Over 2 Gbs of RAM in a G4 PowerBook?

Hi savvy bunch,
Does anybody know if it's possible to upgrade the RAM of a 1.67Ghz 17" G4 PowerBook beyond the 2 GB ceiling? I know that, for example, 12" PBs can be upgraded beyond the official 640MB top established by Apple, that my eMac is happily using 1.5GB, and that the early Intel Macs could address 3Gbs.

Hi, J. The comprehensive MacTracker specification database, which distinguishes between "Maximum Ram (Apple)" and "Maximum RAM (Actual)" for many models including a number of 12" Powerbooks and most MacBooks and MacBook Pros, shows no such distinction for any of the 15" or 17" models. Apparently the 2GB limit is real.

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    Hi. To answer your three questions...
    Hard drives - can be a flavour-of-the-month thing; you can check out a few reports here
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    RAM - The Apple Official RAM specs are here
    Crucial have a RAM selector - as do Kingston.
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    ODS can't see the whole filesystem when you run it just by double-clicking; it only sees files that you have permission to read. To see everything, you have to run it as root.
    Back up all data now.
    If you have more than one user account, make sure you're logged in as an administrator. The administrator account is the one that was created automatically when you first set up the computer.
    Install the app you downloaded in the Applications folder as usual. Quit it if it's running.
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it, then copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C:
    sudo /Applications/OmniDiskSweeper.app/Contents/MacOS/OmniDiskSweeper
    Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing command-V. You'll be prompted for your login password, which won't be displayed when you type it. Type carefully and then press return. You may get a one-time warning to be careful. If you see a message that your username "is not in the sudoers file," then you're not logged in as an administrator. Ignore any other messages that appear in the Terminal window.
    The application window will open, eventually showing all files in all folders, sorted by size. It may take a few minutes for the app to finish scanning.
    I don't recommend that you make a habit of doing this. Don't delete anything as root. If something needs to be deleted, make sure you know what it is and how it got there, and then delete it by other, safer, means. When in doubt, leave it alone or ask for guidance.
    When you're done with the app, quit it and also quit Terminal.

