Office document properties in WebUI

Most of the documents stored by our company are Office documents, which contain a large set of properties, that are used extensively to manage documents. In moving to iFS we'd like to see and search on these properties from the WebUI, but they only seem to be visible from the WinUI. Do I have to add these standard properties (Title, Subject, Author, Comments, etc.) as custom properties and create my own parser, or am I missing something. If I do, how do I go about that?

The compound document format for Microsoft Office documents is, needless to say, a tough nut to crack. It's been cracked, however, by lots of interested parties (filter companies like INSO, for example, or Sun with StarOffice).
I've spent a fair amount of time trying to find some documentation of the format, to little avail. However, I have found vendors like Linar ( who provide COM to Java bridge products that are helpful here.

Similar Messages

  • Accessing MS Office built-in Document Properties

    Can someone point me to a HOWTO, etc. that shows how to access an Office document's properties (Title, Subject, Author, etc.)? Thanks.

    hi alexander,
    to programatically get and set document meta-data like author, text, description, etc. we provide the Content Management API's which are available here:
    use the view WWSBR_ALL_ITEMS which is located in the portal schema to query the item attributes.
    these PL/SQL API's do exactly what you are planning to do.

  • Win Server 2008 R2 - FSRM is not able to view Office Word 2010 custom document properties

    how to view custom document properties for office 2010 files on Win Server 2008 R2 - FSRM.
    Word 2003 custom document properties are reportable and also visible after: Right click on file/Properties/Custom
    Word 2010 there is no Custom menu after: Right click on file/Properties/Custom
    Any suggestion ?

    Hi Tomas,
    To view custom properties in Office 2010:
    1. Click the File tab.
    2. Click Info.
    3. Click Properties, and then select Advanced Properties
    4. Click the Custom tab
    Regarding this point, the following article can be referred to for more information.
    View or change the properties for an Office file
    In addition, for this is more related to Office, in order to get better, we can also ask for suggestions in the following forum.
    Office Forum
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

  • Read-only Collaborator can edit Contract Document properties

    We have a master agreement with a read-only collaborator. The security profile for this collaborator role is identical to the stock "Document Reviewer" profile, i.e. only View is set.
    However this supposedly read-only collaborator is able to edit Contract Document properties. They click on the Contract Documents tab, then drill into a Contract Document, and then click on the Edit button. From there, they have the ability to change fields such as Name, Descrpition, Effective Date, etc. They cannot change or delete the actual file attachment itself.
    Is this an issue with CLM, or is there some security setting we are missing somewhere? Please tell me this is not working as designed ..

    Hi Terry,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you don’t want the yollow bar notification to display when you open Access documents.
    This issue seems to be about the client application. Please compare the followings with the things that you did:
     1.Open the documents
     2.Click File->Options->Trust Center->Trust Center Settings
     3.Click Protected View, unselect ‘Enable Protected View for originating from the Internet’
     4.Click Message Bar, select ‘Never show information about blocked content’
     5.Click Macro Settings, select ‘Disable all macros without notification’
    In addition, as this issue is about Office, I commend you create a new thread in Office forum, more experts will assist you with this issue.
    Office forum:
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Trouble when embedding a Bean in an Office Document

    Hello all,
    I have to embed a Java Bean into an ActiveX Container like a MS Office document via the axbridge.
    Let me mention, what I have (successfully) done so far:
    - Create a Java Bean
    - Create a Jar file (incl. the manifest file)
    - Run the packager and register the Object
    - Test the control in the MS ActiveX Control Test Container
    System: Win2k, JSDK 1.4.2, JRE 1.4.2_03, Office 2000, Visual C++ 6.0 SP 3
    The ActiveX control works fine in the MS test container. When I try to embed it in another Container like a MS Office document or Macromedia Authoware, the Container Program hangs up without an error message. Also the Java Console contains no message.
    On the other side, the Control can successfully be created and used within VBA:
    Sub myTestApplet()
        Set myTest = CreateObject("TestApplet.Bean.1")
        Set myTest = Nothing
    End Sub Doing so, the control works correctly, but isn�t displayed in the document.
    I tried to use different Superclasses for the Bean like Component, JComponent, Panel etc. and at last I used an empty Bean inherited from JComponent. Every try works well in the MS test container, but as soon as I try to embed it into an Office-Document the Application hangs up.
    The ActiveX Bridge from the 1.4.2 SDK/JRE Bundle doesn�t work at all, even not in the MS test container. Thus I installed the 1.4.2_03 JRE, which makes the controls work in the MS test container (but still not in other Containers).
    Can somebody help me? I have no idea for a workaround and I�m blocked now. Any advice is very welcome!

