Oracle db 11.2 shutdown order

I need to run a shutdown script before doing a backup image of the server..
is this the proper order to shutdown the services on windows..
net stop "OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener"
net stop "OracleServiceORCL"
net stop "OracleOHService"
net stop "OracleMTSRecoveryService"
net stop "OracleOraCrs11g_home1TNSListener"
net stop "OracleASMService+ASM"

Hi ,

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  • Oracle 10G gives in sorted order without order by ,in 11g it is not.

    we are facing a strange problem.
    we have M Views on which we perform select operation ,we put joins of M Views and get the results by select operation , the results was in sorted order (asc) and we were not using any order by clause in the select query , this was in oracle 10G.
    The compelte schema where these M views are and also the underneath tables are now migrated to oracle 11g using import/export option.
    Now the queries which was giving the result set in sorted order (asc), are not given the result set in sorted order anymore. it is in different order but I think at always return the same order not asc or desc but an specific random order .
    we can not change the query as of now as there are 1000+ and each query would require a order by statement .
    Do we have any parameters which can be change , so that we can force oracle to use a different plan so that it gives result in order ?
    the select queries are very simple ones not complicated no extra function or group by is used in most of the queries.
    Please suggest possible solutions . Thanks much.

    Su**** wrote:
    Please guide me how to go to this doc link ,i am newbi, and do not how to go to this link.
    MOS Doc 345048.1 ('Group By' Does Not Guarantee a Sort Without Order By Clause In 10g and Above)
    Go to, log in to My Oracle Support, and search for 345048.1 If you don't have a My Oracle Support account, you'll need to contact whoever manages your company's Oracle support and ask them to create an account for you.
    Basically, no version of Oracle has ever guaranteed the order of results if you don't specify an ORDER BY clause. In 10g, the only algorithm that was available to implement a GROUP BY happened to sort the results as a side effect. 11g introduced a new algorithm for grouping results that is more efficient and does not have the side effect of ordering the results. Most likely, your query plans have changed to use the more efficient grouping algorithm.
    If you want the results to be sorted, you should add an appropriate ORDER BY clause. If you go through the MOS document, there will also be suggestions for ways that you can disable the new grouping algorithm though I would not recommend that.


