Operating System Re-Install

Running VIsta Business on Lenovo N500.  Can no longer restore from exteranl hard drive.  Microsoft is send me a Vista Bus Installation DVD to replace the operating system.  When I re-install the Op Sysem will I lose the Lenovo Care functions?  Will the internal dirve be like it just came out of the box and I will need to start over with all my settings?  Thanks for any information, insights and suggestions.......Marv
Go to Solution.

You can not restore from Rescue/Recovery button at boot?
No Recovery disks created?
When you install Vista from scratch, you will have NONE of the Lenovo supplied
programs and drivers. You would need to download and install any that you
need and/or want from Lenovo support:  LINK
Just put the model number in the Quick Path box on the right side.
Yes, you will need to start over with a generic Vista install, which in
many ways is better, as you can customize it to fit your tastes.
It just takes more research or experience to know which drivers and programs
you really need.

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    That is incorrect. You can install Windows on a Mac, any Mac, without having OS X installed on it.
    To the OP you will need the original system reinstall USB thumb drive that came with your Mac Air if it is older than a Mid 2011 model or if it is newer than a Mid 2011 model you use the Online Internet recovery system.
    If you don't have that original reinstall USB thumb drive you can order one from Apple for a small charge. Call Apple and ask to speak to someone Specifically to order a Replacement USB system reinstall thumb drive for your model year. You will need the serial number of that Air. It is etched into the bottom of the case.
    Eric Ross wrote:
    You can't run Windows on your Macbook Air without having Mac OS X installed with Boot Camp.  So it should be an option to select the Mac OS X partition at startup when holding down the option key.  Take a look at this link, http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4818

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    You need Boot Camp to create a space in which to install Windows, you must own a copy of Windows. You can only install Windows 7 or 8.
    Read the Boot Camp documentation and make a backup of your Mac before you start.

  • HP mini 110 operating system re-install

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Please identify your HP mini 110 with its complete product name or product number. Look on the service tag on the bottom of the mini.
    Was Windows XP the original operating system?
    What do you mean by HP operating system? Are you perhaps referring to the BIOS splash screen that shows an HP image?
    I own an HP mini and use either a USB thumbdrive or a USB DVD drive to reinstall the operating system. The USB thumb drive install is much faster.
    Best regards,
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

  • [Solved] Error loading operating system (USB install, unetbootin)

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    Error loading operating system
    When I look on the USB stick, it looks very normal, like an arch install medium usually looks.
    Thanks for any tips in advance!
    Last edited by Feroxium (2012-10-17 14:24:45)

    Ah, thanks a lot!
    I'll be more careful in trusting tools like unetbootin. It even clearly says on the website "arch up to 2010.05"...
    Gonna try one of the alternative methods.
    (editing topic title --> solved)
    Last edited by Feroxium (2012-10-17 14:25:29)

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    Hi there
    In which machine are you trying to install Windows 7? What is the model name, product number of your laptop? Was Windows 7 pre installed in your laptop or is it a retail version?
    Are you planning for Recovery using Recovery media/partition OR Do a clean install using Windows 7 installation disc?
    You can make a Windows 7 bootable USB using this tutorial & Windows 7 ISO:
    You can follow this tutorial:
    Note: For ISO method to work, you've to legibly & clearly read all the 25 characters of product activation key in COA sticker on the back of laptop or activation key slip.
    ++Please click KUDOS / White thumb to say thanks
    ++Please click ACCEPT AS SOLUTION to help others, find this solution faster
    **I'm a Volunteer, I do not work for HP**

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      I have multiple problems with Windows 7 Professional x64 & the Adobe products installed on my machine (English).
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      Adobe, & Adobe Reader are installed properly & function okay for the most part, save for the very newest & fanciest of documents. Mainly, the issue I have is that Adobe/Reader are constantly attempting to update, & are able to download a version recognized as newer than the current version installed, then will not install completely or at all. Once that occurs it will then immediately demand to be updated by this newer version. It's a crappy loop that I have become familiar with & is lame.
      Either Adobe & Adobe Reader are problematic with Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1 ENGLISH, or this dual processor Intel motherboard is the problem. The latter doesn't seem likely however, I have identified multiple problems with drivers & whatnot that do not function well or properly solely due to the motherboard. My Nvidia On Board GPU & the drivers & software would be the prime & most annoying example of something that hates my motherboard.
    I hope this isn't "Hijacking" your post, I am having a problem that sounds similar to yours, the international/localization issue(s) notwithstanding.
    ~Joe Dane

  • "Error Loading Operating System" while installing Win XP (P6N)??

