Oracle Function returns a Ref Cursor to a ResultSet object - Performance

My program calls an Oracle PL/SQL function which returns a ref cursor to a ResultSet object. I know that the function runs to completion relatively quickly when i run it in an anonymous block but when the call is made through my Java application the resultset takes about 30 mins to return. Below is a snippet of my code:
currentConnection = ConnectionManager.getInstance().getConnection();
reportStmt = currentConnection.prepareCall("BEGIN ? := ENVISION.PKG_WMS_TO_AP.F_REPORT_CI_SC_HOLDING(?,?); END;"); reportStmt.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.CURSOR);
reportStmt.setString(2, invoice.getCrewHQ());
reportStmt.setDate(3, invoice.getWrCompletionDate());
reportRS = ((OracleCallableStatement) reportStmt).getCursor(1);
Through a debugger I see that the second last statement (reportStmt.execute()) runs quickly. It is only when I step into the last statement that the debugger takes up to 30 minutes.
Any thoughts?

The Internet is a dynamic place. After nearly two and a half years, there is a chance that a link will change. This is the new URL for the relevant Web page:
Good Luck,

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    Did you set the parameter direction to be ParameterDirection.Input when you created the parameter? Post your code.

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    create or replace package TEST2 is
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    user13046875 wrote:
    a simple example might help because I am having a difficult understanding the reply. Thank you.
    create or replace package TEST2 is
       type rec_DropDownList_Item is RECORD(
       TEXT_TYPE VARCHAR2(200),
       xsVALUE VARCHAR2(200));
       TYPE cur_DropDownList IS REF CURSOR RETURN rec_DropDownList_Item;
       FUNCTION Getprocedure_yearreportdisplay (need_type in VARCHAR2) RETURN cur_DropDownList;
    end TEST2;
    create or replace package body TEST2 is
    FUNCTION Getprocedure_yearreportdisplay (need_type in VARCHAR2)
    RETURN cur_DropDownList IS
    my_ref_cursor cur_DropDownList;
       OPEN my_ref_cursor FOR
       SELECT 'column1', 'column2'
       FROM dual;
       return my_ref_cursor;
    END Getprocedure_yearreportdisplay;
    end TEST2;
    TUBBY_TUBBZ?variable x refcursor;
    TUBBY_TUBBZ?exec :x := TEST2.Getprocedure_yearreportdisplay('dummy');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
    TUBBY_TUBBZ?print :x
    column1 column2
    1 row selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.03
    TUBBY_TUBBZ?Is an example of running in SQLPLUS (you may want to get your own copy, it's free and available on OTN).

  • Plsql use a function which returns a ref cursor

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    It's not very practical to use a refcursor like you want to, but here you go
    create or replace function test_ref
    return sys_refcursor
    v_rc sys_refcursor;
    open v_rc for select emp_name  from emp ;
    return v_rc;
    v_rc sys_refcursor;
    v_emp_name emp.emp_name%type;
    v_rc :=  test_ref ;
        fetch v_rc into v_emp_name ;
        exit when v_rc%notfound ;
        dbms_output.put_line('Employee Name: '||v_emp_name );
    end loop;

  • Toplink JPA Calling Oracle Function Return sys_refcursor

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    @NamedNativeQuery( name = "getEmpsByDeptId"
            , query = "{ ? = call my_pck.getEmployees(:longName)}"
            , resultClass = Employee.class
            , hints = { @QueryHint(name = "org.hibernate.callable", value = "true")
                           , @QueryHint(name = "org.hibernate.readOnly", value = "true")
    query = getEntityManager().createNamedQuery("getEmpsByDeptId");
    query.setParameter("longName", "SCOTT");
    list = (List<Employee>)query.getResultList();
    However when I execute, I am getting the following exception
    Exception [TOPLINK-6132] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2.1 (Build b52-fcs (09/24/2008))):
    oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.QueryException Exception Description:
    Query argument 2 not found in list of parameters provided during query execution.
    Query: ReadAllQuery(test.entity.Employee) at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.QueryException.namedArgumentNotFoundInQueryParameters
    I have tried using
    call my_pck.getEmployees(?)}"
    query.setParameter(1, "SCOTT");
    However error remains the same and how can I resolve this issue?
    I have used the same function with Hibernate using JPA2.0 and it has worked.