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    Pondini wrote:
    This is actually most of a normal, though lengthy, log. The end seems cut off, though.
    Hmmm. The above prompted me to go back and check the log again, at which point I realized that I'd forgotten to take off the "backup" filter I'd used to find the TM part. Sorry!! I do things in too much a hurry sometimes (often, actually). Here's the log again, starting from the exact same spot but ending 10 minutes later. This time it's EVERYTHING - NO filter set:
    Jan 7 00:12:56 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Starting standard backup
    Jan 7 00:12:57 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Backing up to: /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb
    Jan 7 00:13:15 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Event store UUIDs don't match for volume: LaCie 450 GIG
    Jan 7 00:13:26 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ adisk.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:14:09 MacBookPro SyncServer[404]: SyncServer: Truth vacuumed. Next vacuum date 2009-01-21 00:14:07 -0800
    Jan 7 00:14:12 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[402]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:14:13 MacBookPro /usr/sbin/ocspd[406]: starting
    Jan 7 00:14:44 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[402]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:14:48 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Node requires deep traversal:/Volumes/LaCie 450 GIG reason:kFSEDBEventFlagMustScanSubDirs|
    Jan 7 00:15:14 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[402]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:15:15 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[408]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:16:12 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[408]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:16:33 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Resources/dotmacfx.app/ Contents/MacOS/dotmacfx[413]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:16:33 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:16:38 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Resources/dotmacfx.app/ Contents/MacOS/dotmacfx[413]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:18:20 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ dm-notification.udp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:23:33 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): AutoTunnel-02-22-41-FF-FE-32-53-3D.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:23:33 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record AutoTunnel-02-22-41-FF-FE-32-53-3D.savladai.members.mac.com. type 1 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 00:23:38 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.FA000182934414.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:23:38 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Error -65537 for registration of service Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.FA000182934414.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:25:35 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): autotunnel.udp.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:25:35 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record autotunnel.udp.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 33 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 00:25:37 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.device-info.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:25:37 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.device-info.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com. type 16 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 00:26:28 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:26:28 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Error -65537 for registration of service Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:27:43 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: ERROR: socket closed prematurely tcpInfo->nread = 0
    Jan 7 00:28:33 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): _kerberos.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:28:33 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record _kerberos.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 16 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 00:29:09 MacBookPro SyncServer[422]: SyncServer: Truth vacuumed. Next vacuum date 2009-01-21 00:29:08 -0800
    Jan 7 00:29:33 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[421]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:29:33 MacBookPro /usr/sbin/ocspd[423]: starting
    Jan 7 00:31:38 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[427]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:32:02 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Resources/dotmacfx.app/ Contents/MacOS/dotmacfx[429]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:32:32: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Jan 7 00:32:50 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[427]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:32:56 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ rfb.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:33:23 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ adisk.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:37:35 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:39:16 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ dm-notification.udp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:44:10 MacBookPro SyncServer[445]: SyncServer: Truth vacuumed. Next vacuum date 2009-01-21 00:44:08 -0800
    Jan 7 00:44:16 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[444]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:44:17 MacBookPro /usr/sbin/ocspd[447]: starting
    Jan 7 00:46:13 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[449]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:46:40 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Resources/dotmacfx.app/ Contents/MacOS/dotmacfx[453]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:47:10: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Jan 7 00:53:31 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ rfb.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:53:40 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): AutoTunnel-02-22-41-FF-FE-32-53-3D.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:53:40 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record AutoTunnel-02-22-41-FF-FE-32-53-3D.savladai.members.mac.com. type 1 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 00:53:45 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.FA000182934414.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:53:45 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Error -65537 for registration of service Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.FA000182934414.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:54:31 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ adisk.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:55:42 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): autotunnel.udp.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:55:42 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record autotunnel.udp.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 33 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 00:55:43 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.device-info.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:55:44 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.device-info.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com. type 16 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 00:56:35 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:56:35 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Error -65537 for registration of service Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:57:33 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:57:50 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:57:50 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 28 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 00:58:40 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): _kerberos.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:58:40 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record _kerberos.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 16 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 00:59:10 MacBookPro SyncServer[463]: SyncServer: Truth vacuumed. Next vacuum date 2009-01-21 00:59:08 -0800
