I have been as guilty as evry one here by posting my voodoo solutions to the "battery drain" issue.
But like a broken clock I can be right @ least 2x . I think this is one of them.
By reading every post about battery issues in this forum over the past few weeks and experiencing some issues while I was on vacation last week got me thinking.
Then I went into some other forums- like the iPhone 3G forum here.
You can really learn something.
This battery drain issue has been around since 2.2 . It is apparently a function of the wifi chip getting hot and using lots of battery juice (i am paraphrasing and collapsing many pages of info).
Today I followed a link to someone's blog and followed 1 piece of advise... Turn off AutoBrightness.
Prior to turning off AutoBrightness I was experiencing load values of 0.53 0.48 0.46
after turning AutoBrightness off my load values are 0.13 0.15 and 0.14 - by the way with 3G turned on.
the other advise I can offer is to keep the iPhone cool - not by putting in the freezer (as some suggested) but by cupping in hand and not keeping it in pants pocket.. this may help with wifi reception as well- i will have to test that later.

I noticed while tracking this issue i noticed that my load spiked for no reason. i set out to figure why... last nite thinking i solved the issue i started to turn things back on- eg. skype "stay online".... then i saw in the processes "securityd" come flick off (i took screen shots to compare) after that i turned off skype "stay online" and securityd went away.
i think that something in the "securityd" process is burning batteries and somethings are keeping it alive - like skype- like not closing all safari windows when exiting safari...
i am just guessing and may be wrong-

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    tp those posting on this i have come across the same problem as many out there over te last few days as my company IT guy came to set up my outlook on the phone. prior to this it was good to go and happy it all worked well. however obver the last two days after constant charging the phone ran out after mere hours! i deleted all the apps incase there was a virus and from other sin this forum i have gathered the techniques to solve this.
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    i also assume the intention is you buy an 3gs as you have 3g so wouldnt need to worry about turning it off.
    i hope this helps as i am a big fan of this machine and would hate to see others suffer as i did, had improtant calls to wait for and the phone got so hot it wouldnt recieve cals!

  • IF you are having Battery issues, please read. . .

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    One thing.. IF you have a New iPod, Condition the battery FIRST, before relying on the Battery Meter! !
    I hope this thread helps some people out that are asking "Why is my battery only lasting XX amout of time?"

    True about them 'Thinking' about NOT having to condition the Lithium ION batteries, but when I received my new laptop battery, it stated that I should condition the battery a few times. I noticed a decresed battery life, AND not-so-accurate battery meter the first few times with it. Since I have conditioned the battery a few times, it lasts much longer, and the meter is more accurate.. So, I honestly don't know why, but it worked..
    I'm NOT claiming to be a battery expert, but what I have read, and have done for me. So, I wish the best of luck to you guys!! I know it's HARMFUL for you to keep draining the battery EVERY time, but I don't think it's bad for you to do it a few times when it's new..
    Just my $0.02 worth..

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    MacBook Pro

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    My issue is it never turns green after letting it charge for an hour or two.
    It may not be fully charged after an hour or two, depending on how far down it was drained beforehand. A full charge can take several hours.
    I've also noticed at the top, my battery icon the percentage time just when it's about fully charged rather than the percentage time go down it goes up.
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  • TO EVERYONE HAVING NETWORK ISSUES:  Possible Bug Identified.  Need Testers.

    Please do the following and report back if it solves your issue.
    sudo ifconfig en1 mtu 1400
    ... or if you're on Ethernet (en0), go to System Preferences / Network / Ethernet / Advanced / Ethernet and set the configuration on Manual. Set the MTU to 1400.
    This isn't the most optimal value, but it's low enough to account for the issues I've tested.
    What seems to be happening is that the MSS value being sent by OS X is not accounting for the additional bytes required for the TCP optimizations that were added (timestamps in particular). So servers are probably trying to send larger packets than they should back to the client (You most likely).
    Message was edited by: mreckhof

    It doesn't matter what you're using (Ethernet or Airport). They both default to an MTU of 1500 and therefore an MSS of 1460, which is too large for PPPoE users with timestamps enabled.
    So reducing the MTU (temporarily - again, this is not a fix, it's a setting to prove that this is the issue) to 1400 now reduces the MSS to 1360 which is plenty small unless you've got a lot of tunnels in path which most people won't.
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    Okay it seems I was right.
    After I originaly posted here I unplugged my phone and let it drain to about 30% before charging it back up to full.  I went home and my 5 year old son and I played on it, including an pretty memory intensive human anatomy app for kids -- sometimges plugged in, sometimes not.  Used it A LOT last night, playing with settings, cheking out the new auto update feature, notifications, etc.  I didn't end up turning any of the new features off in settings, and even enabled a few new features.  Then, as usual, I plugged it in when I went to bed and let it run a clock/alarm program (Rise) all night.
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    I have a serious issue with my iPhone 6 plus. While watching movies or rather playing some basic games,the battery drains out very fast. It is a s fast as that I have to charge the phone almost 2 times a day...Also the phone touch screen becomes unbarely hot.So can anyone help me with some suggestions..
    Kelly Speca.

    It may be worth your while to engage with Apple in a chat online or go to an Apple store. It seems as if you have some hardware issues that need to be sorted out
    But here is a test I would do to check the battery drain:
    1. Do this at night before going to bed
    2. use app switcher and close all apps
    3. Go into settings - cellular and turn cellular data off
    4. Put phone in airplane mode
    5. Charge phone to 100%
    6. Then un hook it from the charger and let it sit overnight and see what the battery percentage is, in the morning
    This will tell you if the battery itself is not performing up to par......

