So many negative posts re: the billing website that I'm not sure why I'm wasting my time complaining. Whoever heads this division should be FIRED!!! Today I received an e-mail stating that my new bill was ready...with yet another new due date! Going to the website I initially got the "updating your bill....try again in a few minutes" message (not unusual to get this anytime of the month) (Last time I got the mesage it stayed posted for over 24 hrs.) Finally this time it cleared but the new bill was not anywhere to be found! The old bill was still posted!
In addition, depending on what you click on, you may see several different dollar amounts...all stating the same pay by date. Today I was able to find three! For a company that is suppposedly at the top of its game in communications, the website is a dismal failure and a botched job of epic proportions!!!
VERIZON, YOU NEED TO SIT THE EGGHEADS DOWN AND BRING IN SOME SIMPLE CUSTOMERS TO DESIGN THE WEBSITE BASED ON WHAT WE NEED BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE.  The design is so confusing and complicated and non-user friendly that it can only be described as a disaster! And i haven't spent any time describing how inconsistent the information has been over the past five years that I have used it. Sometimes you can pay...other times it won't accept payment! Wrong information...unavailablitiy for extended periods...etc. Navigating it is HORRIBLE!

I'm sorry you are having difficulty. An agent with access to your account will reach out to you directly by email, private message in the Forums and/or the billing telephone number on your Verizon account for more information or to help you resolve your issue.
BACSI wrote:
So many negative posts re: the billing website that I'm not sure why I'm wasting my time complaining. Whoever heads this division should be FIRED!!! Today I received an e-mail stating that my new bill was ready...with yet another new due date! Going to the website I initially got the "updating your bill....try again in a few minutes" message (not unusual to get this anytime of the month) (Last time I got the mesage it stayed posted for over 24 hrs.) Finally this time it cleared but the new bill was not anywhere to be found! The old bill was still posted!
In addition, depending on what you click on, you may see several different dollar amounts...all stating the same pay by date. Today I was able to find three! For a company that is suppposedly at the top of its game in communications, the website is a dismal failure and a botched job of epic proportions!!!
VERIZON, YOU NEED TO SIT THE EGGHEADS DOWN AND BRING IN SOME SIMPLE CUSTOMERS TO DESIGN THE WEBSITE BASED ON WHAT WE NEED BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE.  The design is so confusing and complicated and non-user friendly that it can only be described as a disaster! And i haven't spent any time describing how inconsistent the information has been over the past five years that I have used it. Sometimes you can pay...other times it won't accept payment! Wrong information...unavailablitiy for extended periods...etc. Navigating it is HORRIBLE!

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    it drives me nuts having to emove all the other websites when I want to upload one. 

    For iWeb, I like to do only one site per domain file.  I move domain files out of the Application Support folder and place them inside project or client folders, or in DropBox. Once you duplicate a domain file and begin customizing it, it will load and behave as a separate project/site.
    I publish each iWeb domain/project direct to a server via FTP. Sometime I publish to a folder, then upload via FTP manually.
    iWeb is a remarkable tool, especially when you work from scratch with blank tamplates
    Here are a few of my iWeb sites:

  • Itunes is one of the worst pieces of software I've ever used

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    Love the products they make
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    It is a sad state of affairs when iTunes from 5 years ago actually functions better and more efficiently with an iphone than the current version
    Syncing Apps, changing pages and folders is unbelievably clunky and poor
    I would be ashamed to put my companies name to something so bad

    If you call something "intuitive" it's mainly because your brain has grown used to work with an interface in a certain way. You brain automatically knows where to find what. So when they suddenly change certain parts of that interface, your brain gets confused. It takes more clicking around to find what you need. You call it counter-intuitive. It's annoying.....the first weeks at least. I work with iTunes 12 for quite some time now. If I try to use iTunes 11 I get a little confused. It takes more clicking around to find what I want. Is iTunes 11 become less intuitive. No. My brain developed a new routine.
    So "Hopelessly counter-intuitive" says more about your state of mind, than about the quality of the program. Useless documentation, tutorials or Apple-assistence have nothing to do with the quality of the program (as far as I can see there's a good "help-feature" for beginners). There's nothing wrong with the search engine and I can drag and drop files managing my playlists and devices, as I always have in iTunes (even a little better, because they moved some icons from the sidebar to the top white bar, so playlists and devices show up right next to my library).
    What might be inexcusable nonsens it that you have limited knowledge on the possibilities of iTunes or how to operate the program, but have strong opinions about it nonetheless.
    iTunes 12.0.1 shows to much bugs. Some people can't even open the program in OS X Yosemite. This community has found some workarounds for now, but this release is not one of "Apple's finest moments". So if you want to criticize iTunes, be my guest, but do it for the right reasons. This way you're helping no one, and this is support to be a support community.

