OnMouseClicked event with overlapping custom nodes

I'm having a bit of an issue with overlapping nodes.
Essentially what I have are rectangular shaped custom nodes which, when an onMouseEntered event occurs, has an extended set of icons that fade in that are located on the above top right portion of the node. If I may use ASCII to illustrate :)
[ MyCustomNode ]
+(Blank spaces don't work too well so let's pretend the X is sitting on top of the node on the upper left corner)+
The X is an icon that simply deletes the node.
The problem occurs when the nodes are overlapping (i.e. one above the other, where the X icon is overlapping with the node above it). When I click on the X, the onMouseClicked event fires for the node above.
I've tried mucking around with disabling the node and using toFront() and toBack() as well, but no luck.
Now that I think about it (I'm sure this is related), I've noticed issues with text/labels interfering with the "click-ability" of an object that it is overlapping. Since the text generally occupies little pixels in terms of the width of the actual text, it just seems to only sometimes interfere with onMouseClicked events - if you click on the right spot that is. If you disable the node, do the pixels the text/label occupy become "dead"? as in that space cannot be used to initiate the onMouseClicked event of an object behind the text? Make sense?
Any ideas?

I've put up a picture for your reference: [http://imagebin.ca/view/Lj9C7q.html]
How it works is that each node can be clicked on, thus increasing its opacity to 1.0. Once "selected" there is a mouse enter/exit event for that particular node which allows the X icon to fade in/out to delete the node.
What's happening is that if you click on the X of the selected node, the node directly above (1432-1481) is being selected, although the deletion of the original node works fine.
Also the onMouseEnter event is firing for the "1432-1481" node if you hover over the X. As you can tell in the screenshot, the opacity is increased if you hover over an unselected node. You can see that the "1432-1481" is slightly brighter than the other nodes above it. Obviously the cursor is missing from the screenshot but it should make sense.

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    import flash.events.Event;
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    import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
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    public class MDIPanel extends Panel
    // Constants for MDI panel event names
    public static var MINIMIZE:String = "minimize";
    public static var MAXIMIZE:String = "maximize";
    public static var CLOSE:String = "close";
    public static var RESTORE:String = "restore";

    I'm curious to know if this is possible as well (or really the question should be, is there a non-hackish way to get a reference to the skin instance)?
    When I've needed to do something like this, I've always just dispatched an event off a skin part from within my skin. IE.
    Then I would just listen for the event on the skin part.
    This is a bit hackish, so it would be nice if someone could share a better solution. I've been meaning to look into it, just never have been able to justify the time looking for a better solution.

