Opening stokc in MB5M

Dear All,
I want stock mentioned in Stock on (wrt from date ) in MB5B Transaction.
Please tell me any function module or BAPI is available for that.else tell me the table wise logic to get it.
1) Go to MB5B Tcode
2) Enter Material, Plant and Selection Date.
Now Execute and see the output.
check the second box and see the Stock (Qty) on Date ( As mentioned as i/p date (wrt From date ).

I don't know, either I'm not understanding the problem or else I'm not technical enough to realize what is going on. Here is what I did:
Opened a tiff image in Camera Raw and significantly cropped it. Clicked Done.
Right clicked on the image in Bridge and chose to open it in Photoshop.
On my computer it still opened in Camera Raw because I have chosen to prefer Camera Raw for JPEG and tiff images.
Closed Camera Raw without making any additional changes, the image is still cropped.
Did a shift/double click to open the image. This time it opened directly into Photoshop, bypassed Camera Raw, and it was still the cropped image.
However, the thumbnail image in Bridge never did reflect the crop that I made. The preview window showed the cropped image, but the thumbnail never did change. This just seems to be an ongoing anomaly that I haven't figured out.
Like I said, I have chosen the options to prefer Camera Raw for JPEG and tiff images. But everything seems to be working the way I expect it to work.

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    Hi Shubham,
    Now day excel problems are due to some MS update.  Not sure but  have a look at below note.
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    Aslam o Alikum (Hi)
    Ofcourse you can do this by specifing system parameters like DESTYPE=Printer and DESNAME=PrinterName
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    string connString = "data source=; initial catalog=hrdata;uid=sa; password=1234";
    using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connString))
    SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("ViewEmployeeNoRall", con);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
    da.SelectCommand = cmd;
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    FileStream fs = null;
    fs = new FileStream("\\\\\\Personal Pictures\\" + dr[0] + ".jpg", FileMode.Open);
    BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs);
    byte[] imgbyte = new byte[fs.Length + 1];
    imgbyte = br.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32((fs.Length)));
    dr["Image"] = imgbyte;
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    and exception error as below

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    Second : Drag And drop this image Filed Where I want.
    private void LoadReport()
    frmCheckWeigher rpt = new frmCheckWeigher();
    CryRe_DailyBatch report = new CryRe_DailyBatch();
    DataSet1TableAdapters.DataTable_DailyBatch1TableAdapter ta = new CheckWeigherReportViewer.DataSet1TableAdapters.DataTable_DailyBatch1TableAdapter();
    DataSet1.DataTable_DailyBatch1DataTable table = ta.GetData(clsLogs.strStartDate_rpt, clsLogs.strBatchno_Rpt, clsLogs.cmdeviceid); // Data from Database
    DataTable dt = GetImageRow(table, "Footer.Jpg");
    crv1.ReportSource = report;
    By this Function I merge My Image data into dataTable
    private DataTable GetImageRow(DataTable dt, string ImageName)
    FileStream fs;
    BinaryReader br;
    if (File.Exists(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ImageName))
    fs = new FileStream(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ImageName, FileMode.Open);
    // if photo does not exist show the nophoto.jpg file
    fs = new FileStream(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + ImageName, FileMode.Open);
    // initialise the binary reader from file streamobject
    br = new BinaryReader(fs);
    // define the byte array of filelength
    byte[] imgbyte = new byte[fs.Length + 1];
    // read the bytes from the binary reader
    imgbyte = br.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32((fs.Length)));
    dt.Rows[0]["Image"] = imgbyte;
    // close the binary reader
    // close the file stream
    catch (Exception ex)
    // error handling
    MessageBox.Show("Missing " + ImageName + "or nophoto.jpg in application folder");
    return dt;
    // Return Datatable After Image Row Insertion
    Mark as answer or vote as helpful if you find it useful | Ammar Zaied [MCP]

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    Hi Mark,
                 I have faced same requirement. I am not sure about transporting to TST and PROD. I done by this way.
    After generating SQVI program in DEV , I assigned that program  to a transaction and tested in DEV. Later i have regenarated SQVI in Production. then I assigned the generated Program to same transaction in DEV. And transported the Tcode assignment of program to Production..
    About authorization , if its not sensitive report, BASIS can restrict at transaction level.

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    Hello Friends
    I constructed a query in BW in order to show Open Purchase Orders. We have custom DSO populated with standard
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    We loaded the data from ECC system for all POs and found the following issue for Stock Transport Purchase orders (DocType = UB).
    We have a PO with 4 line items. For line items 10 and 20, Goods issued, Goods received and both the flags "Delivery
    complete" and "Final delivery" checked. For line items 30 and 40, only delivery indicator note is issued for zero
    quantity and Delivery complete flag is checked (Final delivery flag is not checked) in ECC system. For this PO, the
    delivery completion indicator is not properly updated in the DSO for line items 30 and 40. The data looks like the
    650000001       10     UB        X
    650000001       20     UB        X
    650000001       30     UB
    650000001       40     UB      
    When we run the Open PO analysis report on BW side this PO is appearing in the report but the same is closed in ECC
    Any help is appreciated in this regard.
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Priya and Reddy
       Thanks for your response.
                         Yes the indicator is checked in EKPO table for items 30 and 40 and delta is running regularly for more than 1 year and no issues with other POs. This is happening only for few POs of type Stock Transport (UB).
                        I already checked the changes in ME23N and the Delivery completed indicator was changed and it reflected in EKPO table. Further, i checked the PSA records for this PO and i am getting the records with the Delivery completed flag but when i update from PSA to DSO the delivery completed indicator is not updating properly.
                       In PSA, for item 30 i have the following entries. Record number 42 is capturing the value X for ELIKZ but after that i am getting two more records 43 and 44 with process key 10 and without X for ELIKZ. I think this is causing the problem.
    Record No.    Doc.No.                    Item              Processkey         Rocancel     Elikz
        41               6500000001            30                    11                            X           ---    
        42               6500000001            30                    11                            ---           X
        43               6500000001            30                    10                            X           ---
        44               6500000001            30                    10                            ---         ---
    (Here --- means blank)        
    Thanks and Regards

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