Order management queries

Hi all,
Can we restrict inventory organization to responsibilities ? what profile option need to be set?
Can we have one operating unit with two different item master organizations?
Can we restrict(hide from other inv orgs in same O U) Purchase Orders coming to particular Inventory Organization?
From PO/Blanket Release, can we generate internal requisition?
Can we generate internal sales order with internal requisition?
Please, provide me some inputs. I am working on Instance
Thanks in advance.

Can we restrict inventory organization to responsibilities ? what profile option need to be set?
Can we have one operating unit with two different item master organizations?
-- No
Can we restrict(hide from other inv orgs in same O U) Purchase Orders coming to particular Inventory Organization?
--PO is segrigated at OU level, not at inventory organization level. If the receiving organization belongs to same OU, then it is not posssible to restrict, but if the receiving organization belongs to different OU, then it is possible.
From PO/Blanket Release, can we generate internal requisition?
--As I believe No
Can we generate internal sales order with internal requisition?
--Yes, Internal requisitions in the purchasing system that will directly result in the generation of an internal sales order in the order management system through the order import process in order management.

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  • Tuning Oracle Applicatons Order Management Query

    We are trying to build a Order Management related workbench for this I have created below query as per the client requirement.
    And I have to use one package function to get Available_qty based on client defination. Package Function name is "xx_eg_calculated_onhand".
    User will query this view based on Customer_id and Salesperson_id. When this view executed with these two values its taking long time.
    But, if user queries with order_number it is getting executed fastly. Could somebody let me know what should I do to get this query execute fast when
    user query with either customer_id or salesrep_id OR both.
    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW xxrelease_sales_orders_v (row_id,
    SELECT      a.row_id,
              DECODE(SIGN(a.Available_qty),-1, 0, a.available_qty) Available_Qty,
              DECODE(SIGN(LEAST(a.order_quality, a.Available_qty)), -1,0, LEAST(a.order_quality, a.Available_qty)) Shipped_Qty,
    From (
    SELECT     ooh.ROWID row_id,
              ooh.order_number||'-'||ool.line_number||'.'||ool.shipment_number Sales_Order,
              NVL (ool.freight_carrier_code, 'NA') carrier,
              ool.ordered_item Customer_Item_Number,          
              haou.name Ship_From,
              hl.city || ' ' || hl.state || ' ' || hl.postal_code ship_to,
              NVL (ool.request_date, SYSDATE) request_date,
    NVL (ool.ordered_quantity, 0) order_quality,
              xxeg_releaseworkbench_form_pkg.xx_eg_calculated_onhand(ool.line_id) Available_qty,
              ool.order_quantity_uom uom,
              hp.party_name Customer_Name,
              hca.account_number Customer_Number,
              jrs.name Sales_Person_Name,
              0 cust_hold,
              0 release_check,
              oe_line_status_pub.Get_Line_Status(ool.line_id, ool.flow_status_code) Line_status,
    NVL (ool.ship_tolerance_above, 0) tolerance,
              ool.ship_from_org_id organization_id,
              ooh.ship_to_org_id site_use_id,
              '0' organization_code
    FROM      oe_order_headers_all ooh,
              oe_order_lines_all ool,
              wsh_delivery_details wdd,
              wsh_delivery_assignments wda,
              mtl_system_items_b msi,
              hz_cust_accounts hca,
              hz_parties hp,
              jtf_rs_salesreps jrs,
              hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsu,
              hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcas,
              hz_party_sites hps,
              hz_locations hl,
              hr_all_organization_units haou
    WHERE      ooh.header_id = ool.header_id     
    AND          ooh.header_id = wdd.source_header_id
    AND          ool.line_id     = wdd.source_line_id
    AND          wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id
    AND          ool.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
    AND          ooh.ship_from_org_id = msi.organization_id
    AND          ooh.sold_to_org_id      = hca.cust_account_id
    AND          hca.party_id          = hp.party_id
    AND          ool.salesrep_id          = jrs.salesrep_id
    AND          ool.org_id               = jrs.org_id
    AND          ooh.ship_to_org_id     = hcsu.site_use_id
    AND          hcsu.cust_acct_site_id = hcas.cust_acct_site_id
    AND          hcas.party_site_id     = hps.party_site_id
    AND          hps.location_id          = hl.location_id
    AND          ool.ship_from_org_id = haou.organization_id
    AND          wdd.released_status     = 'R'
    AND          hcsu.site_use_code     = 'SHIP_TO'
    AND      ool.flow_status_code = 'AWAITING_SHIPPING'
    --and     hca.cust_account_id = 1531 and jrs.salesrep_id = 100000060
    --AND          ooh.order_number = '361130'
    ) a
    FUNCTION xx_eg_calculated_onhand (p_so_line_id IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
    --CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE xx_eg_calculated_onhand (p_so_line_id IN NUMBER) IS
    -- Steps Involved to calculate the onhand availability
    --     1. Get Inventory Item ID and Warehouse from given sales order line ID
    -- Local Variable Declration
         l_inventory_item_id          apps.oe_order_lines_all.inventory_item_id%TYPE := 0;
         l_organization_id          apps.oe_order_lines_all.ship_from_org_id%TYPE := 0;
         l_order_quantity_uom          apps.oe_order_lines_all.order_quantity_uom%TYPE := '';
         l_primary_uom_code          apps.mtl_system_items_b.primary_uom_code%TYPE := '';
         l_onhand_reserve          NUMBER(15,2) := 0;
         l_hard_reservation          NUMBER(15,2) := 0;
         l_so_soft_reservation          NUMBER(15,2) := 0;
         l_wo_soft_reservation          NUMBER(15,2) := 0;
         l_so_released_ware_qty          NUMBER(15,2) := 0;
    -- Cursor declrations
