Nonunique ejb-relation-name

hi all,
i have a bean that has 2 seperate
many-many cmrs to the same bean.
the workbench is creating 2
ejb-relations with the same name.
in any case, weblogic.ejbc is giving
me an error that that ejb-relation-name
must be unique? i like having the
workbench maintain the ejb-jar.xml
file and so i ask if there is anyway to
bypass this other defining one of the
relationships by amending the descriptors?

just to be clear, this is not a composite.
the situation is EJBFoo has 2 many-many
cmrs to EJBBar. my original post wasn't
quite clear.

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    jtahlborn wrote:
    eudesf wrote:
    Hello! Thanks for reply!
    As I can't configure programatically, there is any way to configure in an application descriptor, or in another place of the application server?
    The idea is to publish two applications that use the same EJB classes, but in different JNDI namespaces, because we don't want to share the resources. Otherwise, it will result in JNDI name conflicts. The applications works in different contexts and we want to reuse the existing EJB definitions.
    Any suggestion?yes you can do this. ejb 3.0 keeps the features from 2.1, namely all the xml based configuration (although it is now optional). and, the annotations are always overriden by the xml configuration. thus, you can create different deployments with different the same compiled class files. you just need to override the annotation configuration with xml configuration (via ejb-jar.xml or whatever).Yes, we can do that. I've tested here, and it works. But, can we do better?
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    - [|]
    - [|]
    Does it have a better solution in Glassfish?

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    Hi aarild,
    The other columns are there, but hidden.
    In this screen shot, column labels jump from J to S (also jump from C to J). Click in the table to get Column labels to show.
    Unhide all Columns.

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    Press "Edit" (top-right) then the red ⊖ next to the ones you want to delete, Then "Done" (top-right).

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    PowerMac G5 Dual 2.5 Mac OS X (10.4.3)

    After going through 3 2nd level support personnel, I finally reached one who cared enough to actually type in what I asked him to, and then to research the findings.
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    iPhone 5S
    iOS 8.2

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  • Ejb Session Name

    I need some help to link a Web App (on Server 1) to an Ebj_Module (on Server 2).
    WebApp need Ejb_Module Session name but I don't know how can I found this name on Server 2 OAS Console.
    At this time, I have a "javax.naming.NameNotFoundException".
    Thanks for your help,

    If you are using EJB3 then The default JNDI name (according to J2EE Specs) format for your EJBs will be following:
    *<mappedName>#<qualified business interface name>*
    <font color=maroon>Example:</font> In below case the JNDI name should be *“MyBeanMappedName#aaa.bbb.MySLSBRemote”*
    package aaa.bbb;
    public class MySLSBBean implements MySLSBRemote
    //some code
    }If the webApplication is deployed separately (individually) Then you can do the Lookupo using JNDI name : *“MyBeanMappedName#aaa.bbb.MySLSBRemote”*
    But To refer to the EJB from a WAR file which is also present inside the Same EAR archieve you need to add the following tag inside the "web.xml" of your WebApplication:
    Jay SenSharma  (Middleware magic Is Here)

  • Problems while defining EJB relations for container managed bean

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    My Database schema is:
    Order table
    WorkItem table:
    I have defined my OrderBean to have:
    public abstract Collection getCmWorkItemsCmr();
    public abstract void setCmWorkItemsCmr(Collection workItems);
    I am not sure how to define my relation for my class:
    @Relation(cmrField = "cmWorkItemsCmr", multiplicity = Relation.Multiplicity.MANY, name = "Orders-CmWorkItems")
    An order can have many workitems. I am not sure how to fill in the rest for foreign Key jointable and such.
    Any help pointing me in the right direction would be helpful.

    I am having a problem while trying to create my relations for my container managed bean.
    My Database schema is:
    Order table
    WorkItem table:
    I have defined my OrderBean to have:
    public abstract Collection getCmWorkItemsCmr();
    public abstract void setCmWorkItemsCmr(Collection workItems);
    I am not sure how to define my relation for my class:
    @Relation(cmrField = "cmWorkItemsCmr", multiplicity = Relation.Multiplicity.MANY, name = "Orders-CmWorkItems")
    An order can have many workitems. I am not sure how to fill in the rest for foreign Key jointable and such.
    Any help pointing me in the right direction would be helpful.

