Opening an image from the net

Can I open an image from the internet, instead of saving it to my PC first, then opening it?

lvstealth wrote:
Can I open an image from the internet, instead of saving it to my PC first, then opening it?
That can be scripted you need to be able to provide the images URL for the script ie copy paste in a url its even posible to load all image on aweb page into a layer stack in a new document. Go for it.  The following scripts do download a temp files into your temp space but these are deleted once the image is placed into the photoshop document. So there is no image file is on your system images only exist in the open Photoshop Document.
// OpenImageFromWeb.jsx
// Copyright 2006-2009
// Written by Jeffrey Tranberry
// Photoshop for Geeks Version 3.0
// modified by MLH
// modified by JJMACK 2010
<about>$$$/JavaScripts/OpenImageFromWeb/About=JJMack's OpenImageFromWeb.^r^rCopyright 2010 Mouseprints.^r^rJJMack's Script.^rOpen Image From Web as a Placed smart object layer!</about>
<category>JJMack's Script</category>
This sample script shows how to download images from a web server using the
Socket object.
// Note: parameter & behavior
// will read or time out. It may not read all data fromserver. <---------------
// will read 999999 bytes, or timeout, or socket will be
// closed by the server.
// enable double clicking from the
// Macintosh Finder or the Windows Explorer
#target photoshop
// Make Photoshop the frontmost application
var html = "";
var request = "";
var url = "";
var binary = "";
var requesthtml = "";
var socket = new Socket;
var domain = "" // the domain for the file we want
var sImg = "/old/dpr/JJMack8btiSrgb.png"; // the rest of the url for the file we want
var port = ":80"; // the port for the file we want
var url = prompt("Enter the image's full URL http://domain/full image path",url);   // prompt for domain name
if (url != null && url != ""){
          if ( (url.indexOf("http://") != -1)  || (url.indexOf("HTTP://") != -1)  ) {
                    domainPathLength = url.length - "http://".length;
                    domainPath = url.substr(7, domainPathLength);
                    pathOffset = domainPath.indexOf("/");
                    domain = domainPath.substr(0, pathOffset);
                    sImg = domainPath.substr(pathOffset, domainPath.length - pathOffset );
                    // Isolate Image name
                    var Name =  sImg
                    var imagePath = "";
                    while (Name.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {                                        // Strip Path
                              imagePath= imagePath + Name.substr(0, Name.indexOf("/") + 1);
                              Name = Name.substr(Name.indexOf("/") + 1 ,);
                    //alert("domain = " +  domain + " , Image = " + sImg + " Image File Name = " + Name);
                    if ( domain != "" && sImg != "" && sImg != "/" && Name.indexOf(".") != -1 ) {
                              var f = File("~/" + Name); // Image file name
                              f.encoding = "binary"; // set binary mode
                              if ( + port, "binary")){
                                        //alert("GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                                        requesthtml ="\n\nDmain:" + domain + " Port" + port + " binary\n"
                                        request ="GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n"
                                        socket.write(request); // get the file
                                        var binary =;
                                        binary = removeHeaders(binary);
                              else { alert("Connection to Domain:" + domain + " Port" + port + " Failed   ");}
                              if (binary.length != 0) {
                                        //alert ("file length = " + binary.length );
                                        if(app.documents.length == 0) {
                                                  //app.documents.add([width] [, height] [, resolution] [, name] [, mode] [, initialFill] [,pixelAspectRatio] [, bitsPerChannel] [,colorProfileName])
                                                  app.documents.add(new UnitValue(1600,'px'), new UnitValue(1200,'px'), 72, null, NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.WHITE, 1,BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT, "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" );
                                        placeSmartObject( f );
                              f.remove(); // Remove temporary downloaded files
                    else { alert("Invalid Image URL: " + url ); }
          else { alert("Invalid URL: " + url ); }
else { if ( url == "" ) alert("No URL Entered"); }
function placeSmartObject(fileRef){
          //create a new smart object  layer using a file
          try {
                    var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
                              desc.putPath( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), new File( fileRef ) );
                              desc.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID( "FTcs" ), charIDToTypeID( "QCSt" ),charIDToTypeID( "Qcsa" ));
                              desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" ),charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" ), 100 );
                              desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Hght" ), charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" ), 100 );
                              desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Angl" ), charIDToTypeID( "#Ang" ), 0 );
                              desc.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( "Lnkd" ), true );
                    executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "Plc " ), desc, DialogModes.NO );
                    activeDocument.activeLayer.resize(100 ,100,AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
          } catch (e) { alert("Placeing file: '" + fileRef + "' failed"); }
// Remove header lines from HTTP response
function removeHeaders(binary){
          var bContinue = true ; // flag for finding end of header
          var line = "";
          var httpheader = "";
          var nFirst = 0;
          var count = 0;
          while (bContinue) {
                    line = getLine(binary) ; // each header line
                    httpheader = httpheader + line;
                    bContinue = line.length >= 2 ; // blank header == end of header
                    nFirst = line.length + 1 ;
                    binary = binary.substr(nFirst) ;
          if (httpheader.indexOf("Bad Request") != -1 || httpheader.indexOf("Not Found") != -1) {
                    alert (requesthtml + request + httpheader);
                    var binary = "";
          //alert (requesthtml + request + httpheader + "\nFile length = " + binary.length);
          return binary;
// Get a response line from the HTML
function getLine(html){
          var line = "" ;
          for (var i = 0; html.charCodeAt(i) != 10; i++){ // finding line end
                    line += html[i] ;
          return line ;
// Copyright 2007.  Adobe Systems, Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
// This script demonstrates how to download images from a web server using the Socket object.
