title or in real gold.
It's either a modified model or a complete fake.  Either way you should avoid it.
Always buy your phones from well known reputable retailers to avoid scams and fakes.
Message Edited by psychomania on 11-Mar-2009 11:36 AM

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    is any way ?

    One more importantly is the battery. Fake Nokia used a china brand battery not the original Nokia battery, the original Nokia battery should have a sticker hologramand you can see the Nokia in the oval in a little angle from the left hand side and around the Nokia Symbol circle has a line of small text writting. Duno what it said but u can tell it's a line of text. and most importantly is the sticker is 3D view, at the bottom you'll see the Hands symbol deep behind the Nokia foreground symbol. Also there should be 2 lines of numbers on the right handside beneath the scratchable black thing.
    This is one of the most important to tell if the Nokia Phone is Genuine, because the fake one used a fake battery. Because the orginal battery is 5 to 10x more expensive. Or even more expensive.
    2B || !2B N900 1S TH3 F0N3 4 M3
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    Hi mobi_lover,
    Welcome to the Nokia discussion boards!
    You can find various forms of contact here, and as for selling of replica products on Ebay is a massive issue for all organisations. This is why we recommend users to buy from a trusted retailer or a Nokia Store, which can give customers confirmation that they are not investing into a counterfeit, which may cause problems in the future.
    We suggest you contact the ebay seller in regards to your product and ask for a refund on this, or reporting to Ebay themselves.
    If you find this post helpful, a click upon the white star at bottom would always be appreciated.
    If it also solves your problem, clicking ACCEPT AS SOLUTION below it will benefit other users!

  • Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte Proving That t is Fake

    So I have already figured out that my Carbon Arte is fake.  It says Comport and Webcam when I plug it to the computer.  The functions for tap for clock and turn over for mute also do not work.  And finally the year that is on when I put in *#0000# the date is yyyy/mm/dd which is wrong and and finally when I put in *#7780# nothing changes.  I bought this from ebay and I filed a Paypal dispute claim with the guy.  How will I be able to prove to Ebay and Paypal that this item is indeed a fraud?

    Guys, I have removed the last few posts of this thread because we cannot have abusive behaviour between members.
    It appears, regretfully, that incorrect information has been given by the UK contact centre in this case, I will follow this up. I can confirm that no genuine Nokia device has a "Webcam" connection mode. The available modes are:
    (1) PC Suite mode (referred to as Nokia mode in some older device)
    (2) Mass storage mode (referred to as Data Storage or Data Transfer mode on some models)
    (3) Image Transfer mode and Media Transfer mode (on S60 devices, for S40 devices these are combined into a single Printing and Media mode).
    If this or any post answers your question, please remember to help others by pressing the 'Accept as solution' button.

  • Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte - Fake or not?!

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    nokia 8800 carbon arte - fake or not?!
    Thanks for your help!!! Greetings Bettina 
    Message Edited by Elefantino1 on 19-Nov-2009 01:44 AM
    Message Edited by Elefantino1 on 19-Nov-2009 01:45 AM

    Best advice I can provide is to stay clear of auction sites with offers that sound too good to be true !
    Pay that bit more money and get piece of mind, an original and the guarantee to back it all up.
    Nokia Lumia 520
     iphone 6 Plus.
    Be happy !!

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    13-Oct-200712:31 AM
    dankratas wrote:
    Hi! is it posible to fix nokia n73?its fake and i need to rewrite my software. THNX
    No, it is just not possible.

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    Dear kennkian
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    Keep Smiling and by Happy
    Personal details removed by a moderator. It is not wise to publish your personal information on a public forum. 
    Qamar Zaman

  • Fake Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte

    I've fallen in the small print trap with Ebay and bought a fake there any software, programs, firmware or help at all since now i have to live with this thing.
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    The operating system in your fake phone is not a Nokia O/S. Nobody knows what it is. Not knowing what's powering your phone, nobody can guess at what software will work with it - if any.
    You will not get firmware updates either.
    As you can imagine, the people in China have your money now and will wash their hands of you completely. You have no warranty and no user support. Customer support is not the main concern of these people. Customer fleecing is.
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    ABCD0004.JPG ‏90 KB
    ABCD0006.JPG ‏57 KB

    There's nothing in the photo to suggest one way or the other.
    I would suggest replacing it, though, but not because it may be a fake. It's a class 2 card, which may be a bit slow for your phone. A class 4 card will give much better performance. A class 6 card may be the same price or even cheaper than a class 4 card now but it probably won't work faster in your phone.
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  • Fake nokia

