[Oracle 8i] Need help pruning branches from a hierarchical query

My problem is that my hierarchical query seems only to trim out the values that don't meet my criteria, but still includes their children. When my query hits a record that does not meet my criteria, I want it to stop there. I've tried including the criteria in just the 'where' clause of the query, and have also put the criteria in the 'connect by' clause as well, but nothing has fixed it. Please keep in mind I'm using Oracle 8i, so I can't use some of the 'nicer' statements for hierarchical queries that they introduced in 9. I'm stuck with 'Start With...Connect By'.
I have sample tables/data that I can post if someone needs to see that to help me, but to start with, here's my current query:
SELECT     *
FROM     (
          ,     c_bill.comp_part_nbr                     AS     c_part_nbr
          ,     (select c_part.part_desc
               FROM part c_part
               WHERE c_part.part_nbr=c_bill.comp_part_nbr)     AS     c_part_desc
          ,     (SELECT c_part.part_type
               FROM part c_part
               WHERE c_part.part_nbr=c_bill.comp_part_nbr)      AS     c_part_type
          ,     c_bill.qty_per                          AS     c_qty_per_p
          ,     c_bill.qty_per_type                     AS     c_qty_per_type
          ,     (SELECT c_part.qty_on_hand                
               FROM part c_part
               WHERE c_part.part_nbr=c_bill.comp_part_nbr)      AS     c_qty_on_hand
          ,     c_bill.oper_nbr                     AS     rqd_at_op
          ,     c_bill.comp_off_adj                     AS     rqd_offset
          ,     c_bill.bom_doc_nbr                     AS     p_part_nbr
          ,     (SELECT p_part.qty_on_hand
               FROM part p_part
               WHERE p_part.part_nbr=c_bill.bom_doc_nbr)      AS     p_qty_on_hand
               BILL c_bill
                         (c_bill.status           =      'RL')           
                    AND     (c_bill.view_code     IN      ('M','G'))     
                    AND     (c_bill.end_eff_dt     >      SYSDATE)      
                    AND     (c_bill.begn_eff_dt     <=      SYSDATE)
          START WITH c_bill.bom_doc_nbr=RPAD(?,25)
          CONNECT BY PRIOR c_bill.comp_part_nbr=c_bill.bom_doc_nbr
          AND     c_bill.view_code     IN     ('M','G')     
          AND     c_bill.status          =     'RL'
          AND      c_bill.end_eff_dt     >     SYSDATE
          AND     c_bill.begn_eff_dt     <=     SYSDATE     
     ) a
WHERE     c_part_type = 'M'

