"Notify me" When Products Are In Stock Online

i have an item in my wish list that is currently backordered 4 to 7 weeks.  it would be great to see a "notify me" when the item is in stock and ready for purchase, maybe even a notification sent your phone from the best buy application saying that, "this item is available for purchase!" i don't know if anyone else has brought up this idea or not, but would be great to see this feature implemented on the website as well as on the smart phone application(s) across iPhone and Android. hope other customers agree and make this happen! especially around the holiday season.

I personally love the idea of finding out when an item is back in stock also. While Best Buy doesn't currently do this with the website at this moment, there are ways to get this done however. 
Last year we partnered with IFTTT (If This Then That) to have a Best Buy channel, that has a few cool features to alert you with the most popular products on Best Buy, when a product price changes, when a new product is added to a category, and when the availability of a product changes online. The alerts can be sent to you a number of ways, including notifications to your phone, emailed, via text, and more. 
You can search various "recipes" that have been created using the above link, or create your own to meet your exact needs. I know it's not quite the same as us alerting you automatically (which I hope may be an option in the future), but it's one way to get those alerts now. I've personally used it a few times and it's worked great.

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    As said in subject, seems to be reasonably better feature, than notify me when users come online.
    Can be implemented via mouse menu over contact. Same as here:

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    >> You don't have an idle timeout but will force disconnect after 12 hours? Does this really makes sense?
    Actually yes, at least in our environment. Using Citrix applications and VT Terminal applicaitons they need a constant connection. If the user disconnected say via an Idle Timeout then their sessions into these applications can and will hang. Not only that the older VT terminal sessions if hung durring a process that locks records or tables then it is locked for everyone. They have to call our helpdesk and have them kill the user. Citrix gets a little wacky as well if the user just blinly disconnects. So idle timeouts are actually a bad thing. Also a user might through a terminal session or though a citrix connection start a long run transaction. For example a blueprint sent off to a render farm could take 3-4 hours to render some have even take 10 hours. So a user may start a process and then go away especially on the weekend.
    So while there are issues with the internet in general that can cause disconnects most of this software will try reconnecitng from the server to the client everal times before finally giving up. So a quick break in internet connectivity is not an issue, a idle timeout where it doesn't reconnect until the user returns doesn't work.
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    Hi Maddy,
    Would recommend workflow technique to explore if you have not done yet. Refer below link which I believe will help you a lot.
    SAP MDM Workflow

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    Hi David,
    Kindly try out the steps in the below mentioned link to install Creative Cloud.
    Error: "Installer failed to initialize" | Windows
    Atul Saini

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    AS indicated in my first post in this thread you and she have to check the Security setting in iChat first.
    They are found in iChat menu > Preferences > Accounts and it is a tab on the right.
    There are several Allow and Block settings.
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    So check the name is spelt correctly.
    If Leopard that the Screen Name is entered as the Correct type.
    (it can be complicated if she has Allow Buddy List Only and she has your names "wrong")
    Most likely though she has Internet Sharing ON or has the Firewall set to Allow Essentials Only in Leopard which will block iChat (Use Allow All or Allow Specifics)
    8:21 PM Thursday; October 15, 2009
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

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    Try the following to rule out a software problem:                 
    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Power off and then back on the router
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    - Wi-Fi: Unable to connect to an 802.11n Wi-Fi network
    - iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    - Restore from backup. See:
    iOS: How to back up
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Thank you in advance.

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    I have Adobe Creative Suite Production Premium.

    Duplicate message deleted... this is an open forum, not Adobe support, so more than one message about the same problem is only going to confuse things
    Since this is an open forum, not Adobe support... you need to contact Adobe staff to help
    Adobe contact information - http://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html
    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

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    9 May 2014
    Dear Tech or Customer Support:
    I would like to know if my subscriptions memberships with Adobe Reader XI, Adobe Forms Central and Acrobat XI products are still active?  If so; when does my subscriptions memberships due to expire?
    Please reply back by email with full details as to my requests at your earliest availability to:  [email protected]
    Gwendolyn C. Baxter

    I just solved this problem on my computer.
    Windows 7 comes with only one "Voice" installed. "Microsoft Anna - English (United States)" I'm not sure what you get if your in another country.
    You can test your "Voice/Voices" by running Microsoft Narrator. Click [Start] button and type "Narrator" in the [search programs and files] box. Press [Enter]. Your computer should begin talking. Click [Voice Settings] button to see a list of installed voices. Take note of the voices listed. "Mine has just the one."
    Adobe Reader must have a voice selected that you have installed. To verify your settings Run Adobe Reader. From the top menu click [Edit] then click [Preferences] at the bottom of the list. In the Preferences window click [Reading] from the left hand list. Find "Read Out Loud Options" Un-check [Use default voice] Choose a voice from the drop down menu that you have verified is installed on your computer. Click [OK]
    My Adobe Reader had 4 voices listed to choose from. I found this curious because I only have one voice.
    Hope that helps.

