Novation SL Mk ii faders - how do they "catch" up with Logic's automation?

I have a question for anyone using this device or any non-motorized device like Korg Nanokontrol...
If the faders are not motorized, how does Logic "catch-up"? Like say you are in touch or latch mode and you forward the song to a point where the fader is at 127 but the track automation is at 0, so if you move the fader downwards to pick-up zero, you would have a spike? Would you have to record automation from a point in your song where nothing is playing to avoid such spikes? I hope this is making sense...
Thanks if anyone can get my head around this. Thanks and regards

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    Hi...good news - it's easy!
    if you wanna control the global pan. open the mixer, click on the pan of the output 1-2 channel strip then open the controller assignments (command - L). Learn mode should be selected now move the knob on your oxygen 8 that you wish to control global pan with. click on the "learn mode" button to deselect it and moving the newly assigned knob on your oxygen 8 will control global pan.
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    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    Message was edited by: j.giazlas

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    Hi User inside Tools > Default Proyect Properties > Libraries > J2SE Version.
    Good Luck.

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    Have the drummer make a 2 pop (click) at the beginning of every take.
    Set the camera to 16 bit audio and you can import the camera audio into Logic.
    Record multitrack into Logic at the same time.
    You can align the takes to the audible click.
    Sorry, It's the only thing I can think of,
    without having very expensive externally synced cameras.
    Logic doesn't record video, it plays it back.
    So making some type of slate is the way to go.
    It will be a pain to manually align all that stuff.

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    Did you check your connection with the in the programs/utilities folder of your MAC (not "pc" pls)?
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    Yea, but what if we want to make our own loops, instead of using what apple is providing?
    If you're questioning whether you can make your own music loops in Logic as opposed to just using Apple Loops, then you're totally misunderstanding some of the most basic functioning of Logic. That's like asking whether you car will drive you around the block. Logic is a very complex multi track audio and midi sequencing program. Not only can you make any type of sound or audio or midi sequence and loop it to your heart's delight, you can make multi track sequences, songs, complex orchestral arrangements, movie scores, soundscapes .... shall I go on?
    I just got LP8, and I'm just learning it too. Are you really saying that you can't do anything similar to that video with Logic?
    Absolutely not!! In fact, SC's post 4th down tells you how to do something similar. Not EXACTY what's in the video, but SIMILAR.
    Here's the difference: You can't record a single measure drum beat and then have it automatically loop indefinitely *in real time* while you layer more drum beats onto it, each one being recorded after a single measure and played back without stopping. In Logic, you can record a measure, then tell Logic to loop it, and then create another, loop that one, etc etc. The only difference is you're not doing it in 'real time' without stopping, you're building a sequence of looped sounds manually in the arrange. The OP seems to want to do it live, without the beat stopping. For that you need Ableton or another program with 'real time looping' capabilities. The only reason you'd want to do this would be if you A) want to impress your friends, or B) are trying to create beats in a live situation, like a club or something. If that's what you're after, other programs like Ableton Live are better suited for that.

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    quick question:
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          Empl empl = (Empl) listEmpl.get(x);
    }my question is how could I do that with logic:iterate? and what should come in the ActionForm? is it:
    private List emplList = new ArrayList();
    private List getEmplList();
    private void setEmplList(List list) ???
    thanks for any pointers

    thanks for your reply.
    I did this:
    private List emplList = new ArrayList();
         public List getEmplList()
              return emplList;
         public void setEmplList(List emplList)
              this.emplList = emplList;
         }I added some bogus information in the constructor.
         public emplForm()
              for (int x=0; x<10; x++)
                   Empl e = new Empl();
         }for some reason, the code you provided didn't work. Do you think there's something wrong with the emplList?
    thanks again

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    Ask the headset manufacturer.

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    Here is one thing I found googling for WebEx:
    (The x64 would most likely mean 64 bit). It may be a Windows based application/plugin, but since I had never heard of either, I'm only guessing there. If you do a search systemwide for it and don't find it plus don't know why it's there, I'd say throw it in the trash (don't empty it yet - make a note of the file path just in case you do have something installed that needs it so you can move it back).
    Glad to hear it's not a torrent; some people use those not realizing that quite often there is a price to pay for downloading stuff for free that costs money elsewhere - the software packages quite often include little "add-ons" = malware which you really don't want.

Maybe you are looking for