Orders05 .. Very Urgent..Not yet clear please answer

Hi guys,  Please help me..
I need to send an IDOC outbound when ever a PO is changed or created..
Where and how can i find the exit..
My Functional guy has given me "IDOC_OUTPUT_ORDCHG" and "IDOC_OUTPUT_ORDERS" for change and create and EXIT "EXIT_SAPLEINM_011".. Is it correct..
Please tell me the flow what should be done..
And What should be done inorder to trigger the code I am going to write in the EXIT..(put a break point and how cal I come to that break point..)
REwards guaranteed..
Message was edited by:
        nazeer shaik
Message was edited by:
        nazeer shaik

u can test from the transaction code ME22N only.In the messages tab give the output type and the distribution medium as distribution-ale and then save it.
but i am in doubt as the userexit which u specifed is not correct user exit becoz it doesn't contain any data record information.So ask ur functional consultant for the correct one .I have done coding for order confirmation.It will just give u an idea how to populate the custom segments.Please have a look.
*&  Include           ZXVEDU02
**-- Data Declaration--
*-- Constant Declaration--
CONSTANTS: c_1(1)          TYPE c VALUE '1',
           c_langu         LIKE t005t-spras VALUE 'E',
           c_parvw         LIKE vbpa-parvw VALUE 'RG',
           c_e1edk01(7)    TYPE c VALUE 'E1EDK01',
           c_e1edk02(7)    TYPE c VALUE 'E1EDK02',
           c_e1edk17(7)    TYPE c VALUE 'E1EDK17',
           c_e1edka1(7)    TYPE c VALUE 'E1EDKA1',
           c_e1edk14(7)    TYPE c VALUE 'E1EDK14',
           c_004(3)        TYPE c VALUE '004',
           c_001(3)        TYPE c VALUE '001',
           c_002(3)        TYPE c VALUE '002',
           c_re(2)         TYPE c VALUE 'RE',
           c_we(2)         TYPE c VALUE 'WE',
           c_ag(2)         TYPE c VALUE 'AG',
           c_0010(4)       TYPE c VALUE '0010',
           c_zzdochdr(8)   TYPE c VALUE 'ZZDOCHDR',
           c_ze1edk02(8)   TYPE c VALUE 'ZE1EDK02',
           c_zze1edk17(9)  TYPE c VALUE 'ZZE1EDK17',
           c_zze1edka1(9)  TYPE c VALUE 'ZZE1EDKA1',
           c_pe(2)         TYPE c VALUE 'PE',
           c_y(1)          TYPE c VALUE 'Y',
           c_zze1email(9)  TYPE c VALUE 'ZZE1EMAIL',
           c_zzsalorg(8)   TYPE c VALUE 'ZZSALORG',
           c_zze1edp01(9)  TYPE c VALUE 'ZZE1EDP01',
           c_e1edp01(7)   TYPE c VALUE 'E1EDP01'.
*-- Variables Declaration--
DATA: lv_vbeln   LIKE vbak-vbeln,
      lv_country LIKE t005t-landx,
      lv_text1   LIKE t042z-text1,
      lv_vzskz   LIKE knb1-vzskz,
      lv_inco    LIKE tinct-bezei,
      lv_cadnr   LIKE akkp-cadnr,
      lv_pernr   LIKE pa0105-pernr,
      lv_parvw   LIKE tpar-parvw,
      lv_adrnr   LIKE tvko-adrnr,
      lv_zinso   LIKE t056z-zinso,
Begin of Mod-002
      lv_stceg   TYPE stceg.
End of Mod-002
Begin of MOD-003
     lv_min_tol TYPE KWMENG,
     lv_max_tol TYPE KWMENG.
End Of MOD-003
        vbelv LIKE vbfa-vbeln,
        erdat TYPE erdat,
      END OF t_vbfa.
DATA: i_akkp TYPE akkp.
*-- WorkArea Declaration--
DATA : wa_zdochdr   TYPE  zzdochdr,
       wa_ze1edk02  TYPE  zze1edk02,
       wa_ze1edk17  TYPE  zze1edk17,
       wa_zze1email TYPE  zze1email,
       wa_zzsalorg  TYPE  zzsalorg,
       wa_zze1edp01 TYPE  zze1edp01,
       wa_e1edk02   TYPE  e1edk02,
       wa_e1edk17   TYPE  e1edk17,
       wa_e1edka1   TYPE  e1edka1,
       wa_e1edk01   TYPE  e1edk01,
       wa_e1edp01   TYPE  e1edp01,
       wa_adrc      TYPE  adrc,
       wa_pa0105    TYPE  pa0105,
       wa_zze1edka1 TYPE  zze1edka1,
       wa_zzdochdr  TYPE  zzdochdr,
       wa_vbfa      TYPE  t_vbfa,
       wa_vbpa      TYPE  vbpa.
*-- Move data to ZZDOCHDR Segment--
CASE int_edidd-segnam.
  WHEN c_e1edk01.
    MOVE int_edidd-sdata TO wa_e1edk01.
*--Begin of MOD001+(Modification ID 001)--
*-- Filling of ZZSALORG segment--
    FROM tvko
    INTO lv_adrnr
   WHERE vkorg EQ dxvbak-vkorg.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
               FROM adrc
               INTO wa_adrc
              WHERE addrnumber EQ lv_adrnr.
      wa_zzsalorg-salorg  = dxvbak-vkorg.
      wa_zzsalorg-name1   = wa_adrc-name1.
      wa_zzsalorg-name2   = wa_adrc-name2.
      wa_zzsalorg-stras   = wa_adrc-street.
      wa_zzsalorg-telf1   = wa_adrc-tel_number.
      wa_zzsalorg-telfx   = wa_adrc-fax_number.
      wa_zzsalorg-land1   = wa_adrc-country.
      wa_zzsalorg-strs2   = wa_adrc-str_suppl1.
      wa_zzsalorg-street2 = wa_adrc-str_suppl2.
      wa_zzsalorg-street3 = wa_adrc-str_suppl3.
      wa_zzsalorg-ort01   = wa_adrc-city1.
