Oracle VM 3 - is locked

Hi there,
So I finally managed to create a virtual machine and whatnot ... but I'm so dumbfounded when it said "" is locked. Can anyone please tell me what "locked" means ... there's nothing in the job log file ..

Reinstalling new version obiously fixed your issue, but your original issue was likely a job that was never-ending (Jobs tab) that could have been resolved by aborting the job.

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  • Oracle RAC nodeapp 启动报错-vip:IP: is already up in the network

    Linux redhat 5 Oracle RAC环境
    [oracle@rac1 ~]$ srvctl start nodeapps -n rac1
    CRS-0210: Could not find resource ora.rac1.gsd. is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1) is already up in the network (host=rac1)
    2012-11-21 20:10:16.831: [  CRSRES][2717907856]0startRunnable: setting CLI values
    2012-11-21 20:10:16.967: [  CRSRES][2717907856]0Attempting to start `` on member `rac1`
    2012-11-21 20:10:44.246: [  CRSAPP][2717907856]0StartResource error for error code = 1
    2012-11-21 20:10:47.007: [  CRSRES][2717907856]0Start of `` on member `rac1` failed.
    2012-11-21 20:10:47.529: [  CRSRES][2717907856]0Attempting to start `` on member `rac2`
    2012-11-21 20:11:18.649: [  CRSRES][2717907856]0Start of `` on member `rac2` failed.
    2012-11-21 20:11:18.897: [  CRSRES][2717907856]0CRS-1006: No more members to consider
    2012-11-21 20:11:20.986: [  CRSRES][2717907856]0startRunnable: setting CLI values
    2012-11-21 20:11:21.190: [  CRSRES][2717907856]0Attempting to start `` on member `rac1`
    2012-11-21 20:11:48.846: [  CRSAPP][2717907856]0StartResource error for error code = 1
    2012-11-21 20:11:51.203: [  CRSRES][2717907856]0Start of `` on member `rac1` failed.
    2012-11-21 20:11:51.492: [  CRSRES][2717907856]0rac2 : CRS-1019: Resource ora.rac1.LISTENER_RAC1.lsnr (application) cannot run on rac2
    请问如何进一步排查“ is already up in the network (host=rac1)”问题?感谢

    [oracle@rac1 ~]$ ping
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.043 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.126 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.059 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.158 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.643 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=0.034 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=0.046 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=0.043 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=0.048 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=64 time=0.031 ms
    [oracle@rac1 ~]$ telnet
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5 (Tikanga)
    Kernel 2.6.18-8.el5xen on an i686
    [oracle@rac1 ~]$ ssh
    Last login: Sun Nov 18 13:37:10 2012 from rac2-vip
    ifconfig -a信息:
    [root@rac1 ~]# ifconfig -a
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:B6:CE:6B
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:feb6:ce6b/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:142396 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:172561 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:41403126 (39.4 MiB) TX bytes:96009307 (91.5 MiB)
    Interrupt:18 Base address:0x1480
    eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:B6:CE:75
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:feb6:ce75/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:14082 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:29 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:9789756 (9.3 MiB) TX bytes:1434 (1.4 KiB)
    Interrupt:19 Base address:0x1800
    eth2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0C:29:B6:CE:7F
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    inet6 addr: fe80::20c:29ff:feb6:ce7f/64 Scope:Link
    RX packets:12665 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:32728 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:6590271 (6.2 MiB) TX bytes:28437643 (27.1 MiB)
    Interrupt:16 Base address:0x1880
    lo Link encap:Local Loopback
    inet addr: Mask:
    inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
    UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1
    RX packets:30893 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:30893 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:9402131 (8.9 MiB) TX bytes:9402131 (8.9 MiB)
    sit0 Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv4
    NOARP MTU:1480 Metric:1
    RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
    RX bytes:0 (0.0 b) TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)

  • Install PT8.53 with Linux Issue: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password

