OneDrive for Business/SharePoint API - GET folders 'shared with me' if shared from a group/s.

Does anybody have any ideas of how to get the list of folders shared with a user from a group?
I can already retrieve files shared with a user from another user with:
https://{tenant}'(SharedWithUsersOWSUSER: {account_name} AND contentclass:STS_ListItem_MySiteDocumentLibrary)'
but this end point does not show any of the files if they were shared from a group, is this possible with the REST API?
Thanks for any help in advance.

Hi SpringComp,
You can change the root path for libraries you sync to your computer, though you can do this only if you’re not currently syncing any libraries. If you’re already syncing at least one library and you want to change the path, you must first
stop syncing all libraries. Then, the first time you run the OneDrive for Business wizard to sync a library to your computer, you’ll see an option to change the location.
More information, please refer to the link:
I hope this helps.
Wendy Li
TechNet Community Support

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    I have an issue that prevents me from choosing the alternate location of sync'ed OneDrive for Business folders. I'm trying to setup an alternate location for synchronization, using the guidelines found in the Office support web site.
    The option to replace the default sync location appears the first time a SharePoint 2013 Library or OneDrive for Business is setup for synchronization.
    Here would be a link to a snapshot (since my account has not been verified): /Forums/getfile/443247
    At this point, the Library or personal OneDrive folder syncs correctly and the files are stored in the alternate choosen location.
    However, on when trying to setup an additionnal Library for synchronization, the alternate sync location has not been saved and reverts to the default sync location. Furthermore, the option to replace the default sync location does no longer appear
    on the dialog box.
    Here would be a link to a snapshot (since my account has not been verified): /Forums/getfile/443249
    I have tried by first sync'ing a SharePoint 2013 Library (instead of the personal OneDrive for Business folder) with the same result. Meaning that the first SharePoint 2013 Library correctly sync's in the alternate location of my choosing. However,
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    I'm using Office Professional Plus 2013 (64bits). The version of Groove.exe is 15.0.4605.1000 (12th March 2014 - 13 383 360 bytes).
    Is there something I'm missing ?
    Thanks for any help on this issue.

    Hi SpringComp,
    You can change the root path for libraries you sync to your computer, though you can do this only if you’re not currently syncing any libraries. If you’re already syncing at least one library and you want to change the path, you must first
    stop syncing all libraries. Then, the first time you run the OneDrive for Business wizard to sync a library to your computer, you’ll see an option to change the location.
    More information, please refer to the link:
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • OneDrive for Business REST API - PUT,POST - 401 Unauthorized

    We've a trial version of Microsoft azure and are playing with the One drive for Business CRUD operations via the REST
    API from java client as per the link :
    After getting the token, i'm able to list any folder, download file and get attributes of a file using GET successfully.
    But, the operations such as PUT, POST which are required for create folder, upload file,  rename file/folder, etc are not working. I get back "401 UnAuthorized" error.
    Error Response json : 
    {"error":{"code":"-2147024891, System.UnauthorizedAccessException","message":"Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource."}}
    I set the access token in the similar way how i set for GET in the http request and i'm using jboss rest easy client for accessing the rest API
    Here is a code for "Creating a folder"
    ResteasyProviderFactory factory = ResteasyProviderFactory.getInstance();
    ResteasyProviderFactory.pushContext(, factory);
    ResteasyClientBuilder resteasyClientBuilder = new ResteasyClientBuilder().providerFactory(factory);
    ResteasyClient client =;
    ResteasyWebTarget target = + "/getByPath('/TestFolder1')");
    Invocation.Builder request = target.request();
    request.header("Authorization", "Bearer " + this.token);
    Response response = request.put(Entity.text(""));
    And as per documentation, 401 UnAuthorized error means "Required authentication information is either missing or
    Am i missing any header that's supposed to be in the request/ Any other issue with the request?