      wa_zzsalorg-pstlz   = wa_adrc-post_code1.
      wa_zzsalorg-regio   = wa_adrc-region.
      int_edidd-segnam = c_zzsalorg.
      CLEAR int_edidd-sdata.
      MOVE wa_zzsalorg TO int_edidd-sdata.
      APPEND int_edidd.
      CLEAR: wa_adrc,
*--End of MOD001+(Modification ID 001)--
             FROM t042z
             INTO lv_text1
             WHERE land1 EQ dxvbpa-land1
               AND zlsch EQ dxvbkd-zlsch.
    READ TABLE dxvbpa INTO wa_vbpa WITH KEY vbeln = dxvbpa-vbeln
                                      parvw = c_parvw.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
Begin of Mod-002
      SELECT SINGLE stceg
      FROM kna1
      INTO lv_stceg
       WHERE kunnr = wa_vbpa-kunnr.
End of Mod-002
      SELECT SINGLE vzskz
               FROM knb1
               INTO lv_vzskz
               WHERE kunnr EQ wa_vbpa-kunnr
                 AND bukrs EQ dxvbak-bukrs_vf.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        SELECT SINGLE zinso
                 FROM t056z
                 INTO lv_zinso
                 WHERE vzskz EQ lv_vzskz
                   AND waers EQ wa_e1edk01-curcy.
        wa_zzdochdr-zdoctitle  = dobject-objky.
        wa_zzdochdr-zdate      = dobject-erdat.
        wa_zzdochdr-zmestyp    = dobject-kschl.
        wa_zzdochdr-zmedium    = dobject-nacha.
        wa_zzdochdr-zlang      = dobject-spras.
        wa_zzdochdr-zttype     = dxvbkd-kdkg1.
        wa_zzdochdr-zpaymethod = dxvbkd-zlsch.
        wa_zzdochdr-zpaytext   = lv_text1.
        wa_zzdochdr-zintonpymt = lv_zinso.
Begin of Mod-002
        wa_zzdochdr-zstceg     = lv_stceg.
End of Mod-002
        int_edidd-segnam = c_zzdochdr.
        CLEAR int_edidd-sdata.
        MOVE wa_zzdochdr TO int_edidd-sdata.
        APPEND int_edidd.
        CLEAR : wa_zzdochdr.
*-- Move data to ZZE1EDK02 Segment--
  WHEN c_e1edk02.
    MOVE int_edidd-sdata TO wa_e1edk02.
    IF wa_e1edk02-qualf EQ c_004.
      SELECT SINGLE vbelv FROM vbfa INTO wa_vbfa
                         WHERE vbeln EQ lv_vbeln
                         AND   vbtyp_v EQ 'B'.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        SELECT SINGLE erdat FROM vbak INTO wa_vbfa
        WHERE vbeln EQ wa_vbfa-vbelv.
        int_edidd-segnam = c_ze1edk02.
        CLEAR int_edidd-sdata.
        MOVE wa_vbfa TO int_edidd-sdata.
        APPEND int_edidd.
        CLEAR wa_vbfa.
    ENDIF.                                  " IF ended for "IF wa_e1edk02-qualf = '004'" condition.
**-- Move data to ZZE1EDK17 Segment--
  WHEN c_e1edk17.
    MOVE int_edidd-sdata TO wa_e1edk17.
    IF NOT dxvbkd-lcnum IS INITIAL.
      SELECT SINGLE inco1
               FROM akkp
               INTO i_akkp
              WHERE lcnum EQ dxvbkd-lcnum.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        IF wa_e1edk17-qualf EQ c_001.
          wa_ze1edk17-lkond = i_akkp-inco1.
          wa_ze1edk17-qualf = wa_e1edk17-qualf.
          SELECT SINGLE bezei
                   FROM tinct
                   INTO lv_inco
                  WHERE spras EQ 'E'
                    AND inco1 EQ i_akkp-inco1.
          IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
            wa_ze1edk17-lktext = lv_inco.
        ELSEIF wa_e1edk17-qualf EQ c_002.
          wa_ze1edk17-qualf = wa_e1edk17-qualf.
          wa_ze1edk17-lktext = i_akkp-inco2.
        int_edidd-segnam = c_zze1edk17.
        CLEAR int_edidd-sdata.
        MOVE wa_ze1edk17 TO int_edidd-sdata.
        APPEND int_edidd.
        CLEAR wa_ze1edk17.
    ENDIF.                                       " IF ended for not initial condition.
*--Move data to zze1edka1 Segment--
  WHEN c_e1edka1.
    MOVE int_edidd-sdata TO wa_e1edka1.
*--Checking the wa_e1edka1-parvw field for 'RE'--
    IF wa_e1edka1-parvw EQ c_re.
      IF NOT dxvbkd-lcnum IS INITIAL.
        SELECT SINGLE cadnr
         FROM akkp
         INTO lv_cadnr
        WHERE lcnum EQ dxvbkd-lcnum.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          SELECT SINGLE *
                   FROM adrc
                   INTO wa_adrc
                  WHERE addrnumber EQ lv_cadnr.
          wa_zze1edka1-parvw = wa_e1edka1-parvw.
          wa_zze1edka1-partn = wa_e1edka1-partn.
          wa_zze1edka1-land1 = wa_adrc-country.
          wa_zze1edka1-name1 = wa_adrc-name1.
          wa_zze1edka1-name2 = wa_adrc-name2.
          wa_zze1edka1-stras = wa_adrc-street.
          wa_zze1edka1-strs2 = wa_adrc-str_suppl1.
          wa_zze1edka1-ort01 = wa_adrc-city1.
          wa_zze1edka1-pstlz = wa_adrc-post_code1.
          wa_zze1edka1-regio = wa_adrc-region.
