ORACLE_HOME directory archive (.tar)

I would like to archive ORACLE_HOME directory and all subdirectories to .tar file on different mount point. Could somebody suggest correct usage of tar command for this?
OS: AIX 5.2

Ok so if my ORACLE_HOME: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0
This would be the way, correct?
tar -cvf /u27/tmp/ora_home.tar /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0
I am new to this, so want to make sure I got it rigth?
Thanks for looking into this

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    %Error opening  (No such device)
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    Hi Stephen
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    ex: /home/oracle/dd0
    sub-directories in dd0
    I want a command(tar) which will let me archive the above directory excluding *.dmp(dump files), *.log(log files) in that directory & in the sub-directories also.
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    this is exmaple, adjust by yourself (pay attention to "." before ">")
    tar -zcvpf ./bck_file.tar.gz directory /home/my_dir/ exclude=*.dmp --exclude=*.log . > ./log_file.log 2>&1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

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    Using OS command and by executing the shell script you can acheive this,
    btw, are you talking of archiving these files for BackUp strategy..If so, i suggest, to use some of the standard mechanism to archive these files. Not just moving the files from one directory to another.
    If the requirement to just move these files, then you can plan for batch job/shells cript etc

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  • Automator workflow to TAR multiple files in a single directory into multiple TAR archives, in succession?

    Good afternoon,
    I have set up an automator service that TAR's a folder into an archive for me and it works quite nicely. Idealy however, I would like to be able to highlight several folders, right click and have automator tar each folder into it's own TAR archive, but do it one by one.
    FOLDER 01
    FOLDER 02
    FOLDER 03
    Highlight all - Right Click - "TAR Folder" - Automator takes over at this point and TARs each one into:
    FOLDER 01.tar (Once complete moves onto:)
    FOLDER 02.tar (Once complete moves onto:)
    FOLDER 03.tar (Finished)
    I'm not 100% sure so I guess it would be a good time to verify, is there a problem with having the system try to TAR multiple folders at one time? If it is not a problem then I guess this discussion itself is pointless and I can simple right click on each folder and select "TAR Folder" and just wait until they're all finished. I would think that it would be ideal for the system to do each one individually and not try to do them all at one time.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you!!

    I don't think I have the following totally fleshed out but you probably can extrapolate on it.   This is a service which you can right click a set of folders  and it will tar the files within those selected folders with then file names "name xxx.tar", where name is the tar'ed file/folder and xxx is a count within the folder.
    I think that is what you originally specified so I am a bit confused by your script with the bit about Archive.tar. 
    Anyway here the basic idea:
    I ran the script directly with a folder argument just to see it indeed tar's up all the stuff inside, one tar per item.