  • Wifi erratic on 4S after upgrading and not working even after resetting to factory setting. Why should apple isolate itself from their own product problems  Matter of shame when they are not ready to communicate with the customer means they are dead.

    11:22 (7 minutes ago)
    to AppleSupport
    Dear Sir/Madam Since  the wifi is not coming ON how can I open this diagnostic on the iphone  4S am using and having problem with wifi behaving in erratic manner. 
    Am  a professional engineer for projects and am 68 yrs old. At one time was  looking after a production line manufacturing I C's in semiconductors  manufacturing company of the US.
    Have four apple products, one hp laptop and one DELL professional computer at home is used by only two members me and my wife.
    Wife  prefers working on ipad2 or ipad mini while traveling and has iphone 4.  Am using iphone4S with laptop and Dell computer, No apple product is  more than two years old.
    Am having the problem in using wifi on the 4S after it  was upgraded to the latest ios as per the recommendation by your  software of my iphone 4S 
    The wifi card hangs up at  it's own will and even a visit to your authorized service center in  Delhi has not able to help me although they have reverted the ios back  to the
    one supplied with the set. Am a user and not a computer expert but it looks like the wifi card is  not able to some times take the load while working which could indicate  the wifi card is getting heated up.   
    My daughter  who is Masters in 3D Animation is an ardent fan of apple products  working at present in Canada was also gifted by me a 4S about 4 months  back. My daughter-in-law is using iphone4 and an ipad for her professional  works along with a Dell PC in the US. While my son is a fan of samsung  products and does not like an apple product. 
    So in a family we have 7 apple products except MAC laptop/PC. 
    But the fact is, this problem with 4S has  really shaken me up and now it seems your products are deteriorating in  quality while demanding the best pricing structures. 
    Since  this is purely the device and the software of apple problem you may  please replace this set with new one as neither have any time to push  you/ request you after your service centre
    in Delhi told me yesterday this cannot be repaired.   
    The  serial No of my set is DN*****TC0 and was bought from an authorized  dealer and so were the other products from the same dealer in Delhi.  This set is still in showroom condition and
    was never used without a protective cover. 
    Ashok Dhingra
    D E E Hons B E Tech MBA
    Vasant Kunj Delhi
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

    11:22 (7 minutes ago)
    to AppleSupport
    Dear Sir/Madam Since  the wifi is not coming ON how can I open this diagnostic on the iphone  4S am using and having problem with wifi behaving in erratic manner. 
    Am  a professional engineer for projects and am 68 yrs old. At one time was  looking after a production line manufacturing I C's in semiconductors  manufacturing company of the US.
    Have four apple products, one hp laptop and one DELL professional computer at home is used by only two members me and my wife.
    Wife  prefers working on ipad2 or ipad mini while traveling and has iphone 4.  Am using iphone4S with laptop and Dell computer, No apple product is  more than two years old.
    Am having the problem in using wifi on the 4S after it  was upgraded to the latest ios as per the recommendation by your  software of my iphone 4S 
    The wifi card hangs up at  it's own will and even a visit to your authorized service center in  Delhi has not able to help me although they have reverted the ios back  to the
    one supplied with the set. Am a user and not a computer expert but it looks like the wifi card is  not able to some times take the load while working which could indicate  the wifi card is getting heated up.   
    My daughter  who is Masters in 3D Animation is an ardent fan of apple products  working at present in Canada was also gifted by me a 4S about 4 months  back. My daughter-in-law is using iphone4 and an ipad for her professional  works along with a Dell PC in the US. While my son is a fan of samsung  products and does not like an apple product. 
    So in a family we have 7 apple products except MAC laptop/PC. 
    But the fact is, this problem with 4S has  really shaken me up and now it seems your products are deteriorating in  quality while demanding the best pricing structures. 
    Since  this is purely the device and the software of apple problem you may  please replace this set with new one as neither have any time to push  you/ request you after your service centre
    in Delhi told me yesterday this cannot be repaired.   
    The  serial No of my set is DN*****TC0 and was bought from an authorized  dealer and so were the other products from the same dealer in Delhi.  This set is still in showroom condition and
    was never used without a protective cover. 
    Ashok Dhingra
    D E E Hons B E Tech MBA
    Vasant Kunj Delhi
    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

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