Oraus.msg in my language

Good morning,
I'm trying to find a version in Spanish of oraus.msg to replace on my servers.
I have installed 11g and 10g on a Linux server, choosing all languages during the installation, but there is only one file oraus.msg, in English.
Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you for your answers.
I tried the option -addLangs and all of them appears as installed.
I have been looking also at MOS, and I only found something that may explain better the file I'm looking for:
The "oraus.msb" file  contains a description of RBMS error messags. If the file is missing or corrupt, the program being run fails with this error.
Replacing the "oraus.msb" file will allow Oracle to find the message of the error that is being encountered.
+The $ORACLE_HOME/${product}/mesg/${facility}${country}.msb, e.g. $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msg is either missing or is the incorrect version for the database Changes+
Right now I'm reinstalling Oracle 11g on a virtual machine, choosing only Spanish and eliminating all other languages, including English.

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    Many thanks

    968420 wrote:
    Hi Gauyav and Keith,
    i thak you for your quick responses , but i want the customized message to be displayed wherever the oracle error appears (in oracle forms screens , sql tool requests, ) not only in pl/sql code,That is a really bad idea
    It would render the database completely unsupportable by anyone, and based on the quality of exception handling that is generally seen on these forums would result in databases that simply don't work.
    SQL> declare l_dummy number;
      2  begin
      3    select null into l_dummy from dual
      4    where 0 = 1;
      5  exception when others then
      6    raise_application_error(-20666, 'It doesn''t work!');
      7  end;
      8  /
    declare l_dummy number;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-20666: It doesn't work!
    ORA-06512: at line 6
    as we've a lot of forms screens and it's not possible to modify all of them.These are strange kinds of forms that it is possible to create a lot of them but not possible to modify them.
    Is there a solution for this?Fix the forms.

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    error was encountered (taken from the orainst/holdfile.log):
    (if [ "compile" = "compile" ] ; then \
    /opt1/app/oracle/product/8.0.5/bin/gennttab > ntcontab.c ;\
    cc -c ntcontab.c ;\
    rm -f /opt1/app/oracle/product/8.0.5/lib/ntcontab.o ;\
    mv ntcontab.o /opt1/app/oracle/product/8.0.5/lib ; fi)
    No such file or directory
    cpp: vfork: Resource temporarily unavailable
    mv: ntcontab.o: No such file or directory
    make: *** [ntcontab.o] Error 1
    the "/opt1/app/oracle/product/8.0.5/bin/" directory is there,
    but "get_platform does not. Is this file created during
    installation or can it be obtained elsewhere?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hello Madhav,
    You have to maintain your 'business transaction profile' (SPRO->CRM->IC Web->Business Transaction->Define bus. trans. prof.) in the customizing and assign that profile to your IC WebClient profile (the one you assigned in the org. model)
    In the business transaction profile you must make sure that at least one transaction type (e.g. ZSRV) is assigned as 'Dependent business transaction' and that entry is flagged as 'Service'.
    Also make sure that that transaction type (ZSRV) has leading business transaction category 'Service process' (BUS2000116).
    This should solve your problem!
    Kind regards,

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    <h:commandButton value="#{msg.LanguageButton}" styleClass="language-select-button" actionListener="#{LanguageSelect.changeLanguage}"/>
    public class LanguageSelect implements ActionListener {
    /** Creates a new instance of LanguageSelect */
    public LanguageSelect() {
    public void changeLanguage(ActionEvent event) {
    FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    Locale locele = (Locale) facesContext.getViewRoot().getLocale();
    System.out.println("setting locale to English");
    facesContext.getViewRoot().setLocale(new Locale("en"));
    String viewId = facesContext.getViewRoot().getViewId();
    int lastSlash = viewId.lastIndexOf("/");
    try {
    } catch (IOException ex) {
    System.out.println("locale set to English");
    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e) {    }
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    I think it's this answer comes late for you, but If anyone it's interested, we use (in version 10.1.4) this function:
    PORTAL.wwctx_app_language.set_language(p_http_language => 'es-es',
                                                           p_nls_language => PORTAL.wwnls_api.SPANISH,
                                                           p_nls_territory => PORTAL.wwnls_api.TER_SPAIN,
                                                           p_requested_url => url);
    Where 'url' is the url you want to come back.
    Remember you can call any function/procedure by the url: /portal/pls/porta/squema.name_of_the_proc, where you have to substitute squema and name_of_the_proc by tyhe ones you need to call (don't forget privileges).
    Good luck

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    Thank you so much!
    Go to Solution.

    Language packs and input methods cannot be installed by the end-user. You will have to take your phone into a Nokia Care Point and ask them what they can do.
    Was this post helpful? If so, please click on the white "Kudos!" star below. Thank you!

  • Oracle error  "No message file for" after Upgrade to

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    (with both Users sidadm and orasid)
    Platform AIX 64 bit
    The installation und Upgrade with dbua works fine.
    DB and SAP runs after the Upgrade.
    then I tried
    SQL> select xx from v$log;
    select xx from v$log
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00904: Message 904 not found; No message file for produstyle='font-
    family:courier' ct=RDBMS,
    facility=ORA; arguments: ["XX"]
    The Environment is correct,
    I cant find any failure in Configuration or Install Logs.
    So i tried the following:
    Copy the complete Directorie /oracle/SID/102_64/rdbms/msg from a Oracle Installation to the home.
    the result ist that the Messagefile could be read by Oracle an i get
    the ORA-00904
    Here the same Query:
    SQL> select xx from v$log;
    select xx from v$log
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00904: "XX": invalid identifier
    So I do the same procedure with an other System.
    I detect:
    the Patch 9952230 (SAP_102051_201011/9952230) delivers
    both Message Files oraus.msg and oraus.msb which caused the problem.
    Has anyone the same Problem?
    Are there any other Impacts with wrong Message Files .
    I raised a OSS Call, but no answer till today.
    best regards

    I could not find anything is sap notes, but oracle recommends to update binary file oraus.msb in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg
    Download link:
    You can find more details also in:
    The problem with this solution. It is not officially released by SAP.

  • Error applying Patch 11724916 - Patch Set Update.

