Nothing in Bridge Files

I would think that "Bridge Files" is meant to allow access to compatible files between my Torch and 'Book. There's "no files that can be opened in this application". Something on the horizon perhaps or am I misinterpreting the use of this or not using it corectly?

Hi timcoles,
This KB article should clarify the current list of supported Bridge files with the PlayBook:
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    You can try to delete the file mimeTypes.rdf
    See "Reset Download Actions"

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    no files are stored in bridge. do you mean how to delete files when in bridge mode?
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  • Bridge file number vs. camera's file number

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    Good day everyone,
    To khcole,
    Please check your memory card and verify if the old pictures and new ones are on the same folder (eg. 100MSDCF, 101MSDCF) under [DCIM] folder. Both folders will start the numbering sequence at DSC-00001, to start at DSC-05208 make sure that the folder will contain images which will fill out the sequence upto DSC-05207 otherwise that camera will fill those empty slots until it uses the DSC-05208 onwards.
    To grosenfeld,
    As both file using the same file name and extension cannot co-exist under the same folder, one needs to be saved on different folder. Using an image viewing software such as the Playmemories Home (PMH), you'll be able to view both pictures and you should be able to see when the images are taken, imported, modified or what camera was used for a particular image under PMH's filters or the properties of the pictures.
    2 things can happen if you try importing a picture that has the same file name and extension as the existing image on a destination folder.
    1. The original file could be replaced by the new one intentionally/unintentionally.
    2. The new picture will be saved with (#) between the file name and extension (eg. DSC-00001(2).jpg) as the computer will recognize these files as duplicates even if it isn't.
    If my post answers your question, please mark it as "Accept as Solution"

  • Cannot see Bridge folder on BlackBerry's SD Card in PlayBook Bridge Files

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    BB9900 OS
    16 GB PB 1.08.6067
    PS - FWIW, I had this same problem on my 9700 also on a BES, so I don't think it is an OS 7 issue.

    Sorry it took so long for me to get back to this. The linked support article addresses the issue directly (thank you both), but the method recommended there (importing the entire AVCHD folder structure) didn't solve the problem. The small number of videos that iPhoto could not see originally also did not get imported, though the ones that it could originally see, did. Luckily since the percentage seems to be small (~10%), it is not prohibitive to open them one by one in Quicktime, re-export them, and then import them into iPhoto. Hopefully this will be fixed in the future. Thank you all for your suggestions.

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    The message that I get is "There are no files that can be opened in this application".

    wespro wrote:
    with the actuall software this action is not able at this time. But with next released of OS this option it will be able.
    Now you can see only docs and pdfs.
    Where did you hear that?
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    My brother is using Uverse modem with ea4500. He had connections problem before but it is okay.
    He told me that he make sure that the router‘s firmware is upgraded. He tried doing some resets and power cycle to the router and his modem. He changed the MTU size of his router to 1400. He called his ISP and asked them to set the modem to Full bridge mode and made sure that the internet light of his modem. He used PPPoE internet connection in his router. He had no major issues with his internet since then- unless, if there is like power outage or ISP service outage in his network.  
    I hope his story will help with your internet connectivity concern.

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    I choose BRIDGE FILES I choose my device, I will see the map structure but all the maps are empty. So I still can open anything.
    Maybe the exlamation mark means 'under construction'??? Who knows?

    andriessen wrote:
    Dear all, yesterday I uploaded the latest 107 version of the PB software. I now find out that language now is working ok. Thanks. But also find that the icon of CONTACT and BRIDGE FILES is showing an exclamation mark. What does this means? The other thing is that is:
    I choose BRIDGE FILES I choose my device, I will see the map structure but all the maps are empty. So I still can open anything.
    Maybe the exlamation mark means 'under construction'??? Who knows?
    The empty folders are because they dont have supported files you can open.
    try the camera folder to see pics.
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  • Importing keywords from non-Bridge file

    I've just received the CS3 Suite. Prior to this, photos, where I work, had keywords added to the XP file preference (right clicking on a photo and choosing preferences). I need a way to get those keywords into Bridge. I've hundreds of photos and know nothing about scripting.