  • [solved] Can no longer untar AUR packages with tar xvf /directory/

    For about a year now I've used this line of code from my .bash_aliases file to untar files from their source directory to the one I am currently CDed in at that moment: 
    alias tarx='tar xvf' # extracts files from a tarball using tar [e]x[tract] v[erbose] f[orced]
    This alias failed to work a few weeks ago for some unknown reason and now spits out this error:
    tarx /media/aur/srcpackages/atom-editor.tar.gz ./
    tar: .: Not found in archive
    tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
    Why on earth would this suddenly stop working.  I haven't changed my .bashrc file apart from some small comments but here it is in case I'm totally out of it:
    # ~/.bashrc
    # This file is sourced by all *interactive* bash shells on startup, #
    # including some apparently interactive shells such as scp and rcp #
    # that can't tolerate any output. So make sure this doesn't display #
    # anything or bad things will happen ! #
    # If not running interactively, don't do anything #
    [[ $- != *i* ]] && return
    # If the connection to the system is a remote connection 'ssh' will be #
    ## appended to the prompt. Otherwise the prompt will be displayed normally #
    # See: remote.colourful.prompt_how-to on /media/lynwyn/networking/ssh #
    # Default prompt from the above-named document: #
    # export PS1='\[\e[0;31m\]\u@\h:\w${text}$\[\e[m\]' # # #
    if [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]; then text=":ssh:"
    # Alias definitions.
    # You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
    # ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.
    # See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package.
    if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
    . ~/.bash_aliases
    ### [User Prompts]
    ### White Yunzi
    export PS1='\[\e[0;37m\]: \[\e[1;92m\]\W\[\e[0;37m\] :\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;37m\]'
    #### Silver Yunzi
    #export PS1='\[\e[0;37m\]: \[\e[1;94m\]\W\[\e[0;37m\] :\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;37m\]'
    ### Pink Yunzi
    #export PS1='\[\e[0;37m\]: \[\e[1;95m\]\W\[\e[0;37m\] :\[\e[m\] \[\e[1;95m\]'
    ### [Root Prompts]
    ### White Yunzi Root
    #export PS1='\[\e[1;37m\]:\[\e[1;92m\]\u\[\e[1;37m\]:\[\e[1;92m\]\W\[\e[1;37m\]:\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;37m\]'
    ### Silver Yunzi Root
    #export PS1='\[\e[0;37m\]:\[\e[1;94m\]\u\[\e[0;37m\]:\[\e[1;94m\]\W\[\e[0;37m\]:\[\e[m\]\[\e[0;37m\]'
    ### Pink Yunzi Root
    #export PS1='\[\e[0;37m\]:\[\e[1;95m\]\u\[\e[0;37m\]:\[\e[1;95m\]\W\[\e[0;37m\]:\[\e[m\] \[\e[0;37\]'
    ### * BASH options * ###
    ### Last edited January 2014 by H.L.
    # Bash won't get SIGWINCH if another process is in the foreground.
    # Enable checkwinsize so that bash will check the terminal size when
    # it regains control.
    # [check the window size after each command and, if necessary,
    # update the values of LINES and COLUMNS.]
    # (E11)
    shopt -s checkwinsize
    # automatically prepend cd when entering just a path in the shell
    shopt -s autocd
    # Enable history appending instead of overwriting.
    shopt -s histappend
    # for setting history length see HISTSIZE and HISTFILESIZE in bash(1)
    ## erase duplicate entries in your history file
    ## and force Bash History to ignorespace
    export HISTCONTROL=erasedups:ignorespace
    # set variable identifying the chroot you work in (used in the prompt below)
    #if [ -z "$arch_chroot" ] && [ -r /etc/arch_chroot ]; then
    # debian_chroot=$(cat /etc/arch_chroot)
    # make "less" more friendly for non-text input files, see lesspipe(1)
    [ -x /usr/bin/lesspipe ] && eval "$(SHELL=/bin/sh lesspipe)"
    # TMUX
    # Put this this snippet BEFORE the aliases in .bashrc.
    # This code starts TMUX with only one session (unless you start some manually), on login;
    # it will try to attach to a currently running session.
    # If there isn't a currently running session then TMUX will create one.
    # if which tmux 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
    # if not inside a tmux session, and if no session is started start a new session
    # test -z "$TMUX" && (tmux attach || tmux new-session)
    # fi
    # environment variables using gedit and nano
    export EDITOR="$(if [[ -n $DISPLAY ]]; then echo 'gedit'; else echo 'nano'; fi)"
    ### Coloured man pages with explanations of colours in comments
    # Note to self: all of the colour & escape statements work ONLY by using double quote marks, e.g. " ... "
    ## Coloured man pages with explanations of colours in comments
    # 67: Primary colour for program names is Dark Green [old 80's CRT green!]
    # 68: Optional arguments and/or separate options for arguments is Bright Green
    # 69: Text Reset
    # 70: Text Reset
    # 71: man page info bottom of page is Dark Red on Black background (net effect is transparent background with red writing)
    # 72: Text Reset
    # 73: References to other programs (and their respective man page(s)) are Bright Yellow [good neutral yellow]
    man() {
    env LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_md=$(printf "\e[1;31m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_me=$(printf "\e[0m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_se=$(printf "\e[0m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_so=$(printf "\e[1;44;33m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$(printf "\e[0m") \
    LESS_TERMCAP_us=$(printf "\e[1;32m") \
    man "$@"
    ## To get a skin of your choice loaded instead of mc's default
    ## skin, you might consider the following solution:
    ## Multi-User: Create an alias for mc in your ~/.bashrc, like:
    if [ $TERM = "screen-256color" ]; then
    if [ $USER = "root" ]; then
    alias mc='mc --skin $myMCSkin'
    alias mcedit="mcedit --skin $myMCSkin"
    alias mcview="mcview --skin $myMCSkin"
    alias mcdiff="mcdiff --skin $myMCSkin"
    Last edited by MoonSwan (2014-07-09 04:31:06)