  • Adobe uses one of the worst software for its Community

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    Is Adobe support looking for a more state of the art software to use on these forums?
    Wish list:
    Include a predefined selection of Operating Systems
    Include a predefined selection of type of error (Discussion or question is way to wide)
    Remove all useless and utterly annoying animations
    When starting a new entry STOP MOVING the cursor away from the title to the entry. LET THE USER DECIDE WHAT (S)HE WILL WRITE FIRST
    Instead of your old MacPro you use now, invest in a good webserver park.
    Include a search that works.
    Feel free add more points to this discussion.

    theking2 wrote:
    In IT, everything is possible. Just a matter of money.
    Time that adobe puts its revenue at the right place and starts supporting its customers instead of its shareholders.
    Try to convince Adobe of this, not us fellow users.

  • I had a girlfriend buy me an ipod for my mom's music at her Celebration of Life and someone took it.  Is there a way to track it down?  She did register it.  I can't believe someone did this to me on one of the worst days of my life.

    I had a girlfriend buy me an ipod for my mom's music at her Celebration of Life and someone took it.  Is there a way to track it down?  She did register it.  I can't believe someone did this to me on one of the worst days of my life.

    Unfortunately, unless you set up an iCloud account on the iPod and turned on Find My iPod before it was stolen, no.  Even if you did do that, there are many ways it could fail (for example, the thief could wipe it clean or not try to connect to a network or the network's location might not be known).  But, you could try it by logging in to iCloud and using the Find My iPhone applet.

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    I must have spent 5 hours on the phone with people at BT and seem to be no closer to getting a resolution with no one prepared to take ownership. Firstly, my initial order didn’t go through properly and was only initiated on May 19th – three weeks after it should have been. Then an engineer came last Monday (June 2nd) but was unable to connect it due to a faulty port at the exchange/cabinet. An engineer’s appointment was arranged for today and my wife has been waiting in all day but have been told by BT that it will have to be rescheduled due to technical issue again at the Exchange (no one bothered to tell us).
    Can someone help? I am absolutely at the end of my tether. This is the worst experience I have had with any organization…I also work from home so am highly dependent on connectivity. 

    Hi Paulfisher,
    Thanks for posting.
    I'm sorry for the delay with your order. I can help you with this from here. Click on my username and under the "about me" section you'll see the link to get in touch with us.
    Please include the link to this thread when you complete the form and whenever we've received your details we'll take it from there.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

  • Upgrading one of the free websites to upgrade, but only paying the difference

    Hi there, my question is in relation to my adobe creative cloud subscription allowance for 5 free websites hosted as web basics, under my creative cloud subscription rate, these web basics sites are normally $7.77AUS/month. I would like to utilize one of the five free sites, but then upgrade to web basics + as i need email accounts with it. My question is, when I upgrade a free hosted site to a paid plan. Will the site hosting charge be only the difference between a webbasics hosted site ($7.77AUS/month) and the web basics + ($16.10AUS/month)? so I would only pay $8.33AUS/month for my website. Or do I pay full price?
    If I pay full price, why? Can i not use one of my free websites as part of this payment? So I'd have 4 free sites left, and one web basics + hosted site, that I'm only paying $8.33 instead of $16.10 because I decided to use my free webbasics hosting for this.
    Thanks, look forward to hearing what the answer is.