    lecaro wrote:
    OK. But obviously there is some oracle object that one can call via an Access pass-through query which returns rows?Just to clarify. You could fetch data in Access from an Oracle function that returns a ref cursor using VBA editor. To use a pass-through query Oracle function should be a table function or pipelined table function:
      TYPE testvalues_obj_type
        AS OBJECT(
                  val varchar2(10),
                  isnum number
      TYPE testvalues_tbl_type
        AS TABLE OF testvalues_obj_type
      FUNCTION fn_testvalues
        RETURN testvalues_tbl_type
            CURSOR testvalues_cur
                SELECT  testvalues_obj_type(MyValue,fn_isnum(MyValue)) testvalues_obj
                  FROM  t_values;
            FOR v_rec IN testvalues_cur LOOP
              PIPE ROW(v_rec.testvalues_obj);
            END LOOP;
    /To test it in Oracle:
    SELECT  *
      FROM  TABLE(fn_testvalues)
    VAL             ISNUM
    Merced              0
    Pixie               0
    452                 1
    SQL> Now in Access pass-trough query window enter:
    SELECT  *
      FROM  TABLE(fn_testvalues);SY.

  • How to return a ref cursor from this dbms_sql?

    Can anyone show me how to return a ref cursor from this dbms_sql based procedure? I see 11g has a dbms_sql.to_refcursor(cursor_handle). How can this be done is 10g?
    p_sample_id sample.sample_id%TYPE,
    p_contract_id sample.contr_id%TYPE
    cursor_handle INT;
    sql_stmnt varchar2(500);
    rows_processed NUMBER;
    sql_stmnt :=
    sample s
    s.contr_id = :1
    and s.sample_id = :2
    cursor_handle := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    dbms_sql.parse(cursor_handle, sql_stmnt, dbms_sql.native);
    dbms_sql.bind_variable(cursor_handle, ':1', p_contract_id);
    dbms_sql.bind_variable(cursor_handle, ':2', p_sample_id);
    rows_processed := dbms_sql.execute(cursor_handle);
    END Sample_Get_t;

    In 10 this cannot be done with dbms_sql (to my knowledge). There are a couple of other options.
    1) open the ref cursor for the dynamic statement using bind variables (or SYS_CONTEXT variables, which i prefer since they are much easier to deal with when you are dynamically adding predicates).
       wRefCursor  SYS_REFCURSOR;
       open wRefCursor for 'select * from all_objects where owner = :Logged_in_user' using user;
    /or using the context (the context will bind for you)
       wRefCursor  SYS_REFCURSOR;
       open wRefCursor for 'select * from all_objects where owner = SYS_CONTEXT(''CONTEXT_NAME'', ''VARIABLE_NAME'') ';
    /Be aware that contexts ALWAYS return varchar values, so if you are comparing to a number you should wrap it in TO_NUMBER, a date, TO_DATE and so on....
    2) change the DBMS_SQL to do an insert into a global temporary table and return the ref cursor which select's * from GTT;
    3) upgrade to Oracle 11 :)

  • Procedure to RETURN a REF CURSOR

    OWB10g Client on Windows XP Professional
    Repository - on UNIX (AIX 5.2)
    Target - on UNIX (AIX 5.2)
    Is it possible to create a PROCEDURE in OWB that returns a REF CURSOR?
    It was not one of the TYPEs available when specifying the procedure parameters.
    Is this an enhancement that's coming if it's not possible today?
    Many thanks for all feedback. This is a great interactive discussion forum.

