Oracle by example bad feedback address

On the page the feedback address [email protected] when e-mailed to comes back with message from [email protected]
which is
"The included message could not be delivered to the following invalid mail names. Please verify these names and try them again.
Bad name: obefeedback_us"

Sorry. There is a typo. It should be obefeedback_ww.

Similar Messages

  • Oracle By Example Feedback Address

    On the page the feedback address [email protected] when e-mailed to comes back with message from [email protected]
    which is
    "The included message could not be delivered to the following invalid mail names. Please verify these names and try them again.
    Bad name: obefeedback_us"

    HI Craig,
    The documentation feedback forum is for issues relating only to the OTN documentation pages at:
    Please try the Member feedback forum instead at:
    Community Feedback (No Product Questions)

  • Oracle Extensions Examples & WebLogic Server

    I've run the oracle extensions examples with weblogic server and cannot get the
    string representation for the addresses, as indicated in the examples documentation.
    I get a hexadecimal representation. I'm running structs, refs and arrays business
    object examples. My output is, for example:
    [java] Employee#: 103
    [java] Name: Fred Couples
    [java] Address: 0x39323031205061726B205374
    [java] 0x416C6578616E64726961, 0x5641
    [java] Employee#: 105
    [java] Name: David Toms
    [java] Address: 0x343433312043616E616C20537472656574
    [java] 0x4E6577204F726C65616E73, 0x4C41
    So my questions is how do I get a string representation? Is there a hextostring
    conversion java method? Why do I get hex in the first place?. The source file
    is using system.out.println.
    The output should be, for example:
    Address: 4431 Canal Street
    New Orleans, LA
    Look at the file in the C:\bea\weblogic700\samples\server\src\examples\jdbc\oracle\extensions
    I use BEA 7.0 and Oracle

    The datatype for address may clob.Clob values cannot be retrieved directly .please try the following code.
    Clob clob = rs.getClob(3);
    Reader reader = clob.getCharacterStream();
    int l=1;
    StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
    while(( != -1)
    str.append(new Character((char)l).toString());

  • MSEXchange not rejecting bad email addresses

    I have written a specialized email application In ACCES 2010 for my department. At first I couldn't send email outside our domain so the server folks turned on relay and gave me a static IP address. However, now the mail server does not reject bad email
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    It seems to me that something needs to be configured on the host, or I need to do something in my ap. (I'm no expert here.)  The Send part of the code is an ACCESS 2010 function. (Mail server is MSExchange 2010.) If nothing is wrong it works great.
    Public Sub SendAMessage(strFrom As String, strTo As String, _
        strSubject As String, strTextBody As String, _
         Optional strAttachDoc As String, Optional strCC As String, _
        Optional strBcc As String)
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Set objMessage = New CDO.Message
    With objMessage
        .From = strFrom
        .To = strTo
        Debug.Print strTo
        If Len(Trim$(strCC)) > 0 Then
            .CC = strCC
        End If
        If Len(strBcc) > 0 Then
            .BCC = strBcc
        End If
        .Subject = strSubject
        .TextBody = strTextBody
        If Len(strAttachDoc) > 0 Then
            .AddAttachment strAttachDoc
        End If
        With .Configuration.Fields
            .Item(CDO.cdoSMTPServer) = "mymail"
            .Item(CDO.cdoSMTPServerPort) = xx
            .Item(CDO.cdoSendUsingMethod) = CDO.cdoSendUsingPort
            .Item(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout) = xx
        End With
    End With
    Set objMessage = Nothing
    Dim CurDateTime As DependencyInfo
    CDateTime = Now()
    Dim AccountNo As String
    AccountNo = GBL_Master_Id
    If GBL_PostMailSwitch = True Then   'Test if in management and skip the next three statements
    Dim SentSql As String
    'DoCmd.SetWarnings False
    'SentSql = "INSERT INTO SentEmailTbl(Account_Number, Event, DateSent) Values('" & GBL_Master_Id & "', '" & GBL_Event & "', # " & Now() & " #)"
    'DoCmd.RunSQL SentSql
    'DoCmd.SetWarnings True
    End If
    Exit Sub
        Dim BadEmSql As String
        Dim emVal As String
         'MsgBox "in error Handler" & " " & Err.Number
         'If Err.Number = -2147220977 Or -2147220980 Then
         'MsgBox "Bad email"
         DoCmd.SetWarnings False
         BadEmSql = "INSERT INTO EmErrorsTbl(AccountNo, EmailAddress, ErrNo, ErrMsg, ErrDate) VALUES('" & GBL_Master_Id & "', '" & strTo & "',  '" & Err.Number & "', '" &
    Err.Description & "','" & GBL_DateSent & "')"
         GBL_Rejected = GBL_Rejected + 1
         Forms!EmailForm!emRejected = GBL_Rejected
         DoCmd.RunSQL BadEmSql
         DoCmd.SetWarnings True
        'End If
          Resume Next
    End Sub
    Thanks in advance

