Oracle Logo

I have earned Oracle OCA credential. Will Oracle allow me to use its logo in my business card?

Yes, with some restrictions. Your OCA certification kit will provide this information. More information might be found at the members site.

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    I need to change the location of the Oracle logo in home page from left to right side. We tried to edit in common .css and failed. Please help.

    The logo is in it's own table cell - so css will not work (can't change the order of table columns using css). You could possibly replace the logo image on the server with a single white pixel (create a custom skin if you want), then add a new background image to the table (class is HeaderTopBar) aligned right and no repeat using CSS. You would need to pad out that right side somehow to make it align (the last cell has class HeaderPageStatus and contains the status image).

  • Oracle Logo on Web Apps

    Does anyone know how to remove the Oracle logo that now appears
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    html file?
    I would like to use the new reports, but that would mean that I
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    the Oracle logo uses.
    I am aware that this does not happen when the Oracle look-and-
    feel parameter is not used but I would rather not have to
    sacrifice the nice appearance to eliminate an unwanted logo.
    Thanks to Oracle for allowing us resize the app screen and now
    change the title as well. But why are you forcing us to work
    around your logo?

    Michael Shannon (guest) wrote:
    : Does anyone know how to remove the Oracle logo that now appears
    : when using the Oracle look-and-feel parameter in the startup
    : html file?
    : I would like to use the new reports, but that would mean that I
    : would have to redesign all my screens due to the 1/2 inch that
    : the Oracle logo uses.
    : I am aware that this does not happen when the Oracle look-and-
    : feel parameter is not used but I would rather not have to
    : sacrifice the nice appearance to eliminate an unwanted logo.
    : Thanks to Oracle for allowing us resize the app screen and now
    : change the title as well. But why are you forcing us to work
    : around your logo?
    This sounds like more of a question for the Oracle Applications
    group. We do provide some sample HTML files for launching reports
    in the ORACLE_HOME/REPORT60 directory. You could try modifying
    one of those to suit your needs. Once you have the syntax of the
    URL, it's relatively easy to build an HTML page that calls the
    The Oracle Reports Team

  • Customizing Oracle Logo in MDM 2.0.1

    In MDM 2.0.1, I'm trying to customize the Oracle logo, as per the instructions mentioned in the Installation Document :
    I. Place your <Custom_Logo_File>.gif in $SPLEBASE/etc/conf/root/cm
    II. Create an External Navigation Key :
    1.Open the browser with url : http://<hostname>:<port>/cis.jsp?utilities=true&tools=true+
    2.Then, go to AdminMenu-->N-->NavigationKey+
    3.Create an External Navigation Key with url : http://<hostname>:<port>/ouaf/cm/<Custom_Logo_File>.gif+
    It didn't work from these above steps., please help me in this regards..
    Edited by: Suraj Keerthi on May 4, 2011 4:08 PM

    Hi Suraj,
    I would prefer to discuss the problems in the forum. There are maybe other that have the same problem and they could then participate from the discussion.
    No back to your problem:
    As fare as I know there is no build in function to read directly from file system.
    MPL is no longer supported in this product and this was the only module for reading the file system.
    You have to develop an application to fetch the files form the file system or you must use an Enterprise Service Bus
    like OSB or ServiceMix.
    To enable the system for the IMD import you have to publish a Business Object or Script via XAI Inbound service.
    The recommended way is to use the D1-IMDSeeder BO.
    There is a chapter in the MDM Configuration Guide, explaining how to setup the XAI Inbound service.
    There is also a service script available. The advantage of the service script is, that you can import IMDs for more than on device (D1-IMDEvtUpl and DM-IMDEvtUpl). The DM-IMDEvtUpl is eventually only in the demo database available.
    The disadvantage of the IMDSeeder is, that you have to setup a lot of configurations in the system. There is another thread in the forum explaining the setup.
    My preferred way is to use the D1-InitialLoadIMDScalar or D1-InitialLoadIMDInterval BO but you have to do a lot of things by your own.