    Good afternoon Gary,
    Have you checked whether it's possible to use the table-function?
    Don't know you specific requirements, but according to the explanation ("Table functions extend PL/SQL and are a new option in Oracle9i. This option allows a function to accept, process and return multiple rows.") it at least is capable of returning rowtypes.
    Cheers, Patrick

  • Can oracle  function return more than one value

    Hi All
    please answer can oracle function return more than one value
    need one schenario

    Can any function, irrespective of the language, return multiple values?
    So why do you think Oracle will now suddenly do it differently than all other languages? Never mind that it is impossible for a function (a unit/module of code) returning a memory address, to return multiple memory addresses. The machine code that does that, has not been yet been designed/implemented.
    I am continually amazed that this question is asked. It is about something so fundamental in almost every single 3rd and 4th generation language... something that is taught right at the start... the definition of what a procedure and what a function is.
    Sorry, but I simply cannot pull punches on this subject and smooth it over. There is something fundamentally wrong with your training as a programmer if you have to ask such a question about a function.
    And whatever programming skills you build on such a foundation, will be seriously lacking.
    I kindly suggest that you get back to the very basics of programming - and review and revisit until you fully understand it. There are no shortcuts in becomming a good programmer.
    Message was edited by:
    Billy Verreynne

  • Importing function with multiple ref cursors in Stored Procedure of Oracle 12c database Using EF6

    Hi Good day!
    I can able to import function for stored procedure of oracle db and able to add the complex type and get the output but i tried to import the procedure which having two ref cursors and unable to retrieve the column information. Only able to retrieve the
    columns of first ref cursor.  Please help me to get the result of two ref cursors which acting as out parameters.

    Having to ref cursors return mutiple recordsets in an Oracle package is like haveng two resultsets return from a MS SQL Server sparc.
    The link may point you in the right direction.

  • Using an Oracle procedure that returns three ref cursors

    Is it possible to use an Oracle stored proc that outputs 3 reference cursors to create a BO report?  I can get it to work for one ref cursor only.

    Well, If no one can answer my first question, how about a new one.  Can you join 2 data cubes on a key in a BO report (using 2 Oracle stored procedures)?  For example, I have one cube that has employee beneficiary information and a second cube with what employee coverages the person has.  I need to have a report that displays an employee, thier coverages and then a section that show the employee benefits.  I need a report for each employee (therefore 100 employees= 100 reports) and I can't join the data cubes.  Any help would be appreciated.

  • How to update data returned using REF CURSOR

    Hi all,
    I am trying to update updated data in a gridview but the update button seem to do nothing as i retrieve data using REF CURSOR.
    Let me describe the architecture of my application first. I'm trying to implement best practice whenever possible. I am following the data access tutorial published in , the only difference is that i have an Oracle (10g) database. So I split my application into three layers, data access, business logic, and presentation layer. I'm also writing all queries in an Oracle package.
    So I have my Oracle packages that perform CRUD operations. Then I have an xsd file that define dataTable based on the package procedure. My business logic layer then calls functions defined in the xsd file. And finally a detailsView control that uses an ObjectDataSource to call business logic functions.
    In a nutshell, I am just trying to update records retrieved using REF CURSOR. Your help is very much appreciated. Please let me know if further details are required. Cheers,

    In the DataSet (xsd) where your DataTable is defined, you just need to add additional methods to the TableAdapter to handle insert, update and delete, either with SQL or by mapping to stored procedures.
    Alternatively in code, create an OracleDataAdapter and supply its InsertCommand, UpdateCommand and DeleteCommand.

  • How return parameter ref Cursor from procedure using dynamic SQL?