    I am installing PeopleTools 8.53 with Oracle Database Server 11gR1 and OS Oracle Linux 5.10.
    Data Mover Bootstrap and Application Designer can log into Database instance successfully. My procedure to run PIA is below:
    Step 1: start Oracle Database Server and LISTENR is listening.
    Step 2: start Application Server ./psadmin and 8 processes are started.
    Step 3: start WebLogic Server PIA /opt/PT8.53/webserv/PT853/bin/
    In Browser, comes up successfully. But when sign in using UserID PSADMIN and password "myname", I get the error message in Browser as below:
    The application server is down at this time.
    We've detected that your operating system is not supported by this website. For best results, use one of the following operating systems:
    Mac OS X 10.6(Snow Leopard)
    Mac OS X 10.5(Leopard)
    Oracle Linux Enterprise
    Mac OS X 10.4(Tiger)
    Windows 8
    Windows 7
    Mac OS X 10.7(Lion)
    Regarding Application Designer, both Database Type "Oracle" and Connection Type "Application Server", UserID "PSADMIN" and password "myname" login successfully. I view TUXLOG (current Tuxedo log file) and its last screen is below:
    191723.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191723.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191723.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191724.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191724.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191724.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191724.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191724.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191725.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191725.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191725.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191726.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191726.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191726.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191726.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191726.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191727.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191727.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191727.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    191727.lucylinux.lucydomain!JSH.32462.2485226496.-2: JOLT_CAT:1626: "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password"
    I View APPSRV_1023.LOG (current server log file) and its content is below:
    PSADMIN.32259 (0) [2013-10-23T18:55:12.134](0) Begin boot attempt on domain PT853
    PSAPPSRV.32290 (0) [2013-10-23T18:55:35.701](0) PeopleTools Release 8.53 (Linux) starting. Tuxedo server is APPSRV(99)/1
    PSAPPSRV.32290 (0) [2013-10-23T18:55:35.923](0) Cache Directory being used: /home/user/psft/pt/8.53/appserv/PT853/CACHE/PSAPPSRV_1/
    PSAPPSRV.32290 (0) [2013-10-23T18:56:19.256](2) App server host time skew is DB+00:00:00 (ORACLE PT853)
    PSAPPSRV.32290 (0) [2013-10-23T18:56:23.504](0) Server started
    PSAPPSRV.32290 (0) [2013-10-23T18:56:23.507](3) Detected time zone is EDT
    PSAPPSRV.32338 (0) [2013-10-23T18:56:25.793](0) PeopleTools Release 8.53 (Linux) starting. Tuxedo server is APPSRV(99)/2
    PSAPPSRV.32338 (0) [2013-10-23T18:56:26.003](0) Cache Directory being used: /home/user/psft/pt/8.53/appserv/PT853/CACHE/PSAPPSRV_2/
    PSAPPSRV.32338 (0) [2013-10-23T18:57:08.871](2) App server host time skew is DB+00:00:00 (ORACLE PT853)
    PSAPPSRV.32338 (0) [2013-10-23T18:57:10.662](0) Server started
    PSAPPSRV.32338 (0) [2013-10-23T18:57:10.663](3) Detected time zone is EDT
    PSSAMSRV.32388 (0) [2013-10-23T18:57:12.159](2) Min instance is set to 1. To avoid loss of service, configure Min instance to atleast 2.
    PSSAMSRV.32388 (0) [2013-10-23T18:57:12.168](0) PeopleTools Release 8.53 (Li nux) starting. Tuxedo server is APPSRV(99)/100
    PSSAMSRV.32388 (0) [2013-10-23T18:57:12.265](0) Cache Directory being used: /home/user/psft/pt/8.53/appserv/PT853/CACHE/PSSAMSRV_100/
    PSSAMSRV.32388 (0) [2013-10-23T18:57:59.414](0) Server started
    PSSAMSRV.32388 (0) [2013-10-23T18:57:59.416](3) Detected time zone is EDT
    PSADMIN.32259 (0) [2013-10-23T18:58:48.149](0) End boot attempt on domain PT853
    PSAPPSRV.32290 (1) [2013-10-23T18:59:06.144 GetCertificate](3) Returning context. ID=PSADMIN, Lang=ENG, UStreamId=185906140_32290.1, Token=PT_LOCAL/2013-10-23-
    I think the error is indicated in TUXLOG file "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password". The application password "myname" in Browser page is not working. I use the same password "myname" to login Data Mover Bootstrap mode, Application Designer, and Application Server psadmin configuration successfully. I have tried a few other passwords in Browser page but not working.
    My question is:
    How to solve Sign In issue on that is "ERROR: Jolt client (ip address does not have proper application password" ?