    Jan 7 00:59:14 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[462]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 00:59:14 MacBookPro /usr/sbin/ocspd[464]: starting
    Jan 7 00:59:26 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ dm-notification.udp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 00:59:40 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[462]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:01:15 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[470]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:01:45 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Resources/dotmacfx.app/ Contents/MacOS/dotmacfx[472]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:02:15: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Jan 7 01:02:50 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Starting pre-backup thinning: 480.33 GB requested (including padding), 360.06 GB available
    Jan 7 01:04:55 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-08-005207: 360.09 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:07:07 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-07-005159: 360.11 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:09:28 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-06-005204: 360.15 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:11:54 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-05-005144: 360.17 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:14:07 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-04-005150: 360.34 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:14:09 MacBookPro SyncServer[483]: SyncServer: Truth vacuumed. Next vacuum date 2009-01-21 01:14:08 -0800
    Jan 7 01:14:14 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[482]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:14:15 MacBookPro /usr/sbin/ocspd[485]: starting
    Jan 7 01:14:30 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ rfb.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:14:36 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ adisk.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:15:31 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[488]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:16:20 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[488]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:16:32 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-03-005148: 360.35 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:16:38 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Resources/dotmacfx.app/ Contents/MacOS/dotmacfx[493]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:16:46: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Jan 7 01:16:46 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-231929: 360.35 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:16:48 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-221940: 360.36 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:17:05 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-211945: 360.36 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:17:10 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-202023: 360.38 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:17:22 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-192017: 360.39 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:17:27 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-181936: 360.39 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:17:34 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:17:47 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-172011: 360.40 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:17:58 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-162012: 360.41 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:18:13 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-152121: 360.48 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:18:26 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-142001: 360.49 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:18:33 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-131945: 360.50 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:18:36 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-121928: 360.50 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:18:42 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-111935: 360.51 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:18:48 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-102000: 360.52 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:18:58 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-091944: 360.52 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:19:09 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-081945: 360.53 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:19:14 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-071929: 360.53 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:19:17 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-061935: 360.53 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:19:19 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ dm-notification.udp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:19:21 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-051931: 360.53 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:19:25 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-041930: 360.54 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:19:28 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-031927: 360.54 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:19:31 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-30-021933: 360.54 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:19:33 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-31-011933: 360.54 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:19:33 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Removed all 29 expired backups, more space is needed - deleting oldest backups to make room
    Jan 7 01:22:07 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-11-09-061842: 362.39 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:23:48 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): AutoTunnel-02-22-41-FF-FE-32-53-3D.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:23:48 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record AutoTunnel-02-22-41-FF-FE-32-53-3D.savladai.members.mac.com. type 1 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 01:23:54 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.FA000182934414.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:23:54 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Error -65537 for registration of service Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.FA000182934414.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:24:58 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-11-16-002933: 363.80 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:25:50 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): autotunnel.udp.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:25:50 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record autotunnel.udp.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 33 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 01:25:51 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.device-info.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:25:51 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.device-info.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com. type 16 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 01:26:42 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:26:42 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Error -65537 for registration of service Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:27:47 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-11-23-005150: 364.45 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:27:58 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: ERROR: socket closed prematurely tcpInfo->nread = 0
