Notify-send in StumpWM?

Does anyone know how to configure StumpWM to work with the notify-send command from the notification-daemon package?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

dice wrote:Please post the actual content of your resume script and not the script which generates your resume script.
EDIT: And check if you are escaping correctly. Why don't you use a text editor to produce your script?
Did you make it executable?
Im making it as practice. Script is not issue, implementing it into service is.
Yes its executable and works when excecuting from terminal
Last edited by kiryo (2015-04-25 10:21:50)

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    I would like to get notified, if a chat-message arrives. I tried two add-ons, both will play a sound, but not show a notification-window, as promised, so I'd like to do it myself, using `notify-send`. I suppose, that'll take to listen to a fitting event and execute notify-send, can someone please give me a hint, how to do that? Docs are rare.
    Using Thunderbird 24.4.0 on Ubuntu 12.04
    TIA, ida

    Hi Matt and sfhowes,
    I have tried several-addons with no success and suspect a problem with my Ubuntu, as they don't show any problem-reports of other users.
    Writing a Thunderbird-add-on is a little bit challenging and not as well supported than writing a Firefox-Add-on. Also the used JS-func for alerting, when messages arrive, shows a lot of bug reports.
    So I decided to go for a shell-script-solution now, listening to a fitting child-process and sent notificia. I will post it , when it's finished.
    Thanks for your replies

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    slot-allocation = fixed
    bubble-expire-timeout = 10sec
    bubble-vertical-gap = 5px
    bubble-horizontal-gap = 5px
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    If you installed the xfce4 and xfce4-goodies package groups as recommended by the wiki and aren't sure what notification daemon you have, it's probably xfce4-notifyd.  For that,
    will bring up the settings window for it, but it doesn't have all that many options.  As the xfce website puts it, "There aren't any other tunables; if you do not see it in the settings dialog, it's not changeable.", so if that isn't enough options for you, you may want to look at switching to notify-osd or something like dunst, depending on what kind of features and options you're looking for.

  • [SOLVED] Actions in notifications with notify-send

    Using notify-send, is there a way to associate a notification with some action (e.g. execution of a script) when clicking on it? Or is it possible to include a button within the notification? To better understand what I mean, please have a look the below image depicting a notification sent by Rhythmbox that contains some buttons.
    Last edited by ibes (2013-11-16 08:00:58)

    You might be interested in "dunstify" which is a part of the dunst daemon, but is not installed with the AUR package. It is a more fleshed out interface for libnotify than notify-send.
    dunstify -A yes,ACCEPT -A no,DECLINE "Call waiting"
    Last edited by progandy (2013-11-15 21:31:33)

  • [Solved] Dwm and notify-send

    Hello. I've recently changed my WM from Awesome to DWM and I have a problem with it. Namely, notify-send doesn't work. It doesn't show any popup  or error message. It worked well in Awesome. How to fix it?
    Last edited by changs (2009-05-25 16:53:21)

    I believe awesome uses it's own notification library, "naughty". I haven't used dwm to know how notify-send works, but maybe that's the problem?

  • Running notify-send via cron

    I've written a script, that monitors battery state and shuts down netbook when power is low to prevent hot power off. I've tested the script before running it in cron - everything works as it must: notification pops up, system shuts down. But when I'm trying to run it from cron - everything ok expect notify-send command.
    Config scripts:
    # crontab -e
    # root crontab
    # man 1 crontab for acceptable formats:
    # <minute> <hour> <day> <month> <dow> <tags and command>
    # <@freq> <tags and command>
    @hourly ID=sys-hourly /usr/sbin/run-cron /etc/cron.hourly
    @daily ID=sys-daily /usr/sbin/run-cron /etc/cron.daily
    @weekly ID=sys-weekly /usr/sbin/run-cron /etc/cron.weekly
    @monthly ID=sys-monthly /usr/sbin/run-cron /etc/cron.monthly
    * * * * * /etc/cron.hourly/powersave
    $ cat /etc/cron.hourly/powersave
    $ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | head -n 6
    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier " Configured"
    Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
    InputDevice "LG_Touchpad" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice "LG_Keyboard" "CoreKeyboard"
    $ echo $DISPLAY
    I thought that running one more external script will solve the problem, but it didn't work.
    Tried also this command in cron:
    * * * * * DISPLAY=:0.0 /etc/cron.hourly/powersave
    But also without result.
    Anyone found a solution to this problem?