    Thank you very much for your interest at my problem.
    I try to describe exactly, what I do: I want to integrate a Java3D program into a Macromedia Authorware application. Therefore I want to convert the Java3D program into an ActiveX control (and use the ActiveX Bridge). Authorware must be able to access methods of the J3D program and the J3D program must be able to throw events to Authorware. I think this is nothing special for an ActiveX control.
    In order to avoid additional problems, I use a simple test application without Java3D (source code enclosed).
    I work on:
    JSDK 1.4.2, JRE 1.4.2_3,
    Visual C++ 6.0 SP3 and I also tried Visual Studio .NET.
    Authorware 7
    MS Office 2000
    What have I done so far?
    - compiled the code and created a jar archive (manifest file enclosed)
    - packaged and registered the Bean as described in
    - successfully tested the ActiveX control in the ActiveX Control Test Container. The exported methods appear (and work) correctly when I choose "invoke methods".
    Now to the problem(s): If I try to embed the control in Authorware or an office document via the ToolBox, the container program hangs up. But as already mentioned above, Visual Basic .NET embeds the control successfully. Therefore I try to create an ActiveX control in VB .NET, which integrates my Java Bean. Let's say a wrapper control. Here are the steps:
    - I opened Visual Studio .NET and created a new VB project based on template "Windows Application".
    - added the Bean to the ToolBox
    - added the Bean into the VB Form.
    - added a button into the form. The form designer created the Bean and button as:Friend WithEvents AxActiveXTest1 As AxActiveXTest.AxActiveXTest
    Friend WithEvents Button1 As System.Windows.Forms.Button
    Me.AxActiveXTest1 = New AxActiveXTest.AxActiveXTest()
    Me.Button1 = New System.Windows.Forms.Button() - in the form designer double clicked the button and entered the following code: Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Me.AxActiveXTest1.appendText("Hello World")
    End Sub- test the form and click on the VB button.
    Now the error message listed above appears ("cannot invoke method 'appendText' at this time"). I have no idea, why VB crashes when I try to access a method of the Bean. Somewhere I must have made an error. Each assistance is very welcome.
    Thank you in advance and please excuse my less good English.
    Source code:
    1. Class ActiveXTest package de.acns.test;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.beans.*;
    * class ActiveXTest
    public class ActiveXTest extends JPanel implements Serializable,
        // member variables
        private PropertyChangeSupport propertySupport;
        /** Creates new form ActiveXTest */
        public ActiveXTest() {
            propertySupport = new PropertyChangeSupport( this );
        /** This method is called from within the constructor to
         * initialize the form.
         * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
         * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
        private void initComponents() {
            java.awt.GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraints;
            jButton1 = new javax.swing.JButton();
            jScrollPane1 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
            jTextArea1 = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
            setLayout(new java.awt.GridBagLayout());
            jButton1.setText("Click Here!");
            jButton1.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            gridBagConstraints = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();
            gridBagConstraints.gridx = 0;
            gridBagConstraints.gridy = 0;
            gridBagConstraints.insets = new java.awt.Insets(4, 4, 4, 4);
            add(jButton1, gridBagConstraints);
            jScrollPane1.setMinimumSize(new java.awt.Dimension(160, 100));
            jScrollPane1.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(160, 100));
            jTextArea1.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(50, 50));
            gridBagConstraints = new java.awt.GridBagConstraints();
            gridBagConstraints.gridx = 0;
            gridBagConstraints.gridy = 1;
            gridBagConstraints.insets = new java.awt.Insets(4, 4, 4, 4);
            add(jScrollPane1, gridBagConstraints);
        private void jButton1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
            // Add your handling code here:
            appendText("You clicked the java button.\n");
         * Public methods to export
        public void appendText( String text)
        public void setText( String text )
            String oldValue = jTextArea1.getText();
            jTextArea1.setText( text );
            propertySupport.firePropertyChange("TEXT", oldValue,
        public String getText()
            return jTextArea1.getText();
         * PropertyChangeListener Support
        public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
        public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
         * static main method, enables the bean to be testet "standalone"
        public static void main( String[] args)
            // Create a new instance and add it to a JFrame
            ActiveXTest activeXTest = new ActiveXTest();
            JFrame      frame       = new JFrame("Testapplication");
            frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                public void windowClosing( WindowEvent e )
            frame.getContentPane().setLayout( new GridLayout ());
            frame.getContentPane().add( activeXTest );
            frame.setLocation( (Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width 