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    First off, XP-SP2 doesn't come with every SATA controller driver on the disk.  You might have to create an F6 driver disk for use in the text based installer section.  I don't know with your specific mainboard though.  I had to do this for my MSI P35 Platinum.  Read the help files on your mainboard's driver CD and check out on the net for creating a F6 disk controller driver floppy.  YOU DO HAVE A FLOPPY DRIVE????  If not, you might have to get one as XP won't read the drivers from a flash drive or CD/DVD drive.  If you don't want to buy a floppy drive, your only option is called SLIPSTREAMING.  That's where you make an image of the OS install disk and inject the drivers into it so that during the install process, the drivers are found and automatically installed.  I use a wonderful freeware program called NLite to slipstream my personal/client loads.
    Also, you'll want more than 16GB of space for your OS partitions.  I suggest at least 20GB.  Don't forget that unless you use tweakui to relocate your MY <Whatever> folders, they will be on the C: drive.
    I suggest you put BOTH OS's on the same drive, just create different partitions for them.  The standard for dual booting is to install the "older" OS first, then once that is working, install the newer OS's, then connect any "data" drives.  This way when you decide on a single OS, you simply wipe one drive, not two.  Going from a "two drive OS install" dual boot to a single OS isn't as easy as just pulling the OS drive you don't want.  Both OS's require the drive the boot loader is on, which is the first drive.  Also, the XP boot loader doesn't play nice with Vista so you need to install XP first, then Vista.
    MAKE SURE you install your CHIPSET drivers before anything else.  Both XP and Vista will have all sorts of weird issues if you don't install this first. 
    Then while in XP, put your Vista disk in and run the set up.  It'll ask how you want to install it, chose in another location.  It'll reboot and come up with the Vista installer.  Now for your target, chose that non-partitioned space on the first drive (set a partial size of at least 20GB since Vista will CRAWL with less than 10% free drive space on the OS drive).  Vista will install there and modify the FIRST partition's boot files by converting them to the Vista Boot Loader.  Once the install is done, boot into Vista and install all the patches and drivers.
    One of the nice things with a dualboot XP/Vista is that BOTH OS's will see themselves as C: when they are the active OS.  The other OS will be D:  However, your optical drive will be E: on both.  I suggest you change this before connecting other HDD's (I use I:) so that the extra HDD's will be D:, E:, etc.
    After you have your OS's working, connect the 2nd drive and format it under XP.  Assign a drive letter there too and then make sure that under Vista you have the same drive letter.
    This method is if you're going to share the same "data" drive for both OS's.  If you want a game playable under both OS's, just install it under XP first, then under Vista.  Make sure to change the destination under both OS's to the same place on the Data drive.  Saves space as you don't have to have a single game installed at two different locations.
    I use an 80GB drive split for XP and Vista.  Then I use a 250GB drive for my games/media.

