One more installation

my employer recently bought CS3 web standard and it is installed on an imac in the office... we need to put a second installation on a different computer for someone else. do we only need to buy a second license, or do we actually need to buy another set of software?

The short answer to your question is yes. The end-user license agreement allows the owner of the license to make an installationn of the software on a secondary machine (such as a laptop or a home system), provided that is for the same user and not for simultaneous use.
You mention that the software would be for someone else, therefore, a new license is required.
You can read the detailed CS3 end-user license agreement here:
The same informationon is displayed before installing the software and is publicly available on the web.
Thanks for asking!
- JC

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    There is a document which describes the steps for configuring one-client customizing on marketplace.
    Link: [SAP SRM 7.0: SAP SRM on One Client with SAP ERP|]
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  • Add one more column

                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_NAME, org.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER, org.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_TYPE, org.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    nvl(appr.ASSIGNED_DATE, org.ASSIGNED_DATE) as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVAL_DATE, '-') as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.STATE, org.STATE) as STATE,
                                    org.SEQ as numberoftimesmodified,
                    nvl(appr.PROCESS, org.PROCESS) as PROCESS,
           -- appr.request_comment,
                    from (
                        select a.seq,
                        b.usr_display_name as APPROVER_NAME,
                        b.usr_login as APPROVER,
                        'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        '-' as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                        '-' as STATE,
                        a.seq as numberoftimesmodified,
                '-' as PROCESS
                            SELECT 1 as seq, USR_UDF_MANAGER_LOGIN as GID, '' as approver_name, 'user' as approver_type FROM DEVT_OIM.USR WHERE USR_LOGIN =:BENEFICIARY_GID AND :APPLICATION = 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                            select rownum as seq, regexp_substr(:APPROVERPAYLOAD,'[^,]+', 1, level) as gid, '' as approver_name, 'user' as approver_type from dual
                            where :APPLICATION != 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                            connect by regexp_substr(:APPROVERPAYLOAD, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
                        ) a
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.usr b on a.gid = b.usr_login
                    ) org
                    left join(
                        select b.numberoftimesmodified as seq, rownum as seq2, a.*
                            LEAD(a.ASSIGNEES) OVER(ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) as prev_gid,
                            LEAD(a.pushbacksequence) OVER(ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) as prev_pushbacksequence,
                            a.ASSIGNEES as current_gid,
                            nvl(retrieveGidName(a.ASSIGNEES), '-') as APPROVER_NAME,
                            (DEVT_OIM.TOKNEW(REPLACE(a.ASSIGNEES, ',', ':'))) as APPROVER,
                            'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                            TO_CHAR(a.assigneddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                            case when a.state = 'WITHDRAWN' then TO_CHAR(a.updateddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') else TO_CHAR(d.updateddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') end as APPROVAL_DATE,
                            case when a.state = 'EXPIRED' then 'Expired' when a.approvalduration is null then 'Pending' when  a.outcome = 'REJECT' then 'Rejected' else 'Approved' end as PROCESS,
                            d.state as process2,
                            case when d.substate = 'REASSIGNED' then 'Reassigned' when d.state = 'INFO_REQUESTED' then 'Request Info' when a.state = 'EXPIRED' then 'Expired'
                                when  a.outcome = 'REJECT' then 'Rejected' when d.substate = 'INFO_SUBMITTED' then 'Submitted' when a.state = 'WITHDRAWN' then 'Withdrawn' when e.state is null then 'Pending' else 'Approved' end as state,
                            e.ASSIGNEES, d.substate
                            from DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY a
                            left join DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY d on d.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY and d.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified+1)
                            left join DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY e on e.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY and e.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified-1) and e.ASSIGNEES = a.ASSIGNEES
                            where a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY and a.state is not null
                            order by a.numberoftimesmodified
                        ) a
                        inner join (select rownum as numberoftimesmodified, pushbacksequence from (select distinct pushbacksequence from DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY a where a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY order by pushbacksequence)) b
                        on b.pushbacksequence = a.pushbacksequence
                        where a.prev_gid != a.current_gid or prev_gid is null
                        order by a.numberoftimesmodified
                    ) appr on org.seq = appr.seq
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_NAME, org.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER, org.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_TYPE, org.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    nvl(appr.ASSIGNED_DATE, '-') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVAL_DATE, '-') as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.STATE, '-') as STATE,
                                       999 as numberoftimesmodified,
                    nvl(appr.PROCESS, '-') as PROCESS,
                    999 as seq2
                        select 999 as seq, '-' as APPROVER, ugp_name as APPROVER_NAME, 'group' as approver_type
                        from DEVT_OIM.UGP ugp
                        where  ugp_name in (
                        SELECT a.it_processor_group FROM ec_admin.ENTITLEMENT a
                            inner join ec_admin.application b on a.application_id = b.application_id
                            WHERE b.extra_field_2 = :APPLICATION
                            and a.module_name = :MODULE
                            and a.site_name = :SITE
                            and a.entitlement_name = DEVT_OIM.TOKNEW(:RESPONSIBILITY)
                            and b.auto_provisioning = 'FALSE')
                    ) org
                    left join(
                    select nvl(grp.APPROVER_NAME, usr.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVER, usr.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVER_TYPE, usr.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    TO_CHAR((select min(OSI_create) from DEVT_OIM.OSI where request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY),'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVAL_DATE, usr.APPROVAL_DATE) as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    'ASSIGNED' as STATE,
                    999 as numberoftimesmodified,
                    case when nvl(grp.APPROVAL_DATE, usr.APPROVAL_DATE) = '-' then 'Pending' else usr.ost_status end as PROCESS
                        select b.usr_display_name as APPROVER_NAME, b.usr_login as APPROVER,  'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        TO_CHAR(a.OSI_create,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as APPROVAL_DATE, 'key' as tbl_key,
                        (select ost_status from DEVT_OIM.UPA_RESOURCE where UPA_RESOURCE_key in (
                                  select max(UPA_RESOURCE_key)
                                  from DEVT_OIM.UPA_RESOURCE a
                                  inner join DEVT_OIM.oiu b on a.oiu_key = b.oiu_key
                                  where b.request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY )) as ost_status
                        from (
                          select osi_assigned_to_usr_key, OSI_create
                          from DEVT_OIM.OSI
                          where request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY and osi_assigned_to_usr_key != 1
                          order by OSI_create desc
                        ) a
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.usr b on a.osi_assigned_to_usr_key = b.usr_key
                        where rownum between 0 and 1
                    ) usr
                    left join
                        select ugp.ugp_name as APPROVER_NAME, '-' as APPROVER, 'Group' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        '-' as APPROVAL_DATE, 'key' as tbl_key
                        FROM DEVT_OIM.OTI itp
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.UGP ugp on ugp.ugp_key = itp.osi_assigned_to_ugp_key
                        where itp.request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY
                        and :REQUEST_STATUS != 'Request Completed'
                    ) grp
                    on usr.tbl_key = grp.tbl_key
                    order by numberoftimesmodified
                    ) appr on 1=1
                order by numberoftimesmodified, seq2
                   Above is the script and i need to add one more column for the script column name request_comment from the table request_comments, anyone help me in doing so.

