OSX Lion installer disappears

I just downloaded and installed OS X 10.7 from the Mac Store. I upgraded my iMac no problem but now the problem is that the OS X Lion installer I downloaded is nowhere to be found. I wanted to burn it to DVD as a backup.
How can I get back OS X Lion that I just bought from the Mac store?

The Installer is deleted after installation. You have to grab a copy of it before starting the install and then follow the procedure here to make a DVD.
See if you can download the installer again from MAS, or do so on another machine and then make a DVD following the procedure above.

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    Are you sure that the installation failed, or are you perhaps confused about what happened. It is a 2 step process for Lion. What gets downloaded to your Mac is an installer. Do you find a Lion Installer in the Apps folder on your Mac? If so, double click to open it and follow the on screen instructions to install Lion on your Mac.
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    I actually have three issues, and these appear to be quite common issues with OSX Lion users:
    1. When I receive email calendar invitations (attachments come in as .ics) I can open the .ics file, accept the event and it goes into iCal for about 5 seconds, then disappears. This only happens on invitations that are sent to me. Events I creat are stable, no issues.
    2. The time zone is way off. The events are most frequently coming from an outlook server in my same timezone but the times are usually about 7 to 8 hours later in iCal than stated in the .ics attachment. If I send an acceptance, the time that goes back to the inviter is the incorrect (7 to 8 hours later) time and it causes confusion.
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    Here's your solution:
    ok...I had the same problem. I did a fresh install of Lion on a new imac and couldn't find iphoto.
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    Once logged in you can go to the 'purchases' tab. You should see options to accept and download your missing iLife software there. (ie iPhoto, iMovie, and GarageBand). It looks like iDvd was scrapped in this latest release unfortunately.

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