    I seem to have a larger problem on my desktop machine.  When I try to untar stuff on that one it creates a .cache directory for some weird reason and populates it with, I think, cached files from my home directory.  It ends up having firefox, mc and other cached files in the new directory and then tar just errors out with:
    gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
    tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
    tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    Very odd behaviour and I'm assuming some config file somewhere is responsible for this behaviour.  But where else can I look apart from .bashrc? 
    @ids1024, I'll do what you've what you suggested on my netbook later today and record the information to post afterward.
    [edit] Here are the contents of that .cache directory, if it helps:
    dconf event-sound-cache.tdb.silver_yunzi.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu event-sound-cache.tdb.tengen.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu fontconfig mc dmenu_run
    event-sound-cache.tdb.silveryunzi.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu event-sound-cache.tdb.white_yunzi.x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu gstreamer-1.0 mozilla
    Last edited by MoonSwan (2014-06-28 19:57:10)

  • Tar extract file in particular directory excluding path stored in tar file

    In winzip you have chk box 'Use Foldername', if you uncheck it, all files will be extracted to path given in Extract to:
    Like winzip, do you have facility to extract files from tar file to a particular directory ignoring path stored in tar file.
    os - linux,unix

    Using -C <new_directory> options creates
    subdirectories under the new_directory as per path
    stored in tar file
    I just want to extract the files in the -C directory.
    # tar -tvf archive.tar
    -rw-r----- oracle/oinstall 4669440 2006-11-30
    13:23:02 /app/fmb/FORM1.fmb
    -rw-r----- oracle/oinstall 200704 2006-11-29
    10:18:25 /app/fmb/FORM2.fmb
    when i give following command
    tar -xvf archive.tar -C TargetDir
    creats subdirectory app/fmb in this TargetDir and
    then extract the files Forms1.fmb
    where as i want FORM1.fmb and FORM2.fmb in TargetDir
    regdsit's include directory information when you run tar cvf.
    you can do the following action
    1. cd /app/fmb/
    2. tar cvf archive.tar *
    3. tar -xvf archive.tar -C TargetDir

  • Tar: Unexpected EOF in archive for Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.3-VISION-INSTALL

    Hi All,
    System = Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64 bit)
    I downloaded Oracle EBS Vision instance from Oracle eDelivery.
    File Name = Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.3-VISION-INSTALL.ova.00
    File Type = Archive
    There are 14 others files like the same and they have been successfully extracted. This is the first file out of the 15 total files.
    I am unable to extract the above file.
    Steps Performed
    1. Initially, I tried to extract directly. I got the error
    Could not open "Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.3-VISION-INSTALL.ova.00"
    Archive Type not supported
    2. Then I renamed the file to "Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.3-VISION-INSTALL.ova.00.tar" and tried to do the following
    $ tar xvf Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.3-VISION-INSTALL.ova.00.tar
    tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
    tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    Now the above two downloaded files Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.3-VISION-INSTALL.ovf and Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.3-VISION-INSTALL-disk1.vmdk are of unknown file type.
    Ideally I should have got a file = Oracle-E-Business-Suite-12.2.3-VISION-INSTALL.ova.00 (File Type = Program) like all other 14 files and as per the installation steps that I see in the videos for the installation.
    Can anyone help me on this?

    System = Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (64 bit)
    This is not a certified OS, please see (Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.2) for Linux x86-64 (Doc ID 1330701.1)) for the list of supported Linux OS.
    tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
    tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    This indicates that the files are corrupted and you will need to re-download the files again.

  • Backing up entire ORACLE_HOME before opatch

    DB version:
    OS : Solaris 5.10
    Before applying opatch , we have take a backup of ORACLE_HOME directory. What command is usually used in the professional world?
    tar or cp -ror anything else?

    Jack wrote:
    DB version:
    OS : Solaris 5.10
    Before applying opatch , we have take a backup of ORACLE_HOME directory. What command is usually used in the professional world?"the professional world"?
    As opposed to the amateur world? ;-)
    tar or cp -ror anything else?Depends on the shop and what's available. I backup using my tape system backup software. I have friends who have fully virtualized who use snapshots of the entire vm.