          int_edidd-segnam = c_zze1edka1.
          CLEAR int_edidd-sdata.
          MOVE wa_zze1edka1 TO int_edidd-sdata.
          APPEND int_edidd.
          CLEAR: wa_adrc,
    ENDIF.                                               " IF ended for "IF wa_e1edka1-parvw EQ 'RE'" condition.
*--Checking the wa_e1edka1-parvw field for 'WE'--
    IF wa_e1edka1-parvw EQ c_we.
      IF NOT dxvbkd-lcnum IS INITIAL.
        SELECT SINGLE cadnr
          FROM akkp
          INTO lv_cadnr
         WHERE lcnum EQ dxvbkd-lcnum.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          SELECT SINGLE *
                   FROM adrc
                   INTO wa_adrc
                  WHERE addrnumber EQ lv_cadnr.
          wa_zze1edka1-parvw = wa_e1edka1-parvw.
          wa_zze1edka1-partn = wa_e1edka1-partn.
          wa_zze1edka1-land1 = wa_adrc-country.
          wa_zze1edka1-name1 = wa_adrc-name1.
          wa_zze1edka1-name2 = wa_adrc-name2.
          wa_zze1edka1-stras = wa_adrc-street.
          wa_zze1edka1-strs2 = wa_adrc-str_suppl1.
          wa_zze1edka1-ort01 = wa_adrc-city1.
          wa_zze1edka1-pstlz = wa_adrc-post_code1.
          wa_zze1edka1-regio = wa_adrc-region.
          int_edidd-segnam = c_zze1edka1.
          CLEAR int_edidd-sdata.
          MOVE wa_zze1edka1 TO int_edidd-sdata.
          APPEND int_edidd.
          CLEAR: wa_adrc,
    ENDIF.                                             " IF ended for "IF wa_e1edka1-parvw EQ 'WE'" condition.
*--Checking the wa_e1edka1-parvw field for 'AG'--
    IF wa_e1edka1-parvw EQ c_ag.
      IF NOT dxvbkd-lcnum IS INITIAL.
        SELECT SINGLE cadnr
          FROM akkp
          INTO lv_cadnr
         WHERE lcnum EQ dxvbkd-lcnum.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          SELECT SINGLE *
                   FROM adrc
                   INTO wa_adrc
                  WHERE addrnumber EQ lv_cadnr.
          wa_zze1edka1-parvw = wa_e1edka1-parvw.
          wa_zze1edka1-partn = wa_e1edka1-partn.
          wa_zze1edka1-land1 = wa_adrc-country.
          wa_zze1edka1-name1 = wa_adrc-name1.
          wa_zze1edka1-name2 = wa_adrc-name2.
          wa_zze1edka1-stras = wa_adrc-street.
          wa_zze1edka1-strs2 = wa_adrc-str_suppl1.
          wa_zze1edka1-ort01 = wa_adrc-city1.
          wa_zze1edka1-pstlz = wa_adrc-post_code1.
          wa_zze1edka1-regio = wa_adrc-region.
          int_edidd-segnam = c_zze1edka1.
          CLEAR int_edidd-sdata.
          MOVE wa_zze1edka1 TO int_edidd-sdata.
          APPEND int_edidd.
          CLEAR: wa_adrc,
      ENDIF.                                       " IF ended for "IF NOT dxvbkd-lcnum IS INITIAL" condition.
    ENDIF.                                         " IF ended for "IF wa_e1edka1-parvw EQ c_ag" condition.
*--Checking the wa_e1edka1-parvw field for 'Y'--
    IF wa_e1edka1-parvw+0(1) EQ c_y.
      SELECT SINGLE parvw
              FROM  tpar
              INTO  lv_parvw
              WHERE parvw EQ wa_e1edka1-parvw
                AND nrart EQ c_pe.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        SELECT SINGLE pernr
          FROM vbpa
          INTO lv_pernr
          WHERE vbeln EQ dxvbpa-vbeln
          AND   parvw EQ lv_parvw.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          SELECT SINGLE usrid_long
           FROM pa0105
           INTO wa_pa0105-usrid_long
           WHERE  pernr EQ lv_pernr
             AND usrty EQ c_0010.    " communication type email
          wa_zze1email-zparvw  = wa_e1edka1-parvw.
          wa_zze1email-zname   = wa_e1edka1-name1.
          wa_zze1email-zemail  = wa_pa0105-usrid_long.
          int_edidd-segnam = c_zze1email.
          CLEAR int_edidd-sdata.
          MOVE wa_zze1email TO int_edidd-sdata.
          APPEND int_edidd.
          CLEAR: wa_adrc,
    ENDIF.                              " IF ended for "IF wa_e1edka1-parvw EQ 'Y'" condition.
*--Begin of MOD003 (Modification ID 003)--
*-- Move data to ZZE1EDP01 Segment--
  WHEN c_e1edp01.
    MOVE int_edidd-sdata TO wa_e1edp01.
    wa_zze1edp01-posex = wa_e1edp01-posex.
     wa_zze1edp01-uebto = dxvbap-kwmeng + ( dxvbap-kwmeng * dxvbap-uebto / 100 ).
     wa_zze1edp01-untto = dxvbap-kwmeng - ( dxvbap-kwmeng  * dxvbap-untto / 100 ).
    wa_zze1edp01-uebto = dxvbap-uebto.
    wa_zze1edp01-untto = dxvbap-untto.
    int_edidd-segnam = c_zze1edp01.
    CLEAR int_edidd-sdata.
    MOVE wa_zze1edp01 TO int_edidd-sdata.
    APPEND int_edidd.
    CLEAR: wa_zze1edp01.
*--End of MOD003 (Modification ID 003)--
get the correct exit and put breakpoint on it and as i told u can test from the transaction itself.

