Not impressed.. sigh...

I miss the old BC forums, they were clean and simple. Even had a section for "General Discussion"
Moving right along.. V3 of BC...
Incontext editing not loading, just hangs for eternity Safari 4.1
If your on older browsers dont expect much to work in V3 of the system.
Whats the deal with ALPHA File Manager? is this just an editor for adding new pages etc..? or will this take over the old file manager and include the abilty to upload images to the server? If its just an area for editing/ adding pages modules then perhaps it should be called "Code or Page Editor" otherwise it will be confusing to our customers.
Also, if I configure a user so they cant use the "Incontext Site Editor" it still shows "Site Editor" the menu in V3, was never a problem in V2.
Also, have some of the legacy issues been fixed for V3, things like not being able to add in "Shipping Atten" in the webforms without going way back into legacy mode.
Thats enough for now. I have stayed away from V3, but now am told that it will soon be unavailable....

Hey there.
Start new topic from the main view is General Discussion
V3 Admin is designed for modern web and wont indeed work with older browsers, same for a lot of web applications though. All google stuff wont work in older stuff. With things like Safari though the updates are free and you get notified and you can upgrade from Safari 4.1.
These forums work on my ipad and iphone to post content so not sure why it is not working on Safari 4.1 but you can upgrade or use another browser like chrome.
The new File manager will replace the old one, it is Alpha so does not have all the features implemented yet. It is a preview and only partners see it when logged in. You will have permission controls to filter down what it does for different users of the admin.
Site Editor is the name it is going to. inContext does not really mean anything, same as why Menus are called that and not dynamic menus as before. This is based on feedback from partners and those more streamlined names for me are the right direction.
If you check web forms you will see shipping attention is there.
The new UI is by default for new users and the old UI will go soon enough. It is change, some people I know do not like that but it is overall a much better Admin UI.
Hope the above info helps.
Lots of changes are constantly being made to the new UI as well with just about every BC release.

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    Dave k
    Track city computer solutions.

    "Just thought that there is a one in a billion chance MS might listen but I don t think so"
    It doesn't make much sense to post your comments in a place where only other users, like yourself, will read them?
    If you want to speak to Microsoft directly, pick up the telephone and call one of the toll free numbers that are on the Contact Us page link on the Microsoft home page.
    You can also use our official feedback thread.
    Have Comments about Windows 7 RC? (Part 3 - Do not post questions in this thread)
    Hope this helps.
    Thank You for testing Windows 7
    Ronnie Vernon MVP

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