  • Forms 10G – Replacing Oracle Logo in Menu Bar

    Forms 10G – Replacing Oracle Logo in Menu Bar
    We use “lookAndFeel=oracle” which gives Oracle Logo in the Manu Bar at top right corner.
    What is the simplest way to replace this with our own logo?

    Here you go. (foroms.conf, formsweb.cfg)
    # $Id: forms.conf 22-nov-2004.03:29:38 osingh Exp $
    # Name
    # forms.conf
    # Purpose
    # Apache mod_oc4j and mod_jserv configuration file for Forms Services.
    # This file should be included into the Oracle Apache HTTP Listener
    # configuration file (typically by adding an include statement to the
    # oracle_apache.conf file)
    # Remarks
    # If Forms is to be used with JServ, the file needs editing
    # to add the "forms" servlet zone with properties file
    # Notes
    # Virtual paths: We use AliasMatch when defining virtual paths for
    # security reasons (prevents directory browsing).
    # Virtual path mapping for Forms Java jar and class files (codebase)
    AliasMatch ^/forms/java/(..*) "E:\oracle\FRHome_1/forms/java/$1"
    # Virtual path for JInitiator downloadable executable and download page
    AliasMatch ^/forms/jinitiator/(..*) "E:\oracle\FRHome_1/jinit/$1"
    # Virtual path for runform.htm (used to run a form for testing purposes)
    AliasMatch ^/forms/html/(..*) "E:\oracle\FRHome_1/tools/web/html/$1"
    # Virtual path for webutil
    AliasMatch ^/forms/webutil/(..*) "E:\oracle\FRHome_1/forms/webutil/$1"
    # Configuration for JServ (if mod_jserv.c is available and not mod_oc4j.c)
    <IfModule mod_jserv.c>
    # Only configure for JServ if mod_oc4j is NOT available:
    <IfModule !mod_oc4j.c>
    # Virtual path mapping for FormsServlet and ListenerServlet.
    # Purpose: paths to invoke the servlets should be /forms/frmservlet
    # and /forms/lservlet respectively.
    # We map frmservlet to servlet.frm, and lservlet to servlet.frml.
    # The apJServAction directives (below) will then remap those.
    AliasMatch ^/forms/frmservlet(.*) "/servlet.frm"
    AliasMatch ^/forms/lservlet(.*) "/servlet.frml"
    ApJServMount /forms/servlet /forms
    # Let the servlets be called by file extension (e.g /servlet.frm)
    ApJServAction .frm /forms/servlet/frmservlet
    ApJServAction .frml /forms/servlet/lservlet
    # Prevent access to the Forms Servlets by paths other than
    # /forms/frmservlet and /forms/lservlet.
    # 1. Prevent access via the .frm and .frml file extensions:
    <LocationMatch ^.*\.frm.*>
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    # 2. Stop access by class (by paths like
    # /forms/servlet/oracle.forms.servlet.FormsServlet)
    <LocationMatch ^/forms/servlet/oracle\.forms.*>
    order deny,allow
    deny from all
    # Config. for OC4J
    <IfModule mod_oc4j.c>
    Oc4jMount /forms OC4J_BI_Forms
    Oc4jMount /forms/frmservlet OC4J_BI_Forms
    Oc4jMount /forms/frmservlet/* OC4J_BI_Forms
    Oc4jMount /forms/lservlet OC4J_BI_Forms
    Oc4jMount /forms/lservlet/* OC4J_BI_Forms
    # $Id: formsweb.cfg 15-apr-2005.13:17:30 pkuhn Exp $
    # formsweb.cfg defines parameter values used by the FormsServlet (frmservlet)
    # This section defines the Default settings. Any of them may be overridden in the
    # following Named Configuration sections. If they are not overridden, then the
    # values here will be used.
    # The default settings comprise two types of parameters: System parameters,
    # which cannot be overridden in the URL, and User Parameters, which can.
    # Parameters which are not marked as System parameters are User parameters.
    # These have fixed names and give information required by the Forms
    # Servlet in order to function. They cannot be specified in the URL query
    # string. But they can be overridden in a named configuration (see below).
    # Some parameters specify file names: if the full path is not given,
    # they are assumed to be in the same directory as this file. If a path
    # is given, then it should be a physical path, not a URL.
    # These match variables (e.g. %form%) in the baseHTML file. Their values
    # may be overridden by specifying them in the URL query string
    # (e.g. "")
    # or by overriding them in a specific, named configuration (see below)
    # System parameter: default base HTML file
    # System parameter: base HTML file for use with JInitiator client
    # System parameter: base HTML file for use with Sun's Java Plug-In
    # System parameter: delimiter for parameters in the base HTML files
    # System parameter: working directory for Forms runtime processes
    # WorkingDirectory defaults to <oracle_home>/forms if unset.
    # System parameter: file setting environment variables for the Forms runtime processes
    # Forms runtime argument: whether to escape certain special characters