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    Some general advice on updating Leopard:
    It is worth noting that it is an extreme rarity for updates to cause upsets to your system, as they have all been extensively beta-tested, but they may well reveal pre-existing ones, particularly those of which you may have been unaware. If you are actually aware of any glitches, make sure they are fixed before proceeding further.
    So before you do anything else:
    If you can, make a full backup first to an external hard disk. Ideally you should always have a bootable clone of your system that enables you to revert to the previous pre-update state.
    Turn off sleep mode for both screen and hard disk.
    Disconnect all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    1. Repair Permissions (in Disk Utility)
    2. Verify the state of your hard disk using Disk Utility. If any faults are reported, restart from your install disk (holding down the C key), go to Disk Utility, and repair your startup disk. Restart again to get back to your startup disk.
    At least you can now be reasonably certain that your system does not contain any obvious faults that might cause an update/upgrade to fail.
    3. Download the correct version of the COMBO update from the Apple download site.
    The Combo updater of Leopard 10.5.8 can be found here:
    If you prefer to download updates via Software Update in the Apple menu (which would ensure that the correct version for your Mac was being downloaded), it is not recommended to allow SU to install major (or even minor) updates automatically. Set Software Update to just download the updater without immediately installing it. There is always the possibility that the combined download and install (which can be a lengthy process) might be interrupted by a power outage or your cat walking across the keyboard, and an interrupted install will almost certainly cause havoc. Once it is downloaded, you can install at a time that suits you. You should make a backup copy of the updater on a CD in case you ever need a reinstall.
    Full details about the 10.5.8 update here: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3606
    More information on using Software Updater here:
    Using the Combo updater ensures that all system files changed since the original 10.5.0 are included, and any that may have been missed out or subsequently damaged will be repaired. The Delta updater, although a temptingly smaller download, only takes you from the previous version to the new one, i.e. for example from 10.5.7 to 10.5.8. Software Update will generally download the Delta updater only. The preferable Combo updater needs to be downloaded from Apple's download site.
    Now proceed as follows:
    4. Close all applications and turn off energy saving and screensaver.
    5. Unplug all peripherals except your keyboard and mouse.
    6. Install the update/upgrade. Do not under any circumstances interrupt this procedure. Do not do anything else on your computer while it is installing. Be patient.
    7. When it ask for a restart to complete the installation, click restart. This can take longer than normal, there are probably thousands of files to overwrite and place in the correct location. Do nothing while this is going on.
    8. Once your Mac is awake, repair permissions again, and you should be good to go!
    If your Mac seems slightly sluggish or ‘different’, perform a second restart. It can’t hurt and is sometimes efficacious! In fact a second restart can be recommended.
    9. Open a few of your most used applications and check that all is OK. In this connection please remember that not all manufacturers of third party applications and plug-ins, add-ons, haxies etc, will have had time to do any necessary rewrites to their software to make them compliant with the latest version of your operating system. Give them a week or two while you regularly check their websites for updates.
    N.B. Do not attempt to install two different updates at the same time as each may have different routines and requirements. Follow the above recommendations for each update in turn.
    Lastly, Apple's own article on the subject of Software Update may also be useful reading:
    [b]If you are updating Safari (or just have):[/b]
    Input Managers from third parties can do as much harm as good. They use a security loophole to reach right into your applications' code and change that code as the application starts up.  If you have installed an OS update and Safari is crashing, the very [i]first[/i] thing to do is clear out your InputManagers folders (both in your own Library and in the top-level /Library), log out and log back in, and try again.
    So, disable all third party add-ons before updating Safari, as they may not have been updated yet for the new version. Add them back one by one. If something goes awry, remove it again and check on the software manufacturer's website for news of an update to match your version of Safari.
    Most errors reported here after an update are due to an unrepaired or undetected inherent fault in the system, and/or a third party add-on.
    Additional tips on software installation here:
    To reiterate, Input Managers reach right into an application and alter its code. This puts the behavior of the affected application outside the control and responsibility of its developers: a recipe for  problems. That's not to say that issues absolutely will ensue as a result of Input Managers, but you, as a user, must decide. If the functionality of a specific Input Manager or set thereof is really important to you, you may well choose to assume the associated risk.
    Again, the advice is to remove all Input Managers from the following directories:
    especially prior to system updates (they can always be added back one-by-one later).
    Solutions for troubleshooting installation, startup, and login issues in Mac OS X v10.5