    I ran a test for you. Started up my old computer that has windows XP OS. Took a photo and added a keyword by right clicking as your previous post outlined. I then looked at photo in Bridge CS3 on old machine. There was no keyword. Copied to flash drive and looked at photo on Vista computer with Bridge CS3. Still no keyword. Ran a search on Vista advanced for keyword on flash drive, and it gave a hit.
    So my conclusion is that the keyword is there, but Bridge does not read the XP generated keyword. It will read a keyword generated by same method in Vista. Don't know what else to suggest. Don't have CS4 so do not know it that works or not.
    Perhaps with these clues someone else can figure it out.
    Good luck

  • Bridge File Names Missing

    Bridge (CS5) is missing many of the file names to many folders. Oddly, it's only some of them. And there appears to be no rhyme or reason as to why some would have names, while others don't.  Secondly, for those file folders without names, there's no way to rename the file folders.  When I right click to rename the folder, there's no option for rename.  I can create a new folder but can't name it.  Thirdly, the folders that do have names are encased in a black tag, which I don't like. 
    I've tried the usal rememdies, i.e., turning my computer (I use Windows 7) down and changing from my custom bridge worksace to essentials to filmstrip.  Nothing helps. 
    Any ideas on how this can be resolved?  Thanks in advance for any light you can shed.

    Purge Cache, see if that will help.
    You will find the option under Tools.
    There is a seperate forum just for the Bridge:

  • Bridge File Type Associations don't see my (2014) products?

    I have just updated Ps, Ai & Id to (2014) and uninstalled old versions (Win 7)
    Now Bridge has forgotten all my File Type Associations (no Adobe products in drop down) same is happening with my suitcase fusion 5 plugs, 2014 product not in plugs list
    Adobe is not installed in the default location, is on my second drive. all else is normal
    The result in this is that I can't 'Edit Original' or open any files without dragging from bridge into app.

    Has Ubuntu and Windows ever seen each other?
    You say "Ubuntu is apparently a linux platform...". not apparently - it IS a linux platform (are these your computers?)
    The first thing is to get them all into the same logical Workgroup.
    On PC: ControlPanel>System> down workgroupName.
    On ubuntu, the file/etc/samba/smb.conf is edited (might not need this yet).
    On Mac: Utilities> DirectoryAccess, Configure SMB/CFS...enter WorkgroupName in appropriate box.
    (then look into SystemPreferences>Sharing, and turn on File Sharing.
    In network utilities on the mac, have you been able to you ping these computers by their IP address? Have you been able to ping mac by number from Windows or Linux?
    This site might help, too along with the Apple link that the other user posted:

  • Using Adobe Bridge file structure with iPhoto (latest version)

    I use Adobe Bridge and have all my pics in named folders in Pictures/PICS/Folder Names.  Inside the PICS folder is the iPhoto Library (only a few pics in it).  Is there any way I can use the file structure I have set up with Bridge and iPhoto (latest) simultaneously?  I really dont want to import (copy) all my pics into IPhot because I am pretty sure I will end up with two versions of each.  I havent been able to manage pics manually the way I like to in older versions of iPhoto. 

    Here's some info to help you setup Photoshop for use with iPhoto:
    Using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements as Your Editor of Choice in iPhoto.
    1 - select Photoshop or Photoshop Elememts as your editor of choice in iPhoto's General Preference Section's under the "Edit photo:" menu.
    2 - double click on the thumbnail in iPhoto to open it in Photoshop.  When you're finished editing click on the Save button. If you immediately get the JPEG Options window make your selection (Baseline standard seems to be the most compatible jpeg format) and click on the OK button. Your done. 
    3 - however, if you get the navigation window
    that indicates that  PS wants to save it as a PS formatted file.  You'll need to either select JPEG from the menu and save (top image) or click on the desktop in the Navigation window (bottom image) and save it to the desktop for importing as a new photo.
    This method will let iPhoto know that the photo has been editied and will update the thumbnail file to reflect the edit..
    NOTE: With Photoshop Elements  the Saving File preferences should be configured as shown:
    I also suggest the Maximize PSD File Compatabilty be set to Always.  In PSE’s General preference pane set the Color Picker to Apple as shown:
    Note 1: screenshots are from PSE 10
    Note:  to switch between iPhoto and PS or PSE as the editor of choice Control (right)-click on the thumbnail and select either Edit in iPhoto or Edit in External Editor from the contextual menu. If you use iPhoto to edit more than PSE re-select iPhoto in the iPhoto General preference pane. Then iPhoto will be the default editor and you can use the contextual menu to select PSE for your editor when desired.