  • Unable to get SCCM to install operating system

    I am unable to get the operating system to install via SCCM.  Here is a list of the steps I have taken so far with no luck:
    - Uninstalled WDS and reinstalled
    - Removed distribution point and reinstalled
    - Recreated boot image, Windows 7 image and driver packages 
    - Unchecked PXE and checked again
    I can get it to boot into PXE and after the password is put in, the packages fail.  It starts at the winpe and after recreating the package from scratch it will error at the next package(win 7 image, then driver package).  I recreated each package
    to get to the next step but it never installs the OS.  Is there anything else I can do?
    8/6/2014 3:27:29 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Library path mismatch: \\?\D:\SCCMContentLib, D:\SCCMContentLib
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:29 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Removing DST00007 from D:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:29 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Removing D:\RemoteInstall\SMSTempBootFiles\DST00007
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:29 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    8/6/2014 3:27:29 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Library path mismatch: \\?\D:\SCCMContentLib, D:\SCCMContentLib
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:29 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Removing DST00031 from D:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:29 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Removing D:\RemoteInstall\SMSTempBootFiles\DST00031
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:29 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    RegQueryValueExW failed for Software\Microsoft\SMS\DP, INST_WDSAUTO
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:30 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    RegReadDWord failed; 0x80070002 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:27:30 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Machine is running Windows Server. (NTVersion=0X601, ServicePack=1)
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:30 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    8/6/2014 3:27:30 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    8/6/2014 3:27:30 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Removing SMSPXE provider. Performing an uninstall
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:30 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    No need to reset the firewall. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:27:32 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    PXE performance counters have been uninstalled
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:33 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    RegOpenKeyExW failed for SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\WDSServer\Providers\WDSMC\Providers\SMSProvider
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:33 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    RegReadString failed; 0x80070002 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:27:33 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    SMS multicast provider is not installed. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:27:33 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Running: ServerManagerCmd.exe -r WDS SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:27:33 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Waiting for the completion of: ServerManagerCmd.exe -r WDS
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:33 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Failed to run: ServerManagerCmd.exe -r WDS. Program returned 000003e9
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:35 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Running: PowerShell.exe -Command Import-Module ServerManager; Get-WindowsFeature WDS; Remove-WindowsFeature WDS
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:35 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Waiting for the completion of: PowerShell.exe -Command Import-Module ServerManager; Get-WindowsFeature WDS; Remove-WindowsFeature WDS
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:35 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Failed to run: PowerShell.exe -Command Import-Module ServerManager; Get-WindowsFeature WDS; Remove-WindowsFeature WDS. Program returned 00000001
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:44 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    8/6/2014 3:27:44 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    DP monitoring task is disabed on server DST-SCMP4A.dst.local
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:44 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    No need to initialize monitoring task on DST-SCMP4A.dst.local
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:44 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    DP settings have been updated to DST-SCMP4A.dst.local.
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:44 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Initialize usage gathering task on DST-SCMP4A.dst.local
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:44 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    8/6/2014 3:27:44 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Successfully saved iis settings. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:27:45 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Log Location C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:45 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Successfully enabled usage gathering on the local distribution point.
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:45 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    1998-01-01T00:00:00 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:27:45 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    DP settings have been updated to DST-SCMP4A.dst.local.
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:45 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    OS information for the server - 6.1.7601 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:27:46 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    for ["Display=\\DST-SCMP4A.dst.local\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=DST"]\\DST-SCMP4A.dst.local\, failed to get a copy of master SCF
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:46 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Failed to find the share info for share SMSSIG$ on the DP machine DST-SCMP4A.DST.LOCAL. Error code = 2310
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:27:58 PM
    5636 (0x1604)
    8/6/2014 3:28:59 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    8/6/2014 3:28:59 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    RegQueryValueExW failed for Software\Microsoft\SMS\DP, PxeInstalled
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:28:59 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    RegReadDWord failed; 0x80070002 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:28:59 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Running: D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\vcredist_x64.exe /q /log "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\vcredist.log"
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:28:59 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    Waiting for the completion of: D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\vcredist_x64.exe /q /log "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\vcredist.log"
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:28:59 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    Found notification for package 'DST00002' SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:03 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Found notification for package 'DST00003' SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:03 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Sleep 30 minutes... SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:03 PM 5644 (0x160C)
