OpenVPN.service starts before network is up

I have trouble getting an automatic OpenVPN connection at startup to work with systemd. Some troubleshooting revealed that OpenVPN always starts before the network is up (OpenVPN can't resolve the host adress).
However, I think I have found why it does not work how I want it to:
— dhcpcd.service - dhcpcd on all interfaces
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2015-03-17 02:23:50 CET; 7min ago
Main PID: 276 (dhcpcd)
CGroup: /system.slice/dhcpcd.service
└─276 /usr/bin/dhcpcd -q -b
Mar 17 02:23:51 <system> dhcpcd[276]: wlp2s0: carrier lost
Mar 17 02:23:51 <system> dhcpcd[276]: wlp2s0: deleting <address>
Mar 17 02:23:53 <system> dhcpcd[276]: enp8s0: carrier acquired
Mar 17 02:23:53 <system> dhcpcd[276]: enp8s0: IAID 0e:69:ff:09
Mar 17 02:23:53 <system> dhcpcd[276]: enp8s0: rebinding lease of
Mar 17 02:23:53 <system> dhcpcd[276]: enp8s0: soliciting an IPv6 router
Mar 17 02:24:01 <system> dhcpcd[276]: enp8s0: leased for 3600 seconds
Mar 17 02:24:01 <system> dhcpcd[276]: enp8s0: adding route to
Mar 17 02:24:01 <system> dhcpcd[276]: enp8s0: adding default route via
Mar 17 02:24:06 <system> dhcpcd[276]: enp8s0: no IPv6 Routers available
Whereas OpenVPN starts much earlier:
Mar 17 02:23:54 <system> openvpn@<profile>[333]: <Process started plus can not resolve Host stuff>
Mar 17 02:23:54 <system> openvpn@<profile>[333]: openvpn@<profile>.service failed.
I tried using
in the [email protected] and had enabled
but it still did not work as these services finished later as well:
Mar 17 02:23:50 <system> systemd[1]: Started Network Service.
Mar 17 02:23:53 <system> systemd-networkd[278]: enp8s0 : gained carrier
Mar 17 02:25:19 <system> systemd-networkd[278]: tun0 : gained carrier
Mar 17 02:23:51 <system> systemd-networkd-wait-online[298]: ignore irrelevant link: lo
Mar 17 02:23:51 <system> systemd-networkd-wait-online[298]: ignore irrelevant link: lo
Mar 17 02:23:51 <system> systemd-networkd-wait-online[298]: ignore irrelevant link: lo
Mar 17 02:23:51 <system> systemd-networkd-wait-online[298]: ignore irrelevant link: lo
Mar 17 02:23:51 <system> systemd-networkd-wait-online[298]: ignore irrelevant link: lo
Mar 17 02:23:51 <system> systemd-networkd-wait-online[298]: ignore irrelevant link: lo
Mar 17 02:23:53 <system> systemd-networkd-wait-online[298]: ignore irrelevant link: lo
Mar 17 02:23:53 <system> systemd-networkd-wait-online[298]: ignore irrelevant link: lo
Mar 17 02:23:53 <system> systemd-networkd-wait-online[298]: ignore irrelevant link: lo
Mar 17 02:23:54 <system> systemd[1]: Started Wait for Network to be Configured.
My guess is, that OpenVPN won't work until this has happened:
Mar 17 02:25:19 <system> systemd-networkd[278]: tun0 : gained carrier
I now tried to modify the .service like this (inspiration taken from this thread):
Description=OpenVPN connection to %i
ExecStart=/usr/bin/openvpn --cd /etc/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/%i.ovpn --daemon openvpn@%i --writepid /run/
However, the status now looks as follows:
— [email protected] - OpenVPN connection to stud-wh
Loaded: error (Reason: Bad message)
Active: inactive (dead)
— sys-devices-virtual-net-tun0.device
Loaded: loaded
Active: inactive (dead)
At this point I have no more ideas left. Can anyone confirm my suspicion that OpenVPN needs tun0 gained first? How can I check within a service wheter tun0 has been gained or not? Many thanks!
Edit: The status of tun0 looks like this:
— sys-devices-virtual-net-tun0.device - /sys/devices/virtual/net/tun0
Loaded: loaded
Active: active (plugged) since Tue 2015-03-17 03:00:52 CET; 17min ago
Device: /sys/devices/virtual/net/tun0
but when I try to enable it it says: Failed to execute operation: No such file or directory. This somehow contradicts the earlier status. I guess it got 'plugged' as I started the OpenVPN connection manually?
Maybe OpenVPN has to wait for TAP aswell?
Last edited by mrkernelpanic (2015-03-17 02:22:05)