         -- Get inventory item, warehouse and order UOM Details
         CURSOR      Get_inv_and_org_details IS
         SELECT     ool.inventory_item_id,
         FROM     apps.oe_order_lines_all ool,
              apps.mtl_system_items_b msi
         WHERE     ool.line_id = NVL(p_so_line_id,0)
         AND     ool.inventory_item_id      = msi.inventory_item_id
         AND     ool.ship_from_org_id     = msi.organization_id;
         -- Get Hard Reservation details for given item and warehouse
         CURSOR     Get_Hard_reservation(p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER, p_organization_id IN NUMBER) IS
         SELECT     SUM(reservation_quantity)
         FROM     apps.mtl_reservations
         WHERE     inventory_item_id      = NVL(p_inventory_item_id,0)
         AND     organization_id          = NVL(p_organization_id, 0)
         AND     demand_source_line_id <> p_so_line_id;
         -- Get Soft reservation details for given item and warehouse for Sales order
         CURSOR     Get_so_soft_reservation (p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER, p_organization_id IN NUMBER) IS
         SELECT     SUM(mlqv.onhand_qty)
         FROM      xxapps.xx_eg_lot_reservations xelr,
              xxapps.mtl_lot_qty_vw mlqv,
              apps.oe_order_lines_all ool
         WHERE     xelr.lot_no      = mlqv.lot_no
         AND     xelr.so_line_id = ool.line_id
         AND     mlqv.org_id      = ool.ship_from_org_id
         AND     mlqv.item_id      = ool.inventory_item_id
         AND     mlqv.org_id      = p_organization_id
         AND     mlqv.item_id      = p_inventory_item_id;
         -- Get Soft reservation details for given item and warehouse for work orders
         CURSOR     Get_wo_soft_reservation (p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER, p_organization_id IN NUMBER) IS
         SELECT     SUM(mlqv.onhand_qty)
         FROM      xxapps.xx_eg_lot_reservations xelr,
              xxapps.mtl_lot_qty_vw mlqv,
              wip.wip_requirement_operations wro
         WHERE     xelr.lot_no           = mlqv.lot_no
         AND     xelr.wip_entity_id      = wro.wip_entity_id
         AND     mlqv.org_id           = wro.organization_id
         AND     mlqv.item_id           = wro.inventory_item_id
         AND     mlqv.org_id           = p_organization_id
         AND     mlqv.item_id           = p_inventory_item_id;
         -- Get Sales order lines quantity for the shipment status 'Released to Wareshoue'
         CURSOR     Get_so_qty (p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER, p_organization_id IN NUMBER) IS
         SELECT      SUM(requested_quantity)
         FROM      apps.wsh_deliverables_v
         WHERE released_status='S'
         AND     inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
         AND organization_id = p_organization_id;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Function Started with so_line_id = '||p_so_line_id);
         -- Get the inventory_item_id and warehouse id and
         --     ordered quantity uom details
         -- By opening the cursor Get_inv_and_org_details
         OPEN Get_inv_and_org_details;
         FETCH Get_inv_and_org_details INTO l_inventory_item_id,l_organization_id,l_order_quantity_uom,l_primary_uom_code;
         CLOSE Get_inv_and_org_details;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Inventory item id = '||l_inventory_item_id||' and warehouse id = '||l_organization_id);
         IF (l_inventory_item_id = 0 OR l_inventory_item_id IS NULL) OR
              (l_organization_id = 0 OR l_organization_id IS NULL) THEN
              dbms_output.put_line('No inventory/wareshouse details available for given sales order line');
              RETURN 0;
         END IF;
         -- Get onhand available to reserve quantity using API
         -- passing inventory item id and organization id as
         -- a parameters.
         l_onhand_reserve     := apps.xx_utility_pkg.Get_Available_to_Reserve_org(l_inventory_item_id,l_organization_id);
         Dbms_output.put_line('Onhand availability to Reserve quantity = '||l_onhand_reserve);
         -- Get hard reservation quantity by
         -- passing inventory item id and organization id as
         -- a parameters to cursor Get_Hard_reservation
         OPEN Get_Hard_reservation(l_inventory_item_id,l_organization_id);
              FETCH Get_Hard_reservation INTO l_hard_reservation;
         CLOSE Get_Hard_reservation;
         Dbms_output.put_line('Hard Reserve quantity = '||l_hard_reservation);
         -- Get Soft reservation quantity by
         -- passing inventory item id and organization id as
         -- a parameters to cursor
         --     Get_so_soft_reservation for sales lines
         OPEN Get_so_soft_reservation(l_inventory_item_id,l_organization_id);
              FETCH Get_so_soft_reservation INTO l_so_soft_reservation;
         CLOSE Get_so_soft_reservation;
         -- Get Soft reservation quantity by
         -- passing inventory item id and organization id as
         -- a parameters to cursor
         --     Get_wo_soft_reservation for work orders
         OPEN Get_wo_soft_reservation(l_inventory_item_id,l_organization_id);
              FETCH Get_wo_soft_reservation INTO l_wo_soft_reservation;
         CLOSE Get_wo_soft_reservation;
         -- Get Sales order line sum quantity for those
         -- lines which has a status of 'Released to Warehouse'
         -- at their shipment level for given parameters
         OPEN Get_so_qty(l_inventory_item_id,l_organization_id);
              FETCH Get_so_qty INTO l_so_released_ware_qty;
         CLOSE Get_so_qty;
         INSERT INTO xxapps.xxeg_calculated_onhand_tbl
         Commit Work;
    Create table xxapps.xxeg_calculated_onhand_tbl
         order_line_id          NUMBER,
         inventory_item_id      NUMBER,
         organization_id      NUMBER,
         available_to_reserve      NUMBER,
         hard_reservation     NUMBER,
         soft_reservation_so     NUMBER,
         soft_reservation_wo     NUMBER,
         other_so_lines_qty     NUMBER,
         run_date          DATE
         RETURN (NVL(l_onhand_reserve,0) + NVL(l_hard_reservation,0) - (NVL(l_so_soft_reservation,0) + NVL(l_wo_soft_reservation,0)) - NVL(l_so_released_ware_qty,0));
    WHEN others THEN
         RETURN (0);
    END xx_eg_calculated_onhand;