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    import javafx.scene.control.Label;
    import javafx.scene.layout.StackPane;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Polygon;
    public class CustomHexagon extends StackPane {
        private Polygon hexagon;
        private Label overlayText;
        public CustomHexagon( String text, double... points ) {
            this.hexagon = new Polygon( points );
            this.overlayText = new Label( text );
            overlayText.setStyle( "-fx-font-weight: bold;" );
            hexagon.setStroke( Color.GREEN );
            hexagon.setStrokeWidth( 5.0 );
            hexagon.setFill( Color.WHITE );
            this.getChildren().addAll( hexagon, overlayText );
    // Lays out the node where it should be according to the points provided for the Polygon.
            this.setLayoutX( points[0] - getLayoutBounds().getMinX() );
            this.setLayoutY( points[1] - getLayoutBounds().getMinY() );
    // Show the border of the StackPane.
            this.setStyle( "-fx-border-color: black; -fx-border-width: 1; -fx-border-style: dashed;");
        public String getOverlayText() {
            return overlayText.getText();
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    public class Main extends Application {
        public void start(Stage primaryStage) {     
            Group root = new Group();
            CustomHexagon[] hexagons = {
                new CustomHexagon( "00", 10.0, 10.0, 30.0, 10.0, 40.0, 27.3205080756, 30.0, 44.6410161512, 10.0, 44.6410161512, 0.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "01", 70.0, 10.0, 90.0, 10.0, 100.0, 27.3205080756, 90.0, 44.6410161512, 70.0, 44.6410161512, 60.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "02", 130.0, 10.0, 150.0, 10.0, 160.0, 27.3205080756, 150.0, 44.6410161512, 130.0, 44.6410161512, 120.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "03", 190.0, 10.0, 210.0, 10.0, 220.0, 27.3205080756, 210.0, 44.6410161512, 190.0, 44.6410161512, 180.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "04", 250.0, 10.0, 270.0, 10.0, 280.0, 27.3205080756, 270.0, 44.6410161512, 250.0, 44.6410161512, 240.0, 27.3205080756 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "10", 40.0, 27.3205080756, 60.0, 27.3205080756, 70.0, 44.6410161512, 60.0, 61.961524226799995, 40.0, 61.961524226799995, 30.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "11", 100.0, 27.3205080756, 120.0, 27.3205080756, 130.0, 44.6410161512, 120.0, 61.961524226799995, 100.0, 61.961524226799995, 90.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "12", 160.0, 27.3205080756, 180.0, 27.3205080756, 190.0, 44.6410161512, 180.0, 61.961524226799995, 160.0, 61.961524226799995, 150.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "13", 220.0, 27.3205080756, 240.0, 27.3205080756, 250.0, 44.6410161512, 240.0, 61.961524226799995, 220.0, 61.961524226799995, 210.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "14", 280.0, 27.3205080756, 300.0, 27.3205080756, 310.0, 44.6410161512, 300.0, 61.961524226799995, 280.0, 61.961524226799995, 270.0, 44.6410161512 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "20", 10.0, 44.6410161512, 30.0, 44.6410161512, 40.0, 61.961524226799995, 30.0, 79.2820323024, 10.0, 79.2820323024, 0.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "21", 70.0, 44.6410161512, 90.0, 44.6410161512, 100.0, 61.961524226799995, 90.0, 79.2820323024, 70.0, 79.2820323024, 60.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "22", 130.0, 44.6410161512, 150.0, 44.6410161512, 160.0, 61.961524226799995, 150.0, 79.2820323024, 130.0, 79.2820323024, 120.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "23", 190.0, 44.6410161512, 210.0, 44.6410161512, 220.0, 61.961524226799995, 210.0, 79.2820323024, 190.0, 79.2820323024, 180.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "24", 250.0, 44.6410161512, 270.0, 44.6410161512, 280.0, 61.961524226799995, 270.0, 79.2820323024, 250.0, 79.2820323024, 240.0, 61.961524226799995 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "30", 40.0, 61.961524226799995, 60.0, 61.961524226799995, 70.0, 79.2820323024, 60.0, 96.602540378, 40.0, 96.602540378, 30.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "31", 100.0, 61.961524226799995, 120.0, 61.961524226799995, 130.0, 79.2820323024, 120.0, 96.602540378, 100.0, 96.602540378, 90.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "32", 160.0, 61.961524226799995, 180.0, 61.961524226799995, 190.0, 79.2820323024, 180.0, 96.602540378, 160.0, 96.602540378, 150.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "33", 220.0, 61.961524226799995, 240.0, 61.961524226799995, 250.0, 79.2820323024, 240.0, 96.602540378, 220.0, 96.602540378, 210.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "34", 280.0, 61.961524226799995, 300.0, 61.961524226799995, 310.0, 79.2820323024, 300.0, 96.602540378, 280.0, 96.602540378, 270.0, 79.2820323024 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "40", 10.0, 79.2820323024, 30.0, 79.2820323024, 40.0, 96.602540378, 30.0, 113.9230484536, 10.0, 113.9230484536, 0.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "41", 70.0, 79.2820323024, 90.0, 79.2820323024, 100.0, 96.602540378, 90.0, 113.9230484536, 70.0, 113.9230484536, 60.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "42", 130.0, 79.2820323024, 150.0, 79.2820323024, 160.0, 96.602540378, 150.0, 113.9230484536, 130.0, 113.9230484536, 120.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "43", 190.0, 79.2820323024, 210.0, 79.2820323024, 220.0, 96.602540378, 210.0, 113.9230484536, 190.0, 113.9230484536, 180.0, 96.602540378 ),
                new CustomHexagon( "44", 250.0, 79.2820323024, 270.0, 79.2820323024, 280.0, 96.602540378, 270.0, 113.9230484536, 250.0, 113.9230484536, 240.0, 96.602540378 )
            EventHandler<MouseEvent> mouseClickedHandler = new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
                public void handle(MouseEvent t) {
                    CustomHexagon h = (CustomHexagon) t.getSource();
                    System.out.println( h.getOverlayText() );
            for ( CustomHexagon hexagon : hexagons ) {
                hexagon.setOnMouseClicked( mouseClickedHandler );
            root.getChildren().addAll( hexagons );
            Scene scene = new Scene(root, 400, 400);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
    After running this program, when one clicks within the intersection of two StackPanes (borders shown by dashed lines), the target of the mouse click event will be the StackPane on top as determined by the order in which they were added to their parent.
    This is a problem because there is only a small "T" shaped area within each hexagon that when clicked will target that hexagon with an event, rather than adjacent nodes.
    I would appreciate any reccomendations to solve this problem.
    James Giller