    Hi Kathir,
    Here's the official document about "X-RequestDigest":
    In addition, here's an example header information which works for me :
    Accept: application/json;odata=verbose
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.8,zh-Hans-CN;q=0.5,zh-Hans;q=0.3
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
    Content-Length: 83
    X-RequestDigest: 0x4F26025E572CD220FBBAAD26654318A0B771CF72B09C0BFC45AFF8F1B2B301968040BC16377159210B4D7451BAD63BC93A406BF2357807E86BBD9BFF1EC5FB31,09 Apr 2015 13:31:50 -0000
    Cookie: FedAuth=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; d7cc986c54074ba596c0f3f0c6a07e93c796165acdb446f0984f8653a924f5d0i%3A0%23%2Ef%7Cmembership%7Crekenliu%40o365e3w15%2Eonmicrosoft%2Ecom=0; SearchSession=3a9a1891%2D2085%2D4317%2Dae7d%2D358347ff5be6; WSS_FullScreenMode=false; d7cc986c54074ba596c0f3f0c6a07e93b4f54f20f4c04590a868420e78a3abbd=%3Ci%20p%3D%22d22c909f%2Dae4e%2D42e9%2D82ab%2Dbe906418413e%22%20m%3D%22lN63W5c9pPYyHWKxxdMl6WGWh6W6TASoSI78S9d1Uc0%3D%22%20%2F%3E; _InfoPath_Sentinel=1; _InfoPath_CanaryValueAGATTETXKDJ6KT4YXQ7Z6AULOUFCEL2MNFZXI4ZPJRXWGYLUNFXW44ZPJF2GK3JPORSW24DMMF2GKLTYONXCW3TQOVRU45KPMNKDI42KJJVU6TJYJ5UW65SWOB2EIVTMOZ3TEVTLOZYXOVSHPE2UK4BUJU=jkwaTNwRGHKjf96CdilK1qmjja8eMACiZvpNPbf6MqN+JaJ50wJVlC8//+5LQd5vHu1g5hM19pyNKgu7mkjxHw==|635641728335513421; rtFa=DbSfJe2tMA+9NtxyLWKWXkI6P5gUPQNGv+VYIvKXiLoX3B2zsHXjfIA5BgjT/aafd0uMETloZVbS+6Ks9Op+Epaiz9uAN3sCSpREr/K2URBpcO/8Io8CIv0SG8T0LpH+gTnEdL+Pa8cyGsqHuL1kUMjZoc7Qq07cqiwn1NO8bkyxK6HFXg+0bs7vqhTGAnZDYfUg2WG7WMWGk1QxxswZVQrnwBBInvGIIipzc7BJ9lu9XBmbfGDB+tgU78AsKS6BRDRdgSmPXq1ftMDTOACyzdHKrEUxJN5s2N6AOsujcDaFFyn8466SVD9zPxthkCDW+RDBJDIEinfW+UVPF8hmrz3gO/c3+OkH1pt65b3ydbcIQAWE9249X3nszh9KJSIzIAAAAA==
    I don't think it is related to a trial version. Please check whether you have missed the "User-Agent" header.  I suggest you first test it with JS in your environment.
    Reken Liu
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected].

  • Getting maximum length with the same pattern from a group of string

    I have a table of two columns. This table has 10 rows like this:
    col1      col2
    g1        abcdef
    g1        abcdef-1
    g1        abcdef-2-ghi
    g1        abcde
    g2        abc
    g2        abcdefghijklmn
    g2        abcdef
    g2        acbdef
    g2        abc
    g2        abWhat I want is a query that will produce resultset like shown below
    col1      col2
    g1        abcde
    g2        afor group g1 the result is abcde because that's the longest consecutive sequence of same characters (scanned from left to right) from all the strings that's grouped under g1. the same applies for g2. Anybody help? thanks.
    Edited by: user9080476 on May 26, 2011 11:42 PM