    Dear FI Experts,
    Since the total balances as per individual customers' balances ( thro FBL5N with one Recon a/c )  which is not tallied with Recon.GL for Local debtors if we see the same thro FS10N, please guide me immediately to reslove these problem as I need to give the detailed customer balance report to my management.
    My observation of the same is " one customer a/c if it is changed from one recon. a/c to another recon a/c after transaction made ( ie. from Local debtors to Foreign debtors ) " , line entries after changing of recon.a/c which is not updating with respective Recon.GL.
    Please revert back with some solutions which will be rewarded.
    G. Jana

    Dear Team,
    your observation is right ,
    in the customer line items select the two rec. accounts old and New Rec. it will match with your FS10N balance.

  • Video colour not working. (Please answer asap)

    When I have try playing video's ever since yesterday (wheshasn i last updated flash) the colour is being pushed down and there is a green line at the top, what is happening to the video and how can i fix it?

    In an attempt to consolidate numerous threads about video problems with Flash Player I've created a new post where I'd like to have people who are still encountering this issue to either post or link to an existing post with their information.
    Video investigation with Flash Player
    We're asking for 4 pieces of information
    1. A brief explanation of the problem
    2. Did disabling hardware acceleration fix the issue
    3. A sample URL
    4. A copy of your dxdiag report
    If you've already provided all 4 answers to us, thank you and please take a minute and copy the URL of your post (right click on the highlighted title of your post as shown in the example screenshot below) and paste it as a reply so your input is not lost.
    If you haven't provided these answers, we ask that you take a few minutes and create a new post with the required information.

