Outlook 64-bit Plug-In Availability?

Has there been anything from Apple on when this might be available? It's kind of necessary in this day and age of 64-bit computing. It's not a new architecture anymore.
At least a date when we might expect it would let us know they have acknowledged all the complaints about it...

Mutley D wrote:
Apple need to move with the times and maybe Steve Jobs needs to make that clear.
I am sure they will consider your views in the proper context, with Apple being such a laggard in the industry

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    Assuming you are talking about the boxed set of Logic Studio (Logic Pro 9) on DVDs the only solutions are to either borrow or purchase an external CD/DVD drive and use that with your new MBP.
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    Rich Brennan
    JustMyVoice Production
    <mailto:[email protected]> [email protected]
    <http://www.justmyvoice.com/> www.JustMyVoice.com
    516-702-6507 (cell)
    Facebook:   <https://www.facebook.com/pages/JustMyVoice-Production/129994088072> JustMyVoice Production
    Twitter  <https://twitter.com/JustMyVoiceProd> @JustMyVoiceProd
    After it’s all done and over with, what you’re left with is:  JustMyVoice.

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    Based on the error message, we should confirm whether Oracle client tool has been installed on the Report Server at the beginning. If the Report Server installed is 64-bit, we should also install a 64-bit Oracle client tool on the Report Server. Besides, we
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    Hope this helps.
    Heidi Duan
    Heidi Duan
    TechNet Community Support

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    HI Jim,
    Open your Activity Monitor application. (Applications/Utiities) and select My Processes from the pop up menu.
    You can view which apps run in 32 or 64-bit mode under Kind on the right.
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    You can download the jre binary onto your server
    and modify your HTML to direct your users to
    that server if the Java Plugin needs to be installed.
    Reference the following URL for more information:
    Sun Microsystems

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    jf/ wrote:
    AndyRTR wrote:You can do whatever you want with it. It won't go into official repos.
    erm... any reason why? care to explain?
    Hey. Three things I want to add to this discussion:
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    Hi kvk1985,
    Adobe Reader is a 32 bit Program that works on 64 bit as well.
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    I am having trouble with this plug.
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    MacPro 3.0, Logic 7.2.3, ProTools HD2, Control|24, UAD1-e   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Thanks much.
    I had the same idea (with less success re: percussion than your .mp3) of trying to achieve the sound using the ES1. I'm happy with the sound of the lead lines, but haven't been able to get the percussion right. The Magical 8-bit plug seemed like a nice plug and play solution as my time seems to get more and more valuable (perceived) by the day.
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    Thanks again.
    MacPro 3.0, Logic 7.2.3, ProTools HD2, Control|24, UAD1-e Mac OS X (10.4.6)

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    Ok. 21th Century already answered to me

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    You're welcome.
    When asking if you are also syncing contacts direct with a supported address book app on your computer wasn't in regards to a solution. Contacts and email addresses can't be imported or made available out of no where.
    The Windows Contacts address book app is not included with Windows 7 by Microsoft for some strange reason with all the other garbage included by PC box assemblers with the Windows install, but it can be downloaded from Microsoft's website.
    If all contacts are available in your iCloud online address book, on your iPhone go to Settings > iCloud. Turn Contacts off for over the air syncing.
    A warning message will be provided indicating this will remove all iCloud contacts from your iPhone along with a prompt to save the contacts locally on your iPhone. If your iCloud online address book is what you want and complete, decline the prompt to save the contacts locally on your iPhone.
    After all iCloud contacts are removed, turn Contacts back on for over the air syncing with your iCloud account.

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    Spread the word.
    Steve Sutherland

    Thanks for making the new version available to us.
    I tried it and it works nicely in LR 2.4. It is indeed a significant improvement to the old version.

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