    /* Formatted on 2012/06/14 13:19 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
    SELECT X.*, request_comments.request_comment
    SELECT   NVL (appr.approver_name, org.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (appr.approver, org.approver) AS approver,
             NVL (appr.approver_type, org.approver_type) AS approver_type, NVL (appr.assigned_date, org.assigned_date) AS assigned_date,
             NVL (appr.approval_date, '-') AS approval_date, NVL (appr.state, org.state) AS state, org.seq AS numberoftimesmodified,
             NVL (appr.process, org.process) AS process,
                                                        -- appr.request_comment,
        FROM (SELECT a.seq, b.usr_display_name AS approver_name, b.usr_login AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type, '-' AS assigned_date,
                     '-' AS state, a.seq AS numberoftimesmodified, '-' AS process
                FROM (SELECT 1 AS seq, usr_udf_manager_login AS gid, '' AS approver_name, 'user' AS approver_type
                        FROM devt_oim.usr
                       WHERE usr_login = :beneficiary_gid AND :application = 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                      SELECT     ROWNUM AS seq, REGEXP_SUBSTR (:approverpayload, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) AS gid, '' AS approver_name,
                                 'user' AS approver_type
                            FROM DUAL
                           WHERE :application != 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                      CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR (:approverpayload, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL) a
                     INNER JOIN
                     devt_oim.usr b ON a.gid = b.usr_login
                     ) org
             LEFT JOIN
             (SELECT   b.numberoftimesmodified AS seq, ROWNUM AS seq2, a.*
                  FROM (SELECT   LEAD (a.assignees) OVER (ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) AS prev_gid,
                                 LEAD (a.pushbacksequence) OVER (ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) AS prev_pushbacksequence,
                                 a.assignees AS current_gid, NVL (retrievegidname (a.assignees), '-') AS approver_name,
                                 (devt_oim.toknew (REPLACE (a.assignees, ',', ':'))) AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type,
                                 a.pushbacksequence, TO_CHAR (a.assigneddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS assigned_date,
                                   WHEN a.state = 'WITHDRAWN'
                                     THEN TO_CHAR (a.updateddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
                                   ELSE TO_CHAR (d.updateddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
                                 END AS approval_date,
                                   WHEN a.state = 'EXPIRED'
                                     THEN 'Expired'
                                   WHEN a.approvalduration IS NULL
                                     THEN 'Pending'
                                   WHEN a.outcome = 'REJECT'
                                     THEN 'Rejected'
                                   ELSE 'Approved'
                                 END AS process,
                                 d.state AS process2,
                                   WHEN d.substate = 'REASSIGNED'
                                     THEN 'Reassigned'
                                   WHEN d.state = 'INFO_REQUESTED'
                                     THEN 'Request Info'
                                   WHEN a.state = 'EXPIRED'
                                     THEN 'Expired'
                                   WHEN a.outcome = 'REJECT'
                                     THEN 'Rejected'
                                   WHEN d.substate = 'INFO_SUBMITTED'
                                     THEN 'Submitted'
                                   WHEN a.state = 'WITHDRAWN'
                                     THEN 'Withdrawn'
                                   WHEN e.state IS NULL
                                     THEN 'Pending'
                                   ELSE 'Approved'
                                 END AS state,
                                 e.assignees, d.substate
                            FROM devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory a LEFT JOIN devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory d
                                 ON d.identificationkey = a.identificationkey AND d.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified + 1)
                                 LEFT JOIN devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory e
                                 ON e.identificationkey = a.identificationkey
