OFF LINE Backup issue

<i><b><u>Environment; SAP ECC6, Oracle, window server 2003</u></b></i>
Other day I scheduled OFF LINE Backup through DB13, but it did not work. It ran just for a second. Detail Log shows no error message. It also create file .lock.brb in E:\oracle\DEV\sapbackup folder.
I never had success taking OFFLINE backup through DB13 but I can take this backup by BRTOOLS*.   Please help me with this, looking at detail Log file below;
Detail log:                    bdwholho.afd     
BR0051I BRBACKUP 7.00 (18)     
BR0055I Start of database backup: bdwholho.afd 2007-10-05 18.15.28
BR0477I Oracle pfile D:\oracle\DEV\102\database\initDEV.ora created from spfile D:\oracle\DEV\102\database\spfileDEV.ora
BR0101I Parameters
Name                           Value
oracle_sid                     DEV
oracle_home                    D:\oracle\DEV\102
oracle_profile                 D:\oracle\DEV\102\database\initDEV.ora
sapdata_home                   E:\oracle\DEV
sap_profile                    D:\oracle\DEV\102\database\
backup_mode                    ALL
backup_type                    offline_force
backup_dev_type                disk
backup_root_dir                E:\oracle\DEV\sapbackup
compress                       yes
compress_cmd                   D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\nuc\NTI386\mkszip -c $ > $
exec_parallel                  0
system_info                    SAPServiceDEV QA Windows 5.2 Build 3790 Service Pack 1 Intel
oracle_info                    DEV 8192 2031 30773325 QA WE8DEC UTF8
sap_info                       700 SAPSR3 DEV TEMPLICENSE R3_ORA INITIAL
make_info                      NTintel OCI_10201_SHARE Oct 30 2006
command_line                   brbackup -u / -jid ALLOF20071005181500 -c force -t offline_force -m all -p
BR0116I ARCHIVE LOG LIST before backup for database instance DEV
Parameter                      Value
Database log mode              Archive Mode
Automatic archival             Enabled
Archive destination            D:\oracle\DEV\oraarch\DEVarch
Archive format                 ARC%S_%R.%T
Oldest online log sequence     2028
Next log sequence to archive   2031
Current log sequence           2031             SCN: 30773325
Database block size            8192             Thread: 1
Current system change number   30797874         ResetId: 606578588
BR0118I Tablespaces and data files
Tablespace     TS-Status  F-Status  File                                                       Size   Id.     Device  Link    Type       MaxSize     IncrSize  BlkSize
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3_1\SR3.DATA1               2097160192    4           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3_2\SR3.DATA2               2097160192    5           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3_3\SR3.DATA3               2097160192    6           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3_4\SR3.DATA4               2097160192    7           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3_5\SR3.DATA5               2097160192    8           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3_10\SR3.DATA10             2097160192   13           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3_6\SR3.DATA6               2097160192    9           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3_7\SR3.DATA7               2097160192   10           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3_8\SR3.DATA8               2097160192   11           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3_9\SR3.DATA9               2097160192   12           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3_11\SR3.DATA11             2097160192   14           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3_12\SR3.DATA12             2097160192   15           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3_13\SR3.DATA13             2097160192   16           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3_14\SR3.DATA14             2097160192   17           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3_15\SR3.DATA15             2097160192   18           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3_16\SR3.DATA16             2097160192   19           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3_17\SR3.DATA17             2097160192   20           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3_18\SR3.DATA18             2097160192   21           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3_19\SR3.DATA19             2097160192   22           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3_20\SR3.DATA20             2097160192   23           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3700_1\SR3700.DATA1         2097160192   24           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3700_2\SR3700.DATA2         2097160192   25           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3700_3\SR3700.DATA3         2097160192   26           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3700_4\SR3700.DATA4         2097160192   27           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3700_5\SR3700.DATA5         2097160192   28           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3700_6\SR3700.DATA6         2097160192   29           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3700_7\SR3700.DATA7         2097160192   30           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3700_8\SR3700.DATA8         2097160192   31           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3700_10\SR3700.DATA10       2097160192   33           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3700_11\SR3700.DATA11       2097160192   34           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3700_12\SR3700.DATA12       2097160192   35           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3700_9\SR3700.DATA9         2097160192   32           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3700_13\SR3700.DATA13       2097160192   36           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3700_14\SR3700.DATA14       2097160192   37           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3700_15\SR3700.DATA15       2097160192   38           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3700_16\SR3700.DATA16       2097160192   39           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3USR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3USR_1\SR3USR.DATA1           20979712   40           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPTEMP       ONLINE#    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\TEMP_1\TEMP.DATA1             2097160192   -1           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\UNDO_1\UNDO.DATA1             4466941952    2           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
SYSAUX         ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SYSAUX_1\SYSAUX.DATA1          272637952    3           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
SYSTEM         ONLINE*    SYSTEM+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SYSTEM_1\SYSTEM.DATA1          859840512    1           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
BR0119I Redo log files
File                                                Size  Group     Device  Status    Link    Type
F:\ORACLE\DEV\ORIGLOGA\LOG_G11M1.DBF            52429312    1            5  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
D:\ORACLE\DEV\MIRRLOGA\LOG_G11M2.DBF            52429312    1            3  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
F:\ORACLE\DEV\ORIGLOGB\LOG_G12M1.DBF            52429312    2            5  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
D:\ORACLE\DEV\MIRRLOGB\LOG_G12M2.DBF            52429312    2            3  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
F:\ORACLE\DEV\ORIGLOGA\LOG_G13M1.DBF            52429312    3            5  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
D:\ORACLE\DEV\MIRRLOGA\LOG_G13M2.DBF            52429312    3            3  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
F:\ORACLE\DEV\ORIGLOGB\LOG_G14M1.DBF            52429312    4            5  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
D:\ORACLE\DEV\MIRRLOGB\LOG_G14M2.DBF            52429312    4            3  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
BR0120I Control files
File                                                Size   Id.      Device  Link    Type
F:\oracle\DEV\origlogA\cntrl\cntrlDEV.dbf       12664832    0            5  NOLINK  FILE
F:\oracle\DEV\origlogB\cntrl\cntrlDEV.dbf       12664832    0            5  NOLINK  FILE
E:\oracle\DEV\sapdata1\cntrl\cntrlDEV.dbf       12664832    0            4  NOLINK  FILE
Marej Khan