    I'm sorry you are having difficulty. An agent with access to your account will reach out to you directly by email, private message in the Forums and/or the billing telephone number on your Verizon account for more information or to help you resolve your issue.
    BACSI wrote:
    So many negative posts re: the billing website that I'm not sure why I'm wasting my time complaining. Whoever heads this division should be FIRED!!! Today I received an e-mail stating that my new bill was ready...with yet another new due date! Going to the website I initially got the "updating your bill....try again in a few minutes" message (not unusual to get this anytime of the month) (Last time I got the mesage it stayed posted for over 24 hrs.) Finally this time it cleared but the new bill was not anywhere to be found! The old bill was still posted!
    In addition, depending on what you click on, you may see several different dollar amounts...all stating the same pay by date. Today I was able to find three! For a company that is suppposedly at the top of its game in communications, the website is a dismal failure and a botched job of epic proportions!!!
    VERIZON, YOU NEED TO SIT THE EGGHEADS DOWN AND BRING IN SOME SIMPLE CUSTOMERS TO DESIGN THE WEBSITE BASED ON WHAT WE NEED BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY YOU DON'T HAVE A CLUE.  The design is so confusing and complicated and non-user friendly that it can only be described as a disaster! And i haven't spent any time describing how inconsistent the information has been over the past five years that I have used it. Sometimes you can pay...other times it won't accept payment! Wrong information...unavailablitiy for extended periods...etc. Navigating it is HORRIBLE!

  • HP C4385 All In One is the worst printer I've ever bought

    I will never buy another HP printer or other HP product for the rest of my life. I purchased a HP C4385 Photosmart All In One printer and it has been absolutely terrible from day one. First when installing it screwed up my LAN so bad that I had to spend hours on a live chat with Lynkys to get my network up and running. HP software would automatically delete my current network to establish its own for the wireless printer connection. After many attempts I gave up on trying to connect the printer wirelessly, which was one of the main reasons I bought this model.
    Somehow the printer's software and drivers mysteriously delete themselves because I've had to reinstall the software and drivers around 15-20 times. When I go to use the printer, it will show it as a new device and that I need to install the software and drivers. This isn't a problem with my computer. It doesn't happen with any other device I use- other printers, camera, flash drives, etc. I have downloaded any updates but they do not help.
    The monitoring software is constantly running with 3 or 4 HP process running at all times using up my RAM. The alignment is constantly off and when I go to align it gives me another nonsense error message because it doesn't acknowledge the alignment paper.
    To top it off, after using about half the ink in a cartridge it won't print anymore because it says the print cartridge is missing or empty when I know its not. I have tried every troubleshooting tip offered and none of them work.
    I am sure this will end up in another {Content Removed: no legal discussion permitted} due to faulty equipment knowingly being sold. I don't want my money back, I want the 50 hours I have wasted dealing with all of the {Content Removed: Language Filter Evasion} this printer has caused me.
    Thanks a lot HP for selling me a piece of junk device. I used to respect you and the products you sold. Not anymore I will purchase another HP product because of the frustration this one has caused me.

    I fully agree with this complaint.  Curiously, I have faced similar problems like him.  Frequently, I have seen the messages like "paper jam ", "Cartridge missing" while there wasn't any paper jam and genuine brand new cartridges were already installed.  My experience is worse than his.  I could hardly use it for more than one week!  What is worse the wireless operation could never be achieved. Now this printer is lying discarded. 
    It really beats all logic that why should one not be able to scan a document (say -- to save the image on the hard disk for possible future use) even if there was so called paper jam or missing cartridge? 
    Also, it is virtually impossible to delete any job once you have clicked the button print.  The printer would keep on retaining the job, making the printing of other jobs impossible,  unless perhaps you uninstall it and then re-install!  Why can't HP find a solution to this problem?
    I join his sentiments that I would refrain from buying any HP product in future.

  • Removing the Save As option in all 3 apps in iWork has to be one of the worst ideas Apple has ever had! I'm NOT happy!

    I've read some comments from many of you but still don't understand the best way to save a document with a new name?

