Oracle Client 10g/11g on Windows 2008, Itanium

Hi, All!
I need to install Oracle Client on test Windows 2008 Server, based on Itanium processors.
11g client is preferred, and 10g client at least.
I know, that Win2008 is not supported yet for Oracle Database, but, may be, there are way to install it on my own risk (its test server).

Sorry for coming back late on this thread... I have installed Oracle 11g on Windows 2008 but it was a Xeon processor not Itanium.
On a side note, am I wrong in saying Oracle should not be bothered about the underlying hardware (whether Intel or AMD or any proprietary hardware)? It is then the responsibility of the operating system to ensure that the product behavio(u)r is same across platforms.

Similar Messages

  • Error in installing Oracle client 11g on Windows 2008 R2 (64bit) XenApp 6

    I am trying to install "" Oracle 11g Client 64bit on Windows 2008 R2 that has been clamped and restricted by our security department. Details of the clamp:
    The Windows 2008 R2 server is running on CITRIX XenApp 6.
    When we try to install the client on a normal version of Windows 2008 R2 without the Clamp, the installation follows through and successfully. However, when we try to install the 11g Client on the Clamped Windows 2008 R2, we get the error below:
    [INS-08802] Unable to instantiate the View class referred by View ID 'SummaryUI'
    This indicates the primary issue is with the clamp. My issue now is knowing what exactly is causing the error. what restrictions should I enable from the clamp in order to get the installation working?
    Here is the error log:
    Error log:
    INFO: Loading data from: jar:file:/C:/Users/setupc/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2011-10-10_04-13-35PM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
    INFO: Loading beanstore from jar:file:/C:/Users/setupc/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2011-10-10_04-13-35PM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
    INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ConfigCmdMappings from jar:file:/C:/Users/setupc/AppData/Local/Temp/OraInstall2011-10-10_04-13-35PM/ext/jlib/installcommons_1.0.0b.jar!/oracle/install/driver/oui/resource/ConfigCommandMappings.xml
    INFO: Verifying target environment...
    INFO: Checking whether the IP address of the localhost could be determined...
    INFO: Completed verification of target environment.
    INFO: Inventory exists: false
    INFO: Registering setup bean
    INFO: Building Flow
    INFO: Building the flow graph
    INFO: Loaded state init
    INFO: Loaded state clientInstallType
    INFO: Loaded state productLanguage
    INFO: Loaded state getOracleHome
    INFO: Loaded state prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: Loaded state checkPrereqs
    INFO: Loaded state postPrereqs
    INFO: Loaded state summary
    INFO: Loaded state clientCustomInstall
    INFO: Loaded state schedulerAgent
    INFO: Loaded state mtsDialog
    INFO: Loaded state setup
    INFO: Loaded state finish
    INFO: Linking states
    INFO: State[checkPrereqs]: route=success; to=summary
    INFO: State[clientCustomInstall]: route=TO_ENDCUSTOM; to=prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: State[clientCustomInstall]: route=TO_ORAMTS; to=mtsDialog
    INFO: State[clientCustomInstall]: route=TO_SCHEDULERAGENT; to=schedulerAgent
    INFO: State[clientInstallType]: route=ic_no; to=productLanguage
    INFO: State[clientInstallType]: route=ic_yes; to=getOracleHome
    INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_NO; to=prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_NO_CUSTOM_YES; to=clientCustomInstall
    INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_YES; to=prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: State[getOracleHome]: route=INVENTORY_YES_CUSTOM_YES; to=clientCustomInstall
    INFO: State[init]: route=success; to=clientInstallType
    INFO: State[mtsDialog]: route=success; to=prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: State[postPrereqs]: route=CUSTOM; to=clientCustomInstall
    INFO: State[postPrereqs]: route=NON_CUSTOM; to=summary
    INFO: State[prereqExecutionDecider]: route=executeprereqs; to=checkPrereqs
    INFO: State[prereqExecutionDecider]: route=ignoreprereqs; to=summary
    INFO: State[productLanguage]: route=productlanguage_yes; to=getOracleHome
    INFO: State[schedulerAgent]: route=TO_ENDCUSTOM; to=prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: State[schedulerAgent]: route=TO_ORAMTS; to=mtsDialog
    INFO: State[setup]: route=success; to=finish
    INFO: State[summary]: route=success; to=setup
    INFO: Successfully built the flow
    INFO: Opening bean stores from which the beans can be loaded
    INFO: Loading beanstore from a given input stream
    INFO: Translating external format into raw format
    INFO: Registering the flow data beans
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INSTALL_TYPE' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_LaunchNetCA' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_NoMigration' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_RACInstall' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallType' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallEdition' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_CustomComponents' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentHostName' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOME' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_BASE' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'UNIX_GROUP_NAME' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INVENTORY_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'SELECTED_LANGUAGES' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_RESPONSE_FILE' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'MYORACLESUPPORT_USERNAME' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'DECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_HOST' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_PORT' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_USER' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'PROXY_PWD' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'SECURITY_UPDATES_VIA_MYORACLESUPPORT' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_IGNORE_FAILURES' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'COLLECTOR_IGNORE_CONFIGURATION' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOSTNAME' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_LaunchNetCA' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_NoMigration' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_RACInstall' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallType' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallEdition' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: [INS-07001] Value for property 'OCMSettings' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: Set value for bean ClientSetupBean
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'INSTALL_TYPE' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_WindowsSystemDirectory' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_LaunchNetCA' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_NoMigration' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_RACInstall' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_ConfigurationType' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallType' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_db_InstallEdition' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_CustomComponents' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentHostName' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'oracle_install_client_SchedulerAgentPortNumber' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_HOME' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'FROM_LOCATION' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ORACLE_BASE' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TOPLEVEL_COMPONENT' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: [INS-07001] Value for property 'TopLevelComponentVersion' not found in the bean store.
    WARNING: Failed to load bean oracle.install.ivw.client.bean.ClientInstallSettings. Reason: [INS-07001] Value for property 'ClientInstallSettings' not found in the bean store.
    INFO: Closing bean stores from which the beans can be loaded
    INFO: Registering the flow views
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.PrereqGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [PrereqUI]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SummaryGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SummaryUI]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: oracle.install.commons.base.interview.common.view.SetupGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SetupUI]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI viewId: ProductLanguageUI uiType: null]
    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [ProductLanguageUI]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.CustomInstallGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.CustomInstallGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [CustomInstallUI]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.SchedulerAgentGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.SchedulerAgentGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [SchedulerAgentUI]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.OraMTSGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.OraMTSGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [OraMTSUI]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [InstallLocationUI]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallTypesGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallTypesGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [InstallTypesUI]
    INFO: Adding View[type: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.FinishGUI viewId: null uiType: null]
    INFO: oracle.install.ivw.client.view.FinishGUI added to View Type Registry with the key as [FinishUI]
    INFO: Initial values of Setup Properties :
    FROM_LOCATION C:\Dev Citrix Tools\Oracle Tools\Oracle 11g client Releas
    e 2\client\install\../stage/products.xml
    INSTALL_TYPE InstantClient
    MYORACLESUPPORT_PASSWORD Protected value, not to be logged
    PROXY_PWD Protected value, not to be logged
    oracle_install_LaunchNetCA false
    oracle_install_NoMigration true
    oracle_install_RACInstall false
    oracle_install_client_OraMTSPortNumber 49155
    oracle_install_db_InstallEdition EE
    INFO: Launching Oracle Client Installer
    INFO: Started executing the flow in INTERACTIVE mode
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state init
    INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state init
    INFO: All forked task are completed at state init
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state init
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <init>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <init>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating view at state <init>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <init>
    INFO: Validating state <init>
    WARNING: Validation disabled for the state init
    INFO: Completed validating state <init>
    INFO: Verifying route success
    INFO: Get view named [InstallTypesUI]
    INFO: size estimation for InstantClientinstall is 199.0705451965332
    INFO: size estimation for Administratorinstall is 1068.0003070831299
    INFO: size estimation for Runtimeinstall is 751.6538038253784
    INFO: View for [InstallTypesUI] is oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallTypesGUI@2398dc19
    INFO: Initializing view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: InstallTypesPane installType is: InstantClient