    Dear Nicolas,
    Hello. I have used the same password for "DomainConnectPswd" in the file with that for Application Server setting. Eventually, UserID PSADMIN sign in successfully. PeopleTools 8.53 runs correctly in Browser.
    It seems that whether upgrade Oracle Linux 5.0 to the latest 5.10 does not have effect !
    I am very grateful to your great help for this installation of PT8.53 with Linux and Oracle Database !

  • Db 10.2 assigns me, how to chenge to localhost?

    I create an instance and now the host name is, so my listener.ora, tnsnames.ora have this IP, also from enterprise Manager in the browser I access with this IP. How can I change it to localhost (
    Thanks in advance.

    roots wrote:
    Dear all,
    I'm working on oracle forms. In my system I've usually run the oracle forms using the following link:
    http://localhost:9007/forms/frmservlet?config=UAT_testBut yesterday my computer was formatted. so I've lost all configurations to run the oracle forms. I'm using above link to run all my forms.
    I don't know how to configure the application server to run the forms using the above link. I don't know what are all the files should configured and how?.
    My forms version is 10g. operating system is windows xp.Please check the following link
    Hope this will help you

  • In our enterprise MPLS network we are using subnet, in this subnet we have not assigned the IP & 204/30, But still these subnets are reachable . Are these NNI IP ...Please explain.

    In our enterprise MPLS network we are using subnet, in this subnet we have not assigned the IP & 204/30, But still these subnets are reachable . Are these NNI IP ...Please explain.

    I have checked with ISP, there response is like below:
    Those are the NNI to GBNET IPs for Dominican Republic. They are Network IPs. You should be able to ping them-that means they are working.
    WANRT01#show  ip route | include
    B [20/0] via, 02:18:29
    B [20/0] via, 02:18:29
    Here its shows from any of our MPLS site we are able to trace the IP and it seems like, is one more site but in actual its not.
    Type escape sequence to abort.
    Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
    Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 224/232/260 ms
    Type escape sequence to abort.
    Tracing the route to
    VRF info: (vrf in name/id, vrf out name/id)
      1 24 msec 24 msec 24 msec
      2 [AS 8035] 232 msec 232 msec 252 msec
      3 [AS 8035] 224 msec 224 msec *

  • Can't Access Router Settings via

    I have recently changed modem/routers as my connection speed was increased recently and the old modem wasn't up to the task... The previous modem/router was preconfigured and I did nothing to it, however the new one requires settings be fixed by accessing it via a browser at
    When the technician came to check my line and set up the new modem, we encountered a strange situation. Despite being connected by Ethernet cable, my machine could not access the IP address reserved for the router.
    The reply is: "Safari can’t connect to the server.
    Safari can’t open the page “” because Safari can’t connect to the server “”."
    We tried Firefox and the same happened.
    I have deactivated my firewall, rebooted, changed cables, restarted the router, got Safari to pretend to be Explorer, got the neighbor's dog to bark at it, everything except make a blood pact with the devil, and the two browsers on my machine think that is an external address- which it isn't, and of course fails to connect.
    The technician used his laptop to configure the thing, so I can access the internet (obviously) but I must find out why I can't access the router/modem's settings, if only to find some logical reason for this illogical behavior.
    I've tried looking this issue up, and I get lots of bad wiring, wireless connection, windows proprietary shenanigans, but none that explain my situation.
    I'd appreciate it if someone could help me make sense of this.
    My setup:
    Computer Model Name: Power Mac G4 (AGP graphics)
    Model Identifier: PowerMac3,1
    Processor Name: PowerPC G4 (3.3)
    Processor Speed: 1.35 GHz
    Number Of CPUs: 1
    L2 Cache (per CPU): 256 KB
    L3 Cache (per CPU): 2 MB
    Memory: 832 MB
    Bus Speed: 100 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: 4.2.8f1
    Sales Order Number: M7827LL/A
    Router: "2-Wire Gateway"