    You may also need to have the DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable set.  I have a script that does something like this:
    PIDS=$(pgrep urxvtd)
    for p in $PIDS; do
    dbus=$(grep -z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS /proc/$p/environ | sed 's/DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=//')
    user=$(grep -z USER /proc/$p/environ | sed 's/USER=//')
    dply=$(grep -z DISPLAY /proc/$p/environ | sed 's/DISPLAY=//')
    sudo -u $user sh -c "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=\"$dbus\" DISPLAY=\"$dply\" /usr/bin/notify-send -i \"$ICON\" \"$TITLE\" \"$BODY\""
    I chose urxvtd, b/c it's guaranteed to be running... but you can choose another progam.
    Last edited by pnutzh4x0r (2011-07-02 02:32:16)

  • [SOLVED] notify-send from a daemon

    I have configured halevt (a HAL device manager) to run notify-send so I get a notification every time I insert or remove a drive. The thing is, since halevt runs as a daemon at boot, every time it runs notify-send I get this error:
    libnotify-Message: Unable to get session bus: /usr/bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following error: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.
    What I don't really understand is why if I restart de daemon from my Xorg session (with sudo) it works fine. Any ideas?
    I resolved the issue with a different approach.
    The solution, for those interested, is in post #8.
    Last edited by johanbcn (2010-07-12 22:27:14)

    Berseker wrote:I've seen only now your post.. great job, this is very useful and pretty for those that doesn't use a complete DE.
    It would be great to translate your file in different languages (I'll try to translate this in italian if I find some spare time)
    Thank you
    If you are interested I have an updated version of the config file that more or less accomplishes what I wanted at the beginning.
    First, there is the daemon config (only mounts the filesystems): /etc/halevt/halevt.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE halevt:Configuration [
    <!ENTITY HAS-LABEL "hal.volume.label & !hal.volume.label = ">
    <!ENTITY DEVICE "hal.block.device & hal.volume.is_disc = false">
    <!ENTITY CDROM "hal.block.device & hal.volume.is_disc & hal.volume.disc.is_blank = false & hal.volume.disc.has_data & hal.volume.disc.is_videodvd = false">
    <!ENTITY CDROM.SIGNAL "hal.block.device & = cdrom">
    <!ENTITY DVD "hal.block.device & hal.volume.is_disc & hal.volume.disc.is_blank = false & hal.volume.disc.has_data & hal.volume.disc.is_videodvd = true">
    <halevt:Configuration version="0.1" xmlns:halevt="">
    <!-- Mount CDRom devices -->
    <halevt:Device match="&CDROM; & hal.volume.is_mounted = false;">
    <halevt:OnInit exec="halevt-mount -u $hal.udi$ -p cdrom$hal.block.minor$"/>
    <halevt:Insertion exec="halevt-mount -u $hal.udi$ -p cdrom$hal.block.minor$"/>
    <!-- Mount non-CDRom labeled devices -->
    <halevt:Device match="&DEVICE; & &HAS-LABEL; & hal.volume.is_mounted = false;">
    <halevt:OnInit exec="halevt-mount -u $hal.udi$ -p $hal.volume.label$"/>
    <halevt:Insertion exec="halevt-mount -u $hal.udi$ -p $hal.volume.label$"/>
    <!-- Mount non-CDRom non-labeled devices -->
    <halevt:Device match="&DEVICE; & hal.volume.is_mounted = false; & hal.volume.label = ">
    <halevt:OnInit exec="halevt-mount -u $hal.udi$ -p disk$hal.block.minor$"/>
    <halevt:Insertion exec="halevt-mount -u $hal.udi$ -p disk$hal.block.minor$"/>
    <!-- Handle CDRom eject button signal -->
    <halevt:Device match="&CDROM.SIGNAL;">
    <halevt:Condition name="EjectPressed" exec="halevt-umount $hal.block.device$; eject $hal.block.device$"/>
    (Notice that I have removed the -o sync parameter from the mount commands. Writing operations in automounted devices were ridiculously slower)
    And then, there is the user config file (only manages the notify-send commands): $HOME/.halevt/halevt.xml
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE halevt:Configuration [
    <!ENTITY HAS-LABEL "hal.volume.label & !hal.volume.label = ">
    <!ENTITY DEVICE "hal.block.device & hal.volume.is_disc = false">
    <!ENTITY CDROM "hal.block.device & hal.volume.is_disc & hal.volume.disc.is_blank = false & hal.volume.disc.has_data & hal.volume.disc.is_videodvd = false">
    <!ENTITY CDROM.SIGNAL "hal.block.device & = cdrom">
    <!ENTITY DVD "hal.block.device & hal.volume.is_disc & hal.volume.disc.is_blank = false & hal.volume.disc.has_data & hal.volume.disc.is_videodvd = true">
    <halevt:Configuration version="0.1" xmlns:halevt="">
    <!-- Notify CDRom labeled mounts/umounts -->
    <halevt:Device match="hal.block.device & hal.volume.is_disc = true & !hal.volume.label = ">
    <halevt:Property name="hal.volume.is_mounted">
    <halevt:Action value="true" exec="notify-send --icon=gtk-cdrom --expire-time=3000 'Device mounted' '$hal.volume.label$ has been mounted in $hal.volume.mount_point$.'"/>
    <halevt:Action value="false" exec="notify-send --icon=gtk-cdrom --expire-time=3000 'Device unmounted' '$hal.volume.label$ has been unmounted.'"/>
    <!-- Notify non-CDRom labeled mounts/umounts -->
    <halevt:Device match="hal.block.device & hal.volume.is_disc = false & !hal.volume.label = ">
    <halevt:Property name="hal.volume.is_mounted">
    <halevt:Action value="true" exec="notify-send --icon=gtk-harddisk --expire-time=3000 'Device mounted' '$hal.volume.label$ has been mounted in $hal.volume.mount_point$.'"/>
    <halevt:Action value="false" exec="notify-send --icon=gtk-harddisk --expire-time=3000 'Device unmounted' '$hal.volume.label$ has been unmounted.'"/>
    <!-- Notify non-CDRom non-labeled mounts/umounts -->
    <halevt:Device match="hal.block.device & hal.volume.label = ">
    <halevt:Property name="hal.volume.is_mounted">
    <halevt:Action value="true" exec="notify-send --icon=gtk-harddisk --expire-time=3000 'Device mounted' '$hal.block.device$ has been mounted in $hal.volume.mount_point$.'"/>
    <halevt:Action value="false" exec="notify-send --icon=gtk-harddisk --expire-time=3000 'Device unmounted' '$hal.block.device$ has been unmounted.'"/>
    This way, you have the daemon automounting at boot, without needing an X session, and a second instance of the daemon that only executes the notify-send messages once you enter xorg
    Last edited by johanbcn (2010-07-12 22:37:43)

