Online Flashplayer Game

I'm playing an online flashplayer game and using taskmanager I can see my ram usage creeping up over time, eventually it reaches nearly max capacity and the game starts to mis-display, lag and generally grind to a halt.
If I restart my browser my ram usage goes back to usual and the usage creep begins again.
I'm not sure if it's a quirk of the game or a shortcoming with my system.
I'm running windows xp 32 bit with explorer 8 on a biostar G31-M7-TE motherboard, with an intel Q8200 quad processor and 2Gb of ram, (another 2Gb is in the post to take it to max 4Gb)
I've also fitted a evga nvidia GTX660 pci-express GPU which has 2Gb of dedicated graphics ram.
my system at idle is using 400mb of ram, logged into the game 900mb of ram, at the point of requiring a restart it's reached 1.8Gb...  :O
any boffins out there want to humiliate me with their superior geekery are welcome to respond 

Check if your Chrome is up-to-date(Tools->About Google Chrome), If not, update it and try downloading the game and check.
If you still face the same issue, uninstall and re-install Google Chrome and check.
Alternatively, you can try downlaoding the same using a different broswer.

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    Streaming is not supported in C2-06. You need to download these videos using an application or using a PC.
    Please mark the post as solution if it solves your problem.
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    Manufacturer: Acer
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    Processor: AMD E-350
                    Processor 1.60 GHz
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    System Typer: 64-bit Operating System
    Flash Player Version:
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    1st thing : from my point of view upgrade your mac os to latest version.
                    (their is mac os x mavericks from apple its free for upgrade so download it and install it.)
    2nd thing : then upgrade your all browser plugins to latest version.
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    4th thing : verify and repair your disk permissions with the use of disk utility or ccleaner
    i am sure your computer recover speed.

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    Hi and welcome to Discussions,
    the compatibility of playing Mac Games online against Windows user depends on the manufacturer of these games.
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    Edited by: Tekton on May 10, 2009 10:04 AM

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    Processor - Core i5
    Speed - 2.27 GHz
    RAM - 4.00Gb (3.86 Gb usable)
    HDD - 500 Gb (465 Gb usable)
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    Hmmm... Win 7 will run faster than Mavericks with 8Gb. Even my Vm of 7 runs faster once I get it past all the startup processes.
    It may or may not be a connectivity problen since Windows uses a different protocol, even though it's on the same hardware. Usually though, what affects OS X will affect BootCamp too.
    What browser?

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    To assist us in quickly understanding your problem, please follow these guidelines when posting:
    Specify your operating system (including 32bit or 64bit edition) 
    Specify your web browser and version (including 32bit or 64bit edition) 
    Specify your Flash Player version
    Google embeds Flash Player into Chrome, updates for the embedded Flash Player are done through the Google updater.  If Chrome is not finding a site, talk to Google about it.

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    You can buy top PC but this will not fix issues that made game developer. Yes, game developer. Not Flash Player developer. First of all you need to ping your game server.
    On PC in Windows you need to run in cmd this string: ping but this is may not show real IP of game servers. I can't enter to wartune because there is error 404 - page don't found. So you need to know their servers IP and try to ping them. All ping that shows more 50ms will cause a lags. Ping it's timeframe for delivery data  between your PC internet and wartune sever.
    PS. my ping showed 192ms. So if game have the same server as hosted web site - I must see lags due big ping.

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    Try sliding the name of the game to the left and tapping remove.

  • Online multiplayer game

    Hi all,
         Anyone know how to develope online multiplayer game. If any one knows send me the reference site.

    You will need a server of some kind of course. I would hit
    They have a free version of their java server that you can download and mess around with called the SmartFoxServer. I would also look at the ElectroTank website. They have a nice java server as well and a lot of tutorials and helpful forums.

Maybe you are looking for

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