    INFO: Completed initializing view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: Displaying view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: Completed displaying view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: Loading view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: Completed loading view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: Localizing view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: size estimation for InstantClientinstall is 199.0705451965332
    INFO: size estimation for Administratorinstall is 1068.0003070831299
    INFO: size estimation for Runtimeinstall is 751.6538038253784
    INFO: Completed localizing view <InstallTypesUI> at state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state clientInstallType
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Client Install Type set in InstallTypeUI is : Runtime
    INFO: Validating view at state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: Validating state <clientInstallType>
    WARNING: Validation disabled for the state clientInstallType
    INFO: Completed validating state <clientInstallType>
    INFO: In Transition of InstallTypesAction:
    INFO: Verifying route ic_no
    INFO: Get view named [ProductLanguageUI]
    INFO: View for [ProductLanguageUI] is oracle.install.ivw.common.view.ProductLanguageGUI@1875a340
    INFO: Initializing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Completed initializing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Displaying view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Completed displaying view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Loading view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Completed loading view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Localizing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Completed localizing view <ProductLanguageUI> at state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Fetching Available Languages...
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state productLanguage
    INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state productLanguage
    INFO: All forked task are completed at state productLanguage
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state productLanguage
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: The languages in which the product will be installed are [en, en_GB]
    INFO: Validating view at state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Validating state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Using default Validator configured in the Action class oracle.install.ivw.common.action.ProductLanguageAction
    INFO: Completed validating state <productLanguage>
    INFO: Verifying route productlanguage_yes
    INFO: Get view named [InstallLocationUI]
    WARNING: Active Help Content for InstallLocationPane.cbxOracleBases do not exist. Error :Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ContextualHelpResource, key InstallLocationPane.cbxOracleBases.conciseHelpText
    WARNING: Active Help Content for InstallLocationPane.cbxSoftwareLoc do not exist. Error :Can't find resource for bundle oracle.install.ivw.client.resource.ContextualHelpResource, key InstallLocationPane.cbxSoftwareLoc.conciseHelpText
    INFO: View for [InstallLocationUI] is oracle.install.ivw.client.view.InstallLocationGUI@15837e8
    INFO: Initializing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: Completed initializing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Displaying view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Completed displaying view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Loading view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Completed loading view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Localizing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Completed localizing view <InstallLocationUI> at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state getOracleHome
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating view at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: Validating state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: custom prereq file name: oracle.client_Runtime.xml
    INFO: refDataFile: C:\Dev Citrix Tools\Oracle Tools\Oracle 11g client Release 2\client\stage\cvu\oracle.client_Runtime.xml
    INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false
    INFO: InstallAreaControl exists: false
    INFO: Checking:NEW_HOME
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:COMP
    INFO: Checking:ORCA_HOME
    INFO: Reading shiphome metadata from C:\Dev Citrix Tools\Oracle Tools\Oracle 11g client Release 2\client\install\..\stage\shiphomeproperties.xml
    INFO: Loading beanstore from file:/C:/Dev Citrix Tools/Oracle Tools/Oracle 11g client Release 2/client/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
    INFO: Translating external format into raw format
    INFO: Restoring class oracle.install.driver.oui.ShiphomeMetadata from file:/C:/Dev Citrix Tools/Oracle Tools/Oracle 11g client Release 2/client/install/../stage/shiphomeproperties.xml
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: inventory location isC:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
    INFO: size estimation for Runtimeinstall is 751.6538038253784
    INFO: PATH has :==>C:\Users\setupc\AppData\Local\Temp\OraInstall2011-10-10_04-13-35PM\jdk\jre\bin;.;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;D:\ORADEV10g\jdk\jre\bin\classic;D:\ORADEV10g\jdk\jre\bin;D:\ORADEV10g\jdk\jre\bin\client;D:\ORADEV10g\jlib;D:\ORADEV10g\bin;D:\ORADEV10g\jre\1.4.2\bin\client;D:\ORADEV10g\jre\1.4.2\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\ScanEngine;C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\CAUpdate\;C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\ThirdParty\;C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\SubscriptionLicense\;C:\Program Files\CA\eTrustITM;C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\system32\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\System32\Citrix\IMA;C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\System32\Citrix\IMA\Subsystems;C:\Windows\System32\Citrix\IMA;C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\system32;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Citrix\System32\