    I have gathered a explain plan. Could somebody let me know whats going on.
    | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost |
    | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 404 | 87 |
    | 1 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 404 | 87 |
    | 2 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 374 | 86 |
    | 3 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 323 | 85 |
    | 4 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 300 | 84 |
    | 5 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 290 | 83 |
    | 6 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 280 | 80 |
    | 7 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 261 | 79 |
    | 8 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 209 | 78 |
    | 9 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 192 | 75 |
    | 10 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 164 | 74 |
    | 11 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 76 | 72 |
    | 12 | NESTED LOOPS | | 1 | 46 | 3 |
    |* 14 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_U1 | 1 | | 1 |
    | 15 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| HZ_PARTIES | 1 | 30 | 1 |
    |* 16 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | HZ_PARTIES_U1 | 1 | | |
    |* 18 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | OE_ORDER_HEADERS_N2 | 1 | | 1 |
    |* 20 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | OE_ORDER_LINES_N1 | 6 | | 1 |
    |* 22 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | JTF_RS_SALESREPS_U1 | 1 | | |
    |* 24 | INDEX RANGE SCAN | WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS_N3 | 4 | | 2 |
    |* 26 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_U1 | 1 | | |
    |* 28 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_U1 | 1 | | |
    |* 32 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_U1 | 1 | | |
    |* 33 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | HZ_PARTY_SITES | 1 | 23 | 1 |
    |* 34 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | HZ_PARTY_SITES_U1 | 1 | | |
    |* 35 | TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID | HZ_LOCATIONS | 1 | 51 | 1 |
    |* 36 | INDEX UNIQUE SCAN | HZ_LOCATIONS_U1 | 1 | | |
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
    14 - access("HCA"."CUST_ACCOUNT_ID"=1531)
    16 - access("HCA"."PARTY_ID"="HP"."PARTY_ID")
    18 - access("OOH"."SOLD_TO_ORG_ID"=1531)
    20 - access("OOH"."HEADER_ID"="OOL"."HEADER_ID")
    22 - access("JRS"."SALESREP_ID"=100000060 AND "OOL"."ORG_ID"="JRS"."ORG_ID")
    24 - access("OOL"."LINE_ID"="WDD"."SOURCE_LINE_ID")
    27 - filter("HCSU"."SITE_USE_CODE"='SHIP_TO')
    28 - access("OOH"."SHIP_TO_ORG_ID"="HCSU"."SITE_USE_ID")
    Note: cpu costing is off

  • Order Management User Manual

    Hi Gurus
    Is anyone could you please help me in my following queries:
    Where I can find the Order Management User Manual, if so whats the User Manual Code.
    What all the other related modules

    Sujith ,
    Check out metalink Top Tech Documents. you will find
    21447_216427.pdf (Oracle Order Entry/Shipping User's Guide Release 11)
    Hope this helps

  • Any questions on Order Management Header and Item level?

    If you are interviewing somebody...And the position he wants is SD consultant.
    What kind of questions will you raise on OM header level and item level??
    Order management--Questions on Header level
                                  Questions on item level
    Thanks, would be better if you could also attach the answer.