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    grid@selva-2./usr/local/software/oracle/11724916 $ opatch apply
    Invoking OPatch
    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Oracle Home : /app/oracle/grid/11.2
    Central Inventory : /app/oracle/oraInventory
    from : /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
    OPatch version :
    OUI version :
    OUI location : /app/oracle/grid/11.2/oui
    Log file location : /app/oracle/grid/11.2/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2011-10-13_12-20-37PM.log
    Patch history file: /app/oracle/grid/11.2/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt
    ApplySession applying interim patch '11724916' to OH '/app/oracle/grid/11.2'
    Running prerequisite checks...
    Patch 11724916: Optional component(s) missing : [ oracle.sysman.console.db, ] , [ oracle.sysman.oms.core, ] , [ oracle.rdbms.dv, ] Prov! ide your email address to be informed of security issues, install and initiate Oracle Configuration Manager. Easier for you if you use your My Oracle Support Email address/User Name.
    Visit http://www.oracle.com/support/policies.html for details.
    Email address/User Name:
    You have not provided an email address for notification of security issues.
    Do you wish to remain uninformed of security issues ([Y]es, [N]o) [N]: Y
    OPatch detected the node list and the local node from the inventory. OPatch will patch the local system then propagate the patch to the remote nodes.
    This node is part of an Oracle Real Application Cluster.
    Remote nodes: 'selva-1'
    Local node: 'selva-2'
    Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
    (Oracle Home = '/app/oracle/grid/11.2')
    Is the local system ready for patching? y y
    User Responded with: Y
    Backing up files and inventory (not for auto-rollback) for the Oracle Home
    Backing up files af! fected by the patch '11724916' for restore. This might take a while...
    Backing up files affected by the patch '11724916' for rollback. This might take a while...
    Patching component oracle.rdbms.rsf,
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libgeneric11.a" with "lib/libgeneric11.a/kgl2.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libgeneric11.a" with "lib/libgeneric11.a/kgh.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libgeneric11.a" with "lib/libgeneric11.a/kgx.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libgeneric11.a" with "lib/libgeneric11.a/kgl.o"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msb"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msg"
    Patching component oracle.rdbms,
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfc.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/li! bserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfcl.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfd.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfds.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kff.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kffm.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfgb.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ksvt.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfdp.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kspt.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/qks3t.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.! a" with "lib/libserver11.a/qerbo.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ksols.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/dgl.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kcvfdb.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kks1.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkscs.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/krsm.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ksws.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kql.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kqlb.o"!
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" &n bsp;with "lib/libserver11.a/kqlm.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjcv.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjl.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjs.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjx.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjg.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjak.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kdi.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfg.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfio.o"
    Updating ar! chive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfio0.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfis.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfnm.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ksbt.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kfdvf.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kqld.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkae.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kcb.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kcl.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libse! rver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/dmlsrv.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/updexe.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/qesltc.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/qerlt.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kksc.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ktsld.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/krcp.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkxs.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkj.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/jslv.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserv! er11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kza.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kdu.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ktsf.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ktsp.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kqlf.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kks.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkss.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kdlw.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/ktuq.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkfd.o"Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" &nb sp;with "lib/libserver11.a/kxfp.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/upsexe.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kkdl.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kcbz.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjcs.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjctc.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjdd.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjfc.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjfm.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjfz.o"
    Upd! ating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjgcr.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjm.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kjpnp.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libserver11.a" with "lib/libserver11.a/kju.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libasmclnt11.a" with "lib/libasmclnt11.a/kgfdputl.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libasmclntsh11.a" with "lib/libasmclntsh11.a/kgfdputl.o"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/rdbms/admin/bundledata_PSU.xml"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/psu/"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/psu/"
    Patching component oracle.ldap.rsf,
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" ! with "lib/libnnz11.a/nzos.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/gri d/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/nzu.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_createglobalcontext.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_decoderecord.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_destroyconnectioncontext.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_getversion.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_setupconnectioncontext.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_read.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_write.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_getnextevent.o"
    Updating archive file "/! app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_handshakeproceed.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_onerror.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_process_client_hello.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_process_hello_shared.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_processserverhello.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_ssl2_processclienthelloshared.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_ssl3_process_finished.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_ssl3_tls1_writeserver! hello_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/l ibnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_ssl3_writefinished_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_tls1_process_finished.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_tls1_writefinished_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_writeclienthello.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_read.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_refuserenegotiation.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_requestrenegotiation.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_createconnectioncontext.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/gr! id/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_enableclientauthentication.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_modifyclientauthmodes.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_disableclientauthentication.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_write_certificate_request_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_calc_enabled_cipher_suites.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_is_client_cert_requested.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_processcertificaterequest_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_! process_client_hello_shared.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/g rid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_setclientcertrequested_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_ssl2_write_client_certificate_handler.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_modifyciphersuites.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_getconnectionrenegotiationoptions.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_getrenegotiationoptions.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_hshk_priv_dooptionsallowrenegotoation.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_modifyrenegotiationoptions.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.a" with "lib/libnnz11.a/ssl_setrenegotiation! options.o"
    Updating archive file "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libzt11.a" with "lib/libzt11.a/nzdacval.o"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/libnnz11.so"
    Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts,
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/rdbms/admin/c1101000.sql"
    Copying file to "/app/oracle/grid/11.2/rdbms/admin/catupstr.sql"
    Running make for target client_sharedlib
    OPatch found the word "failed" in the stderr of the make command.
    Please look at this stderr. You can re-run this make command.
    Stderr output:
    ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    ar: cannot create shoc.o
    Permission denied
    ld: fatal: file /app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/shoc.o: open failed: No such file or directory
    ln: cannot create libagtsh.so: Permission denied
    Running make for target client_sharedlib
    Make failed to invoke "/usr/ccs/bin/make -f ins_rdbms.mk client_sharedlib ORAC! LE_HOME=/app/oracle/grid/11.2"....'ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Per mission denied
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `client_sharedlib'
    Running make for target ioracle
    The following make actions have failed :
    Re-link fails on target "client_sharedlib".
    Do you want to proceed? y
    User Responded with: N
    ApplySession failed: ApplySession failed in system modification phase... 'ApplySession::apply failed: Re-link fails on target "client_sharedlib".
    OPatch will attempt to restore the system...
    Restoring the Oracle Home...
    Checking if OPatch needs to invoke 'make' to restore some binaries...
    OPatch found the word "failed" in the stderr of the make command.
    Please look at this stderr. You can re-run this make command.
    Stderr output:
    ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    ar: cannot create shoc.o
    Permission denied
    ld: fatal: file /app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/shoc.o: open failed: No such file or directory
    ln:! cannot create libagtsh.so: Permission denied
    Make failed to invoke "/usr/ccs/bin/make -f ins_rdbms.mk client_sharedlib ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/grid/11.2"....'ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `client_sharedlib'
    Failed to run make commands. They are stored in file '/app/oracle/grid/11.2/.patch_storage/11724916_Apr_13_2011_03_16_19/make.txt'
    Invoke these commands manually to restore the binaries in the Oracle Home.
    OPatch failed to restore OH '/app/oracle/grid/11.2'. Consult OPatch document to restore the home manually before proceeding.
    The following warnings have occurred during OPatch execution:
    1) OUI-67215:
    OPatch found the word "failed" in the stderr of the make command.
    Please look at this stderr. Yo! u can re-run this make command.
    Stderr output:
    ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    ar: cannot create shoc.o
    Permission denied
    ld: fatal: file /app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/shoc.o: open failed: No such file or directory
    ln: cannot create libagtsh.so: Permission denied
    2) OUI-67200:Make failed to invoke "/usr/ccs/bin/make -f ins_rdbms.mk client_sharedlib ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/grid/11.2"....'ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `client_sharedlib'
    3) OUI-67124:Re-link fails on target "client_sharedlib".
    4) OUI-67215:
    OPatch found the word "failed" in the stderr of the make command.
    Please look at this stderr. You can re-run this make command.
    Stderr output:
    ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    ar: cannot create shoc.o
    Permission denied
    ld: fatal: file /app/oracle/grid/11.2/lib/shoc.o: open failed: No such file or directory
    ln: cann! ot create libagtsh.so: Permission denied
    5) OUI-67200:Make failed to invoke "/usr/ccs/bin/make -f ins_rdbms.mk client_sharedlib ORACLE_HOME=/app/oracle/grid/11.2"....'ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `client_sharedlib'
    OPatch failed with error code 115
    Trying to install it as root I have another error:
    root@selva-2./usr/local/software/oracle/11724916 # opatch apply
    Invoking OPatch
    The user is root. OPatch cannot continue if the user is root.
    OPatch failed with error code 255
    How should I apply this patch? Should I rollback path 12311357 and reapply both together?