  • My first gen 3g iphone photos are not recognised by camera wizard - it sees the phone but nothing else no files - it is not locked - ?

    I have a new 4g Iphone - Telstra (Australia)  disabled my old 3g and enabled the 4g so the 3g is just enabled to show contacts and photos etc.
    I want to download my photos and contacts from the 3g.  trouble is that my internet is dial up only at home and impossible to use as too slow.
    So my itunes is now out of date (not current module 10.5 + etc.) and the 3g phone is also not operating on the latest ios.
    BUT the itunes does sync the phone - but it seems to only sync from computer to phone - so my camera roll on the 3g is not on my computer - therein lies the dilemma - I don't know how to download the photos.  I cannot update the ios on the 3g and it seems that might be reqired to "back up"
    So first question is how do I back up (not sync) my 3g to itunes.
    Do I need to updates its ios first and update iteuns first (in which case thats impossible)
    So what else could I do.
    It seems the other thing is that even if I could back up the 3g the Itunes won't recognise the 4g as the 4g is ios 4 or something and the itunes is not up to date.
    SO I thought I should just use camera wizard or a photo package like iphoto or kodak easy share.
    But with camera wizard my computer recognises the 3g phone BUT nothing else.  It is greyed out for options, and ini Windoes Explorer it shows it as a camera but when you right click it has no "properties" - and no files show up at all...
    it is like it seems the camera and then nothing else.
    THE CAMERA is not locked.
    WHAT shoudl I do?

    also - when I use camera wizard it just tells me the phone is busy or in use  and I should retry.
    If I use it through windoes explorer - it shows me the camera to computer symbols and a line moving between then but bombs out saying camera is busy.

  • Bridge file associations SNAFU

    Since I installed photoshop CC I've lived with 2 versions of bridge on my system.  THey dont coexist very well, but I've put up with it because in the past I've ended up  having problems...
    Last night I freed up a bit of space by uninstalling bridge cs6 and photoshop cs6 (NOT CC - I left that installed to try and avoid this sort of thing). Now bridge has forgotten my file association prefs - and whats more the prefs dialogue no longer allows me to set an image file to open in photoshop. See pic.
    I could manually go through and associate each image filetype with photoshop, but I'm not going to.  Because life is too short, and then I wouldn't get to moan at adobe.
    Can anyone tell me a simple fix for this that doesn't involve manually doing the above, or uninstalling photoshop CC just to be able to reinstall bridge CC.  Why is there no bridge CC2014?  It would appear this is where the problem lies.

    Sorry for the noise. I misunderstood your depth of knowlege and what you had tried. I also committed the sin of not testing the procedure all the way through because I did not want to change the association on my computer. I get the same behavior.
    Guess for .jpg
    Registry shows for .jpg:
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.jpg\UserCho ice  Progid = Applications\Photoshop.exe
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Applications\Photoshop.exe\shell\open\command  (Default) = "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\Photoshop.exe" "%1"
    UserChoice seems to be added when I made the association choice. Note that it points into Applications with a non-version specific Photoshop.exe. Within HKLM\....\Applications there is only one Photoshop.exe -- no version -- and that entry points to CS6.
    I believe that explains why the browsed to association is CS6. It does not explain why it would be set up that way. Probably has something to do with Windows special handling of certain file extensions. Beyond my depth and tells me I am not going to find a solution.

Maybe you are looking for