    Generally, when you send an email to an address that doesn't exist via OWA or Outlook, you will receive a NDR explaining that delivery has failed.
    Please disable the app temporarily and check the result. If the issue disappears, there is something wrong with the app code. Actually, we have a dedicated support team regarding the Microsoft Office for Developers. I recommend you ask your question on our
    Microsoft Office for Developers forum which is staffed by more experts specializing in this kind of problems. For your convenience:
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Oracle by Example content-Damaged zip file?

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    file (32,472 KB).
    The zip file seems to damaged. I've managed to repair it with winrar and extracted it with winzip but got the following message:
    bad CRC 00000000 (should be 2fe2b7c5)
    Warning: the size of the extracted file (0) does not match the uncompressed size (2837) recorded in the zip file.
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    Could you please repair the archive and post it back?!

    Many of the lessons are operating system independent because they use EM. If you are interested in the installation. There is one lesson specific to windows. Which topic are you looking for?

  • Bad IP Address when configure keepalive

    any one can help me, i'm trying confiure keepalive :
    keepalive tcp-http
    type tcp
    port 80
    frequency 10
    retryperiod 5
    maxfailure 4
    service web01
    ip address
    keepalive type named tcp-http
    but when i'm try configure "keepalive tcp-http" and put command port always error CSS message %Bad IP Address.
    What the mean form this error ?
    Because i see in many example no IP Address under keepalive type named xxx command.

    your config works well for me.
    Could you captured exactly all the steps you do to see the problem.
    Capturing everything in a log file and attach it to this post.

  • How to Report bad IP address

    How do I report a bad IP address, in order to stop it's re-assignment from the dhcp pool?
    The IP address I have currently been assigned by BT appears on various IP black lists. For example when accessing the National Lottery site the connection attemp just hangs. A Tracert test gives:
    Tracing route to []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
    1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms BThomehub.home []
    2 * * * Request timed out.
    3 * 11 ms 10 ms
    4 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms
    5 12 ms 11 ms 11 ms []
    6 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms []
    7 14 ms 13 ms 13 ms []
    8 12 ms 12 ms 12 ms []
    9 * * * Request timed out.
    10 109 ms 109 ms 109 ms []
    11 * * * Request timed out.
    12 * * * Request timed out.
    13 * * * Request timed out.
    14 * * * Request timed out.
    15 * * * Request timed out.
    16 * * * Request timed out.
    17 * * * Request timed out.
    18 * * * Request timed out.
    19 * * * Request timed out.
    20 * * * Request timed out.
    21 * * * Request timed out.
    22 * * * Request timed out.
    23 * * * Request timed out.
    24 * * * Request timed out.
    25 * * * Request timed out.
    26 * * * Request timed out.
    27 * * * Request timed out.
    28 * * * Request timed out.
    29 * * * Request timed out.
    30 * * * Request timed out.
    Trace complete.
    As can be seen the traffic is routed to Prolexic. A company specializing in web site anti DDOS protection. Looks like my IP has been flagged as one used in the past for questionable activities. I understand that by just simply rebooting the modem I'm likely to be assigned another IP, but I want to get this bad IP removed from the pool so it doesn't get re-assigned to someone else. Experience in the past has shown that there is likely to be little success to tiring to get the IP removed from the blacklist at Prolexic's end. That would need more clout than a home user processes. 
    So how do I report to this bad address to BT ?
    Kind Regards

    I would try another reset but disconnect for couple of minutes before reconnecting and that should be enough to get a new IP address
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • BADI for Address Check in PA30 in ECC6.0

    Hi Friends,
    Is there any BADI for Address Check in PA30 in ECC6.0 similar to what we have in BP transaction in ECC6.0.