Iam reposting OFF LINE Backup detail log and this is complete, end on the same line as you have mentioned i.e E:\oracle\DEV\sapdata1\cntrl\cntrlDEV.dbf 12664832 0 4 NOLINK FILE, seems like it is not complete Log but it is and there is no Error message or Red Lines for failure.
Detail log:                    bdwjadfg.afd
BR0051I BRBACKUP 7.00 (18)
BR0055I Start of database backup: bdwjadfg.afd 2007-10-13 10.15.48
BR0477I Oracle pfile D:\oracle\DEV\102\database\initDEV.ora created from spfile D:\oracle\DEV\102\database\spfileDEV.ora
BR0101I Parameters
Name                           Value
oracle_sid                     DEV
oracle_home                    D:\oracle\DEV\102
oracle_profile                 D:\oracle\DEV\102\database\initDEV.ora
sapdata_home                   E:\oracle\DEV
sap_profile                    D:\oracle\DEV\102\database\
backup_mode                    ALL
backup_type                    offline_force
backup_dev_type                disk
backup_root_dir                E:\oracle\DEV\sapbackup
compress                       yes
compress_cmd                   D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\nuc\NTI386\mkszip -c $ > $
exec_parallel                  0
system_info                    SAPServiceDEV QA Windows 5.2 Build 3790 Service Pack 1 Intel
oracle_info                    DEV 8192 2076 31431371 QA WE8DEC UTF8
sap_info                       700 SAPSR3 DEV TEMPLICENSE R3_ORA INITIAL
make_info                      NTintel OCI_10201_SHARE Oct 30 2006
command_line                   brbackup -u / -jid ALLOF20071013101500 -c force -t offline_force -m all -p
BR0116I ARCHIVE LOG LIST before backup for database instance DEV
Parameter                      Value
Database log mode              Archive Mode
Automatic archival             Enabled
Archive destination            D:\oracle\DEV\oraarch\DEVarch
Archive format                 ARC%S_%R.%T
Oldest online log sequence     2073
Next log sequence to archive   2076
Current log sequence           2076             SCN: 31431371
Database block size            8192             Thread: 1
Current system change number   31443715         ResetId: 606578588
BR0118I Tablespaces and data files
Tablespace     TS-Status  F-Status  File                                                       Size   Id.     Device  Link    Type       MaxSize     IncrSize  BlkSize
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3_1\SR3.DATA1               2097160192    4           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3_2\SR3.DATA2               2097160192    5           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3_3\SR3.DATA3               2097160192    6           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3_4\SR3.DATA4               2097160192    7           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3_5\SR3.DATA5               2097160192    8           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3_10\SR3.DATA10             2097160192   13           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3_6\SR3.DATA6               2097160192    9           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3_7\SR3.DATA7               2097160192   10           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3_8\SR3.DATA8               2097160192   11           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3_9\SR3.DATA9               2097160192   12           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3_11\SR3.DATA11             2097160192   14           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3_12\SR3.DATA12             2097160192   15           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3_13\SR3.DATA13             2097160192   16           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3_14\SR3.DATA14             2097160192   17           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3_15\SR3.DATA15             2097160192   18           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3_16\SR3.DATA16             2097160192   19           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3_17\SR3.DATA17             2097160192   20           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3_18\SR3.DATA18             2097160192   21           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3_19\SR3.DATA19             2097160192   22           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3        ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3_20\SR3.DATA20             2097160192   23           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3700_1\SR3700.DATA1         2097160192   24           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3700_2\SR3700.DATA2         2097160192   25           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3700_3\SR3700.DATA3         2097160192   26           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3700_4\SR3700.DATA4         2097160192   27           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3700_5\SR3700.DATA5         2097160192   28           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3700_6\SR3700.DATA6         2097160192   29           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3700_7\SR3700.DATA7         2097160192   30           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\SR3700_8\SR3700.DATA8         2097160192   31           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3700_10\SR3700.DATA10       2097160192   33           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3700_11\SR3700.DATA11       2097160192   34           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3700_12\SR3700.DATA12       2097160192   35           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\SR3700_9\SR3700.DATA9         2097160192   32           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3700_13\SR3700.DATA13       2097160192   36           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3700_14\SR3700.DATA14       2097160192   37           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3700_15\SR3700.DATA15       2097160192   38           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3700     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA4\SR3700_16\SR3700.DATA16       2097160192   39           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPSR3USR     ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SR3USR_1\SR3USR.DATA1           20979712   40           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPTEMP       ONLINE#    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA2\TEMP_1\TEMP.DATA1             2097160192   -1           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
PSAPUNDO       ONLINE-    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA3\UNDO_1\UNDO.DATA1             4466941952    2           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
SYSAUX         ONLINE*    ONLINE+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SYSAUX_1\SYSAUX.DATA1          272637952    3           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
SYSTEM         ONLINE*    SYSTEM+   E:\ORACLE\DEV\SAPDATA1\SYSTEM_1\SYSTEM.DATA1          859840512    1           4  NOLINK  FILE   10485760000     20971520     8192
BR0119I Redo log files
File                                                Size  Group     Device  Status    Link    Type
F:\ORACLE\DEV\ORIGLOGA\LOG_G11M1.DBF            52429312    1            5  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
D:\ORACLE\DEV\MIRRLOGA\LOG_G11M2.DBF            52429312    1            3  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
F:\ORACLE\DEV\ORIGLOGB\LOG_G12M1.DBF            52429312    2            5  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
D:\ORACLE\DEV\MIRRLOGB\LOG_G12M2.DBF            52429312    2            3  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
F:\ORACLE\DEV\ORIGLOGA\LOG_G13M1.DBF            52429312    3            5  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
D:\ORACLE\DEV\MIRRLOGA\LOG_G13M2.DBF            52429312    3            3  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
F:\ORACLE\DEV\ORIGLOGB\LOG_G14M1.DBF            52429312    4            5  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
D:\ORACLE\DEV\MIRRLOGB\LOG_G14M2.DBF            52429312    4            3  INUSE     NOLINK  FILE
BR0120I Control files
File                                                Size   Id.      Device  Link    Type
F:\oracle\DEV\origlogA\cntrl\cntrlDEV.dbf       12664832    0            5  NOLINK  FILE
F:\oracle\DEV\origlogB\cntrl\cntrlDEV.dbf       12664832    0            5  NOLINK  FILE
E:\oracle\DEV\sapdata1\cntrl\cntrlDEV.dbf       12664832    0            4  NOLINK  FILE