                                 - frame.getWidth())  >> 1,
                                 - frame.getHeight()) >> 1 );
         * For testing purposes only, when the bean is
         * created by the static main method
        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt)
            System.out.println("Property \"" + evt.getPropertyName()
                                + "\" wurde von \"" + evt.getOldValue()
                                + "\" in \"" + evt.getNewValue()
                                + "\" ge?ndert");
        // Variables declaration - do not modify
        private javax.swing.JButton jButton1;
        private javax.swing.JScrollPane jScrollPane1;
        private javax.swing.JTextArea jTextArea1;
        // End of variables declaration
    } 2. ActiveXTestBeanInfopackage de.acns.test;
    import java.beans.*;
    * class ActiveXTestBeanInfo
    public class ActiveXTestBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo {
        // Bean descriptor information will be obtained from introspection.
        private static BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor = null;
        private static BeanDescriptor getBdescriptor(){
            // Here you can add code for customizing the BeanDescriptor.
            return beanDescriptor;     }
        // Properties information will be obtained from introspection.
        private static PropertyDescriptor[] properties = null;
        private static PropertyDescriptor[] getPdescriptor(){
            // Here you can add code for customizing the properties array.
            System.out.println("ActiveXTestBeanInfo: Properties werden exportiert:");
                // create the property descritpors
                properties = new PropertyDescriptor[]
                    new PropertyDescriptor( "text", de.acns.test.ActiveXTest.class )
                // For debugging purposes only
                for( int i=0; i<properties.length; i++)
                    System.out.println(properties.getShortDescription() );
    System.out.println(" ");
    catch( Exception e )
    return properties; }
    // Event set information will be obtained from introspection.
    private static EventSetDescriptor[] eventSets = null;
    private static EventSetDescriptor[] getEdescriptor(){
    // Here you can add code for customizing the event sets array.
    return eventSets; }
    // Method information will be obtained from introspection.
    private static MethodDescriptor[] methods = null;
    private static MethodDescriptor[] getMdescriptor(){
    // Here you can add code for customizing the methods array.
    System.out.println("ActiveXTestBeanInfo: exportiere Methoden:");
    // create the method descriptors
    methods = new MethodDescriptor[]
    new MethodDescriptor( ActiveXTest.class.getMethod("appendText", new Class[]{String.class}))
    // For debugging purposes only
    for( int i=0; i<methods.length; i++)
    System.out.println(" ");
    catch( Exception e)
    return methods; }
    private static int defaultPropertyIndex = -1;
    private static int defaultEventIndex = -1;
    // Here you can add code for customizing the Superclass BeanInfo.
    * Gets the bean's <code>BeanDescriptor</code>s.
    * @return BeanDescriptor describing the editable
    * properties of this bean. May return null if the
    * information should be obtained by automatic analysis.
    public BeanDescriptor getBeanDescriptor() {
    return getBdescriptor();
    * Gets the bean's <code>PropertyDescriptor</code>s.
    * @return An array of PropertyDescriptors describing the editable
    * properties supported by this bean. May return null if the
    * information should be obtained by automatic analysis.
    * <p>
    * If a property is indexed, then its entry in the result array will
    * belong to the IndexedPropertyDescriptor subclass of PropertyDescriptor.
    * A client of getPropertyDescriptors can use "instanceof" to check
    * if a given PropertyDescriptor is an IndexedPropertyDescriptor.
    public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() {
    return getPdescriptor();
    * Gets the bean's <code>EventSetDescriptor</code>s.
    * @return An array of EventSetDescriptors describing the kinds of
    * events fired by this bean. May return null if the information
    * should be obtained by automatic analysis.
    public EventSetDescriptor[] getEventSetDescriptors() {
    return getEdescriptor();
    * Gets the bean's <code>MethodDescriptor</code>s.
    * @return An array of MethodDescriptors describing the methods
    * implemented by this bean. May return null if the information
    * should be obtained by automatic analysis.
    public MethodDescriptor[] getMethodDescriptors() {
    return getMdescriptor();
    * A bean may have a "default" property that is the property that will
    * mostly commonly be initially chosen for update by human's who are
    * customizing the bean.
    * @return Index of default property in the PropertyDescriptor array
    *           returned by getPropertyDescriptors.
    * <P>     Returns -1 if there is no default property.
    public int getDefaultPropertyIndex() {
    return defaultPropertyIndex;
    * A bean may have a "default" event that is the event that will
    * mostly commonly be used by human's when using the bean.
    * @return Index of default event in the EventSetDescriptor array
    *          returned by getEventSetDescriptors.
    * <P>     Returns -1 if there is no default event.
    public int getDefaultEventIndex() {
    return defaultEventIndex;
    3. manifest file
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
    Name: de/acns/test/ActiveXTest.class
    Java-Bean: True

