Opening SAP BPC report on server from Dashboard 4.0

I would like to know if it is possible to open SAP BPC report/excel on server from dashboard. We should have it embeded in dashboard so that if we click on dashboard....then it should take to the underlying BPC report on server.
If it is possible the please share the ideas and process.
Asif AKram

Hi Asif,
We can get BPC data to Dashboard  using EPM add in/Extended Analyzer depending on BPC version.But going directly to BPC report from Dashboard is not possible.

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    Hi Aalok.... refer SAP Note 1087086 and download installtion guide from below link which answers your questions in detail.
    Lokesh Nandula

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    Many thanks

    Thank you for your help with this problem which is now resolved.
    Just to clarify we are on SAP BPC version 5.1
    How it was resolved....
    We had to use BEFORE_EXPAND as advised and also fix the calculation reference and finally also use AFTER_REFRESH.
    We used VBA code to remember the dropdown lists option
    copy the calculated member id into the pagekey dimension cell.
    The AFTER_REFRESH restored the dropdown list option selected.
    Not sure if the code is helpful but this is what we used....
    Dim intRegionChoice As Integer
    Dim intSegmentChoice As Integer
    Dim intCountryChoice As Integer
    Function BEFORE_EXPAND(Argument As String)
    'Range(MCC_NodeToUse).Formula = Range(MCC_NodeToUse)
    intRegionChoice = Range("AnswerRegion").Value
    intSegmentChoice = Range("AnswerSegment").Value
    intCountryChoice = Range("AnswerCountry").Value
    Range("PickUpUserSelection").Value = Range("MCC_NodeToUse").Value
    End Function
    Function AFTER_REFRESH(Argument As String)
    'MsgBox "After something"
    Range("AnswerRegion").Value = intRegionChoice
    Range("AnswerSegment").Value = intSegmentChoice
    Range("AnswerCountry").Value = intCountryChoice
    End Function
    Thank you for all your help.

  • Unable to connect the server, while open the rpt file in server from java.

