OID for SSID based Tx+Rx data throughput.

I am looking for the OID for a cisco wlan controller 5508 that will give the Tx+Rx bytes based off of SSID? I have a group of users in an silo'd SSID and need to see there data consumption.
Posted by WebUser Sean Williamson

I think the right place for this is Wireless Forum here https://supportforums.cisco.com/community/netpro/wireless-mobility
If the moderator doesnt move it for you, please open a new one there.

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    Currently when you use FBL5N and related aging reports RFDOPO10 etc. it calculates the arrears from the net due date.  They need to calculate the arrears from the document date.

    The report S_ALR_87012168 still does not allow me to choose that I want to calculate the arrears from the document date rather than the net due date:
    I guess what they really need to know is how old the receivables are based on the date they were created.
    As in the example below, current aging reports use the Net Due to calculate a days in arrears of 6 days (based on current date of 2008/11/05).
    Ty Doc. Date  Pstng Date Bline Date Net due dt Arrea
    RV 2008.09.30 2008.09.30 2008.09.30 2008.10.30     6
    What they need is the number of days in arrears based on the document date (2008.09.30) which would increase the numer of days the receivable has been open to 36.

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    FROM [dbo].[ORDR] T0

    Hi Bongani,
    Change your query condition to:
    WHERE DATEDIFF(Day, T0.DocDUEDate, GETDATE(), T0.DocDUEDate) = 1

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    Is this a bug introduced in BW 3.5?

    It seems that BW 3.5 SP10 may fix this problem.

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    Requirement 1
    Have made a udf in the Sales Order Header as Manfacture Drawing Rel Date U_FDRDT in which I want that if a Sales Order posting date is 15/12/2010 then this udf should automatically update with the + 4 weeks date i.e 14/01/2011
    Requirement 2
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    Kindly advise what best solution can be given

    One question per thread. This is forum rule.
    Here is FMS for the 1st one:
    SELECT DateAdd(WW,4,$[ORDR.DocDate\])
    Please post another for the 2nd.

  • Search for file based on file date

    I have an application that performs testing and I calculate and record several metrics into datalog files.  For certain metrics, I create a new datalog file for each day of testing.
    What I want to be able to do for one metric in particular is to recall historic data from previous files programatically. In other words, I want to display the previous day's data or week old data as a comparison to the current day's data without any user intervention.
    My file naming convention is to use an identifier for the type of data stored and then include the date the file was created (one file per day) ie.  FPY_09-19-12.dl  (FPY = First Pass Yield btw)
    I could probably take the current day's file path\name and go through some routine to change the date info but this seems kludgy and would have to account for weekends, holidays and what not.
    My prefrence would be to automatically search the data file path or folder (all files for a given metric are stored in a single network folder) and find the most recent file that is older than the current date or perhaps a weeks worth of files so I can average data across multiple days.
    Any thoughts on an approach to this would be appreciated.
    "My only wish is that I am capable of learning each and every day until my last breath."

    The List Folder function will return to you a list of files as an array of strings. You could then search this string. If you want to deal with timestamps (perhaps some of your searching may be easier if you have a timestamp datatype), then you can simply convert each string in the array. Something like this:
    parse file names into timestamps.png ‏20 KB

  • Stock report for a period (based on posting date)

    Hi Experts,
    We have a requirement as under:
    1) We want a report for a period say from 01.04.2011 to 30.09.2011 (closed period for both MM and FI postings). Report is being taken on a later date say 01.12.2011.
    2) The report should say the status of stock as of 30.09.2011 only even of being taken in the month of December
    3) I tried to take the desired report through MB5B for the period 30.09.2011 to 30.09.2011 (selection date fields) on 20th december, 2011 and noticed that if same report with the same selection criteria is taken at two different times, output data is not the same whereas MM and FI posting periods are already closed.
    Can anybody suggest alternative SAP standard report where output will remain the same if report with same selection criteria is taken at different intervals ELSE in case of change we should be able to see the documents posted in between if back dated entries have been posted after opening MM /FI period.