    Hello, this is an evergreen. Just call setPickOnBounds(false) on the CustomHexagon.
    An issue tracking this problem is open here: https://javafx-jira.kenai.com/browse/RT-17024

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    '''Try Firefox Safe Mode''' to see if the problem goes away. Safe Mode is a troubleshooting mode, which disables most add-ons.
    ''(If you're not using it, switch to the Default theme.)''
    * On Windows you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''Shift''' key when you open the Firefox desktop or Start menu shortcut.
    * On Mac you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by holding the '''option''' key while starting Firefox.
    * On Linux you can open Firefox 4.0+ in Safe Mode by quitting Firefox and then going to your Terminal and running: firefox -safe-mode (you may need to specify the Firefox installation path e.g. /usr/lib/firefox)
    * Or open the Help menu and click on the '''Restart with Add-ons Disabled...''' menu item while Firefox is running.
    ''Once you get the pop-up, just select "'Start in Safe Mode"''
    [[Image:Safe Mode Fx 15 - Win]]
    '''''If the issue is not present in Firefox Safe Mode''''', your problem is probably caused by an extension, and you need to figure out which one. Please follow the [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] article for that.
    ''To exit the Firefox Safe Mode, just close Firefox and wait a few seconds before opening Firefox for normal use again.''
    ''When you figure out what's causing your issues, please let us know. It might help other users who have the same problem.''
    Thank you.

  • How to create contextual event with custom payload?

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    <af:commandLink text="#{row[def.name]}" id="cl1"
    The following "action-listener" is designed to pass the current selected record key to the "consumer" of the contextual event:
    public void handleSelectedRow(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
    String currentRecordKey = getCurrentRecordKey();
    JUEventBinding eventBinding = (JUEventBinding)BeanUtils.getBindings().get("RefreshParentEvent");
    if (eventBinding != null) {
    ActionListener actionListener = (ActionListener)eventBinding.getListener();
    How do I pass the "currentRecordKey" value as a custom "payload" via the event-binding "RefreshParentEvent" in the above code?
    Is there any code example on using contextual event with custom payload?

    the custom payload is referenced when you set up the event itself. You use EL in the custom payload definition to point to a managed bean method that when called accesses the current rowKey. The Java code you show just passes the ActionEvent of the ADF Faces command button and invokes the event. It does not manipulate the event definition.
    <eventBinding id="eventBinding"
          <events xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/adfm/contextualEvent">
            <event name="testEvent"

  • Custom Event with multiple EventTypes

    Hello All, First thanks for all those who tryied to help me and apologize for my approximative english.
    I would like to create the more properly as possible a Custom Event with multiple EventTypes, like the MouseEvent typicaly. 
    With Some EventType which permit to acces to some attributes and other not. But I'm totaly lost,  The second solution if someone knows how, is to explain to me how to do to acces to the code of the MouseEvent.as 
    Ps: you will find below the basis of the code i have begin. 
    package fr.flashProject
        import flash.events.Event;
         * @author
        public class SWFAddressManagerEvent extends Event
            public static const CHANGE_PAGE:String = "change_page";
            public static const ERROR_404:String = "error_404";
            public static const HOME_PAGE:String = "home_page";
            private var _page:String;
            private var _params:Object;
            public function SWFAddressManagerEvent(type:String, pPage:String = null, pParams:Object = null, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false)
                super(type, bubbles, cancelable);
                _page = pPage;
                _params = _params;
            public override function clone():Event
                return new SWFAddressManagerEvent(_type, _page, _params, bubbles, cancelable);
            public override function toString():String
                return formatToString("SWFAddressManagerEvent", "type", "page", "params", "bubbles", "cancelable", "eventPhase");
            public function get page():String { return _page; }
            public function get params():Object { return _params; }       

    I am not sure what you are trying to accomplish but event can have only single type. Event type is just a string that is typically a constant - exactly like your constants.
    When dispatched, each event INSTANCE has only one type. Again, these types are described in a type parameter by a string. Each dispatched MouseEvent DOES NOT have multiple types but ONLY ONE. It does have multiple constants that are used to assign type at runtime as does your event.
    If you are talking about multiple parameters, you already do that in your custom event class. You have _page and _params. Nothing stops you from adding more parameters.
    Also I am not sure why you need getters for _page and _params.