    INFO: Completed validating state <getOracleHome>
    INFO: InstallLocationAction to INVENTORY_NO
    INFO: Verifying route INVENTORY_NO
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating view at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Validating state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    WARNING: Validation disabled for the state prereqExecutionDecider
    INFO: Completed validating state <prereqExecutionDecider>
    INFO: Verifying route executeprereqs
    INFO: Get view named [PrereqUI]
    INFO: View for [PrereqUI] is [email protected]2ac
    INFO: Initializing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Completed initializing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Displaying view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Completed displaying view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Loading view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Completed loading view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Localizing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Completed localizing view <PrereqUI> at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Executing action at state checkPrereqs
    INFO: custom prereq file name: oracle.client_Runtime.xml
    INFO: refDataFile: C:\Dev Citrix Tools\Oracle Tools\Oracle 11g client Release 2\client\stage\cvu\oracle.client_Runtime.xml
    INFO: isCustomRefDataFilePresent: false
    INFO: Completed executing action at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Finishing all forked tasks at state checkPrereqs
    INFO: Waiting for completion all forked tasks at state checkPrereqs
    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Physical Memory
    INFO: Creating CompositePrereqChecker Job for container task Free Space
    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Free Space: mndwg068cs:C:\Users\setupc\AppData\Local\Temp
    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Architecture
    INFO: Creating PrereqChecker Job for leaf task Environment variable: "PATH"
    INFO: CVU tracingEnabled = false
    INFO: Nodes are prepared for verification.
    INFO: *********************************************
    INFO: Physical Memory: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has at least 128MB (131072.0KB) of total physical memory.
    INFO: Severity:IGNORABLE
    INFO: OverallStatus:SUCCESSFUL
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: Verification Result for Node:mndwg068cs
    INFO: Expected Value:128MB (131072.0KB)
    INFO: Actual Value:3.9996GB (4193848.0KB)
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: *********************************************
    INFO: Free Space: mndwg068cs:C:\Users\setupc\AppData\Local\Temp: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether sufficient free space is available in the file system.
    INFO: Severity:IGNORABLE
    INFO: OverallStatus:SUCCESSFUL
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: Verification Result for Node:mndwg068cs
    INFO: Expected Value:130MB
    INFO: Actual Value:26.0185GB
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: *********************************************
    INFO: Architecture: This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the system has a certified architecture.
    INFO: Severity:CRITICAL
    INFO: OverallStatus:SUCCESSFUL
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: Verification Result for Node:mndwg068cs
    INFO: Expected Value:64-bit
    INFO: Actual Value:64-bit
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: *********************************************
    INFO: Environment variable: "PATH": This test checks whether the length of the environment variable "PATH" does not exceed the recommended length.
    INFO: Severity:CRITICAL
    INFO: OverallStatus:SUCCESSFUL
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: Verification Result for Node:mndwg068cs
    INFO: Expected Value:1023
    INFO: Actual Value:791
    INFO: -----------------------------------------------
    INFO: All forked task are completed at state checkPrereqs
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Moved to state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Waiting for completion of background operations
    INFO: Completed background operations
    INFO: Validating view at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Completed validating view at state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Validating state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Using default Validator configured in the Action class oracle.install.ivw.client.action.PrereqAction
    INFO: Completed validating state <checkPrereqs>
    INFO: Verifying route success
    INFO: Get view named [SummaryUI]
    WARNING: Failed to load the view [SummaryUI] . Reason: .
    Refer associated stacktrace #oracle.install.commons.flow.ViewManager:367
    INFO: Terminating all background operations
    INFO: Terminated all background operations
    SEVERE: [FATAL] [INS-08802] Unable to instantiate the View class referred by View ID 'SummaryUI'.
    CAUSE: The given class do not represent a valid View class or an unexpected error occured while instantiating it.
    ACTION: No additional information available.
    - java.lang.NullPointerException.
    Refer associated stacktrace #oracle.install.commons.util.exception.DefaultErrorAdvisor:370
    INFO: Advice is ABORT
    SEVERE: Unconditional Exit
    INFO: Adding ExitStatus FAILURE to the exit status set
    INFO: Finding the most appropriate exit status for the current application
    INFO: Exit Status is -1
    INFO: Shutdown Oracle Client Installer
    INFO: Unloading Setup Driver