    sure it speaks the same, but it mentions as well the reasons (1) and has much more information (2)  and a solution.(3)
    user starts transaction MB5B for a very large number of materials or for all materials in a plant
    During the runtime of transaction MB5B, goods movements are posted in parallel:
               - The results of transaction MB5B are incorrect.
               - Each run of transaction MB5B returns different results for the same combination of "material + plant".
    Example: Transaction MB5B should process 100 materials with 10,000 MM documents each. The system takes approximately 1 second to read the material master data  and it takes approximately 1 hour to read the MM and FI documents. A goods movement for a material to be processed is posted approximately 10 minutes after you start transaction MB5B. The stock for this material before this posting has already been determined. The new MM document is also read, however. The stock read before the posting is used as the basis for calculating the stocks for the start and end date.
    Even for an old and closed period, MB5B starts today and calculates backwards  any movement to finally get the stock for  the time your specified in your selection.
    The SAP standard release does not include a solution
    so you have to understand that there is no real alternative transaction in SAP
    3) and then they provide a large section with a workaround that can be developed by an experienced programmer within 3 to 5 days.
    So how shall anyone here be able to tell you an alternative report?
    if someone does, then it is an owndeveloped z-report which is not available in your sap system.
    if you know that people want lookup period closing stocks at any time in future, then either schedule MB52 at month end and store the list somewhere (and do not allow backposting)
    or have an Abaper create a stock report based on the history tables MARDH, MCHBH, MBEWH etc.
    And even here you may encounter an issue at some day, if you start archving special stocks or material masters, because then the stock figures from the historic tables are gone and you cannot rebuilt a reliable stock report .

  • Analysis for Office 1.4.7 Can't do calculation based on HANA data

    We are currently using Analysis for office 1.4.7 based on HANA data. When we try to use calculation, we got following error.
    Nested exception. See inner exception below for more details:
    Unable to execute SQL statement (CREATE_COLUMN_VIEW) \: CREATE OLAP SCENARIO '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <cubeSchema operation="createCalculationScenario" version="3">
        <calculationScenario name="POC-zmlf-fico-histcopatma-pkg/CALV_SHCOPATMA_MUL_1408373161431" schema="_SYS_BIC">
            <scenarioHints createInMemoryOnly="false"/>
                <analyticDataSource view="POC-zmlf-fico-histcopatma-pkg/CALV_SHCOPATMA_MUL" schema="_SYS_BIC" name="columnViewSource">
                <aggregation defaultViewFlag="true" name="defaultAggregation">
                        <input name="columnViewSource"/>
                         <calculatedKeyfigure datatype="double" aggregationType="sum" name="[Measures]_Formula1">
        <formula>("G_QVVNTW" - "ZKGPSTD")</formula>
    </cubeSchema>' (ERROR [S1000] [SAP AG][LIBODBCHDB32 DLL][HDBODBC32] General error;258 insufficient privilege: Not authorized)
    Currently the account we use has select access to "_SYS_BIC". What else do we need in term of priviledge?

    Hi Tammy,
    We can do calculations now with Create Scenario" system privilege.
    The issue I am facing was what objects we can do calculation and what objects I can't or should not.
         I can do calculation between kilos and Net Weight(Kilos) since both are quantity. Once I bring in Gross Profit at Standard which is dollar value into my calculation, I got "No applicable data found".

  • Ad Hoc Query Data Issue for Position Based Infoset

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    For some reason though, no data is being returned in those fields.  I've verified for the position (in PP01) that I'm querying on that the data is maintained in 1028, and I've verified that I'm attempting to report on the correct fields by verifying the field technical names I'm pulling in the Ad Hoc Query with those I know have data stored in them on the infotype for the specific position.
    Would anyone have any guidance on what could be happening here or what I might need to adjust to be able to pull this data?
    Thanks in advance for your time and help.
    Best Regards,

    To add some further clarity to this item, the Address infotype on the Position (S) object is pulling from a dropdown of selectable Buildings.  If unfamiliar, the Building drop is populated by configuration data from the IMG.  The fields that are populated then in the Address infotype actually come then from the Building entries and are simply populated onto IT1028 (address) depending on which Building is selected.
    I think this is what it occuring then when I select the fields from the Address infotype and I see nothing populated in the Ad Hoc query since the field information is not actually stored in IT1028 but on in the Building entry.
    Has anyone else experiencing this particular problem?  If so, have you found a solution?

  • Authorizations for WEBI report based on BPC data model

    Hi All,
    We are strugelling with setting up authorisations for the reporting on BPC data model.
    We created Bex query on top of Multiprovider that consists of BPC cube. The Bex query is source for WEBI output. The authorisations has been set up on BPC data model (cube) in BPC application but they are not passed nor to Bex query nor to Webi. Example: The query is build on top of OPEX BPC data model, this data model is restricted based on Oranizational Unit. My test user is allowed to see only Org Unit = 'Australia' in the OPEX BPC data model, however when I'm running the report I can see absolutely everything.
    We are not connecting/using any BI cubes itself for this reporting. We are intrested only in the WEBI report based on BPC data models.
    We were trying to use BPC data model (without any extra settings) as the source for BEx report, we were also trying to use virtual BPC data model as the source for Bex transient query - but non of these have helped.
    Can you please advise how the authorisations should be set up for WEBI reporting on BPC data models?