  • Acrobat Pro 9.5.1 Document Properties glitch

    When trying to view the document properties in Acrobat Pro 9.5.1 I get the below screenshot. The box is tiny and so small nothing can be viewed. I have to press ESC to close the window. I can only use ALT+SPACE to move  it also.
    PC config:
    Generic Dell Crap Vostro 200.
    Windows XP SP3
    CS4 DP - only Acrobat, Distiller, Bridge, Illustrator and Photoshop, no InDesign.
    CS5.5 DS - Everything but Acrobat X as it isn't compatible with our plugins and add-ons.
    All Adobe software is updated, as is the windows OS. AV is AVG Business.

    Yes, I've tried multiple repairs.
    Here is my sysinfo file if it helps. I noticved that some of the plugins were doubled up in their own folder and the plugin fodler, so I removed the apis from the plugin folder...
    Available Physical Memory: 1529264 KB
    Available Virtual Memory: 1782092 KB
    BIOS Version: DELL   - 42302e31
    Default Browser:
    Default Mail: Microsoft Office Outlook
        Version: 1.0.2536.0 (XPClient.010817-1148)
    Graphics Card: Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family
        Check: Not Supported
    Installed Acrobat: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe
        Creation Date: 2012/04/24
        Creation Time: 12:11:25 AM
    Locale: English (Australia)
        Name: Intel(R) G33/G31 Express Chipset Family
        Resolution: 1680 x 1050 x 60
        Bits per pixel: 32
    OS Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation
    OS Name: Microsoft Windows XP Professional
    OS Version: 5.1.2600  Service Pack 3
    Page File Space: 4194303 KB
    Processor: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 13  GenuineIntel  ~1795  Mhz
    System Name: COPYROOM2
    Temporary Directory: C:\DOCUME~1\JOHNDE~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\
    Time Zone: AUS Eastern Standard Time
    Total Physical Memory: 2097151 KB
    Total Virtual Memory: 2097024 KB
    User Name: Rod
    Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
    Installed plug-ins:
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\AcroForm.api
        Creation Date: 2012/04/24
        Creation Time: 12:11:59 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Annots.api
        Creation Date: 2012/04/24
        Creation Time: 12:12:10 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\DigSig.api
        Creation Date: 2012/04/24
        Creation Time: 12:11:58 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Enfocus\Certified PDF.api
        Version: 3,2,4,0
        Creation Date: 2012/02/27
        Creation Time: 11:16:27 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Enfocus\PitStop.api
        Version: 7,5,2,0
        Creation Date: 2012/02/27
        Creation Time: 11:16:38 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\EScript.api
        Creation Date: 2012/04/24
        Creation Time: 12:12:08 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Heidelberg\ImpositionViewer.API
        Version: 1.3.033
        Creation Date: 2012/01/16
        Creation Time: 11:21:48 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Heidelberg\PTLic4.api
        Version: 3.0.91
        Creation Date: 2012/01/16
        Creation Time: 11:22:05 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Heidelberg\PTools.api
        Version: 3.0.91
        Creation Date: 2012/01/16
        Creation Time: 11:22:06 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Heidelberg\PTVersion.api
        Version: 1.0.91
        Creation Date: 2012/01/16
        Creation Time: 11:22:06 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Heidelberg\Screening.api
        Version: 2.0.91
        Creation Date: 2012/01/16
        Creation Time: 11:22:07 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Heidelberg\Supercolor.api
        Version: 4.0.91
        Creation Date: 2012/01/16
        Creation Time: 11:22:08 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Heidelberg\Supertrap.api
        Version: 6.0.91
        Creation Date: 2012/01/16
        Creation Time: 11:22:09 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\IA32.api
        Creation Date: 2012/05/22
        Creation Time: 5:37:43 PM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\PPKLite.api
        Creation Date: 2012/04/24
        Creation Time: 12:12:04 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Printable\FusionProAcro8.api
        Version: 7.2.13
        Creation Date: 2011/08/24
        Creation Time: 4:50:04 PM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\qbox32.api
        Version: 1.8b (EN) beta 1
        Creation Date: 2011/10/05
        Creation Time: 9:50:33 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\qiplus2.api
        Version: 2.9b
        Creation Date: 2011/10/05
        Creation Time: 9:50:33 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\Updater.api
        Creation Date: 2012/04/24
        Creation Time: 12:12:02 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\weblink.api
        Creation Date: 2012/04/24
        Creation Time: 12:12:01 AM
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\plug_ins\WebPDF.api
        Creation Date: 2012/05/22
        Creation Time: 5:37:33 PM

