Overriding default Graphics/Monitor settings

Hey folks,
I was wondering if there was a file somewhere that spesifies the resolution during startup. Basicly, I would like my monitor to run at 75Hz as opposed to 60Hz (I know my monitor supports it, but 60Hz is the highest Mac OS X will allow me to go to). Or, if anyone knows of a program that will allow you to manually choose your resolution/refresh rate that would be equally as good!


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    Hi Brandon,
    You can use the Print Presets in Acrobat for that purpose. Please follow the steps below:
    1. Open the PDF in Acrobat
    2. Open Document Properties dialog (using Ctrl + D)
    3. Select the "Advanced" tab
    4. In the "Print dialog Presets" section, you can choose DuplexMode as well as Page Scaling for this document.
    Please let us know if this works for you

  • Monitor settings lost when switching user accounts.

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    There are 2 user accounts in my ibook. One account is used for work while the other one is used for home purposes. The work account has a specific monitor setting which is calibrated to our workstations. The other account has default settings on it.
    My question is that when I switch users, the settings for my work account gets corrupted. I also can't change the settings without having to restart the book.
    I already repaired permissions and zapped the pram. The same thing still happens.
    Thanks in advance!

    Hello Chuck!
    I've had this problem too. Like you, I managed to navigate to do a restart, but nothing else would make the mouse cursor reappear.
    Bruce, I wasn't using Biggy, PinPoint or any of the other mouse visibility things, simply the magnification provided by System Preferences.
    I put it down to a fault on 10.4.4—a very buggy release— and haven't yet been able to reproduce it on 10.4.5.
    I suggest you send a fault report to Apple ([email protected]), explaining all the circumstances. Try always undoing the cursor zoom before switching users (yes, that's a pain too!!!). And if I manage to reproduce the problem, I promise I'll send in a fault report too!

  • Do you change the default RAW conversion settings?

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    1.  Do you change the default RAW conversions settings?  Why?
    2.  To what units, specifically, do the scales of these controls refer?
    3.  It seems that Hue Boost provides a range of settings that corresponds to the print settings "Perceptual" (= zero hue boost) to "Relative Colorimetric" (= full hue boost); does that make sense?
    The User Manual, as usual, provides a solid concise explanation of the RAW Fine Tuning Brick.
    Any experience you can share is appreciated.  Thanks.
    (It seems conceptually wrong to me to have these controls be part of the RAW converter.  Are there other adjustments in Aperture that do the same thing?)
    Message was edited by: Kirby Krieger

    William -- many thanks for your help.  I will almost certainly change the default for my a77 (as well as for the Nex-7 I used for a week).
    Are there is any other adjustments mathematically similar to the "Boost" or "Hue Boost" sliders in the RAW Fine Tuning Brick?  I ask for two reasons:
    - Mostly I'm just trying to figure out what they do, and strengthen with knowledge my quiver of Aperture effects.  According the the User Manual, they change the overall contrast, and the amount to which the hue is changed as the overall contrast is increased. 
    - In practice, it makes sense to me to have the RAW conversion produce the "flattest", least "effected" image possible -- to leave _aesthetic_ adjustments to me.  I don't want to use the RAW Fine Tuning controls as part of my workflow; I want to know how to get the same increase in contrast and control of hues using other adjustments (that, specifically, don't require de-mosaic'ing).  Apple seems to indicate that the use of the RAW Fine Tuning controls may be the best approach:
    For images that consist of saturated primary and secondary colors, such as an image of flowers in a lush garden, shifting the hues to their true values has a desirable visual effect. However, this is not visually desirable for images containing skin tones.
    The implication is spelled out in the sentencesthat follow: use the max setting for flowers, and the minimum setting for portraits.  Isn't it odd that this recommendation is left to the RAW converter, and is buried deep in the User Manual?