    Dear Hoo,
    1.Briefly describe the types and structure of the sales document and give examples of data
    that you find on the different levels.
    Sales*related business transactions are recorded in the system as sales documents. There are, broadly
    speaking, four different groupings of sales documents:
    Sales queries, such as inquiries and quotations
    Sales orders
    Outline agreements, such as contracts and scheduling agreements
    Customer problems and complaints, such as free of charge deliveries and credit memo requests.
    Header Data
    The general data that is valid for the entire document is recorded in the document header. This data
    includes the:
    number of the sold*to party
    number of the ship*to party and the payer
    document currency and exchange rate
    pricing elements for the entire document
    delivery date and shipping point
    Item Data
    Whereas data in the document header applies to all items in the document, some data applies only to
    specific items. This data is stored at item level and includes the:
    material number
    target quantity for outline agreements
    number of the shipto party and the payer (an alternative shipto party or payer can be defined for a
    particular item)
    plant and storage location specifications
    pricing elements for the individual items
    Schedule Line Data
    An item consists of one or more schedule lines. The schedule line contains all the data that is needed
    for a delivery. For example, a customer orders 20 pieces of a material and you enter this as an item in
    the sales order. However, you can only deliver 10 pieces now and the remaining 10 pieces next month.
    In other words, you need to schedule two deliveries. The data for these deliveries (dates, confirmed
    quantities) are stored in two separate schedule lines. In sales documents where delivery data is not
    relevant *for example: contracts, credit and debit memo requests * the system does not create any
    schedule lines.
    Data recorded in the schedule lines includes the:
    schedule line quantity
    delivery date
    confirmed quantity
    2.What is the difference between an inquiry and quotation ?
    . Inquiry: Request made to a vendor for a quotation for required materials or services.
    No availability check is done for inquiry.
    . Quotation: Offer from a vendor to a purchasing organization regarding the supply of materials
    or performance of services subject to predefined terms and conditions.
    A quotation consists of a number of items, in which the total quantity and delivery date of an
    offered material or service are specified.
    The total quantity can be subdivided into several partial quantities with different delivery dates in the
    lines of a delivery schedule.
    3.Do you always have to have a material master record number when you enter an item on a
    sales document (inquiry and quote)? If not what would you have to use to be able to enter
    information at item level?
    No. Customer Material Information or Material Description.
    4.If a customer doesn't place an order with you after you have sent him a quotation, what happens to
    the quotation document?
    Remains active till the end of validity period.
    5.Can you have alternative items in a sales order?
    6.If you reference an inquiry when creating a quotation ,would the inquiry be updated?
    7.Can you copy one inquiry to many quotations ?
    8.Can you copy several previous documents into one sales order?
    9.Do you always have to copy the entire quantities at item level when you reference a
    previous document?
    10.Can you make sure that business data in a sales order is only possible to maintain at header
    11.From where is the delivering plant transferred into the sales order?
    Customer Master, Material Master.
    12.Which partner function is relevant for the delivering plant? The soldtoparty ,
    billtoparty, payer, carrier or the ship* to* party?
    Ship*to party.
    13.Can you manually change the delivering plant in the sales order once it was defaulted from
    the master data?
    14.For what or why do you use the incompletion log?
    To have a complete document so that it doesnu2019t affect subsequent processes.
    15.Can you have different incompletion logs for different item categories? Schedule line
    16.If a document is incomplete can you still save the document?
    17.Which reference status can a document have at item level? Which statuses at header level?
    Item level: Partial, Full.
    Header level: Full.
    18.What's the advantage of using text as a reference instead of duplicating it?
    Can be modified if needed.
    19.What three sources provide data for the creation of a sales document?
    Material Master, Customer Master, Previous referenced documents.
    20.Can you change addresses of partners manually in the sales document?
    21.Name several input tools that make order entry faster and give a definition of them?
    Customer Material Information, Product Proposal , Referencing Documents.
    22.In which business environment would you use only the single*line entry screen to create
    and save the order?
    Telephone Sales, Simple Business.
    23.If you do not specify the delivering plant in the sales order, what could the system then not
    Delivery Scheduling.
    24.For what would you use the fast change function in sales entry?
    Alternate Plants, Delivery or Billing Blocks
    25.Name two ways to control that customers can receive only certain materials?
    Material Listing, Exclusion.
    26.What does the item category control?
    General Data
    . Should pricing be carried out for the item?
    . When should an item be regarded as completed? A quotation item, for example, can only be
    regarded as completed if the entire quantity has been copied into a sales order.
    . Is it an item that refers to a material or is it a text item?
    . Are schedule lines allowed for the item?
    . May general business data, for example, the terms of payment at the item level, deviate from
    those at the header level?
    . Should a system message appear if the item cannot be fully delivered?
    . Which fields are relevant for the incompletion log?
    . Which partner functions are allowed at the item level and which are mandatory?
    . Which output (for example, an order confirmation) is allowed for the business transaction and
    which output determination procedure is used?
    Shipping Data
    . Is an item relevant for delivery?
    . Should the weight and the volume of an item be determined?
    Billing Data
    . Is an item relevant for billing?
    . Should the cost of the item be determined?
    . Is it a statistical item? Pricing is carried out for statistical items. However, they are not added
    to the value of the order, that is, the customer is not charged for them.
    . Should a billing block be set automatically for an item? For example, this may be important for
    items whose prices have to be clarified before billing
    . Is it a returns item?
    . Name the influencing factors for determining the item category in the sales document?
    . Sales Document type, Item Category Group, Higher Level Item, Item Usage.
    . Name the influencing factors for determining the scehdule line category in the sales document?
    . Item Category, MRP Type.
    . What does the sales document type control?
    General Data
    . Can the document be entered only with reference to a preceding document?
    . Should the existing customer
    . material info record be taken into consideration?
    . Should the delivery date be proposed?
    . Must a customer number be entered when creating a document? For example, product
    proposals can be entered without reference to a particular customer.
    . Which order probability is defined?
    . Should the division be taken from the material master record for every item or should an
    alternative division specified in the header take precedence over the item specifications?
    . How should the system respond if the division entered in the header deviates from the division
    in the items?
    . Should a credit limit check be made?
    . From which number range should the document number for internal or external number
    assignment come?
    . Which fields are relevant for the incompletion log? The validity period, for example, is
    important for contracts and must therefore be specified in the document.
    . Can an incomplete document be saved or must all data be complete?
    . Which partner functions are allowed and which ones are mandatory?
    Shipping Data
    . Which delivery type should the delivery resulting from the order have?
    . Should delivery scheduling be carried out?
    . Should transportation scheduling be carried out?
    . Should a delivery block be set automatically for a specific reason? For example, a delivery
    block may be appropriate for a freeofcharge delivery.
    . You can define shipping conditions for a sales document type. These are copied into the
    document regardless of what is defined in the customer master record.
    Billing Data
    -->Which billing type should the invoice resulting from the order or the delivery have?
    Should a billing block be set automatically for a specific reason? For example, a billing block may be
    appropriate if a credit memo request should first be checked before it is used as the basis for a credit
    -->Can the sales document type be determined by the system?
    -->In R/3, can you automatically substitute one product for another? How? What would you
    have to create?
    Yes. Product Selection / Material Determination.
    -->Give a definition of replenishment lead time?
    Total time for the inhouse production or for the external procurement of a product. In inhouse
    production the replenishment lead time is determined to cover all BOM levels.
    What's the difference between checking availability with or without replenishment lead time (RLT)?