  • Customer with Overlapping IPs talking to DC

    There is a scenario in which MPLS customers with overlapping IP addresses would like to access a shared resource in the Data Center. How this could be possible in MPLS?
    Best Regards,

    [email protected] Guys for your responses.The issue is with the return traffic of customer having overlapping IP addresses.Does anyone have a reference to design and configuration document which would cover this requirement, may be using NAT?Cheers,Ahmed Shahzad Think green - keep it on the screen.This e-mail and any attachment is for authorised use by the intended recipient(s) only. It may contain proprietary material, confidential information and/or be subject to legal privilege. It should not be copied, disclosed to, retained or used by, any other party. If you are not an intended recipient then please promptly delete this e-mail and any attachment and all copies and inform the sender. Thank you.
    NAT is the usual solution for this. NAT can be done on your PE or on an external device (such as a firewall) that interconnects MPLS domain with the shared services infrastructure. Following white paper on NAT with MPLS will provide you with enough information on how to do VRF-aware NAT:

  • OnMouseClicked Event Is Failing To Fire

    After clicking on the blue rectangle while the program is running the onMouseClicked Event fails to fire. I am expecting a message to appear in NB's Output window. Below is the relevant source code in relation to handling the onMouseClicked event:
    package javafx_test;
    import javafx.scene.control.Control;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
    import javafx.scene.Node;
    public class ControlTest extends Control{
        def rect = Rectangle{
            fill: Color.BLUE
            height: 20 width: 20
            onMouseClicked: function(me){println("Events are working perfectly!")}
        protected override function create(): Node{
            return rect;
    }Have I missed anything in relation to handling the onMouseClicked event for the blue rectangle?
    Edited by: digi_pixel on Jun 8, 2009 10:54 PM

    I upgraded my custom skinnable control (as shown in [Controls+Skins / CSS - Do Not Scale (BUG)|http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5363533] in a compact form). I had some trouble, but with a little help from the MediaBox sample, I finally had something working.
    The custom control is useless and ugly, but it does its work in testing the making of custom controls! :-)
    Here is the code:
    public class StyledControl extends Control
      // Data related to the control (the model)
      package var count: Integer;
      package var content: String;
      public override var focusTraversable = true;
        skin = ControlStyler {}
      package function Incr()
        content = "{count}";
    public class ControlStyler extends Skin
      //-- Skinable properties
      public var size: Number = 20;
      public var fill: Color = Color.GRAY;
      public var textFill: Color = Color.BLACK;
      public var focusFill: Color = Color.BLUE;
      var shape: Polygon;
      var focusHighlight: Circle;
        shape = Polygon
          points: bind
            0.0, size * 2,
            size, size * 2,
            size / 2, 0.0
          fill: bind fill
        behavior = ControlBehavior { info: bind control.id }
        node = Group
              x: bind size / 2 - 3
              y: bind size * 2 - 5
              fill: bind textFill
              content: bind (control as StyledControl).content
              x: 0
              y: bind size * 2 + 10
              content: bind control.id
          //-- Behavior: call controller for actions
          onMouseReleased: function (me: MouseEvent): Void
            (behavior as ControlBehavior).HandleClick(me)
      public function ShowIncrement()
        var df = fill;
        fill = Color.RED;
          keyFrames: [ at(2s) { fill => df tween Interpolator.DISCRETE } ]
      public function ShowFocus()
        focusHighlight = Circle
          centerX: size / 2
          centerY: -5
          radius: 5
          fill: focusFill
        insert focusHighlight into (node as Group).content;
      public function HideFocus()
        delete focusHighlight from (node as Group).content;
      public override function contains(localX: Number, localY: Number): Boolean
    //~     println("contains for {control.id}: {localX} {localY}");
        return shape.contains(localX, localY);
      public override function intersects(localX: Number, localY: Number,
          localWidth: Number, localHeight: Number): Boolean
    //~     println("intersects for {control.id}: {localX} {localY} {localWidth} {localHeight}");
        return shape.intersects(localX, localY, localWidth, localHeight);
      protected override function getPrefWidth(height: Number): Number { size }
        protected override function getPrefHeight(width: Number): Number { size * 2 }
    public class ControlBehavior extends Behavior
      public var info: String; // Only for debug information...
      var control = bind skin.control as StyledControl;
      public override function callActionForEvent(e: KeyEvent)
        println("{info}{control.count}: KeyEvent: {e}");
        if (e.char == '+')
      package function HandleClick(me: MouseEvent): Void
        // I miss  onFocus() and onBlur() methods?
        (skin as ControlStyler).ShowFocus();
      function Incr(): Void
        println("{info}: Ouch! -> {control.count}");
        var sk = skin as ControlStyler;
      title: "Test Styling Controls"
      scene: Scene
        width:  500
        height: 500
          StyledControl { id: "Bar", translateX: 50, translateY: 100 }
          StyledControl { /* No id */translateX: 150,  translateY: 100 }
          StyledControl { id: "Foo", translateX: 250, translateY: 75 }
          StyledControl { id: "Gah", translateX: 350, translateY: 100 }
        stylesheets: "{__DIR__}controlStyle.css"
    /* Default style of all styled controls */
      size: 20;
      fill: #FF8800;
    /* Specify changes per control identified by their ID */
      size: 50;
      fill: #09FF0F;
      text-fill: green;
      focus-fill: dark-green;
    }I have yet to discover how to handle focus transversal, ie. changing the style of the control when it receives or loose the focus, be it by keys (Tab/Ctrl+Tab when control is focusTransversable) or with mouse (I handle the focus gain but I don't know what if the previously focused control so I cannot remove it).