  • Acrobat - Convert Office documents to PDF so that it is crawled/indexed by SharePoint search

    Hi there,
    This is a hybrid question between Acrobat and SharePoint and I'll post on both forums....
    In a fairly complex application we have a publishing server that utilizes Acrobat to convert Office documents to PDF using the Convert to PDF functionality.
    We then publish that PDF to a library in SharePoint.  We would like to have those published PDFs searchable by SharePoint search.  Unfortunately there is something about these PDFs where SharePoint cannot crawl the content.
    Note:  I do realize that PDFs are not indexable by SharePoint out of the box and I have installed and configured the iFilter utility.  I have been able to index and search for other PDFs, so I know the mechanism works.  It just seems to be these
    particular PDFs.
    I have also manually "Saved as PDF" directly from Word/Excel and those PDFs are crawled by just seems to be when Acrobat does its conversion.  I'm sure it's just a simple configuration somewhere... I just don't know what I'm
    looking for.
    Another note:  When I open the published PDFs, I am able to use Acrobat's search to find the text.... and the text is selectable; so it's not as if the conversion changed it to an image.
    So....would anyone happen to have encountered this issue?  Or does anyone know what makes a PDF indexable by SharePoint search?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi  ,
    According to your description, my understanding is that the PDFs which are converted from Office documents by Acrobat cannot be crawled in your SharePoint 2010.
    For your issue, please make sure these PDFs version is 1.5(Acrobat 6.x) or above.
    You can take steps as below for verifying:
    Open your PDF using Adobe Reader.
    Go to File -> Properties.
    Check the PDF Version under Advanced section.
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Document properties aren't syncing up with SharePoint in Record Center Libraries

    In a record center's document/record library, I'm not able to link word document properties with sharepoint item attributes using "Quick Parts" as I can with Document Libraries.
    Could this be because of a separate issue with how the Record Center handles properties?

    Hi Dnerd,
    We have found this issue. We can reproduced this issue as the followings:
    Create a Team site, create a document library
    In the library, create a column called Test1, then upload a document to the library
    Open the document with office app. In the Quick Parts->Document property, we can find the name of the custom column Test1
    Create a Record Center, create a custom column Test2 in Record library, then upload a document to the library
    Open the document with office app. In the Quick Parts->Document property, we can not find the name of the custom column Test2
    Then create a new library in the Record Center, and create a column for the library. Do a same test, the result is same with the result in Record library.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Can you put KM attributes in a office document?

    I have a question : "Can you put KM attributes such as a document version number automatically in a Office document"?
    For iso documents it's needed to have a version counter in the word document itself. If the km version number could be copied into the document this would greatly reduce the number of errors.

    Hi Frederik,
    you would have to implement a repository service which subscribes to creation / modification of resources, then checks if the resource is an MSOffice document, and in this case modify this document again (this is also a trap, you would create a new version(!) and your RepService would get called again; without care, you will quite fast create an infinite loop..).
    To set properties on a MSOffice document you could use - anyhow, as said, this sounds like not being very reasonable in the case when using versioning and / or approval services.
    Hope it helps nevertheless

