Odd Skype Message...Clicked on it....Yikes?

I received a "mood message" from a friend on Skype about a friend on Skype...a link to http://imo.im....
The site seemed suspect. Did I just click on something I shouldn't have? Fuggin' hope not.
Matt from Canada

Run any antivirus, if you have any, and scan your computer. That's the best thing you can do really.

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  • Skype's Click-to-call crashing & clashing with web...

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    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Load Chrome with Click-to-call installed.
    2. Go to http://jsfiddle.net/gabito/jnSPf/6/
    3. Starting typing some text in the right window and observe how the browser crashes and the height of the textarea is completely wrong (since node.offsetHeight and node.clientHeight are both being returned as 0).
    4. Disable Click-to-call, reload the same page and watch how it all works nicely.
    The code that's causing the crash with Skype is adding an element to the DOM, measuring it for resize and removing it again. Whilst this isn't the most efficient code, it shouldn't cause the browser to crash like this, and it doesn't unless Skype Click-to-Call is installed. Since Skype is a popular plugin that many users will have installed, this presents a problem for us.

    Hi Claudius,
    Firstly, thanks for the reply.  I too am using Chrome 24 and Skype Click to Call 6.6.
    The crashing doesn't seem to occur every time but happens often enough to be worrying. Basically, try refreshing the page and typing some text into the box on the bottom right window (where the image is placed).
    The other issue which I mentioned - the size of the text box being measured wrong - occurs every time without fail.
    Without Skype: (i.e. how it should look)
    With Skype (height calculated incorrectly):
    This is the message when it crashes:
    To clarify: there are no other extensions enabled when reproducing this error, other than Click-to-Call.

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    Is this likely to be the problem, and does anyone know why I should not Remove this?

    Hi jcaswell
    v20.0.015 seems more intolerant of older applications than previous versions. In my case there was an eight numeral .sis on my memory card which was "Not installed" and produced this message at every start-up. Fortunately 'Googling" established that this was early Nokia "Podcasting" application which as it is now part of the firmware, could safely be deleted; now I no longer get this message on start-up. In Application Manager if you click on this application > options, you should be able to get more information about it's identity.
    Happy to have helped forum in a small way with a Support Ratio = 37.0

  • How to print Skype message history?

    Please assist me on how to print my Skype messages history. Thank you.
    [Topic title updated by moderator to be more descriptive. Original topic title was: "Skype messages"]

    Suresh.Salver wrote:
    How to get skype call history?
    My Calls I made, Received and thier cost.
    Visit your account page and click on "Usage".
    I recommend that you always run the latest Skype version: Windows & Mac
    If my advice helped to fix your issue please mark it as a solution to help others.
    Please note that I generally don't respond to unsolicited Private Messages. Thank you.

  • Ipod not recognized, getting odd error message

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    What happened to my iPod? I can't seem to find anything in the Apple support pages that seems similar to my situation. Any suggestions on how to get the thing to work again?
    Edit: I am using iTunes version 4.9; I have not updated to 5.0

    This is the most frustrating tech trouble!
    The same thing has happened to my iPod. It worked fine, then one day I plug it in and it says "Disc inserted is unreadable by this computer". As far as I remember, I didnt' update anything, make any changes, or adjust any settings to any of my hardware. SO WHAT HAPPENED?? And now I can't restore or doctor the iPod hardware bc my computer won't recognize it as actual hardware...
    pleeeeease help, if anyone has a way to fix this.
    The weirdest part, is that when I look at the information of the "unreadable hardware" it describes it with all the information, like how many gigs are available, how much space is used up, latest updates etc. So it can transfer information, but it pretends its unreadable? i dont understand.

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    Anyone dealt with this before?

    There you are, Pages 5 can be relied on to not be relied on.
    Not much comfort for your previous file though.
    Steve Martin in The Jerk, when he sets off on his great adventure, is taught some essential life skills by his black family:
    1.    Lord loves a working man.
    2.    Don't trust Whitey.
    3.    If you catch it, see a doctor and get rid of it.
    Were he to head off today with a Macbook Air under his arm we'd have to warn him about Pages 5 as well.

  • Odd error message when attempting installation of iTunes 8

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    Could not access network location
    %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
    This message is then followed by Retry or Cancel; Retry has not worked at all with the same error message popping up. There is no error number that I can see. After I finally hit cancel out of frustration, this message shows up:
    The installation of QuickTime did not complete successfully. iTunes requires QuickTime.
    I think that the first message occurs during the program's attempt to do QuickTime before the iTunes. I tried downloading and upgrading QuickTime separately, but that was also unsuccessful. I do now have an earlier version of QuickTime on my computer, but that is only because I recently added some software (Rosetta Stone to be exact) that requires the 5.0 version and downloads it automatically. I also have tried the troubleshooting tips on the Apple site.
    My computer is a Dell, with Windows XP Home Edition. I do have the second Service Pack from Microsoft, and should have all of the latest updates. Please help! I'm getting really frustrated with my computer and have no idea on what to do next.

