Odd LR2 behavior

In library mode, some photos in the grid cannot be selected by clicking on them. They can however be selected by clicking on them in the film strip. Others in the grid, no problem. Is this normal??
In develop using the adjustment brush, the tool can not be used in certain parts of the photo, because the cursor changes back to a pointer. Other parts it turns back to the adjustment cursor, allowing its use. Weird. Same with enlarging the image by clicking on it. The cursor keeps changing back to a pointer as you move around the image.
Update: the first problem cleared when I double clicked on the photo. I can now freely select different photos by clicking once on them in the grid.
Update: Hmmmm... all problems appear to have suddenly vanished. Lets hope they stay away.

I didn't notice it causing any battery drain, but it sounds like I am charging it differently than you are. Here's how mine worked:
I would plug the iPhone into the wall charger at night to charge while I slept. In the morning, it would show a full charge by showing a plug on the small battery icon, but the large green battery would still have a sliver that wasn't green. The usage and standby stats would show something in the 3-4 hour range, presumably the time since it hit full charge.
I would disconnect the phone, check my email, and then take it to my desktop computer and plug it in to sync and update all my podcasts, etc. I would leave it plugged into my desktop while I showered while I got ready for work. By the time I was ready to leave, it would again show a full charge on the small icon, but now my stats would be reset to 0 and would function normally throughout the day. But nothing I did ever stopped the stats from running up during the night after attaining full charge.
1.0.1 got rid of the stats problem (they always stay at 0/0 in the morning with a full charge until I unplug the phone) AND the weird behavior of the large green battery indicator went away. Now both indicators show full charge in the morning.

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    I found a bug evaluation (6358084) that was closed as not a bug where
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    Thank you for posting. I wish I had a brilliant explanation for you that would immediately solve the problem. Unfortunately I have not seen this before. There is a possibility that the configuration file is corrupt or has been changed inadvertently. I think I would set the router to factory defaults and manually reconfigure it. There is also the option of swapping the router for another. If the other router does the same thing it could point to an environmental issue. If this router does the same thing at the alternate location it could point to either a configuration or hardware issue.

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    thlokey wrote:
    > While dabbling in a site design, I ran into an odd
    > behavior in IE6 that I've not seen before. An odd space
    is produced
    > between my two DIVs that disappears when I roll over the
    links. To be
    > clear..I do not want the space. Take a look here
    > And view the CSS
    > Any ideas to save me some time? Thanks.
    Try this:
    #header UL {padding-bottom:1px;}
    Articles and Tutorials:
    The perfect FAQ page:
    CSS-P Templates:
    CSS Tab Menu:

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    I'm not familiar with Rosetta Stone, however, he two fonts that seem to adversely affect Safari are Helvetica Fractions and Times Phonetic.
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    - Pixel -

    Never heard of anything like it, frankly. Run the Apple Hardware Test you'll find on one of the DVDs that came with your MBP, and make an exact note of any errors it reports. Then make a Genius Bar appointment at an Apple Store and demonstrate the problem to the Genius. Also show the Genius the text of the error report (if there was one).

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    3) Some expected sounds used for feedback in Finder & Mail don't always work. This is very intermittent and may be happening more often then I notice these are notification sounds and I don't realize that I've missed them. I don't know if it's associated to the sound failure mentioned in #2.
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    * Safari just eats up RAM.
    * Safari has locked up for no apparent reason (no clue as to what sets it off).
    * Safari has locked up while using a Java applet. This only happens on occasion but always happens when launching a GoToMyPC session (GTMPC works fine in FireFox, even while Safari is locked up). This is separate from the Safari issue noted above.
    I'm using 10.6.2 w/ Safari 4.0.4 & iTunes 9.0.2 (Flash not installed)

    You could try [these grey sceen, etc., troubleshooting steps|http://support.apple.com/kb/TS2570] ignoring any duplicaion of what you already have don. And, you could try [these general troubleshooting steps|http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1394] again ignoring duplication.
    If all above fails, then I suggest you do a repair install of Sno by installing Sno over Sno as in an upgrade install. Such an install, while usually very safe, still is an install so be appropriated backed up if you proceed.

