Object Expected Errors in IE 6/ 7

Error messages on every page relative to the navigation bar.
Says that an object is expected, char 1. I can't figure out what is
"missing" because I made the navigation bar with the Dreamweaver
Menu Tool.
Please advise.

you are missing the JavaScript for the navigation bar.
Click any of the images in the navigation bar and look in the
Behaviors Panel.
Double-click on of the Set Nav Bar Images behaviors there and
then click OK in the Set Nav Bar Image window.
This will write the necessary JavaScript to the page.
You will need to do this on all of the pages.
Ken Ford
Adobe Community Expert
Fordwebs, LLC
"tkatcher" <[email protected]> wrote in
message news:f42htn$4ld$[email protected]..
> www.crystalhoyt.com
> Error messages on every page relative to the navigation
bar. Says that an
> object is expected, char 1. I can't figure out what is
"missing" because I made
> the navigation bar with the Dreamweaver Menu Tool.
> Please advise.

Similar Messages

  • Object expected error in java script...

    Dear All,
    we have Java Struts 1.1...
    I am getting "Object Expected" error while processing jsp page.
    I want to modify the text field so that only number and one dot(.) should be entered.
    I have one function and i am calling it as "onkeypress" event.
    Below is the function....
    function isNumberKey(evt)
    var charCode;
    charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode
    if (charCode != 46 && charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57))
    return false;
    return true;
    and below are html tags...
    <td>Total No Of Customers  *</td>
    <td><html:text property="noOfCustomersUnit" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event)" style="width:160px"/></td> Please suggest how to solve the issue....

    Why? This is not a javascript forum.
    In any case, run it in firefox which has decent Javascript error handling functionality, then do some Google searches on Javascript event handling to try and figure out what you're doing wrong. It might be something browser specific and I suggest you look into using something like JQuery for standardized and proven ways to do things like event handling logic in stead of rolling your own Javascript stuff.

  • Object Expected error in Struts JSP file

    I have a very simple JSP file as shown below.
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <%@ taglib uri="/tags/struts-html" prefix="html" %>
    <body onLoad="getSessionData();disableFieldsLocale();">
    <html:form action="/pqGlobalStoreProfile.do">
    <table cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>
         <tr><td colspan=2><h3><b>Pq Global Store/Modify Profile</b></h3></td></tr>
         <tr><td>Profile Key *</td><td><html:text property="profileKey"/></td></tr>
    It is throwing an "Object Expected' error at Line 9 Char 1.
    I am not sure about what is causing this error.

    it's a Javascript error, cuz it's calling these 2 methods when the page loads...
    Where are these methods defined? Cuz I don't see any inline Javascript, nor a linked script.
    I hope you don't think that those onload functions are going to call Java code defined in the JSP page or something, cuz... well, they aren't.

  • Object expected error

    i have written a jsp with other jsp included inside it.
    i am accessing the javascript function present in the outer jsp by the inner jsp <href: javascript........> tag . i am getting object expected error of javascript. any suggestions plz.