  • Localconfig is not found out in the new grid Oracle_HOME

    Hi There,
    Ifollowed the metalink Note ID 736121.1 to upgrad ASM for Non-RAC from 10gr2 to 11gr2. The 11gr2 Grid installation is successful, which is on a different directory from the current ASM directory. What I did for insallation is software only installation. However, when I'm doing step 4 in the Note, localconfig is not found out in the now Grid home directory(/ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin). even no DBUA is found out either. I'm unable to upgrade ASM for non-RAC from 10r2 to 11gr2.
    With the successful installation of 11rr2 grid, the CSS is running in 11gr2, but No DBUA is found out in the new Grid Oracle_HOME directory.
    $ ps -ef | grep d.bin | grep -v grep
    oracle 7751 1 0 Sep 17 ? 40:56 /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/ocssd.bin
    oracle 7618 1 0 Sep 17 ? 27:32 /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/ohasd.bin reboot
    $ ls -ltr /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/local*
    /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/local*: No such file or directory
    $ ls -ltr /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/db*
    -rwxr-x--- 1 oracle dba 13790 Jan 1 2000 /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/dbstart
    -rwxr-x--- 1 oracle dba 6074 Jan 1 2000 /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/dbshut
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle dba 2426 Jan 1 2000 /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/dbhome
    -rw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba 5297 Oct 3 2006 /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/
    -rwxr-x--- 1 oracle dba 666264 Nov 2 2009 /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/dbfs_client
    -rwxr-x--- 1 oracle dba 0 Nov 3 2009 /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/dbvO
    -rwxr-x--- 1 oracle dba 0 Nov 3 2009 /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/dbfsizeO
    -rwxr-x--x 1 oracle dba 554200 Sep 17 16:00 /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/dbv
    -rwxr-x--x 1 oracle dba 11680 Sep 17 16:00 /ora/fs0000/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/dbfsize
    Here are the steps in Note 736121.1:
    1) Install the new 11g ASM Oracle Home (on a different directory) as described in the Installation Guide associated with your specific platform :
    ==)> Installation Guide for <your platform/Os>
    2) Shutdown all the database instances that are using ASM as storage option.
    3) Shutdown the ASM instance.
    4) Reconfigure the CSS service:
    Connect as root OS user and execute:
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/localconfig reset
    Where: $ORACLE_HOME is the new 11g ASM Oracle Home
    5) Startup the ASM instance (connected as Oracle OS user) as usual (using the 10g Oracle Home).
    6) From another graphical session, set the environment variables (ORACLE_HOME, PATH, etc.) pointing to your new 11 ASM Oracle Home.
    7) Then execute the DBUA from the new ASM 11gOracle_Home/bin/dbua:
    DBUA will show 2 options:
    =)> upgrade ASM instance.
    =)> upgrade the database
    8) Select [upgrade ASM instance] option. The DBUA will upgrade your ASM instance to release 11g automatically.
    9) Finally, please startup the databases that are using ASM as storage option.
    Does anyone has experience upgrading 10g ASM for Non-RAC to 11gR2?
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user618594 on 20-Sep-2010 4:17 PM

    strangely, i seem to have left out the word "bought" to the first sentence.
    "I have bought the album Fading West by Switchfoot..."

  • MM_EBAN Archiving Issue

    Dear All,
    Whilst trying archive purchase requisitions via the archiving object MM_EBAN i get the following error in my production system
    Job started                                                                               
    Step 001 started (program RM06BW47, variant 26PAC_3, user ID SHABEENB)                     
    Archiving session 000233 is being created                                                  
    Read Purchase Requisitions                                                                 
    Logical file name or logical path name incorrectly defined                                 
    Operating system message: No such file or directory                                        
    Archive file Z:\Archive_Data\MM_10260_103128.ARCH.ARCHIVE cannot be opened for write program
    Job cancelled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE                                         
    There is no consistency in this error, at time the archiving happens successfully and most often than not the above problem occurs. What could be the problem, as for the process below are my step by step procedure.
    1. Selecting archiving object : MM_EBAN
    2. Select Preproc (Maintain a new variant, specify the purchase requisitions that need to be archived, processing options - production mode, detail log : complete --- save (leave value maintenance - YES)
    3. Select Write (Maintain a new variant, specify the purchase requisitions that need to be archived, processing options - production mode untick delete with test variant, detail log : complete --- save (leave value maintenance - YES)
    At this stage i identified sometimes the archive file gets created in our specified path and sometimes it doesnt and we get the error mentioned above)
    4. Select Delete (Archive selection - specify the file)
    As for the customizing settings
    Archiving object specific customizing
    we have maintained the following 
    1. Maintained settings for delete program (both test and production mode variant)
    Delete jobs
    1. Start automatically
    place file in storage system (start automatically)
    delete before storing
    Please do help me in resolving the above issue,
    Thanks & Regards
    Shabeen Buhary

    Post issue to SAP

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