Similar Messages

  • RMAN off line backup failed as unable to connect to database while databse

    I am facing below error while running offline rman backup:
    OS: HP-UX, Database : 11.1.7
    1. using simple shell script stopping the database then mounting it for rman backup (script is running from root)
    3. rman unable to connect to database then tried various ways to connect to database as bellow but no success:
    SQL> conn rman/rman@orcl
    ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed
    SQL> conn rman/rman as sysdba
    SQL> conn rman/rman
    ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
    Process ID: 0
    Session ID: 555 Serial number: 29
    Alert log tail:
    Setting recovery target incarnation to 2
    Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 3261837737
    Database mounted in Exclusive Mode
    Lost write protection disabled
    This all goes fine if I just restart the database manually
    can some help me on this......

    user11993192 wrote:
    I am facing below error while running offline rman backup:
    OS: HP-UX, Database : 11.1.7
    1. using simple shell script stopping the database then mounting it for rman backup (script is running from root)
    3. rman unable to connect to database then tried various ways to connect to database as bellow but no success:
    SQL> conn rman/rman@orcl
    ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed
    SQL> conn rman/rman as sysdba
    SQL> conn rman/rman
    ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
    Process ID: 0
    Session ID: 555 Serial number: 29
    Alert log tail:
    Setting recovery target incarnation to 2
    Successful mount of redo thread 1, with mount id 3261837737
    Database mounted in Exclusive Mode
    Lost write protection disabled
    This all goes fine if I just restart the database manually
    can some help me on this......
    ThanksIn addition to the other comments (don't shut down the db yourself, just tell rman to do a cold backup and let rman handle the details) let me point out that trying to do any db related stuff as root is asking for all kinds of trouble. In fact, it is a general principle that root should never be used for anything that doesn't absolutely require root access. And orcle backups don't absolutely require root access.
    Bottom line is ... you must want to take this backup in the worst way possible, because that's exactly how you are going about it -- in the worst way possible. You really should spend some more time reading up on rman backups and revamp your entire approach to this problem.
    Edited by: EdStevens on Sep 25, 2011 11:38 AM