    작성날짜 : 1995-11-21
    시스템이 startup 하면서 오라클도 함께 startup하거나 시스템을 shutdown
    할 때 오라클도 같이 shutdown 하는 것이 가능하다. 그 방법은 OS마다 차이가
    있는데 여기서는 UNIX 에 기반한 여러 플랫폼에 대해서 알아보기로 한다.
    본 내용에서 가장 많이 사용되는 화일은 다음과 같다.
    /etc/oratab 또는 /var/opt/oracle/oratab
    dbstart 와 dbshut 은 오라클을 startup/shutdown 시키는 스크립트인데
    이것은 automatic startup/shutdown 시에만 사용하도록 하고 평상 시의
    경우에는 사용하지 않도록 한다.
    oratab 화일은 일반 텍스트 화일로서 시스템에 설치된 오라클 인스턴스에
    대한 정보를 가지고 있는데 보통 3개의 필드로 이루어져 있으며 첫번재
    필드는 ORACLE_SID, 두번째 필드는 ORACLE_HOME, 세번째 필드는 Y 또는 N
    으로 구성되어 있다. 해당 인스턴스를 autostartup 시키려면 꼭 Y로
    세팅되어 있어야 한다.
    System V 에 기반한 시스템은 /etc/rc<n>.d 디렉토리에 초기화 스크립트를
    가지고 있다. 여기서 <n> 은 해당 스크립트의 run-level 을 의미한다.
    일반적으로 run-level 0은 power shutdown mode 이고 run-level 2는 multi-user
    mode 이다. 각각의 디렉토리에 들어있는 초기화 스크립트는 다음과 같은 형태의
    이름을 갖고 있다.
    K{two-digit number][descriptive filename]
    예를 들면 S75cron, K30tcp 등이 있을 수 있다.
    S로 시작되는 스크립트는 startup 시에 실행되는 것이고 K 로 시작하는 것은
    shutdown 시에 실행된다.
    two-digit number가 의미하는 것은 스크립트가 실행되는 순서인데 숫자가 작은
    것부터 먼저 실행된다. 따라서 오라클 스크립트는 보통 다음과 같은 이름을 갖게 된다.
    S99oracle, K01oracle
    이와 같이 설정하면 시스템이 startup 될 때 모든 초기화가 끝난 후 마지막으로
    오라클이 startup 되며 시스템을 shutdown 할 때에는 오라클을 가장 먼저 shutdown
    하게 된다.
    BSD 에 기반한 시스템은 시스템이 startup 될 때 초기화 화일로
    /etc/rc*(예를 들면, /etc/rc, /etc/rc.local) 를 사용한다.
    시스템을 shutdown 할 때에는 보통은 /etc/shutdown 만 실행하게 되므로
    특별히 실행되는 스크립트가 없지만 /etc/rc.shutdown 이 실행되는
    플랫폼도 있다.
    이제 각 플랫폼별로 자세히 알아보기로 한다.
    주의 : <oracle_owner> 는 oracle owner id 로 대체
    <$ORACLE_HOME> 은 oracle home directory 명으로 대체
    (1)SunOS 4.1.3
    SunOS 4.1.3 에서는 /etc/rc.local 을 startup 스크립트로 사용한다. 즉
    시스템이 startup 되면서 /etc/rc.local 이 실행된다. 따라서 이 화일의 끝에
    다음과 같은 라인을 추가하면 된다.
    su <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbstart
    예를 들어 oracle owner 가 oracle7 이고 $ORACLE_HOME 이 /home/oracle
    이라면 다음과 같이 해주면 된다.
    su oracle7 -c /home/oracle/bin/dbstart
    여기서 /home/oracle 대신에 $ORACLE_HOME 과 같은 환경변수를 이용하여
    세팅하면 안된다.
    SunOS 에서는 시스템이 shutdown 될 때 실행되는 스크립트는 따로 없다.
    따라서 dbshut 을 실행시키는 방법은 다음과 같은 스크립트를 만들어서
    시스템을 shutdown 시킬 때 /etc/shutdown 을 실행시키지 말고 대신
    이것을 실행시켜야 한다.
    su <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbshut
    /etc/shutdown $*
    만약 오라클을 shutdown 하지 않고 시스템을 shutdown 하면 다음에
    오라클을 startup 하려고 할 때 startup이 되지 않는다. 이 경우에는
    $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/sgadef<SID>.dbf 화일을 지우고 startup 시키면 된다.
    /etc/inittab : 초기화 과정을 콘트롤
    /sbin/rc3 : run-level 3 에서 사용되는 script
    /sbin/rc0 : run-level 0 에서 사용되는 script
    /sbin/rc3.d/S99oracle : /sbin/init.d/oracle 로 link
    /sbin/rc0.d/K01oracle : /sbin/init.d/oracle 로 link
    /etc/initab 화일에는 초기화 과정에 대한 정보가 들어 있다.
    예를 들면 다음과 같다.
    s3:3:wait:/sbin/rc3 < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
    이렇게 설정하면 run-level 3 일 경우 /sbin/rc3 스크립트가 실행된다.
    /sbin/rc3 은 /sbin/rc3.d 디렉토리에 들어있는 스크립트를 실행한다. 만약
    스크립트 이름이 K 로 시작하면 이것은 stop 파라미터를 갖고 실행되어서 이
    스크립트에 지정된 프로세스를 정지시킨다. 한편, 스크립트가 S 로 시작하면
    /sbin/rc3 는 이 스크립트에 startup 파라미터를 부여하고 여기서 지정된
    프로세스를 실행시킨다. 따라서 /sbin/rc3.d/S99oracle 을 사용하여
    dbstart를 실행한다.
    shutdown 과정도 거의 비슷하다. /etc/inittab 에 다음과 같은 라인을 추가
    s0:0:wait:/sbin/rc0 off < /dev/console > /dev/console 2>&1
    이것은 /sbin/rc0 를 실행시키는데 /sbin/rc0 는 /sbin/rc0.d 디렉토리에