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    iMac G5 20" iSight; G3 Pismo Powerbook; LaCie 160G FW   Mac OS X (10.4)  

    See, the thing is it happens fast. So fast I only notice the Dock expand and shrink in a split second.
    It did it again this morning.
    For now, I've disabled all widget exept the world clock and calculator. The only thing I can think of is that the weather widget was phoning home for current time/temp. But since this is a new behavior, it's doubtful.
    Another odd thing that I noticed this morning: the Dock has acquired some icons that I have not put there.
    iMac G5 20" iSight; G3 Pismo Powerbook; LaCie 160G FW Mac OS X (10.4)

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    in other words the code under the hood is compeltely messed up.
    anyone else seen this?

    I didn't notice it causing any battery drain, but it sounds like I am charging it differently than you are. Here's how mine worked:
    I would plug the iPhone into the wall charger at night to charge while I slept. In the morning, it would show a full charge by showing a plug on the small battery icon, but the large green battery would still have a sliver that wasn't green. The usage and standby stats would show something in the 3-4 hour range, presumably the time since it hit full charge.
    I would disconnect the phone, check my email, and then take it to my desktop computer and plug it in to sync and update all my podcasts, etc. I would leave it plugged into my desktop while I showered while I got ready for work. By the time I was ready to leave, it would again show a full charge on the small icon, but now my stats would be reset to 0 and would function normally throughout the day. But nothing I did ever stopped the stats from running up during the night after attaining full charge.
    1.0.1 got rid of the stats problem (they always stay at 0/0 in the morning with a full charge until I unplug the phone) AND the weird behavior of the large green battery indicator went away. Now both indicators show full charge in the morning.

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    Not saying drummers are odd... I'm using the Smash producer kit, and every now and then there's a snare hit somehow excluded from the Overheads, which makes the snare drop out of the mix a fair bit.  When it happens, it happens at the same 3 points in the song.  That said, it happens about 1 out of every 4 playbacks.  It took me 1/2hr to figure out what was going on!
    It's a pain because I never know until after a bounce whether I got a good take.
    Anyone else seen this, fixed it, or reported it as a bug?

    I didn't notice it causing any battery drain, but it sounds like I am charging it differently than you are. Here's how mine worked:
    I would plug the iPhone into the wall charger at night to charge while I slept. In the morning, it would show a full charge by showing a plug on the small battery icon, but the large green battery would still have a sliver that wasn't green. The usage and standby stats would show something in the 3-4 hour range, presumably the time since it hit full charge.
    I would disconnect the phone, check my email, and then take it to my desktop computer and plug it in to sync and update all my podcasts, etc. I would leave it plugged into my desktop while I showered while I got ready for work. By the time I was ready to leave, it would again show a full charge on the small icon, but now my stats would be reset to 0 and would function normally throughout the day. But nothing I did ever stopped the stats from running up during the night after attaining full charge.
    1.0.1 got rid of the stats problem (they always stay at 0/0 in the morning with a full charge until I unplug the phone) AND the weird behavior of the large green battery indicator went away. Now both indicators show full charge in the morning.

  • Odd group behavior

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    i am in a group with over 70 people in it, most of them contacts i don't know.
    and i wish to leave
    but rightclicking or typing the command "/leave" does not work.
    Is there any way to fix this odd behavior?

    What happens if you launch CMD instead of your tool when starting an application, and from that CMD you start sqltools.exe
    So the command to start the application would be;
    cmd.exe /c sqltools.exe
    Nicke Källén | The Knack| Twitter:

  • Odd multicam behavior

    This is the first time I've used the multicam feature, and I think I'm getting the hang of it. But I did see some odd behavior recently cutting an HDV show.
    When I returned to the computer after being a way for a bit, and autorender was underway. I was surprised that it had to render at all, but perhaps it had to do with HDV and GOPs. It was a long render, so I stopped it and continued editing. But in the sections that had been rendered, the playback in the 4-up multicam viewer is messed up. When playback stops, I can see the 4-up view, but when the playhead is moving the current angle pops up full, so I can no longer see the various angles. Stop playback, and it snaps back to 4-up.
    It's obviously wrong, in fact once playback leaves the rendered portion and enters the non-rendered the Viewer behaves correctly. I've worked around this by deleting the files in Render Files, but I was wondering if anybody else has seen this or it's a known issue

    Multicam will not work when rendered. It is the way the system is designed. Think about it for a moment and you'll understand why.
    The key thing for working with multicam projects then is to make sure you have turned OFF Autorender.
    good luck.

Maybe you are looking for