One-time backup

I need to rebuild an iMac and was wondering if Time Machine could be used as a one-time backup of the disk before flattening the hard drive on the system that needs to be rebuilt. Beyond that, it will not be used as the backup will go off-site for storage.
Would Time Machine be required to restore any files should it be necessary at a later date?

Do you really need to erase your internal HD? +*Repair Disk,+* or a heavy-duty disk repair app like +Disk Warrior+ won't do it?
Yes a "bootable clone" is probably best for one-time use, but to be prudent, make two backups, preferably with two different apps, such as Time Machine and a clone. All hardware fails, sooner or later, and no app is perfect, so protect yourself as much as possible. It's rare, of course, but we do see posts where a backup drive failed during a restore, and everything was lost.
And the Restore tab of Disk Utility will make a clone, too. See #7 in [Formatting, Partitioning, Verifying, and Repairing Disks|] (or use the link in *User Tips* at the top of the +Using Snow Leopard+ forum).
But however you make it, start up from it and run several apps, to be sure everything is ok, before erasing your internal HD.

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    Matthew J. Fazio

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    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. Regards, Mike J. [MSFT]
    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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    RMAN Compatibility Matrix and Guide (Note:73431.1)
    Bye, Aron

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    Assuming you have a filesharing connection established between your Mac and PC you should be able to use Disk Utilities to create a disk image (select the Restore Tab) and set the PC as your destination drive. I wouldn't want to do this over WiFi but with a fast Ethernet connection it shouldn't be too painfully long.
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    (click on image to enlarge)

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    Hi DineshRemash,
    Based on my research, we can store the following VB Script to a text file, then modify the file name extension from .txt to .rss.
    Dim rootPath As String = "C:\Reports"
    Sub Main()
    Dim items As CatalogItem() = _
    rs.ListChildren("/", true)
    For Each item As CatalogItem in items
    If item.Type = ItemTypeEnum.Folder Then
    Else If item.Type = ItemTypeEnum.Report Then
    End If
    End Sub
    Sub CreateDirectory(path As String)
    path = GetLocalPath(path)
    End Sub
    Sub SaveReport(reportName As String)
    Dim reportDefinition As Byte()
    Dim document As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
    reportDefinition = rs.GetReportDefinition(reportName)
    Dim stream As New MemoryStream(reportDefinition)
    document.Save(GetLocalPath(reportName) + ".rdl")
    End Sub
    Function GetLocalPath(rsPath As String) As String
    Return rootPath + rsPath.Replace("/", "\")
    End Function
    Then navigate to the folder contains the script, we can directly run the below command from the run menu:
    rs -s
    http://aa/ ReportServer -i download.rss
    We can modify the rootpath to point at whaterver fold you’d like to download the RDL files.
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    You want to make sure you backup your device uisng the desktop manager. Once you perform the wipe you can then backup your contacts using the desktop manager and just make sure to uncheck the Contacts when backing up so they are not added back to your phone.
    John B
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    Genie Timeline Pro | Overview | Time Machine Backup Software for ...

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