  • Very urgent....Please hlep..Need pl/sql code

    I need to write a pl/sql programe to check a particular number ,lets say '1234' which can be there in any of the columns in the user defined tables.I need to list down all the tables which contains that particular number in any of the columns.
    For eg- Let user defined table(user_tab_cols) contain 10 different user defined tablws say 'table1','table2',table3' and so on...till 'table10'.I need to check the particular number '1234' in those table's column and listed all the table which contains data '1234' in any of their columns.
    please help me............

    Thanks a lot for helping me out.I apologies for not following the forum netiquette and being demanding.
    Mean time as you said i have done some research and coded something which worked for me but so many performance issue.Please have a look in to the below code and please suggest the mistakes i have done here.
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure search_db (p_search varchar, p_type varchar)
    * This procedure will search a user's schema (all tables) for columns matching the user's input.
    * ####### Please create the following table before you run this procedure:
    * create table search_db_results(result varchar2(256));
    * This table will contain the result of the procedure run so that you can view intermediate search results while the procedure is running.
    * You pass two parameters to this procedure:
    * 1) Search string / number / date (REQUIRED)
    * 2) Search datatype (REQUIRED)
    * Example:
    * exec search_db('hello','VARCHAR2') -- will search for rows in all tables that have a VARCHAR2 column with "hello" as the data.
    * exec search_db('01-JAN-2008','DATE') -- will search for all rows in all tables that have a DATE column with the data '01-JAN-2008' in it.
    * exec search_db(1000,'NUMBER') -- will search for all rows in all tables that have a NUMBER column with the data 1000 in it.
    * Allowed data types: VARCHAR2, CHAR, DATE, NUMBER, FLOAT.
    TYPE tab_name_arr IS VARRAY(10000) of varchar2(256);
    v_tab_arr1 tab_name_arr; /* ARRAY TO HOLD ALL TABLES IN THE USER SCHEMA */
    v_col_arr1 tab_name_arr; /* ARRAY TO HOLD ALL COLUMNS IN EACH TABLE */
    v_amount_of_tables number(10); /* this holds the amount of tables in the current user schema so that the for loop will know how many times to run */
    v_amount_of_cols number(10); /* when searching in a table, this holds the amount of columns in that table so that the for loop searching the table will know how many iterations it needs */
    v_search_result number(10); /* when searching the table, this holds the amount of results found. We use this is that if the amount of result found is greated than 0 we will print the name of the table and the column */
    v_result_string varchar2(254);
    v_tab_arr1 := tab_name_arr(); /*INITIALIZE THE ARRAY*/
    v_col_arr1 := tab_name_arr(); /*INITIALIZE THE ARRAY*/
    v_col_arr1.EXTEND(1000); /* INITIALIZE THE ARRAY to the maximum amount of columns allowed in a table */
    /* This will return the amount of tables in the user schema so that we know how many times we need to invoke the for loop */
    select count(table_name)
    into v_amount_of_tables
    from user_tables;
    v_tab_arr1.EXTEND(v_amount_of_tables); /*INITIALIZE THE ARRAY to the number of tables found in the user's schema */
    FOR i in 1..v_amount_of_tables LOOP /*LOOP until we reach the maximum amount of tables in the user schema */
    /* start populating the tables array with table names. The data is read fomr the data dictionary */
    select table_name
    into v_tab_arr1(i)
    select rownum a, table_name
    from user_tables
    order by table_name
    where a = i;
    /* now, after we have an array with all the names of the tables in the user's schmea, we'll start going
    over each table and get all of its columns so that we can search every column */
    FOR i in 1..v_amount_of_tables LOOP
    /*select the amount of columns in the table where the data_type matches the data type the user passed as a parameter to the procedure */
    select count(*)
    into v_amount_of_cols
    from user_tab_columns
    where table_name = v_tab_arr1(i)
    and data_type = p_type;
    /* start searching the clumns ONLY IF there is at least one column with the requested data type in the table */
    if v_amount_of_cols <> 0 then
    /* do the search for every column in the table */
    FOR j in 1..v_amount_of_cols LOOP
    select column_name
    into v_col_arr1(j)
    select rownum a, column_name
    from user_tab_columns
    where table_name = v_tab_arr1(i)
    and data_type = p_type
    where a = j;
    /* each type of data_type has its own SQL query used to search. Here we execute different queries based on the user passed parameter of requested data type */
    IF p_type in ('CHAR', 'VARCHAR2', 'NCHAR', 'NVARCHAR2') then
    execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || v_tab_arr1(i) || ' where ' || lower(v_col_arr1(j)) || ' like ' || '''' || '%' || lower(p_search) || '%' || '''' into v_search_result;
    end if;
    if p_type in ('DATE') then
    execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || v_tab_arr1(i) || ' where ' || v_col_arr1(j) || ' = ' || '''' || p_search || '''' into v_search_result;
    end if;
    if p_type in ('NUMBER', 'FLOAT') then
    execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || v_tab_arr1(i) || ' where ' || v_col_arr1(j) || ' = ' || p_search into v_search_result;
    end if;
    /* if there is at least one row in the table which contains data, return the table name and column name */
    if v_search_result > 0 then
    v_result_string := v_tab_arr1(i) || '.' || v_col_arr1(j);
    execute immediate 'insert into search_db_results values (' || '''' || v_result_string || '''' || ')';
    end if;
    end if;
    end loop;