    Please see below note than Please see:
    Master Note For Oracle Database Client Installation [ID 1157463.1]
    *+<Moderator edit - MOS Doc content deleted - pl do not post contents of MOS Docs>+*
    If notes not help than i suggest rise SR

  • When will Oracle 10g/11g support Windows Server 2008 and AIX6.1

    Hi all
    I'm sorry if I post it in a wrong place... But I really want to know when will Oracle 10g/11g support Windows Server 2008 and AIX 6.1?
    I've searched in metalink but found nothing useful. Is there anybody can give me a link of Oracle's roadmap for platform support?

    Oracle does not announce release dates and neither
    does any other software company.But Oracle does have a very good track record of supporting their products on new windows releases extremely close to the windows release date. Clearly they can't support on an unreleased platform though. Given that the launch of Server 2008 isn't even complete worldwide yet (19th March in the UK for example) it would seem that this enquiry is a little premature.
    Niall Litchfield

  • Can I use oracle client 10g express to work on oracle 11g database

    I have installed an oracle DB 11g, I also installed oracle client 10g express edition to create users and tables. I noticed that the users I created can't connect to db with error message "Error java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied" and tables I created can't access from my program. I get error message "Error java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist". I start to suspect that client 10g express edition can't use with oracle 11g. Please help.
    any suggestion is appreciated.
    -- Allen --

    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
    (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
    C:\temp>cd \oracle\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\BIN
    C:\oracle\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\BIN>cd \temp
    C:\Temp>set ORACLE_HOME=C:\oracle\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server
    C:\Temp>set ORACLE_SID=XE
    C:\Temp>set PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
    C:\Temp>type C:\oracle\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\NETWORK\ADMIN\tnsnames.o
    XE =
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = FCC003L)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
          (SERVICE_NAME = XE)
    TEST =
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = FCC003L)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
          (SERVICE_NAME = TEST)
    ORA11B =
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = LAB2)(PORT = 1521))
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
          (SERVICE_NAME =
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SID = PLSExtProc)
          (PRESENTATION = RO)
        (ADDRESS_LIST =
        (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SID = CLRExtProc)
          (PRESENTATION = RO)
    C:\Temp>sqlplus system/oracle@ora11b
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Jul 3 18:26:14 2008
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionWith the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP, Data Mining,
    Oracle Database Vault and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> exit
    Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Pr
    With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP, Data Mining,
    Oracle Database Vault and Real Application Testing options

  • Oracle RAC 11g on Windows 2008 64 bit - blue screen error on both nodes

    Hi Everyone,
    I installed Oracle RAC 11g on Windows 2008 64 bit, The installation was successfull and crs_state -t shows all services in two nodes are online.
    When executed a select query with 100 sessions( For performance evaluation using Transaction generator ) ,the machine got crashed and blue screen is appeared on two nodes. I restrated the machines and and starts the same evaluation ,bt the same bug is repeating.
    Can anyone suggest a solution to solve this issue? Is our hardware is not sufficient ? Shall we need to perform any
    specific settings in Oracle RAC setup for performance evaluations?
    Is our settings for load balancing is not enough? ( We added "Load Balancing= On" on tnsnames.ora on client for load
    The following machine configuration is used for Oracle RAC setup
    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz,
    Ram :4GB.
    OS : windows 2008 Server 64 Bit
    Oracle RAC 11g , Clusterware 11g R2 , ASM with 5 raw disk ( 1- votting disk ,1- ocr files and 3 disk files)
    Edited by: user2033016 on Jun 29, 2011 10:02 PM

    user2033016 wrote:
    Hi Everyone,
    I installed Oracle RAC 11g on Windows 2008 64 bit, The installation was successfull crs_state -t executed successfully.
    Bt the machine got crashed ,when executed a select query with 100 sessions( For performance evaluation using TG). A blue screen is appeared on two nodes. So i am not able to evaluate the performance.
    Can you please tell any suggesstions to solve this issue? Is our hardware is not sufficient? Or any software settings has to be done?. I tried most of hte technique ,bt the problem still exists.
    The following machine configuration is used for Oracle RAC setup
    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz,
    Ram :4GB.
    OS : windows 2008 Server 64 Bit
    Oracle RAC , Clusterware 11g R2 64 Bit.i guess you have installed/configured RAC using VMware. i guess, the problem is with your RAM size. how much disk space and RAM size you have allocated for each machine?
    which documentation you have followed?

  • Forward me the link for installing Oracle Client 10g on Windows 7 64-bit?

    Can anybody send me the link for downloading Oracle Client 10g on Windows 7 64-bit?

    Arizuddin wrote:
    Actually i installed TOAD for oracle v9.5 on laptop with Windows 7 ultimate
    it gives 'Cannot find OCI DLL: oci.dll'. It seems TOAD for Oracle is a 32-bit only app, which means that it requires a 32-bit Client.
    You might also want to stay away from installing Toad under "Program files (x86)".
    Consider taking a look at Oracle SQL Developer - a very good alternative to the toad.
    For other questions specific to Toad, please see e.g.