                               AND e.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified - 1)
                               AND e.assignees = a.assignees
                           WHERE a.identificationkey = :identificationkey AND a.state IS NOT NULL
                        ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) a
                       INNER JOIN
                       (SELECT ROWNUM AS numberoftimesmodified, pushbacksequence
                          FROM (SELECT DISTINCT pushbacksequence
                                           FROM devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory a
                                          WHERE a.identificationkey = :identificationkey
                                       ORDER BY pushbacksequence)) b ON b.pushbacksequence = a.pushbacksequence
                 WHERE a.prev_gid != a.current_gid OR prev_gid IS NULL
              ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) appr ON org.seq = appr.seq
    SELECT   NVL (appr.approver_name, org.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (appr.approver, org.approver) AS approver,
             NVL (appr.approver_type, org.approver_type) AS approver_type, NVL (appr.assigned_date, '-') AS assigned_date,
             NVL (appr.approval_date, '-') AS approval_date, NVL (appr.state, '-') AS state, 999 AS numberoftimesmodified,
             NVL (appr.process, '-') AS process, 999 AS seq2
        FROM (SELECT 999 AS seq, '-' AS approver, ugp_name AS approver_name, 'group' AS approver_type
                FROM devt_oim.ugp ugp
               WHERE ugp_name IN (
                       SELECT a.it_processor_group
                         FROM ec_admin.entitlement a INNER JOIN ec_admin.application b ON a.application_id = b.application_id
                        WHERE b.extra_field_2 = :application
                          AND a.module_name = :module
                          AND a.site_name = :site
                          AND a.entitlement_name = devt_oim.toknew (:responsibility)
                          AND b.auto_provisioning = 'FALSE')) org
             LEFT JOIN
             (SELECT   NVL (grp.approver_name, usr.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (grp.approver, usr.approver) AS approver,
                       NVL (grp.approver_type, usr.approver_type) AS approver_type,
                       TO_CHAR ((SELECT MIN (osi_create)
                                   FROM devt_oim.osi
                                  WHERE request_key = :identificationkey), 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS assigned_date,
                       NVL (grp.approval_date, usr.approval_date) AS approval_date, 'ASSIGNED' AS state, 999 AS numberoftimesmodified,
                         WHEN NVL (grp.approval_date, usr.approval_date) = '-'
                           THEN 'Pending'
                         ELSE usr.ost_status
                       END AS process
                  FROM (SELECT b.usr_display_name AS approver_name, b.usr_login AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type,
                               TO_CHAR (a.osi_create, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS approval_date, 'key' AS tbl_key,
                               (SELECT ost_status
                                  FROM devt_oim.upa_resource
                                 WHERE upa_resource_key IN (SELECT MAX (upa_resource_key)
                                                              FROM devt_oim.upa_resource a INNER JOIN devt_oim.oiu b
                                                                   ON a.oiu_key = b.oiu_key
                                                             WHERE b.request_key = :identificationkey)) AS ost_status
                          FROM (SELECT   osi_assigned_to_usr_key, osi_create
                                    FROM devt_oim.osi
                                   WHERE request_key = :identificationkey AND osi_assigned_to_usr_key != 1
                                ORDER BY osi_create DESC) a
                               INNER JOIN
                               devt_oim.usr b ON a.osi_assigned_to_usr_key = b.usr_key
                         WHERE ROWNUM BETWEEN 0 AND 1) usr
                       LEFT JOIN
                       (SELECT ugp.ugp_name AS approver_name, '-' AS approver, 'Group' AS approver_type, '-' AS approval_date,
                               'key' AS tbl_key
                          FROM devt_oim.oti itp INNER JOIN devt_oim.ugp ugp ON ugp.ugp_key = itp.osi_assigned_to_ugp_key
                         WHERE itp.request_key = :identificationkey AND :request_status != 'Request Completed') grp
                       ON usr.tbl_key = grp.tbl_key
              ORDER BY numberoftimesmodified) appr ON 1 = 1
    ORDER BY numberoftimesmodified, seq2
    ) X, request_comments