  • Very urgent!!! Please help! Anybody from Oracle who can help?

    I am using Oracle9i with oracle pool in my JSP for database handling.
    I am using OracleConnectionCacheImpl and OracleConnectionCacheImpl.DYNAMIC_SCHEME.
    I am also setting max and min limit for connections
    ocacheimpl.setMinLimit (5);
    ocacheimpl.setMaxLimit (10);
    I have used a startup servlet that loads on tomcat startup
    creating pool ( that is, OracleConnectionCacheImpl)
    This OracleConnectionCacheImpl in then I am putting as
    application wide object and getting access to it in all my JSPs
    Initially it creates 5 connections. But after some time (2 hrs or
    so) all the connections are getting killed. (I can see this
    from the "Sessions" tab of the enterprise manager)
    Now if I request my JSP then I get error. But after around 30mins
    again 5 connections are created automatically( I hope thats what
    DYNAMIC_SCHEME would do) and then my JSp works.
    My question is why all connections are getting killed and why it
    takes so much time to reset the connections again!
    Is Oracle's DYNAMIC_SCHEME has got some bug? or I have to do
    some settings in my oracle server. Please help
    I am using oracle9i in Japanese OS(Windows).

    Check once *REMADV *.

  • Its a very urgent task, can anyone please suggest!!

    Hi Everyone,
    I have a proposal for the find and find next in my screen. Need some help for you people.
    In the screen i have around 3 grids, so in the standard toolbar if I press this find button it has to loop through the screen, loop through the grids then columns in the grid and find for the specified string.
    So how do I achieve this. Any help will be great use to me.
    Thanks in advance,

    You can use a routine like this:
    PARAMETER: p_search(80) LOWER CASE.
    DATA: length_string TYPE i.
    length_string = STRLEN( p_search ).
    DATA: itab1 LIKE vbrk OCCURS 0,
          itab2 LIKE vbrp OCCURS 0.
    DATA: gt_fieldcat1 TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
          gt_fieldcat2 TYPE lvc_t_fcat.
    DATA: rc_search TYPE sy-subrc,
          record    TYPE sy-tabix,
          colunm    TYPE alv_s_fcat-fieldname.
      PERFORM search_in_table USING    itab1[]
                              CHANGING rc_search
      IF rc_search <> 0.
        PERFORM search_in_table USING itab2[]
                                CHANGING rc_search
    FORM search_in_table U
               SING    p_table    TYPE table
                       p_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat
              CHANGING rc         TYPE sy-subrc
                       tab_idx    TYPE sy-tabix
                       field      TYPE alv_s_fcat-fieldname.
      DATA: lt_fieldcat TYPE alv_s_fcat.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <table>       TYPE table,
                     <wa_table>    TYPE ANY,
                     <field_value> TYPE ANY.
      DATA: string                 TYPE string.
      DATA: tabix                  TYPE sy-tabix.
      rc = 4.
      tab_idx = 0.
      CLEAR field.
      ASSIGN  p_table[] TO <table>.
      LOOP AT <table> ASSIGNING <wa_table>.
        tabix = sy-tabix.
        LOOP AT p_fieldcat INTO lt_fieldcat
                                        WHERE no_out = space.
          ASSIGN COMPONENT  lt_fieldcat-fieldname
                          OF STRUCTURE <wa_table>
                                         TO <field_value>.
    Convert field in a string
          MOVE <field_value> TO string.
    Check string:
          IF string CS p_search(length_string).
            field = lt_fieldcat-fieldname.
            tab_idx = tabix.
            rc = 0.
        IF rc = 0. EXIT. ENDIF.
    ENDFORM.                    " SEARCH_IN_TABLE
    In your bar create an SEARCH icon, and when the user press it, a popup for searchin is displayed, you could use the FM ALV_POPUP_TO_SEARCH2 (as Raja has written).