  • Default ejb JNDI name in websphere ear

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    I have a local entity ejb.
    I wish to define a service locator for this as a singleton class that caches the entity bean's home after doing a JNDI lookup.
    I am interested in two things.
    1) Since my service locator is a simple singleton class I want it to lookup the local ejb homes using the JNDI names supplied in the websphere specific deployment descriptors correspondiing to ejb-jar.xml. (No point in even thinking of any ejb-local-ref) My service locator is defined inside the same ejb jar.
    2) Ideally I would like to not specify any explicit JNDI names in any websphere specific DD for the local ejb homes. I would like to use a JNDI name based on the ejb-name itself.
    I have been able to do 2) using JBoss.

    Hi Ravi,
    Can you please post the error message and stack trace? Also what version of WLS are you
    using? The more relevant information you can give me, the more likely I'll be able to
    help you.
    - Matt
    ravichandran wrote:
    Hi Matthew,
    Thank u for very quick response, the error is class cast exception and these objects
    are serialized and kept in ear. ur solution will be highly appreciated.
    Matthew Shinn <[email protected]> wrote:
    What error are you getting (please include full error message & stack trace)?
    is the object you are returning Serializable?
    - Matt
    ravi wrote:
    Hello Daniel
    I also have the same problem, do u have any solutions, please let me know,I was
    struggling for more than ten days.
    [email protected] (Daniel) wrote:
    Hi, there:
    Our team is trying to write a session bean as a factory to serve
    other beans. Even the JSP (or other clients) can find the correct
    session bean residing on different ear file, the factory can't return
    properly when the returning parameter is a java object (it works fine
    if we only return int/string/etc). Is there a work-around to make
    these work?

  • Session EJB JNDI name

    Hello all!
    I created this SLSB:
    public interface CatalogServiceLocal {
         public float getCatalogVersion();
    public class CatalogService implements CatalogServiceLocal {
    I'm using JSF and I want to access my SLSB from a Managed Bean but the server always complains it didn't find the given name:
    this.catalogService = (CatalogServiceLocal) ctx.lookup(JNDI_NAME);
    I tried a lot of different names (CatalogService, ejb.CatalogService...). How can I know the correct name for the lookup. I searched for it in the admin console but I didn't find it either.
    Thank you very much!

    Hi Sitaro,
    Please refer to the following links... you will get information about how to lookup Local EJB3...
    Here you will get the information of Customizing The JNDI name and to look them up.
    Jay SenSharma  (WebLogic Wonders Are Here)

  • DM_Mappings.csv which maps logical names to relational names is blank

    I have created a data model (both logical and relational) using OSDM I am trying to generate a csv report (go to File -> Export -> To CSV option in OSDM) which maps the logical names to physical names (physical names are abbreviated as I am using a glossary for abbreviations). This information was present in the csv named DM_Mappings.csv in version 3.0.0-665 of OSDM which maps the logical component of the model to the physical component. However when I use OSDM 3.1.1-703 or OSDM 3.1.1-704 or OSDM, the csv file DM_Mappings.csv is generated but its blank. I am not sure if there is some hidden option somewhere which will help me generate this mapping information which was a default option in OSDM 3.0.0-665. I would appreciate it if someone could help me in getting this logical to physical mapping in csv format using OSDM.
    Let me know if you need any other information.

    Hi Ashok,
    thanks for reporting the problem. Fix will be available in next release.

  • EJB relation mappings between different ejb jar files.

    I have two local entity EJBs but they are in different ejb jar files. I'd like to make a relationship mapping (one-to-one, one-to-many or whatever) between them. Is it possible? To do that, I need <ejb-name> reference tag each other in both ejb-jar.xml, but how can I refer to ejb-name defined in different ejb jar files? Or as long as you make EJB relationship mappings, all EJBs must be in the same ejb jar file?

    Refer to

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