    들어있는 스크립트를 실행시킨다. 스크립트의 이름이 S 로 시작하면 run
    time parameter 로 start 를 사용하게 되고 K 로 시작하면 stop 을
    따라서 /sbin/rc0.d/K01oracle 스크립트는 stop 파라미터를 갖고
    실행되며 이 스크립트는 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut 스크립트를 실행시켜서
    오라클을 shutdown 시킨다.
    /sbin/rc3.d/S99oracle과 /sbin/rc0.d/K01oracle은 모두 /sbin/init.d/oracle
    에 대한 symbolic link 이다. /sbin/init.d/oracle 에 대한 symbolic link 는
    이들 외에 더 있을 수 있다.
    (3)Solaris 2.3 & SCO UNIX
    /etc/inittab : 초기화 과정을 콘트롤
    /etc/rc2 : run-level 2 에서 사용되는 스크립트
    /etc/rc0 : run-level 0 에서 사용되는 스크립트
    /etc/rc2.d/S99dbstart : /etc/init.d/dbstart 에 대한 link
    /etc/rc0.d/K01dbshut : /etc/init.d/dbshut 에 대한 link
    Solaris 의 경우는 OSF/1 과 매우 유사하다. 차이점이라고 한다면 /sbin
    디렉토리 대신에 /etc 디렉토리에 필요한 스크립트가 들어있다는 것이다.
    rc0.d, rc2.d 같은 디렉토리는 실제로 /etc 디렉토리에 위치하고 있으며
    rc0, rc2 와 같은 스크립트는 /etc/init.d 에 존재하는 같은 이름의 스크립트에
    대한 symbolic link이다.
    /etc/init.d/dbstart 와 /etc/init.d/dbshut 스크립트의 내용은 각각 다음과
    같이 한줄로 구성되어 있다.
    su - <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbstart
    su - <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbshut
    Solaris 에서는 start, stop 같은 파라미터는 /etc/init.d/dbstart,
    /etc/init.d/dbshut 에서는 무시된다.
    /etc/init.d/dbstart, /etc/init.d/dbshut 화일은 owner가 oracle owner id
    이여야 한다.
    /etc/init.d/README 를 읽어보면 좀 더 자세한 내용이 설명되어 있으니 참조하기
    /etc/inittab : 시스템 초기화 화일
    /etc/rc : 시스템 초기화 스크립트
    /etc/mkitab : /etc/inittab 을 수정하는 유틸리티
    /etc/shutdown : 시스템 shutdown 스크립트
    AIX 에서는 오라클 autostartup 방법은 여러가지가 가능하지만 shutdown 은
    한가지만 가능하다. 우선 autostartup 은 다음과 같은 방법 가운데 하나를
    사용하면 된다.
    a)/etc/mkitab 를 사용하여 /etc/inittab 에 entry 를 추가한다. 즉,
    /etc/mkitab "<oracle_owner>:2:wait:/bin/su <oracle_owner> -c
    <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbstart > /dev/console 2>&1"
    이렇게 하면 /etc/inittab 화일에 dbstart 기능이 추가된다. 이렇게 하면
    시스템이 뜨면서 run-level 2일 경우 오라클이 자동으로 startup 된다.
    b)다음과 같은 방법도 가능하다.
    /etc/mkitab "rcoracle:2:wait:/etc/ > /dev/console 2>&1"
    그리고, root 소유의 /etc/ 스크립트를 다음과 같이 작성한다.
    su <oracle_owner> <<EOF
    c)/etc/rc 스크립트의 마지막에 다음을 추가한다.
    /bin/su <oracle_owner> - c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbstart
    AIX 에서 시스템 shutdown 은 /etc/shutdown 에 의한다. 시스템을 내릴 때
    오라클을 shutdown 하려면 별도의 시스템 shutdown 스크립트(root 소유로)를
    다음과 같이 만들어서 /etc/shutdown 을 사용하지 말고 이것을 사용해야 한다.
    /bin/su <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbshut
    /etc/shutdown $*
    /etc/rc : 시스템 startup 화일
    /etc/shutdown : 시스템 shutdown 실행 화일
    /etc/shutdown.d : 시스템 shutdown 디렉토리
    HP/UX 에서는 시스템 startup 시에 /etc/rc 가 실행된다. 따라서 다음 라인을
    /etc/rc 스크립트의 마지막에 추가하면 auto startup 이 가능해진다.
    su <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbstart
    시스템의 shutdown 은 /etc/shutdown 화일을 실행하여 수행된다. 이 프로그램은
    /etc/shutdown.d 디렉토리에 들어있는 스크립트를 실행시키는데 다음과 같은
    세 가지 방법 가운데 하나로 auto shutdown 을 세팅할 수 있다.
    a)$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut 화일을 /etc/shutdown.d 디렉토리 아래에 copy
    b)/etc/shutdown.d/dbshut 을 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut 으로 symbolic link 지정
    c)다음과 같은 스크립트 작성
    su <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbshut
    단,이 스크립트는 root의 소유이고 root에 의해서만 실행 가능해야 한다.
    만약 V6 와 V7 을 동시에 사용하는 경우라면 V7 에서 제공하는 dbshut을
    사용하도록 한다.