    its a very big files. i dont think i can paste.. anyways i try . TY
    included jsp
    <%@ page language="java" import="java.lang.*,java.util.*" %>
    <%@ page buffer = "32kb" %>
    <%@ page import="com.wolterskluwer.atlas.crn.CRNSearcherConst"%>
    <%@ page import="com.wolterskluwer.eip.crn.PortalHelper" %>
    <%@ page import="com.wolterskluwer.eip.crn.MonitorManager" %>
    <%@ page import="com.wolterskluwer.eip.crn.TrackerSort" %>
    <%@ page import="com.wolterskluwer.eip.common.tools.log.Log" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="documentProvider.tld" prefix="dp" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="documentCache.tld" prefix="dc" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="diag.tld" prefix="diag" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="oscache.tld" prefix="oscache" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="userProfile" type="com.wolterskluwer.eip.crn.beans.UserProfile" scope="session" />
         MonitorManager monMan;
         monMan = (MonitorManager) request.getAttribute("monMan");
    <%-- define link for help page --%>
    StringBuffer mycrn_helplink = new StringBuffer(64);
    mycrn_helplink.append("javascript:reSetTimerTop(),displayPopupWindow('" + PortalHelper.getContextWebHelpURL("Publications-search.htm") + "'," + (String)application.getAttribute(CRNSearcherConst.APPLICATION.HELPPAGES_DIMENSIONS) + ")");
    //     check if it is content viewer header,
    //     which is a litte bit diferent then other crn headers
    boolean isContentViewerHeader = false;      
    if(request.getParameter("contentViewerHeader") != null &&
      request.getParameter("contentViewerHeader").compareTo("true") == 0){
         isContentViewerHeader = true;    
              <!-- TOP MATTER -->
              <DIV id="top-matter">
                   <DIV class="top-left-col">
                        <jsp:include page="../siteid.jsp" />
                   <DIV class="top-middle-col">
                       <jsp:include page="headermiddlecol.jsp" />                        
                   <% if (!isContentViewerHeader){ %>                    
                        <jsp:include page="../ssouserprofileproductaccess.jsp" />
                   <% } %>     
                   <DIV id=search-strip>
                        <% if (!(request.getParameter("doNotShowSearchStrip") != null && request.getParameter("doNotShowSearchStrip").compareTo("true") == 0)){ %>
                      <DIV class=left-col>
    <%-- --%>                       
                  <% Log.debug("crn_mainheader.jsp: before using cache tag"); %>
              <% Log.debug("crn_mainheader.jsp: key=[request.cachekey_userid]; request.cachekey_userid=[" + request.getAttribute("cachekey_userid") + "]"); %>
              <% String key = "CrnMainHeader"+userProfile.getUserId()+request.getAttribute("ignoreaccessrights");%>
              <% Set keyList = (Set) application.getAttribute("CacheKeyList");
                   if(keyList!=null) {
                        application.setAttribute("CacheKeyList", keyList);
              <oscache:cache key="<%=key%>" scope="application" groups="<%=userProfile.getUserId()%>" refresh="<%=PortalHelper.getWebCacheRefresh()%>">
                   <% Log.debug("CRN cache: [crn_mainheader.jsp].[globalnavdropdown] - is recalculating"); %>
                   <% monMan.start("WSCRN.MyCRN.Header.GlobalNavCategory (XSLT)"); %>         
                   <dp:documentProvider id="globalNavCategory" scope="page" pagerId="htmlPager">
                        <dc:cacheDocument cacheName="<%= CRNSearcherConst.APPLICATION.EXTENTED_CSH_DOCUMENTPROVIDER_CACHE %>">
                             <csh:cshextract DOMDocumentID="<%= CRNSearcherConst.APPLICATION.EXTENDED_CSH_DOM_ID %>" DOMDocumentScope="application"/>
                        <%-- apply xsl filter to get rid of unsubscribed nodes --%>
                        <dp:xmlTransform isXSLTFilterEnabled="true"
                                             xslFileUri="<%= PortalHelper.getCSHFilterXSLFileUrl() %>"
                             <dp:xmlParam name="subscribedProductsAssm" value="<%= userProfile.getProductsSubscribedAssm() %>" />
                             <dp:xmlParam name="listItemSeparator" value="<%= userProfile.LISTITEM_SEPARATOR %>" />
                             <dp:xmlParam name="showUndefinedPubs" value="false" />
                             <dp:xmlParam name="nav-type-toShow" value="Global" />
                             <%-- diagnostic mode when access rights have to be ignored --%>
                             <diag:paramCheck name="<%= CRNSearcherConst.DIAG.IGNOREACCESSRIGHTS %>" value="on">
                                <dp:xmlParam name="showNotSubscribedPubs" value="true" />
                        <%-- generate drop-down box with only subscribed nodes that have attribute nav-type equal to Global --%>
                        <dp:xmlTransform isXSLTFilterEnabled="true" xslFileUri="<%= PortalHelper.getGlobalNavigationDropDownXslFile() %>"
                                             dtdUri="<%= PortalHelper.getDTDUrl(PortalHelper.getAssembliesCollectionId()) %>" >
                             <dp:xmlParam name="CRNSearcherConst.URL.GLOBAL_NAV_PATH" value="<%= CRNSearcherConst.URL.GLOBAL_NAV_PATH %>" />
                             <dp:xmlParam name="CRNSearcherConst.URL.GLOBAL_NAV_LINK" value="<%= CRNSearcherConst.URL.GLOBAL_NAV_LINK %>" />
                             <%-- diagnostic mode when access rights have to be ignored --%>
                             <diag:paramCheck name="<%= CRNSearcherConst.DIAG.IGNOREACCESSRIGHTS %>" value="on">
