Not all ports are stealthed

I ran the onlin Shields Up! port scan, and it found three ports that aren't fully stealthed: 20, 21 (the ftp ports), and 500 (the vpn port).
I'm not running any internet services like ftp and am not using a vpn. My osx firewall is on, set to stealth mode. The two exceptions I have set up for the software firewall are for ports above 50,000. The hardware firewall in my dsl router is also turned on. The only port forwarding is for those that I have have the software exceptions.
I've tried turning passive ftp on and off and it doesn't make a difference.
Any thoughts?

OK, I see your point now.
Still no idea why I get a different reading every time on Shields Up, (possibly my slow Dial-up), whereas this one always has a consistent report...
ShieldsUp 3 minutes later with nothing changed...
Anyway, no settings I change in Sharing on the Mac affect these reports, it would appear that the Router is the one answering, not the Mac unless Ports are Forwarded.

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    Users not enabled for FileVault unlock are only able to log into the computer after an unlock-enabled user has started or unlocked the drive. Once unlocked, the drive remains unlocked and available to all users, until the computer is restarted.
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    OS X: About FileVault 2 - Apple Support

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    Hi Denis,
    Is the concerned message a synchronous message or a message that relates two integration processes? If yes, this about to be changed and will be corrected in the next SP.
    Best regards

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    It very well could be the antivirus app, most are intrusive and debilitate rather than enhance performance and should be removed using the developers instructions. You haven't really told us anything useful such as any settting you may have changed. However if you began working backwards resetting any changes and uninstalling the apps added since the performance issue started then you probably will find your issue. 

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    Thank you for your gracious welcome . . .
    and thank you for your swift response . . .
    and thank you for your information (and encouragement!).
    Yes, I read that too, but searched in vain for the specifity of, say, your direction:
    "Go ahead and update to 8.0.2, as it contains the 8.0.1 update."
    So I shall!
    Again, many thanks.

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    Naa... Not yet.
    Maybe transmission has different ports set for torrent traffic, so you could try changing the (Arch) ports to the ones Windows uses.
    EDIT: In transmission preferences, you can check whether the port is open and listening.
    Last edited by Runiq (2008-11-28 08:32:58)

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    As far as I know you shouldn't have ANY TROUBLES with the NATIVE know like Safari, Calendar, Photos...etc. However, the apps that you download from the app store, I believe, need to be re-installed manually. This is what I have to do with my original iPhone with 2.0 software anyway. I would think that it is the same with the 3G.

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    MICROSOFT'S EMAIL (make sure you also read my reply below):
    MESSAGE:****************************************** ****************************This is an email from Microsoft about your support incident.When replying to this address: + It helps us if you do not include the original message + Please keep the case number (SRxxxx) in the subject lineThank youMicrosoft Product Support Services ******************* The message from Microsoft follows ****************Hi Gregory,Firstly uninstall SP2 by going to Start>Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs and then reinstall it in a clean boot.. Click Start >> Run >> In the run dialog box type msconfig and then click ok 2. Put a dot in selecti've startup 3. Uncheck all of the check boxes that become available except Process System.ini file and Load system services 4. Go to the Services tab along the top, click Hide all Microsoft Services 5. Then disable any remaining services 6. Click apply and then close 7. Finally select yes, this will start in a clean boot. 8. Then go to ( and download and install Service Pack 29. To return your PC to normal, open the System Configuration Utility, click "Normal Startup", click OK and restart. Then restart your computer and try accessing updates againPlease let me know the results of these methods, particularly if there were any steps that you were unable to complete successfully.
    HiI successfully carried out the installation on Saturday.A few minor problems ensued (the second one may have cause a novice user real problems! Certainly caused me some concern whilst working through it!). I had to reinstall ATI drivers from scratch (for Radeon 9800 Pro); this was however the only set of drivers that appeared to "detach" itself. The main problem here was that instead of using the usual standard VGA driver (which it does when I uninstall it once a month to install updated drivers), it used some other driver that made the screen very difficult to see (especially on blue backgrounds!). Running ATI's total uninstall program sorted this out however, and fortunately I had the last update package from ATI still on my system. After uninstalling and reinstalling there appeared to be no further video problems.2. After installing SP2 (and before installing above), whilst I was in the process of getting everything up and running (eg installing the security updates) the system randomly froze about 4 or 5 times; the only way to sort this out was to use the power button. I traced this problem to Windows changing my wireless networking settings so that it handled everything; I have a Netgear adaptor the software for which usually controls this (Netgear Smart Wizard). Basically the two were trying to do the same task and causing crashes; on switching Windows management off, things settled down (the Netgear driver did not need to be reinstalled).3. As a minor point, after the upgrade and installing all other updates, I noted that Microsoft Update was no longer running; I had to reinstall it from Windows Update and the messages I got whilst installing suggested that it was still partially installed but that there were problems with it. It now works.4. As a final minor point, I attach the Scan log from Registry Mechanic which I ran after everything was up and running; it fixed various problems within the registry. I note that the majority of errors are inconsequential, but note that a few do relate to the various Microsoft installs; maybe the installer program for SP2/ Media Player 0 need to sort these out in future releases? Don't think they're a real problem though!The instructions supplied worked fine; one thing I would suggest is that users are instructed to download the SP2 upgrade pack to their desktop prior to uninstalling the original SP2; I believe that my internet connection problems started after I had uninstalled the original SP2 which may have caused problems downloading the new SP2. It also ensures that the download is successful (eg if the site was down for maintenance); I was advised whilst uninstalling SP2 that about 20 programs/drivers would not work properly after the uninstall and so the immediate reinstall was vital!One thing that seemed to fix after reinstalling was a problem I was having installing Media Player 0; after installing it previously, every time I checked for updates on it the whole program would reinstall. Now however this has fixed. I will let you know if I encounter any further problems, but things all seem to be fine now, touch wood.....!
    Hope this helps!Message Edited by gjc26 on 0-27-2006 02:50 AM