    Jan 7 01:28:48 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): _kerberos.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:28:48 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record _kerberos.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 16 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 01:29:10 MacBookPro SyncServer[502]: SyncServer: Truth vacuumed. Next vacuum date 2009-01-21 01:29:09 -0800
    Jan 7 01:29:14 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[501]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:29:14 MacBookPro /usr/sbin/ocspd[503]: starting
    Jan 7 01:30:13 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-11-30-005141: 364.73 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:31:02 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[507]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:31:27 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Resources/dotmacfx.app/ Contents/MacOS/dotmacfx[509]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:31:57: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Jan 7 01:33:21 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-02-005154: 365.43 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:35:04 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ adisk.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:35:10 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ rfb.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:36:09 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-09-005151: 365.53 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:37:26 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:39:00 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-10-005206: 365.78 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:40:16 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ dm-notification.udp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:41:03 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-12-152048: 365.86 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:43:26 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-13-003945: 365.95 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:44:10 MacBookPro SyncServer[524]: SyncServer: Truth vacuumed. Next vacuum date 2009-01-21 01:44:08 -0800
    Jan 7 01:44:13 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[522]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:44:14 MacBookPro /usr/sbin/ocspd[525]: starting
    Jan 7 01:44:42 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[522]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:46:12 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[527]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:46:38 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-14-004012: 366.25 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:46:46 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Resources/dotmacfx.app/ Contents/MacOS/dotmacfx[531]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:47:16: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Jan 7 01:47:35 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[527]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:50:12 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-15-002629: 368.09 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:50:23 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: ERROR: socket closed prematurely tcpInfo->nread = 0
    Jan 7 01:52:39 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-16-002306: 368.44 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:53:54 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): AutoTunnel-02-22-41-FF-FE-32-53-3D.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:53:54 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record AutoTunnel-02-22-41-FF-FE-32-53-3D.savladai.members.mac.com. type 1 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 01:54:01 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: ERROR: socket closed prematurely tcpInfo->nread = 0
    Jan 7 01:54:48 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ adisk.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:55:37 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ rfb.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:55:58 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): autotunnel.udp.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:55:58 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record autotunnel.udp.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 33 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 01:55:59 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.device-info.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:55:59 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.device-info.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com. type 16 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 01:56:06 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-17-002303: 368.83 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:56:48 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:56:48 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Error -65537 for registration of service Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:57:27 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:58:07 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:58:07 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 28 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 01:58:19 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-18-002312: 368.18 GB now available
    Jan 7 01:58:56 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): _kerberos.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 01:58:56 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record _kerberos.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 16 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 01:59:11 MacBookPro SyncServer[541]: SyncServer: Truth vacuumed. Next vacuum date 2009-01-21 01:59:09 -0800
    Jan 7 01:59:17 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[540]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 01:59:17 MacBookPro /usr/sbin/ocspd[542]: starting
    Jan 7 02:00:16 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ dm-notification.udp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:01:17 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[548]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 02:01:18 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-19-002312: 373.02 GB now available
    Jan 7 02:01:45 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Resources/dotmacfx.app/ Contents/MacOS/dotmacfx[550]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 02:02:15: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Jan 7 02:02:24 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-20-002320: 373.15 GB now available
    Jan 7 02:02:52 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-21-002305: 373.19 GB now available
    Jan 7 02:03:37 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-22-003319: 373.61 GB now available
    Jan 7 02:04:12 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-23-003313: 374.12 GB now available
    Jan 7 02:14:09 MacBookPro SyncServer[561]: SyncServer: Truth vacuumed. Next vacuum date 2009-01-21 02:14:08 -0800
    Jan 7 02:14:12 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[560]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 02:14:12 MacBookPro /usr/sbin/ocspd[563]: starting