    I think that I perfectly understood what you wrote.
    One important thing is that it isn't Pages that has "lost" Save as but it is the MacOs system that has changed and it also affects Pages. So it is upgrading to Lion that makes this happen.
    The menu item Save As… was not removed from Pages (as well as Keynote, Numbers, textEdit, Preview) by Lion. It was removed by a designer's choice.
    Designers decided that iWork 9.1 running under 10.6 would continue to offer
    Save and Save As…
    but that under 10.7 it would offer :
    Save…, Save a Version and Duplicate
    I just checked the Xcode File menu under 10.6.8.
    It offer Save and Save As…
    Under Lion, it offer :
    Save , Save As… and Duplicate
    Isn't it a perfect proof that
    it's not the operating system which requires the removal of Save As…
    in  Preview, TextEdit and iWork components ?
    Some applications like Script Editor, TextWrangler, iText Pro (all of them were revised for Lion) continue to offer a Save As… menu item : design choice.
    For Xcode, the designers decided to keep Save As… and to add Duplicate : design choice.
    For Preview, TextEdit and iWork components, the designers decided to replace Save and Save As… by :
    Save…, Save a Version and Duplicate. They were perfectly free to make other choices like, for instance :
    (1) Save , Save As… and Duplicate as it was done for Xcode
    (2) Save a Version, Save As… and Duplicate.
    There is not a single way to accomodate an application to the new set of features offered by Lion.
    What we get is the result of design choices and the result of the lack of coordination between the different developer teams in Apple.
    From my point of view the different choices are valid ones. It's just annoying that Apple engineers didn't made a consistent choice as we were accustomed to see.
    Of course we may assume that they decided to build the different offerings which I described to test which one will prove to be the best.
    I'm really skeptical about this hypothesis because
    the users of the apps getting : Save , Save As… and Duplicate
    aren't the same than the app getting : Save , Save As… and Duplicate.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 24 août 2011 19:44:35
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
    My iDisk is : <>
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

  • Verizon Wireless -- the WORST website EVER? now features exciting new benchmarks:
        - Shuts account owners out of exploring anything and dumps them at a page saying they're, get this, "not the account owner."
         - Provides "Account Analysis" that doesn't analyze anything but Verizon's ability to get more money out of the account
         - Has no ability to connect a visitor to a real human being while thousands of employees sit on their hands at bricks and mortar stores
         - Consistently fails to clearly and fully list what customer will pay -- you actually have made it more obtuse than ever!
         - Consistently provide links that go nowhere - I love the 'more information' buttons that provide NO information!
    Is it the crackhead web designers or the crackhead executives who hired them who deserve this new distinction for your website?

    - shuts ACCOUNT MEMBER accounts out of exploring anything other than inconsequential details. If you are the account owner and your online account only has member access, call customer service and have them help you correct that.
    - of course "Account Analysis" is going to be in VzW's favor with it's recommendations.
    - the employees in brick and mortar stores are there to support the people who come into the store. Would YOU want to go into a store and have the employee say "hang, on, give me a minute, I'm helping this person on"? I know I wouldn't.
    - It looks pretty clear to me what the plan/feature charges will be when going through the website. What isn't clear for you?
    - broken links definitely are present.
    VzW's web designers DO suck, but they suck because of the broken links and straight-up bad web design, NOT for the reasons you've given.

  • Skype logout not possible, one of the worst produ...

    Today I updated skype on my android phone, it seems to log me in automatically, into a wrong account.  I couldn't log out and there's no log out option anywhere (yes I've been to the profile page and there's no option other than the phone).
    Enough of this crap from Microsoft, I uninstalled the whole thing...  
    It seems the primary objective of skype is to serve ads and manipulate users, I wish MS had never taken over, they managed to turn a wonderful product into a piece of #### that it is now!

    Hi and welcome to the Skype Community
    1) Go To The Setting and uncheck "Sign in automatically"
    2) Then from the app menu on your user profile page select "Sign out"
    Next time you sign in to Skype you will be asked to sign in with the account details of your choice again.
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

  • I'm not able to do anything on the Comcast website

    The Comcast website is one of the worst websites I have ever been on. I can never manage to check my account online. I am supposed to be able to watch tv online but if the website never works then I can't do that. All I wanted to do today was upgrade my service but I can't do that online without paying for a new self service set up kit. I've already gotten two and charged for two when I upgraded my service previously (one the phone because it couldn't be done online). I wouldn't be posting this is a forum if I could figure out some way on this website to just email a customer service support person to help me uprgrade my service without accumulating multiple charges, tv boxes, and modems. I'm terribly disapointed with the service. I much preferred the service I was using before I moved.