    I sorry, but i very need help.
    I using Oracle 8.0.6
    I need to return parameter of type ref Cursor from procedure.
    create or replace package PlanExp is
    type cursortype is ref cursor;
    procedure ShowPlan (cursorparam out
    end PlanExp;
    create or replace package body PlanExp is
    procedure ShowPlan (cursorparam out cursortype,
    .............) Is
    sql_str varchar2(1000);
    sql_str_select varchar2(100);
    sql_str_from varchar2(100);
    sql_str_where varchar2(500);
    Return_Code integer;
    Num_Rows integer;
    cur_id_sel integer;
    /* calculating string variables ........... /*
    sql_str := 'select ' || sql_str_select ||
    'from ' || sql_str_from ||
    'where ' || sql_str_where ||
    'group by ' || sql_str_select;
    cur_id_sel := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    dbms_sql.parse(cur_id_sel, sql_str, dbms_sql.native);
    dbms_sql.define_array(cur_id_sel, 1, tSum_Plan, 20, 1);
    dbms_sql.define_array(cur_id_sel, 2, tSum_Plan_Ch, 20, 1);
    dbms_sql.define_array(cur_id_sel, 3, tSum_Plan_Day, 20, 1);
    Return_Code := dbms_sql.execute(cur_id_sel);
    delete from TEMP_SHOWPLAN;
    Num_Rows := dbms_sql.Fetch_Rows(cur_id_sel);
    dbms_sql.column_value(cur_id_sel, 1, tSum_Plan);
    dbms_sql.column_value(cur_id_sel, 2, tSum_Plan_Ch);
    dbms_sql.column_value(cur_id_sel, 3, tSum_Plan_Day);
    if Num_Rows = 0 then
    end if;
    Exit When Num_Rows < 20;
    End Loop;
    end PlanExp;
    How return cursor (cursorparam) from 3 dbms_sql.column_value-s ?

    I am using Oracle 8.1.7, so I don't know if this will work in
    8.0.6 or not:
      2    (col1                    NUMBER,
      3     col2                    NUMBER,
      4     col3                    NUMBER)
      5  /
    Table created.
      2  VALUES (1,1,1)
      3  /
    1 row created.
      2  VALUES (2,2,2)
      3  /
    1 row created.
      2  VALUES (3,3,3)
      3  /
    1 row created.
    SQL> CREATE TABLE temp_showplan
      2    (tSum_Plan               NUMBER,
      3     tSum_Plan_Ch            NUMBER,
      4     tSum_Plan_Day           NUMBER)
      5  /
    Table created.
    SQL> EDIT planexp
      TYPE CursorType IS REF CURSOR;
      PROCEDURE ShowPlan
        (cursorparam    IN OUT CursorType,
         sql_str_select IN     VARCHAR2,
         sql_str_from   IN     VARCHAR2,
         sql_str_where  IN     VARCHAR2);
    END PlanExp;
      PROCEDURE ShowPlan
        (cursorparam    IN OUT CursorType,
         sql_str_select IN     VARCHAR2,
         sql_str_from   IN     VARCHAR2,
         sql_str_where  IN     VARCHAR2)
        sql_str                VARCHAR2 (1000);
        cur_id_sel             INTEGER;
        return_code            INTEGER;
        DELETE FROM temp_showplan;
        sql_str := 'INSERT INTO   temp_showplan '
               || ' SELECT '   || sql_str_select
               || ' FROM '     || sql_str_from
               || ' WHERE '    || sql_str_where;
        cur_id_sel := DBMS_SQL.OPEN_CURSOR;
        DBMS_SQL.PARSE (cur_id_sel, sql_str, DBMS_SQL.NATIVE);
        return_code := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE (cur_id_sel);
        DBMS_SQL.CLOSE_CURSOR (cur_id_sel);
        OPEN cursorparam FOR SELECT * FROM temp_showplan;
      END ShowPlan;
    END PlanExp;
    SQL> START planexp
    Package created.
    Package body created.
    SQL> EXEC PlanExp.ShowPlan (:g_ref, 'col1, col2,
    col3', 'test', ' 1 = 1 ')
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> PRINT g_ref
             1            1             1
             2            2             2
             3            3             3