    Anybody can help with this issue please?

  • Queries based on Master data for the particular periods not working

    My Queries are based on master data and for 2007 we did not have customer groups define hence for the historical also we would like to display the customer groups hence we are reproting based on master data. But when iam executing my reprots for each and every month for the 2007 , i can able to execute the reprot properly but same when iam giving the values in ranges with the help of input filed ( calender month -interval) its taking hours but unable to retrieve the data for the 6 months at a time even if iam restricting the values in the queries still the problem is same...
    Can anyone has an idea what would be the problem .. its only for 6 months

    Master data report consumes much time. try to see the Query Statistics  and make the performance tuning.
    Recheck your data flow for routines at TRules/upRules level.
    Recheck on the Query designer for formula/ Cmod Variables.
    The report fetching time even depends on the NO.of records too.
    Hope ithelps

  • EWR for JAVA Based Systems

    I configured an Early Watch Report for 1 of our JAVA based Portal System including complete configuration for SMD and Wily.
    We are on SP-15 on SolMan.
    Now, when Report is Generated, it simply runs into 2 Pages and does not provide much detail.
    Is this Normal ??. As EWR Reports for ABAP based System runs into many Pages with much more detail.

    Hi Ruediger,
    This is what I am getting.
    EarlyWatch Alert - Development Landscape
    1 Service Summary
    During the EarlyWatch Alert Service, we did not detect critical problems.
    All recommendations provided in this report are based on our general experience. We advise that you test them before using them in your production system. Also note that EarlyWatch Alert is an automatic service.
    Section Overview
    Rating Checked Area
    Java VM Memory Performance
    Java VM Activity Reporting
    Note: For more information about EarlyWatch Alert, a sample EarlyWatch Alert report with explanations is available in the Media Library on SAP Service Marketplace (http://service.sap.com/ewa). This provides an overview of the check rating strategy and the KPIs that trigger the EWA alerts.
    Alert Message Overview
    Note: If you need help investigating the alerts listed, order an EarlyWatch contract by contacting your local support organization or by creating a customer message under component SV-BO. If you already have such a contract, a detailed analysis can be performed during the next Service Session. Address the topic when preparing for the session.
    If your system suffers from serious performance problems, create a customer message under component SV-BO with the priority "High" or "Very High".
    2 Java Performance Data
    Reporting Interval
    Data displayed in this section of the report was collected for the time frame specified below.
    System Start Time End Time
    NPD Sun Mar 09 00:00:00 EST 2008 Sun Mar 16 00:00:00 EST 2008
    2.1 Java VM Memory Performance
    2.1.1 Garbage Collection Time
    Time spent in Garbage Collections (GC) prevents the Java virtual machine from executing any other task. Over the interval reported, this time is not critical.
    Average GC Time (Cluster wide) [%]
    The table above displays the cluster-wide weekly average of Garbage Collection (GC) time. Garbage collections themselves have a direct impact on system performance. Furthermore, they may also be indicative of more substantial performance issues that may require further analysis.
    Hostname Cluster Element ID Average [%] Max [%]
    The table above lists the average and the maximum GC time for the server nodes calculated as defined above. You should investigate particularly high values since these can point to critical situations. As a starting point to analyze errors, you should analyze the log files of the particular server node for the given timeframe.
    If a high percentage of time is spent in garbage collections, you can measure its impact on performance directly. Thus, if the average value is particularly large, you need to analyze this from a general performance perspective. Temporarily high values of the GC time indicate critical situations. You should analyze these specific situations in comparison with other key performance indicators in this report to determine potential correlations.
    2.1.2 Fraction of Full Garbage Collections
    The maximum ratio of full garbage collection to all garbage collections is not critical in the reported interval.
    Hostname Cluster Element ID Max [%]
    In general, minor garbage collections must occur more frequently than full garbage collections. A consecutive number of full garbage collections is a clear indicator that the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is not removing objects from the old space. If the dynamic behavior of the JVM is dominated by old space memory removal, insufficient resources are available to accept requests and their newly-created objects. In this case, the parameter below is analyzed. On a floating interval of all garbage collections, the fraction of full garbage collections is calculated.
    2.1.3 Allocation Rate
    The allocation rate quantifies the amount of memory allocated on the young generation each second. This therefore quantifies the input to the Java VM. Particularly high values indicate high JVM throughput and so should always be analyzed in parallel with the user load or the number of HTTP sessions.
    Allocation Rate (Cluster wide)[KB/s]
    Hostname Cluster Element ID Average [KB/s]
    2.1.4 Promotion Rate
    The promotion rate quantifies the amount of memory transferred to the old space each second. Due to the infant mortality of Java objects, this value should always be much smaller than the allocation rate. One indicator of critical situations is a high ratio of promotion rate to allocation rate, since this implies efficient use of the Eden space cannot be made.
    Promotion Rate (Cluster wide)[KB/s]
    Hostname Cluster Element ID Average [KB/s]
    Do let me know if I am missing something.