  • Prevent notify-send from grabbing focus in xmonad

    I just started using xmonad, and I've got most of the wrinkles ironed out, but this one still bugs me. I use pidgin + libnotify, and whenever a notification pops up, it grabs focus, meaning I can't type anything for a minute (unless I move my mouse and close it). This is particularly annoying when I'm having a chat back-and-forth, and I get notifications from that window/another chat window.
    (I know I can turn off the notifications when the window is currently open, but it doesn't solve the larger problem of notifications grabbing focus when I'm typing in a separate screen).

    That was not a conscious choice; I just switched from xfce, so that makes sense.
    I uninstalled xfce4-notifyd, installed notification-daemon, and reinstalled pidgin-libnotify (for good measure). The notifications still work, so I'm assuming notification-daemon is working properly, but the focus still gets grabbed.
    Do you use pidgin as well, or just notification-daemon? I still get the same issue when I do notify-send, which makes me believe it's not pidgin's problem, but maybe not.
    This website seems to imply that it's an xmonad configuration issue, but I'm not that familiar with Haskell/xmonad's configurations. Is it possible to alter this behavior *only* for notify-send events, but not anything else that might display an urgent window?

  • Ical 5.0.3 on 10.7.5 - how to delete invites and NOT notify sender??

    I have a lot of calendar invites that come in via email regularly and I want to delete or decline them but I do NOT want to notify the sender. For example, I may have received a calendar invite from someone months ago that has recently left an organization. If i hit 'decline' ical sends an email messgae that the invite was declined - I do not want to send that email.
    Have to believe I can set a flag for 'do not notify' - somewhere.
    Is there a file I can edit if this version of ical doesn't make that available in preferences (I can't find it). Thanks in advance.
    This is a huge problem as I receive invites from several hundred people monthly and I need too clear all this stuff out but don't icall to automatically want to send emails.

    1. Type  chflags nohidden ~/Library/ in a Terminal window.
    2. Click on the hard drive icon located on the desktop.
    3. Go to Users > [username] > Library > Safari folder.
    4. Delete all files except “Bookmarks.plist”.
    5. Then go to Users > [username] > Library > Preferences.
    6. Find,, and and delete them (ignore any file you can’t find).