    Dear Alexdelarg,
    First launch the "Services" applet from the Windows NT Control Panel. Double-click on the "OracleService<SID>" service and verify that "Startup Type" is set to "Automatic", "Log On As" is set to "System Account", and that the "Allow Service to Interact with Desktop" check box is disabled.
    Then launch REGEDIT and check that the Value String ORA_<SID>AUTOSTART within the key My Computer\HKEYLOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE is set to "TRUE".
    If the above does not rectify your startup problem, try issuing the following command from the Command Prompt:
    <ORACLE_HOME>\bin\oradim -edit -sid <SID> -startmode auto
    where <ORACLE_HOME> is the full path of your Oracle8i Server software and <SID> is the Service Identifier of your database.
    Hope this helps!

  • Automating oracle applications startup and shutdown

    can some one share as to how we can start and stop oracle application automatically in linux

    Check the following thread:
    Automating shutdown and startup procedure in oracle apps
    Re: Automating shutdown and startup procedure in oracle apps

  • Oracle MES for EAM Work Order

    We know Oracle MES supports discrete Work orders.
    Is it supports EAM Work Order also.
    we need to introduce Clock in Clock out functionality against resources of EAM WO.

    Hi Din;
    Please check below notes and see its helpful for your issue:
    Department Wise Work Order Release Approvers in EAM using AME [ID 944918.1]


    작성날짜 : 2003-06-02
    이 자료는 O/S startup 시에 Oracle RDBMS 서비스를 자동으로 startup하
    는 방법에 대한 자료이다.
    sun solaris 부팅 시 oracle DB를 auto startup하도록 하는 데 관련된 화일들이다.
    /etc/inittab : o/s의 초기화 과정을 조절하는 화일
    /etc/rc2 : 부팅 run-level 2 에서 사용되는 스크립트
    /etc/rc0 : 부팅 run-level 0 에서 사용되는 스크립트
    /etc/rc2.d/S99dbstart : /etc/init.d/dbstart 에 대한 symbolic link
    /etc/rc0.d/K01dbshut : /etc/init.d/dbshut 에 대한 symbolic link
    /var/opt/oracle/oratab : 시스템에 설치된 오라클 인스턴스에 대한 정보.
    /etc/init.d/dbstart, dbshut 화일은 super user(root)로 생성하시고,
    symbolic link도 super user로 만드시기 바랍니다.
    이 화일들은 super user가 owner가 되도록 하고, super user(root)만이
    실행 가능하도록 해야 합니다.
    1. 먼저 vi /etc/inittab 화일을 열어보십시오.
    ap::sysinit:/sbin/autopush -f /etc/iu.ap
    fs::sysinit:/sbin/rcS >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/console
    p3:s1234:powerfail:/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -i5 -g0 >/dev/console 2>&1
    s0:0:wait:/sbin/rc0 >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/console
    s1:1:wait:/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -iS -g0 >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/console
    s2:23:wait:/sbin/rc2 >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/console
    s3:3:wait:/sbin/rc3 >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/console
    s5:5:wait:/sbin/rc5 >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/console
    s6:6:wait:/sbin/rc6 >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/console
    fw:0:wait:/sbin/uadmin 2 0 >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/console
    of:5:wait:/sbin/uadmin 2 6 >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/console
    rb:6:wait:/sbin/uadmin 2 1 >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/console
    sc:234:respawn:/usr/lib/saf/sac -t 300
    co:234:respawn:/usr/lib/saf/ttymon -g -h -p "`uname -n` console login: " -T
    -d /dev/console -l console -m ldterm,ttcompat
    s1부터 s6까지 os file들에 대해 위와 같이 device redirection이 연결되어
    있으면 됩니다.
    s2:23:wait:/sbin/rc2 >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/console
    위와 같이 설정하면 run-level 2일 경우 /sbin/rc2 스크립트가 실행된다.
    /sbin/rc2 는 /etc/rc2.d 디렉토리에 들어있는 스크립트를 실행한다.
    만약 스크립트가 S 로 시작하면 /sbin/rc2 는 이 스크립트에 startup 파라미
    터를 부여하고 여기서 지정된 프로세스를 실행시킨다.
    따라서 /etc/rc2.d/S99dbstart 화일을 사용하여 dbstart를 실행한다.
    shutdown 과정도 거의 비슷하다. /etc/inittab 에 다음과 같은 라인을 보자.
    s0:0:wait:/sbin/rc0 >/dev/console 2>&1 </dev/console
    이것은 /sbin/rc0 를 실행시키는데 /sbin/rc0 는 /etc/rc0.d 디렉토리에
    들어있는 스크립트를 실행시킨다.
    스크립트 이름이 K 로 시작하면 이것은 stop 파라미터를 갖고 실행되어서 이
    스크립트에 지정된 프로세스를 정지시킨다.
    따라서 /etc/rc0.d/K01dbshut 스크립트는 stop 파라미터를 갖고 실행되며
    이 스크립트는 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut 스크립트를 실행시켜서 오라클을
    shutdown 시킨다.
    2. 그 다음에 vi /etc/rc2 화일을 한번 열어보세요.
    이 스크립트 화일은 run-level 2에서 사용되는 스크립트입니다.
    특별히 수정할 내용은 없으나, 이 화일이 존재하는지 확인해 보십시오.
    set `/usr/bin/who -r`
    if [ x$9 = "xS" -o x$9 = "x1" ]
    echo 'The system is coming up. Please wait.'
    3. 그 다음에 vi /etc/rc0 화일을 한번 열어보세요.
    이 스크립트 화일은 run-level 0에서 사용되는 스크립트입니다.
    특별히 수정할 내용은 없으나, 이 화일이 존재하는지 확인해 보십시오.
    echo 'The system is coming down. Please wait.'
    # make sure /usr is mounted before proceeding since init scripts
    # and this shell depend on things on /usr file system
    /sbin/mount /usr > /dev/null 2>&1
    # The following segment is for historical purposes.
    # There should be nothing in /etc/shutdown.d.
    if [ -d /etc/shutdown.d ]
    for f in /etc/shutdown.d/*
    if [ -s $f ]
    /sbin/sh ${f}
    4. /etc/init.d/dbstart 와 /etc/init.d/dbshut 스크립트를 만들어야 합니다.
    그 내용은 각각 다음과 같이 한 줄로 작성합니다.
    /etc/init.d/dbstart 화일은 다음과 같이 만듭니다.
    su - <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbstart
    /etc/init.d/dbshut 화일은 다음과 같이 만듭니다.
    su - <oracle_owner> -c <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbshut
    5. /etc/rc2.d/S99dbstart 화일을 /etc/init.d/dbstart에 대한 link로 생성합니다.
    ln -s /etc/init.d/dbstart /etc/rc2.d/S99dbstart
    6. /etc/rc0.d/K01dbshut 화일을 /etc/init.d/dbshut에 대한 link로 생성합니다.
    ln -s /etc/init.d/dbshut /etc/rc0.d/K01dbshut
    7. /var/opt/oracle/oratab 화일을 엽니다.
    oratab 화일은 일반 텍스트 화일로서 시스템에 설치된 오라클 인스턴스에 대한
    정보를 가지고 있는데 보통 3개의 필드로 이루어져 있으며,
    첫번재 필드는 ORACLE_SID, 두번째 필드는 ORACLE_HOME, 세번째 필드는 Y 또는
    N으로 구성되어 있습니다. 해당 인스턴스를 auto startup 시키려면 세번째
    필드가 반드시 Y로 세팅되어 있어야 합니다.
    아래에 예를 참조하세요.
    만약, <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/dbstart 수행에 오류가 있으면 기존의 dbstart 화
    일을 다른 path에 rename하고, 아래 내용만 가지고 <$ORACLE_HOME>/bin/ 아래
    에 dbstart 화일을 다음과 같이 만든다.
    svrmgrl <<EOF
    connect internal
    Reference Documents