    Jan 7 02:15:15 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ adisk.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:16:00 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[567]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 02:16:17 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Resources/dotmacfx.app/ Contents/MacOS/dotmacfx[571]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 02:16:30: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Jan 7 02:16:30 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ rfb.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:18:15 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:18:40 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-24-003709: 441.08 GB now available
    Jan 7 02:21:28 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ dm-notification.udp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:24:01 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: ERROR: socket closed prematurely tcpInfo->nread = 0
    Jan 7 02:24:10 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.FA000182934414.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:24:10 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Error -65537 for registration of service Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.FA000182934414.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:26:06 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): autotunnel.udp.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:26:06 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record autotunnel.udp.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 33 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 02:26:06 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.device-info.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:26:06 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.device-info.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com. type 16 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 02:26:57 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:26:57 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Error -65537 for registration of service Helen's\032MacBook\032Pro.afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:28:15 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:28:15 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 28 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 02:29:03 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: Permission denied (NOAUTH): _kerberos.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:29:03 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: hndlRecordUpdateReply: Registration of record _kerberos.MacBookPro.savladai.members.mac.com. type 16 failed with error -65537
    Jan 7 02:29:09 MacBookPro SyncServer[581]: SyncServer: Truth vacuumed. Next vacuum date 2009-01-21 02:29:08 -0800
    Jan 7 02:29:15 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[580]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 02:29:15 MacBookPro /usr/sbin/ocspd[582]: starting
    Jan 7 02:30:37 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Deleted backup /Volumes/Terabyte/Backups.backupdb/Helen's MacBook Pro/2008-12-25-050131: 509.14 GB now available
    Jan 7 02:30:37 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Pre-backup thinning completed successfully: 50 backups were deleted
    Jan 7 02:30:37 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Backup date range was shortened: oldest backup is now Dec 26, 2008
    Jan 7 02:31:05 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[592]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 02:31:32 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/SecurityFoundation.framework/Resources/dotmacfx.app/ Contents/MacOS/dotmacfx[594]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 02:32:02: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Jan 7 02:36:25 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ adisk.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:36:44 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ rfb.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:38:35 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ afpovertcp.tcp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:42:19 MacBookPro mDNSResponder[16]: sendChallengeResponse: 3 failed attempts for LLQ dm-notification.udp.savladai.members.mac.com.
    Jan 7 02:43:03 MacBookPro /System/Library/CoreServices/backupd[398]: Copied 30805 files (8.1 GB) from volume MacBookPro.
    Jan 7 02:44:10 MacBookPro SyncServer[621]: SyncServer: Truth vacuumed. Next vacuum date 2009-01-21 02:44:08 -0800
    Jan 7 02:44:17 MacBookPro /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DotMacSyncManager.framework/Versions/A/Resour ces/dotmacsyncclient[620]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 02:44:18 MacBookPro /usr/sbin/ocspd[623]: starting
    Jan 7 02:45:43 MacBookPro /System/Library/Frameworks/PubSub.framework/Versions/A/Resources/PubSubAgent.ap p/Contents/MacOS/PubSubAgent[626]: Warning: accessing obsolete X509Anchors.
    Jan 7 02:46:13: --- last message repeated 1 time ---
    Some of these things sound REALLY weird to me - for example, the references to vaccuuming. Too strange! <LOL>
    If your Mac is running at midnight, the log should "turn over" -- the current one (system.log) renamed to system.log.0.bz2, the previous to system.log.1.bz2, etc., and a new system.log started. So what you're seeing started 12 minutes after midnight.
    Yes, I figured that out. What I find strange about that process, though, is that Console appears to number the logs backwards. In other words, the one after the most recent one is #0 and the oldest one in the list is #7. Seems odd to me but there's obviously some kind of rationale at work there. :>)
    I have no idea what those 30,000 files were, but I'd strongly suspect the permission repair you did earlier. I also have no idea what the initial 480 gb it thought it needed was about.
    That would make perfect sense if it wasn't for the fact that the permission repair came about 8 hours AFTER the quoted part of the log! Another odd thing, which I think I've mentioned already, is that the error message appeared some time after I got up, had breakfast, put the dogs out, etc. so it was after 9 am or so. I cannot find a repeat of the copied part anywhere else during that morning or during that day, as far as that goes, so the error report obviously referred to the 12-2am activity but it sure took its time appearing.
    IF this backup completed normally, then subsequent ones should be very quick and small, unless there were many large files changed.
    Also, this whole process seems very slow. How much memory do you have, and was anything else of note running at this time? Do you have other performance issues?
    Generally it IS very fast, from what I can tell. Most of the time I don't even notice it happening, even thought the drive is pretty noisy. I have 2 GB of Ram and most likely had Photoshop, InDesign, GoLive, FileMakerPro all running, plus miscellaneous "small" apps like bookkeeping stuff. If I open up any MS Office stuff I try to quit them as soon as I've finished using them, as they do seem to cause problems (why am I not surprised?!).
    And check the TM menu bar icon and/or System Preferences > Time Machine to be sure you have normal completions.
    Most of the time I do; at least, I do whenever I think to take a look. It seems to have been chugging along quite happily ever since this "event", so maybe all is well now? I'm going to go in and clear off the old stuff, moving it to the LaCie drive, now that the Permissions should (hopefully) let me. That should help, I would think. I've toyed with the idea of burning the really old stuff to DVDs but I'd just lose them in the stacks and stacks and stacks (ad infinitum it seems at times) of CDs/DVDs I have here after putting together magazines/websites for 10 to 15 years. I never throw anything out if I can help it, although I did regretfully part with the old floppies once I no longer had a floppy drive. It's amazing how often I have to search out some really old photo or something that someone wants to re-use when a dog dies or something.
    Thanks again (I really can't say that often enough) for your help with this!