  • Returning a ref cursor on a Global Temporary table

    I realize this is probably not feasible but I am manipulating data and storing it in a GTT and I wish to return that transformed data out as a ref cursor is this possible to do? I also dont want a static table because this is a heavily hit procedure and I do not want to have to keep track of which session is which data not to mention contention between them.
    I am using Oracle 10g on Windows server 2008

    You will be able to see the records in the refcursor in the same session
    SQL> create global temporary table X_GTT as select * from emp where 1=2;
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into x_GTT select * from emp ;
    14 rows created.
    SQL> var rf refcursor ;
    SQL> begin
      2    open :rf for select * from X_GTT ;
      3  end ;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print rf
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    99
          7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600        300         30
          7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30
          7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975                    20
          7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30
          7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850                    30
          7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450                    10
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19-APR-87       3000                    20
          7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000                    10
          7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0         30
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-MAY-87       1100                    20
          7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30
          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20
          7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300                    10
    14 rows selected.SS

  • Ref cursor to object  and return to ref cursor

    how i will call object type from refcursor and return value to ref cursor .

    I need a help. please help me.
    takes oracle object types as input/output.
    PROCEDURE createserviceorder(
    P_serviceorder IN serviceorder,
    P_serviceid in out p_sm_type.serviceid,
    P_serviceorderid out p_sm_type.serviceorderid,
    Returnstatus out callstatus);
    The serviceorder, callstatus are oracle object types.
    The wrapper procedure for this API would be something like the example with pseudo code below
    PROCEDURE createserviceorderwrapper(
    P_serviceorder IN REFCURSOR,
    P_serviceid in out p_sm_type.serviceid,
    P_serviceorderid out p_sm_type.serviceorderid,
    Returnstatus out REFCURSOR)
    Map from ref cursor P_serviceorder to oracle object for serviceorder;
    Map from other data types to local variables;
    Call createserviceorder (pass the parameters here and get output….);
    Map output callstatus to its equivalent REF CURSOR variable;
    Return callstatus (and other out parameters if any )as REF CURSORS;

  • Returning a Ref cursor as an OUT Parameter

    Hi Guys
    I have defined 2 Types and 2 Ref cursors as shown below.I have written a procedure having 2 IN and 2 OUT parameters which are of type Ref cursors and return records to the calling client. My question is how can i test for the output of the two cursors here in pl/sql?.. also i should not close the sursors.. right?..its the job of the calling client as per my knowledge....Please suggest
    TYPE type_dept_Rec IS RECORD(deptNo varchar2);
    TYPE type_prod_Rec IS RECORD(prodType varchar2);
    TYPE deptCursor IS REF CURSOR RETURN type_dept_Rec;
    TYPE prodCursor IS REF CURSOR RETURN type_prod_Rec;
    PROCEDURE TEST (pinCode IN varchar2, prodType IN number, deptCursor OUT deptType, productCursor OUT deptType) IS
    OPEN deptCursor FOR SELECT
    pinCode = pinCode;
    OPEN productCursor FOR SELECT
    prodType = prodType;

    A Correction to the above code snippet
    Hi Guys
    I have defined 2 Types and 2 Ref cursors as shown below.I have written a procedure having 2 IN and 2 OUT parameters which are of type Ref cursors and return records to the calling client. My question is how can i test for the output of the two cursors here in pl/sql?.. also i should not close the sursors.. right?..its the job of the calling client as per my knowledge....Please suggest
    TYPE type_dept_Rec IS RECORD(deptNo varchar2);
    TYPE type_prod_Rec IS RECORD(prodType varchar2);
    TYPE deptCursor IS REF CURSOR RETURN type_dept_Rec;
    TYPE prodCursor IS REF CURSOR RETURN type_prod_Rec;
    PROCEDURE TEST (pinCode IN varchar2, prodType IN number, deptCursor OUT deptCursor, productCursor OUT prodCursor) IS
    OPEN deptCursor FOR SELECT
    pinCode = pinCode;
    OPEN productCursor FOR SELECT
    prodType = prodType;

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