    I have written one java class, that class deployed in solaris server. The BO server is avilable in another solaris server. i want to convert the rpt file to pdf format. for that i try to give the file path to the server for opening the rpt file, that time i got the follwoing error:
    Unable to connect to the server: uinbrdcsap02. --- Connection refused
    (errno:239)---- Error code:-2147217387 Error code name:connectServer
    eportSDKServerException(Unknown Source)
    (Unknown Source)
            at com.crystaldecisions.proxy.remoteagent.z.a(Unknown Source)
    known Source)
    lize(Unknown Source)
    *My java code is the following ..*
    //Crystal Java Reporting Component (JRC) imports.     
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.CallableStatement;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
    import org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout;
    import org.apache.log4j.FileAppender;
    // Class file starting.
    public class StandardReconReport
         private Connection objConnection = null;
         private DBConnection dbconnection = null;
         private ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream =null;
         private FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null;     
         private ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = null;
         private CallableStatement callablestatement = null;
         private CallableStatement callablestatement1 = null;     
         private ResultSet resultset1 = null;
         private ResultSet resultset = null;
         private String Deal_No = null;
         private String Job_Date = null;     
         private String Reportservername = null;
         private SimpleLayout layout   = null;
         private FileAppender appender = null;
         private Logger logger            = null;
         private String     DateTimeFormat = null;
         private String Report_File_path =null;
         private String Pdf_File_Name = null;     
         private Properties properties = null;
         private String LogFilePath = null;
         private String FileName = null;
         private String FullLogFilePath = null;
         private Statement statement = null;
         private String Report_upload_path = null;
         private String StanReconDir = null;
         private String winandsol = null;
         private  reportClientDoc = null;
         private int count_tmp=0;
         private String DATE_FORMAT = null;
         private String dateformat = null;
         private Calendar cal = null;
        private SimpleDateFormat sdf = null;
        private String reconfilename = null;    
         // Method for Generating Report.....
         private void stanReportGeneration()
                   properties = new Properties();
                 properties.load(new FileInputStream(""));
                 Reportservername = properties.getProperty("reportservername");
                 reconfilename = properties.getProperty("reconfilename");
                 layout = new SimpleLayout();
                   LogFilePath = properties.getProperty("logfilepath");               
                   dateformat = dateTime1(properties.getProperty("dateformat1"));
                   StanReconDir = properties.getProperty("stanrecondir");
                  winandsol = properties.getProperty("windowsandsolaris");        
                  if (new File(LogFilePath).exists())
                       LogFilePath = LogFilePathdateformatwinandsol;
                       if (new File(LogFilePath).exists())
                            new File(LogFilePath).mkdirs();
                  FileName = "STANRECONLOGFILE-";             
                  FileName = FileNamedateformat".txt";             
                  FullLogFilePath = LogFilePath+FileName;
                  appender = new FileAppender(layout,FullLogFilePath,false);
                 logger = Logger.getLogger("MyLogger");
                 DateTimeFormat = properties.getProperty("datetimeformat");       
       "The Start Recon Report Start Time: " +dateTime(DateTimeFormat));             
                      InetAddress address[] = InetAddress.getAllByName(Reportservername);                 
                     for (int i=0; i<address.length;i++)
                "Report Server Name: " + address<i>.getHostName());
                "Report Server Address: " + address<i>.getHostAddress());
                "Report Server Canonical: " + address<i>.getCanonicalHostName());
                 catch (UnknownHostException e)
                      logger.error("The host "Reportservername"is not avilable");
                 Report_File_path = properties.getProperty("StandardReconReportpath");          
        "The Report File Name is : "+Report_File_path " - "dateTime(DateTimeFormat));
                       //Getting the Database connection....
                       dbconnection = new DBConnection();
                      objConnection = dbconnection.getConnections();
                      statement = objConnection.createStatement();
                      resultset = statement.executeQuery(sqlQuery);
                           Report_upload_path = resultset.getString(1);
                 "Report_upload_path from the DB: "+Report_upload_path);
                  catch (SQLException ex)
                  catch(Exception ex)
                  if (new File(Report_upload_path).exists())
                       Report_upload_path = Report_upload_path+StanReconDir;
                       if (new File(Report_upload_path).exists())
                            System.out.println("Directory is avilable"+Report_upload_path);
                            new File(Report_upload_path).mkdirs();
                  Report_upload_path = Report_upload_pathwinandsoldateformat+winandsol;              
                  if (new File(Report_upload_path).exists())
                       new File(Report_upload_path).mkdirs();
        "Report_upload_path : "Report_upload_path" : "+dateTime(DateTimeFormat));
             "Calling the REPORT_STAN_RECON_CON SP : "+dateTime(DateTimeFormat));
                      callablestatement = objConnection.prepareCall("{call REPORT_STAN_RECON_CON(?)}");
                      callablestatement.registerOutParameter(1, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.CURSOR);
                                  count_tmp = count_tmp+1;
                                 Deal_No   = resultset.getString(1);
                                  Job_Date = resultset.getString(2);
                                  DATE_FORMAT = resultset.getString(3);
                                  Job_Date = Job_Date.substring(0,10);
                        "*********** PDF Convertion Starting for a Deal No: " +Deal_No " :: "dateTime(DateTimeFormat));
                                  Pdf_File_Name = Report_upload_pathreconfilenameDeal_No"-"DATE_FORMAT+".pdf";                              
                                  Job_Date = Job_Date.replace('-', '/');
                        "The Deal_No is : "+Deal_No " - "dateTime(DateTimeFormat));
                        "The Job_Date is : "+Job_Date " - "dateTime(DateTimeFormat));
                                     reportClientDoc = new;
                             "Report App server Name := "+ reportClientDoc.getReportAppServer());
                             "Report_File_path  := "+ Report_File_path);                             
                             "After opening the RTF file for : "+Deal_No " Deal_No - "dateTime(DateTimeFormat));
                                                 callablestatement1 = objConnection.prepareCall("{call REPORT_STANDARD_RECON(?,?,?,?)}");
                                       callablestatement1.setString(1, Job_Date);
                                       callablestatement1.setString(2, Deal_No);
                                       callablestatement1.registerOutParameter(4, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleTypes.CURSOR);
                                       String tableAlias = reportClientDoc.getDatabaseController().getDatabase().getTables().getTable(0).getAlias();
                                       reportClientDoc.getDatabaseController().setDataSource(resultset1, tableAlias , "Result Set");
                                       ExportOptions oExportOptions = new ExportOptions();
                                       byteArrayInputStream = (ByteArrayInputStream)reportClientDoc.getPrintOutputController().export(ReportExportFormat.PDF);
                             "After exporting the report file to PDF file for the : "+Deal_No " Deal_No - "dateTime(DateTimeFormat));
                                       //Use the Java I/O libraries to write the exported content to the file system.
                                       byte byteArray[] = new byte[byteArrayInputStream.available()];     
                                       //Create a new file that will contain the exported result.
                             "Successfully exported report to " + Report_File_path" - "dateTime(DateTimeFormat));
                             "*********** PDF Convertion Ending for a Deal : "Deal_No" "+dateTime(DateTimeFormat));
                                       Deal_No   = null;
                                       Job_Date  = null;
                                  catch (SQLException ex)
                                  catch (IOException ex)
                                  catch (Exception ex)
                   " $$$$$$$$ There is NO DATA for generating the Report $$$$$$$: " +dateTime(DateTimeFormat));
                  catch (SQLException ex)
                  catch (Exception ex)
              catch (IOException ex)
              catch (Exception ex)
    "*******Standard Recon Report End Time*******: "+dateTime(DateTimeFormat));
         // Getting the current date and time..
         public String dateTime(String dateFormat)
              cal = Calendar.getInstance();
             sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);
             return sdf.format(cal.getTime());
         //Getting the Yesterday Date and time...
         public String dateTime1(String dateFormat)
              cal = Calendar.getInstance();
              cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);            
             sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);
             return sdf.format(cal.getTime());
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              StandardReconReport  SR = new StandardReconReport();
    For the above code  i given the report parameter from  the property file.
    The code is working fin, while i try to connect the BO which is avilble in Windows server, but this is not working if the BO is avilble in solaris server.
    Any bodies please help
    Edited by: velmurugan.spn on Sep 12, 2009 6:38 AM