    Package Thread Limit: 3 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:03 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Per package Thread Limit: 5 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:03 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Retry interval: 30 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:03 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    DP upgrade thread Limit: 5 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:03 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    DP upgrade retry interval: 20 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:03 PM 5232 (0x1470)
    Used 0 out of 3 allowed processing threads.
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:03 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Starting package processing thread, thread ID = 0x17D0 (6096)
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:03 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Starting package processing thread, thread ID = 0x181C (6172)
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    5232 (0x1470)
    Run completed for: D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\vcredist_x64.exe /q /log "D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\vcredist.log"
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    Created the DP mutex key for WDS. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    MsiEnumRelatedProducts failed SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    FindProduct failed; 0x80070103 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    MsiEnumRelatedProducts failed SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    FindProduct failed; 0x80070103 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Found C:\Windows\system32\wimgapi.dll SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Wimgapi.dll is already installed. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Path to smsdp.dll is 'D:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\SMSDP.DLL'
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    STATMSG: ID=2300 SEV=I LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=DST-SCMP4A.dst.local SITE=DST PID=2552 TID=6172 GMTDATE=Wed Aug 06 19:29:04.421 2014 ISTR0="Configuration Manager Client Upgrade Package" ISTR1="DST00003"
    ISTR2="" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=1 AID0=400 AVAL0="DST00003"
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    6172 (0x181C)
    No action specified for the package DST00003.
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    6172 (0x181C)
    Start adding package to server ["Display=\\DST-SCMP4A.dst.local\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=DST"]\\DST-SCMP4A.dst.local\...
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    6172 (0x181C)
    Will wait for 1 threads to end. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6172 (0x181C)
    The distribution point is on the siteserver and the package is a content type package. There is nothing to be copied over.
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    2752 (0x0AC0)
    The distribution point ["Display=\\DST-SCMP4A.dst.local\"]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=DST"]\\DST-SCMP4A.dst.local\ is not installed or upgraded yet.
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    2752 (0x0AC0)
    Error occurred. Performing error cleanup prior to returning.
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    2752 (0x0AC0)
    DP thread with array index 0 ended. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6172 (0x181C)
    DP thread with thread handle 0000000000002750 and thread ID 2752 ended.
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    6172 (0x181C)
    PXE performance counters have been initialized
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    Machine is running Windows Server. (NTVersion=0X601, ServicePack=1)
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    WDS service is already installed. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Machine is running Windows Server. (NTVersion=0X601, ServicePack=1)
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Machine is running Windows Server. (NTVersion=0X601, ServicePack=1)
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    Setting TFTP config key as: System\CurrentControlSet\Services\WDSSERVER\Providers\WDSTFTP
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    Configuring TFTP read filters SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    SetupComplete is set to 1 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    RegQueryValueExW failed for Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup, REMINST
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    RegReadDWord failed; 0x80070002 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    8/6/2014 3:29:04 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    8/6/2014 3:29:25 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Running: WDSUTIL.exe /Initialize-Server /REMINST:"D:\RemoteInstall"
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:25 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    Waiting for the completion of: WDSUTIL.exe /Initialize-Server /REMINST:"D:\RemoteInstall"
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:25 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    Failed to run: WDSUTIL.exe /Initialize-Server /REMINST:"D:\RemoteInstall". Program returned c1030105
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    Machine is running Windows Server. (NTVersion=0X601, ServicePack=1)
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    No need to configure the firewall SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Library path mismatch: \\?\D:\SCCMContentLib, D:\SCCMContentLib
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    Expanding D:\SCCMContentLib\FileLib\B9BE\B9BE214D055D8D5B1C11ABC1844028CB8FB5888F731799BE4374C4189C691394 from package DST00007
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    MsiEnumRelatedProducts failed SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    FindProduct failed; 0x80070103 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    MsiEnumRelatedProducts failed SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    FindProduct failed; 0x80070103 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Found C:\Windows\system32\wimgapi.dll SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    SetNamedSecurityInfo() failed. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    SetObjectOwner() failed. 0x80070003. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    SetFileSecurity() failed. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Expanding DST00007 to D:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:26 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Library path mismatch: \\?\D:\SCCMContentLib, D:\SCCMContentLib
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    Expanding D:\SCCMContentLib\FileLib\9E37\9E37D6A7AAF833CBE9C391243489E8A2C6FD2870747480417D4FF66F1980B07D from package DST00031
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    MsiEnumRelatedProducts failed SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    FindProduct failed; 0x80070103 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    MsiEnumRelatedProducts failed SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    FindProduct failed; 0x80070103 SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Found C:\Windows\system32\wimgapi.dll SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    SetNamedSecurityInfo() failed. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    SetObjectOwner() failed. 0x80070002. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    SetFileSecurity() failed. SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER
    8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM 6424 (0x1918)
    Expanding DST00031 to D:\RemoteInstall\SMSImages
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:32 PM
    6424 (0x1918)
    CcmInstallPXE: Deleting the DP mutex key for WDS.
    SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER 8/6/2014 3:29:40 PM
    6424 (0x1918)