The outside criterion of part_type='M' isn't my problem. Where I'm actually seeing my issue rear its ugly head is in the criterion:
(c_bill.view_code     IN      ('M','G'))What I'll have happen is that one of the children or grandchildren of the part number I'm querying for (my parameter), will be of some view code that's not 'M' or 'G'. In my sample data below, I have a level 4 part that is part of the 'H' view code, which I don't want, nor do I want it's children. However, its child is in the 'G' view code, and my query returns it anyway.
In my sample data below, I'm assuming that the parameter = 'XYZ-100'
part_nbr     varchar(25) not null,
part_desc     varchar(25) not null,
part_type     char(1) not null,
qty_on_hand     double(13,4) not null
PRIMARY KEY (part_nbr),
CONSTRAINT check_part_type
CHECK (part_type IN ('M','P','X','Y')),
CONSTRAINT check_qty_on_hand
CHECK (qty_on_hand >= 0)
row_added_ts     char(20) not null,
bom_doc_nbr     varchar(25) not null,
comp_part_nbr     varchar(25) not null,
qty_per          double(9,5) not null,
qty_per_type     char(1) not null,
oper_nbr     char(4) not null,
comp_off_adj     double(3,0),
status          char(2),
view_code     char(1) not null,
end_eff_dt     date() not null,
begn_eff_dt     date() not null
PRIMARY KEY (row_added_ts),
CONSTRAINT check_qty_per_type
CHECK (qty_per_type IN ('0','1','2','3')),
CONSTRAINT check_status
CHECK (status IN ('IN', 'RL')),
);     Values for those tables:
VALUES ('xyz-1', 'purchased part', 'P', 5);
VALUES ('xyz-2', 'purchased part', 'P', 1);
VALUES ('xyz-3', 'purchased part', 'P', 1);
VALUES ('xyz-3a', 'manufactured part', 'M', 1);
VALUES ('xyz-4', 'purchased part', 'P', 1);
VALUES ('xyz-9-1', 'manufactured part', 'M', 0);
VALUES ('xyz-9a', 'manufactured part', 'M', 0);
VALUES ('raw-1', 'purchased raw material', 'P', 212);
VALUES ('raw-2', 'purchased raw material', 'P', 75.5);
VALUES ('XYZ-100', 'manufactured part', 'M', 0);
VALUES ('(OPEN)', '(not in use)', 'Y', 0);
VALUES ('XYZ-100-1', 'manufactured part', 'M', 0);
VALUES ('XYZ-100-2', 'manufactured part', 'M', 1);
VALUES ('XYZ-100-3', 'manufactured part', 'M', 0);
VALUES ('XYZ-100-4', 'manufactured part', 'M', 2);
VALUES ('XYZ-100-A', 'manufactured part', 'M', 0);
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100','xyz-1',3,'1','****',0,'RL','M','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100','XYZ-100-1',1,'1','****',0,'RL','M','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100-1','xyz-1',2,'1','****',1,'RL','M','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100-1','XYZ-100-2',3,'1','****',0,'RL','M','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100-2','xyz-2',6,'1','****',2,'RL','M','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100-2','xyz-4',6,'1','****',2,'IN','M','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100-2','xyz-100-3',1,'1','****',0,'RL','M','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100-3','xyz-3',8,'1','****',1,'RL','M','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-2000');
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100-3','xyz-3a',8,'1','****',1,'RL','M','01-Jan-2000','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100-3','XYZ-100-4',4,'1','****',0,'RL','M','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100-3','XYZ-100-A',2,'1','****',2,'RL','M','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008071153100150000','XYZ-100-3','(OPEN)',2,'1','****',0,'RL','E','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008071153100150000','XYZ-100-3','xyz-9-1',2,'1','****',0,'RL','H','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100-4','raw-1',8.75,'1','****',0,'RL','M','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008072153100150000','XYZ-100-A','raw-2',3.75,'1','****',0,'RL','M','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008075911100150000','xyz-9-1','xyz-9a',1,'1','****',0,'RL','G','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');
VALUES ('2008087711100150000','xyz-9a','raw-2',3.75,'1','****',0,'RL','G','01-Jan-2050','01-Jan-1900');Sample data displayed in table format:
--PART table (from insert statements above)
part_nbr     part_desc          part_type     qty_on_hand
xyz-1           purchased part          P          5
xyz-2           purchased part          P          1
xyz-3           purchased part          P          1
xyz-3a           manufactured part     M          1
xyz-4           purchased part          P          1
xyz-9-1           manufactured part     M          0
xyz-9a           manufactured part     M          0
raw-1           purchased raw material     P          212
raw-2           purchased raw material     P          75.5
XYZ-100           manufactured part     M          0
(OPEN)          (not in use)          Y          0
XYZ-100-1     manufactured part     M          0
XYZ-100-2     manufactured part     M          1
XYZ-100-3     manufactured part     M          0
XYZ-100-4     manufactured part     M          2
XYZ-100-A     manufactured part     M          0
--BILL table (from insert statements above)
row_added_ts          bom_doc_nbr     comp_part_nbr     qty_per     qty_per_type     oper_nbr     comp_off_adj     status     view_code     end_eff_dt     begn_eff_dt
2008072153100150000     XYZ-100          xyz-1          3     1          ****          0          RL     G          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008072223100150000     XYZ-100          XYZ-100-1     1     1          ****          0          RL     M          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008072411100150000     XYZ-100-1     xyz-1          2     1          ****          1          RL     M          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008072459100150000     XYZ-100-1     XYZ-100-2     3     1          ****          0          RL     M          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008072578100150000     XYZ-100-2     xyz-2          6     1          ****          2          RL     M          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008072694100150000     XYZ-100-2     xyz-4          6     1          ****          2          IN     G          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008072786100150000     XYZ-100-2     xyz-100-3     1     1          ****          0          RL     M          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008072865100150000     XYZ-100-3     xyz-3          8     1          ****          1          RL     M          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-2000
2008073100100150000     XYZ-100-3     xyz-3a          8     1          ****          1          RL     M          01-Jan-2000     01-Jan-1900
2008073159100150000     XYZ-100-3     XYZ-100-4     4     1          ****          0          RL     M          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008073346100150000     XYZ-100-3     XYZ-100-A     2     1          ****          2          RL     M          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008073478100150000     XYZ-100-3     (OPEN)          2     1          ****          0          RL     E          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008073529100150000     XYZ-100-3     xyz-9-1          2     1          ****          0          RL     H          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008073798100150000     XYZ-100-4     raw-1          8.75     1          ****          0          RL     M          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008073811100150000     XYZ-100-A     raw-2          3.75     1          ****          0          RL     M          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008075911100150000     xyz-9-1          xyz-9a          1     1          ****          0          RL     G          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900
2008087711100150000     xyz-9a          raw-2          3.75     1          ****          0          RL     G          01-Jan-2050     01-Jan-1900--What I want to get with my query (branches pruned off my tree)
1     XYZ-100-1     manufactured part     M          1          1          0          ****          0          XYZ-100          0
2     XYZ-100-2     manufactured part     M          3          1          1          ****          0          XYZ-100-1     0
3     xyz-100-3     manufactured part     M          1          1          0          ****          0          XYZ-100-2     1
4     XYZ-100-4     manufactured part     M          4          1          2          ****          0          XYZ-100-3     0
4     XYZ-100-A     manufactured part     M          2          1          0          ****          2          XYZ-100-3     0--What I actually get with my query (includes children of items that don't meet query criteria)
1     XYZ-100-1     manufactured part     M          1          1          0          ****          0          XYZ-100          0
2     XYZ-100-2     manufactured part     M          3          1          1          ****          0          XYZ-100-1     0
3     xyz-100-3     manufactured part     M          1          1          0          ****          0          XYZ-100-2     1
4     XYZ-100-4     manufactured part     M          4          1          2          ****          0          XYZ-100-3     0
4     XYZ-100-A     manufactured part     M          2          1          0          ****          2          XYZ-100-3     0
5     xyz-9a          manufactured part     M          1          1          0          ****          0          xyz-9-1          0Edited by: user11033437 on Jul 30, 2009 7:27 AM (grammar)