I just tried your suggestion again and changed the resolv-retry from 0 to 2. Now I have a PID error aswell:
— openvpn@<profile>.service - OpenVPN connection to <profile>
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: resources) since Tue 2015-03-17 03:29:59 CET; 42s ago
Process: 284 ExecStart=/usr/bin/openvpn --cd /etc/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/%i.ovpn --daemon openvpn@%i --writepid /run/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Mar 17 03:29:59 <system> openvpn@stud-wh[284]: OpenVPN 2.3.6 x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [EPOLL] [MH] [IPv6] built on Dec 2 2014
Mar 17 03:29:59 <system> openvpn@stud-wh[284]: library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.2 22 Jan 2015, LZO 2.09
Mar 17 03:29:59 <system> openvpn@stud-wh[284]: WARNING: file '/etc/openvpn/auth.conf' is group or others accessible
Mar 17 03:29:59 <system> openvpn@stud-wh[284]: WARNING: file '/etc/openvpn/ta.key' is group or others accessible
Mar 17 03:29:59 <system> openvpn@stud-wh[284]: Control Channel Authentication: using '/etc/openvpn/ta.key' as a OpenVPN static key file
Mar 17 03:29:59 <system> openvpn@stud-wh[284]: RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: <hostaddress>: Name or service not known
Mar 17 03:29:59 <system> systemd[1]: PID 295 read from file /run/openvpn@<profile>.pid does not exist or is a zombie.
Mar 17 03:29:59 <system> systemd[1]: Failed to start OpenVPN connection to <profile>.
Mar 17 03:29:59 <system> systemd[1]: Unit openvpn@<profile>.service entered failed state.
Mar 17 03:29:59 <system> systemd[1]: openvpn@<profile>.service failed.
The config looks like this:
# <a number>
dev tun
proto tcp
ca /etc/openvpn/cachain.crt
remote <hostaddress> 2711
remote <hostaddress> 2712
remote <hostaddress> 2713
remote <hostaddress> 2714
tls-remote <hostaddress>
resolv-retry 2
connect-retry 2
#connect-retry-max 2
connect-timeout 2
user nobody
group nogroup
tls-auth /etc/openvpn/ta.key 1
auth-user-pass /etc/openvpn/auth.conf
auth-retry interact
comp-lzo no
reneg-sec 43200
Edit: Tried it with systemd-networkd.service enabled aswell. Not much of a difference:
— openvpn@<profile>.service - OpenVPN connection to stud-wh
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Tue 2015-03-17 03:37:51 CET; 26s ago
Process: 293 ExecStart=/usr/bin/openvpn --cd /etc/openvpn --config /etc/openvpn/%i.ovpn --daemon openvpn@%i --writepid /run/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 306 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
Mar 17 03:37:51 <system> openvpn@stud-wh[293]: library versions: OpenSSL 1.0.2 22 Jan 2015, LZO 2.09
Mar 17 03:37:51 <system> openvpn@stud-wh[293]: WARNING: file '/etc/openvpn/auth.conf' is group or others accessible
Mar 17 03:37:51 <system> openvpn@stud-wh[293]: WARNING: file '/etc/openvpn/ta.key' is group or others accessible
Mar 17 03:37:51 <system> openvpn@stud-wh[293]: Control Channel Authentication: using '/etc/openvpn/ta.key' as a OpenVPN static key file
Mar 17 03:37:51 <system> openvpn@stud-wh[293]: RESOLVE: Cannot resolve host address: <hostaddress>: Name or service not known
Mar 17 03:37:51 <system> openvpn@stud-wh[306]: NOTE: UID/GID downgrade will be delayed because of --client, --pull, or --up-delay
Mar 17 03:37:51 <system> systemd[1]: Started OpenVPN connection to <profile>.
Mar 17 03:37:51 <system> systemd[1]: [email protected]: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Mar 17 03:37:51 <system> systemd[1]: Unit openvpn@<profile>.service entered failed state.
Mar 17 03:37:51 <system> systemd[1]: openvpn@<profile> failed.
Last edited by mrkernelpanic (2015-03-17 02:56:45)