  • OnMouseClicked event handler not working

    I'm currently playing with Netbeans 7.0 and JavaFX 2.0-beta (Java 1.6.0_26, OS Windows XP) and noticed, that the onMouseClicked event handler doesn't seem to work properly.
    I added one to the scene but it got triggered only very sporadical, when I hit the mouse button several times really fast. The onMousePressed and onMouseReleased handlers on the other side work as expected.
    I also tried adding a click event handler to other nodes like a Rectangle or a Pane but it's always the same behaviour.
    Is this a (known) bug or limitation of the beta release or am I missing something here?
    Here is a a short example:
    public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
            final BorderPane root = new BorderPane();
            final Scene scene = new Scene(root, 800, 600, Color.BLACK);
            scene.setOnMouseClicked(new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
                public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
    Edited by: 865264 on 11.06.2011 13:29 (thanks for the tip, Darryl)

    To get better help sooner, post a SSCCE (Short, Self Contained, Compilable and Executable) example that demonstrates the problem.
    Don't forget to read the announcements at the top of the forum listing and the FAQ linked from every page so you'll know how to format your code correctly.

  • Dispatching Events on overlapping Components

    i use a layered pane that contains some custom components. How can I make that two overlapping components that reside in the same layer both receive a mouseEvent?
    At the moment, only the Componet above receives the event - I know I can pass an Event with dispatchEvent - but i don't know the instance of the component to which to pass it of course... Is there any method to dispatch the event without having to know to which component to pass it?
    Any help appreciated.
    Best regards & Thanks.

    You can use use EventQueue.postEvent to post the event, but it requires source and if it is mouse event it will be later retargeted to correct components according to coordinates. So the only way for you to do this is to find the components by yourself and call processMouseEvent on it.

  • Workflow activity stuck at Custom Nodes and is in Active Status

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    We have one issue with our Custom Order Management--> Order  Booking workflow. Can you please help us.
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    Start --> Activity A ---> Activity B --> Activity C --> End
    Code at Activities A, B, C involves Third part tool Integrations which involves business events, invoking Https Urls with Req/Res Xmls
    Ideally whenever an issue encounters at any one of these nodes, either workflow should go back or should proceed further.
    But in our case, process gets stuck at some Node (either A, B or C) with Activity status as ACTIVE. Upon checking Workflow diagram, seems there is no 'Y' or 'N' signal from any one of the above activities, once processes at respective Activity's gets completed.
    Can you please review this issue and suggest if anything could be checked.
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         But we checked our custom code and there is no issue with COMMIT.
    2) We have even checked the FINAL RETURN status at each of the Activity's by adding debug messages and we could see that the return value is appropriate but not sure what is causing this
    Upon retrying the Activity from Workflow Administrator resp, the same activity (that is stuck before) is getting Completed Normally.
    Also this is an intermittent issue and not sure, if this is happening inconsistently due to some environment params or some load related.
    Request you to review the problem and suggest if anything needs to be checked.
    Thank you,
    Lokesh G
    Oracle Apps Consultant