  • Gnome Crashes on Login after messing with dual monitor settings

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    Here's my xorg.conf
    # nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
    # nvidia-xconfig:  version 285.05.09  ([email protected])  Fri Sep 23 19:18:19 PDT 2011
    Section "ServerLayout"
        Identifier     "Layout0"
        Screen      0  "Screen0"
        InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
        InputDevice    "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
    Section "Files"
    Section "InputDevice"
        # generated from default
        Identifier     "Mouse0"
        Driver         "mouse"
        Option         "Protocol" "auto"
        Option         "Device" "/dev/psaux"
        Option         "Emulate3Buttons" "no"
        Option         "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Section "InputDevice"
        # generated from default
        Identifier     "Keyboard0"
        Driver         "kbd"
    Section "Monitor"
        Identifier     "Monitor0"
        VendorName     "Unknown"
        ModelName      "Unknown"
        HorizSync       28.0 - 33.0
        VertRefresh     43.0 - 72.0
        Option         "DPMS"
    Section "Device"
        Identifier     "Device0"
        Driver         "nvidia"
        VendorName     "NVIDIA Corporation"
    Section "Screen"
        Identifier     "Screen0"
        Device         "Device0"
        Monitor        "Monitor0"
        DefaultDepth    24
       #Option         "TwinView" "True"
       #Option         "MetaModes" "nvidia-auto-select, nvidia-auto-select"
        SubSection     "Display"
            Depth       24
    I commented out below to get it in again, but it still feels shaky and unstable to log in now. Sometimes I will get the error and after a log out and login, it'll work.
      #Option         "TwinView" "True"
       #Option         "MetaModes" "nvidia-auto-select, nvidia-auto-select"
    Extra Notes: I have another desktop session with awesome installed(uninstalled now) and could log into that no problem. Awesome was giving me troubles so I uninstalled it. I have 2 gnome desktop sessions, my regular gnome session(the one that crashes), and the other with no window manager(never crashed on startup).
    I installed awesome around the same time as configuring the dual monitor setup.

    The crashes are to be expected now. I'm circumventing the whole thing by logging into my other Gnome session without a window manager, logging out and then logging back into my regular Gnome with Metacity.
    I've noticed the tty1 sessions(not sure what's it's called) is strange. Apparently my session runs on tty8 but when I try logging in, it'll crash me and tty7 gives me a blank screen with a blinking underscore. The other tty1s work regularly. Not sure if this has anything to do with it.
    Is there a way to just reset the Gnome settings?

  • Person Assignment to Operation & Graphical Monitor of Persons.

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    For Ex In Maint Order , I have assigned 10 hrs for Main Person 1 , it's Visible in Graph showing Person 1 color marked for 10 hrs . but the Problem is when I go to order once again & change Work hrs assigned to person to 2 hrs & Check the graphical monitoring , Graph is not getting updated it's still showing 10 hrs only .
    Is there  any where we need to change settings to get this Update hrs whenever i change in Order kindly suggest.
    2. If i assign more than one Person for Operation , its automatically calculates Splits , I donot want this type of Split to be  done ,anywhere we can switch off this Split function please suggest.

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  • How do go back to my default display color settings?  Just bought Spyder 3

    Hello out there in Genius land...
    I just purchased Spyder 3 Pro to calibrate my display monitor, but in order to do this correctly, I need to go back to my default color display settings.
    I have manually calibrated my display several times in the past in the advanced mode, so I am familiar with this process, but I am unable to figure out how to go back to the default. Can't find a default option in the color settings tab.
    Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you for your quick response.
    I just checked mine since I never changed it. It shows I have two default color >displays - Color LCD.
    When I select either one, the "Delete Profile" button is grayed out. This would >indicate to me that you should also still have your "default" color profile >showing.
    Good point about the grayed out "Delete Profile" button. I went back into my "Color" tab to check it out, and I have 4 different profiles listed:
    - 12-30-10
    - 7/29/08
    - Color LCD
    - Color NTSC (19530 Calibrated
    When I click on each of them, they show a totally different display color.
    The only one that the "Delete Profile" button is not grayed out is 12-30-10, which I made on that date. The other 3 delete buttons are grayed out. But I am thinking that my actual default may be the one that says "Color LCD" like yours.
    Is that safe to assume? What do you think?

  • A question about monitor settings and printing?

    I have a new PC with an HD monitor, it didn't come with an HDMI cable, but a VGA one, I recently got the HDMI and I noticed that comparatively when using the VGA cable & using the default monitor settings that the darks were darker than when using the HDMI with default settings, (the colour depth looked best with the VGA) I'm using PE9 and need to make an image to have printed at the printers, I would love to use the HDMI cable, but I'm concerned that if I do (and I change the monitors default settings for contrast, hue...etc to compensate) that... it will have been edited here one way and look totally different on the print shops monitor...
    ... So, how can I be sure it will come back from the printers looking the same as I had edited it?
    Should I give up with the HDMI cable? I also have PrE 9 for video editing, so I'm a bit confused at to what is best to do...