  • Windowserver over 7 gb of ram

    Hello everybody,
    I've upgraded my macbook pro 13 (fall 2011) from Mavericks to Yosemite and after few days the system is so slow.
    Looking the activity monitor I found that windowserver uses over 7,11 giga of ram (8giga installed on my mac) 1 hour after the mac has started, is it normal?
    Another issue is on safari. To activate a flash video safari requires about 5 seconds. Not to start the video but for the activation of the plugin.

    If you install a 1GB RAM module in your iBook, both that and the 128MB soldered to the motherboard will be recognized, giving you 1.125GB of RAM in total.

  • Why does Firefox leak memory after. I do the same operations in Firefox and Safari, Firefox in some cases uses over 500 MB of RAM, Safari uses about 50 MB

    After opening and closing 5 windows in Firefox and Safari, at rest Firefox still claimed (approx.) 500MB of real memory, Safari return all memory and claimed only (approx.) 50MB at rest (all windows closed). My laptop starts over heating when browsing just simple information pages in Firefox. This still happens after updating to the latest browser.

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • SQL query returns few rows, but holds on with several Gbs of RAM memory used

    If I perform the following query:
    SELECT d.DocumentGUID, d.DocumentID
    FROM ImportDataBase.dbo.Document d
    LEFT OUTER JOIN ContentDataBase.dbo.Document d2 ON (d.DocumentGUID = d2.DocumentGUID)
    WHERE ( d2.DocumentGUID IS NULL ) -- new document in the ImportDB
    OR ( d2.DocumentGUID IS NOT NULL AND d.QueryContent <> d2.QueryContent ) -- modified document in the ImportDB
    It returns around 1000 rows and takes about 3 minutes to complete
    It also raises up the RAM memory used from 2GB to 9GBs. 
    This memory used will remain used untill I restart the server. I have no need to make use of that memory, I already copied the returned rows of that query into a note pad for example. And any other reason of SQL has to  to keep that memory stored by
    that query, I  dont want it.
    Is there a way to release that memory I really dont need my SQL server to keep, without having to restart the SQL server?
    and without topping the max memory the sql server uses, since I need my SQL server to use as much as it needs in other tasks(I dont think it needs to hold on to the above query memory used)
    Thank You very much.

    Is there a way to release that memory I really dont need my SQL server to keep, without having to restart the SQL server?
    and without topping the max memory the sql server uses, since I need my SQL server to use as much
    A query can be resource intensive even if it returns a single row. Generally it is a good idea to set SQL Server MAX memory.
    BOL: "Optimizing Server Performance Using Memory Configuration Options
    The memory manager component of Microsoft SQL Server eliminates the need for manual management of the memory available to SQL Server. When SQL Server starts, it dynamically determines how much memory to allocate based on how much memory the operating system
    and other applications are currently using. As the load on the computer and SQL Server changes, so does the memory allocated. For more information, see Memory Architecture.
    The following server configuration options can be used to configure memory usage and affect server performance:
    •min server memory
    •max server memory
    •max worker threads
    •index create memory
    •min memory per query
    The min server memory server configuration option can be used to ensure that SQL Server does not release memory below the configured minimum server memory once that threshold is reached. This configuration option can be set to a specific value based on the
    size and activity of your SQL Server. If you choose to set this value, set it to some reasonable value to ensure that the operating system does not request too much memory from SQL Server, which can affect SQL Server performance.
    The max server memory server configuration option can be used to specify the maximum amount of memory SQL Server can allocate when it starts and while it runs. This configuration option can be set to a specific value if you know there are multiple applications
    running at the same time as SQL Server and you want to guarantee that these applications have sufficient memory to run. If these other applications, such as Web or e-mail servers, request memory only as needed, then do not set the max server memory server
    configuration option, because SQL Server releases memory to them as needed. However, applications often use whatever memory is available when they start and do not request more if needed. If an application that behaves in this manner runs on the same computer
    at the same time as SQL Server, set the max server memory server configuration option to a value that guarantees that the memory required by the application is not allocated by SQL Server."
    Memory configuration:
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SQL Server 2014 Database Design
    New Book / Kindle: Beginner Database Design & SQL Programming Using Microsoft SQL Server 2014

  • Issues with iTunes using over 1.5GB of RAM

    Looking for help.
    iTunes, is using way too much System Memory as of late.  I have turned off Match and Genius and would like to know if there is anything else I can do.  I am running Windows 7 Professional SP1 (32 bit) on a Dell Latitude E4300 with 4GB RAM.  When I start iTunes it is using around 120MB after I start playing music or watching a TV show or a movie it will slowly climb to around 1.5GB of usage to the point of slowing things down.  I have 100GB of music, 400GB of movies, 125GB of TV Shows, 600MB of books and around 300 apps all on an external 4TB HD.
    Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome.  TIA!