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    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
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    The only way to upgrade from 10.6.8 (which is high as Snow Leopard goes) is to obtain Lion or Mountain Lion from the Online Apple Store or Yosemite from the Mac App Store.
    The requirements for Lion are:
    Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Core i3, Core i5, Core i7, or Xeon processor
    2GB of memory
    OS X v10.6.6 or later (v10.6.8 recommended)
    7GB of available space
    Lion is available in the Online Apple Store ($19.99). Mountain Lion (10.8.x) is also available there at the same price (though it's reported to have been removed from sale in some countries so may well cease to be available generally) but there seems little point as the system requirements are the same for Yosemite (10.10.x) - which is free - unless you need to run specific software which will run on Mountain Lion only. Mavericks (10.9.x) is no longer available.
    The requirements for Mountain Lion and Yosemite are:
    OS X v10.6.8 or later
    2GB of memory
    8GB of available space
      and the supported models are:
    iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
    MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
    Xserve (Early 2009)
    MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
    Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
    Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
    Yosemite is available from the Mac App Store (in Applications). Mountain Lion can be obtained the Online Apple Store.
      You should be aware that PPC programs (such as AppleWorks) will not run on Lion or above; and some other applications may not be compatible - there is a useful compatibility checklist at http://roaringapps.com/apps:table

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    Please let me know about the includes and the import and export statements to be used.
    Thanks in advance,