                                  <dp:xmlParam name="ignoreaccessrights" value="true" />
                   <% monMan.stop("WSCRN.MyCRN.Header.GlobalNavCategory (XSLT)"); %>
                   <form name="sites" style="margin-top: -2px;margin-left:5px;">
                        <select name="browseCRN" onchange="goToURL()">
                             <option value="0" selected>Browse the CRN...</option>
                             <option value="mycrn.jsp">My CRN</option>
                             List trackerCatList = (List) application.getAttribute("TrackerCategoryList");
                             String prodSub = userProfile.getProductsSubscribed();
                             if(TrackerSort.hasTrackerSubscribed(trackerCatList, prodSub)) {
                                  %><option value="mytracker.jsp">My Trackers</option><%
                             <%-- display dynamic global navigation options --%>
                             <dp:displayPage ifInPlaceThenDisplay="true" scope="page" documentProviderId="globalNavCategoryDocumentProvider" />
    <%-- --%>                       
                            <IMG height=17 alt="" src="../img/label_search.gif" width=50>
                      <DIV class=middle-col style="width:330px;">
                                  <% monMan.start("WSCRN.MyCRN.SimpleSearchDisplay-searcher.AllFile"); %>
                                  <jsp:include page="../search/searcher/simpleSearchDisplay-searcher.jsp">
                                       <jsp:param name="<%= CRNSearcherConst.URL.FORM_ACTION_URL %>" value="<%= CRNSearcherConst.JSPFILES.SEARCHRESULTS_PAGE %>" />
                                       <jsp:param name="<%= CRNSearcherConst.URL.SEARCHMASKFORM_HIDDEN_FIELD %>" value="<%= CRNSearcherConst.JSPFILES.SIMPLESEARCH_MODULE %>" />
                                  <% monMan.stop("WSCRN.MyCRN.SimpleSearchDisplay-searcher.AllFile"); %>
                        <%-- modifed PM 1/4/2006 --%>
                      <DIV class=right-col
                           <% if(isContentViewerHeader){ %>
                                position: absolute;top: -45;right: 2;text-align:right;width:580px;padding:0px;margin:0px;     
                             <% if (isContentViewerHeader){ %>                    
                                  <jsp:include page="../ssouserprofileproductaccess.jsp" />
                             <% } %>                                
                           <% if (!(request.getParameter("doNotShowSearchHelp") != null && request.getParameter("doNotShowSearchHelp").compareTo("true") == 0)){ %>                      
                           <A href="<%= mycrn_helplink.toString() %>" target="_top" style="margin-left:3px;margin-right:3px;">Search Help</A>|<%}%><A href="advancedsearch.jsp" target="_top" style="margin-left:3px;margin-right:3px;">Advanced Search</A>|<A href="<%= CRNSearcherConst.JSPFILES.RULESEARCH_MODULE %>" target="_top" style="margin-left:3px;margin-right:3px;">Rule Search</A>|<A href="savedsearches.jsp" target="_top" style="margin-left:3px;">My Searches</A>
                      <% } %>                                   
    <%--  main jsp--
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="diag.tld" prefix="diag" %>
    <%@ page import="com.wolterskluwer.eip.crn.PortalHelper" %>
    <%@ page import="com.wolterskluwer.eip.crn.MonitorManager" %>
         MonitorManager monMan = new MonitorManager();
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"  "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
    <!-- characterset is set to ISO-8859-1 to match encoding in docview.xsl that generates document in ISO-8859-1 encoding -->
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"  href="../css/content-viewer_screen.css"/>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/global.css">
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../jscript/contentviewer.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var oImgExpand = new Image;
    oImgExpand.src = "../img/toc_expand.gif";
    var oImgCompact = new Image;
    oImgCompact.src = "../img/toc_compact.gif";
    function toggleExpand(){
         oFrameset = parent.document.getElementById("framesContent");
         oImg = document.getElementById("toc-button");
         if (oImg.src.indexOf("img/toc_expand.gif")>-1){
              oImg.src = oImgCompact.src;
              oFrameset.cols = strTemp;
              oBut.value="Hide TOC";
              strTemp = oFrameset.cols;
              oImg.src = oImgExpand.src;
              oFrameset.cols = "0,*"; //changed from 192 to 0 by artp
              oBut.value="Show TOC";
    function OpenWindow(strURL, strName, intWidth, intHeight,toolbar){
         objPopUp = open( strURL, strName, "toolbar="+toolbar+",width="+intWidth+",height="+intHeight+",scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,menubar=yes,personalbar=yes,location=yes");
    function printContent(){
    <script type="text/javascript" src="../jscript/minmax.js"></script>
    <DIV id="content-viewer-top-stretch">
         <jsp:include page="../WEB-INF/jspinclude/mainparts/crn_mainheader.jsp" >
              <jsp:param name="contentViewerHeader" value="true"/>
    <div id="content-viewer-top">
         <% monMan.start("WSCRN.ContentViewerTop.ContentViewerHeader"); %>
         <jsp:include page="/WEB-INF/jspinclude/contentviewer/contentviewerheader.jsp" />
         <% monMan.stop("WSCRN.ContentViewerTop.ContentViewerHeader"); %>
    <% monMan.stop("WSCRN.ContentViewerTop.TotalTime"); %>
    <diag:paramCheck notName="showtime">
    <diag:paramCheck name="showtime" value="on">
    </diag:paramCheck>Message was edited by:

