Numbers shows sign of a first version

Although I give it high praise, specially for its table functions, it shows the obvious lack of a brand new software. Here are some examples, which have already been raised in the forum, but need to be emphasize.
1) Unable to calculate time, to add times. Strangely missing.
2) Unable to set a print zone. Probably thinking in Excel terms, yet it is a neat functions.
3) Unable to tell it to print a particular sheet. I am forced to do a view, go to the page I want to print and then enter it manually. Why can it says: print the current sheet, or the current? More specially, be more thorough in its handling of printing.
I hope Apple is "listening".
Is there a wishlist forum for Numbers?

For your #2, you're thinking in Excel terms. Just click the "View" icon (top left) and then select "Print View". After that, you'll see some resizing tools on the bottom of the window if you need assistance resizing objects to fit in the print window.

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    Why start a new and very similar thread to your other one which you have not responded to (have you read the replies?)
    I suggest that no response is made to this duplicate thread. 

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    Flights are cheap, but there must another way.
    Thanks for your time - Nigel
    Message was edited by: Nigelll

    I'm writing because I had a very similar case.
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    I downgraded to my MBP system discs, reformatted, repaired, and installed with nearly as much hassle. Of course, at 10.4.3-x.11, I'd still get the spinny wheel of death, and all my music I'd try to play would pause, like if your old CD player ran out of skip protection.
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    You should never use multiple hyphens in a comment.
    Firefox will toggle the comment state after every two hyphens (--), so you need a lot of luck with this many as here:
    <pre><nowiki><!----------------------------------Geograhphy, etc. ------------------------------------>
    Firefox treats the code that follows as comment until the next two "--" found in the next section. You can see that via View > Page Source as green comment.
    <pre><nowiki><!---------------------------------- Accessibility ------------------------------------>
    You're code shows here an extra empty <nowiki><td></nowiki> that causes an empty column to appear at the left if that is what you mean.
    <TR align="center">
    <Font color="#ff00cc">
    <Font color="#ff00cc">
    <Font color="#ff00cc">
    You can use the DOM Inspector to check out the code.
    *DOM Inspector:

  • Bfs - A breadth-first version of find

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    The reason I'm writing it is mainly to integrate it with fzf, a terminal fuzzy finder.  fzf uses find by default, which means it will often fully explore a very deep directory tree before reaching the nearby file I'm looking for.  bfs ensures that shallower files always show up before deeper ones, which usually means it finds the file I want sooner.  The colorization is also nice:
    $ bfs -color -nohidden | fzf --ansi
    Last edited by tavianator (2015-06-20 04:42:39)

    ChangBroot wrote:
    All the lectures I have read in the net are talking about Queue, but my problem is reading the tree in BFS Traversal order. It's almost 4 days I'm trying to solve this probelm, but can't come up with something. Any help is greatly appreciated. One simple strategy is to make an ordinary recursive traversal of the tree. Along in the traversal you keep an array of linked lists. When you visit a node you just add it to the list at the entry in the array corresponding to the depth of this node.
    After the traversal you have an array with linked lists. Each list holds the nodes found at a certain tree depth. So each list holds all nodes corresponding to a specific tree "breadth", namely all nodes found at the same tree depth.

  • Java Cache Viewer shows duplicate URL with different versions

    In doing some testing lately we have come across a couple of situations where the same URL is showing in the JAVA cache viewer with different versions to them.  In the case of a 1.7 JRE this is not causing any adverse effects however when utilizing a 1.6 JRE we are getting messages about mixed mode for the JAR files.
    The jar file is signed as below:
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.2
    Application-Library-Allowable-Codebase: *
    Application-Name: named_applet
    Built-By: relbuild
    Permissions: all-permissions
    Created-By: 1.6.0_17-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
    Caller-Allowable-Codebase: *
    Codebase: *
    understanding the need to change the wildcard's to domains as we move forward.  I am wondering why the jar file is being listed and called twice and why it is being recognized as signed one time and not the next.
    The URL is identical in the cache viewer and the java console says it is not found in the cache when it is used the second time, even though previously in the session is finds it with the correct version.
    Any advice would be helpful

    that i even know, but the problem is that i do not have that version of java re installed, but i found distribution 07 of the same java version, i'll try it out with that.
    but when it still doesn't work, then i still would like to find the link where i can download java version 1.4.2_06.