  • Oracle 10g on Windows Server off-line database backup - a few questions

    I'd like to do an Oracle off-line backup every night. Please tell me what you think about my plan.
    First, run this batch file.
    set oracle_sid=PLDG
    C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\bin\sqlplusw.exe /nolog @c:\oracle\product\oradata\pldg\shutdb.sql
    C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\bin\oradim -shutdown -sid PLDG -shuttype srvc
    net stop OracleORADB10GTNSListenerPLDG
    This is the shutdb.sql script that the above batch file calls.
    set echo on
    spool C:\oracle\product\oradata\pldg\shutdb.log
    connect /@pledgemaker as sysdba
    shutdown immediate
    spool off
    ....that should shut down the database.
    Now I will copy the files that the following three queries pulls up to another server.
    SQL> select name from sys.v_$datafile;
    SQL> select member from sys.v_$logfile;
    SQL> select name from sys.v_$controlfile;
    After copying the above files, I want to start the database back up.  First I run this batch file
    set oracle_sid=PLDG
    net start OracleORADB10GTNSListenerPLDG
    C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\bin\oradim -startup -sid PLDG -starttype srvc,inst
    Then run this script.
    set echo on
    spool C:\oracle\product\oradata\pldg\startdb.log
    connect /@pledgemaker as sysdba
    spool off
    - Is this plan complete?
    - Will the filenames that the above three queries retrieve ever change in the future? Or do they remain the same?
    - There are other files in the C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\ORADATA\PLDG\ directory, such as TEMP01.DBF. I am assuming that I do not need to back these files up. Is this correct?
    Thanks so much for your help!
    Edited by: DataHandle on Jun 13, 2012 3:49 PM

    DataHandle wrote:
    Sorry, I should explain my situation better. Currently there is no backup in place right now so I just want to get SOMETHING running and backing up our data. I am an Oracle newbie compared to a lot of the experts on here - I just want to go with the simplest solution so that I can implement it ASAP. Then I can at least sleep at night.
    I agree that I should eventually get to learning RMAN and should understand it thoroughly. I've read a lot of the documentation on it but it can be really confusing. I mean there are 666 page books on Oracle backups - it is intimidating.
    Anyway, thanks for your help.
    Edited by: DataHandle on Jun 14, 2012 9:48 AM
    Edited by: DataHandle on Jun 14, 2012 9:49 AMYes, the official documentation can be pretty overwhelming. I suggest you go to amazon and look up "RMAN Backup and Recovery" by Hart and Freeman. It is very well written and cuts through a lot of the clutter of the actual reference manual.
    For the immediate, here's what you need to do
    log on the the sever as 'oracle' - or whoever owns the oracle installation
    rman target /
    rman> CONFIGURE RETENTION POLICY TO REDUNDANCY 1;     << set this how you want -- it's a quick reference in the official docs
    rman> CONFIGURE CHANNEL DEVICE TYPE DISK FORMAT   '/oradata/fs91upg/upgbkup/%U';     << set the path to wherever you want to store your backup
    rman>the above commnads are one-time setup.
    rman> shutdown immediate
    rman> startup mount
    rman> backup database
    rman> alter database open
    rman> exitis your database in archivelog mode?
    Edited by: EdStevens on Jun 14, 2012 10:47 AM

  • TS3276 All accounts keep going off line, quitting Mail fixes the issue

    All accounts keep going off line, quitting Mail fixes the issue.
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    If I select take all accounts on line nothing happens.
    Email delivery stops.
    To fix this, I quit Mail and re launch it. That fixes it.
    It's realy annoying.
    Any ideas?

    I have the same problem - it started when I upgraded to OS X 10.8
    I thought subsequent releases may help, but I'm now on 10.8.2 and no joy.

  • Sorry, we are having some temporary server issues. You can work off line if you plan to insert pictures from your computer

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    We're currently at a loss as to why it works for some users and not others?
    Any ideas out there?

    You can refer to this link and find the possible solution which is to delete the offending registry key:
    There we can also find information about deploying logon script to all roaming profile users to resolve this issue.

  • Pc is off line

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    I thought of doing a system recovery and unable to to do anything without the desktop. I can't seem to find in setup to a way to change the boot process to boot from a CD.

    Hello @scarmel,
    Welcome to the HP Forums, I hope you enjoy your experience! To help you get the most out of the HP Forums I would like to direct your attention to the HP Forums Guide First Time Here? Learn How to Post and More.
    I have read your post on how your desktop computer indicates that it is offline, and to use the last password you used. I would be happy to assist you in this matter!
    To successfully log back into Windows, I recommend following the steps in this document on What to do when you forget your sign-in password (Windows 8). This should help recover the password on your system.
    Should the problem continue, I suggest performing a backup and recovery of your operating system. This can be done by following the steps in this resource on Backing Up Your Files (Windows 8), as well as Performing an HP system recovery (Windows 8). This should return your system back to factory defaults.
    If the issue persists, please call our technical support at 800-474-6836. If you live outside the US/Canada Region, please click the link below to get the support number for your region.
    I hope this helps!
    I work on behalf of HP
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • HP Officejet Pro 850 showing off line when it is turned on and plugged in.