  • I am getting object expected error in javascript for autocomplete function

    I want to search list items like autocomplete function using jquery.
    I added code in CEWP, but i am getting "Object expected" error. I have checked using alert
        operation: "GetListItems",
        async: false,
    I think SPservices is not working.
    Please help me!!

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to search list items like autocomplete function using jquery.
    You can use the below code to get the Titles of the Announcements list as the values of the autocomplete function.
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/SiteAssets/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/SiteAssets/jquery.SPServices-2014.01.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/SiteAssets/jquery-ui-1.10.4.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function() {
    window.setTimeout(readyCall, 1000);
    function readyCall(){
    var externalParties = [];
    operation: "GetListItems",
    async: false,
    listName: "Announcements",
    CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='Title' /></ViewFields>",
    completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
    $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function() {
    source: externalParties,
    minLength: 1
    More information:
    jQuery Library for SharePoint Web Services
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Object expected error in Javascript

    I am facing Object expected error . Here is my code
    window.onload = function() {
      window.setTimeout(readyCall, 1000);
    function readyCall(){
      var externalParties = [];
        operation: "GetListItems",
        listName: "Test",
        CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='Name'/></ViewFields>",
        async: false,
        completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
          $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function() {
        source: externalParties,
        minLength: 3

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to use SPServices with jQueryUI’s Autocomplete Function on InfoPath Forms in SharePoint.
    You can use the code below:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/SiteAssets/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/SiteAssets/jquery.SPServices-2014.01.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/SiteAssets/jquery-ui-1.10.4.min.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    window.onload = function() {
    window.setTimeout(readyCall, 1000);
    function readyCall(){
    var externalParties = [];
    operation: "GetListItems",
    async: false,
    listName: "Announcements",
    CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='Title' /></ViewFields>",
    completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
    $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function() {
    source: externalParties,
    minLength: 1
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Object expected error in IE

