Not putting Macbook to sleep

Macbook has gotten more sluggish with ML even with 4GB's of RAM when rebooting and waking from sleep. The solution has been not to put it to sleep (other than the hard drive) and this has greatly improved performance. But will this harm the Macbook more than puting it to sleep? The tech I spoke with suggested I do this as he said it would be better than putting it to sleep everytime I walk away from it.

On a full charge and put to sleep the MacBook's battery will last more than 10 days but less than 20. I know this because I forgot to turn my MacBook off before leaving for vacation this summer. I returned 20 days later and found that the computer needed to be plugged in before it would start so I know it won't last 20 full days. Over the winter holiday I intentionally put it to sleep before leaving and 10 days later when I returned it woke up showing under 1/2 a charge left. What I don't know is whether the computer's battery will be depleted on day 11 or in the middle of day 20 or somewhere between! Well, actually I do assume it is close to the 20 day mark than the 11 day mark.
So when should you sleep it as opposed to turning it off? I generally turn it off (when I remember) if I'll be leaving it for more than a week. This has been my habit since buying my first PowerBook back around 1991.

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    You might try a SMC reset:
    Good luck!

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    Assuming that nothing is pressing on the Home button when this occurs, try the basic steps as needed:
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    2. Restore phone in iTunes using a backup
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    Putting your MacBook to sleep is the same as putting a PC in standby. It will use a small amount of power while in sleep which, over a period of a few days, will probably drain your battery. If you're going to be away from a charger for a while, you can still shut down your MacBook to save power. When a PC is running Windows, a restart now and then helps to flush the system of a bunch of junk. You dont' really need to worry about that in OS X. There really isn't any harm in shutting down your MacBook if you choose to do so... there just isn't a need to.

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    The single flashing light means that your battery has very little charge. If you never get the battery to a point where all the lights light up, it may be that your battery is no longer capable of accepting a charge. I believe the "X" icon indicates that the battery is not charging. The charging icon should be a lightning bolt. A fully charged battery will have a little plug in it.
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    Also, you might try removing the battery completely and see if the iBook will start up just using the power adaptor. If it does, then the presence of a dying battery may be part of the problem. The iBook should be able to run from the power adaptor alone.
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    Good luck!

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    It has been suggested elsewhere that you have to be careful not to bump the MPB until the sleep light comes on (pulses), because the sudden motion detector can prevent sleep from fully engaging. Safe sleep can take about 5 seconds to completely transact.
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    Also, when it does go to sleep do I just push the power button? Sometimes this works, but it seems to respond slow.

    Yes, I do believe that's what I implied.
    Open the Terminal application in your Utilities folder and enter the following command line at the prompt then press RETURN:
    pmset -g | grep hibernatemode
    If the reported mode is 3 then your computer is set for "Save Sleep" which takes longer to wake up than standard sleep. If you want quicker wake up from sleep you can change the sleep mode by entering the following command line:
    sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
    This disables Safe Sleep but will also slightly decrease battery life as RAM is left powered on.

  • Put HDD to sleep with SSD

    I have a question for SSD users. I have a late 2008 unibody macbook pro. I just installed effortlessly an OCZ vertex 2 120gb ssd. Love the speed! I read around the internet that you should not check put hdds to sleep under energy saver for ssds. Is this true? My question would be the following:
    I also heard that OCZ has some garbage collection algorythm that makes up for Mac's lack of TRIM support. If I put hdds to sleep when possible does it mean that the garbage collection will not work? What is the advantage of NOT putting hdds to sleep with SSD?
    Finally, I am planning to install a second hd instead of my superdrive, a normal hd that is (seagate xt 7200). I suppose that having it means I should put the hdds to sleep when possible, am I right?
    In case I should not put to sleep the ssd, can I select two different settings for the two different drives?
    Sorry if this sounds confusionary, it sounded a lot better in my mind...
    Thanks for any tips!

    I also heard that OCZ has some garbage collection algorythm that makes up for Mac's lack of TRIM support.
    I dont think garbage collection (and over provisioning) makes up for lack of TRIM support, but certainly helps it in that direction.
    If I put hdds to sleep when possible does it mean that the garbage collection will not work? What is the advantage of NOT putting hdds to sleep with SSD?
    I think you are asking - "If I put ssds to sleep when possible does it mean that the garbage collection will not work?", since hdds don't have the garbage collection.
    Well, from ( and ( it seems that, according to OCZ's Chang, some of their ssds use idle time garbage collection. If yours came with a spec manual, I would look there.
    The way Chang puts it is:
    +OCZ's goal is to keep SSD performance at peak levels over the drive's lifespan. OCZ, he said, uses two basic garbage collection methods: incorporating the maintenance within firmware, and providing user-initiated tools to accomplish the same task. OCZ provides three different garbage collection methods, said Chang.Some OCZ drives feature idle-time garbage collection in the firmware, including PCI-Express and high-capacity 3.5-inch SSDs, which aim for high-performance endurance. OCZ's mainstream 2.5-inch SSD solutions ship with TRIM support, which is enabled on Windows 7 and various Linux versions.+
    +For users who prefer Windows XP or Vista, OCZ provides a manual garbage collection tool that can be initiated at the user's discretion, said Chang, noting that the company also provides a garbage collection upgrade firmware for XP and Vista systems. "Garbage collection is just one more tool in OCZ's feature sets that helps sustain the revolutionary performance of SSDs over the long term," said Chang.+
    So, if yours uses the idle time, it may need not benefit from a nap, although I can not find anywhere that suggest how long idle time is.
    I find the whole OCZ presentation rather sloppy. I am sure they have good drives, but after reading on OCZ, it makes me want to take a nap.
    Message was edited by: aprouser

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