    # in values extracted from the URL for other runtime arguments
    # Forms runtime argument: which form module to run
    # Forms runtime argument: database connection details
    # Forms runtime argument: whether to run in debug mode
    # Forms runtime argument: host for debugging
    # Forms runtime argument: port for debugging
    # Other Forms runtime arguments: grouped together as one parameter.
    # These settings support running and debugging a form from the Builder:
    otherparams=buffer_records=%buffer% debug_messages=%debug_messages% array=%array% obr=%obr% query_only=%query_only% quiet=%quiet% render=%render% record=%record% tracegroup=%tracegroup% log=%log% term=%term%
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # Sub argument for otherparams
    # HTML page title
    # HTML attributes for the BODY tag
    # HTML to add before the form
    # HTML to add after the form
    # Forms applet parameter: URL path to Forms ListenerServlet
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet parameter
    # Forms applet archive setting for JInitiator
    # Forms applet archive setting for other clients (Sun Java Plugin, Appletviewer, etc)
    # Number of times client should retry if a network failure occurs. You should
    # only change this after reading the documentation.
    # Page displayed to Netscape users to allow them to download Oracle JInitiator.
    # Oracle JInitiator is used with Windows clients.
    # If you create your own page, you should set this parameter to point to it.
    # Parameter related to the version of JInitiator
    # Parameter related to the version of JInitiator
    # Parameter related to the version of JInitiator
    # Page displayed to users to allow them to download Sun's Java Plugin.
    # Sun's Java Plugin is typically used for non-Windows clients.
    # (NOTE: you should check this page and possibly change the settings)
    # Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # Parameter related to the version of the Java Plugin
    # EM config parameter
    # Set this to "1" to enable Enterprise Manager to track Forms processes
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter
    # Single Sign-On OID configuration parameter: indicates whether we allow
    # dynamic resource creation if the resource is not yet created in the OID.
    # Single Sign-On parameter: URL to redirect to if ssoDynamicResourceCreate=false
    # Single Sign-On parameter: Cancel URL for the dynamic resource creation DAS page.
    # Single Sign-On parameter: indicates whether the url is protected in which
    # case mod_osso will be given control for authentication or continue in
    # the FormsServlet if not. It is false by default. Set it to true in an
    # application-specific section to enable Single Sign-On for that application.
    # The parameter allow_debug determines whether debugging is permitted.
    # Administrators should set allow_debug to "true" if servlet
    # debugging is required, or to provide access to the Forms Trace Xlate utility.
    # Otherwise these activities will not be allowed (for security reasons).
    # Parameter which determines whether new Forms sessions are allowed.
    # This is also read by the Forms EM Overview page to show the
    # current Forms status.
    # EndUserMonitoring
    # EndUserMonitoringEnabled parameter
    # Indicates whether EUM/Chronos integration is enabled
    # EndUserMonitoringURL
    # indicates where to record EUM/Chronos data
    # Example Named Configuration Section
    # Example 1: configuration to run forms in a separate browser window with
    # "generic" look and feel (include "config=sepwin" in the URL)
    # You may define your own specific, named configurations (sets of parameters)
    # by adding special sections as illustrated in the following examples.
    # Note that you need only specify the parameters you want to change. The
    # default values (defined above) will be used for all other parameters.
    # Use of a specific configuration can be requested by including the text
    # "config=<your_config_name>" in the query string of the URL used to run
    # a form. For example, to use the sepwin configuration, your could issue
    # a URL like "".
    # Example Named Configuration Section
    # Example 2: configuration forcing use of the Java Plugin in all cases (even if
    # the client browser is on Windows)
    # Example Named Configuration Section
    # Example 3: configuration running the Forms ListenerServlet in debug mode
    # (debug messages will be written to the servlet engine's log file).
    # Sample configuration for deploying WebUtil. Note that WebUtil is shipped with
    # DS but not AS and is also available for download from OTN.
    pageTitle=Khameleon DEV-Bala Environment
    #pageTitle=Khameleon DEV-Bala1 Environment