    Don't be cheated. A nokia made in finland is different from one made in china. I personally bought a nokia n95 made in china and it couldn't work like one. It was actually rubbish. As a matter of fact those of us who have used nokia for sometime know a nokia once we use one. Any nokia has a label somewhere under the battery on which is written the model, where it was made and other details. If this name plate does not show where it was made then know it is fake. In addition to this a fake nokia will always be very cheap but useless. Someone also said something about the seventh digit in the imei number. I am sure it was on this forum or on n95users but I can not give any details about this because I have on idea.

    please refer to this thread and the solution marked in green. it is an actual and factual thing. happy reading.
    now we are talking about Nokia genuine products here. No Nokia fakes, and knock offs so please bear this in mind.
    and you might also want to read this:
    again this is completely incorrect. i suggest you read first and get facts before posting such things.
    Message Edited by radical24 on 30-Dec-2008 10:27 AM
    Message Edited by radical24 on 30-Dec-2008 10:28 AM
    You know what I love about you the most, the fact that you are not me ! In love with technology and all that it can offer. Join me in discovery....

  • Fake nokia & real nokia

    Hi evryone
    we all know that china made some fake nokia device's like N95 8GB , N96 etc 
    i have a question and its about how do i know that my NOKIA device isn't fake ?
    Go to Solution.

    Have a look at the link below for information on how to spot a fake.

  • Avoiding fake Nokia phones

    Moderators: perhaps make this a sticky?
    It is said that imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Except when it is used to deceive people and rob them.
    There have been replicas made of some of the higher-end Nokia models, in particular the 8800 Sapphire Arte and 8800 Carbon Arte, both of which have a £1000+ price tag on them in the Nokia Online store, and then sold on eBay represented as the original Nokia product being sold at a discount price.
    This short guide should help you avoid falling into the trap that scammers have laid for you.
    First of all, just look at the price. There's no such thing as a free lunch and if something looks too good to be true then there's a significant probability that it simply is too good to be true. I recently saw multiple cases of people buying what they thought to be genuine Nokia 8800 Sapphire Artes but turned out to be Chinese fakes. One of them said that he paid $450 for his. Purely on that basis I would have left that phone well alone. $450 is less than a quarter of the phone's normal retail price and it therefore cannot be anything but a fake.
    Secondly, the photos. Most online auction sites allow photos of the item for auction to be posted in order to give potential buyers an idea of what they're bidding for. Always be wary of sellers who only provide photos that come directly from Nokia's Press Site. You are not seeing a photo of the actual device being sold, you are seeing generic photos used for publicity's sake. Insist on seeing photos of the phone being sold and if the seller doesn't want to send you any then walk away. Obtaining such photos serves a double purpose: firstly you get to see the actual phone. Secondly, you can return the phone as non-compliant if it is evidently not the phone on the photos that you were told were photos of it.
    Thirdly, the IMEI number. The IMEI number is a 15-digit unique number that identifies the phone in question. Insist upon having it. Then go to this page, enter that IMEI number, and you will be told exactly what model phone has that IMEI number. If it's not the model that's being sold then the seller is trying to pull a fast one on you. Of course, it could be that the seller does communicate the IMEI number of an authentic Nokia phone to you but sends you a fake with a completely different IMEI number. In that case, the phone shipped to you is obviously different from the one promised and you can return it and annull the sale.
    Fourthly, if the phone is being represented as the "Chinese version" then it almost certainly is a fake. Nokia does have a production plant in China so "Made in China" isn't at all grounds for rejection, but "Chinese version" is. While it's true that there is a genuine "Chinese" version of many Nokia phones (they have neither WiFi nor 3G capability as demanded by the Chinese government), it's not something a seller would shout about. If they do say that it's a "Chinese version" phone then the chances are that it's not a Nokia at all and it's more like a "Chinese fake".
    The four points above assume you don't have access to the phone yet because you're buying it online through an auction site or just an online retailer. A few things you can look at if you can get your hands on it before buying are as follows.
    All new Nokia phones respond to the code *#7780# entered on the keypad by asking you to confirm that you want to revert to factory settings and asking you for a lock code. If the phone you're looking at doesn't do this then it's not a Nokia.
    Try and get the firmware version currently installed in the phone. To do this, enter *#0000# from standby. There's no way to validate formally the information you'll see but one thing that means the phone you're looking at definitely is a fake is the date of the firmware revision in American format, MM-DD-YYYY, "02-22-2007" for example. If you're unsure, note down exactly what you see and ask on these forums.
    Finally, ask if you can plug the phone into the USB socket of your laptop computer with the provided cable (assuming one is provided). There's no need to install any software on your laptop, all you want to see is how the phone reacts. A genuine Nokia phone, when connected to a USB port, will give you the options "Default mode", "Printing" and "Data storage" for some models and "PC Suite", "Mass storage", "Image transfer" and "Media transfer" for others. Or combinations thereof. Options frequently seen on fakes and never on genuine Nokias include "webcam" and "comport". If the phone you're looking at displays either of these two options then it's definitely a fake.
    There are many risks involved with the purchase of an expensive piece of equipment like a high-end mobile phone. Many of them can be eliminated by not trusting auction sites with a reputation as shady in that area as the one that comes to mind first of all, who went on the record condoning the sale of counterfeit items in the name of "consumer choice". The risks diminish significantly if you purchase either online or in a real store but from somewhere that has a good reputation and a good returns policy. However, the only way to be 100% certain that you're getting the genuine article is to buy it directly from Nokia. If you do get yours from your mobile network operator then it will also be a genuine Nokia albeit tampered with by the operator.
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