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    2 things:
    1. Assuming your script is original - it is not asking for a TXT file till it is found in expected location. You can choose between 2 solutions:
         to remove FindChangeList.txt from FindChangeSupport folder ==> script will ask for another file
         to override this file by your query ==> script will not ask but execute your query
    2. You can see greyed TXT files in Script Panel since this panel shows executable files (script's formats)

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    The old versions are not removed when the new versions are installed. (The updates add features that improve cross-platform editing of files but remove many other features so the install leaves the old version in case the old features are important to you). If you look in your applications folder you should find both versions.

  • Hello! I bought sony tablet. when I turns it on it shows sign "sony" and that's it than black sreen.

    Hello! I bought sony tablet. when I turns it on it shows sign "sony" and that's it than black sreen. can anyone help me with it?

    Hi nutochka,
    Try these troubleshooting steps.
    IMPORTANT:Before starting this procedure, make sure the AC adapter is connected to the tablet charge connector and is plugged into a working wall outlet.
    NOTE: Because each of these steps represents a possible solution to this issue, check the tablet status after completing each step.
    Press and hold the power button for at least thirty seconds.
    NOTE: If the tablet turns off, press the power button again to turn the tablet back on. If the tablet turns on, you should be able to use it normally. If it does not turn on, proceed to the next step.
    If tablet is still frozen or not responding, you will need to follow these steps to initiate a forced External Data Reset procedure.
    IMPORTANT: Unfortunately, because it is being reset to the condition it was in when it was first purchased, all of the data and settings will be erased from the tablet.
    With the tablet completely off, press and hold the Volume Up (+) button, and while continuing to hold that button, press and hold the Power button for several seconds.
    Once the Sony logo appears, let go of the Power button.
    Continue to hold the Volume Up (+) button until the Android system recovery screen is displayed. Once that screen is displayed, release the Volume Up (+) button.
    IMPORTANT: Sometimes starting to the Android system recovery screen is enough to return the tablet to normal condition, and a forced External Data Reset procedure may not be needed. For this reason we recommend that you quickly press the Power button in order to cancel the reset and restart the tablet. If the tablet turns on and you are able to use it normally, no further action is necessary. If the tablet still does not operate normally, repeat steps 1-3 above and then proceed with the next step.
    In the Android system recovery screen, use the Volume Down (-) button to highlight the Reset to factory settings option.
    Quickly press the Power button.
    In the Reset to factory settings: Confirm reset screen, use the Volume Down (-) button to highlight the Yes -- delete all user data option.
    Quickly press the Power button.
    The troubleshooting steps listed above should resolve your issue. If you have completed all of the steps and the issue is not resolved, service may be required.
    If my post answers your question, please mark it as an “Accepted Solution”.

  • I just updated my pages and now it won't load. This is on my iPad. The first version which has the latest version it can have 5.1 or something like that. I am trying to open a document and am worried that if I uninstall and reinstall I will lose all my do

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    I just uninstalled it and am waiting for it to reinstall. I sincerely hope that I have not lost everything that I worked on so hard. Now that mobile me is gone, I have not been able to go between devices to transfer things. I was merely trying to take a document I had worked on and open it in pages, but it said my version was too old. When I updated, it wouldn't load. Now I cannot do anything. I hope that the reinstall fixes it without losing everything. Please advise!!! Yes, I am in panic mode.

  • I have the first version iPhone.  Recently,  I tried to edit several old notes.  I open the note, touch the trash can, touch "delete note", and it goes back to my applications screen; I go back into Notes, and the note supposedly deleted is still there.

    I have a first version iPhone.  Having problem with Notes.  There are four notes that I want to delete and have tried everything I can think of; they won'y move to trash; I delete the text to a blank page but when I go backa to notes the title is still there and it opens with the undeleted test etc, etc.  And it won't save new notes.  What can I do other than get a newer iPhone?  Notes on my iPad works just fine.

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on           
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - Try another cable                     
    - Try on another computer                                                       
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar
    The missing apps could have been done by setting the Restrictions that can hid those apps. If the backup was made with those retrictions set the the Restrictions are also restored.
    Thus, if you get it to work restore to factory settings/new iPod, not from backup                               
    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:        
      Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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