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    I tried adding "Requires=" still not working as planned. OVH dedicated box that had networking installed out of the box. I wonder if I need to do some tweaking there.  I just looked at boot log and services are starting before the network is up. Removed some lines to make it more readable. Dec 29 15:35:52 systemd[254]: Starting autodl screen irssi... is what I need to wait for network to be up before starting.
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    Description=OpenNTP Daemon
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/ntpd -s
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    NTPD should automatically resume after connection has been established. See systemctl, systemctl status ntpd, journalctl.
    You should see something like this
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    May 25 22:55:42 arch dhcpcd[370]: enp4s0: leased for 86400 seconds
    May 25 22:55:42 arch dhcpcd[370]: enp4s0: adding route to
    May 25 22:55:42 arch dhcpcd[370]: enp4s0: adding default route via
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    May 25 22:55:43 arch ntpd[642]: new interface(s) found: waking up resolver
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    If you want to visualize how NTP is running, I recommend installing Monitorix
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    Workstation Service or DHCP Service might be good enough. Firewall should be late enough that the network
    Of course there are other methods like doing a ping until a an address returns:
    Other implementations:
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    Go to Start -> type in "gpedit.msc" in the run/search field.
    In the Local Group Policy Editor that pops up, go to "Computer Configuration" -> "Administrative Templates" -> "System" -> "Logon" -> "Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon" / / Book Author - Pro Guide to WE8S, Pro Guide to WES 7, Pro Guide to POS for .NET

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    Dependencies appear to be really written and tested on the boot side, but they should work properly going down as well.
    My first assumption is that you'd make a dependency on the network for your service. So it should be started after the network starts, and will wait for your service to quit before trying to shut down the network.
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    I'm using

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    Has anybody encountered anything similar?
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    When was the last time you did any of the following?
    Restart your computer?
    Repaired Permission & restarted your computer?
    Run "Repair Disk" from your install DVD?
    Please detail all you have done to resolve your issue.  Need this information so that the users can avoid the "been there, done that" scenario type responses.  This is to avoid repeating the troubleshooting you may have already tried.  Thank you. 

  • CMS tries to start before Oracle service - therefore cannot contact its CMS database

    Post Author: patrickcoote
    CA Forum: Deployment
    HelloI have a windows XP sp 2 machineOracle 9i installedCrystal Server XI Rel 2 (evaluation copy)My problem is that the Central Management Server (CMS) is starting up before the OracleService that the CMS database is installed on.  Therefore CMS cannot start automatically and any of the jobservers etc cannot register with CMS.In event viewer i get this:"The root server reported an error Initialization Failure. (Reason: Unable to connect to the database using the provided connection string. Reason: ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress)."When the PC boots up fully I can go into Central Configuration Manager and start CMS manually and access all of its features with no problems.I looked at this site program here lists processes in their startup order and I can see from there that CMS and the other Crystal services are started before the Oracle services, for example
    BOBJCentralMS starts before OracleServiceBW (alphabetical order)In CCM, on the Dependancy tab for CMS (and all other CR servers) I have added :OracleServiceBWOracleMTSRecoveryServiceOracleOraHome92TNSListenerOracleOraHome92Agent(I thought that maybe this would tell CMS to wait for these to start before starting itself )But still get the same error(s)I can provide any more info if needed.Best regardsCootser

    Post Author: patrickcoote
    CA Forum: Deployment
    I have used Regedit.exe, regedt32.exe and Crystal Central Config manager, all of which aloow you edit the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\BOBJCentralMS\DependOnServiceWhichever way I've loaded in the oracle services to that key (binary) has made no impact.The oracle services start after Crystal and the problem remains.What I have decided to do is use a batch file (see below) to start the services when the machine boots upThis way I know they will start, and it does not take too long
    echo Starting Business Objects Services...
    rem net stop  BOBJCentralMS
    net start BOBJCentralMS
    echo off
    rem Stop and then (Re)Start all other BOBJ services
    net stop  BOBJCrystalReportApplicationServer
    net start BOBJCrystalReportApplicationServer
    net stop  BOBJCrystalReportscacheServer
    net start BOBJCrystalReportsCacheServer
    net stop  BOBJCrystalReportsPageServer
    net start BOBJCrystalReportsPageServer
    net stop  BOBJDestinationServer
    net start BOBJDestinationServer
    net stop  BOBJEventServer
    net start BOBJEventServer
    net stop  BOBJInputFileServer
    net start BOBJInputFileServer
    net stop  BOBJOutputFileServer
    net start BOBJOutputFileServer
    net stop  BOBJProcessServer
    net start BOBJProcessServer
    net stop  BOBJProgramServer
    net start BOBJProgramServer
    net stop  BOBJTomcat
    net start BOBJTomcat
    echo .
    echo Business objects services started.