    With RLT : Availability check is done only upto end of RLT. If material is not available the date on
    which RLT ends is displayed as Material Availability Date.
    Without RLT : Availability check is unrestricted. Displays Delivery Dates as on which partial deliveries
    can be made with available stock.
    -->Name at least three item categories?
    Standard Items : AFN, AGN, TAN.
    Free of charge Items: AFNN, AGNN, TANN.
    Non*stock Items : AFX, AGX, TAX.
    Text Items : AFTX, AGTX, TATX.
    -->Why would you use different item and schedule line categories?
    Item categories are defined to provide additional control functions for the sales documents and thus
    meet the demands resulting from the different business transactions.
    The items in a sales document are divided into one or more schedule lines. These schedule lines differ
    from each other with respect to date and quantity. For some schedule lines, material requirements
    planning is not carried out; for other schedule lines, it is carried out. Also goods receipt, not goods
    issue, is posted for a schedule line defined in a returns document.
    -->Can you change existing standard item categories?
    -->Can you create new sales order types?
    -->Different dates will be calculated in order entry scheduling . Can you name the lead time
    variables that will be taken into account?
    Transportation lead time, Pick/pack time, Loading time, Transit time .
    If you run out of stock in a specific plant can you check if there are quantities available in other plants?
    -->When you carry out availability check, which quantities or movements can the system take
    into consideration?
    The following elements can be included in the availability check:
    Stocks : safety stock, stock in transfer, stock in quality inspection, blocked stock.
    Inward and outward movements : purchase orders, purchase requisitions, planned orders, production
    orders, reservations, dependent reservations, dependent requirements, sales requirements, delivery
    -->Give some examples of sales document types (description, not necessary the short code)
    that already set up in the standard system?
    Indicator used to control the processing of the various sales documents which are defined in the
    system. E.g., OR, SO, BV, KR. Document types allow the system to process different kinds of business
    transactions, such as standard orders and credit memo requests, in different ways.
    -->Can you maintain texts for a specific customer and store them in the system? If yes, where?
    Yes. Customer Material Information.
    -->When the system checks availability which scheduling would it use first?
    Backward Scheduling.
    -->Name the influencing factors for the determination of the availability date?
    The following data is required for determining this date:
    Route from the shipping point to the ship*to party location
    Shipping point from which the goods are issued
    Loading group from the material master record
    Weight group determined from the order using the order quantity.
    -->Name the three delivery possibilities when there is not enough stock available?
    One Time Delivery, Complete Delivery, Partial Deliveries.
    -->Can you think of an example why you would have to create a text for a customer and copy it
    to the sales order?
    Customer specific instructions.
    -->What is the function of item category group?
    The item category group determines how a material is processed in the sales order. It defines, for
    example, that pricing does not take place for a free of charge item, such as a business gift; or that
    inventory management is not carried out for a service. When processing sales and distribution
    documents, the system uses the item category group to determine the item category. The system
    determines the item category based on the item category group of the material and the current
    business transaction, and proposes it in the respective document.
    When creating the material types non*stock material and services, DIEN is proposed in both cases for
    the item category group, because the order processing for both material types is identical: for
    example, pricing is carried out for both, but no availability check.
    -->On sales order, when the system confirms 20 pieces to be available at a certain date, would
    these 20 pieces still be available for other new sales order coming in later?
    -->What is a delivery group and why would you use it?
    The complete delivery and delivery group functions enable you to combine some or all of the items in a
    sales order so that they are delivered to the customer together. The system determines automatically
    the latest delivery date possible for the delivery group and adjusts the schedule lines accordingly.
    Corresponding requirements for material requirements planning (MRP) are changed or re*determined.
    -->What is backorder processing?
    The backorder processing functions enable you to list relevant sales documents for specific materials
    and process them from the point of view of availability. You can assign available to promise (ATP)
    stock to outstanding order quantities. In addition, you can withdraw already confirmed quantities and
    reassign them to different items.
    Backorder processing is only available for materials with individual requirements.
    -->Can you link items in a sales order? If yes, when would you do that?
    Yes. Promotional Items.
    -->For what would you use BOMu2019S in sales? What two methods of BOM processing do you have
    in sales order entry? How can you control if the system should/should not explode a BOM in
    the sales order.
    A bill of material (BOM) describes the different components that together create a product. A BOM for
    a bicycle, for example, consists of all the parts that make up the bicycle: the frame, the saddle,
    wheels, and so on. When you enter the material number of a bill of materials that is relevant for sales
    order processing, the system displays the material that describes the whole bill of materials as a main
    item. The components are displayed as sub*items.
    Processing by Main Item : ERLA & Processing by Sub*Item : LUMF
    BOM explosion can be prevented by specifying Item Category Group as NORM.
    Credit limit checks is an example of a very close link between which two SAP modules?
    SD & FI.
    -->What are the two techniques in delivery scheduling?
    Backward Scheduling & Forward Scheduling.
    -->How does a third party deal work? Do you use a special sales order type for that? How could
    the system know that you want to process a third party deal?
    By specifying item category as TAS using double*line entry in the sales order.
    No special order type is available.
    By the item category group and/or material type in Material Master .
    Name the several steps in consignment processing.
    Consignment fillup, Consignment issue, Consignment pickup, Consignment return.
    Whatu2019s the difference between consignment pick*up and consignment return?
    In consignment pick*up, customer returns consignment stock. When goods issue is posted, the
    relevant quantity is deducted from the customer's special stock and is added back to regular stock at
    the plant where the goods are returned. Total valuated stock remains the same since the returned
    stock was regarded as part of inventory even while it was at the customer's premises.This transaction
    is not relevant for billing.
    In consignment return, customer wishes to claim on consignment goods which have already been
    issued. When goods issue is posted, the relevant quantity is added to the customer's special stock at
    the plant where the goods are returned. Since the ownership of the goods is passed from the customer
    back to the company, the transaction is relevant for billing. In this case, the customer receives a credit
    memo for the returned goods.
    -->Can you control that an end user cannot copy a quote of customer A to a sales order for
    customer B? If yes, where?
    Yes. By customizing Copying Control for header data.
    Give some example for data that is copied from the customer (soldto, payer, shipto) to the sales
    order as well as for data that is copied from the material?
    General data, payment terms, shipping details, delivery agreements, delivering plant.
    -->What is returnable packaging processing?
    Returnable packaging consists of materials that are stored at the customer location but which remain
    the property of the company. The customer is only required to pay for the returnable packaging if he
    does not return it by a specified time.
    Name the two outline agreements in R/3 standard and explain the difference between them.
    Agreements are arrangements between business partners regarding the granting of conditions over a
    specified time period. The agreement contains conditions which apply over a particular time period and
    which are settled together at the same points in time. An agreement can be settled once or
    periodically. The two outline agreements include Contracts and Scheduling Agreements.
    Unlike a contract * which only contains an overall target quantity or value * a scheduling agreement
    also contains specific order quantities and delivery dates.
    -->How many documents do you create when you release, deliver and invoice the first order
    from a contract?
    Three : Sales order, Delivery note, Invoice.
    -->What types of output can you have in sales?
    Printer, Telex, Fax, Mail, EDI.
    -->Can you automate output processing ? Do you always have to specify it manually?
    yes. No.
    -->Where would you specify which data should be copied (at header, item and schedule line
    level)when you copy from one document to another one?
    Customizing Copy Control.
    I hope it will help you,

