Object placing - free moving picture in background

hello folks,
I want a picture in the background to my text and move that freely anwhere. The relevant boxes to tick for that are grayed out and not available. How can I work around that?
Thx and best

Are you aware that there are two types or modes of Pages documents, word processing or page layout?
The WP has a text layer which the PL doesn't have. The WP can send images to the background, but PL can't.  When a option can't be done the option is greyed out. It could be because the type of document can't do it, or the object or text isn't selected.
To learn more about Pages as it has a lot of features and funtions download the Pages User Guide from your Pages Help menu.
I bought a book "The Missing Manual on iWork" when I had to learn Pages. It is helpful and a good reference book. There are other books that might suite you better.

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    Can you post the png so we can take a look at it?

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    Then it is not a bootleg!
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    Happy Holidays

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    Thanks a lot for your help!

    There's definatily a bunch of tracking done on that video.
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    That's how to do it in Premiere. But it would take forever.
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