    2 issues:
    First is:
    Line 80
    Object expected error in IE
    URL: www.5minuteretreats.com
    I don't know if its the MMpreload images or the PLHFO menu it
    is referring to.
    Second is:
    Also getting "line 271 column 16: end tag for element "A"
    which is not open."
    I am unsure of the <a> tag. It appears to be part of
    the Random Image script (kaosweaver - DW extension). Not sure what
    would happen if I delete it.
    Any assitance would be great.

    8) - what makes you think I *didn't* have to look it up?
    I thought about using "flotsam", but decided not to....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "Ken Ford - *ACE*" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > College educated people.
    > I had to look up the word :-)
    > --
    > Ken Ford
    > Adobe Community Expert
    > Fordwebs, LLC
    > "Murray *ACE*" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    >> That too. There is detritus all over the page that
    should be removed.
    >> --
    >> Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    >> Adobe Community Expert
    >> (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do
    >> ==================
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    >> ==================
    >> "Ken Ford - *ACE*" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    >> news:[email protected]...
    >>> This onmousemove on the <body> tag is
    causing the error:
    >>> onmousemove="closesubnav(event);"
    >>> --
    >>> Ken Ford
    >>> Adobe Community Expert
    >>> Fordwebs, LLC
    >>> "romeo the 3rd"
    <[email protected]> wrote in message
    >>> news:[email protected]...
    >>>> Hi
    >>>> 2 issues:
    >>>> First is:
    >>>> Line 80
    >>>> Object expected error in IE
    >>>> URL: www.5minuteretreats.com
    >>>> I don't know if its the MMpreload images or
    the PLHFO menu it is
    >>>> referring to. Second is:
    >>>> Also getting "line 271 column 16: end tag
    for element "A" which is not
    >>>> open."
    >>>> p="</a>"; I am unsure of the <a>
    tag. It appears to be part of the
    >>>> Random Image script (kaosweaver - DW
    extension). Not sure what would
    >>>> happen if I delete it.
    >>>> Any assitance would be great.
    >>>> R3

  • Javascript : Object Expected error.

    I have used a javascript in my sharepoint portal. Whenever I open the page in IE, it shows me "Object Expected" error at Line:1 Char:1.
    Here is the code snippet that I have used:
    $(document).ready(function() {
     // Create an array of unique user id's scraped from img rel tags
     var IDs = new Array();
     $('.author-image').each( function() {
      if($.inArray($(this).attr('rel'),IDs ) == -1) {
     // When sp.js is loaded run our function to display images
     ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(function() {DisplayAuthorImage(IDs);}, 'sp.js')
    I am not able to figure out what is causing this error?

    Sorry but you are in the wrong forum.
    Try posting in the Web forum.
    That is the forum for IIS based JavaScript delivered to a browser.
    Here is a possibility:
    be sure jquery is being copied to target and specified correctly in the 'src=' statement on the <script.. tag