    Have you verified WDS service is running?
    According to the log, please check the registry "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\WDSServer\Providers\WDSMC\Providers\SMSProvider" on the DP.
    Please make sure all the prerequisites for DP have met.
    A similar thread:
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Auto Join Domain using WAIK without install Operating System Image

    Hi all, i have a question.
    In my Environment, i have requirement like this :
    If user get new laptop with operating system already installed,
    is it possible to automatic join domain when user plug in LAN cable to their computer?
    I already explore about this and i found WAIK can help me to auto join domain, but i must install that OS image too.
    I just want to auto join domain, is it possible to skip install OS image process when i using WAIK?
    Can i get a solution for my requirement?
    Thanks for help!
    Best Regards,
    Henry Stefanus

    Help your self :)

  • I erased my HD and could not install lion. if I turn on the mac now all I see is a folder with a question-mark. How can I install a new operation system?

    I erased my HD and could not install lion. if I turn on the mac now all I see is a folder with a question-mark. How can I install a new operation system?

    Install or Reinstall Mavericks, Lion/Mountain Lion from Scratch
    Be sure you backup your files to an external drive or second internal drive because the following procedure will remove everything from the hard drive.
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    Erase the hard drive:
      1. Select Disk Utility from the main menu and click on the Continue button.
      2. After DU loads select your startup volume (usually Macintosh HD) from the
          left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
      3. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.) Optionally, click on
            the Security button and set the Zero Data option to one-pass. Click on
          the Erase button and wait until the process has completed.
      4. Quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion, Mavericks: Select Reinstall Lion/Mountain Lion, Mavericks and click on the Install button.
    Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet if possible
                because it is three times faster than wireless.

  • Is anyone else having a problem with photoshop7 and new snow leopard operating system?

    Recently purchased new imac with snow leopard operating system. Installed photoshop 7 successfully (it said anyway) but when I try to open get error message stating "an unexpected and unrecoverable problem has occurred because of a program error. Photoshop will now exit." Help!

    John_Levine_IOPHFI_INH wrote:
    It may not have been considered a "Major Release," But when the it's the only OS that the machines you are currently building will run, it's pretty freakin' major!
    (I'm not sure if Apple's latest machines will still run 10.5, or not, but from following this thread, I'm guessing not?)
    It is the standard at Apple... the latest build of the current OS is what goes on the new machines, and the Motherboards, Chipsets, & BIOS (not the right term for it with Mac, I know) are "hard written" to accept that OS as the absolute minimum, and nothing older (or lower as some call it).
    So, since the latest machines are coming preloaded with Snow Leopard (10.6.2) that, and subsequent newer builds of OS 10.6 and up is all they can be loaded with.
    This is nothing new. It's industry wide in both Mac and PC. Just try to put XP on a brand new Dell, HP, or Gateway PC. Without flashing the BIOS and taking a "more likely than not" chance of rendering most of your hardware undetectable, it just ain't gonna happen.
    Conversely, just as Snow Leopard won't run on a PPC powered Mac, Vista and 7 may install, or appear to, on a single core, older PC, but the first time you install and try to open anything other than the OS itself, you're in for a world of problems.
    People have tried to fight this for years. In 2005 Mac users went out of their minds when Apple dropped support for OS 9. A year later, it was Windows 98 users freaking out over their beloved OS being "sunsetted". I was skeptical of the move to Intel processors when I first heard about it, having become a full time Mac user, and being partial to AMD before that. But like Motorola PPC processors, AMDs run hot and heat is the enemy. The new machines run faster, cooler, and do more for less money.
    It's a major pain for people who don't have the budget for a new Mac (or PC) and still have old software that is perfectly functional, but they are finding more and more incompatibility as they interact with other people and newer systems. Sooner or later though, technology wins and everyone has to either upgrade or drop out.  Fighting it is futile.  I will always remember the day last Summer when I stopped at a traffic light and next to me was an older, redneck looking fellow in a new brand spanking new Honda Accord. It may have even been a hybrid, I don't know, but duct taped on his dash was what had to be a thirty-five year-old 8-track player with a bunch of wires coming out of the back, also taped to the dash, and running to a pair of 6 x 9 speakers, which were just laying on the dash (no duct tape). I had to wonder why he bothered to buy the latest in automotive technology and yet he was stuck in a time warp for his stereo. Don't Hondas come with some pretty decent CD stereo units? And where can you find 8 track tapes anymore?