  • Linking Custom Document Properties to SharePoint

    We currently have a Microsoft Office Add-in that, among other things, reads and writes Custom Document Properties. Our add-in includes a user-dialogue through which these values are captured and subsequently displayed within the document.
    We now have a requirement to integrate this functionality with SharePoint 2010. In particular, we want our Office custom document properties to be co-ordinated with equivalent SharePoint server properties (i.e. site columns in Document Libraries) so that,
    when a given SharePoint property value is changed the equivalent custom document property is also changed.
    Users must be able to set the properties in either SharePoint or in an Office App (Word for example) and the changes be reflected in both places.
    Our solution must work with the desktop versions of Office 2010/13 and the non-Office365 versions of SharePoint 2010/13.
    During our initial prototyping we have looked at a number of possible approaches (including Document Property Promotion and Demotion) but are still not sure which appropriate to use.
    With regard to Document Property Promotion and Demotion for example, we found that, if we create a document outside SharePoint, then invoke our add-in to set document properties, then upload the document to SharePoint; the SharePoint properties and the
    Office Custom Document Properties are initially in step, any subsequent changes cause problems.
    If we now change the SharePoint properties by editing them in SharePoint and then open the document in Word, the Custom Document Properties are unchanged. Similarly, any change we make in Word is not reflected in the
    SharePoint properties when the document is saved back to the SharePoint library.
    Our properties are all of type string in Word and type Choice in SharePoint.
    For various reasons, our solution must not depend in any way on Office templates.
    We would like to know what would be the recommended approach to implementing this functionality.
    Below provides a basic diagram of our requirement:

    According to your description, you might want to sync the custom document properties between document and SharePoint Library.
    A solution can be like this: We can add an Event Receiver to this library, it will be triggered when there is a file is checked in or the item of list is updated, then we can
    read/write the specific document properties and sync between document and SharePoint Library.
    The whole scenario would be like this: When a document is uploaded and checked in, the method put in the Event Receiver will be triggered and update the related columns of library.
    When we updated these columns in library, we can capture the ItemUpdated event and update the corresponding properties of this document.
    Here is a step by step sample on creating a simple Item added event receiver:
    More information on Event Receiver for your reference:
    For about how to update the custom properties of an Office Document, it is recommended you post another question to the Microsoft Office for Developers forum, you will get more
    help and confirmed answers from there.
    Patrick Liang
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
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    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Document Properties versus Form Properties

    I was searching this forum and the knowledgebase to find an answer on how to populate the Document Properties visible in Acrobat/Reader 7 with the values from the Form Properties of a XFA form created with Designer 7.1. Unfortunately I was not able to find a sufficient answer. Is it possible to fill the Document Properties from within a XFA form? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
    Any help is really appreciated. Thanks!
    Kind regards, Karin

    As I discussed with my colleague on Office application, the Document property we can access from File tab is different from the DOCPROPERTY we can locate in Fields.
    If you would like to add the "aaa" to document, we could add it manually.
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Extract Created-Property from Office Documents

    i want to show the created-property of Office Documents in the search result list.
    KM only extracts Title, modified, modifiedby.
    So i followed the document "How to extract DC metadata from office documents for indexing and searching.pdf". But here only the following metadata are extracted:
    title, personalname, description, subject, keyword.
    How can i extract "created"?
    thanks in advance!
    Kind regards

    Hi Sven,
    I'm confused. The Properties "title","modified" and "modified" by you see in the KM-Explorer are normally the KM-properties (who uploaded the file and when), not internal MSOffice information.
    To extend the list of properties displayed,
    go to SyAdm->SysConf->KM->CM->UI->Settings->LayoutSet look for your LayoutSet (probably its AdminExplorer). Select the CollectionListRenderer and edit the String in "Displayed Properties:". Add ",created" at the end for example.
    Is this what you need?
    When it comes to read MSOffice metadata from the binary, I have no idea, sorry.

  • Office File Properties - Metadata

    Hi all,
    How can I populate the actual contents of a file (word, excel,...) with metadata values? And the reverse... extract custom metadata field value from a Microsoft Office document and then use these value to populate metadata fields on the content server.

    I think that you can populate metadata automatically with the "Content Categorizer" component.
    You can : - populate the metadata with the Word file properties
    - populate the metadata with some references that are included in the Word document.
    For the reverse side, I think you have to develop your own component...
    I hope it will help!!