  • I want to remove oracle logo in my harddisk

    my question is that I install the oracle database 8i i my
    computer and I need to know how can I take out the logo that is
    in the harddisk in my computer.
    whe I get in in my computer in desktop the oracle logo apear in
    the harddisk logo.

    Depending on what version of Windows you are using, you can
    obtain a tool called TweakUI from Microsoft, or it may be
    included already with your Windows. Go to the Repair tab and
    select to repair icons. That should take care of it.

  • How to hide Windows and Oracle Logo?

    I'd like to hide Windows and Oracle Logo in Oracle window
    or move application higher. Does someone know what to do, if anything?

    Abdetu wrote:
    Thanks JeanYves
    i found that parameter but didn't know what to set to it i even has no forms in my pc thanks again
    Abdetu...Hi Abdetu,
    There is 3 parameters in the <DevSuiteHome>\forms\server.formsweb.cfg having the same behavior.
    By default (if you don't have specified them in you [section] they values are inherited from the [default] section) the values are
    This means you will have the oracle logo, the Forms Services background image in your applet and the oracle splash screen at startup.
    *To have nothing shown then just put the value no in front of these 3 parameters*
    SplashScreen=noYou can also customize that with you own gif files.
    For this you have to put your images in a icons.jar file
    place it in your <DevSuiteHome>\forms\java where frmall.jar and others are located.
    then in your formsweb.cfg :
    Archive=frmall.jar, icons.jar
    SplashScreen=yourbeautifullsplachscreen.gifAnd at least if you have a small gif in your icons.jar for the window you can also defining the Icon Filename property in Forms builder. This wile replace the default forms runtime icon.
    Hope this helps

  • Oracle logo in about-form

    When I register my portlet I get the about-link in the right corner of my portlet-screen.
    When click on this link I navigate to about-form with my own about-tekst, oracle-logo in the left upper corner and link to home-page of portal in the right upper corner.
    How can I get rid of these logo en link to home-page?

    In PDF, there are three ways of using a Graphic -
    1.     through context – using graphic reference
    2.     through context – using content
    3.     In layout – by copy and paste.
    &#61607;     Graphic content can be added to the form by adding the graphics in the transaction SE78 (also using the programme – ‘RSTXLDMC’). You store that in a variable and have that variable here.
    Graphics can also be uploaded through MIME repository.
    Thanks and Regards,
    - anto.

  • Removing ORACLE Logo in Forms 6i

    I have placed a line saying "logo=no" in the formsweb.cfg file. I also added "logo=no" to the CGI command used to bring up my form in the browse. Here is the problem:
    The FIRST time I bring up my form, the ORACLE logo is not there (which is what I want). If I close the form and bring it up again, the logo magically appears. Even if I close the browser window (IE5.5), re-open it and bring up the form, the logo still appears. How can this be happening and how can I fix it????

    actually the Oracle logo shows whenever the look and feel is set to 'Oracle'. You can suppress it by replacing the Oracle log by your custom logo, say a 1x1 pixelf gif (making it hidden in your Forms)
    ollow this procedure to that logo with your custom logo:
    1) Backup the following files:
    2) Create your custom logo in gif format and rename it to oracle_logo.gif
    3) Copy your gif to the oracle_home/forms60/java/forms/icons directory.
    4) Open the f60all.jar in WinZip.
    5) Find a file called oracle_logo.gif in the archive and delete it.
    6) Create the following directory structure:
    7) Copy your custom logo(renamed to oracle_logo.gif) to:
    8) In WinZip, choose Add a file, then select the oracle_logo.gif from:
    9) Add the file to the f60all.jar archive and close the jar file.
    10) Stop and restart your forms server.
    11) Clear the cache from your browsers.
    Now when you run the form on the web, your custom logo will appear in
    place of the Default Oracle logo.