    Here goes pseudocode
    include: rpppxd00    ,
                rpppxd10     ,
                rpc2cd09     , 
                rpc2rx02_ce , "if ldb pnp_ce is used else use the same include with out _ce
                rpc2rx29      ,  
                rpc2rx39      ,
                rpppxm00    ,
                rpc2ruu0_ce ,
    DATA : i_rgdir   LIKE pc261        OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE     ,
               i_result  TYPE pay99_result OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE ,
               i_grrec   LIKE  pc292           OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE .
    GET pernr.
    Get the RGDIR VALUE for the current PERNR & selected Molga
    get rgdir data TABLES i_rgdir
                          USING pernr-pernr
                                     p_molga " parameter
    i_rgdir [] = rgdir[].
      LOOP AT i_rgdir WHERE fpbeg  LE  pn-endda
                        AND fpend  GE  pn-begda
                        AND srtza  EQ 'A'
                        AND void   NE   'V'.
      get_result_tabs   TABLES i_result
                                   USING 'RU'    "  US cluster
      i_grrec[] = i_result-inter-grrec[].
      LOOP AT i_grrec.
      case i_grrec.
      use wage types required here and pass the data to output table.

  • Need help on emailing  from java

    I need help on how to send an Email from a java application.
    Can any body help me by providing correct code for that?

    It worked.Thanks!So, are you gonna award the Dukes to prometheuzz or are you donating them to the forum pickle jar?

  • Need help updating records from a subset yielded by a subquery.

    Hi, retired, hobby coder needing (further) help in transact-sql scripting with a view to creating a stored procedure within a Sequel DB.  For the purposes of this investigation I have a table with 23 records.   I am trying to update a specific
    field for 10 of the records based on the (TOP 10) records selected from a sub query where I select the TOP 20 records based upon different field.
    I select my desired 10 records (TOP 10) from a sup query selecting the TOP 20 based upon the date field (latest 20) for a specific user (GID) as follows:
    I then attempt to update only these 10 records as follows:
    As you can see it updated all 23 rows in the table, not just the 10 I yielded by the underlying query.
    In reviewing the documentation it appeared that referencing the Scores_id column and using the 'IN' keyword would work, i.e., UPDATE Scores WHERE Score_id IN (SELECT TOP 10* ..... would be appropriate but I got the an error message, 'Only one expression
    can be specified in the select list when the subquery is not introduced with EXISTS.'
    Can someone assist me with the proper syntax for this script?  Additionally, since there are limitations on the number of variables which can be used any advice on how to structure a stored procedure where the GID is the initial variable and Score_id
    the second would be appreciated also.

    The query you have written will always update all or no rows in the table, since it says
    UPDATE Scores
    SET    ...
    WHERE  EXISTS (...)
    The EXISTS clause is, logically, evaluated for each row. Normally, when you use EXISTS you correlated the subquery with the surrounding query, so that the values the subquery works with are different for each row. But your subquery is uncorrelated, and will
    return the same value, TRUE or FALSE, for each row.
    IN can certainly work, but then you cannot have "SELECT TOP 10 *", but you need to have "SELECT TOP Score_id", since when you use IN, the subquery must be a single-column query.
    Another alternative, which is somewhat difficult to digest the first you see it, but which is more efficient, and more concise, once you have learn it, is to work directly from the query you have:
      WITH CTE AS (
         SELECT TOP 10 *
          FROM (SELECT TOP 20...
     SET    Used = '*'
    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, [email protected]

  • Need help getting contacts from outlook 2010

    I need help getting my contacts from outlook 2010 to icloud and/or my iphone. I have icloud up and logged in on pc. when I go to a contact to import it says there was a problem reading the vcard. any help is welcomed.

    I do have the latest version of DTM and working with OUTLOOK 2000.  I know it is old, but it still does what I need it to. I did try to uninstalland reinstall.  No luck.  The only options listed to sync are yahoo, outlook express, and ASCII inport/export.  Obviously it is not syncing my other data either, but it is my contacts that I am most concerned with at this point.  The calader would be nice too!  Any other suggestions, or is my outlook too old to sync?   


    So I was using a PC to backup my iphone 5 to itunes; however, i just bought a macbook pro and it wont let me transfer the files from one computer to the other and i need help!

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