  • Incorrect NOTIFY send by phone after receiving REFER in latest firmware

    Device: Cisco/SPA508G
    Old Firmware: 7.4.8a, SIP Capture File NOTIFY-GOOD.cap
    Frame 18: REFER (Supervised transfer) received by phone
    Frame 19: INVITE w/ Replaces - New call, that is result of REFER
    Frame 22: Response 183 for the new call
    Frame 23: NOTIFY with Sipfrag 183, and Subscription-State: active
    Frame 29: Response 200 for the new call
    Frame 30: NOTIFY with Sifrag 200, and Subscription-State: terminated
    That is correct behavior.
    Noe look at
    New Firmware: 7.5.1a, SIP Capture File NOTIFY-BAD.cap
    Frame 16:  REFER (Supervised transfer) received by phone.
    Frame 17: New call INVITE w/ Replaces
    Frame 20: Response 183 for the new call
    Frame 21: NOTIFY with Sifrag 200, and Subscription-State: terminated
    That is incorrect behavior. and it causing problem in our system.

    New firware 7.5.2b - The same BUG!!!!
    Is anybody from Cisco actually reading this forum?

  • [SOLVED][Gnome 3.6] notification / notify bug - ONLY icons are shown

    since the upgrade from gnome 3.4 to 3.6, the notify notifications at the bottom only show the icon associated to the notification, and nothing else (the background/text just my browser showing some text from an arch wiki site...) :
    The screenshot shows the USB icon that pops up when I plug-in a USB device. All the text, background and the frame is missing, only the icon is shown. Typing
    notify-send 'Hello world!' 'This is an example notification.' --icon=dialog-information
    in the shell also only shows the icon (a bulb) and nothing else. I don't know if this could be related, but I have the infinality patched truetype rendering library installed. However, infinality was already in use when running gnome 3.4...
    Last edited by epinephrine (2012-11-09 20:22:42)

    epinephrine wrote:I narrowed the problem down to the User Themes Gnome Shell Extension. I use the zukitwo theme. When it's disabled, notifications work normally. Seems that this theme needs to be updated...
    Hi epinephrine, thanks for your post. I thought that Gnome 3.6 had some kind of weird new notification system I hadn't figured out yet, but it turned out to be the Atolm shell theme I was using. Would you please mark this as "solved" so anyone searching for this will see it?

  • [KDE 4.9] Using a shell script as a KDE shortcut - Caps Lock Notify

    Hi, all
    I was trying to create a small script to send a notification if the Caps Lock is active or not. The script works correctly in the terminal, but when I use the script as a shortcut in KDE it does not work ... I simply trigger the shortcut with the "Caps Lock".
    Below is the script that I created:
    # Send a notification of CAPS LOCK on/off
    # Icon used in the notification
    # verify if the CAPS is on/off
    value=$(xset q | grep "LED mask" | sed -r "s/.*LED mask:\s+[0-9a-fA-F]+([0-9a-fA-F]).*/\1/")
    if [ "$value" == "0" ]; then
    # Send notification (use Gnome or KDE)
    # GNOME
    #notify-send -i $icon "Caps Lock $output" -t 1000
    kdialog --icon $icon --passivepopup "Caps Lock $output" --title "Keyboard" 1
    Could someone help me pointing what I'm doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance!
    EDIT: If I do not use the "caps lock" as a trigger, the script works as it should (I tried using "ctrl + alt + L") ...
    Last edited by gustavosg (2012-11-13 00:06:46)

    Pajaro wrote:
    gustavosg wrote:
    Pajaro wrote:try sending the dialog with a delay in background
    Hi! Thanks for replying. I've tried the sleep command, still saying that caps is always on (if it is what you mean).
    What I meant is to do something like:
    $(sleep .5; echo kdialog --icon $icone --passivepopup "Caps Lock $saida" --title "Teclado" 1) &
    When I use it on the script it just printi "Caps" on the notification, as if it was reading just the first word of the "Caps Lock $saida".
    Edited the script to this:
    # Manda aviso de CAPS LOCK on/off
    # icone pra usar na notificacao
    # verifica se o Caps esta ligado
    valor=$(xset q | grep "LED mask" | sed -r "s/.*LED mask:\s+[0-9a-fA-F]+([0-9a-fA-F]).*/\1/")
    if [ "$valor" == "0" ]; then
    $(sleep .5; echo kdialog --icon $icone --passivepopup "Caps Lock Off" --title "Teclado" 1) &
    $(sleep .5; echo kdialog --icon $icone --passivepopup "Caps Lock On" --title "Teclado" 1) &
    # Dispara alerta (usar Gnome ou KDE)
    # GNOME
    #notify-send -i $icone "Caps Lock $saida" -t 1000
    #$(sleep .5; echo kdialog --icon $icone --passivepopup "Caps Lock $saida" --title "Teclado" 1) &
    cfr wrote:
    Maybe you could post the script if you are still having trouble?
    Thanks for the info about single key short cuts. I guess it has never occurred to me. (Maybe because on a laptop you can't usually spare a whole key for a single short cut!)
    The script is the one in the OP. I'm using a laptop.
    Updated OP script to english...
    Last edited by gustavosg (2012-11-13 00:07:38)