  • Please help: Message no. M7090/Accounting data not yet maintained

    To whom it may concern-
    I am currently a student attending LSU working on an SAP project worth a very significant portion of our grade. The following is a detailed description of the problem, which should hopefully help you put your finger on a solution.
    My problem is that when I try to hit the accept button on PP10 for a goods issue, I get an error message "Accounting data not yet maintained" (please refer to attached screenshot #1). When I click the help button, I get a vague solution (please refer to attached picture #2). I have tried and "change" my material master record for Cushion 065 by going back to MM06/create material master for trading goods (please refer to attached picture #3), but I don't have the understanding of SAP to manipulate the information at this point. It is just giving me the ability to manipulate views and it is only letting me choose the following views (please refer to attached picture #4).
    Please help me find a more useful pathway so I can proceed. If whoever is helping me needs me detailed information, please let me know. Also, if someone could direct me to a user support function where I can talk to a representative in real time, I would appreciate that.
    Mack Bradford

    Extend the Accounting view with Tcode :MM50
    Go to MM50 , select Maintenance status as "B" and enter Material number and click on execute (F8), then select the Material line item and click on Maintain Materials tab.

  • Very very urgent - foreign curency valuation

    when i am not assigning the cost centre to vendor in FB 60 then the foreign currency valuation is working properly. but when i assigned the cost centre then i am getting following error
    Posting for general ledger account 15201001 amount                                           2.028,00- set in batch input
    Message no. FR008
    In an evaluation that affects the financial statements, the posting for company code 211 and G/L account 15201001, in the amount of  2.028,00- INR, could not becarried out.
    System Response
    The posting is entered in a batch input session.
    Correct the error, for example, missing account determination, and run the batch input session.
    This ensures that the postings and the evaluation difference noted in the documents agree again.
    My diagnosis:
    I have checked all the configuration of FCV and its correct. i am not understanding why above error is appearing. Also i dont want to do it in batch run.
    Please give me the solution ASAp
    its very urgent

    I am confused by answers i am getting
    I will elaborate my scenario:
    I am doing foreign currency run for my vendors. each vendor will be assigned a  cost centre in FB60
    15201001 is my vendor recon account. To this recon account  in OBA1 in transaction typr KDF i have assigned five accounts. two for realised gain/loss acct and two for unrealised gain/ loss acct and one balance sheet adjst acct.
    I have also created cost elements for above unrealised gain/loss account to which i have not assigned any cost centre.
    I had also config val area, val method, acc principle for FCV.
    I think my config is correct.
    Are there  any settings still pending which required to be done for vendor account

  • Post order processing for sales document is not yet complete

    sap gurus,
    i am facing the error while saving the sales order and this ticket is unique and it is saying that
    "post order processing for sales document is not yet complete".
    please help me in this regard.
    and it is blocking the order for further processing.

    I dont think this is a standard error message.  Some exit is applied for sale order to meet some requirements.  You need to check with your ABAPer.
    In fact, you can conclude yourself based on the error message number.  If it starts with Z, then the above holds good.
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Workflow not yet implemented

    Hi Guys
    When I am trying to launch my workflow in MDM I am getting a error message saying Work flows "not yet implemented" Please guide me with the step I am missing
    I completed all the basic steps.
    and I am using
    Trigger action is Record Add
    Max records is 1
    Max time launch 0hrs
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Phaniraj
       Kindly confirm the following Register setting is done or not:
    <b>START > RUN > regedit</b>
    Hope this might solve your issue.
    Kindly revert to me if this is done and you still face the issue.
    Note: Please reward the points, if found helpful.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Relocate database in a vmware folder

    Hi, I have allocated the mdf and ldf of one of my sql server 2012 databases in a different unit, in my windows server 2012. The problem is that I'm getting the error 17204 (Access denied) and I think this is because the account/service mssql$wsus use

  • Cropping Options in iMovie 11

    Hi, Is it possible to only crop the sides of a clip in iMovie, I know that picking the diagonal expands or decreases the image  but then I only want to lengthen the clip at the sides rather than having the overall shape widen when I drag either side.

  • All links do not appear on a web page in Firefox 15.0.1 but do in IE 8 and 9

    When I go to http://www.winknews.com/Hurricane-Central the page does not display the link for downloading the hurricane tracking software the is shown at the bottom center of IE 8 and 9. Also, the information for Hurricane Andrew is flush left in Fir

  • Cummulative and non cummulative

    Hi all, Can we  add cummulative and non cummulative keyfigure and send that result to datatarget. Is it possible to  do addition non-cummulative and cummulative Regards Narendra