    Thanks. Although it is true my grid user environment doesnt contain /usr/ccs/bin in the PATH variable, opatch seems to know where to find those commands. I have included it in the PATH but the error persists.
    On the other hand I have seen lib directory under GI HOME, where libclntsh.so link should be created applying the patch, belongs to root with 755 permissions. IS THIS CORRECT? Then grid user never will be able to create the link reported in the opatch error above :
    ln: cannot create libclntsh.so: Permission denied
    ar: cannot create shoc.o
    Permission denied
    So, What is wrong?
    Thanks again.

  • Locating Oracle Forms Error Messages File to Load into Table

    I would like to create a procedure to suppress and replace Form errors and messages via ON-ERROR and ON-MESSAGE triggers.
    Is there a file that I can load the ERROR Messages from using SQLLDR?
    I have loaded the Oracle error file, $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msg as identified by Tom Kyte in the following link,
    but it did not contain Forms Errors Messages such as:
    FRM-40106: No navigable items in destination block.
    FRM-40202: Field must be entered
    FRM-40401: No changes to save
    FRM-40405: No changes to apply
    Any help in getting these error messages in a table, other than typing or copy/paste from Forms online help would be greatly appreciated.

    kolipaka wrote:
    Need to write control file to read .csv file for sql*load utility into oracle table.
    KLRWe're sorry that google is broken for you at this time.
    Please try our alternative search site...

  • I dropped my iPod, now it won't get out of recovery mode!

    I dropped my iPod, now it won't get out of recovery mode! If i don't connect it to the mac, it has the msg in 4 languages saying "connect to your computer. Use iTunes to restore". When i connect it to mac, and itunes is open, it says ipod needs to be restored, so i press the restore button, the progress bar starts moving but never finishes, like it's frozen.
    Can anyone help

    guess there's no one that can help.

  • PSU patch issue while dbupgrade from to

    Version :
    Os : Aix 6
    We recently upgraded from to completed db upgrade sucessfully.
    We got the follwoing error While applying PSU patch. It shows the patch 13923374 failed.But when i check in opatch lsinventory,it shows that patch is applied.
    root@ppseelm-ax2041:/u01/app/oracle/ ra/grid_home/OPatch/ocm/bin/ocm.rsp <
    Executing /usr/bin/perl ./crs/patch112.pl -patchdir /backup/11203_softwares -patchn patch -ocmrf /u01/app/oracle/ -paramfile /u01/app/oracle/
    opatch auto log file location is /u01/app/oracle/
    Detected Oracle Restart install
    Using configuration parameter file: /u01/app/oracle/
    patch /backup/11203_softwares/patch/13919095/custom/server/13919095  apply successful for home  /u01/app/oracle/
    patch /backup/11203_softwares/patch/13923374  apply  failed  for home  /u01/app/oracle/
    Successfully unlock /u01/app/oracle/
    patch /backup/11203_softwares/patch/13919095  apply successful for home  /u01/app/oracle/
    patch /backup/11203_softwares/patch/13923374  apply  failed  for home  /u01/app/oracle/
    ACFS-9300: ADVM/ACFS distribution files found.
    ACFS-9312: Existing ADVM/ACFS installation detected.
    ACFS-9314: Removing previous ADVM/ACFS installation.
    This may take several minutes. Please wait ...
    0518-307 odmdelete: 1 objects deleted.
    0518-307 odmdelete: 1 objects deleted.
    0518-307 odmdelete: 1 objects deleted.
    ACFS-9315: Previous ADVM/ACFS components successfully removed.
    ACFS-9307: Installing requested ADVM/ACFS software.
    ACFS-9359: The AIX ODM entry for 'acfsctl' was successfully added.
    ACFS-9359: The AIX ODM entry for 'advmctl' was successfully added.
    ACFS-9359: The AIX ODM entry for 'advmvol' was successfully added.
    ACFS-9308: Loading installed ADVM/ACFS drivers.
    ACFS-9154: Loading 'oracleadvm.ext' driver.
    ACFS-9154: Loading 'oracleacfs.ext' driver.
    ACFS-9327: Verifying ADVM/ACFS devices.
    ACFS-9156: Detecting control device '/dev/asm/.asm_ctl_spec'.
    ACFS-9156: Detecting control device '/dev/ofsctl'.
    ACFS-9309: ADVM/ACFS installation correctness verified.
    CRS-4123: Oracle High Availability Services has been started.
    opatch lsinventory
    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
    Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/
    Central Inventory : /u01/app/oracle/
    from : /u01/app/oracle/
    OPatch version :
    OUI version :
    Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/
    Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/app/oracle/
    Installed Top-level Products (1):
    Oracle Grid Infrastructure
    There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.
    Interim patches (2) :
    Patch  13923374     : applied on Thu Oct 11 01:45:16 UTC 2012
    Unique Patch ID: 14912546
    Patch description: "Database Patch Set Update : (*13923374*)"
    Created on 14 Jun 2012, 23:16:11 hrs PST8PDT
    Sub-patch 13696216; "Database Patch Set Update : (13696216)"
    Sub-patch 13343438; "Database Patch Set Update : (13343438)"
    Bugs fixed:
    12880299, 12960925, 14038787, 12612118, 12834027, 13502183, 12764337
    13916709, 13772618, 10133521, 13588248, 9761357, 12894807, 13742435
    12829021, 13742434, 13657605, 13742433, 13742438, 13742437, 13742436
    12905058, 13503598, 9873405, 12582664, 12535346, 13632717, 12861463
    13343438, 12849688, 13696216, 13103913, 13457582, 13742464, 12917230
    13036331, 12938841, 12656535, 13499128, 12678920, 12401111, 13338048
    12913474, 12662040, 12658411, 11063191, 11877623, 12718090, 12847466
    12797765, 12919564, 12780983, 12617123, 12950644, 12923168, 13035360
    13903046, 13923374, 13420224, 13370330, 12646784, 13340388, 10350832
    12998795, 12588744, 13467683, 13528551, 13001379, 12620823, 12797420
    13041324, 13366202, 13527323, 13326736, 13492735, 13981051, 13466801
    13332439, 13035804, 14063281, 14063280, 13362079, 13419660, 9703627
    13070939, 12845115, 12976376, 11840910, 9858539, 12748240, 12780098
    13354082, 14062797, 12879027, 14062796, 14062795, 14062794, 14062793
    14062792, 13554409
    Patch 13919095 : applied on Thu Oct 11 01:41:20 UTC 2012
    Unique Patch ID: 14912546
    Patch description: "Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update : (13919095)"
    Created on 4 Jul 2012, 11:10:31 hrs PST8PDT
    Bugs fixed:
    13919095, 13696251, 13348650, 12659561, 13039908, 13036424, 12794268
    13011520, 13569812, 12758736, 13077654, 13001901, 13430715, 13806545
    14082976, 12771830, 12538907, 13066371, 13483672, 12594616, 12897651
    12897902, 13241779, 12896850, 12726222, 12829429, 12728585, 13079948
    12876314, 13090686, 12925041, 12995950, 13251796, 12650672, 12398492
    12848480, 13652088, 12990582, 13857364, 12975811, 12917897, 13082238
    12947871, 13037709, 13371153, 12878750, 10114953, 11772838, 13058611
    13001955, 11836951, 12965049, 13440962, 12765467, 13425727, 12885323
    13339443, 12784559, 13332363, 13074261, 12971251, 13811209, 12709476
    12857064, 13719731, 13396284, 12899169, 13111013, 12867511, 12639013
    12959140, 13085732, 12829917, 12934171, 12849377, 12349553, 12680491
    12914824, 13789135, 12730342, 13334158, 12950823, 13355963, 13531373
    13776758, 12720728, 13620816, 13002015, 13024624, 12791719, 13886023
    13255295, 13821454, 12782756, 12873909, 12914722, 13243172, 12842804
    13045518, 12765868, 12772345, 13345868, 14059576, 13683090, 12932852
    12695029, 13146560, 13038806, 13396356, 13258062, 12834777, 12996572
    13941934, 13657366, 13019958, 12810890, 13502441, 13726162, 13880925
    13506114, 12820045, 13604057, 12823838, 12823042, 13582706, 13617861
    12825835, 13263435, 13025879, 13853089, 13410987, 13570879, 13637590
    12827493, 13247273, 13068077
    OPatch succeeded.
    Any suggestion

    Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
    Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Oracle Home : /u01/app/oracle/
    Central Inventory : /u01/app/oracle/
    from : /u01/app/oracle/
    OPatch version :
    OUI version :
    Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/
    Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/app/oracle/
    Installed Top-level Products (1):
    Oracle Database 11g
    There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.
    Installed Products (136):
    Agent Required Support Files
    Assistant Common Files
    Bali Share
    Buildtools Common Files
    Character Set Migration Utility
    Cluster Verification Utility Common Files
    Database Configuration and Upgrade Assistants
    Database SQL Scripts
    Database Workspace Manager
    Deinstallation Tool
    Enterprise Edition Options
    Enterprise Manager Agent
    Enterprise Manager Agent Core Files
    Enterprise Manager Common Core Files
    Enterprise Manager Common Files
    Enterprise Manager Database Plugin -- Agent Support
    Enterprise Manager Database Plugin -- Repository Support
    Enterprise Manager Grid Control Core Files
    Enterprise Manager plugin Common Files
    Enterprise Manager Repository Core Files
    Exadata Storage Server
    Expat libraries
    Generic Connectivity Common Files
    HAS Common Files
    HAS Files for DB
    Installation Common Files
    Installation Plugin Files
    Installer SDK Component
    JAccelerator (COMPANION)
    LDAP Required Support Files
    OLAP SQL Scripts
    Oracle 11g Warehouse Builder Required Files
    Oracle Advanced Security
    Oracle Application Express
    Oracle Call Interface (OCI)
    Oracle Clusterware RDBMS Files
    Oracle Code Editor
    Oracle Configuration Manager
    Oracle Configuration Manager Client
    Oracle Configuration Manager Deconfiguration
    Oracle Containers for Java
    Oracle Core Required Support Files
    Oracle Data Mining RDBMS Files
    Oracle Database 11g
    Oracle Database 11g
    Oracle Database 11g Multimedia Files
    Oracle Database Deconfiguration
    Oracle Database Gateway for ODBC
    Oracle Database User Interface
    Oracle Database Utilities
    Oracle Database Vault J2EE Application
    Oracle Database Vault option
    Oracle DBCA Deconfiguration
    Oracle Display Fonts
    Oracle Enterprise Manager Console DB
    Oracle Extended Windowing Toolkit
    Oracle Globalization Support
    Oracle Globalization Support
    Oracle Help For Java
    Oracle Help for the Web
    Oracle Ice Browser
    Oracle Internet Directory Client
    Oracle Java Client
    Oracle JDBC Server Support Package
    Oracle JDBC/OCI Instant Client
    Oracle JDBC/THIN Interfaces
    Oracle JFC Extended Windowing Toolkit
    Oracle JVM
    Oracle Label Security
    Oracle LDAP administration
    Oracle Locale Builder
    Oracle Message Gateway Common Files
    Oracle Multimedia
    Oracle Multimedia Annotator
    Oracle Multimedia Client Option
    Oracle Multimedia Java Advanced Imaging
    Oracle Multimedia Locator
    Oracle Multimedia Locator RDBMS Files
    Oracle Net
    Oracle Net Listener
    Oracle Net Required Support Files
    Oracle Net Services
    Oracle Netca Client
    Oracle Notification Service
    Oracle Notification Service (eONS)
    Oracle ODBC Driver
    Oracle ODBC Driverfor Instant Client
    Oracle OLAP
    Oracle OLAP API
    Oracle OLAP RDBMS Files
    Oracle One-Off Patch Installer
    Oracle Partitioning
    Oracle Programmer
    Oracle Quality of Service Management (Client)
    Oracle RAC Deconfiguration
    Oracle RAC Required Support Files-HAS
    Oracle Real Application Testing
    Oracle Recovery Manager
    Oracle Security Developer Tools
    Oracle Spatial
    Oracle SQL Developer
    Oracle Starter Database
    Oracle Text
    Oracle Text Required Support Files
    Oracle UIX
    Oracle Universal Connection Pool
    Oracle Universal Installer
    Oracle USM Deconfiguration
    Oracle Wallet Manager
    Oracle XML Development Kit
    Oracle XML Query
    Parser Generator Required Support Files
    Perl Interpreter
    Perl Modules
    PL/SQL Embedded Gateway
    Platform Required Support Files
    Precompiler Common Files
    Precompiler Required Support Files
    Provisioning Advisor Framework
    RDBMS Required Support Files
    RDBMS Required Support Files for Instant Client
    RDBMS Required Support Files Runtime
    Required Support Files
    Sample Schema Data
    Secure Socket Layer
    SQL*Plus Files for Instant Client
    SQL*Plus Required Support Files
    SQLJ Runtime
    SSL Required Support Files for InstantClient
    Sun JDK
    XDK Required Support Files
    XML Parser for Java
    XML Parser for Oracle JVM
    There are 136 products installed in this Oracle Home.
    Interim patches (2) :
    Patch 13923374 : applied on Thu Oct 11 01:33:50 UTC 2012
    Unique Patch ID: 14912546
    Patch description: "Database Patch Set Update : (13923374)"
    Created on 14 Jun 2012, 23:16:11 hrs PST8PDT
    Sub-patch 13696216; "Database Patch Set Update : (13696216)"
    Sub-patch 13343438; "Database Patch Set Update : (13343438)"
    Bugs fixed:
    12880299, 12960925, 14038787, 12612118, 12834027, 13502183, 12764337
    13916709, 13772618, 10133521, 13588248, 9761357, 12894807, 13742435
    12829021, 13742434, 13657605, 13742433, 13742438, 13742437, 13742436
    12905058, 13503598, 9873405, 12582664, 12535346, 13632717, 12861463
    13343438, 12849688, 13696216, 13103913, 13457582, 13742464, 12917230
    13036331, 12938841, 12656535, 13499128, 12678920, 12401111, 13338048
    12913474, 12662040, 12658411, 11063191, 11877623, 12718090, 12847466
    12797765, 12919564, 12780983, 12617123, 12950644, 12923168, 13035360
    13903046, 13923374, 13420224, 13370330, 12646784, 13340388, 10350832
    12998795, 12588744, 13467683, 13528551, 13001379, 12620823, 12797420
    13041324, 13366202, 13527323, 13326736, 13492735, 13981051, 13466801
    13332439, 13035804, 14063281, 14063280, 13362079, 13419660, 9703627
    13070939, 12845115, 12976376, 11840910, 9858539, 12748240, 12780098
    13354082, 14062797, 12879027, 14062796, 14062795, 14062794, 14062793
    14062792, 13554409
    Files Touched:
    /kgl.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libgeneric11.a
    /kgl2.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libgeneric11.a
    /kgl4.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libgeneric11.a
    ins_net_client.mk --> ORACLE_HOME/network/lib/client_sharedlib
    /ktb.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kks.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kks1.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /ktfa.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /qxim.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /dbsdrv.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /tbsdrv.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kcbz.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /qknpr.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kkzg.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kcl.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kkzu.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kau.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /qesma.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /ctc.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kkpo.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kkpob.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kxcc.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kdlx.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kdlxdup.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kta.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /dgl.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kjbl.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kjbr.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kjfc.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kjm.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /qke.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kzax.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /qesrc.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kksc.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kksh.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kkpod.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kql.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kkt.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /atb.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kunid.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libnid.a
    kutable.xsl --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/xml/xsl/kutable.xsl
    kutrig.xsl --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/xml/xsl/kutrig.xsl
    bundledata_PSU.xml --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/bundledata_PSU.xml
    ins_rdbms.mk --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/ioracle
    ins_rdbms.mk --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/irenamedg
    ins_rdbms.mk --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/inid
    ins_rdbms.mk --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/client_sharedlib
    catpsu.sql --> ORACLE_HOME/psu/
    catpsu_rollback.sql --> ORACLE_HOME/psu/
    bug9858539.sql --> ORACLE_HOME/psu/scripts/bug9858539.sql
    prvsawr.plb --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvsawr.plb
    prvtawr.plb --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvtawr.plb
    prvtawrs.plb --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/prvtawrs.plb
    /nae.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libn11.a
    /nsglsn.o --> ORACLE_HOME/network/lib/libnlsnr11.a
    ins_net_client.mk --> ORACLE_HOME/network/lib/client_sharedlib
    ins_net_server.mk --> ORACLE_HOME/network/lib/itnslsnr
    /oracle/sysman/db/adm/BaseController.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar
    /oracle/sysman/db/adm/inst/SPIAChecklistController.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar
    /oracle/sysman/db/adm/inst/SPIAExadataController.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar
    /oracle/sysman/db/adm/inst/SPIAOptimizerStatsController.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar
    /oracle/sysman/db/adm/inst/SPIAParameterChangeController.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar
    /oracle/sysman/db/adm/inst/SPIAUpgradeController.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar
    /oracle/sysman/db/adm/inst/StsImExportController.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar
    /oracle/sysman/emo/adm/DBMonitoringObject.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar
    /oracle/sysman/emo/perf/bean/spia/TrialsComparisonBean.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar
    /_database/_instance/_spia/_createSqlReplay.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emdb_emjsp.jar
    /_database/_instance/_spia/_optimizerStats.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emdb_emjsp.jar
    /_database/_instance/_spia/_parameterChange.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emdb_emjsp.jar
    /_database/_instance/_spia/_sage.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emdb_emjsp.jar
    /_database/_instance/_spia/_trialComparison.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emdb_emjsp.jar
    /_database/_instance/_spia/_upgrade.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emdb_emjsp.jar
    /_database/_instance/_spia/_upgrade2.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emdb_emjsp.jar
    /_database/_instance/_sqlset/_stsExport.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emdb_emjsp.jar
    /_database/_instance/_sqlset/_stsImport.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emdb_emjsp.jar
    /k2.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /k2r.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /k2s.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kcb.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kcf.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kcm.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kcs.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kcv.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kdd.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kds.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kdst.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kdst00.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kdst01.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kdst11.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kdstrr.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kdt.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kdza.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kdzh.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kdzs.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libcommon11.a
    /kfd.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kfds.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kfe.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kff.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kfg.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kfksubs.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kfx.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kgodm.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libgeneric11.a
    /kjb.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kjbm.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kjcl.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kjdx.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kjfs.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kji.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kjs.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kju.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kjx.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kkxwtp.o --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/libknlopt.a
    /kkz.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /knl.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /koks3.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kpoal8.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kpostr.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kqlp.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /ksfd.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kspt.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /ksut.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /ktsa.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /ktsi.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /ktsla.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /ktslj.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /ktslm.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /ktslur.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /ktss.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /ktt.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kzft.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kzp.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /kzrt.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /mdopp.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libordsdo11.a
    /ncodef.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /npi.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /opial7.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /opiexe.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /oracle/sysman/db/adm/DBController.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar
    /oracle/sysman/db/adm/schm/GrantObjPrivsController.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar
    /oracle/sysman/eml/ecm/sc/Operator$BuiltInIds.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar
    /oracle/sysman/eml/ecm/sc/Operator$Parameters.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar
    /oracle/sysman/eml/ecm/sc/Operator$TokenSeparatorWords.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar
    /oracle/sysman/eml/ecm/sc/Operator$Tokenizations.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar
    /oracle/sysman/eml/ecm/sc/Operator.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emCORE.jar
    /oracle/sysman/emo/adm/usage/UsageSQLGenerator.class --> ORACLE_HOME/sysman/jlib/emDB.jar
    /prsc.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /psdicd.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /psdmsc.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /psdpgi.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /psdsys.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /qcodfdef.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libgeneric11.a
    /qcodfdef_PERF.o --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/libperfsrv11.a
    /qct.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libgeneric11.a
    /qerrm.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /qertb.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    /qsmqcsm.o --> ORACLE_HOME/lib/libserver11.a
    asmcmdcore --> ORACLE_HOME/bin/asmcmdcore
    c1102000.sql --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/c1102000.sql
    catfusrg.sql --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catfusrg.sql
    catpsu.sql --> ORACLE_HOME/psu/
    catpsu.sql --> ORACLE_HOME/psu/
    catpsu_rollback.sql --> ORACLE_HOME/psu/
    catpsu_rollback.sql --> ORACLE_HOME/psu/
    e1102000.sql --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/e1102000.sql
    kkxwtp.o --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/kkxwtp.o
    kspasv0.var --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/kspasv0.var
    oraus.msb --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msb
    oraus.msg --> ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg/oraus.msg
    Patch Location in Inventory:
    Patch Location in Storage area:
    Patch 13919095 : applied on Thu Oct 11 01:31:19 UTC 2012
    Unique Patch ID: 14912546
    Patch description: "Grid Infrastructure Patch Set Update : (13919095)"
    Created on 4 Jul 2012, 11:10:31 hrs PST8PDT
    Bugs fixed:
    13919095, 13696251, 13348650, 12659561, 13039908, 13036424, 12794268
    13011520, 13569812, 12758736, 13077654, 13001901, 13430715, 13806545
    14082976, 12771830, 12538907, 13066371, 13483672, 12594616, 12897651
    12897902, 13241779, 12896850, 12726222, 12829429, 12728585, 13079948
    12876314, 13090686, 12925041, 12995950, 13251796, 12650672, 12398492
    12848480, 13652088, 12990582, 13857364, 12975811, 12917897, 13082238
    12947871, 13037709, 13371153, 12878750, 10114953, 11772838, 13058611
    13001955, 11836951, 12965049, 13440962, 12765467, 13425727, 12885323
    13339443, 12784559, 13332363, 13074261, 12971251, 13811209, 12709476
    12857064, 13719731, 13396284, 12899169, 13111013, 12867511, 12639013
    12959140, 13085732, 12829917, 12934171, 12849377, 12349553, 12680491
    12914824, 13789135, 12730342, 13334158, 12950823, 13355963, 13531373
    13776758, 12720728, 13620816, 13002015, 13024624, 12791719
    Files Touched:
    cluvfyrac.sh --> ORACLE_HOME/bin/cluvfyrac.sh
    crsdiag.pl --> ORACLE_HOME/bin/crsdiag.pl
    gnsd --> ORACLE_HOME/bin/gnsd
    lsnodes --> ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnodes
    racgwrap --> ORACLE_HOME/bin/racgwrap
    racgwrap.sbs --> ORACLE_HOME/bin/racgwrap.sbs
    srvconfig --> ORACLE_HOME/bin/srvconfig
    rootofs.sh --> ORACLE_HOME/crs/install/rootofs.sh
    s_crsconfig_defs --> ORACLE_HOME/crs/install/s_crsconfig_defs
    env_has.mk --> ORACLE_HOME/crs/lib/env_has.mk
    crsar.msb --> ORACLE_HOME/crs/mesg/crsar.msb
    sclsus.msg --> ORACLE_HOME/srvm/mesg/sclsus.msg
    srvm.jar --> ORACLE_HOME/oui/jlib/srvm.jar
    srvmasm.jar --> ORACLE_HOME/oui/jlib/srvmasm.jar
    libsrvm11.so --> ORACLE_HOME/oui/lib/aix/libsrvm11.so
    ins_srvm.mk --> ORACLE_HOME/srvm/lib/install_srvm
    ins_has.mk --> ORACLE_HOME/racg/lib/install
    Patch Location in Inventory:
    Patch Location in Storage area:
    OPatch succeeded.
    You have mail in /usr/spool/mail/oracle