  • Creation of PO's from Oracle Order Management

    Required Business Scenario
    Customer orders are received via the internet and imported into Oracle Order Management via an open interface table. The customer orders are processed by Oracle OM and converted to Purchase Orders which are then sent to suppliers (as no stock is held at our site). Goods are then shipped directly to the customer by the supplier. We take a commission for the service offered.
    As we take a commission for the service described above, the value of the Purchase Order will be different to the value of the original order received via Order Management, however Oracle Purchasing does not allow you to place a Purchase Order on a percentage basis terms. (we will take a small commission as a percentage of the value of the original order meaning the value of the Purchase Order will be slightly less than the value of the original order). The following scenario attempts to explain the situation:
    Order received via Oracle Order Management
    5 units @ $20 = $100
    Purchase Order created from above order (required scenario)
    5 units @ $19.70 = $ 98.5
    Our commission @ 1.5% = $ 1.5
    Has anyone encountered this scenario before? If so I would appreciate assistance in how to resolve this issue. How can we create a Purchase Order from the order received via Order Management which will have a different value and allows us to take a percentage as commission?

    I came across your email on Oracle AppsNet. My company has the
    exact same requirement. Did you ever receive any replys related
    to this issue? If so would you be so kind as to forward them to
    me? Thanks.
    Required Business Scenario>Customer orders are received via the internet and imported into Oracle Order Management via an open
    interface table. The customer orders are processed by Oracle OM
    and converted to Purchase Orders which are then sent to
    suppliers (as no stock is held at our site). Goods are then
    shipped directly to the customer by the supplier. We take a
    commission for the service offered. >Problem >As we take a
    commission for the service described above, the value of the
    Purchase Order will be different to the value of the original
    order received via Order Management, however Oracle Purchasing
    does not allow you to place a Purchase Order on a percentage
    basis terms. (we will take a small commission as a percentage of
    the value of the original order meaning the value of the
    Purchase Order will be slightly less than the value of the
    original order). The following scenario attempts to explain the
    situation:>Order received via Oracle Order Management>5 units @
    $20 = $100>Purchase Order created from above order (required
    scenario)>5 units @ $19.70 = $ 98.5>Our commission @ 1.5% = $
    1.5>Has anyone encountered this scenario before? If so I would
    appreciate assistance in how to resolve this issue. How can we
    create a Purchase Order from the order received via Order
    Management which will have a different value and allows us to
    take a percentage as commission?>Thanks >null

  • Creation of PO's from Order Management

    Required Business Scenario
    Customer orders are received via the internet and imported into Oracle Order Management via an open interface table. The customer orders are processed by Oracle OM and converted to Purchase Orders which are then sent to suppliers (as no stock is held at our site). Goods are then shipped directly to the customer by the supplier. We take a commission for the service offered.
    As we take a commission for the service described above, the value of the Purchase Order will be different to the value of the original order received via Order Management, however Oracle Purchasing does not allow you to place a Purchase Order on a percentage basis terms. (we will take a small commission as a percentage of the value of the original order meaning the value of the Purchase Order will be slightly less than the value of the original order). The following scenario attempts to explain the situation:
    Order received via Oracle Order Management
    5 units @ $20 = $100
    Purchase Order created from above order (required scenario)
    5 units @ $19.70 = $ 98.5
    Our commission @ 1.5% = $ 1.5
    Has anyone encountered this scenario before? If so I would appreciate assistance in how to resolve this issue. How can we create a Purchase Order from the order received via Order Management which will have a different value and allows us to take a percentage as commission?

    I came across your email on Oracle AppsNet. My company has the
    exact same requirement. Did you ever receive any replys related
    to this issue? If so would you be so kind as to forward them to
    me? Thanks.
    Required Business Scenario>Customer orders are received via the internet and imported into Oracle Order Management via an open
    interface table. The customer orders are processed by Oracle OM
    and converted to Purchase Orders which are then sent to
    suppliers (as no stock is held at our site). Goods are then
    shipped directly to the customer by the supplier. We take a
    commission for the service offered. >Problem >As we take a
    commission for the service described above, the value of the
    Purchase Order will be different to the value of the original
    order received via Order Management, however Oracle Purchasing
    does not allow you to place a Purchase Order on a percentage
    basis terms. (we will take a small commission as a percentage of
    the value of the original order meaning the value of the
    Purchase Order will be slightly less than the value of the
    original order). The following scenario attempts to explain the
    situation:>Order received via Oracle Order Management>5 units @
    $20 = $100>Purchase Order created from above order (required
    scenario)>5 units @ $19.70 = $ 98.5>Our commission @ 1.5% = $
    1.5>Has anyone encountered this scenario before? If so I would
    appreciate assistance in how to resolve this issue. How can we
    create a Purchase Order from the order received via Order
    Management which will have a different value and allows us to
    take a percentage as commission?>Thanks >null

  • What is order management?

    what is  order management?  
    is  it a general term used for OTC cycle in SD  or  something else??

    Below are details of Sales Order Management
    Internet Sales
    SAP Internet Sales (R/3 Edition) provides an e-commerce platform that enables SAP users to rapidly turn the Internet into a profitable sales and interaction channel. Internet Sales (R/3 Edition) offers everything customers need to sell products over the Internet: catalog browsing, product search, shopping basket, check-out, saving and retrieving shopping baskets, order status, and order history.
    Field Sales
    Mobile Sales for Handheld comprises a broad range of business applications to be processed offline on a mobile device, e.g., review customer information, take sales order via barcode scanning, create and/or modify sales orders, search for sales orders, and view a list of all materials.
    Quotation and Order Management
    Allows you to create and process orders, including pricing and scheduling order for fulfillment. SAP ERP supports many process variants, for example:
    •     Cash sales
    &#61607;     Ship-to-order
    &#61607;     Make-to-order
    &#61607;     Engineer-to-order
    &#61607;     Empties
    &#61607;     Batch processing
    &#61607;     Serial number processing
    &#61607;     Payment card processing
    &#61607;     Third-party delivery processing
    &#61607;     Complaint handling
    &#61607;     Returns
    Allows you to create and process customer requests.
    Allows you to create and process quotations.
    Follow-Up Order
    Creates an order as follow-up document to the quotation. Copies the data from the quotation into the order and creates two transaction documents, quotation and order.
    Automatic Partner Determination
    Allows you to automatically determine the partners involved in the sales transaction, for example:
    &#61607;     Ship-to-party
    &#61607;     Bill-to-party
    &#61607;     Payer
    &#61607;     Contact person
    &#61607;     Employee responsible
    Automatic Text Handling
    Allows you to determine and maintain texts on header and item level.
    Pricing & Tax
    Allows you to automatically determine the different kinds of conditions, such as product-, customer- and contract- specific prices, free goods, surcharges, discharges, freights, taxes, etc.
    Flexible Price Calculation:
    Highly flexible engine to determine prices based on whatever criteria one might think of. (This needs to be part of the database.)
    Price List:
    Customer-specific price lists can be generated.
    Tax calculation within SAP ERP allows you to calculate transaction taxes, such as VAT in Europe. For complex requirements regarding tax determination in the United States, third-party software can be integrated.
    Payment Card Processing
    Works with payment cards, such as credit cards. Copies payment card information from customer master data in orders and other sales documents.
    Credit Management and Credit Check
    Limits financial risks by carrying out credit checks that can influence transaction processing and setting up a workflow connection to notify responsible.
    Credit check evaluates a transaction based on the credit standing of the payer in financial accounting.
    Product Listing & Exclusion
    Displays a list of products a specific customer is allowed or not allowed to buy.
    Product Substitution
    Enables the automatic substitution of products in sales documents during sales order processing according to flexible, predefined rules.
    Free Goods
    Offers free items on the sale of certain other items or takes money off a particular sale to a customer.
    Minimum Order Quantity Check
    Checks the product level automatically to determine whether a minimum order quantity has been reached.
    Document Flow
    Provides interlinkages of preceding and subsequent documents for a selected transaction (for example, production orders, deliveries, invoices, and complaints).