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    I'm not even sure if this is an extension or plug-in and all I can tell you is what I have already stated. I can only make one command at a time and after each one I get a pop-up from Java script that says uninstal set. I must depress ok to move on, but only for one more command and it starts over again. This also happened when I tried to instal firefox 4 a couple months ago and I deleted the program and went back to an earlier version.

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    One more reason to put my iMAC at the curb. I can open and view Picasa photo links when I sign in via Google, but if I'm in Mail and click on the Picasa image link (my own or one someone else sends me) I can't view the images. They are all blank white squares. This started a few weeks ago. Why can't I view Picasa link images through Mail?

    What you are experiencing is 100% related to Malware.
    Sometimes a problem with Firefox may be a result of malware installed on your computer, that you may not be aware of.
    You can try these free programs to scan for malware, which work with your existing antivirus software:
    * [ Microsoft Safety Scanner]
    * [ MalwareBytes' Anti-Malware]
    * [ TDSSKiller - AntiRootkit Utility]
    * [ Hitman Pro]
    * [ ESET Online Scanner]
    [ Microsoft Security Essentials] is a good permanent antivirus for Windows 7/Vista/XP if you don't already have one.
    Further information can be found in the [[Troubleshoot Firefox issues caused by malware]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

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    Have a nice day. I can't open the books linked to the Adobe ID. Always the overallocation says. But some of the books I downloaded two times. Still, it gives a warning in the form of more installations.

    I think you should ask in the Digital Editions forum, Adobe Digital Editions

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    Boot from the software install DVD and do an "erase and install" when prompted.

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    Thanks and Regards,

          Login into the Configtool(C:\usr\sap\SID\DVEBMGS<inst no>\j2ee\configtool) if ABAP+JAVA stack or C:\usr\sap\SID\JC<inst no>\j2ee\configtool) if JAVA stack
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 15.0.2, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0)  -->
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      <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1.1331 250.75)" class="st3 st5 st8">Turkey, Izmir</text>
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      <polyline id="india_line1" class="st0" points="345.071,328.083 468.979,328.083 468.979,311.176 "/>
      <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 345.0662 348.5176)" class="st4 st5 st8">Bangladesh, Dhaka</text>
      <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 345.0662 368.5176)" class="st4 st5 st8">India, Delhi</text>
      <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 345.0662 388.5176)" class="st4 st5 st8">India, Mumbai</text>
    <circle id="se_asia" onmouseover="showMe(this);" onmouseout="hideMe(this);" class="st1" cx="574.369" cy="312.013" r="71.839"/>
    <g id="se_asia_hover" class="st10">
      <circle id="se_asia_on" class="st12" cx="574.369" cy="312.013" r="71.839"/>
      <text id="se_asia_title" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 465.8616 392)" class="st6 st2 st9">SE Asia</text>
      <line id="se_asia_line2" class="st11" x1="586.387" y1="389.083" x2="586.387" y2="361"/>
      <polyline id="se_asia_line1" class="st0" points="465.861,398.5 586.387,398.5 586.387,383.271 "/>
      <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 465.8616 418.9355)" class="st4 st5 st8">Indonesia, Jakarta</text>
      <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 465.8616 438.9355)" class="st4 st5 st8">Singapore</text>
      <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 465.8616 458.9355)" class="st4 st5 st8">Thailand, Bangkok</text>
      <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 465.8616 478.9355)" class="st4 st5 st8">Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City</text>