    check these...
    Enhancement/ Business Add-in            Description
    PBASRP01                                PA: User exit distributed reporting
    PBAS0002                                PA: Enhancements for Personnel Administration - Menu
    PBAS0001                                PA: Pers.Admin./Recruitment: Default values and checks
    PARA0002                                Enhancement for Calculating Annual Salary; IT0008,14,15
    PARA0001                                Enhancement for Determining the Number of Periods
    HRRPAI01                                User exit for FB HR_ENTRY_DATE and HR_LEAVING_DATE
    HRPC0001                                HR: PC download authorization
    HRPBAS01                                User Exit for HR Master Data
    Business Add-in
    HRPAD00_PREM                            Definition of User Exit for Collective Search Help PREM
    HRPAD00_RECOG_SCREEN                    Employee Recognition Screen
    HRPADUS_PBAS_0001                       Customer Exit for Message handling
    HRPAD_SUBTY_CHECK                       HR: Master Data, Subtype Check
    HR_F4_GET_SUBTYPE                       HR: Entry help for subtypes
    HR_FAST_ACTION_CHECK                    Check fields on the fast entry screen
    HR_INDVAL                               HR: Indirect wage type valuation
    HRPAYXX_DELETE_PERNR                    BAdI for Reports Deleting Personnel Numbers
    HRPAD00_PAPM                            Definition of User Exit for Collective Search Help PAPM
    HRPAD00_GET_AF_0008                     Additional Fields for Basic Pay Infotype (0008)
    HRPAD00_ADRS                            HR: Address formatting
    HRPAD00MGEACTIVATION                    Activation Action BAdI for Global Employees
    HRPAD00INFTY                            Update / Infotype maintenance
    HRPAD00AUTH_TIME                        Time Logic in the PA Authorization Check
    HRPAD00AUTH_RECORD                      Spanish Data Privacy Law: Exit for Recording
    HRPAD00AUTH_CHECK                       HR: Authorization Check
    HRIV_REDUCE_AMOUNT                      Reduction within Indirect Valuation
    No.of Exits:          8
    No.of BADis:         19

  • How do I get rid of a bad email address that keeps popping up

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    Thanks for the answer......I don't like it....not your fault.   I do like your cat!

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    The URL for the Oracle By Example OWB module is:
    Click "Oracle by Example Series Release 2".
    Then click #8, "Build a Data Warehouse for Business Intelligence".
    Then click #8, "Creating a Data Warehouse Using Oracle Warehouse Builder".

    Hi Paul,
    As far as my understanding.
    You dont want to create "REL_EXPENSE.REL_EXPENSE.REL_TIME_DAY_CODE" in the times dimension since the "code" attribute is already present in the time dimension(once you created using time wizard).
    Soon after you created the cube by mapping the two dimension "category" and "times" to it, all the attributes in both the dimension will be present in the cube automatically. Other than this you will create a measure column named "Expense" in the cube.
    Mark Answers Promptly

  • Java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

    I'm on weblogic 12c
    Im using a client generated by CFX plugin in Maven. Everything works fine but I have a lot of those lines in my log file.
    WARNING: Registering extension failed; java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    SEVERE: Failed to create WsdlDefinitionFeature for wsdl location:, error:, message: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    How can I remove this problem ?

    This above warning message can be avoided if you will extend your weblogic domain to support JRF.
    If this helps please mark.

  • 501 5.1.7 Bad sender address syntax

    My Exchange Environment contains
    Two Exchange 2010 SP3 CAS/HUB servers with WNLB configured
    Two Exchange 2010 SP3 Mailbox servers with DAG
    External mail is send via a smarthost - Sophos Email Appliance
    I have an application that sends mails to internal distribution lists, this lists contain contacts with external addresses.
    This is used for 10 distribution lists and delivers mails to the external contacts for 9.
    The one that is not delivering gives the following error in Exchange Tracking Log
    501 5.1.7 Bad sender address syntax
    I have tried to recreate the contact but no joy.
    I can mail the contact from my Outlook profile.
    I can mail the contact from the account stated in my Application via Outlook.
    Anyone seem this error before ?

    Since Outlook works fine, I think the issue is more related to the configuration of the APP.
    Simon Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Oracle 10g Example Database

    How can I install the Example Database via Script?
    My System:
    Oracle 10g on SuSE Linux 8.2

    Perhaps you will more chance to find a response with posting your question into Oracle By Example (OBE).<br>

  • Oracle Database Examples media

    Where can I download Oracle Database Examples media for 11g. Can't find it at OTN website.

    Its near the end.  just before the DeInstall images.
    Oracle Database 11g Release 2 for Linux x86-64&lt;/title&gt;&lt;meta name=&quot;Title&quot; content=&quot;Oracle Databas…

  • What happened to Oracle by Example?

    What happened to the Oracle By Example Section of OTN? This was a great tutorial which showed how to set up the Oracle database, Application Server etc. It also had case studies showing how to use different features of the database. I was using it as recently as two months ago, but now I can't find it anywhere.
    Was it removed?
    Please email me also at [email protected]

    I think these people are trying to integrate all the apps with SSO.
    There are changes in the way Metalink is being accesssed too ..
    So i hope it should be back soon (clarification: I am not the official word )

Maybe you are looking for

  • Need Code For This Scenerio

    Good Evening, i am Srinivas V, My actual requirement is that in a JSP Page I had a Link when i click the link in the new page A Text Box to be there if the word pre defined entered the web page content to be viewed else nothing should be displayed .

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