  • Windows could not start the Network Location Awareness service on Local computer

    i have a dell inspiron 1501 laptop running windows vista home premium media center edition. i have recently been getting an error when trying to view networked computer saying  "connection status: unknown" and "the dependency service or group failed to start". i started by disabling and re-enabling the driver and that did not help. i then brought up the services.msc thing and started looking at the networking services. i noticed that the Network Location Awareness service was not started so i tried to start it. i got a popup message saying "Windows could not start the Netwrok Location Awareness service on Local Computer. Error 0xc000096: 0xc0000096".
    i also get an error popup when i try to start the Network List service saying "Windows could not start the Network List Service service on Local Computer. Error 1068: The dependency service or group failed to start".
    what might i have done to make this happen and what can i do to try to fix it?

    Thank you for the post.
    I fully understand the inconvenience the issue has been caused and the current situation can be frustrating. Please try the following steps for troubleshooting.
    1.    Please start the computer in Safe Mode with Network and check the result. If the issue disappears, please perform a clean boot.
    For the detailed steps, please refer to the step 1 and 2 in the KB article 936214 (
    2.    If the issue persists, please check the system file by using the command SFC /scannow.
    For more information, please refer to the KB article 929833 (
    If the above suggestions do not resolve the issue that service fails to start up, please understand that debug and dump analysis may be required for further troubleshooting. Also, in most cases, it is necessary to check the source codes. However, debugging is out of our forum’s support boundary. A support call to our product service team is needed for the debugging service. In this case, I’d like to suggest contacting Microsoft Customer Support Service (CSS) for assistance so that this issue can be resolved efficiently.
    To obtain the phone numbers for specific technology request, please check the website listed below:;EN-US;PHONENUMBERS
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Joson Zhou
    Microsoft Online Community Support

  • I have an ipad3 which has been spontaneously restarting and is not connecting well to either mobile service or wireless networks.

    I have an ipad3 which has been spontaneously restarting and is not connecting well to either mobile service or wireless networks. It has become unusable. Is there  a software update to fix this issue?
    I have tried removing and reinserting the sim card - I am not even being asked to put in the sim pin to unlock the sim
    I have reset the network settings and reconnected to my wireless network. I can get onto the wireless network but the ipad does not connect to my carrier even though my mobile phone (same carrier) has great service.
    It seems to me that due to the connecton issue the ipad then restarts itself so I cant even use it for the local apps that do not require any connection to run because every few minutes the unit reboots.
    heading to an istore tomorrow to have it looked at but wondered if there is a software upate or setting I can change myself to fix this isse.
    not happy after the cost of the unit and ony had a few days use before the issues started!

    Thanks Alan,
    in the end it was replaced at the Apple iStore, they restored factory settings and it was still playing up for them too. Weird but the replacement is working perfectly!!

  • [SOLVED] Stopping openvpn@ service on suspend

    I'm trying to stop any running openvpn@ service either prior to suspend or immediately after resume. I've got a service file enabled:
    Description=Root suspend actions
    and the helper script
    # Helper script to stop openvpn on suspend
    /usr/bin/systemctl stop $(/usr/bin/systemctl | grep openvpn@ | awk '{print $1}')
    The helper script works fine when run by itself, but it fails when run from the service file, and openvpn is still running. I've also tried it post-resume, with the same results.
    # journalctl
    Sep 18 19:56:54 scotty[10544]: Failed to issue method call: Invalid argument
    $ systemctl status
    suspend.service - Root suspend actions
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/suspend.service; enabled)
    Active: inactive (dead) since Wed 2013-09-18 19:56:54 PDT; 6min ago
    Process: 10544 ExecStart=/home/firecat53/.local/bin/ (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
    Am I doing something wrong here, or is there another way to accomplish this?
    Last edited by firecat53 (2013-09-20 03:52:57)

    Thanks for the tip! Solved by extending [email protected] in /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]/suspend_conflict.conf
    Now it kills the openvpn@ service on suspend and doesn't restart it automatically on resume, which is the behavior I was looking for.