    Not able to find Report - Standard templates or Report - Custom templates view in Administration - BIP reports in Siebel
    We have applied patch on
    below are the steps followed
    Reports are not generated after patch installtion.
    we have also followed to below steps mentioned for this issue in oracle support.
    "In order to resolve this behavior it is necessary to ensure that the FixPack has been applied to the Siebel Tools installation. This will provide an additional .zip file in the REPPATCH folder of the Siebel Tools installation. Once this has been done please then follow the configuration steps as documented :
    change sysprefix to X_ before sif import and chage back to SBL_ after sif import.
    1) Import the sif files from Siebel\8.1\Tools_1\REPPATCH\
    2) Import the 4 SIF files in the following order:
    Report Template BC.sif
    Report Template Registration Applet.sif
    3)Apply the DDL for table S_XMLP_REP_TMPL and compile repository
    Once the above steps have been completed the Selected Record flag will appear in the Report Template Registration views."
    we still not able to generated able to generate reports even after following above steps.

  • Query a List of Open WMI connections on a server from a remote system

    We are monitoring a specific windows service on a server using Sitescope remote monitoring. The sitescope system uses a WMI method to Check if the service on a specific server is up or not. Initially it works like a charm but over time the WMI connections from
    sitescope time out and we have been told that Sitescope is not closing the WMI connection it opens gracefully and the open connections pile up.
    I am looking for a way to list open WMI connections to a specific service and/or server from a remote system and a way to kill those connections via a scheduled PowerShell (or batch/perl) script. I was able to list specific classes by -list parameter
    of the Get-WmiObject cmdlet
    but am unable to determine which class will give me the information that I require and the method to kill those connections.

    Sitescope is not closing the WMI connection it opens gracefully and the open connections pile up.
    1. It's not clear what "not closing the WMI connection it opens gracefully" means. WMI is a management technology that uses DCOM to connect to remote computers. (Is it really a question about DCOM?)
    2. It's not clear what specifically "open connections pile up" means and what problem(s) it causes.
    3. This is really a support question for that software's developer, not a question about WMI.
    -- Bill Stewart [Bill_Stewart]

  • Opening a text file in server from an applet running in the client

    I want to open a text file in the server(The server machine uses tomcat 4.1.12 server)from an applet running in the client machine;
    The applet invokes a servlet that opens the text file;this text file is opened in the server machine; but I want it to be opened in the client machine where the applet is running.
    Plese help me to get around this.

    You can open the textfile on the servlet and then send the information to the client (applet) as stirngs. The must then applet convert the stirngs into some object or simply display the information in someway. But then the text file that you are opening must be stored in some relevant tomcat directory e.g. on the server. If you want to open a file on the clients computer, you get into signed applets.

  • Download reports to excel from Dashboard

    Hi all,
    I want to download all reports from dashboard page to Excel on oneclick!!( OBIEE10g)
    Please guide me on this.