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    Hi Mike-lake,You may find this document helpful.  It covers a number of situations with the printer showing "offline" and walks through fixing this. let me know if this corrects the issue for you!Jean

  • 2008 R2: OS(systemState/C: Drive) backup issues with VSS - 0x80042316 & 0x81080101 & 0x80080005 & 2155348001

    Looked thru the thread related to my questions and found nothing that applies yet.
    Here are details of the issues....
    Backup - OS error - system image:
    External disk - USB
    Mon - Fri @ 6PM.
    Windows SystemState
    Last backup failure...
    Start time: 8/11/2014 6:01:32 PM
    End time: 8/12/2014 4:51:29 AM
    Duration: 10:49:56.4414784
    [Critical error WINIMAGE_UNABLE_VSS] Unable to create VSS snapshot
      - Additional information: Refer to the log for more details
      - Troubleshooting link:
    The backup operation stopped before completing.
    Detailed error: ERROR - The shared restore point operation failed with error (0x81000101)
    The creation of a shadow copy has timed out. Try this operation again.
    Log of files successfully backed up:
    Log of files for which backup failed:
    The errors logs are not there?
    Windows Backup timed-out before the shared protection point was created.
    ERROR - The shared restore point operation failed with error (0x81000101)
    The creation of a shadow copy has timed out. Try this operation again.
    Event Viewer Log:
    Sequence of Events...
    The Block Level Backup Engine service has successfully started.
    Backup operation that started...
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Backup
    Date:          8/12/2014 4:51:06 AM
    Event ID:      521
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    User:          SYSTEM
    Computer:      mdnfile.Auxiant.local
    The backup operation that started at '?2014?-?08?-?12T09:41:00.492000000Z' has failed because the
    Volume Shadow Copy Service operation to create a shadow copy of the volumes being backed up failed
    with following error code '2155348001'.
    Please review the event details for a solution, and then rerun the backup operation once the issue is resolved.
    --> Suggestion are to check Virus scanner or consult DPM forum...
    OS Job failed with errors...( Backup Assist is 3rd party backup - wrapper round Wbadmin/Win Backup)
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        BackupAssist
    Date:          8/12/2014 4:51:51 AM
    Event ID:      5634
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      mdnfile.Auxiant.local
    Backup job OS backup failed with errors.
    Critical error: Unable to create VSS snapshot
    Destination: External disk
    Start time: 8/11/2014 6:01:32 PM
    End time: 8/12/2014 4:51:29 AM
    Duration: 10:49:56.4414784
    Destination: External disk
    Start time: 8/11/2014 6:01:32 PM
    End time: 8/12/2014 4:51:29 AM
    Duration: 10:49:56.4414784
    Backup Assist reports via Win backup - Snapshot in progress
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        BackupAssist
    Date:          8/12/2014 4:52:20 AM
    Event ID:      5634
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      mdnfile.Auxiant.local
    Backup job Data backup failed with errors.
    Ultra critical error: Volume Shadow Copy Error 0x80042316 - snapshot set in progress
    Destination: Local directory
    Start time: 8/12/2014 4:52:10 AM
    End time: 8/12/2014 4:52:12 AM
    Duration: 00:00:02.7300000
    The Block Level Backup Engine service has stopped.
    Later...we tried manually stopping VSS and SWPRV services - only VSS had the issue.
    WBengine was not running...
    C:\>sc stop swprv
    SERVICE_NAME: swprv
            TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
            STATE              : 3  STOP_PENDING
                                    (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN)
            WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
            SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
            CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
            WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
    C:\>sc query swprv
    SERVICE_NAME: swprv
            TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
            STATE              : 1  STOPPED
            WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
            SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
            CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
            WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
    C:\>sc query wbengine
    SERVICE_NAME: wbengine
            TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
            STATE              : 1  STOPPED
            WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
            SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
            CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
            WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
    C:\>sc query vss
            TYPE               : 10  WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
            STATE              : 3  STOP_PENDING
                                    (STOPPABLE, NOT_PAUSABLE, ACCEPTS_SHUTDOWN)
            WIN32_EXIT_CODE    : 0  (0x0)
            SERVICE_EXIT_CODE  : 0  (0x0)
            CHECKPOINT         : 0x0
            WAIT_HINT          : 0x0
    C:\>sc stop vss
    [SC] ControlService FAILED 1061:
    The service cannot accept control messages at this time.  
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        VSS
    Date:          8/12/2014 9:20:33 AM
    Event ID:      8225
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Information
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      mdnfile.Auxiant.local
    The VSS service is shutting down due to shutdown event from the Service Control Manager.
    VSS still having issues here...not stopping!
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        VSS
    Date:          8/12/2014 9:42:33 AM
    Event ID:      11
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      mdnfile.Auxiant.local
    Volume Shadow Copy Service information:
    The COM Server with CLSID {e579ab5f-1cc4-44b4-bed9-de0991ff0623} and name IVssCoordinatorEx2 cannot be started.
    Most likely the CPU is under heavy load. [0x80080005, Server execution failed]
    Not sure why this is started again?
    Plus a DCOM timeout...
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Backup
    Date:          8/12/2014 9:31:13 AM
    Event ID:      753
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Information
    User:          SYSTEM
    Computer:      mdnfile.Auxiant.local