    Hi Frank,
    This is a bug in 9.0.1. It is fixed in 9.2 and
    backported to (rdbms patch). Note that you
    need to specify the sdo_indx_dims=2 in the parameter clause.
    As a workaround in you could do:
    (1) remove the z coordinate (as you mentioned),
    (2) set the srid to null (instead of 8307) both in
    the geometries as well as the index metadata,
    (3) set geodetic=false in the create-index parameters.
    Hope that helps,

  • Oracle order of upgrade discussion

    Hi all:
    We have Oracle DB on IBM AIX (power system, os level 4, 64bit), need to upgrade it to and apply CPUJAN2015 patch.
    We already complete upgrade in UAT, and prepare for Prod in client site. UAT OS directory set up is: home_1 (, home_2 (
    Due to serious client's request, we need to keep 'home_1' always for latest oracle version, so need to rename home_2 to home_1 after upgrade.  Client and us are discussing the 'order-of-upgrade' due to directory rename.  Our approach is:
    originally,  server has 'home_1' and 'home_2' .  Take backup of 'home_1' oracle binaries, RMAN backup DB.
    Start upgrade process -
    1. install to 'home_2'. [use guidelines in oracle installation by OUI]
    2. cd to 'home_2'/dbs, open DB by 'home_2/dbs/bin/sqlplus (sure we use correct configuration files like initSID.ora and tns files, etc):
          sqlplus > startup upgrade;
        >@catupgrad.sql; exit;
          sqlplus > startup
                        >@utlu112s.sql; @catuppst.sql; @utlrp.sql;
    3. shutdown/startup DB based on necessary
    4. apply CPUJAN2015 patch. [use guidelines in README file in patch "p20132517_112040_aix64"]
    5. shutdown/startup DB and listener based on necessary.
    we rename 'home_1' ( -> 'home_1bkup' (, 'home_2' ( -> 'home_1' (  So next upgrade we'll install new version in 'home_2' again, and start same process.  This way saves us from renaming many server scripts/application code which point to 'home_1'.
    Our client suggested approach-
    1) Backup database instance (RMAN) or  (file copy when database is shutdown down) in 
    2) Install in HOME_2
    3) Move HOME_2 to HOME_1 (the original home of
    4) Start up database instance in upgrade mode and upgrade the database to the
    5) ( may need to do some shutdown startup to ensure it is working fine).
    6) Completed?
    7) Shutdown database instance
    8) Move HOME_1 to HOME_2 (the original home of
    9) Oracle CPU patch apply
    10) Move HOME_2 to HOME_1 (the original home of
    11) Start up database instance in and update cpu to the database
    12) Backup database instance (RMAN) or  (file copy when database is shutdown down) in 
    This will ensure at all time, we are following Oracle’s ‘model’ upgrade path.
    I feel step 8 & 10 moving is unnecessary, can't we stay the same oracle home, 'home_2' ( in our approach, and apply CPU patch at DB? Client argues is 'for all time we following oracle's model upgrade path',  what is 'model upgrade'?  is any Doc ID for it?  we don't want to unnecessary moving oracle home too many times - that is risky and many cause potention problem.
    3rd enhanced approach we have so far -
    1) Backup database instance & oracle binaries in HOME_1 to 'HOME_1bkup'. 
    2) Install in HOME_2
    3) In HOME_2, start up database instance in upgrade mode, upgrade & apply CPU to database in our previous procedure.
    4) ( may need to do some shutdown startup to ensure it is working fine).
    5) Completed?
    6) Shutdown database instance in HOME_2
    7) Backup database instance (copy datafile over os) & oracle binaries in HOME_2 to 'HOME_2bkup'.
    8) Move HOME_2 to HOME_1
    9) Start up database instance in HOME_1 (
    This way has backups for and
    Can anyone take a look and let us know any important error or missing steps in the above, especially the 3rd approach?
    thank you very much!!     