    Your advice did the job quite nicely and it seems this is the "natural way of things," but I was totally unaware of it since my previous modems were preconfigured and I never had to muck about with subnets and such things.
    What irks me is that this is basic, bare bones information that the Tech support people should have given me right off the bat. Why do they assume I have all the right numbers input into the Ethernet or PPPoE settings? They seemed totally perplexed that I couldn't connect, and frankly so was I- since my old Mac, as decrepit as it is, is still able to kick it with the modern way of things better than most computers I work with.
    If they had asked me if I had set the right IP's in the right slots, it could have been fixed in 2 minutes.
    Thank you very much for solving my problem, it saves me a lot of stress and confusion.

  • I have problems with my 7510 holding a wireless network ip address 192.168 etc It says 169. etc

    My HP Photosmart all in one (which is only a few months old) stopped comunicating with my Netgear DGN1000 Adsl router a few days before Xmas.
    Instead of the ip address that it used before I powered off the router, iit came back with an address of; "Configuration source" = "Auto ip"; a subnet mask of; and Default gateway of; I know these are wrong, so I tried a fixed ip address of, a SM of; and a DG of; This was OK, but overnight, it all went back to the auto ip settings.
    I eventually managed to contact HP, and the guy spent 75 minutes with me trying to reset things, and eventually he reckoned that the Netgear router was not allowing the printer access via some ports (which he emailed me a list of) and something he said I needed to tell my isp (Virgin media) “FLOOD DETECTION SET TO OFF” & “SP1 FIREWALL SET TO OFF”
    On contacting VM, they were insistant that their router was not at fault - they could open the 12 or so ports, at a cost to me of £60! (I declined this)
    HP had told me how to set up for Ad Hoc printing (by-passing the router) which had worked during our testing.
    VM had been into my settings for the router, via a remote access device, and checked a few settings, but the only one I saw them alter was changing from CH10 to CH11.
    I certainly could not get the printer to accept the after this anyway.
    Following this, I reset the printers Network Defaults, and reconfigured the wireless settings. It did seem OK, and running on
    I have now reset the IP address to Manual on the printer, entering the and; and;
    Touch wood it has held up for a few days, but I havn't switched anything off (but overnight before it went awry!)
    I'm not convinced I have got a fix here, and would welcome any suggestions as to what I can still do.
    Maybe I have already done some, as I have "completely uninstalled, and reinstalled the HP7510 software on my Desktop PC.
    Incidently the printer is set up on 3 PC's in the house - a desktop running W7 HP 64 bit, a Notebook (same OS variant) and a Laptop running W7 HP, but 32 bit.
    All were unable to print when I was having issues.
    I would welcome any suggestions to get a more permanat fix. (I would rather have found a definite fault) I have other routers I could try, or I could open ports, but my question is - If I needed these ports open, and other settings altered (Flood detection etc) why did the printer work for the first few weeks I had it set up, and why did powering off the router cause such issues? (suppose I need to power off the router again in the future - it does happen)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hey Dave,
    Great post with good information.
    As you mentioned, the printer came back with a style IP address. This is normally produced when the device is not able to get a complete connection with the router, thus the router gives it a temporary internal IP address.
    The normal suggestion when a printer stops maintaining a connection is to set a Static IP. This is done by using the manual IP feature you mentioned using. This locks the device to those network settings and even when the network is restarted the information is retained. This should be the fix to the issue.
    Hope this helps.
    -------------How do I give Kudos? | How do I mark a post as Solved? --------------------------------------------------------
    I am not an HP employee.