    Here's another complex solution. This one uses bit manipulation.
    I'm not sure if it always works with non-ascii characters... too tired to check right now
    WITH t AS (SELECT 'g1' AS col1, 'abcdef' AS col2 FROM DUAL
               UNION  ALL
               SELECT 'g1', 'abcdef-1' FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT 'g1', 'abcdef-2-ghi' FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT 'g1', 'abcde' FROM DUAL
               UNION  ALL
               SELECT 'g2', 'abc' FROM DUAL
               UNION  ALL
               SELECT 'g2', 'abcdefghijklmn' FROM DUAL
               UNION  ALL
               SELECT 'g2', 'abcdef' FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT 'g2', 'acbdef' FROM DUAL
               UNION  ALL
               SELECT 'g2', 'abc' FROM DUAL
               UNION  ALL
               SELECT 'g2', 'ab' FROM DUAL
               UNION  ALL
               /* some non-ASCII chars, just to make it more interesting... */
               SELECT 'g3', 'the quick brown fox òx€€' FROM DUAL
               UNION  ALL
               SELECT 'g3', 'the quick brown fox òx€ùè' FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT 'g3', 'the quick brown fox òx€à' FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT 'g4', null FROM DUAL
               UNION  ALL
               SELECT 'g4', 'the quick brown fox òx€ùè' FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT 'g4', 'the quick brown fox òx€à' FROM DUAL
               UNION  ALL
               SELECT 'g5', '€' FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT 'g5', '€' FROM DUAL
               UNION  ALL
               SELECT 'g6', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzA' FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT 'g6', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABC' FROM DUAL
         t2 as (
                 rpad(col2,max(length(t.col2)) over(partition by t.col1)) as col2_pad from t
         t3 as (
                          utl_raw.cast_to_raw(lag(t.col2_pad) over(partition by col1 order by col2))) as col2_xor from t2 t
                -- t.col2,
                   min(case when t.col2 is null then 0 else lengthb(t.col2) end) over(partition by t.col1) * 2,
                min(case when t.col2_xor is null then 9999999999999999
                          else regexp_instr(rtrim(t.col2_xor,'0'),'[1-9A-F]') end)
                               over (partition by t.col1) - 1)
                 from t3  t        
               order by 1,2

  • Automate OneDrive for Business 2013

    Can anyone refer any link or resource location to automate OneDrive for Business with SharePoint Online. I need to fetch the libraries already added to "OneDrive for Business", also allow from a custom screen to add new library or delete an existing
    library from "OneDrive for Business".
    Would appreciate any hint how I can create a desktop application for Windows 7 which will provide all functionality for OneDrive and add more (which is not in OneDrive tool - eg, check in menu, checkout menu, version menu etc.

    Please follow below links,  can be helpful for you
    Use the OneDrive for Business app in Windows 8
    Sync with OneDrive for Business or SharePoint Workspace
    Adnan Amin MCT, SharePoint Architect | If you find this post useful kindly please mark it as an answer.

  • How to set up Sharepoint Online and OneDrive for business like shared path in local network

    I need to create in OneDrive for business or Sharepoint Online shared folder with documents that would be visible to all selected employees or all employees of the selected group.
    How to make it through the admin panel of Office 365, not by creating a folder in any user's access and send invitations to each user by email?

    Do you mean you want to map OneDrive for Business as a network drive? If so have a look at this technical article
    Myles Jeffery | Thinkscape Limited
    Try mapping OneDrive for Business and team site libraries to network drives with Zee Drive, its easy!
    Try our file share migration tool for OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online Office 365

  • Sharepoint 2013 and Onedrive for Business

    I need help with understanding Onedrive and have few questions. It would be nice if someone can help me with this:
    We have Sharepoint 2013 Enterprise and we will use OneDrive for Business with it. Now how is the user adminsitration works? Do I have to create new users or I can user that accounts from Active Directory? Everything is stored in SQL database. 
    Today users have home folders and is it good to replace it with OneDrive?

    When we use the OneDrive or OneDrive for Business, we should first understand the differences between them.
    OneDrive for Business is a personal library intended for storing and organizing your work documents. As an integral part of Office 365 or SharePoint Server 2013, OneDrive for Business lets you work within the context of your organization, with features such
    as direct access to your organization’s address book.
    OneDrive for Business is online storage intended for business purposes. Your OneDrive for Business library is
    managed by your organization and lets you share and collaborate on work documents with co-workers. Site collection administrators in your organization control what you can do in the library.
    However, OneDrive is free online personal storage that you get with either a Microsoft account or Use OneDrive to  save
    documents, photos, and other files in the cloud, share them with friends, and even collaborate on content. You’re free to decide how you want to use it.
     NOTE    In the header or elsewhere on your SharePoint or Office 365 site, ‘OneDrive’ appears as an abbreviation of OneDrive for Business to keep things simpler.
    If you use the OneDrive, we don’t need create new users, and we couldn’t use the AD account . OneDrive use the Microsoft account or
    For more information, you can have a look at the following article.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Jason Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • OneDrive for Business not syncing, stuck at "We're getting things ready to sync..."