    Using new ORACLE_HOME is one of the best practice to reduce the downtime required for upgrade since new home can be created independent of actual downtime.
    in other words, you can install new binaries in new home without impacting existing DB. During the upgrade, all you need to do is point the instance to new home and perform the DB upgrade. This method also helps in quick rollback since you have original ORACLE_HOME intact. One more  benefit is that you don't need to take separate ORACLE_HOME backup since you already have everything.
    There is no need of following this approach for CPU patching since it is very simple to rollback failed CPU patch.
    Please remember, changing oracle_home directory might require you to do relinking so it is recommended to perform this on some non-prod system first.
    Hope it helps.

  • Help using oracle syntax "SUM(col1) over (order by col2)" using ODI

    Hi all
    I want to load data from oracle to ESSBASE using ODI, and I know oracle have such syntax sum(col1) over (order by col2,col3) which can get the accumulation data, e.g
    Oracle data table
    col1, col2, value
    A 2009-1 10
    A 2009-2 10
    A 2009-3 10
    And the essbase need
    col1 col2 value
    A 2009-1 10
    A 2009-2 20
    A 2009-3 30
    However after i try this in ODI, error occur:
    org.apache.bsf.BSFException: exception from Jython:
    Traceback (innermost last):
    File "<string>", line 32, in ?
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00979: not a GROUP BY expression
    and the original generated SQl by ODI :
    I know ODI think sum.. over must append group by , however it's not! How to solve this problem.
    Thank All for your attention

    Hi Ethan,
    In my exeprnc I faced a similar kind of situation.
    Two work arounds.
    1. Write one procedure and execute the same using ODI procedure.
    2. Customize a Km and use that KM in your interface.
    I guess in your query Group by function is not needed. (if this is the case you can achive this by a smple customization step in KM)
    for example : your current KM will generate a query like this:-
    select x,y, sum(x) over (order by y) as sumx FROM TestTable group by x, y
    and you need a query like this
    select x,y, sum(x) over (order by y) as sumx FROM TestTable
    go to your KM (duplicate the KM which you are using and rename _withoutGroup )
    remove the group by function from select query
    (remove the API function <%=snpRef.getGrpBy()%> from insert into i$ table step)
    please let me know if you need more help on this

  • Oracle to File, filename and order by question

    I am writing a simple interface, source is an oracle table and destination is a flat file.
    I have two questions:
    1) the file name should be in the form allocation_ddmmyyyy.txt, where ddmmyyyy is the current date. which is the best way to accomplish this?
    2) the file should be sorted with some criteria, which could be easily achieved with an order by clause in the source datastore, but looks this is not possible. How could I do this?

    My Idea follows
    (1) You create ODI Variables,then you may set ODI Variables to resource Name of data-store.
    detail Example (i) you create the ODI-Variable "FILENAME" to GLOBAL
    detail Example (ii) you set #FILENAME to resource name of data-store.
    detail Example (iii) SCENARIONAME VERSION CONTEXT GLOBAL.FILENAME=allocation_ddmmyyyy.txt
    (in other method, invocation API, ODI Public Web Services via Oracle WebServiceProxy API/BPEL PartnerLink invoke)
    (2) you customise IKM. you add "order by criteria" to the command "Insert new rows" 's SQL.
    If criteria is not const, you should use ODI Variables or Java Variables.
    othewise,you may use harcord literal.
    Please challenge my idea.
    Message was edited by:

  • Bug in Oracle JDBC thin driver (parameter order)