    When you get a message about not being able to access a network location you usually need the Microsoft installer cleanup utility.
    Here is a method:
    Download a fresh copy of iTunes and the stand alone version of Quicktime (the one without iTunes)
    Download and install Microsoft Installer cleanup utility, there are instructions on the page as well as the download. Note that what you download is the installer not the program – you have to run it to install the program. The installer doesn't give any message to confirm the installation.
    (To run the program – All Programs>>Windows Install)
    Now use the following method to remove iTunes and its components:
    *If you hit a problem with one of the uninstalls don't worry*, carry on with the deleting of files and folders as directed in the method.
    When you get to deleting Quicktime files in the system32 folder as advised in the method, you can delete any file or folder with Quicktime in the name.
    Restart your PC.
    Run the Microsoft Installer Cleanup Utility. (Start > All Programs > Windows Install Clean Up)
    Remove any references you find to the programs you removed - strictly speaking you only need to worry about those programs where the uninstall failed.
    If you don’t see an entry for one of the programs that did not uninstall, look out for blank entries or numeric entries that look like version numbers e.g. 7.x for Quicktime or 1.x for Bonjour.
    restart your PC
    Install the stand alone Quicktime and check that it works.
    If it does, install iTunes.

  • Odd error message

    I am getting an odd error message with iTunes:
    +The iTunes library file cannot be saved. You do not have enough access privileges for this operation.+
    Any ideas why I am getting this message. My iPod never had problems before, and I am the only one who uses the computer.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I too have seen this error message now and again. (Right now as a matter of fact).
    Doesn't appear to have any adverse affects on my music library but with over 8,000 songs I may never notice the problems.

  • TS5376 I did as this article described.  The download was going smoothly until I got this error message "Click OK or enter alternate path to folder in installation package containing the file itunes.msi"   Where can I get "itunes.msi"  ??

    I did as this article described.  The download was going smoothly until I got this error message "Click OK or enter alternate path to folder in installation package containing the file itunes.msi"   Where can I get "itunes.msi"  ??

    (1) Download the Windows Installer CleanUp utility installer file (msicuu2.exe) from the following Major Geeks page (use one of the links under the "DOWNLOAD LOCATIONS" thingy on the Major Geeks page):
    (2) Doubleclick the msicuu2.exe file and follow the prompts to install the Windows Installer CleanUp utility. (If you're on a Windows Vista or Windows 7 system and you get a Code 800A0046 error message when doubleclicking the msicuu2.exe file, try instead right-clicking on the msicuu2.exe file and selecting "Run as administrator".)
    (3) In your Start menu click All Programs and then click Windows Install Clean Up. The Windows Installer CleanUp utility window appears, listing software that is currently installed on your computer.
    (4) In the list of programs that appears in CleanUp, select any iTunes entries and click "Remove", as per the following screenshot:
    (5) Quit out of CleanUp, restart the PC and try another iTunes install. Does it go through properly this time?

  • Recieving an odd error message...

    For the past few days, i have been running into an odd error message whenever i try to update my iPod through iTunes.
    The message is "Attempting to copy to disk "Harout's(my name) IP failed. The disk could not be read from or written too."
    This always happens during the update for my iPod. It gets to about 10% updated then pulls this message out. I've tried uninstalling iTunes and reinstalling it, with the newest version, got the newest iPod updater, and even restored my iPod and tried it again and nothing has helped.
    Do you guys have any idea on what i can do?


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    I Know I can use my backup from ITunes but how? I need step by step instructions.

  • Retrieving Skype messages history

    Hello, is there any way to retrieve Skype messages history that is NOT stored on my computer and is older than 30 days?

    No. Message history is only stored on your computer.

  • Odd 3dturboexperiense message

    whenever I try to close 3dturboexperience, I get the following message:
    unusual memory voltage: 2.62 volts.
    whats up with my card? I have a msi ti4800se vtd8x vga card plugged in a k7n2delta-l mobo. 256mb ram Windows XP pro
    thanks a lot!

    What is it you are trying to change?
    Does your child page validate?
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
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    "r_tist" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ectu1f$6bh$[email protected]..
    > odd error message...
    > Have you ever heard of this? What can I do to gain
    access as I need to
    > modify
    > the page(es)?
    > "Making this change would require changing code that is
    locked by a
    > template
    > or a translator. The change will be discarded."
    > Please advise, I'd appreciate your advice...perhaps
    there's another .asp
    > page
    > contained within this site that controls all the pages
    so the change I
    > make
    > will reflect on all pages contained within the site??
    > THANKS!

  • Skype message notification

    Hi There,
    Just want to discuss about skype message notification alert. I was getting this message notification when I get any messages and it will stay on task bar unless I read the message. But now I am getting the notification but it disappers from the task bar and due to that I am unable to view new messages so I have to open skype each time to check for new messages. I had installed few updates and current version showing is
    May I know whats the issue? I cant see any relevant settings regarding the same on skype. Can anyone help on this ?
    Immediate response in highly appreciated.

    There should be a setting in the options to enable the notification sound?
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