// Adobe's Socket.jsx Photoshop sample javascript
// modified by JJMACK 2011
<about>$$$/JavaScripts/StackWebPageImages/About=JJMack's StackWebPageImages.^r^rCopyright 2011 Mouseprints.^r^rJJMack's Script.^rPlaces Images used in a Web page as smart object layers in stack in a new document!^rOnly images embedded coded with path relative to the domains root will be Placed though.^rImages that fail to be placed may be Placed into the document using your browser right click to copy image URL.^rThen paste that URL into the OpenImageFromWeb script URL input field. </about>
<category>JJMack's Script</category>
// Note: parameter & behavior
// will read or time out. It may not read all data from server.
// will read 999999 bytes, or timeout, or socket will be
// closed by the server.
// Settings
#target photoshop
app.bringToFront(); // bring top
//if("en_US" == $.locale) { // display only US build
//          alert("This sample script shows how to download images from a web server using the Socket object.");
// Remove header lines from HTTP response
function removeHeaders(binary)
          var bContinue = true ; // flag for finding end of header
          var line = "";
          var nFirst = 0;
          var count  = 0;
          while (bContinue) {
                    line = getLine(binary) ; // each header line
                    bContinue = line.length >= 2 ;  // blank header == end of header
                    nFirst = line.length + 1 ;
                    binary = binary.substr(nFirst) ;
          return binary;
// Get a response line from the HTML
function getLine(html)
          var line = "" ;
          for (var i = 0; html.charCodeAt(i) != 10; i++){ // finding line end
                    line += html[i] ;
          return line ;
var socket = new Socket;
var port = "80";
var html = "";
//if ("")){
//          socket.write("GET /index.html HTTP/1.0\n\n");
//          html =;
//          socket.close();
var url = "";
var url = prompt("Enter the Web page full URL the images are in like http://domain/index.html",url);   // prompt web page
if (url != null && url != ""){
          if ( (url.indexOf("http://") != -1)  || (url.indexOf("HTTP://") != -1)  ) {
                    domainPathLength = url.length - "http://".length;
                    domainPath = url.substr(7, domainPathLength);
                    if ( domainPath.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {
                              pathOffset = domainPath.indexOf("/");
                              domain = domainPath.substr(0, pathOffset);
                              wPage= domainPath.substr(pathOffset, domainPath.length - pathOffset );
                    else {
                              domain = domainPath;
                                wPage = "/";
                    // Isolate Page name
                    var pName=  wPage;
                    var pagePath = "";
                    while (pName.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {
                              pagePath= pagePath + pName.substr(0, pName.indexOf("/") + 1);
                              pName = pName.substr(pName.indexOf("/") + 1 ,);
                    //if ("")){
                    if ( +":" + port)){
                              //alert("GET page = " + wPage + " HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                              socket.write("GET " + wPage + " HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                              html =;
                              //var aImg = html.match(/src=\"\/images\/(.*?)\"/g);                    //  src="/images/~~~"
                              //var aImg = html.match(/img src=\"(.*?)\"/g);                              // img src="~~~"
                              //var aImg = html.match(/img src=\"(.*?)[\"?]/g);                    // img src=["|?]~~~" 
                              //var aImg = html.match(/img (.*?)src=\"(.*?)[\"?]/g);                    // img ~~~src="~~~" 
                              var aImg = html.match(/<img (.*?)src=\"(.*?)\"/g);                    // <img ~~~src="~~~"
                              //var aImg = html.match(/<img (.*?)src=\"(.*?)[\"?]/g);                    // <img ~~~src=["|?]~~~"
                              //alert("Image List\n" + aImg);
                              if (null != aImg) { // parsed image tags
                                        //app.documents.add([width] [, height] [, resolution] [, name] [, mode] [, initialFill] [,pixelAspectRatio] [, bitsPerChannel] [,colorProfileName])
                                        app.documents.add(new UnitValue(1600,'px'), new UnitValue(1200,'px'), 72, null, NewDocumentMode.RGB, DocumentFill.WHITE, 1,BitsPerChannelType.EIGHT, "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" );
                                        for (var i=0; i < aImg.length; i++) {
                                                  var str = aImg[i];
                                                  //var sImg = str.substring(5, str.length-1); // remove "src=" & ["]
                                                  //var sImg = str.substring(9, str.length-1); // remove "img src=" & ["]
                                                  var sImg = str.substring(str.indexOf('src="')+5, str.length-1); // remove "<img ... src=" & ["]
                                                            if (sImg.substring(0,7) == "http://" || sImg.substring(0,7) == "HTTP://")  { placeWebImage(imageNo, sImg); } // redirect image
                                                            else {
                                                                      if (sImg.substring(0,1) != "/" ) { sImg = pagePath + sImg ; }                               // image is relative to web page path
                                                                      //else { sImg = sImg.substr(1, sImg.length - 1) ; sImg = pagePath + sImg; }          // aways include web page path bad idea
                                                                      // Isolate Image name