  • Remove the ORACLE Logo in my MDI form

    Dear Friends,
    <p>In my MDI form eventhough I give null for my menu Form module property, I'm getting menu with Window displayed and also the ORACLE Logo as below. I don't want this to appear. What I should do to make it disappear? I'm using Forms 10g Application server to run my forms. </p>
    <IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.PROJECTSQL\My Documents\My Pictures\myform1.jpg"></IMG>
    <p> Thank you in advance </p>
    <p> Regards </p>
    <p> Senthil .A. Perumal. </p>

    Dear Friends,
    <p>I finally got it corrected without setting useSDI = yes property. Actually what I did was - just created a dummy menu with only one menu item in it and with the following menu item properties set to that menu item and attached with the login screen.</p>
    <p>Menu item type = Magic</p>
    <p>Magic Item = Window</p>
    <p>Command Type = Null</p>
    <p>Visible in Menu = No</p>
    <IMG SRC="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator.PROJECTSQL\My Documents\My Pictures\myform2.jpg"></IMG>
    <p> <h1> Wish you a Very Happy New Year 2006 </h1> </p>
    <p> Regards, </p>
    <p>Senthil .A. Perumal. </p>

  • Which oracle logo should I attach on my resume?

    I have just now passed the  1z0-051 ORACLE Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I exam by 67% (60% to pass). Also i am familiar to PL/SQL too. And lastly I have done an internship project on it.
    Is I am eligible to attach oracle LOGO on my reume?
    if yes, which logo should I attach "ORACLE" or "ORACLE CERTIFIED ASSOCIATE"?

    I have just now passed the  1z0-051 ORACLE Database 11g: SQL Fundamentals I exam
    Is I am eligible to attach oracle LOGO on my reume?
    No.  There is no certification earned by passing the 1Z0-051 exam alone.  This exam is included in several exam tracks, but does not confer a certification by itself.  If you pass a second exam (for example 1Z0-144 -- Oracle Database 11g: Program with PL/SQL, then the two exams together make up a certification (Oracle PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate in this case).  That certification has an associated logo that can be used on resumes, business cards, etc.

  • Portlet Customization Link/Oracle Logo

    I have applied one of the standard templates to my forms,
    reports, etc. but when I publish the report as a portlet and
    allow users to access 'Customize' link they get the Oracle Logo
    displayed on the banner instead of the graphic used elsewhere.
    How can I change it?

    Tom, I had the same problem as this, I don't think currently (up to Portal 3.0.9) you have any control over the
    appearance of the customize form, but one thing you can do is replace the Oracle logo with one of your own.
    The file is called logo.gif (245 X 70 pixels) and is stored in the images directory on your Portal server.

  • Replace Oracle Logo with client logo

    Oracle Forms wizard created a form with "Oracle" logo at the upper-right corner.
    How do I replace the "Oracle" logo with another logo?

    create your own menu in forms, save it as lety say MYMENU.mmb, generate it and then assign MYMENU in the menu-property of your form-module (the mmx-file of the menu must be in your forms-path)