  • Microsoft Office Documents Not Printing in Complete PDF Books

    Good afternoon all -
    Our users load Word documents and Excel documents into Workspace, then add them to reporting books. When they run these books in Complete Book in PDF view, the Office documents do not show up. They show up in every other view.
    Oracle Support suggested the following options:
    1) run the PrintServer from a command window --- this worked, but isn't viable long term
    2) change the 'Log On' properties for the PrintServer service to 'This account' and specify a regular admin type account/password. --- I have not gotten this to work yet. I have it running under a user in the local admin group for that server. I see the EXCEL.exe and WINWORD.exe services pop up in the task manager window, but nothing further than that.
    I'm wondering if anyone has advice or has run into this problem before. My server admins aren't offering much in the way of help here.
    Appreciated in advance,

    I spoke with Oracle Support and they say the patch will not fix this particular issue. I'll keep that in mind though in case we run out of other options to try.
    I found the following in the FRPrintLogging.log:
    [2011-12-20T16:47:59.980-06:00] [EPMFR] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: main] [ecid: 0000JHTeF4O8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000000,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.StandalonePrintServerLauncher] [SRC_METHOD: <init>] Oracle Workspace
    [2011-12-20T16:48:00.039-06:00] [EPMFR] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: main] [ecid: 0000JHTeF4O8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000000,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.StandalonePrintServerLauncher] [SRC_METHOD: <init>] Copyright&#169 2000, 2011 Oracle and / or its affiliates.
    [2011-12-20T16:48:00.039-06:00] [EPMFR] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: main] [ecid: 0000JHTeF4O8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000000,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.StandalonePrintServerLauncher] [SRC_METHOD: <init>] All Rights Reserved.
    [2011-12-20T16:48:00.260-06:00] [EPMFR] [NOTIFICATION] [00194] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: main] [ecid: 0000JHTeF4O8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000000,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.PrintServer] [SRC_METHOD: initialize] [arg: E:\Oracle\FINANC~1/products/FinancialReporting/PDFOutput/] PDF root directory is E:\Oracle\FINANC~1/products/FinancialReporting/PDFOutput/
    [2011-12-20T16:48:00.290-06:00] [EPMFR] [NOTIFICATION] [00282] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: main] [ecid: 0000JHTeF4O8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000000,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.StandalonePrintServerLauncher] [SRC_METHOD: startAndBindToRMIRegistry] [arg: 8297] RMI (Remote Method Invocation) registry created on port: 8297
    [2011-12-20T16:48:00.290-06:00] [EPMFR] [NOTIFICATION] [00284] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: main] [ecid: 0000JHTeF4O8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000000,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.StandalonePrintServerLauncher] [SRC_METHOD: startAndBindToRMIRegistry] Financial Reporting Print Server started
    [2011-12-20T16:48:18.616-06:00] [EPMFR] [NOTIFICATION] [00162] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: Thread-13] [ecid: 0000JHTeJas8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000002,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.PrintInstanceThread] [SRC_METHOD: run] [arg: Thread[Thread-13,5,main]] [arg: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.TaskInfo@1b33a0e] Start of run for Thread[Thread-13,5,main] job com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.TaskInfo@1b33a0e
    [2011-12-20T16:48:19.701-06:00] [EPMFR] [ERROR] [00180] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: Thread-13] [ecid: 0000JHTeJas8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000002,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.PrintInstanceThread] [SRC_METHOD: writeExternalFile] [arg: E:\Oracle\FINANC~1\products\FinancialReporting\PDFOutput\HRPrinter1\Book test.docx] [arg:  -5: The system denied access to the specified file.] [arg: ] Cannot retrieve the document file: {0} The returned error code is: -5: The system denied access to the specified file., Last error:
    [2011-12-20T16:48:19.701-06:00] [EPMFR] [ERROR] [00176] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: Thread-13] [ecid: 0000JHTeJas8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000002,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.PrintInstanceThread] [SRC_METHOD: processChapterPageInfo] [arg: Book test.docx] [arg:  0: The system is out of resources.] [arg: ] Cannot print document file: {0} \n\tError code: 0: The system is out of resources., Last Error:
    [2011-12-20T16:48:19.946-06:00] [EPMFR] [ERROR] [00180] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: Thread-13] [ecid: 0000JHTeJas8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000002,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.PrintInstanceThread] [SRC_METHOD: writeExternalFile] [arg: E:\Oracle\FINANC~1\products\FinancialReporting\PDFOutput\HRPrinter1\Screenshot.docx] [arg:  -5: The system denied access to the specified file.] [arg: ] Cannot retrieve the document file: {0} The returned error code is: -5: The system denied access to the specified file., Last error:
    [2011-12-20T16:48:19.946-06:00] [EPMFR] [ERROR] [00176] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: Thread-13] [ecid: 0000JHTeJas8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000002,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.PrintInstanceThread] [SRC_METHOD: processChapterPageInfo] [arg: Screenshot.docx] [arg:  0: The system is out of resources.] [arg: ] Cannot print document file: {0} \n\tError code: 0: The system is out of resources., Last Error:
    [2011-12-20T16:48:20.618-06:00] [EPMFR] [NOTIFICATION] [] [oracle.EPMFR.performance] [tid: Thread-13] [ecid: 0000JHTeJas8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000002,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.util.HRLogTimer] [SRC_METHOD: logTimeEnd] PERF: 0000000657     PrintInstanceThread      getInstancePageNumber     
    [2011-12-20T16:48:20.924-06:00] [EPMFR] [ERROR] [00180] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: Thread-13] [ecid: 0000JHTeJas8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000002,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.PrintInstanceThread] [SRC_METHOD: writeExternalFile] [arg: E:\Oracle\FINANC~1\products\FinancialReporting\PDFOutput\HRPrinter1\Test for book.xls] [arg:  -1: Unknown or unexpected error occured.] [arg: Error #1004: Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file 'E:\Oracle\FINANC~1\products\FinancialReporting\PDFOutput\HRPrinter1\Test for book.xls'. There are several possible reasons:\n\n• The file name or path does not exist.\n• The file is being used by another program.\n• The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.] Cannot retrieve the document file: {0} The returned error code is: -1: Unknown or unexpected error occured., Last error: Error #1004: Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file 'E:\Oracle\FINANC~1\products\FinancialReporting\PDFOutput\HRPrinter1\Test for book.xls'. There are several possible reasons:[[
    • The file name or path does not exist.
    • The file is being used by another program.
    • The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.
    [2011-12-20T16:48:20.924-06:00] [EPMFR] [ERROR] [00176] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: Thread-13] [ecid: 0000JHTeJas8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000002,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.PrintInstanceThread] [SRC_METHOD: processChapterPageInfo] [arg: Test for book.xls] [arg:  0: The system is out of resources.] [arg: Error #1004: Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file 'E:\Oracle\FINANC~1\products\FinancialReporting\PDFOutput\HRPrinter1\Test for book.xls'. There are several possible reasons:\n\n• The file name or path does not exist.\n• The file is being used by another program.\n• The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.] Cannot print document file: {0} \n\tError code: 0: The system is out of resources., Last Error: Error #1004: Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file 'E:\Oracle\FINANC~1\products\FinancialReporting\PDFOutput\HRPrinter1\Test for book.xls'. There are several possible reasons:[[
    • The file name or path does not exist.
    • The file is being used by another program.
    • The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.
    [2011-12-20T16:48:22.055-06:00] [EPMFR] [NOTIFICATION] [00163] [oracle.EPMFR.core] [tid: Thread-13] [ecid: 0000JHTeJas8DwH6yvrY6G1EwH2W000002,0] [SRC_CLASS: com.hyperion.reporting.printserver.PrintInstanceThread] [SRC_METHOD: run] [arg: Thread[Thread-13,5,main]] End of run for Thread[Thread-13,5,main] end
    Has anyone dealt with anything like this before?