  • Oracle 10g installation on Windows 2008 VMware

    Hi everybody,
    hope you can help me with that issue; I try to install a ECC 6.0 test-system with Oracle 10g on a Windows 2008 VMware instance.
    I am getting a strange error when executing sapserver.cmd when I try to install the Oracle software; the Oracle Universal Installer 10.2 is aborting at the very beginning with an error popup with following content. First I enter the Drive letter for installation and SID and then OUI trys to start...
    The program was not closed properly. An internal error occured. Please provide Oracle support with following datas:
    Any ideas? I did not find anything in Metalink or on the SAP Marketplace. And I am aware that Oracle is not official supported on VMWare; on Windows 2003 I did not occur any similar problems.
    kind regards

    The OUI doesn´t work (yet) on Windows 2008, you will need to wait for the OUI

  • Is Oracle 10g compatible with windows 2008?

    Hi All,
    Is Oracle 10g compatible with windows 2008?
    What are the OS's oracle 10g compatible with? Is it compatible with VMware environment too?

    user12273523 wrote:
    Hi All,
    Is Oracle 10g compatible with windows 2008? Yes
    What are the OS's oracle 10g compatible with? Is it compatible with VMware environment too?please check

  • Install Oracle Forms 10g R2 in Windows 7

    does anyone has ever succeeded to install Oracle Form 10g R2 in Windows 7 Home Premium?
    How to overcome the Jinit issue in there? Friend of mine suggested we can download the Jinit for Vista version and replace the current Jinit with it.
    Do I need to change anything too in Formsweb.cfg? Windows 7 works with IE 8.
    Is the Forms can work with Oracle 11g R1 client 64 bit for Windows?
    thanks in advance.

    Why bother with JInit? It's long desupported. Just replace it with the latest Java Plugin, and you'll be fine.

  • Oracle client software supported on Windows 7 for Oracle 10

    I am looking for looking to upgrade the Oracle client software (not instant client) to find a version that support Windows 7. We currently use 10.2.0 On XP.
    I can only find version 11g downloads but our database server is 10
    I'm getting the impression Oracle intentionally does not allow older downloads even though they are still supported.
    Where can I get a Oracle client software supported on Windows 7 for Oracle 10.

    952029 wrote:
    I am looking for looking to upgrade the Oracle client software (not instant client) to find a version that support Windows 7. We currently use 10.2.0 On XP.
    I can only find version 11g downloads but our database server is 10Oracle 11 client will work just fine with a 10g database. However, 10g is currently only on "sustaining" support. You are WAAY overdue to upgrade the db.
    I'm getting the impression Oracle intentionally does not allow older downloads even though they are still supported. You need to look at the level of "supported" for 10g. A software company can't support old versions forever, and by limiting the download of those old versions, they limit the number of new support calls for them.
    Where can I get a Oracle client software supported on Windows 7 for Oracle 10.
    again, since you are concerned with the client software, you should just get the 11g client. It will work fine with your 10g database.

  • Is Oracle Developer 10g certified with Windows 7 and IE-8 ?

    Hi All,
    Is Oracle Developer 10g certified with Windows 7 and IE-8 ?

    Is Oracle Developer 10g (32-bit and 64-bit) certified with Windows 7 (32-bit and 64 bit) and IE-8 ?Yes it is certified on 32-bit only -- Oracle Forms/Reports Builder 10gR2 or 11g are certified with Windows 7 (32-bit)
    Please see (Forms / Reports Builder 10gR2 or 11g Certification on MS Windows 7 [ID 1112213.1]) for details.
    Also, see (Cannot Open Forms/Reports Within Forms/Reports Builder 10gR2( on Windows 7 [ID 1306651.1]).

  • Installation oracle client 10g fails

    I am installing the oracle client 10g in a machine with windows 2000 server advanced with SP4.
    At the end of the installacion, this when in 99 %, he(she) returns this mistake to me
    "abnormal program termination" and "updating registry key".
    Someone knows something of this mistake.
    Thank you

    Also check you have already install oracle software before.. if yes first uninstall complete oracle software which installation previously and delete related values from registry and try to install again.