  • HT4356 I have an air-print enabled printer: HP Premium e-all-in-one C310.  Can't print from iPad iOS6.  They're on the same network, but have different IP addresses.  On the iPad it's and on my printer it's  Can I match them? H

    I can't print from my iPad2 to my air-print enabled printer (HP Premium e-all-in-one C310).  They're on the same network, but have differed IP addresses!  The iPad IP is 192-168-1.126 and the printer is 192-168.1.133.  That's the only difference I can see.  Is there a way to fix this?

    you put periods between the numbers.
    Each device needs a unique number.
    for the 192.168.1 the right must number should vary.  192.168.1.x
    the numbers you have look ok.
    Power off all devices: wifi router, printer, ipad.. wait 10 minutes.  poweron router ... wait power on printer wait then power on ipad.
    cross fingers.

  • WRT310N after 1 min cannot access

    hi, i need help i giot this brand new linksys router... the router adress is i can ping it , but i cannot access the webpage .... ether in firefox / opera or explorer ,  to access it i need to power it down and power it back up (unplug it and plug it back) ... then i can access the config page for 1 minute then it stop working ..
    C:\Users\veknos>ipconfig /all
    Windows IP Configuration
       Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : Salon
       Primary Dns Suffix  . . . . . . . :
       Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
       IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
       WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
    Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 2:
    Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
       Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Marvell Yukon 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ether
    net Controller
       Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-22-15-26-FA-67
       DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
       Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
       Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::e850:1f72:3d7b:eb03%11(Preferred)
       IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
       Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
       Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Saturday, January 03, 2009 9:44:24 PM
       Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Sunday, January 04, 2009 9:44:23 PM
       Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
       DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
       DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
       NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled
    this is my ipconfifg ..
    please help!

    I am pretty sure it doesn't work with Firefox.
    I have been getting the same problem as you with Internet Explorer. "The adress is valid but will not connect" kind of error.
    Having to reboot the whole router (messing 2-3 other connections) to adjust some settings is quite frustrating, I know.
    Let me know if you find what causes this and how to solve it

  • After I started using Airport Express, my HP LaserJet 5000 won't print. I get the message "Network host '' is busy." How do I fix this?

    After I started using Airport Express, I get the message " host '' is busy" andmy HP [ethernet] printer no longer works.

    OK, I found this thread which answered my question.

  • Why Can I not ping

    I set up a G4 Mac 10.5.8 with two ethernet connections. Both with Static addressing. I have internet sharing turned on, with en0 being shared with en1
    en0 is,, Router
    en1 is,, Router
    a laptop using is tied to port en0
    a mini using is tied to port en1
    so the schematic looks like;
    (laptop <--> ( en0 - G4 - en1 <--> ( mini)
    from the laptop I can ping,
    from the G4 I can ping,,,
    from the mini I can ping,,,
    but from the laptop I cannot ping or
    Any suggestions as to why?

    I'm very rusty on this ... but as I recall, ARP is local to a network - so ARP info won't be passed between your two networks. I think it would work if the laptop was told to use the G4's en0 IP address as router, and the mini was told to use the G4's en1 IP address as router. The laptop, asked to ping the mini, says "not on my network" so sends it to its router (G4 en0), which knows how to deliver it. The mini, replying, says "not on my network" so sends it to its router (G4 en1), which knows how to deliver it, so you get ping & reply.
    I don't think it matters that both networks are using private address space, as they are connected by a common device, the G4.

  • Trouble connecting to & setting up wireless router

    I am hoping someone can please help me!! I have a PowerMac G4 and a new 12" PowerBook G4. I received a Linksys router as a gift and I am having trouble setting it up...I have tried connecting to the ip address, with both Internet Explorer and Safari to no avail. I enter in the address and it tells me the connection has failed. I have tried numerous individuals including Linksys support and have had no luck! Can anyone help me or tell me what I may be doing wrong?
    PowerMac G4   Mac OS X (10.3.1)  
    PowerMac G4   Mac OS X (10.3.1)  
    PowerMac G4   Mac OS X (10.3.1)  