    Check this
    Doc ID 1183504.1
    I think it is applicable for all versions
    Edited by: Srini VEERAVALLI on Apr 22, 2013 12:01 PM

  • Open SAP Transaction in SAPGUI window from Other programs

      We have an intresting requirement in which we have to run an SAP transaction, like SE37,in SAPGUI  from a Web application.
    In detail:
      When an user clicks on a particular link, say an account number, in a web application, we need to open SAPGUI and run a partucluar transaction in SAP to get account detials and show it in SAPGUI.
    That means we need to fo the following steps behind the scence.
    -1 Open SAPGUI
    -2 Login the User
    -3 Run sap transaction with parameters
    -4  Display the results in SAP R/3 GUI
    Case 2: Assume, If the SAPGUI is already launched by the user (i.e. steps 1 & 2) , Can we do steps 3 and 4?
    I am new to SAP and not sure wether this will be possible at all or not. Please advice.

    check the code given by thomas jung in this thread
    Calling a R3 transaction in BSP
    he has also mentioned of  Java SAPGui which can be opened as an applet in a web browser

  • Error While Opening JSP in Report Builder converted from RDF

    I am using Oracle reports 9i to convert rdf into jsp and invoke this jsp using OC4J to get HTML report.
    The problem i am facing is that while converting RDF to JSP conversion went on successfull but when iam trying to open the JSP in Report builder it gives me error REP-2: Unable to retrieve string from message file.
    When i want to see the paper layout it is not present and datamodel is also corrupted. In the data model sources for some fileds become null and one addtional group is appearing with no column in it.
    Urgent help is needed.
    For any help Thanks in advance.
    Sanjay Tripathi

    Hello Sanjay,
    There are some known issues in Reports 9i due to which XML/JSP reports do not open correctly in Builder, and throw the REP-0002 error. These bugs are currently being looked into, and will be addressed soon.
    1. If your report is using ref cursor queries, and you are hitting the above error, please ensure you connect to a database before you open the report.
    2. If your report has summary/formula columns, please try to create the JSP report without these columns and then try to open it in Builder.
    The Oracle Reports Team.

  • Open programatically Crystal Report Viewer XI from MS Access 2003

    Thank you in Advance!!!
    I got the following VBA code.
    1) What library do I need to include to access Crystal Report Viewer XI?
    2) How do I declare CRViewer11 to open Crystal Report Viewer XI and a created report?
    Please look at ***???
    Dim crrpt As New CRAXDRT.Report
    Dim crapp As New CRAXDRT.Application
    ***???Problem here: Dim CRViewer11 As New CrystalActiveXReportViewer
    Dim myParamField As CRAXDRT.ParameterFieldDefinition
    Dim intCounterPartyId, intNoCreditLimit, intAllAccounts, intOpenTrades, intOpenFail, intOpenOver As Integer
    Dim dtFirstDayOfYear As Date
    Dim dblCreditUsed, dblYTDAmount As Double
    Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset, strSql, strFileName, strMsg As String
    Dim strAttachDir, strAttachment, strReportDir, strCrReport As String
    'Set db = CurrentDb
    strAttachDir = "T:\Work\"
    'open crystal report(rpt)
    strReportDir = "T:\Work\"
    strCrReport = "TimeDetailwithData.rpt"
    Set crrpt = crapp.OpenReport(strReportDir & strCrReport)
    strFileName = Format(Now(), "YYYY-MM-DD-HHMM") & "-TimeDetail.rpt"
    strAttachment = strAttachDir & strFileName
    Set myParamFields = crrpt.ParameterFields
    For Each myParamField In myParamFields
    With myParamField
    Select Case .ParameterFieldName
    Case "StartPeriod"
    .SetCurrentValue CDate("2008-7-16")
    Case "EndPeriod"
    .SetCurrentValue CDate("2008-7-17")
    Case "Org - Comp"
    .SetCurrentValue "2WV"
    Case "Org - Dpt"
    .SetCurrentValue "300"
    Case "Org - Fac"
    .SetCurrentValue "01302"
    End Select
    End With
    crrpt.EnableParameterPrompting = False
    crrpt.ExportOptions.FormatType = crEFTCrystalReport70
    crrpt.ExportOptions.DestinationType = crEDTDiskFile
    crrpt.ExportOptions.DiskFileName = strAttachment
    crrpt.Export False
    Set CRViewer11 = crapp.OpenReport(strAttachment)
    ***???Problem here: CRViewer11.ReportSource = strAttachment
    ***???Problem here: CRViewer11.ViewReport

    You will have to use the Crystal Reports Report Designer Component (craxdrt.dll). Before you do however, it may be good to know that CR XI r2 is the last version of CR that includes the craxdrt.dll as this is considered to be a retired technology in CR 2008. This may impact your efforts as the life cycle of the app may be limited(?).
    Here is a link to more details of the  RDC lifecycle:
    A bit of code help:
    A note on connecting to databases:
    Help file:
    C:Program FilesBusiness ObjectsCrystal Reports 11.5Helpen

  • SAP BPC 10NW Overflow converting from ' -10949993089200.0000000

    I came across this problem when running the following package activities:
    1. Load Transactions Data from BW InfoProvider UI (Log says it is rejected file but it was recorded in BPC)
         Rejected Records:
    12 ,510000,INPUT,Budget,SMKR,PL99,G_NONE,I_NONE,SSG1KR10SMKRPC,LC,2014.12,-10949993089200.00
    Line0 :Overflow converting from ' -10949993089200.0000000 '
    2. Clear Package
         Rejected Records:
    Line0 :Overflow converting from ' 10840821887500.0000000 '
    Anybody can share idea how to handle this? Appreciate the help.