    The Block Level Backup Engine service has successfully started.
    Event Xml:
    Log Name:      System
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-DistributedCOM
    Date:          8/12/2014 9:31:43 AM
    Event ID:      10010
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      mdnfile.Auxiant.local
    The server {E579AB5F-1CC4-44B4-BED9-DE0991FF0623} did not register with DCOM within the required timeout.
    Lots more errors about VSS...repeating Event ID's 11 and 8193...
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        VSS
    Date:          8/12/2014 9:42:33 AM
    Event ID:      8193
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      mdnfile.Auxiant.local
    Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Unexpected error calling routine CoCreateInstance. 
    hr = 0x80080005, Server execution failed
    . Operation:
       Instantiating VSS server
    Then, finally stopping again...
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Backup
    Date:          8/12/2014 9:51:13 AM
    Event ID:      754
    Task Category: None
    Level:         Information
    User:          SYSTEM
    Computer:      mdnfile.Auxiant.local
    The Block Level Backup Engine service has stopped.
    And still repeating 11 & 8193 at this we write up this post.
    This was suggested by the Backup Assist - software vendor....
    ...for 0x81080101:
    "ERROR - The shared restore point operation failed with error (0x81000101)
    The creation of a shadow copy has timed out. Try again this operation."
    If you receive the above error in your report, we have recently found a registry key which
    contains the timeout value set by Microsoft for VSS and found that you can edit this to extend it.
    To get to the registry key, open Regedit (Start > Run > Regedit) and browse to:
    "HKLM\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\SPP\\CreateTimeout".
    Change value to 1200000 (2*10*60*1000 = 20 mins).
    The default for the timeout period is 10 mins so hopefully doubling this will give enough time to
    complete the snapshot.
    If this isn't present, you'll need to manually enter the registry key. It's a DWORD 32-bit key.
    --> NOTE: HAve not done this yet.
    And for 0x80080005...
    Our server does have high CPU load at times...
    Another post from technet mentions system volume size - here is our layout below:
    OS/system Disk...
    DISKPART> list disk
      Disk ###  Status         Size     Free     Dyn  Gpt
      Disk 0    Online          278 GB      0 B    (System Vol = C: Drive - OS w/ Programs and batch jobs)
      Disk 1    Online         2791 GB      0 B        *    (Data drive - DFS, rsync,etc. run on D: Drive)
      Disk 2    Online         1863 GB      0 B    (USB 2/3.0 - Enclosure w/ SATA disk = 2GB formatted w/ NTFS.)
    DISKPART> detail disk
    DELL PERC H710P SCSI Disk Device
    Disk ID: CA0DEEA5
    Type   : RAID
    Status : Online
    Path   : 1
    Target : 0
    LUN ID : 0
    Location Path : PCIROOT(0)#PCI(0100)#PCI(0000)#RAID(P01T00L00)
    Current Read-only State : No
    Read-only  : No
    Boot Disk  : Yes
    Pagefile Disk  : Yes
    Hibernation File Disk  : No
    Crashdump Disk  : Yes
    Clustered Disk  : No
      Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
      Volume 1         RECOVERY     NTFS   Partition   3072 MB  Healthy    System
      Volume 2     C   OS           NTFS   Partition    275 GB  Healthy    Boot
    Backup disk...
    ST320006 41AS USB Device
    Disk ID: 801AF48C
    Type   : USB
    Status : Online
    Path   : 0
    Target : 0
    LUN ID : 0
    Location Path : UNAVAILABLE
    Current Read-only State : No
    Read-only  : No
    Boot Disk  : No
    Pagefile Disk  : No
    Hibernation File Disk  : No
    Crashdump Disk  : No
    Clustered Disk  : No
      Volume ###  Ltr  Label        Fs     Type        Size     Status     Info
      Volume 4     F   BACKUPS      NTFS   Partition   1863 GB  Healthy
    Also on disk 0(system Disk) - we have a small OEM partition = 39MB and a Recovery Partition = 3GB.
    Issues with WBAdmin now...
    C:\>wbadmin get disks
    wbadmin 1.0 - Backup command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2004 Microsoft Corp.
    ERROR - A Volume Shadow Copy Service operation error has
    occurred: (0x80042302)
    A Volume Shadow Copy Service component encountered an unexpected error.
    Check the Application event log for more information.
    Ran "Check-Disk" -no errors...
    The type of the file system is NTFS.
    The volume is in use by another process. Chkdsk
    might report errors when no corruption is present.
    Volume label is OS.
    WARNING!  F parameter not specified.
    Running CHKDSK in read-only mode.
    CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3)...
      116224 file records processed.
    File verification completed.
      654 large file records processed.
      0 bad file records processed.
      0 EA records processed.
      76 reparse records processed.
    CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 3)...
      156676 index entries processed.
    Index verification completed.
      0 unindexed files scanned.
      0 unindexed files recovered.
    CHKDSK is verifying security descriptors (stage 3 of 3)...
      116224 file SDs/SIDs processed.
    Security descriptor verification completed.
      20227 data files processed.
    CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
      35628352 USN bytes processed.
    Usn Journal verification completed.
    Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.
     289233919 KB total disk space.
     100241492 KB in 85477 files.
         57380 KB in 20228 indexes.
             0 KB in bad sectors.
        226627 KB in use by the system.
         65536 KB occupied by the log file.
     188708420 KB available on disk.
          4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
      72308479 total allocation units on disk.
      47177105 allocation units available on disk.
    There are no backup error logs here - only .etl files...
    Wbadmin.1.etl = 9:42AM on 8/12
    Wbadmin.2.etl = 4:51AM on 8/12
    Per windows Win troubleshooting:
    --> Related to Windows backup and not VSS?
    2155348001 - 0x80780021 - Windows Backup timed-out before the shared protection point was created.
    Should we run the "FIXVSS08.BAT" script - restarts services and re-registers DLL's - does this ever help?
    Will this server need a reboot since VSS is in a state and we can't even test backups?
    Is there a tool we can use to debug VSS or troubleshoot or OS backups further?
    MSReport/Diag, VSS debugging, or another way of helping fix our OS(SystemState/C: drive) backup issues?
    Any help is greatly appreciated - thx.
    Scot Pichelman