                                                                      var Name =  sImg;
                                                                      var imagePath = "";
                                                                      while (Name.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {                                        // Strip Path
                                                                                imagePath= imagePath + Name.substr(0, Name.indexOf("/") + 1);
                                                                                Name= Name.substr(Name.indexOf("/") + 1 ,);
                                                                      Name= imageNo + " " + Name;
                                                                      //var f = File("~/socket_sample_" + i + sImg.substr(sImg.length-4)); // 4 = .gif or .jpg
                                                                      var f = File("~/" + Name ); // Temp File name
                                                                      f.encoding  = "binary";  // set binary mode
                                                                      //if ("", "binary")){
                                                                      if ( +":" + port, "binary")){
                                                                                socket.write("GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n"); // Adobe's site image link starts with "/"
                                                                                var binary =;
                                                                                binary = removeHeaders(binary);
                                                                      else { alert("Socket Open " + domain + ":" + port + ", binary Failed"); }
                                                                      //; // Open files in Photoshop
                                                                      placeSmartObject( f );
                                                                      f.remove();  // Remove temporary downloaded files
                                        alert("Number of images found in page = " + imageNo );
                              else { alert("No images found for " + url); }
                    else { alert("Connection to Domain:" + domain + " Port " + port + " Failed   ");}
          else { alert("Invalid URL: " + url ); }
else { if (url == "") alert("No URL Entered"); }
function placeSmartObject(fileRef){
          //create a new smart object layer using a file
          try {
                    var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
                              desc.putPath( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), new File( fileRef ) );
                              desc.putEnumerated( charIDToTypeID( "FTcs" ), charIDToTypeID( "QCSt" ),charIDToTypeID( "Qcsa" ));
                              desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Wdth" ),charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" ), 100 );
                              desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Hght" ), charIDToTypeID( "#Prc" ), 100 );
                              desc.putUnitDouble( charIDToTypeID( "Angl" ), charIDToTypeID( "#Ang" ), 0 );
                              desc.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( "Lnkd" ), true );
                    executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "Plc " ), desc, DialogModes.NO );
                    activeDocument.activeLayer.resize(100 ,100,AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);
          } catch (e) { }
function placeWebImage(num, url){
          var socket = new Socket;
          domainPathLength = url.length - "http://".length;
          domainPath = url.substr(7, domainPathLength);
          pathOffset = domainPath.indexOf("/");
          domain = domainPath.substr(0, pathOffset);
          sImg = domainPath.substr(pathOffset, domainPath.length - pathOffset );
          // Isolate Image name
          var Name =  sImg
          var imagePath = "";
          while (Name.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {                                        // Strip Path
                    imagePath= imagePath + Name.substr(0, Name.indexOf("/") + 1);
                    Name = Name.substr(Name.indexOf("/") + 1 ,);
          Name= num + "R " + Name;
          //alert("domain = " +  domain + " , Image = " + sImg + " Image File Name = " + Name);
          if ( domain != "" && sImg != "" && sImg != "/" && Name.indexOf(".") != -1 ) {
                    var f = File("~/" + Name); // Image file name
                    f.encoding = "binary"; // set binary mode
                    if ( +":" + port, "binary")){
                              //alert("socket.write GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n");
                              //socket.write("GET " + sImg +" HTTP/1.0\n\n");           // did not work
                              socket.write("GET " + url +" HTTP/1.0\n\n");                    // use url to this server works
                              var binary =;
                              binary = removeHeaders(binary);
                    //else { alert("Connection to Domain:" + domain + " Port" + port + " Failed   ");}
                    placeSmartObject( f );
                    f.remove(); // Remove temporary downloaded files
          //else { alert("Invalid Image URL: " + url ); }

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    If you are saving the image path in table not the image then why don't you use the READ_IMAGE_FILE built-in (see forms help).
    What i mean is hide the actual item which is having the image location. Just create one image item from toolbar (non-database) and create one extra button in the same block to display the image then use the READ_IMAGE_FILE built-in as below in WHEN-BUTTON-PRESS-TRIGGER...
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