    Fake N82
    Fake N95
    Fake N96 apparently the N96 has been cloned so well, it's very difficult to spot
    Message Edited by viper on 17-Oct-2008 06:51 PM
    Blackberry Bold

  • Identifying genuine or fake Nokia 8800 Carbon. PLE...

    I bought Nokia 8800 Carbon Arte from  ebay. i want tocheck its genuine or fake
    When I enter "*#0000#", it shows:
    Variant: 00.00
    After I've enter the IMEI number on the website of numbering plan it shows:
     Type Allocation Holder Nokia Mobile Equipment Type Nokia 8800 Arte / Carbon Arte / Sapphire Arte GSM Implementation Phase 2/2+ IMEI Validity Assessment   
       >|< Very likelyInformation on range assignment    Est. Date of Range Issuance Around Q3 2007 Reporting Body British Approvals Board of Telecommunications (BABT) Primary Market Europe Legal Basis for Allocation EU R&TTE Directive

    Plug the phone into your computer with the provided USB cable.
    The phone will give ask you how you want to connect it to the computer.
    If it offers "webcam" and "comport" choices then it's a fake.
    Message Edited by grschinon on 08-Apr-2009 11:51 AM
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

  • Identifying genuine or fake Nokia 8800 Sapphire Ar...

    I've just bought a new Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte. I already registered the MyNokia with the serial number and the model came out as Nokia 8800 instead of Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte. Anybody could help me on identifying this phone whether it is a genuine Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte? Thank you very much. Your suggestion/opinion/advice/experience are all welcome. I wish I can identify the phone as soon as possible.

    hi guys
    i also bought a 8800 arte off ebay
    i really need your help to identify it as real or not
    when i press *#0000#
    it says 
    nokia 8800e-1
    v 06.40
    variant: 00.00
    v 06.40
    (c) Nokia
    when i plug it into the pc 
    it comes up with
    info from
    Information on 
    Type Allocation Holder Nokia Mobile Equipment Type Nokia 8800 Arte / Carbon Arte / Sapphire Arte GSM Implementation Phase 2/2+ IMEI Validity Assessment  
        >|< Very likely  
    Information on range assignment    Est. Date of Range Issuance Around Q3 2007 Reporting Body British Approvals Board of Telecommunications (BABT) Primary Market Europe Legal Basis for Allocation EU R&TTE Directive Information on number format    Full IMEI Presentation  Reporting Body Identifier 35 Type Allocation Code 35864501 Serial Number 407341 Check Digit 5
    thanks heaps guys
    Moderator's note:
    Serial No./IMEI code had been deleted.  It not advisable to post such info for security reason.
    Message Edited by spark11 on 11-Feb-2009 01:37 PM

  • Fake nokia c5 processor !!!

    I have nokia c5 mobile & it was written on nokia that this phone have processor of 600 MHz , but when i instaled more than one software ( symbian s60 ) as " cpu monitor - xplore " it found that the cpu speed is 192 MHz not 600 MHz ... i just wanted to know if this is a software error or else...
    does any one know a trusted software or a trusted way to know the cpu speed ?!

    What happens with these so-called benchmark applications is that they find certain statistics such as CPU speed by looking in system variables in the ROM. These statistics are not always accurate.
    The only way to figure out the CPU speed is to measure it, and these benchmark applications don't actually do that, which is why they give inaccurate information.
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