    Hi Scot,
    Sometimes a third party backup application will change the default VSS provider adding VSS writers which causes Windows Server Backup using an incorrect component in doing backup, that's why I suggest to delete it for a test. Anyway you can reinstall it
    after testing.
    And as you said a high-load CPU could also be the cause of the issue so you may need to first rule hardware effective out.
    If issue still exists, please try the steps below as well:
    1. Please check DCOM Server Process Launcher service is started.
    2. If not, try to change RPC service to run as SYSTEM account. To do this please modify the following key:
    Note: Backup the key before edit incase it cause any issue.
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\RpcSs\
    Find "ObjectName" and change the value to LocalSystem.
    Reboot to see if DCOM back to work and if Windows Server Backup starts working. If not, please provide the result if there is any new error occurs.
    If DCOM still not work, please compare the content of the following key with a working server:
    Edit if there is any difference and make sure you created a backup of the key before editing. 
    If you have any feedback on our support, please send to [email protected]

  • How do I get my printer from off-line to on-line?

    I installed my HP Photosmart C4380 on a network computer.  It prints fine from that computer (which runs on XP).  However, when I try to print from another computer, I cannot print because the computer is off-line.  I did not have this problem when I had Windows XP. I was able to select "on-line."   I now have Windows 7 on the computer I am having problems with.

    What driver do you have installed on the Windows 7 machine? Do you have 32 bit or 64 bit Windows 7?
    How is the XP computer connected to the printer - is it via USB or through the network?
    Running the diagnostics at may help resolve the issue.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

  • Mail in 10.7.5 suddenly off line on all my devices....HELP

    iMac (24-inch Early 2008) running OS 10.7.5
    MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010) running OS 10.7.5
    iPad 2 (wifi) running iOS 6.1.3
    iPad 4 (wifi) running iOS 6.1.3
    Here's the problem. I have internet connection. But suddenly today all my devices are off line in Mail.
    Have re-set my dsl modem multiple times.
    Ran Connection Doctor and got red lights on all 4 of my mail accounts (iCloud, 2x verizon addresses, and a work email address)
    Checked all the settings and as far as I can figure, the are what I have been using.
    EXCEPT......when I open the EDIT OUTGOING SERVER area of the Mail preferenced for my iCloud account, it choses my work account server. I re-set and save it. But it's right back to the wrong server when I go back to check. WHAT"S UP with that??????
    Anybody have any insights into this problem?
    Yes, I can get my email on the individual websites, but that means signing on and off of 4 websites every 15 minutes or so. Not gonna work.
    Thanks for any suggestions.
    Tearing my hair out

    Hello Snappi,
    Thank you for all the information you provided about what is going on with Mail on all your Apple Devices.  I found an article with steps that I think might help. 
    I recommend reviewing the article, but I found some steps that sound like they apply specifically to what you are experiencing in the section titled "Mail Connection Doctor shows one or more red dots in the account Status column>Click here if your Incoming and Outgoing email account settings are correct, but the issue persists>Click here if a 'Could not connect to this (server type) server…' message appears":
    Click here if a "Could not connect to this (server type) server…" message appears
    Check for third-party firewall software
    Third-party firewall software, such as Little Snitch or Symantec Norton Personal Firewall, could be blocking the necessary ports. If such software is installed, make sure the firewall is not blocking these ports:
    ports 25, 465, and 587 (for sending email via SMTP)
    ports 143 and 993 (if you use IMAP email)
    ports 110 and 995 (if you use POP email)
    If you're not sure how to enable the correct ports, try disabling the third-party firewall completely, then test for the Mail issue. Note: The Mac OS X v10.6 firewall does not interfere with ports needed to send email.
    Check for Internet Service Provider port blockingYour Internet Service Provider may be blocking the SMTP ports needed to send email.You can use Apple's MobileMe service to find out if your Internet Service Provider is blocking the sending email protocol SMTP:
    Open Network Utility in the Utilities folder—in Finder, choose Go > Utilities (or press Shift-Command-U).
    Click the "Port Scan" tab.
    Enter "" in the "Enter an Internet or IP address to scan for open ports" field.
    Enable "Only test ports between _ and _", and enter 25 for both port fields.
    Click "Scan" to test.
    If you do not see "Open TCP Port: 25 smtp", contact your Internet Service Provider or visit their support website for further assistance. If you do see "Open TCP Port: 25 smtp", your Internet Service Provider is not blocking the SMTP ports needed to send email. Go to the "'Trying to log in to this (email server provider name) account failed…' message or any other error message appears" section below if the email issue persists.
    You can find the full article here:
    OS X Mail: Troubleshooting sending and receiving email messages
    Thank you for posting in the Apple Support Communities. 
    Sheila M.