    Hi Team,
    Request you to please check the issue and provide your suggestions.
    Your help is much appreciated.
    Sreenivasulu M

  • Event ID 1135 When Node Paused

    I have a three node Server 2012 cluster with Hyper-V running on the cluster. When I pause a server, and then restart it, I am getting Event ID 1135:
    Cluster node 'COTTONMILL' was removed from the active failover cluster membership. The Cluster service on this node may have stopped. This could also be due to the node having lost communication with other active nodes in the failover cluster. Run the Validate
    a Configuration wizard to check your network configuration. If the condition persists, check for hardware or software errors related to the network adapters on this node. Also check for failures in any other network components to which the node is connected
    such as hubs, switches, or bridges.
    and also Event ID 1177:
    The Cluster service is shutting down because quorum was lost. This could be due to the loss of network connectivity between some or all nodes in the cluster, or a failover of the witness disk. 
    Run the Validate a Configuration wizard to check your network configuration. If the condition persists, check for hardware or software errors related to the network adapter. Also check for failures in any other network components to which the node is connected
    such as hubs, switches, or bridges.
    All of my virtual servers stay up though. 
    Quorum is set at NodeMajority with no witness.
    Should I be getting these errors when I pause one node to do maintenance and the other two nodes are running? Thanks.

    The 1135 event will be logged on all nodes in the Cluster except for the node that was removed. The reason for this event is because one of the nodes in the Cluster marked
    that node as down. It then notifies all of the other nodes of the event. When the nodes are notified, they discontinue and tear down their heartbeat connections to the downed node.
    And the 1177 event may cause by your restart, you can refer the following article for the more detail reason:
    Having a problem with nodes being removed from active Failover Cluster membership?
    Event ID 1177 — Quorum and Connectivity Needed for Quorum
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • How to "repaint" a custom node

    Hi everybody.
    I have working with JavaFX for a short time and a problem has come up... I'm developing an application where I dragg and drop elements from one half of the Scene to the other. Each half is represented by a Custom node that shows some thumbnails. When I dragg an element from one side to the other, I managed to insert that element in the sequence belonging to the destiny (Custom node) side.
    What I want is making this change of position visible, Each side of the Scene has a lot of thumbnails and I use a scroll to browse all the elements. When I transfer a thumbnail from one side of the Scene to the other is still the origin custom node scroll which moves the just transferred thumbnail altought it should be managed by the destiny custom node scroll...
    What I would need is a kind of "repaint" method, like the Swing's one...
    Thank's in advanced. Regards.

    Hi Nachy,
      Thanks for your replay,
    Anumaala Kumar

  • Define event types in Customizing and restart the transaction.

    how to define event to restart the transaction in BADI
    I have given error message in badi. it is giving
    No SAP Event Management communication for events; no event types def
        Message no. /SAPTRX/ASC084
        You have not defined event types for the business process types.
        therefore not possible to communicate event data to SAP Event
    System response
        The communication of event data is aborted.
        Define event types in Customizing and restart the transaction.

    Hi Kevin,
    What DataSource does your testalias refer to?
    - If it is a custom DataSource, you must have created this custom DataSource also.
    - If it is the default DataSource, you shouldn't have this problem in general...
    In either case, you can try deploying your DataSource and/or DataSource alias together with your application:
    I hope that helps!

