Oracle with Unix

Hi There,
SQL> declare
2 cursor c is
3 select EName from emp for update of sal;
4 record c%ROWTYPE;
5 begin
6 OPEN c ;
7 loop
8 FETCH c INTO record;
10 begin
11 update emp set sal = sal * 1.5 where CURRENT OF c;
12 --commit;
14 when others then
15 rollback;
16 end;
17 end loop;
18 CLOSE c ;
19 end;
20 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
I want to know whether , when an error occurs while updating a bulk of records, can I get the details of the record that failed. If there is a way please let me know, how to do it

I want to know whether , when an error occurs while updating a bulk of records, can I get the details of the record that failed. If there is a way please let me know, how to do itWhat type of errors do you expect? Is space issues? Data Issues or what?
If space issues, then you can youse oracle 9i new feature called resumable space allocation.
If data issues, you can handle it in the execption of pl/sql.

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    > Would you recommend this book on the basis of its contents table or any other
    books on the subject?
    Sorry - I'm not familiar with that author or that book. The most valuable Oracle "books" in my opinion are found at - the complete sets of all Oracle manuals from 8i to 10G.
    Many authors seem to only regurgitate Oracle manuals. The only Oracle book I've bought and considered as a worth every single cent, is Tom Kyte's Oracle Expert one-on-one.
    This goes into the very fundamental concepts of how to use Oracle correctly. It is a real eye opener.
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    Does automation in the way you described it, i.e. DBMS_JOB, depend on PL/SQL?Extensively. PL/SQL is a formal procedural language. It is as capable as Pascal, C or Java. Many seem to think in terms of PL/SQL as SQL plus some basic programming control structures. PL/SQL is not SQL. These are two different very languages.
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    - it integrates so tightly with SQL that you can write SQL language statements in PL/SQL as if these are native to PL/SQL (which leads to the confusion thinking that PL/SQL is SQL)
    99% of all Oracle related code I write is PL/SQL. There is very little that you cannot do using PL/SQL. And Oracle is not just a capable database tier, it is just as capable as an application tier.
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    With less moving parts (not dealing with external processes and additional programming languages), Oracle PL/SQL applications are a lot quicker to develop, a lot easier to maintain, performant (it is very close to the data), and more robust.
    PL/SQL is a very critical core component in any automation and any application that uses the Oracle database.

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    If you have a script for ksh or bash it will not work for sure on Windows
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    Best Regards
    Krystian Zieja / mob

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    959406 wrote:
    thank for reply
    oracle table how to view using shell scripting
    shell scripting access oracle table
    the shell knows nothing about oracle.
    What real problem are you trying to solve?  No, view a table using shell scripting is not a problem to be solved, it is a technique, and probably not the best technique for your unknown problem.

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    Post your query at "SOA Suite Discussion Forum"
    SOA Suite

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    Duplicate posting is considered as abuse/spamming
    Re: oracle career with unix scripting?

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    this is how I am doing this:
    oracle 7352340 7459066 0 07:47:10 - 0:00 oracleJDERED (DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YES)(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=beq)))
    oracle 7459066 5386396 2 07:47:10 pts/1 0:01 sqlplus
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    2178 6067
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    v$session b
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    and b.sid = 2178

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    I can't imagine how.
    1. You can schedule Disco workbooks via Disco itself.
    2. You can schedule Disco workbooks to run and output in different file formats automatically via batch scheduler in Windows running Disco Desktop directly (or can user VBasic).
    3. You can schedule Disco workbooks to run and output in different file formats automatically via a Java program running the Java Command Line interface.
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    2-In /etc/init.d I created dbora script.
    3-I made follwoing links
    # ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc0.d/K10dbora
    # ln -s /etc/init.d/dbora /etc/rc3.d/S99dbora
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    Show us your dbora script.
    started oracle automatically. I run the dbstart
    script from unix, and i got error something about
    missing init.ora file. My oracle is 9.2.0. I browsed
    to $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory and listed its
    contents. I found that there was spfileSID.ora file.
    I copied the spfileSID.ora to initSID.ora. Now IWell, the reason for not starting is that the example script dbstart is looking for a pfile (PFILE=${ORACLE_HOME}/dbs/init${ORACLE_SID}.ora) while nowadays we should be using spfile. Perhaps copying over init.ora with the binary spfile.ora is not the best way to go.
    dbstart was working from unix. Now rebooted the unixbox, but with reboot the oracle did not strated. AnyAny output from script called during "boot up" e.g. a log file from dbora?

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    This is probably not the best forum for this type of question,
    though the Oracle Migration Workbench Team hopes to cover
    applications to some extent in the future.
    ODBC is the standardised way of accessing database backend,
    some oracle front end products are mentioned below.
    Oracle has various web enabled products such as:
    oracles developer suite now allows web deployment,
    oracle application servers,
    webdb tool,
    java integration with the database.
    [lots of java buzzwords below, (well I am a java programmer)]
    oracle's jdeveloper java development tool.
    java server pages,
    Enterprise Java Beans.
    There are probably other less complete add hoc solutions, for
    accessing databases such as using apache and some perl scripts.
    Good luck,
    Oracle Migration Workbench Team
    Mehdi Raza (guest) wrote:
    : We are running Oracle on unix.
    : How can I server my databse on website.
    : I want to use NT Hosting, using ASP or Cold Fusion.
    : Please write me....
    Oracle Technology Network

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    With Regards,

    1.define own external command (sm69)
    2. run this command from your ABAP code by callig function module SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE

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    Please Help
    Thanks in advance.
    Satish Pahade

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    I can recall that this donot need ODBC.
    YuePeng Chen.
    [email protected]

  • Accesing Oracle with OCI8

    I have never used OCI to access Oracle with JDBC. I know how to write down the connection String, but I know that's not the only thing to do. Can someone tell me what to do? I need to install an Oracle Client if I access from the same machine? I know that if i'm accessing from another machine I have to install a client.

    if you`re accessing the database from the same machine where the database resides, you don`t need to install the oracle client.
    Some configuration is necessary though. This is OS dependant, but at least the environment variable ORACLE_HOME should be set.
    What you basically need is the following: The user who is making the JDBC connection must be able to use TNSPING to ping to the instance. So if your instance name is "ORACLE", go to the command line (windows command line, unix shell or whatever) and type
    tnsping oracle

Maybe you are looking for