    One small thing - I believe the reason why some of my drivers were messing up was because they were SP2 specific; the older drivers and the ones that were compatible with both SP and 2 were fine.
    As soon as I did the reinstall, all of the drivers/programs that were not working, worked (aside from the ones that I mentioned in my attached email above).
    So, if after uninstalling the old SP2 you are told that loads of drivers/programs will not work, fear not - most should fix themselves upon installing the new SP2.

  • When converting over to HTTPS and PKI for clients, not all actions are available in configuration manager cpl

    I'm not exactly sure which forum heading this should go under so if this isn't correct please let me know or move it on my behalf.  
    So I am trying to setup Internet Based Client Management in SCCM 2012 R2 and have come across a few articles on how to do so.   I think I have mostly gotten it to work but I seem to be having a client issue when deploying new machines.  My already
    deployed servers seem to have picked up the PKI setting no problem.  In the past when I would deploy a new windows client everything would be fine.  When i converted over to PKI in my test environment I am now having issues when I go to deploy a
    new windows client. I don't get all of the Actions listed in the Configuration Manager control panel.  All I have are Discovery Data Collection, Machine Policy Retrieval and Eval, User Policy Retrieval and Eval, and Windows Installer Source list Update
    Cycles, before all of them would populate no problem.  I have let this machine sit here for several hours and nothing has changed yet.  It does say PKI for client certificate.  Sometimes when I would deploy new machines it would say NONE for
    Client certificate.  In my production environment it says self-signed.  I have found if i uninstall the client and re-install the client it does populate all of the cycles but I don't understand why it is not working on deployment.
    Ok so maybe not all the time that when i reinstall the client it fixes it.  I just did an uninstall and reinstall on a test client and all it has under actions are machine and user policy cycles.
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    I think SCCM client installed before the GPO applied, so you don't a certificate available when it is required.
    You can export and import the certificate by using MDT integration, try this blog for PKI part:
    How To: Build and Capture in Configuration Manager 2012 using HTTPS
    And in addition, you can upload the log to your onedrive so you can share with us.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

  • Loop at screen - not all fields are available

    Hi all,
    I want to set some fields on the screen invisible.
    When I do the loop at screen in PBO not all fields from the screen are available.
    Just four fields are available. In the screen there are about 20 fields.
    I try to use the chain. field xyz. endchain... But it was not the problem.
    Any ideas?

    Try this ,May be  Help ful
      IF r_cars = 'X'.                                 " If R_CURS radiobutton is selected
        LOOP AT SCREEN .                       " Looping at screen
          IF screen-name CS 'R_VOLVO' OR
             screen-name CS 'R_MERCED'.
            screen-active = 0.                     " Hiding the R_VOLVO and R_MERCED
            MODIFY SCREEN.
        LOOP AT SCREEN .
          IF screen-name CS 'R_TOYOTA' OR
             screen-name CS 'R_FORD'.
            screen-active = 0.
          MODIFY SCREEN.
      ENDIF. }

  • Issue with DEBMAS IDoc,not all fields are reflected in the IDoc Seg E1KNB1M

    For IDoc type DEBMAS, there is a segment E1KNB1M. This segment is relate to the customer correspondence details (XD02 -> company code data -> Correspondence).
    For any change to the customer master a DEBMAS IDoc is triggered which has data in segments including the E1KNB1M.
    In my case for few customers, the not all fields in the segment E1KNB1M contain data. Few fields contain data but the rest are filled with u2018\u2019. This is happening only in the production system, for the same customer in the quality system the data is there as required.
    I checked in debugging, and found that the data is correctly passed to the segment in program SAPLVV01 Include LVV01F01. And the segment contains data till the IDoc is triggered.  I.e. the fields are not getting cleared at any point.
    Can anyone suggest what is happening and how to fix this? Please note that the issue is only in the production system and not in the quality system ( for the same customer).

    BTT... Need some help on the above

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