    Lets start with some basic stuff.
    First Shut your computer clear OFF.
    Next pull the power adapter from your Internet
    Service Providers Modem.
    Next do the same thing with your New Router, Pull the
    Plug on everything.
    Remove any other USB items you might have connected
    Printer scanner, camera.
    Now you need to wait for 5 minutes.
    Plug the Ethernet cable from your ISP's Modem to your
    Uplink port on your New Router.
    Plug the power adapter back in to your ISP'S Modem,
    and wait until it re-aqiures the signal, depending on
    the brand and who your service is with normally 3
    Next after you are good on the modem you can plug in
    your new Router, again wait for it to get it's signal
    and lights.This will normally take a minute or so.
    Now you can restart your computer.
    After it boots up click on the Safari icon, and see
    if it connects you.
    If not go to the menu bar in your browser and type in
    This should open the Linksys Utility box that will
    enable you to confiqure your network.
    Remember you will have to have all of the proper
    setting in both your Browser and your Mail program
    for everything to work properly.
    Click on the Icon of Safari, and choose Preferences
    this will allow you to setup
    The same with Mail.
    Good Luck Don
    Hi, Don. Is the ethernet cable from the modem supposed to plug into the router's WAN port or the Uplink port?

  • I have windows 7 and EasyLink wont work neither will

    I have windows 7 and EasyLink wont work. Now I tried the and even that wont work! I have a WRT54GS and I know it works because when I usee the two laptops connected to it, it works perfectly except when too many users get on my wifi connection then it overloads

    I'd suggest trying a factory reset, that should clear any password that was set and forgotten, as well as any settings that are preventing you from talking to it (like the router address having been set to something other than
    There's usually a recessed reset button on the back that is accessed via an "unrolled" paperclip.  Just press that button and count to about 30, and then wait until the router comes up again and try the address.
    If you have a cable modem, then I'd suggest that you write down the MAC address of the primary computer that was used to configure the router, and then try changing the MAC address on the router to that when you get back in touch with it (via the web GUI).  The factory reset may change the router back to it's original MAC address, which may prevent your cable modem from being happy.

  • There was a problem connecting to the server "

    'There was a problem connecting to the server Check the server name or IP address, and then try again. If you continue to have problems, contact your system administrator.'  - How to sort this out so I can connect to my NAS Drive via wifi?
    I am running OS X Yosemite all though I had this problem also with the prevues OS.. I can't seem to connect to my NAS Drive any more via wifi at home. I keep on getting this message error. I have tried different things like trashing some of the Library Preferences suggested on other discussions and updated everything I can. I have also re started Finder (as previously that sometime worked) but this no longer a solution.
    The server is working fine I can connect to it via remote website. I also I can see the server/drive and even wake it up but that is as far as it goes, soon after it is 'connected/woken up' I get this error messgae and I can't see any of the files etc. Please help, this is extremely annoying, I feel helpless, this is beyond my technical know how..

    I have same problem. It started after i replaced my router (which was on to new air port time capsule, which has different IP address. When i start chrome i have to wait half a minute to get this message. Then i click ok and after that everything is working. Until next time you restart the browser. What is happening here?

  • Cannot log into

    Hey, a couple months ago i decided to move my pc and go wireless. Originally had a netgear wich techsupport so helfully destroyed. I returned it and got a linksys wrt54gs v6. I worked great but for some reason i had to reboot my computer ever night to connect to it. I tried to fix this by clicking secure easy setup, and this is where everything goes downhill. After i started, i decided i didnt feel like bothering so i clicked cancle, and my network goes down. Nothing could even find a signal. I updated my firmware, (i think i may have used an incorrect version, but later i changed to the right one). Finally I get it back up and running after rebooting and channel changing and whatnot. But after several hours, the router decides to no longer let me access, from any computer. In adition, when this happens, it is nearly impossible to connect to the router from a wireless device. But once you are connected it works flawlessly. I decided to by a wrt54g and be done with the problem. unfortunately, right out of the box this does the same thing. So im back to using my wrt54gs, please help!!!!!! 

    Hi Jake, are you using any security mechanisms (WEP, WPA or WPA2)? If yes, try to disable it and work with MAC filtering for a wile. Try to update your box with the last firmware. Do the same thing with your WiFi driver inside your computer.

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