  • [SOLVED]Systemd: noftify-send running but not displaying

    I'm trying to get systemd to run a command that pops a notification on screen for me to get up and move around a bit (for my health). The script works if called in the command line and seems to be running fine in systemd. No notification is being displayed, however:
    notify-send "Get up and move around!" "You've been sitting in one place for too long." --icon=dialog-information
    Service is called move.service. Here is output of systemctl status move.service.
    ● move.service - Reminds you to move.
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/move.service; enabled)
    Active: inactive (dead) since Sat 2014-11-29 09:39:07 EST; 21s ago
    Process: 3797 ExecStart=/bin/bash /mnt/storage/kale/.Resources/scripts/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Main PID: 3797 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    If I read this correctly, it executed as PID 3797 and finished 21 seconds ago (hence the dead state in active).
    Here it is while running
    ● move.service - Reminds you to move.
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/move.service; enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Sat 2014-11-29 09:49:11 EST; 11ms ago
    Main PID: 4062 (bash)
    CGroup: /system.slice/move.service
    ├─4062 /bin/bash /mnt/storage/kale/.Resources/scripts/move-around....
    └─4063 notify-send Get up and move around! You've been sitting in ...
    Nov 29 09:49:11 Uberziet systemd[1]: Starting Reminds you to move....
    Nov 29 09:49:11 Uberziet systemd[1]: Started Reminds you to move..
    Last edited by Kale Good (2014-11-29 15:48:11)

    I would not use systemd to do that.
    Just write a script and have it running in background when you start your graphical session:
    while true; do
    notify-send "Get up and move around!" "You've been sitting in one place for too long." --icon=dialog-information
    sleep 7200
    You can also look at this thread for other less KISS ways.

  • [solved] XFCE: bind custom script to backlight keys, including Notify?

    Hello, the situation is as follows:
    My (Toshiba Z30) backlight keys toggle the XFCE-brightness control popup, but they don't control the display brightness.
    I found out why: they control /sys/class/backlight/toshiba/brightness instead of /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness. I wasn't able to change that, although testing the kernel parameters acpi_backlight=vendor and acpi_osi='!Windows 2012'. That tip (bottom of the page) given in the arch wiki had no effect OR didn't even let me boot when I tried to adjust the BusID to the output of lspci...
    So I got another solution, these selfmade scripts:
    CURR=`cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness`
    if [ $NEW -lt 5 ]
    echo $NEW > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness
    CURR=`cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness`
    MAX=`cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness`
    if [ $NEW -gt $MAX ]
    echo $NEW > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness
    which work.
    Assigning these scripts to keys also works with "sudo darker" / "sudo brighter" and adding them via visudo.
    The only thing missing to make it perfect, is the combination:
    Using the default brightness keys including the XFCE onscreen notification/popup binded to those scripts. (Just assigning to the brightness keys would make me lose the on screen notifiaction/popup...)
    So how is that possible, has anyone an idea?
    Last edited by Carl Karl (2014-10-14 15:21:14)

    Thanks, that's quite good, except that multiple key-presses lead to multiple notification popups which is not sooo nice bad acceptable. (And as this is run by root, a sudo xfce4-notifyd-config is necessary to configure the notification.)
    for reference:
    CURR=`cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness`
    MAX=`cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness`
    if [ $NEW -gt $MAX ]
    echo $NEW > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness
    notify-send "Backlight $(($NEW*100/$MAX)) %"
    CURR=`cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness`
    MAX=`cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness`
    if [ $NEW -lt 5 ]
    echo $NEW > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness
    notify-send "Backlight $(($NEW*100/$MAX)) %"
    So any idea how to avoid these multiple notifications? notify-send --help wasn't helpful for me.

  • Sending a message to xfce4-notifyd [SOLVED]

    I'd like to have a bash script send some output to xfce4-notifyd but am unsure how to do it.  Upon googling, I think the right program to call is dbus-send but I can't seem to send anything that gets displayed by xfce4-notifyd. 
    dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.Notifications /org/freedesktop/Notifications org.freedesktop.Notifications.SystemNoteInfoprint string:"NOTIFICATION"
    EDIT:  Nevermind --
    notify-send 'Hello world!' 'This is an example notification.' --icon=dialog-information
    Last edited by graysky (2011-11-26 20:44:35)

    xfce4-notifyd uses notify-send:

Maybe you are looking for