  • Message 2100 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=UL

    I am trying to run sqlldr. But I got this message:
    Message 2100 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=UL;
    I checked my ORACLE_HOME and it is set to: C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server which includes the folders BIN,RDBMS, ....
    I checked my C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server\RDBMS and there is no ORAUS.MSG inside the folder. If this is the solution where can I find this file? I read in the forums to copy it from the server directory to the client, but I couldn't find it anywhere on my machine.

    Thansk, I really appreciate your help. This is the result:
    AGSDESKTOPJAVA=C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\
    CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
    CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
    CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files
    JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23
    ell\v1.0\;c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\;C:\MATLAB\R
    2010a\runtime\win64;C:\MATLAB\R2010a\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Rox
    io Shared\DLLShared\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Roxio Shared\10.0\DLLSh
    PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 15 Model 6 Stepping 2, GenuineIntel
    ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
    ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)
    ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files
    RoxioCentral=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Roxio Shared\10.0\Roxio Central
    VS100COMNTOOLS=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\Tools
    VS90COMNTOOLS=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\Tools\

  • All oracle errors in a table

    Windows 7 Home Premium
    I want to create a table which should have below columns and values :
    ORA Varchar2(20)
    Cause Varchar2(100)
    Action Varchar2(150)
    This table should have all the ORAs with their causes and suggested action(s).
    Can you please give me such a link for this?
    Thanking you.

    user12050217 wrote:
    Hello Sir,
    Can you please confirm that a good oracle installation in windows have oraus.msg ? After searching on different links, i found that oraus.msg is for *nix OS, oracle provides oraus.msb for windows.  Kindly confirm my understanding.
    I need this table because our application team has asked our DBA team to provide them a complete oracle error code, causes and action column, so that they can use in their daily purpose. They are designing a utility in which user will simply input oracle error number and output will be fetched by this table (in case there is no internet connectivity and DBA is on the leave). So that they can talk DBAs over phone that we are getting such and such error and this is cause and action from your table.
    Please help me in this regard.
    Thanks and Regards,They are re-inventing the wheel. Oracle has already provided that utility. It's call 'oerr' and is fully documented and supported. Do they also want to re-write sqllpus? expdp/impdp? sqlloader? How about the dbms_* utilities?