  • "Always Available off line" menu item not available for user on computer where another does see it. This is on Active Directory Computer

    I have a lap top that I want to add files via Always available off line.
    When I logon and right click on a folder share I can see the menu item all was available offline.  When the user logs on this option is not available.  I have turned the feature on and off, rebooted, I have deleted the cache folder but I cannot
    see how to get this menu item to show up.  It's odd that it shows up for one user but not another on the same computer.  I have searched the web and tried the above things and others but cannot seem to resolve this problem.  It seems pretty
    common and their. This computer is on a domain.

    So as we edited the group policy settings in the default domain policy, the menu item is now available?
    And as we are in a domain environment and the settings is configured under the default domain policy, how the domain users behave different from each other? Which someone could see and the other not?
    Could we please generate a
    GPO report to take a check?
    And regarding group policy issue, it is recommended to seek help in the group policy forum, experts there may share some insights:
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can't print to lexmark model X5470 printer. Get knocked off line when I try to print a document.

    Anytime I try to print a document using Lexmark model X5470, i.e. boarding passes from, or any other web site, I get knocked off line.
    However; I can print the same items when on Internet Explorer, Safari, and Google Chrome with no problems.'''
    I have an HP deskjet that works fine on Mozilla, but the Lexmark X5470 will not print from Firefox. It will; however, print a PDF document from Mozilla.

    This may be a printer driver issue. I recommended first connect printer directly to computer and check for Software Updates, this will tell you if you have any printer updates.
    If you are using a Mac computer follow troubleshooting steps in HT3500
    (Basically, navigate to Print & Scan in System Preferences and right-click or control-click on printer from left and choose Reset Printing System, then re-add preferred printer.)
    If you are using a Windows computer download and install Bonjour Print Services DL999

  • TS3276 My mail account has gone off line.  How do I get it back on line?  I think I sent an email file that was too big.

    My mail account has gone off line.  How do I get it back on line?  I think I sent an email file that was too big.

    When you have the browser open (Internet Explorer) then press the Alt key on the keyboard. It should show you the file options at the top..Then uncheck work offline and check..
    If you have HP Support Assistant installed on the computer(The Blue Question Mark) then open it ==> Complete all pending Updates & Tuneups==> Restart and Check. It may solve your problem
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.
    **Click on “Kudos” Star if you think this reply helped** Or Mark it as "Solved" if issue got fixed.

  • LR Off-line DVD Storage - Any Thoughts on How to do

    After time passes, I like to move raw files from my hard drive to a DVD. I want to continue to keep these raw files that have been moved to the DVD as part of my LR catalog, including their thumbnail image. This way I can easily locate raw files stored off-line on a DVD. So far my solution is to take all of the files that I will be moving to a DVD, add them to a child-collection called for example DVD-32 (parent collection is called DVDs-RAW Files). I also, select all of the files and add the keyword, in this example 32. Then I copy these files to the DVD-32, delete them from the hard drive. The folder(s) shows as red in the LR library folders. Each files thumbnail is still retained. When I select a file, I know what DVD it is stored on by looking at the keyword. The reason I created the collection of files on a DVD is to provide an easy way to know what files are on a particular DVD. This is a more cumbersome process than what I did using IMatch, which was designed to catalog off-line files. I wonder if there is a simpler way to do this in LR.
    Thanks for any thoughts on this.

    Also there are some pretty worrying reports about DVD and CD reliability unless you use the Gold Archive disks [that I use, but I no longer archive to DVD or CD].
    I now use a grandfather, father, son backup/archive method with grandfather,father in my safe deposit box. When I feel enough changes have been made, I put son in SD box and bring out GF, reformat, check for errors, and do a backup to set the new baseline.
    I check my HDs for errors frequently.
    I only lost data once, that was when I was replicating deletes and my main HD got corrupted and I transferred those deletes to my backup. I like being able to "look" at my backup/archive files.
    People may say that I should still archive to optical media, but to me it is no more safe than my method. I would have to constantly re-read my optical disks to make sure they were not failing.
    Also, I expect to pass the 20,000 file mark this year and that is about 25 DVDs [expect 95 GB or so] and making sure they are good looks daunting. Maybe when/if the blue ray technology arrives with appropriate archive/validation s/w I will change my mind.
    Meanwhile, I am looking at ads for 500 GB HDs :-)

  • Network shares off line

    When I'm offline, the network shares advisor appear two times to tell me that I'm off line.
    whi two times?

    Please give a brief Description about the issue and also Help with Model No of the linksys Product

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