    I had a Sharepoint library synced to my desktop for months and two days ago my computer had to suddenly reboot. When my comp restarted I had over 1,000 sync errors on files in my OneDrive for Business folder so instead of going through each individual sync
    error I stopped syncing the folder, removed it from my local library list, and tried to resync the same Sharepoint library.
    Now when I try to resync it gets stuck at "We're getting things ready to sync..."
    Any suggestions?

    Hi  ,
    According to your description, you had encountered a sign in issue for OneDrive.
    You can clear OneDrive cache by following the steps :
    1. Open the Task Manager and end every Office process (MSOSYNC.EXE, GROOVE.EXE and MSOUC.EXE).
    2. Open Windows Explorer, navigate to the following locations and delete everything (files & folders):
    After you deleted everything,  you should be able to start OneDrive  again.
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Help! Windows Explorer crashes regularly when using "SharePoint" directory synced with OneDrive for Business

    We are using SharePoint 2013 and I want to sync document libraries with
    OneDrive for Business with my PC running Windows 7.
    In general, it works, but my Windows Explorer crashes very often (after a few minutes) when I navigate in the synced directories and open files there (or copy files into them in Windows Explorer).
    How can I find out what happens and how to avoid it?
    We are still using Office 2007, so I installed only OneDrive for Business from the Office 2013 DVD and
    deactivated all other components like Office 2013 by hand:
    (so for example, the shared office feature or MS Info Path etc. were not installed)
    Is there a crash log, where I can find more information about the crash?
    Does OneDrive maybe need other components to be installed and can I install them without damaging my existing Office 2007 setup?

    Did  you check your Event Viewer for any errors during the time when Windows Explorer crashed?
    Thanks for this hint!
    The Log file says the following, so it seems to be WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\btncopy.dll
    to be responsible for the crashing Windows Explorer
    <Event xmlns="">
        <Provider Name="Application Error" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-06-27T15:06:31.000000000Z" />
        <Security />
        <Data>C:\Program Files\WIDCOMM\Bluetooth Software\btncopy.dll</Data>

  • OneDrive for Business (on Premise) "we can't connect to the specified sharepoint site..."

    We have SharePoint 2013 SP1 and CU Sept. 2014.
    When a User tries to sync with a sharepoint subsite, he gets the message above in the title until we give him at the minimum "read" permissions on the top level site collection.
    https://sitecollection/subsite <-- sync not working until read on sitecollection
    The subsite has its own permissions, it doesnt inherit anything.
    I tried to recreate this issue in our lab. What i got was this:
    http://sitecollection/subsite <-- sync doesnt work without read permission on sitecollection
    http://sitecollection/sitecollection/subsite <-- sync
    works fine even without read permission on any sitecollection (just edit on subsite)
    The question is:
    Why does it behave like this?
    I dont want to give everyone "read" permission on the root site collection. It must be an other way to sync on subsites!
    Thanks for any response! Any help appreciated!

    I tested the same scenario per your post in my environment, however the libraries in subsites can be synced with OneDrive for Business.
    I recommend to check the permission of the user in the subsite to see if the user has
    Use Remote Interfaces permission.
    If not, please select this and then check the results.
    More reference:
    Best regards,
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Onedrive for business: Shared with everyone issues

    We've SharePoint 2013 and OneDrive for Business (on-premises..)
    When user put a file on "shared with everyone" OneDrive folder, other users can't view it... Any idea ?