  • How to Ship Partial Quantities using an API - Oracle Order Management

    In Order Management I need to ship the Internal Sales Order Lines partially using an API.
    I have done full shipping but if I trying the partially shipping it is also shipping fully.
    I am unable to find the problem. Is there any set up missed?
    How to do partial shipping.
    I am giving the some part of the code please look into it and suggest me.
    ----**************************UPDATEING SHIPIN ATTR ***************************-------------
    I_changed_attributes (X_count).delivery_detail_id := cos.delivery_detail_id;
    I_changed_attributes (X_count).shipped_quantity := cos.shipped_quantity;
    X_ship_date := cos.act_shipped_date;
    X_slaes_order := cos.sales_order;
    X_org_id := cos.org_id;
    wsh_delivery_details_pub.update_shipping_attributes ( p_api_version_number => 1.0
    ,p_init_msg_list => I_init_msg_list
    ,p_commit => I_commit
    ,x_return_status => O_return_status
    ,x_msg_count => O_msg_count
    ,x_msg_data => O_msg_data
    ,p_changed_attributes => I_changed_attributes
    ,p_source_code => I_source_code
    ----***************************SHIP CONFIRM API ***************************-------------
    I_action_code := 'CONFIRM';
    I_sc_action_flag := 'B'; --'S'; -- Ship entered quantity. 'B' - Ship Entered Quantities, Backorder Unspecified
    --'T' - Ship Entered Quantities, Stage Unspecified'A' - Ship All'C' - Completely Backordered
    I_sc_intransit_flag := 'Y';
    --In transit flag is set to 'Y' closes the pickup stop and sets the delivery in transit.
    I_sc_close_trip_flag := 'Y'; -- Close the trip after ship confirm
    I_sc_trip_ship_method := X_ship_method_code; -- The ship method code
    I_sc_defer_interface_flag := 'Y';
    I_sc_stage_del_flag := 'Y';
    I_sc_create_bol_flag := 'N';
    I_wv_override_flag := 'N';
    -- API Call for Ship Confirmation
    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Calling WSH_DELIVERIES_PUB to Perform Ship Confirmation');
    wsh_deliveries_pub.delivery_action ( p_api_version_number => 1.0
    , p_init_msg_list => I_init_msg_list
    , x_return_status => O_return_status
    , x_msg_count => O_msg_count
    , x_msg_data => O_msg_data
    , p_action_code => I_action_code
    -- , p_delivery_id => cos.delivery_id
    , p_delivery_name => G_delivery_name
    , p_sc_action_flag => I_sc_action_flag
    , p_sc_intransit_flag => I_sc_intransit_flag
    , p_sc_close_trip_flag => I_sc_close_trip_flag
    , p_sc_create_bol_flag => I_sc_create_bol_flag
    , p_sc_stage_del_flag => I_sc_stage_del_flag
    , p_sc_trip_ship_method => I_sc_trip_ship_method
    , p_sc_actual_dep_date => X_ship_date --P_act_shipped_dt
    , p_sc_defer_interface_flag => I_sc_defer_interface_flag
    , p_wv_override_flag => I_wv_override_flag
    , x_trip_id => O_trip_id
    , x_trip_name => O_trip_name

    Hi Shesh,
    Thanks you for your replay.
    I am tried Shipping transaction screen but here the ware house is WMS enabled I tried Oracle Mobile Terminal application to do this, but it is not accepting the partial shipping. May be some set up required or the process will be differ.
    I will try your suggested API's .
    Edited by: 843676 on Apr 23, 2012 10:31 PM
    I am not able to do the Partial Shipment or Backorder as mentioned above API's, but it is split the lines and all the lines are in same state (Awaiting Shipping)
    Edited by: 843676 on Apr 24, 2012 2:45 AM

  • Is Paypal a supported Payment Method in Oracle Order Management?

    Hi there -
    Has anybody implemented Paypal as payment method for Oracle Order Management?
    We are on 11510 and looking to add Paypal as payment method apart from existing Credit Card, ACH etc.
    I found a very old (2008) note on metalink that says there is an enhancement request for this.
    We use Paymentech as payment processor.
    Let me know...
    1. If it's supported with Oracle 11510
    2. Anyone has any experience implementing it.
    Edited by: techy on Oct 25, 2010 12:56 PM

    Hi Stephen-
    First of all thanks for your response.
    Please note that I am not talking about using Paypal as payment processor (similar to Paymentech) but I am talking about using "Paypal" payment method for getting payments from your customers.
    As per my brief understanding, I know that Paypal too provides payment processing functionality where I can get my customer Credit Card, bank accounts etc. validated through paypal tool (I think it's call payflow pro similar to paymentech).
    Again, we are on 11510 right now so R12 functionality may not be useful for us.
    Also, we have already integrated and been using paymentech for payment processing for Credit Cards, ACH etc within 11510. There is no issue about that.
    I hope this is clear.
    Edited by: techy on Oct 25, 2010 2:42 PM

  • Defaulting setup in Oracle Order Management

    Hello Guys,
    I am trying to add SHIP_FROM_ORG in the defaulting setup's for line level of OM. Could you guys give me a clue and that will be great.
    Problem---> Opening SO form in OM, it is throwing an note "Cannot get Valid Name for - Ship_from_org"
    That's why i am trying to set that field in defaulting setup's.

    API for Quote in Order Management is OE_ORDER_PUB.PROCESS_ORDER, Note this is different from CRM ASO_QUOTE_PUB
    This is the same as for regular Order excepting populate TRANSACTION_PHASE_CODE = 'N'
    To create an Order from the Sales Quote you may have to fire 2 workflows OE_NEGOTIATE_WF.Submit_Draft and OE_NEGOTIATE_WF.Customer_Accepted prior to OE_Order_Book_Util.Complete_Book_Eligible
    Hope this helps someone

  • OPM/Oracle Order Management

    What are the pro's and con's of switching from OPM Order Fulfillment to Oracle Order Management?
    We use Order Fulfillment now and are concern we will lose the profile functionality when and if we upgrade.

    OPM Order Fulfillment is a simple to use Order Entry and Shipping application that meets the needs of many process manufacturers.
    Oracle Order Management is more flexible and configurable to suit a number of different industries. Oracle Process Manufacturing is integrated
    to Order Management and has functionality to support entry of order quantities in two units of measure, as well as designation
    of a preferred quality grade and automatic allocation of process inventory.
    In place of the Order Profile (or order template) functionality available in Order Fulfillment, we recommend using the Copy Order
    functionality in Order Management. You can establish a special order type in Order Management (you can call it Template or
    Profile) and assign a workflow to the order type that makes it "non-transactable" (the order stays in an "entered" state so that
    it can't be booked or shipped). You can query on these special order types and copy them to create standard orders. When you
    copy an order in Order Management, you can change the order type, so the Template order can be copied and the new order
    type can be "Standard".