  • IE8  Portal buildUIembed.html Object Expected error

    After upgrade IE to IE8, Web admins are unable to switch to WYIWYG mode,
    Issues with IE8:
    Webpage error details
    Status Bar shows following error:
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 820
    Char: 5
    Code: 0
    URI: http://hostname:7777/images/buildUIembed.html
    After talking to Oracle support, they said IE8 is not supported with Portal version so only option is to upgrade to 10.1.4.x version.
    This issue can be fixed by simple replacing some lines in buildUIembed.html
    Make a copy of buildUIembed.html.
    Replace these lines (Line# 819 and 1292 ) :
    ** Please note, you will find same block of code at two places ( around line # 819 and 1292 )
    Replace this BLOCK of code
    if (element.UserOnClickToolbar) {
    eval(element.UserOnClickToolbar + "anonymous()");
    WITH following
    if (element.UserOnClickToolbar) {
    // eval(element.UserOnClickToolbar + "anonymous()");
    var str = element.UserOnClickToolbar.toString();
    var pos = str.indexOf("anonymous");
    if (pos >= 0)
    eval(element.UserOnClickToolbar + "anonymous()");
    eval(element.UserOnClickToolbar +"onclick()");
    After change:
    1. Bounce portal
    2. cleanup modplsql cache ( $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/cache), delete all files & dir from cache.
    3. clear IE8 browser cache (Tools->Delete Browser History) and also try Tools->Developer Tools->Cache->Clear Browser Cache), exit from Browser & start it again to test.
    Edited by: sanjaygupta on Jun 9, 2010 5:03 PM

    Will this workaround, or something similar, work in Portal
    We are planning to implement IE8 throughout the enterprise and ran into a similar error in the RTE. We are making plans to upgrade/re-engineer our Portal, but that will be a project that won't be finished until after the IE8 implementation, so we are looking for short-term solutions that will still enable our content contributors the ability to use an RTE within Portal

  • Help, I continue to get a 'object expected' error from DW CS3 SWF video insert?

    I am trying to use DW CS3 to place video into my website.  Seems simple enough, 'insert media', 'flash video', etc.  However, I have been unable to get it to play or even show up.  The source file is an FLV file in the same directory as the index pages that should be showing it.  Here is the link, http://www.fishart.us the error line begins with 'AC_FL_Runcontent'.

    any one with ideas???
    i've been doing some more research... and found a possible solution... where i could send the video thru a server proxy... but the only thing is doing that might slow down my process... i was wondering if there was any other solution to this problem??

  • Jsp calling a function in js -- object expected runtime error

    I have a js file. script.js
    *function popup( url ) {*
    and a jsp calling the function in js
    *<jsp:include page="script.js"/>*
    *<BODY onLoad="javascript:popup('http;//www.google.com');">*
    Now when i execute the jsp, it gives runtime error -> object expected..
    Not able to figure out why this occurs.. am I doing it the right way ?

    Do you think is this the right way to include .js file...
    <jsp:include page="script.js"/>
    </SCRIPT>I generally do this way...
    <script language="javascript" src = "script.js">

  • Javascript error: object expected

    i used two javascript show(),hide(id) methods for particular page items... i had called those methods from the templates bcoz im passing some id from the template that is needed in the page level javascripts...
    now my problem is for some i didnt not implemented those methods hide(id) & show() bcoz it is not needed for me in that page , but its showing me error saying 'Object Expected' .. how can i overcome this problem...
    do i need to override the method in each n every page... is there any alternate solution for this...

    >> but its showing me error saying 'Object Expected' .. how can i overcome this problem...
    Another option is to condition these show/hide functions. You can use something like this:
    if ($x(‘id’)){
    }That will prevent the functions from running if the element ID ‘id’ is not rendered on the page.
    Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefits us all.

  • EIC  Error *nty_is_active* is undefined & Error: Object expected

    Installation Product Version ECC 6.0
    We´re implemented Employee Interaction Center (EIC).EH 4 SP2
    Component version: EHP 4 for SAP ERP 6.0 /7.0.
    We have already installed the component EIC in the system and activated some services in SICF and Activation of Business functions in EIC in Transaction SFW5.
    The problem is that when i launch the transactino "HREIC" the web explorer 7.0, launch an error about some configuration object:
    Line: 301
    Char: 9
    Error nty_is_active is undefined
    Line: 295
    Char: 9
    Error: Object expected
    Could you recomend me also some configuration guide with all the details that i have to configurate to EIC, please?
    Thanks so much for your help!
    Edited by: llello gomez on Jun 3, 2009 5:01 PM

    Hi Ilello,
    You said you activated "some" services via SICF.  Please make sure they are all activated as below and see SAP Note 1176990:
    ICF services must be activated via transaction SICF:
    We are in the middle of configuration of the EIC now.  Many parts to put together but we hope the final product will meet our expectations.
    Edited by: Paul Davidson on Jun 4, 2009 11:03 AM

  • Microsoft JScript Runtime Error, Line: 0, Error: Object Expected?