    [ I'd preferably send this to some Oracle support email but I
    can't find any on both and ]
    The following program illustrates bug I found in JDBC Oracle thin
    * Synopsis:
    The parameters of prepared statement (I tested SELECT's and
    UPDATE's) are bound in the reverse order.
    If one do:
    PreparedStatement p = connection.prepareStatement(
    "SELECT field FROM table WHERE first = ? and second = ?");
    and then bind parameter 1 to "a" and parameter to "b":
    p.setString(1, "a");
    p.setString(2, "b");
    then executing p yields the same results as executing
    SELECT field FROM table WHERE first = "b" and second = "a"
    although it should be equivalent to
    SELECT field FROM table WHERE first = "a" and second = "b"
    The bug is present only in "thin" Oracle JDBC driver. Changing
    driver to "oci8" solves the problem.
    * Version and platform info:
    I detected the bug using Oracle 8.0.5 server for Linux.
    According to $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/README.doc that is
    Oracle JDBC Drivers release (Production Release)
    * The program below:
    The program below illustrates the bug by creating dummy two
    column table, inserting the row into it and then selecting
    the contents using prepared statement. Those operations
    are performed on both good (oci8) and bad (thin) connections,
    the results can be compared.
    You may need to change SID, listener port and account data
    in getConnecton calls.
    Sample program output:
    $ javac; java ShowBug
    Output for both connections should be the same
    --------------- thin Driver ---------------
    [ Non parametrized query: ]
    [ The same - parametrized (should give one row): ]
    [ The same - with buggy reversed order (should give no answers):
    --------------- oci8 driver ---------------
    [ Non parametrized query: ]
    [ The same - parametrized (should give one row): ]
    [ The same - with buggy reversed order (should give no answers):
    --------------- The end ---------------
    * The program itself
    import java.sql.*;
    class ShowBug
    public static void main (String args [])
    throws SQLException
    // Load the Oracle JDBC driver
    System.out.println("Output for both connections should be the
    Connection buggyConnection
    = DriverManager.getConnection
    "scott", "tiger");
    process("thin Driver", buggyConnection);
    Connection goodConnection
    = DriverManager.getConnection ("jdbc:oracle:oci8:",
    "scott", "tiger");
    process("oci8 driver", goodConnection);
    System.out.println("--------------- The end ---------------");
    public static void process(String title, Connection conn)
    throws SQLException
    System.out.println("--------------- " + title + "
    Statement stmt = conn.createStatement ();
    "CREATE TABLE bug (id VARCHAR(10), val VARCHAR(10))");
    "INSERT INTO bug VALUES('aaa', 'bbb')");
    System.out.println("[ Non parametrized query: ]");
    ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery(
    "select id from bug where id = 'aaa' and val = 'bbb'");
    while ( ())
    System.out.println (rset.getString (1));
    System.out.println("[ The same - parametrized (should give one
    row): ]");
    PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement(
    "select id from bug where id = ? and val = ?");
    prep.setString(1, "aaa");
    prep.setString(2, "bbb");
    rset = prep.executeQuery();
    while ( ())
    System.out.println (rset.getString (1));
    System.out.println("[ The same - with buggy reversed order
    (should give no answers): ]");
    prep = conn.prepareStatement(
    "select id from bug where id = ? and val = ?");
    prep.setString(1, "bbb");
    prep.setString(2, "aaa");
    rset = prep.executeQuery();
    while ( ())
    System.out.println (rset.getString (1));
    stmt.execute("DROP TABLE bug");

    In the ejb-jar.xml, in the method a cursor is closed, set <trans-attribute>
    to "Never".
    Horea Raducan wrote:
    Is there a known bug in Oracle JDBC thin driver version 8.1.6 that would
    prevent it from closing the open cursors ?
    Thank you,

  • Oracle query tuning : query with Order-by clause

    I am having a query in my database :
    "MANDT" , "OTYPE" , "OBJID" , "PLVAR" , "RSIGN" , "RELAT" , "ISTAT" , "PRIOX" , "BEGDA" , "ENDDA" ,"VARYF" , "SEQNR" ;
    Autotrace output is :
    Execution Plan
    0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=4649 Card=171895 Byt
    1 0 SORT (ORDER BY) (Cost=4649 Card=171895 Bytes=22862035)
    2 1 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'HRP1001' (Cost=1170 Card=171895
    0 recursive calls
    5 db block gets
    12157 consistent gets
    11543 physical reads
    0 redo size
    38253080 bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
    376841 bytes received via SQL*Net from client
    34201 SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
    0 sorts (memory)
    1 sorts (disk)
    512992 rows processed
    Since it is a issue with order by , it seems a PGA memory issue. there is 12GB PGA available but only 3GB gets allocated. pga_aggregate target is set in the DB. There is a index created for al the columns on order by, but it is not getting used.
    pleas suggest me as I am running into major problems, i can post the output of any query u require from my side. Any help wil be highly apprciated.