    KatieNKyle wrote:
    The Comcast website is one of the worst websites I have ever been on. I can never manage to check my account online. I am supposed to be able to watch tv online but if the website never works then I can't do that. All I wanted to do today was upgrade my service but I can't do that online without paying for a new self service set up kit. I've already gotten two and charged for two when I upgraded my service previously (one the phone because it couldn't be done online). I wouldn't be posting this is a forum if I could figure out some way on this website to just email a customer service support person to help me uprgrade my service without accumulating multiple charges, tv boxes, and modems. I'm terribly disapointed with the service. I much preferred the service I was using before I moved.You can contact Comcast via email by doing this:  Send an email to:
    [email protected]
    Include all of your information, full name, service address, phone numbers where you can be reached easily, as well as the phone number associated with your account, your account number, and details about all the issues you have been having. Also include a link to this post.

  • I have 2 different accounts at the same websites. Whenever I go to that website, one of my usernames prefills the UN field and I can't access the other account. I cannot overwrite my pre-filled username. Ideas?

    I have 2 different accounts at the same websites. Whenever I go to that website, one of my two user names (always the same one) pre-fills the user-name field and I can't access the other account. The website rightfully rejects my password. I cannot overwrite my pre-filled user-name because the second I hit enter to logon, the original user-name rewrites itself into it's field. Neither of the user names is being saved by firefox anywhere in the "tools"; Options, security, advanced or privacy menu fields.
    I did notice that that website has installed a cookie onto my computer called "_rememberme" which contains the user-name that is plaguing me.
    This is a website that I access for very sensitive and important information and I must have both accounts accessible at different times.
    Thanks, Joshua
    XP, sp3; FF3.6.3
    == This happened ==
    A few times a week
    == I added the second account on this website.

    You need to clear that remember me cookie and make sure that you remove a check mark to remember you on that website.
    Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    You can disable the automatic fill of a name and password.
    To open the ''about:config'' page, type '''about:config''' in the location (address) bar and press the Enter key, just like you type the url of a website to open a website.
    If you see a warning then you can confirm that you want to access that page.

  • I Had 4 more Months Left for My One to One but the Website is all of the Sudden...

    I purchased the One to One after the first year was over because I received an email asking if I wanted to purchasee another year. all was good, I was using it mostly for my MBP and I would go to the website for the Apple Store near me, sign in and reserve a time for a One to One appointment.  I recently saw that the local apple Store had changed their website around, and I did not attend a One to One for about 4 months. I purchased an iPhone 5 and went to the Apple Store to purchae Applecare for the new iphone.  I was curious so I asked the sales guy to check how much I had left for the One to One.  he said about 4 months. when I came home I tried to sign in on the website I used before and it keeps saying 'this apple ID does not have any One to One sessions left.  I looked at my receipt and I should have about 4 months left.  I have no idea who to contact. I called the store and the person who answered the phone told me they cannot take care of this at the store level.  he did not know who to send me to.  Does anybody have any idea who I can call to get help with trying to get the 4 months back?  when I did get the iPhone 5 recently, I did have trouble getting to sign into iCloud, but I went to the website and signed in twice there and that did something that allowed me to sign in to icloud on my iPhone.  I do not know if that had anything to do with it, but it is the same Apple ID and password.
    thanks for any help you can give me.

    May be your carrier but try a reset:
    Hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons until the screen goes dark and the Apple logo appears

  • I have an older version of Firefox 3.6.6 I believe I am having an issue with one of the websites I sign into. Is there any way to update to the newest version

    I have an older version of Firefox 3.6.6 I believe I am having an issue with one of the websites I sign into. Is there any way to update to the newest version. Without losing all my bookmarks and saved pass words?

    Hello johngervais, the latest firefox version is 26.0 (today 4 Jan 2014).
    note that [ Firefox no longer works with some versions of Windows XP], if you have '''xp with sp2 and above''' you can update to latest version, see : [ Firefox 26 System Requirements]
    if you are able to update to latest version then see : [ Common questions after upgrading from Firefox 3.6]
    see also : [ Firefox just updated - why is it asking me to update again?]
    Don't worry you won't losing bookmarks and passwords after update firefox.
    thank you

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