  • Corrupt in Oracle Express 10g Universal  for Windows

    Hello Oracle Folks,
    I downloaded several times Oracle Express 10g Universal for Windows (OracleXEUniv.exe) and tried to install it and I get every time the same error message: "Error 1335. The required file "" is corrupt and cannot be used ...". When I download the Western European Edition (OracleXE.exe) the installation works! I downloaded the file on different local disks to exclude the risk that my disk is damaged.
    Can you please check if this download is sane!
    Thanks and best regards Thomas Mayr

    kalyat wrote:
    Amazing reply Hans.
    I have seen some arrogent smart mouth answers in my time. But this really takes the cake. Also judging from the icon you are some kind of employee of oracle. Wow! Now that shows respect for your users.
    Sorry to disappoint you - I am not an employee of Oracle. Much of your rant is irrelevant.
    I am simply a person who has volunteered enough time to provide over 8,000 repsonses in these forums and many more in other forums.
    Many, many, many of the questions are pure repetition due to the extreme laziness, incompetence or inability to do basic thinking by the questioners. There are also a lot of questions by 'newbies' who have obviously made an attempt to research the problem.
    My approach to answering questions is simple and two-fold:
    - make the person angry enough, or aware ennough, that they will think a bit when asking the next question;
    - if they ask a question intelligently ( I usually am convinced to help.
    (And yes, I do take longer breaks when I find myself being frustrated enough to provide answers like the above.)
    The stupid installation program for your stupid database was supposed to check the version of the Operating System. Anyway how does the operating system version matter if a cab file is corrupted? which was incidently packed in that stupid download link which you have happily given to all customers all this time. I was hoping to find that since you guys are too lazy to make the installation file properly you might have atleast bothered to put up a download link for that stupid But nooo... The 'stupid installation program' is indeed that - a stupid installation program. It does a certain amount of checking, but definitely not enough. In that I do agree with you. It was also released too early - basrely understands how to spell Vista.
    Also, there is an assumption by Oracle that the person downloading reads the documentation, especially the installation guide, that is available at the same location as the download. It is amazing and extremely disappointing to note how many people will not even attempt to look at the link.
    The real sad part for me is that I frequently download software (and did again in this case) to verify that the user has a legitimate complaint. The '' that I received was not corrupt. Therefore I conclude the original poster made some huge assumption that is likely invalid. Now, I did install into an XP machine, and that could make a difference.
    As for the 'you guys' statement - perhaps you should take that up with Oracle or an Oracle employee. Directing at me is an unsubstantiated assumption on your part. <g>
    I wasted some time thinking I would check out the db for development, got the same error and after seeing your mealy mouthed response to that poor guy who was asking a valid question, I think I won't bother anymore. You see, there is this amazing thing called Linux and MySQL..
    Yup. You could easily go there. Shows yet another assumption. (In fact, my company is centered around Linux and Oracle. And I have made a conscious decision, based on 3 decades of experience, to toss MySQL and stick with Oracle. And now that Sun, which owns MySQL, seems to be on the auction block, the future of MySQL is definitely up in the air.)
    However, given how many assumptions you make and how valid they are, you may find it easier to stick with MySQL. Oracle Express edition potentially could save huge buckets of time and effort in the long run, but it does require reading, research and other skills to get up to speed.
    Now, as to your problem
    1) This is not the forum to discuss issues with installation. (If the problem is traced to the download source, then this is the right spot.)
    2) There is a dedicated forum for Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Express Edition (Oracle Database Express Edition (XE)
    3) You are absolutely correct that the installer should be smart enough to check the OS. It does not.
    4) Since it does not, and since there are differences, knowing which version AND edition of Windows (or which Linux distro and release) is critical to troubleshooting.
    Edited by: Hans Forbrich on Mar 21, 2009 4:32 PM

  • Using TOAD with Oracle Client 10g (Release 2)

    So far, I've been using Oracle Client 9i.
    I decided to install Oracle Client 10g and thus copied 9i's tnsnames.ora over to 10g. The problem is when I fire up TOAD. It doesn't show the 10g client in the drop down menu nor in the Oracle Home Editor button. It only shows 9i (i.e., ias_home)
    How do I make 10g visible to TOAD?

    Use SQL Developer or try to post it in other forum...<br>

  • Oracle Client 10g R2

    Hi People,
    what is the latest Version of the Oracle Client 10g R2
    we have
    is available?
    and where can i find the download-site for oracel client software.
    one other question
    is there a special download-area for oracle software
    i mean not the otn and not metalink?

    Please note: eDelivery is a customer download site so all software that you download is basically restricted by a 30-day eval license (unless you are a licensed customer)..
    OTN typically has all the most current full releases (including the client) that are available with a more flexible development license so it's best to get it here unless you are ready to license.

Maybe you are looking for