    > The query was alwasy spilling over to the One-Parse execution . It can be seen thru ST04N ->resource consumption-> sql work area trace.
    > An undocumented oracle parameter smmmax_size was set which allowed for more usage of physical memory by single process and there was no spillover to the TEMP tablespaces.
    > Also the File read time was analysed from Unix level ( From SAP thru ST04 ->filesystem wait s-> Avg rd (ms) and Ang writes (ms) which showed that reading from the File was not happening well. )
    Hi Rishi,
    the provided execution statistics prove the opposite:
    >0 sorts (memory)
    > 1 sorts (disk)
    >512992 rows processed
    This indeed was a single-pass sort, which means it had to use the temp tablespace for one pass of the sorting/grouping.
    Remember that Oracle distinguishes three kinds of sorts: 1. "in memory", 2. "single-pass" and 3. "multi-pass".
    Only the first one won't need to spill out data to the disks. The others do this by definition.
    BTW: the file read times in ST04 are aquired through Oracle V$ views and not directly from the OS - that can make a big difference sometimes.

  • Unable to book order in oracle quoting. : APP-236113: Order is not eligible for booking. Check workflow status of this order

    Dear All,
    I am trying to book an order from oracle quoting. I am getting the following error and unable to proceed.
    Please help me.
    APP-236113: Order is not eligible for booking. Check workflow status of this order.
    Thanks in advance.

    Check the profile option i.e. is to set the default order status while it is created from Quote.
    F. Afzal Hussain.

  • Oracle instance always in 'shutdown' phase one day after installation

    I have Windows 2003 Server (SP1) and Oracle database 10g release 2 installed.
    On the installation day, after completing the installation everything worked just fine.
    One day after that and on, everytime I boot up my OS the Oracle database instance is always in the 'shutdown' phase (though the listener is up).
    So I have to manually start the database in 'open' mode.
    The Enterprise Manager Console tells me that "TNS:Listener does not know the SID in the connect descriptor." This is strange, because I didn't change anything in the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files after installation.
    Could someone help me handle this problem?
    Is this inherent in Oracle database 10g release 2?
    P.S.: I have been using release 1 for some time and this never happened even months after installation.
    Many thanks,
    (Mario Andretti)

    Please verify that you can get the database open manually.
    If you can, then I suspect the problem is with the Enterprise Manager configuration. I believe the Enterprise Manager 10gR2 uses a different port by default than 10gR1. Depending on how you did the upgrade, you may need to look at the old port (or the new port) instead of the one you are using.
    Further, if the database runs OK, and the problem is isolated to Enteprise Manager, you might be able to resolve the problem using emca (EM Config Assistant). In which case, I'd check the docs for further info, as I'm definitely a novice at emca.

  • Oracle MRP - Soft Pegging - Pegging Order?

    Hi Guru's
    Version : Oracle 11i
    Have a quick question on pegging – order of precedence. Lets take one example – Assume there is SO with Dec 2012 Sch. Ship date and PO’s are released in July(current month) 2012 to procure required material for Dec 2012 SO.Assume,in between there is another SO created in month of Aug 2012 for the same product with sch. Ship date of Nov 2012,business is expecting MRP the reschedule existing July PO and recommend a new PO for Dec 2012 SO.
    But we are given an understanding that,MRP doesnt support in that way.
    It is not just in case of PO’s,even in case of receipts or WO for anything,MRP should be following the same process so that business can address orders with less lead time on priority.
    Any inputs are much appreciated,
    Thank you.

    Please review the note What is the pegging order sequence? [ID 879482.1].

  • How to automate the Oracle database start and shutdown process

    How we can automate and oracle database start and stop procees with Linux start/shutdown process.
    I want to automatically start the oracle database at the time linux server and shutdown the database on shutdown linux server.

    I can share my scripts:
    1) /home/oracle/
    #Script should be ran as Oracle user
    cd /tmp
    export ORACLE_SID=orcl
    export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/ora9i
    lsnrctl start
    sqlplus -S /nolog <<ENDSQL
    connect / as sysdba
    emctl start dbconsole
    isqlplusctl start
    NOTE: emctl and isqlplus are optional
    2) /home/oracle/
    #Script should be ran as Oracle user
    cd /tmp
    export ORACLE_SID=orcl
    export ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/ora9i
    isqlplusctl stop
    emctl stop dbconsole
    sqlplus -S /nolog <<ENDSQL
    connect / as sysdba
    shutdown immediate
    lsnrctl stop
    NOTE: emctl and isqlplus are optional
    Then what you need:
    1) K91oracle_stop (put it in the desired run level)
    # description: Stop Oracle before reboots
    su - oracle -c "/home/oracle/" >> /home/oracle/stoporacle.log
    2) S91oracle_start (put it in the desired run level)
    # description: Start Oracle after reboots
    su - oracle -c "/home/oracle/" >> /home/oracle/startoracle.log

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