    hi i tried to replace the oracle logo with my custom logo......but still tht logo is not appearinmg........i followed the steps mentioned in the following note in metalink......can u tell me wht went wrong.i have also attached my config settings in formsweb.cfg.
    You can either replace the Oracle logo with your custom logo, or just
    delete the Oracle logo. Both of these options are described below.
    Replacing the Oracle Logo with a Custom Logo
    Forms 6i( or above), has a new look when using the Oracle
    lookAndFeel parameter. An Oracle logo appears in the menu when you run
    the form on web. The logo is visible, even if you use a default menu
    or custom menu.
    Follow this procedure to that logo with your custom logo:
    1) Backup the following files:
    2) Create your custom logo in gif format and rename it to oracle_logo.gif
    3) Copy your gif to the oracle_home/forms60/java/forms/icons directory.
    4) Open the f60all.jar in WinZip.
    5) Find a file called oracle_logo.gif in the archive and delete it.
    6) Create the following directory structure:
    7) Copy your custom logo(renamed to oracle_logo.gif) to:
    8) In WinZip, choose Add a file, then select the oracle_logo.gif from:
    9) Add the file to the f60all.jar archive and close the jar file.
    10) Stop and restart your forms server.
    11) Clear the cache from your browsers.
    Now when you run the form on the web, your custom logo will appear in
    place of the Default Oracle logo.
    Removing the Oracle Logo from the Menu
    Use one of the following methods to remove the Oracle logo from the
    -- If you do not need to use the "Oracle" lookAndFeel, use the
    "generic" lookAndFeel. When you use the generic look and feel, you
    do not see the Oracle logo in the menu. However, you do see the
    canvas in the windows default gray color. Also, the menu toolbar
    icons are gray.
    -- If you want to retain the Oracle look and feel but remove the
    Oracle logo only, add the following parameter in your html file,
    or add it in your URL:
    For example, in Netscape:
    For example, in IE:
    <PARAM NAME="lookAndFeel" VALUE="Oracle">
    <PARAM NAME="Logo" VALUE="no">
    This suppresses the Oracle logo at runtime on the web.
    Solution Explanation
    With the oracle lookAndFeel parameter, the Oracle logo is always
    inserted in the menu. You must remove the logo or add another logo
    with the same name if you want to replace the Oracle logo.
    ---MY CONFIG FILE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    u can try making your own .jar with your icons inside and put it on the3 forms60/java directory.
    Include also the following line in cfg file:
    archive_jini = f90all_jinit.jar, [youriconsarchive].jar
    and maybe you should change imagebase to 'codebase' instead of documentbase.
    I have it like this and works ok. I can use every icon in my jar as logo or anything else..
    hope this helps

  • Personalization: Title next to Oracle Logo in Self service page

    Hello All,
    We have a requirement to append instance name to the responsibility name coming up in self service page just next to Oracle Logo (which has been personalized and is coming from OA Media).
    When I see the page source, the text next to Oracle Logo (responsibility name) is
    <img src="/OA_MEDIA/mycompanyinfo.jpg" title="mycompanyinfo.jpg" border="0"></td><td nowrap><span title="XX Employee Self Service Salaried"><span class="x4b">XX Employee Self Service Salaried</span></span>
    How can I personalize this item so that it includes instance name as well.
    I am open to any other solution also like if the title is being set at run time to responsibility name and we have to set some profile option or whatever?
    Help is appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards

    Hi Saurabh,
    You can use In-Context Branding for this.
    You can refer Branding section in Developer guide. Personalization Consideration section will be useful for you if you are trying to achieve this using personalization.
    Below is the Sample code from Developer guide to set Branding text dynamically.
    public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
    super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
    OAFormattedTextBean inContextTextBean =
    (OAFormattedTextBean)createWebBean(pageContext, FORMATTED_TEXT_BEAN);
    // Remember that you must pass a translated value obtained from message
    // not a static String as shown here.
    inContextTextBean.setText("Text for In-Context Branding");
    // Ensures the correct CSS style is applied.
    OAPageLayoutBean page = pageContext.getPageLayoutBean();

  • Customize the OBIEE Style and Skins Default oracle logo

    Guys I am trying to replace the default oracle logo with my company logon obiee 11g. By doing the following steps.
    Renamed the original file as "oracle_logo.png-old"
    and deployed my file oracle_logo.png
    Restarted the Presentation service and also tried by restarting the OBI server services, but no luck.

    Hi All,
    My Logo for login screen and after logo page as changes, but the size of logo is very small tried to increase but it is not happening.
    Also I was am trying to change the text which appears next to logo, Business Intelligence. In this case the text on the logon screen gets changes as per my changes done. But the text on the page after we get logged on don't changes. It still shows Report Center.
    Thanks & Regards

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