  • Systemd service starts command twice

    i have a problem with systemd service for inotifywait check my mails.
    Description=Start mailnotify as a daemon
    and when i start it:
    sudo systemctl status mailnotify.service
    mailnotify.service - Start mailnotify as a daemon
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mailnotify.service; disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Wed, 2012-12-12 15:46:00 CET; 6s ago
    Main PID: 13650 (
    CGroup: name=systemd:/system/mailnotify.service
    ├─13650 /bin/bash /home/matija/bin/
    ├─13652 /bin/bash /home/matija/bin/
    └─13653 inotifywait -e create -e moved_to /home/matija/Maildir/Archives.2012/new /home/matija/Maildir/Archives/new /hom...
    Dec 12 15:46:00 workarch systemd[1]: Starting Start mailnotify as a daemon...
    Dec 12 15:46:00 workarch systemd[1]: Started Start mailnotify as a daemon.
    but it doesn't work.
    when i start /home/matija/bin/ it works as expected.
    Could you please help me with that?

    You'll have to run journalctl as root. It should be logged as UNIT=bar.service, SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=systemd, one example from me:
    sudo systemctl start chrony.service
    sudo systemctl stop chrony.service
    sudo journalctl -o verbose --since today UNIT=chrony.service SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=systemd
    Sa 2014-09-06 01:19:32.432387 CEST [s=###########################;i=#####;b=###########################;m=#######;t=##########;x=#############]
    MESSAGE=Started Chrony Network Time Daemon.
    Sa 2014-09-06 01:19:40.538847 CEST [s=###############################;i=#####;b=###############################;m=########;t=############;x=#########################]
    MESSAGE=Stopped Chrony Network Time Daemon.

  • Systemd / services start but do not listen to interfaces

    In the course of migrating from initscripts to systemd (mixed systemd/sysvinit/initscripts), I am facing a strange behaviour with some services: squid, bind (named), dhcpd which start normally but do not listen to the useful interface. For instance, for named, netsat does not show (which is is my LAN interface), despite the process is running (systemd status named). It seems that with systemd there is a change to the way available interfaces are reported to the services (for those services, I have not explicitly configured the interface to listen to).
    If I revert back to initscripts only (removing  init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd from the kernel argument) everything is OK.
    I am not running NetworkManager (relevant ?), my rc.conf is clean apart that I am still using the deprecated syntax (I need a bridge interface that NetworkManager cannot handle).
    eth1="eth1 promisc"
    br1="br1 netmask broadcast"
    INTERFACES=(eth0 eth1 br1)
    Thanks for any help.

    mrechte wrote:
    I found the cause of the problem: legacy network service starts too late, after some other network daemons which do not see yet the interfaces.
    I switched to netcfg and dropped network.
    Seems to be OK now.
    Glad you found the problem. Would you please edit your first post and mark as "Solved" so others searching for this will see it?

  • Starting up networking in Single User Mode

    I have been searching the web for how to start up networking in Single User Mode.
    For Leopard 10.5 I found this: l
    +*III Start the network*+
    +The following commands have been working on Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard). If you have another version of OSX they might be different.+
    +In order to get the network working we need to start the following four services+
    +% launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
    +% launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
    +% launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
    +% launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
    For Tiger 10.4, I found this:
    +*Starting daemons under 10.4:*+
    +sh /etc/rc - Under version 10.4, the normal startup script can be run by hand, and it'll do the necessary work of getting the system (mostly) up and running, but not exit single-user mode or start the GUI.+
    10.5 seems awfully complicated. Isn't there a simpler way to start up networking in Single User Mode in 10.5, like for 10.4 or even like how it was for 10.2?

    sh /etc/rc
    Should you have some problems with your Tiger machine, running this script will likely reveal them.
    As for leopard, you could write a script to run these commands.
    You do know that the up arrow does a command retrieval so that you can backspace and change the last portion of the command.
    There is also the history command.
    mac $ history
        8  /Users/mac/Documents/spotlight.rtf 
      502  h
      503  shopt
      504  h
      505  h
      506  settings
      507  history
    mac $ !503
    mac $ shopt
    cdable_vars     off
    cdspell         on
    checkhash       off
    # Allow editing of retrieved commands
      # Use the history command to show past commands and !10 to retrieve the 
      # tenth command
      shopt -s histverify

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