  • Itune is not working in my laptop which is having windows 8 operating systems

    itune is not working in my laptop which is having windows 8 operating systems after installing itune 64bits.

    Dear Thomas A Reed,
    Thank you so much for you reply. Is that possible to do the retore of my Mac without Disk. I have tried other Movie Disk as you mentioned and that worked properly. so now according to you my disk is not good.
    Its really strange that i am using my installtion disk first time and it has no scratch but its not working. now I guess I have to replace new DVD with this one.
    Thanks again.
    Kind Regards,

  • Operating System(Windows 7) got corrupted ..!

    Hi all,
    Can someone please help me with my laptop issue ???
    My Laptop Details :
    Product name         :  HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC
    Operating System :  Windows 7 Home Premium
    RAM                             :  6GB
    Processor                  :  Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU [email protected](2400MHz)
    Purchase                   :  Decemeber, 2010.
    My Laptop problem :
    My HP-laptop got infected with "virus" ( it says like found 38 virus).
    And because of this virus attack , I was NOT able to open any application , for example say if i try to open "notepad" - then throws a message like " unable to open notepad application, though infected with virus".
    So with this , i can confirm that my laptop was NOT allowing me to open anything because infected with virus.
    Now i have 2 options to go further :
    1) Remove virus , using antivirus removal software ( This i don't have , so NOT attempting to use)
    2) Recover thru recovery option.
    When i purchased this laptop , the laptop contains recovery partition within the laptop , so it's a built-in option.
    Though i was NOT interested to keep that recovery partition in my laptop, I just burned recovery manager into 7 DVDs, and then deleted the partition.
    With this my laptop contains drives like :
     C: drive --> this contains OS related stuff
    D: drive --> this contains my general stuff like songs , movies , etc
    System drive --> 199MB ( not sure what thid contains )
    Now coming to original problem/issue -
    I have planned to use recovery DVDs , to recover to factory state.
    Started with 1st DVD , it went upto 18% and then asked me to insert 2nd DVD.. and this went upto 30%.. now again asked me to insert 3rd DVD.
    With 3rd DVD.. it went upto 40% , and then stopped responding. Nearly I've waited for about 3 hrs.. but NO use.. it's still hanged at 40% only.
    So with 3rd DVD , it got hanged or stopped.
    My doubt - not sure whether my 3rd DVD got corrupted or not , but i don't think so.. because 3rd DVD worked for atleast 10%..
    Finally , I was struck here...
    Not sure what's my next step
    Please help me what I have to do now, like  what steps to take... etc
    How to recover?

    Lets start with your providing the complete product name or product number. 
    HP has produced and brought to market perhaps more than 10,000 models of notebooks and desktop PCs over the years. It is difficult to help you if we don't know which one you own and which operating system is installed.
    Method #1: If the notebook will boot into Windows you can retrieve your Product Number by pressing Fn + Esc key. You can also read the Service Tag (if present) attached to the bottom of your notebook\netbook.
    Method #2:
    Remove the battery and look in the compartment where the battery was installed. You should see a printed part number and a product name. Please post one or both of them (with all alphanumeric characters here). If you live outside of North America, it helps us if you post the country of purchase.
    Were you using an antivirus product (free or paid) when this issue happened?
    What was the brand and product name of the Antivirus product?
    Best regards,
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

  • Operating System (OS) Detection

    Is there a way to detect the specific operating system and
    install the appropriate version of Adobe Acrobat Reader based on
    that detection?
    This is for a CD with an .exe
    Acrobat 7.0 and earlier versions do not support Windows
    Vista. Adobe
    does not plan to release updates to Acrobat 7.0 and earlier
    Windows Vista compatibility.

    I'm not sure if you want the Acrobat forums, but you can get
    this info in ActionScript with Flash Player by using the
    flash.system.Capabilities class. More info here:
    If you're looking for the Acrobat forums, it's here:
    matt horn
    flex docs

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