  • Upgrading Oracle Order Management from R12.1.1 to R12.1.3

    Hi Forum,
    Currently we are on Oracle R12.1.1 and we have a requirement to upgrade only the OM section of Oracle EBS (Order Management module) to R12.1.3. In order to do this what are the patches that we need to apply? Any specific Oracle Support note we can refer to?

    Currently we are on Oracle R12.1.1 and we have a requirement to upgrade only the OM section of Oracle EBS (Order Management module) to R12.1.3. In order to do this what are the patches that we need to apply? Any specific Oracle Support note we can refer to?You cannot upgrade certain module and in order to go from 12.1.1 to 12.13 you need to refer to:
    Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.3 Now Available
    If you want to get the latest OM patchset, please refer to:
    Oracle Applications Current Patchset Comparison Utility - patchsets.sh [ID 139684.1]
    MOS > Patches & Updates > Recommended/Latest R12 Patchsets

  • Unable to view the WF status diagrams in Order management

    Apps dbas,
    Navigation path: ACT US Order Management Super User > Orders, Returns > Order Organizer > Enter order number in Sales Order Number field and
    click Find > on the Order Organizer form go to Tools > Workflow Status >Click on the Status Diagram hyperlink at the left hand side. That is when
    you see the error page.---
    You have encountered an unexpected error. Please contact the System Administrator for assistance.
    The interesting is that we have one production system, which is cloned from the production.
    Basically they are identical systems.
    This function is working fine in the production support system.
    Does anyone have any idea about this?

    Repeatedly get the following info:
    25/01/2007 15:38:34:242 CST] <servletLog> OAFormValueBean, localName='formValue': rootAttrs can only be used inside a template
    [25/01/2007 15:39:56:082 CST] <servletLog> OATableBean, localName='table': rootAttrs can only be used inside a template
    [25/01/2007 15:39:56:082 CST] <servletLog> OATableBean, localName='table': rootAttrs can only be used inside a template
    [25/01/2007 15:39:56:083 CST] <servletLog> OAFormValueBean, localName='formValue': rootAttrs can only be used inside a template
    [25/01/2007 15:40:41:298 CST] <servletLog> OAFormValueBean, localName='formValue': No UIX Components Renderer registered for OAFormValueBean, localName='formValue'
    [25/01/2007 15:40:41:298 CST] <servletLog> OAFormValueBean, localName='formValue': No UIX Components Renderer registered for OAFormValueBean, localName='formValue'
    [25/01/2007 15:40:41:298 CST] <servletLog> OAFormParameterBean, localName='formParameter': No UIX Components Renderer registered for OAFormParameterBean, localName='formParameter'
    [25/01/2007 15:40:41:298 CST] <servletLog> OAFormParameterBean, localName='formParameter': No UIX Components Renderer registered for OAFormParameterBean, localName='formParameter'
    [25/01/2007 15:40:41:298 CST] <servletLog> OAFormParameterBean, localName='formParameter': No UIX Components Renderer registered for OAFormParameterBean, localName='formParameter'
    [25/01/2007 15:40:41:298 CST] <servletLog> OAFormParameterBean, localName='formParameter': No UIX Components Renderer registered for OAFormParameterBean, localName='formParameter'
    [25/01/2007 15:40:41:298 CST] <servletLog> OARowLayoutBean, localName='rowLayout': No UIX Components Renderer registered for OARowLayoutBean, localName='rowLayout'
    [25/01/2007 15:40:41:298 CST] <servletLog> OARowLayoutBean, localName='rowLayout': No UIX Components Renderer registered for OARowLayoutBean, localName='rowLayout'
    [25/01/2007 15:40:41:298 CST] <servletLog> OATableLayoutBean, localName='tableLayout': No UIX Components Renderer registered for OATableLayoutBean, localName='tableLayout'
    [25/01/2007 15:40:41:300 CST] <servletLog> OAFormValueBean, localName='formValue': No UIX Components Renderer registered for OAFormValueBean, localName='formValue'
    [25/01/2007 15:40:41:300 CST] <servletLog> OAFormValueBean, localName='formValue': No UIX Components Renderer registered for OAFormValueBean, localName='formValue'

  • How to implement Approval hierarchy for Sales Order in Order Management.

    We need approval process for sale orders in Order Management module. Currently we are using credit HOLD option for orders at shipping level. The issue we are facing now is we can not cancel those orders who contains Service Line item in it while on HOLD. The restriction raised at the time of cancelling the order that the Line Item is "fulfilled". Service line item's get fulfilled.
    Is that any other possibility to have Approval hierarchy for Sales Orders in Order Management Module? If it is possible can anybody share the related document or implementation guide?
    Thanks with anticipation in advance.
    Many Regards
    Kaleem Bhatti

    I copied the standard order header workflow and the "Book Order, Manual" workflow to custom workflows.  I then modified the "Book Order, Manual" workflow to put another completely custom workflow (call this "Approvals") in between the "Book Eligible" and "Book" steps.
    The "Approvals" step assessed the sales order, changed the order header to the pending approval flow_status_code, and sent out the appropriate notifications.  The "Approvals" step returned a Complete/Incomplete where complete would proceed to "Book" and incomplete would go back to "Book Eligible."  The new workflow was then assigned to the order type needed.  I don't still have access to that environment (job change) or I would give more definite instructions.

  • Stop duplicate entry of item in Order management sales order

    i have a requirment to stop duplicate entry (while making sales order) in Order management Sales order. When user enter any new line on the sales order then it is validate that same item has already been selected before in the same order.
    If user hase already select that entry then form shows error and restrict the duplicate entry.
    i have to achive this funcionality on the standard Sales Order form of Order Management Super User.

    Please review these docs and see if it helps.
    [ID 1105868.1]
    ARCHIVED: Cannot Change Selling Price On Sales Order Lines [ID 414472.1]
    Transaction Workbench Error: FRM-40735 ON-UPDATE Trigger Raised Unhandled Exception [ID 781264.1]

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