    I just got a new computer and I have Java 2 Runtime Environment SE v 1.4.2. I keep having problems with it. It says, "Microsoft JScript Runtime Error, Line:0, Error: Object Expected. I have no idea what to do or what is actually causing this. It shows up randomly when I have been using "Dell Jukebox by musicmatch" or even when I'm surfing. Can someone please help me fix the problem?

    I just got a new computer and I have Java 2 Runtime
    Environment SE v 1.4.2. I keep having problems with
    it. It says, "Microsoft JScript Runtime Error, Line:0,
    Error: Object Expected. I have no idea what to do or
    what is actually causing this. This is not a java err. It is a scripting error.
    It shows up randomly
    when I have been using "Dell Jukebox by musicmatch" or
    even when I'm surfing. Can someone please help me fix
    the problem?
    "Jay" Someone can certainly help you - contact the website's webmaster & send them the err. They wrote it; they have to fix it.

  • Error on pages: "_spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames' is undefined" and "Message: Object expected"

    We are seeing the following error on our SharePoint 2010 site:
    Webpage error details
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; InfoPath.3;
    MS-RTC LM 8; .NET4.0E; MS-RTC EA 2)
    Timestamp: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 16:05:37 UTC
    Message: '_spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames' is undefined
    Line: 130
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: '_spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames' is undefined
    Line: 157
    Char: 1752
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: 'ContextInfo' is undefined
    Line: 547
    Char: 7
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 602
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: 'ContextInfo' is undefined
    Line: 627
    Char: 7
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 682
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: 'ContextInfo' is undefined
    Line: 735
    Char: 7
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 788
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: 'ContextInfo' is undefined
    Line: 801
    Char: 7
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 854
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: 'ContextInfo' is undefined
    Line: 867
    Char: 7
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 920
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: '_spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames' is undefined
    Line: 964
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: 'WPSC' is undefined
    Line: 1105
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1118
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1119
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1120
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1121
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1122
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1123
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1124
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1125
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1126
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1127
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1128
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1129
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1130
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1131
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1132
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1133
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1134
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1135
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1136
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 1146
    Char: 119
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: 'SetupFixedWidthWebParts' is undefined
    Line: 1152
    Char: 112
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: '_spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames' is undefined
    Line: 1073
    Char: 76
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 157
    Char: 77
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 682
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Message: Object expected
    Line: 682
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://prodshare/Pages/default.aspx
    Sites are not loading images from the \14\TEMPLATE\IMAGES (we get the red x) and site controls are not working.
    We have two web front ends that are load balanced with the alternate access mapping setup for the prodshare url. 
    Opening prodshare from the applications server (also a wfe) does not produce all of the errors but some items are still missing.
    We’ve rerun the products configuration wizard on the wfes, performed issresets, and rebooted both servers. 
    I’ve also tried running the install software as a repair with no change.
    I'm not sure what to attempt next and would appreciate any suggestions.
    Greg Glidden

    The load balancer is setup using the F5 Sharepoint 2010 template. All traffic is directed to one server or the other.  The AAM has the nlb url as the default for the port
    80 web app.
    We have two other SP2010 environments (development and QA) setup that work appropriately.  To the best of my knowledge we've got them all setup the same on the network. 
    When we access the site using both the wfe server addresses (http://spweb1 or http://spweb2 instead of the nlb 
    http://prodshare), we get the same errors so we ruled out the nlb as the issue.   When accessing the site using the app server address
    (http://spapp1) all images and controls work correctly.  It appears to be something wrong in the setup on the web front end servers.   But running the SharePoint 2010 Products
    Configuration Wizard did not fix the issue.
    Greg Glidden

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