  • Programmatically creating postscript files for office documents

    Hi All
    I am in the process of experimenting with to open up a word document in the background and create a postscript file, which i would then use to create a pdf. This currently is a windows service and seems to run ok when the same code runs through a windows form application.
    The problem i am having is with the "When creating a postscript file you have to sent the host fonts" error message, which seems to be fairly common judging by numerous articles on various forums. However, none of the solutions seem to solve my problem.
    I have set the "Do Not Send Fonts To Adobe PDF" option to OFF on printer defaults, on the current printer setup and even on the printer settings for that application (go to print, properties etc from within Word).
    However, whenever i run the code i get the error message. I then made the instance of word visible and checked the application settings for the adobe pdf printer.... the "Do Not Send Fonts To Adobe PDF" is now ticked. But when i close this down, and open word as a normal user would and check the setting it is off! Why would this be?
    Can i programmatically change this setting when word opens and before i run the post script file creation code? Where is this value for the setting stored? I do not understand why this is resetting in the instance of word through code? Is it something to do with setting the active printer and at this point using the default setting?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    You say you are doing this as Windows service – does this mean you are running this on a server of some sort?  If so, that is NOT ALLOWED.
    From: Adobe Forums <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 04:31:13 -0700
    To: Leonard Rosenthol <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Subject: Programmatically creating postscript files for office documents
    Programmatically creating postscript files for office documents
    created by nic.eastham<> in Acrobat SDK - View the full discussion<

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