  • Error while accessing application with the custom components

    Hi experts,
    I have an application (HAP_MAIN_DOCUMENT) of component FPM_OIF_COMPONENT which uses a Webdynpro component with the same name (HAP_MAIN_DOCUMENT). This Webdynpro component (HAP_MAIN_DOCUMENT) uses 2 other components (HAP_DOCUMENT_BODY and HAP_DOCUMENT_HEADER). For my client requirement, i need to create the custom components by copying from standard components as the UI layout changes are quiet huge and not manageable with the enhancements. To accomodate this i have changed the standard configurations by replacing the standard web dynpro components with the custom ones copied. Apart fomr this there are no changes to the standard.
    While trying to access the application, i am getting the error as Null object reference.
    the details of the error is as below. Please advice.
    Heading 1: h1. P:ortal Error
    The URL http://******************/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/HAP_MAIN_DOCUMENT/ was not called due to an error.
    The following error text was processed in the system DSD : Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible.
    The error occurred on the application server ddrsap12_DSD_01 and in the work process 0 .
    The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
    The ABAP call stack was:
    Method: DO_INIT of program CL_WDR_DELEGATING_VIEW========CP
    Method: INIT_CONTROLLER of program CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CP
    Method: INIT_CONTROLLER of program CL_WDR_VIEW===================CP
    Method: INIT of program CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CP
    Method: GET_VIEW of program CL_WDR_VIEW_MANAGER===========CP
    Method: BIND_ROOT of program CL_WDR_VIEW_MANAGER===========CP
    Method: INIT of program CL_WDR_VIEW_MANAGER===========CP
    Method: INIT_CONTROLLER of program CL_WDR_INTERFACE_VIEW=========CP
    Heading 2: h2. ST22 - Dump Analysis
    Error analysis
        An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
        The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL', was not
         caught in
        procedure "WDDOINIT" "(METHOD)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING clause.
        Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the
        exception would occur, the current program is terminated.
        The reason for the exception is:
        You attempted to use a 'NULL' object reference (points to 'nothing')
        access a component.
        An object reference must point to an object (an instance of a class)
        before it can be used to access components.
        Either the reference was never set or it was set to 'NULL' using the
        CLEAR statement.
    Information on where terminated
        Termination occurred in the ABAP program "/1BCWDY/LUR96POELQNL3TIUWPYS==CP" -
         in "WDDOINIT".
        The main program was "SAPMHTTP ".
        In the source code you have the termination point in line 4640
        of the (Include) program "/1BCWDY/B_LUXVEOR5WUW66V6QRRNU".
        Termination occurred in a Web Dynpro application
          Web Dynpro Component          ZWD_HAP_DOCUMENT_HEADER
          Web Dynpro Controller         VW_HEADER_MAIN
        The termination is caused because exception "CX_SY_REF_IS_INITIAL" occurred in
        procedure "WDDOINIT" "(METHOD)", but it was neither handled locally nor
        in the RAISING clause of its signature.
        The procedure is in program "/1BCWDY/LUR96POELQNL3TIUWPYS==CP "; its source
         code begins in line
        4619 of the (Include program "/1BCWDY/B_LUXVEOR5WUW66V6QRRNU ".
    Active Calls/Events
    No.   Ty.          Program                             Include                             Line
          Web Dynpro Component          ZWD_HAP_DOCUMENT_HEADER
          Web Dynpro Controller         VW_HEADER_MAIN
          Web Dynpro Component          ZWD_HAP_DOCUMENT_HEADER
          Web Dynpro Controller         VW_HEADER_MAIN
       31 METHOD       CL_WDR_DELEGATING_VIEW========CP    CL_WDR_DELEGATING_VIEW========CM003     3
       30 METHOD       CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CP    CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CM00Q     3
       29 METHOD       CL_WDR_VIEW===================CP    CL_WDR_VIEW===================CM00K     5
       28 METHOD       CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CP    CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CM002     7
       27 METHOD       CL_WDR_VIEW_MANAGER===========CP    CL_WDR_VIEW_MANAGER===========CM008    70
       26 METHOD       CL_WDR_VIEW_MANAGER===========CP    CL_WDR_VIEW_MANAGER===========CM005    23
       25 METHOD       CL_WDR_VIEW_MANAGER===========CP    CL_WDR_VIEW_MANAGER===========CM00B    17
       24 METHOD       CL_WDR_INTERFACE_VIEW=========CP    CL_WDR_INTERFACE_VIEW=========CM004    11
       23 METHOD       CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CP    CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CM002     7
       22 METHOD       CL_WDR_VIEW_MANAGER===========CP    CL_WDR_VIEW_MANAGER===========CM008    70
    Thanks In advance,

    Hi, I'm closing this thread and opening the same in another as the content got pasted in reader un friendly format and i'm unable to change the format.

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