  • Example JSP and XML code inside that allows update of attributes

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <NAME>Test MATT Document</NAME>
    <TITLE>Matt Australia</TITLE>
    <KEYWORDS>Australia Brisbane Sydney</KEYWORDS>
    <content><![CDATA[<HTML><BODY>Example Document Content</BODY></HTML>]]></content>
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <Description>A MATT Document.</Description>
    <Superclass RefType="name">Document</Superclass>
    /* For information on deploying an instance class bean see iFS Developer's Guide 1.1 Section 4-14 */
    package qut.MATT;
    import oracle.ifs.server.S_LibraryObjectData;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.Document;
    import oracle.ifs.beans.TieDocument;
    import oracle.ifs.common.IfsException;
    import oracle.ifs.common.AttributeValue;
    public class MATT_Document extends TieDocument
    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
    public static final String CLASS_NAME = "MATT_DOCUMENT";
    public static final String TITLE_ATTRIBUTE = "TITLE";
    public static final String INCLUDEME_ATTRIBUTE = "INCLUDEME";
    public static final String KEYWORDS_ATTRIBUTE = "KEYWORDS";
    public MATT_Document(LibrarySession ifsSession, java.lang.Long id, java.lang.Long classId, S_LibraryObjectData data)
    throws IfsException
    // Construct a Document object - standard variant.
    public void setTitle(String newValue)
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    public String getTitle()
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = getAttribute(TITLE_ATTRIBUTE);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    public void setIncludeMe(boolean newValue)
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    public boolean getIncludeMe()
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = getAttribute(INCLUDEME_ATTRIBUTE);
    return av.getBoolean(getSession());
    public void setKeywords(String newValue)
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = AttributeValue.newAttributeValue(newValue);
    public String getKeywords()
    throws IfsException
    AttributeValue av = getAttribute(KEYWORDS_ATTRIBUTE);
    return av.getString(getSession());
    <%-- Copyright 2000 Matt Shannon / Oracle Corporation --%>
    <%-- This page is used for the modification of MATT Document Properties --%>
    <%-- Page Directives --%>
    <%@ page language = "java"
    import = "java.util.*, java.text.SimpleDateFormat"
    info="MATT Document Properties Screen"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.clients.webui.WebUILogin"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.clients.webui.WebUIUtils"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.clients.webui.resources.WebUIResources"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.clients.webui.resources.JspResourcesID"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.clients.webui.FileUtils"%>
    <%@ page i mport = "oracle.ifs.beans.LibrarySession"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.beans.PublicObject"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.beans.Attribute"%>
    <%@ page import = "oracle.ifs.common.AttributeValue"%>
    <%@ page import = "qut.MATT.MATT_Document"%>
    <META http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
    <META http-equiv="expires" content="0">
    <%-- Declarations --%>
    <%! final String headingTitle = "MATT Document Properties";
    <%-- Scriptlet --%>
    WebUILogin login = WebUILogin.getWebUILogin(request);
    if (login.isTimedOut())
    String msg = "" + WebUIUtils.getResourceString(WebUIResources.WEBUI_SESSION_TIMEOUT_ERROR_CODE);
    msg = msg.replace('\"','\'');
    <script language="JavaScript">
    else // if logged in
    String path = WebUIUtils.getBasePathFromServletPath(request,
    String container = WebUIUtils.getUTF8Parameter(request,"container");
    String Title = WebUIUtils.getUTF8Parameter(request,"Title");
    String IncludeMe = WebUIUtils.getUTF8Parameter(request,"IncludeMe");
    String Keywords = WebUIUtils.getUTF8Parameter(request,"Keywords");
    String actn = WebUIUtils.getUTF8Parameter(request,"actn");
    LibrarySession sess = login.getSession();
    if (actn == null)
    actn = "";
    if (Title == null)
    Title = "";
    if (IncludeMe == null)
    IncludeMe = "";
    if (Keywords == null)
    Keywords = "";
    if (path.indexOf(":") != -1)
    // path is fine no change
    else if (container.equals("null"))
    path = ":" + path;
    else if (container.endsWith("/"))
    path = container + path;
    else if (path.indexOf(container) == 0)
    // leave path alone
    path = container + "/" + path;
    path = FileUtils.convertPath(path, sess);
    PublicObject pObject = null;
    String displayName = path;
    pObject = WebUIUtils.findPublicObjectByPathOrId(login.getResolver(), login.getSession(),path);
    if (pObject != null)
    pObject = pObject.getResolvedPublicObject();
    if (pObject != null)
    String name = pObject.getName();
    if (name != null && !name.equals(""))
    displayName = name;
    <%= "QUT - " + displayName + " - " + headingTitle%>
    <link rel=STYLESHEET type="text/css" href="../webui/css/NewStyles.css">
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#FF0000" vlink="#FF0000" alink="#FF0000" onload="store_initial_values()">
    if (pObject == null)
    <td width="31" height="10" align=left>
    <input type="button" name="Button"
    else // pObject != null
    if (!(pObject instanceof MATT_Document))
    <h3>Error - Object not an instance of MATT_Document</h3>
    <td width="31" height="10" align=left>
    <input type="button" name="Button"
    <script language="JavaScript1.2">
    var success = true;
    var oldTitle = "";
    var oldIncludeMe = "";
    var oldKeywords = "";
    function store_initial_values()
    oldTitle = document.forms.docPropertiesForm.Title.value;
    oldIncludeMe = document.forms.docPropertiesForm.IncludeMe.selectedIndex;
    oldKeywords = document.forms.docPropertiesForm.Keywords.value;
    function validate_form()
    if (hasChanges())
    function hasChanges()
    var hasChanged = false;
    var newTitle = " ";
    var newIncludeMe = "";
    var newKeywords = "";
    newTitle = document.forms.docPropertiesForm.Title.value;
    newIncludeMe = document.forms.docPropertiesForm.IncludeMe.selectedIndex;
    newKeywords = document.forms.docPropertiesForm.Keywords.value;
    if (oldTitle != newTitle)
    hasChanged = true;
    else if (oldIncludeMe != newIncludeMe)
    hasChanged = true;
    else if (oldKeywords != newKeywords)
    hasChanged = true;
    return hasChanged;
    if (actn.equals("save_values"))
    // set Title if changed
    if (Title != null && !Title.equals(((MATT_Document)pObject).getTitle()))
    // set Keywords if changed
    if (Keywords != null && !Keywords.equals(((MATT_Document)pObject).getKeywords()))
    // set IncludeMe if changed
    if (IncludeMe != null)
    boolean l_includeMe = IncludeMe.equals("1");
    if ( ((MATT_Document)pObject).getIncludeMe() != l_includeMe )
    catch (Exception e)
    String msg = "" + login.getErrorResolver().getMessage(e);
    msg = msg.replace('\"','\'');
    <script language="JavaScript">
    var success = false;
    } // end catch block
    <script language="JavaScript">
    if (success)
    document.write("<h2><%=login.getJspResourceString(JspResourcesID.SHOWDOCPROPS_PROPERTIES_SAVED_TEXT)%></h2><form><input type=button value='<%=login.getJspResourceString(JspResourcesID.WEBUI_OK_BUTTON)%>' onclick='top.close();'></form>");
    else // if !actn.equals("save_values")
    <form name="docPropertiesForm" method="POST" action="MATTproperties.jsp">
    <table border="1" width="90%">
    <td width="100%" colspan="3" class="DH">
    MATT Document Class Properties <br>
    <td width="20%" class="required" align="left">
    Class Name:
    <td width="80%">
    <td width="20%" class="required" align="left">
    Bean Path:
    <td width="80%">
    <td width="20%" class="required" align="left">
    <td width="80%">
    <td width="100%" colspan="3" class="DH">
    MATT Document Properties <br>
    <td width="15%" class="required">
    <td width="85%" colspan="2">
    <td width="20%" class="required" align="left">
    <td width="80%">
    <input type=text name="Title" value="<%=((MATT_Document)pObject).getTitle()%>" size=100>
    <td width="20%" class="required" align="left">
    <td width="80%">
    <input type=text name="Keywords" value="<%=pObject.getAttribute("Keywords").getString(sess)%>" size=100>
    <td width="20%" class="required" align="left">
    <td width="80%">
    <select class="listbox" size="1" name="IncludeMe">
    if (((MATT_Document)pObject).getIncludeMe())
    <option value="1" selected>true</option>
    <option value="0" selected>false</option>
    <option value="1">true</option>
    <option value="0" selected>false</option>
    <table width="80%">
    <td width="58" height="10" align =left>
    <input type="button" name="Button" value="<%=login.getJspResourceString(JspResourcesID.WEBUI_OK_BUTTON)%>" onclick="validate_form();">
    <td width="62" height="10" align=right>
    <input type="hidden" name="actn" value="save_values">
    <input type="hidden" name="path" value="<%=WebUIUtils.getServletPathFromBasePath(request,path)%>">
    <input type="hidden" name="container" value="<%=container%>">
    <input type="button" name="Button" value="<%=login.getJspResourceString(JspResourcesID.WEBUI_CANCEL_BUTTON)%>" onclick="top.close();">
    } // end - if actn.equals
    } // end - if pObject instance of
    catch (Exception e)
    String msg = "" + login.getErrorResolver().getMessage(e);
    msg = msg.replace('\"','\'');
    <script language="JavaScript">
    var success = false;
    } // end catch block
    } // if pObject
    } // if logged in
    There is probably lots of better ways of doing the above. The iFS 1.1 Developer guide confused me alot particularly sections 4-10 and 4-11 where it talks about an instance class bean that extends the Tie classes, then the example shown on 4-12 is completely different!
    note.. also i got most of the above code using JAD having decompiled webui.jar. Seems these JARS are not obfuscated.
    webui.jar in $ORACLE_HOME/ifs1.1/lib