    Hi  ,
    According to your description, my understanding is that “Shared with everyone” OneDrive folder does not work in your SharePoint 2013.
    For your issue, please check whether everyone has the permission of accessing “Shared with everyone” OneDrive folder.
     You can go to your OneDrive -> My Documents. Click Sharing column of “Shared with everyone” folder, make sure it is shared with everyone:
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Cannot view InfoPath Form on SHarePoint 2013 since I removed SkyDrive for Business and installed OneDrive For Business

    I removed SkyDrive for Business and installed OneDrive for Business on my laptop. After that, I had problems opening a Word and Excel document in a SharePoint site (SP2013). After installing Service Pack2 from Office2010, this problem is solved. 
    But I still have the same problem with InfoPath. Whenever I click an InfoPath form (I have InfoPath 2010 on my laptop),...
    ... I get the error "cannot display web page".
    When I change the URL 
    I can open the InfoPath form and read it.
    Any ideas about how to fix this ? I already tried to restore the Office 2010 via Control Panel - Install Programs but without any success... 

    Hi Gert,
    As I understand, you can’t open InfoPath form in SharePoint 2013 unless you change the URL without “ms-infopath:ofe|u|”.
    There are some reasons which maybe cause this issue, and you can try to do things below:
    Access CA -> General Application Settings -> Configure InfoPath Form Service -> Check the two options in User Browser-enabled Form Templates.
    Go into the registry by typing regedit from the Run line and rename the SharePoint.OpenDocuments.5 key (ex. SharePoint.OpenDocuments.5.old) under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
    In library settings, click "relink documents to this library".
    Here are some similar posts for your reference:
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • OneDrive for business App- On premises installation (Sharepoint 2013)

    Just needed clarification regarding One Drive for Business application on iPhone/iPad. 
    When I connect to internal corporate network, the application works fine. However when I go on external network, it gives an error that 'You are logged in but we can't access your settings'. Is there something I am missing? Same with One Drive for business
    application for laptop. 
    It also works fine when I connect my iPhone/laptop on VPN. 
    We are using SharePoint 2013 (on premises installation). Do I need to get some subscription for business in order to get the app working over the internet? I know we need Office365 or sharepoint online in order to get the app working but it works fine when
    I am connected to internal network or VPN. 
    We do have a public IP and URL for One Drive which works fine on any browser from external internet. So the problem is only limited to the application on Apple and Laptop (windows). We are using TMG.
    Any info would be appreciated!

    Hi aso,
    You may want to check the authentication types for SharePoint on-premise site internal and internet access, some authentication types are not supported, you can check if it is the case.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Sharepoint 2013 onedrive for business Ipad App

    We have an on-premise sharepoint 2013 installation and we would like to achieve access to the private library/onedrive using some of our ipads.  We have installed One drive for business connected to a VPN.  We have put in the url of the
    site, which is our intranet page, enter my domain credentials click sign in and get the message.  There is a problem with your account.  Please try again later
    While connected to the VPN if I use the browser to the page it works and I can navigate to other parts of the intranet.
    Am I missing something simple?
    What should the internal address be like when trying to access onedrive?

    The ODfB app for iOS will only work while on the WLAN. It doesn't work across any other connection, at least per
     If you’re an Office 365 multitenant user, you can
    connect from the OneDrive for Business app in any network environment, including Wi-Fi and cellular data. If you’re not using multitenant Office 365, you can connect only when you use your organization’s on-site Wi-Fi network.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • SharePoint with OneDrive for Business

    Hi, I'm looking for some clarification on how OneDrive works with SharePoint. The person who set up SharePoint is no longer with the company and we do not have expertise on this subject.
    We have three SharePoint 2013 servers - a database server, a web server, and a Web Apps server.
    OneDrive for Business integration works fine. However, I am now trying to upload some 20+ GB at a time but keep getting the error "there is not enough space on SharePoint. You need an additional x GB to copy these files".
    I've checked all the servers and I have sufficient free space on them - storage is presented to vSphere from the SAN.
    My question is: how exactly does the data get to its final destination on the database server? Does it go through a C: drive on one of those servers and that's why I'm getting the error message? Is there a specific service I can check to see if it's running
    to pinpoint the location of the OneDrive integration?
    Thanks in advance.

    Did you check for quotas on the MySite Site Collection? By default, I believe it is 100MB. Also, no one file can be greater than 2GB. This is a SharePoint limit.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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