    Try disable GEPlugin, exit firefox and restart.
    thank you
    Please mark "Solved" the answer that really solve the problem, to help others with a similar problem.

  • Should I get 8 gbs or 16 gbs of ram

    I'm going to be gaming and video editing a lot, and it needs to last for as long as possible, so should I upgrade the ram on the MacBook pro with the retina display?

    Just know that whatever you choose, you cannot change (unless you wanted to return it within the 14 days), as the RAM is not upgradable on the MacBook Pro with Retina display. I would get 16GB. If you get 8GB and later find out it is not enough, well, you're stuck unless you are within the return period.

  • Any idea why mail.app would be using over 2 gigs of RAM???

    App: Mail.app
    % CPU: 66.2
    Threads: 16
    Real Mem: 2.33 GB
    Any idea why? I mean it's just sitting there behind my other applications. I'm not doing anything with it other than waiting for incoming mail...

    My mail is using more than 2G of RAM as well. Usually starts out ok, but eventually (within a day or 2), it is using 2 of 4G of RAM and brings my mac to a grinding halt where there is a 30-60 second delay (spinning beachball) every time I click something (link in safari, file on hard drive, etc.) At these times, mail will not quit normally and needs to be force quit. Other apps stop responding for short periods of time too.
    No out of the ordinary use of Mail, just checking/writing email. No vpn or exchange server.
    Does anyone know why this keeps happening and how to stop it? Reboot helps, but problem comes back. Thank you.

  • How to save the format at less time while working with a larger format that is over 5 GBs?

    I am working on a 3' x 10' banner with 300dpi in Photoshop and it takes all of my time to do the extra tools to do, and it takes 10 minutes to save it or more.  I have powerbook and CS6 on me.  I put the highest memory in Photoshop preference.  So I am bearing to work with it for hours for one small assigment, but why does it takes so long?  is there a better way to do to save time and speed to make the poster banner to look greater than life? even in 200 dpi?   What are your answer to my solution?  I would be appreciated it.  Thank you

    station_two wrote:
    a 10' banner does not even remotely need to be at 300 ppi...
    A printer worth their salt will know.
    Station two is correct.
    For future reference here are two links to good articles about viewing distance and ppi:

  • How much RAM can upgrade my Powerbook G4 with and where can I buy it?

    I would like to increase the speed/processing power of my Powerbook G4. Any advice on the following appreciated:
    1) What is the max RAM I can put into it? There seem to be problems logged on this discussion forum at 2GB by some users?
    2) Where can I buy compatible RAM - it is no longer available on the Apple store (neither UK where I live nor US)?
    3) are there any other upgrades I can make to speed up my Powerbook?
    My current Powerbook details are:
    Machine Name: PowerBook G4 15"
    Machine Model: PowerBook5,2
    CPU Type: PowerPC G4 (1.1)
    Number Of CPUs: 1
    CPU Speed: 1.25 GHz
    L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
    Memory: 768 MB - DDR SDRAM
    Bus Speed: 167 MHz
    Boot ROM Version: 4.7.1f1
    Graphics - ATI Mobility Radeon 9600
    Many thanks

    Hi, Mark. Your Powerbook can use up to 2GB of RAM, and there is no increased risk of trouble when using the maximum as long as the RAM used is suitable. Suitable RAM can be ordered from scores of online vendors. I don't know what the best sources in the UK might be, but I suggest that you look for Samsung, Crucial, or Hynix branded RAM from a vendor whose web site explicitly advertises it as compatible with Aluminum Powerbook G4s.

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