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    Thank you!

    have you tried resetting your MacBook Pro’s System Management Controller?

  • 2008 Macbook pro having battery issues.

    Battery Information:
      Model Information:
      Serial Number:          SMP-bq20z951-395d-33dd
      Manufacturer:          SMP
      Device name:          bq20z951
      Pack Lot Code:          0000
      PCB Lot Code:          0000
      Firmware Version:          002a
      Hardware Revision:          000a
      Cell Revision:          0100
      Charge Information:
      Charge remaining (mAh):          3639
      Fully charged:          Yes
      Charging:          No
      Full charge capacity (mAh):          3668
      Health Information:
      Cycle count:          765
      Condition:          Good
      Battery Installed:          Yes
      Amperage (mA):          0
      Voltage (mV):          12485
    Showing a charged battery, but when I pull the power cord off of it, it shuts down.  Then I have to reseat the battery to get the power cord to work again.  Can't turn on the computer without the powercord.  I've done the SMC reset a few times now.  My battery is showing the below information which from what I read , it's still in good shape
    System Power Settings:
      AC Power:
      System Sleep Timer (Minutes):          10
      Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):          10
      Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):          10
      Automatic Restart On Power Loss:          No
      Wake On AC Change:          No
      Wake On Clamshell Open:          Yes
      Wake On LAN:          Yes
      Display Sleep Uses Dim:          Yes
      Battery Power:
      System Sleep Timer (Minutes):          10
      Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):          10
      Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):          10
      Wake On AC Change:          No
      Wake On Clamshell Open:          Yes
      Display Sleep Uses Dim:          Yes
      Reduce Brightness:          Yes
    Hardware Configuration:
      UPS Installed:          No
    AC Charger Information:
      Connected:          Yes
      Charging:          No

    I would suggest taking the computer to an Apple Store or Authorized Apple Service Provider to have your computer checked. I can say that based on your numbers your battery is about to reach the end of its usable life (which is about 1000 cycles), however that should still allow some time of computer use after taking the MagSafe adapter out of the computer. Ask the rep to run a complete hardware test on your computer. You can also save some time by running the Apple Hardware Test yourself and noting down any error codes that may appear during the course of the test and giving them to the repair representative.
    You can learn more about the Apple Hardware Test here:
    Hope this helps!

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    I'm having the same problem with hotmail .. it worked this afternoon now I get 'not connected to internet', 'could not activate cellular data network' ..... email and safari are not working

  • Am I the only one having significant issues with battery life on the iphone5?

    I purchased an iPhone5 at the end of June 2013. Ever since I downloaded iOS7 I have been having battery issues. This past Friday the issues got worse. On Monday night (1/6/14) my phone unexpectedly shut off 22 times according to an Apple rep. My phone was replaced yesterday and I'm still having significant issues. My battery drops somewhere between 2 and 5% if I simply unlock the phone. I went over every possible setting with an Apple rep tonight to make sure my settings are making my phone as efficient as possible. All apple reps are telling me is that I can replace the phone yet again or I can do ANOTHER factory reset. I refuse to deal with this company because it's been 3 days and 14 hours. Has anyone experienced this with their iPhone5 because if I have to call another apple rep I'm gonna flip out.

    So now 12 days later and another replacement I'm still having issues and apple still isn't helping. My phone has started shutting off unexpectedly again today. Does anyone have any suggestions on where to go from here?
    <Edited by Host>

  • Advice for ppl that have Battery Issues

    Hi everyone,
    I been using my Lumia 800 since December and recenty updated it to the latest firmware version.
    I charge my Lumia via USB every night and it lasts me for a good 13+ hours with lite/medium usage. Usage such as checking Facebook/Twitter updates, Fuse for RSS feeds, Outlook/personal e-mails, messaging, playing and download music and light gaming about 15 minutes.
    I usually leave my Wifi turned Of. Only in places I turn it on are at Wifi hotspots which I have passwords to.
    After recieving the latest firmware I hard resetted my phone and started from scratch no complaints. If you having battery issues after the firmware update this is what I recommend
    1. Perform a hard reset on your phone
    2. Charge the phone to max using USB. I heard the faster the phone charges the faster the battery will die so I charge my phone nice and slow via USB every night
    3. Run the basic applications and see how long your battery lasts you for. So run your phone with the stock apps for a day and see how good it lasts you and then slowly start adding apps. Maybe theres an app in the background messing up your battery life etc
    Give this a try and see if it improves your day to day experience I can go through a day with ligjht/medium usage but usually I charge it at night. From what I understand this update focuses on Idle time so as long as your phone is in idle it shouldn't eat alot of battery.
    Let me know what you guys think and if this helped you guys with your battery problems. If you guys have any questions you can hit me up on twitter @based_graham

    you could choose to back it up if you want. The important thing is that you do not restore after u formated your iPhone to your backups.
    Go here for learning how to disable iTunes backup:
    http://iphonefreakz.com/2008/07/27/windows-users-disable-itunes-backup-for-faste r-sync/
    for now u can choose to cancel (x) backup. sync your photos and videos and contact info and etc.
    one more point, you must reset to erase all data and content. restore alone will not fully erase your phone.
    Message was edited by: macho_man

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