  • Problem creating a 'used sources' list based on EXIF data in InDesign CS5

    Hello everyone,
    I recently started to use InDesign CS5 to work on school projects. These projects regularly require us to have a list of sources, not only for citations and referenced work, but also for images. As I sometimes make quite long documents, keeping track of what image is where, and where I got it from, gets tedious.
    I had the idea of generating a caption based on EXIF data, which I'd move to the pasteboard, and group it with the image. The text in the caption has a seperate, numbered paragraph style. On one of the last pages, I generate a table of contents, which the numbered paragraph style selected. I chose to display it using another paragraph style, without page numbers.
    What I want to have as the end result is:
    Table of contents
    1. <Title>. <Author> (<Creation Date>). Retrieved <Date Placed> through <Description>
    The captions display correctly, as shown above in the body of the table of contents. The table of contents itself however, shows only the numbering in front of it, and not the variables.
    I already tried converting the live captions to static captions, but that doesn't work. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

    Hello everyone,
    I recently started to use InDesign CS5 to work on school projects. These projects regularly require us to have a list of sources, not only for citations and referenced work, but also for images. As I sometimes make quite long documents, keeping track of what image is where, and where I got it from, gets tedious.
    I had the idea of generating a caption based on EXIF data, which I'd move to the pasteboard, and group it with the image. The text in the caption has a seperate, numbered paragraph style. On one of the last pages, I generate a table of contents, which the numbered paragraph style selected. I chose to display it using another paragraph style, without page numbers.
    What I want to have as the end result is:
    Table of contents
    1. <Title>. <Author> (<Creation Date>). Retrieved <Date Placed> through <Description>
    The captions display correctly, as shown above in the body of the table of contents. The table of contents itself however, shows only the numbering in front of it, and not the variables.
    I already tried converting the live captions to static captions, but that doesn't work. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

  • Virtual Logic - for multiprovider based on InfoObjects, not based on cubes

    Hi all,
    I am fully aware how to write virtual key fig/char code for multiproviders that are based on cubes, but not for multiproviders based on InfoObjects.  Oddly this has not been a necessity for a couple of years.
    I need to understand how to translate the C_S_DATA components.
    Normally, on a standard multprovider, I would assign a component thusly.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT G_POS_<i>multicubetechname_virtualchartechname</i>
        OF STRUCTURE C_S_DATA TO <l_var1>.
    This does not work.  I can see in C_S_DATA that the objects of interest appear with the format K__xxxx and I am able to decipher those needed. 
    The question:  How do I assign these?
    I have attempted the following with no luck.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT G_POS_<i>multicubetechname_K__xxxx.</i>
        OF STRUCTURE C_S_DATA TO <l_var1>.
    I have also tried this.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT G_POS_<i>masterInfoObjecttechname_K__xxxx.</i>
        OF STRUCTURE C_S_DATA TO <l_var1>.
    And just for kicks I have tried this.
      ASSIGN COMPONENT G_POS_<i>masterInfoObjecttechname__Kxxxx.</i>
        OF STRUCTURE C_S_DATA TO <l_var1>.
    Could someone shed some light on this?
    Many many thanks,

    Below is the 'c_s_data' components.  The K entries are the appropriate items, which I can tell by the character type and length.
    Oddly, if I proceed as normal, using G_POS_<i>multicubetechname_attributetechname</i>, remember that the data in the cube is attribute data of the master InfoObject, the assignment returns the record number from c_s_data.  For example:
    G_POS_<i>ZM_EMPL_0COMP_CODE</i> is passing the value of 7 which is the appropriate row number for K____1100 in c_s_data referenced above.
    Thanks for trying.

  • R12: How to filter Open Item Revaluation Report based on GL Date

    Anybody know how to filter Open Item Revaluation Report based on GL Date from and GL Date to in R12?
    Since we just upgraded from 11.5.10 to 12.1.3 and found we cannot filter those report for specific date. It shown all data included the old data from 8 years ago also.
    We need to run the report only for specific date only. Please share with me if anyone know about this.

    Pl do not post duplicates - R12: How to filter Open Item Revaluation Report based on GL Date

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