    Transformation File:
    SKIP = 0
    SKIPIF = 

  • How to connect Crystal Report 2008 server with SAP BI/BW server

    Hi ,
    I have downloaded the 60 Days trial version of  "Crystal Report 2008 Server' from sap site to my machine. Now i would like to connect this Crystal server with SAP BI and want to use the data of BI Bex queries and Infoproviders.
    Can you please guide me how to connect them?
    Aslo how can i get the free trial version of Intergration kit please provide me the entire full path of site(to download the Integration Kit).....
    Any inputs would be appreciated!!

    Hi Michelle,
    Older versions of CR would allow you to run CR from a network share point but you still had to have a license for each user. Current versions of CR do not allow you to do this any more, possibly using a Citrix or Terminal Server would allow this but you still need a license for each user. Older versions had a Network install option.
    And as suggested exporting to PDF or some other format is fine for end users viewing your output. They are not using CR but Adobe Reader or Word etc. to view the reports, they just can't use the Designer to view the reports.
    Hope this is clear now?
    Thank you

  • SAP BPC 5.1 with Excel 2007 shows with an error..

    SAP BPC  5.1 with excel 2007 does not works instead says when I open sap bpc for excel..
    "Cannot download te demesntion list from the server[get server info]".An errror occurs while getting an information from the server the request failed HTTP: STATUS 401:UNAUTHORIZED" COMES IN THE BOX .
    Have installed Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 provider..still does not works..
    Any idea to resolve this..?
    Thanks for the help.

    Hi patrick
    Thanks for help ...
    Now its working fine
    Dayalan  M

  • Error on the SAP BPC patches

    Dear SAP Support,
    I used the SAP BPC 5.1 SP 3 and Ms.SQL Server 2005 SP 2 in my dev environment , I have upgrade it to be SP 11 and Ms.SQL Server 2005 SP3. SAP BPC upgrade for server, Administration, and Client(office) ran perfectly and based on the SAP BPC documentation, but I really confuse when I log in the SAP BPC Administration Console, appears the error window as following:
    Public member 'SetMemberSheetVer' on type 'FormMain' not found
    How to solve it please ? Please expert could help me.
    Best Regards,

    When you process dimension for the first time, a message window will pop up asking to select the version, 2003 or earlier, or 2007. Once this option has been selected. It creates an entry in the table tblDefaults and cannot be changed later.
    If you have selected 2003 or earlier, then the dimensions will be saved with .xls extension. In this case, all the excel versions (including 2007) can open the dimension sheets.
    If you have selected 2007, the dimensions will be saved with .xlsx extension. In this case, the dimension sheets can be opened only if your system has 2007. If any system has 2003 or earlier version, then they will not be able to open the dimension sheets.
    In this case, you need to go to the table and explicitly mention the version in MEMBERSHEET_VERSION.
    Hope this helps you.

  • SAP BPC 7.5 and Citrix

    Running SAP BPC 7.5 client from Citrix XenApp 5.0 W2K8 32bit server.
    The problem is the when running "SAP BusinessObjects Application set" and trying to "refresh workbook" the "Grid Layout" is empty.
    I´v tryed to folow the guide in "SAP Note 1277548 - Cache folder is overwritten on Citrix"
    But i´m not able to change the eTools > Client options > et local folder for P&C to "empty" but it is not posible to leave empty.
    When running the app. from the server with localadmin it is working fine.
    Best regards

    You can greatly improve your chance of receiving a helpful answer to your question if you state the version (MS or NW) of BPC which you are using.
    Also notice the sticky [note|Please do not post BPC, SSM or FI/CO questions here!; at the top of this forum whereby we announced new dedicated forums for BPC which are the proper place to post your questions regarding BPC in the future to be able to reach the right audience for your question.
    Thanks and best regards,
    [Jeffrey Holdeman|]
    SAP Labs, LLC
    BusinessObjects Division
    Americas Customer Solutions Adoption (CSA) team

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