  • One more person who can't send mail but can receive

    I sent mail last night and woke up this morning not being able to send mail.
    I can receive, but can't send. I can send to my self, but can't reply to others or create new.
    The email time out message say's the authentication is on. How that changed over night? Not sure.
    Under Mail preferences, Account information, outgoing server settings-
    I've been using 2525 with no authentication for over a year. I noticed someone suggesting 465 and 587... didn't work.
    I went into advanced and saw where it IS asking for authentication (using password) but in the drop down list it doesn't give the word 'none' just like the account option had to select.
    I used the connection Doctor and I have connection...
    what else can I do?
    Thank you for the help

    The standard TCP-port for SMTP is 25. If this doesn't work, try to authenticate to the SMTP-server with the credentials of your POP3-login. Maybe your ISP reconfigured his SMTP-servers to use aSMTP.
    Some other ISP use a method called "SMTP-after-POP3". This means, that you must fetch your mail using POP3 first. After doing this, you have a specific period of time (at most ISPs 5 to 15 minutes) to send mail from the same IP-address as you have POPed before. This is for additional security.
    One more reason could be that your configured SMTP-server is simply "dead" or offline for system maintenance. To check if the machine is alive, go to terminal and
    ping nameofyourserver
    and see if it responds. If so, try connecting on the SMTP port by typing
    telnet nameofyourserver 25
    These steps can provide additional information to find the cause for your problem.

  • Strange bug -- adding one more button OR page causes Form warning to appear

    I'm building a simple interactive document in InDesign CS4 on the Mac, to be exported/delivered as a PDF. There are a few text-based buttons on the Master Page that are set to Go To a Text Anchor on Release. There are 4 buttons of these buttons on the page, and each one leads to a different page in the document, and they all work fine. They are all built the same way.
    I want to export a PDF that opens cleanly in Reader, meaning no unexpected dialog boxes or warning messages appear. Up until this point, my document opens cleanly in Reader.
    However, when I create a FIFTH button (using the exact same method used to create the other buttons), OR I add ANY more pages to my document (which currently stands at 16 pages, but will need to ultimately be upwards of 40), for some reason, opening the PDF in Reader causes Reader to start displaying the large, distracting pink warning message at the top of the page:
    "Please fill out the following form. You cannot save data typed into this form. Please print your completed form if you would like a copy for your records."
    The fifth button I create (from scratch) causes this message to appear.
    Or, if I add another page (using my Master Page, where the buttons are used), this message appears. Even if the fifth button is not created, and I add another page from the Master, this message appears.
    If I add a blank new page (without using the Master Page), the message does NOT appear.
    So, for some reason, adding ONE more button, or referring to the Master Page in the document ONE more time by adding a 17th (or more) pages, seems to kick InDesign/Acrobat Reader into thinking my document is suddenly a form, and causes Reader to display that obnoxious pink message when opening the document.
    I've tried several troubleshooting steps.
    - I've ensured my buttons have unique names.
    - I've tried creating the fifth button from scratch, and also tried creating it from duplicating one of the existing "good" buttons.
    - I've made sure the button has a destination page/Text Anchor to go to.
    - I've opened the PDF in Acrobat Pro 9, and gone through all of the page and buttons in the Forms Manager, and there is nothing out of the ordinary in that view.
    Why is Reader suddenly thinking my document is a form (that "cannot be edited/saved") when I add one more button, or one more page!? It's bizarre, and quite frustrating.
    Thanks for any insights,

    You can use that same workaround with ID CS4 files. You just have to make the PDF and then go into Acrobat to add the security that doesn't allow editing (Acrobat -> Security -> Encrypt with Password) . That gets rid of the warning about the form. Of course if you actually have a form somewhere in your document, you won't be able to use that......

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