    Thanks. I have ifs 1.1 now and have modified this example to use my custom type. However, when the jsp runs and hits the code at the beginning that checks "if login.isTimedOut()", it always thinks I have timed out, even though I have just logged in via the webui.
    Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • Is there any table/view of errors?

    Dear Experts,
    Is there any table/view in Oracle database where all the database errors can be viewed? Errors like ORA-00942, .....
    I am on Oracle 10gR2.
    Thanks for taking your precious time in answering my question.

    If you are on Unix or Linux go to your $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/mesg and view the file oraus.msg
    This file lists all of the error messages together with the Cause and Action, if they exist - kinda like the Error Messages document.
    Oracle makes reading this file easy with the oerr shell script.
    For example:
    oerr ora 54
    00054, 00000, "resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified"
    // *Cause:  Resource interested is busy.
    // *Action: Retry if necessary.I don't know why this file is not in the Windows distribution....

  • Need help to check multiple conditions and set AD user properties

    hello All,
    I have a data csv sheet where information as follows, using below information I need to update AD account attributes based on below conditions . I have full right and I can set any user properties. So this is not access right issue.   
    abcd                      XXXXXXXXX     EN         SMS
    Now I need to check following conditions:
    Othertelephone =  if this should not be blank ,if so display message " filed is blank " and no changes should allowed in further attributes and  it should abort
    language= this field should only contain  EN or FR value if No display msg " error in language field " and no further changes to  the user attributes and it should abort
    employeeID= this field should only contain OTP or SMS value if Not filled display msg " error in Employee ID field " No further changes to the user attributes and it should abort
    changes to user will permit  when all attributes is filled. I do the testing taking samaccountname , othertelephone and employeeId into consideration but it did not helped. Getting error
    THIS is complete Code Of my Task where you need my focus on conditions
    group=Get-QAdGroup -SearchRoot  "domain/vpn group"
    Import-Csv D:\VPN.csv |
    if ($_.samaccountname -eq "")
       Write-Host "SAMACCOUNTNAME is blank"   -fore red
     $user=Get-QAduser $_.samaccountname
    if ($user.memberof -contains  $group.DN)
     Write-Host "$($_.Samaccountname) user is allready a member" -fore red
     Add-QADGroupMember $group $_.Samaccountname
    If ($_.othertelephone -eq "")
    Write-Output "$($_.samaccountname) telephone Number is blank"
    if ($_.EmployeeID -notmatch 'OTP' -and 'SMS')
    Write-Output "$($_.samaccountname) EmployeeID field is not correctly field")
    Set-QADUser $_.SamAccountName -ObjectAttributes @{telephonenumber=$_.othertelephone;EmployeeID=$_.EmployeeID}
    Set-QADUser : Access is denied.
    At C:\Users\g512263\AppData\Local\Temp\5f8facb6-f942-4c3d-b924-8953d9a706da.ps1:37 char:8
    +                    Set-QADUser $_.SamAccountName -ObjectAttributes @{telephonenumber=$_.othe ...
    +    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-QADUser], UnauthorizedAccessException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Quest.ActiveRoles.ArsPowerShellSnapIn.Powershell.Cmdlets.SetUserCm

    <title>Untitled - PowerGUI Script Editor</title>
    Hello JRV,Thank you for your time, There is no comma in my csv file , I double check. below I wrote a simple code.I removed all the conditions and just try to set the EmployeeID and it is working fine with same file.But as soon as I add conditions it gives access denied. as well as if I remove employee Id from your previous code and only try to set telephone No. still it gives access denied.I am just trying to figure out what is causing this.
    $group=Get-QAdGroup -SearchRoot "com/Group"
    Import-Csv D:\VPN.csv |
    if ($_.samaccountname -eq ""){
    Write-Host "SAMACCOUNTNAME is blank" -fore red
    $user=Get-QAduser $_.samaccountname
    if ($user.memberof -contains $group.DN){
    Write-Host "$($_.Samaccountname) user is allready a member" -fore red
    Add-QADGroupMember $group $_.Samaccountname
    If ($_.othertelephone -ne "")
    Set-QADUser $user.SamAccountName -ObjectAtt Aributes @{telephonenumber=$_.othertelephone}
    } else
    Write-Output "$($_.samaccountname) phonenumber is blank"
    If ($_.EmployeeID -ne "")
    Set-QADUser $_.SamAccountName -ObjectAttributes @{EmployeeID=$_.EmployeeID}
    Write-Output "$($_.samaccountname) EmployeeID field is blank"
    If ($_.Preferredlanguage -ne "")
    Set-QADUser $_.SamAccountName -ObjectAttributes @{Preferredlanguage=$_.preferredlanguage}
    } else
    Write-Output "$($_.samaccountname) PreferredLanguage field is blank"

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