    There are no free calibration tools.  Like most things you get what you pay for.  However, the low end versions are quite good, so take a look at the Xrite Huey.
    This will get your display calibrated which ensures you see the best rendering of the image on screen.  It does not guarantee good print matching since this also requires a print colour managed process and good viewing conditions.
    Colour settings in Elements are mis-leading.  They apply to new documents being created in Elements or to images being opened that don't contain a colour profile.  Virtually all JPEG images from cameras will have a profile tagged in them.  So choose any setting but not the one that says 'No Colour Management'.  The best default in my opinion is 'Optimise for Screen'

  • Make Nvidia-Settings monitor settings & PowerMizer stick

    If i access the Nvidia-Settings program, i can configure the OpenGL and Antialiasing Settings however i wish and quit and they will permanently stick through every restart of the computer or x server.
    However the "X Server Display Configuration" settings and "PowerMizer" settings, although they do apply for my current session after i change them, restarting X11 will reset them.
    I want to set my two displays to clone and powermizer to performance mode.
    I have both tried the "Save to X Configuration File" button in the display section and saved it to a file in xorg.conf.d/ and i also tried going to the nvidia-settings Configuration and using the "Save Current Configuration" on the default path/filename for my user (rather than root(
    Nothing i've tried seems to work. What am i doing wrong or just not doing?
    My window manager is a plain openbox-session.
    Last edited by rabcor (2013-10-11 01:03:09)

    rabcor wrote:
    nvidia-settings -l
    seems to do precisely nothing, and to my understanding when the drivers load (when X runs) the drivers should load the "~/.nvidia-settings-rc" which is created when i use the "Save Current Configuration" button if one exists (if not i assume it just uses some default settings). Also to my understanding "nvidia-settings -l" is just meant to load exactly that file again.
    whether it actually does that successfully or not i have not tested, but the file does not include the monitor settings when i save it and i assume it doesn't contain the PowerMizer settings either since that also doesn't stick.
    i seem to require a xorg.conf or a xorg.conf.d/file file with at leastthese contents to run X with the nvidia drivers. Last i checked anyways which was probably a few months back.
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Whatever"
    Driver "nvidia"
    For me .nvidia-settings-rc wasn't loaded by default. I had to write it into my .xinitrc, too.

  • [LENOVO Y50-70] How To Set NVIDIA Card as Default Graphic Adapter

    I have just bought Lenovo Y50-70. But i wonder how to set NVIDIA Card as default Graphic Adapter instead using Intel Card. Thanks

    hi monx,
    Welcome to the Forums.
    The Y50-70 uses Nvidia Optimus Technology to automatically switch between the Intel GPU (for power saving) and Nvida GPU (for maximum performance).
    To manually set the default graphics adapter, you will need to set this inside the Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings.
       - Sample image
    More info:

  • Graphics Processor Settings

    I have downloaded a trial version of Photoshop onto a Toshiba Satellite i3 laptop.  It works until certain tasks are done and then a Windows error message pops up and the application fails.  I have checked Edit, Preferences, Performance and the Graphics Processor Settings box is greyed out.  The Description says "Photoshop detected an error in your display driver.  Update or reinstall the driver and check Use graphic Processor to retry.  I have reinstalled the display driver with no success. I don't kown what the Use Graphic Processor is and therefore could do with some help.  I am not very IT literate.  Thanks, Alice.

    Well, what exactly is your graphics card/ chipset? If the options for OpenGL/ OpenCL are greyed in the prefs, PS should not be using them at all, so for al lintents and purposes, this could be a more mundane issue not necessarily related to PS at all. Are you using monitor color profiels? an external monitor? Other settings we might need to know about?

  • Someone reversed the monitor settings -- help

    A student reversed the monitor settings so the screen shows black with silver letters/graphics. I think they hit 3 keys that does this. Does anyone know the keys that let me reset the monitor back to the original settings?

    Go to System preferences -> Universal Access (under System section). Click on the "Switch to Black On White" button.

  • Where are monitor settings stored beside krandrrc

    I would like to ask for help. Recently i've found interesting issue regarding KDE monitor system settings. KDE system settings make one config file in ~/.kde4/share/config named krandrrc. When we use KDE monitor system settings, configurations are stored in file krandrrc (information like resolution, refresh rate, orientation when there are 2 LCD displays connected and so on are stored here).
    I have dual monitor setup. I found this issue because of what i do by an mistake. I chosed to disable my second screen, hit save - i wanted to disable it. Than by mistake i disabled my first, primary screen and this choos was saved right on the spot (i though that when i won't acept settings, they will be restored, just like in Windows, but there were not). So, in fact, i ended with second screen disabled and my first screen disabled, so after each boot, i log in and than, my picture/screen goes off and my lcd monitor shuts itself off.
    I tried to delete krandrrc file in ~/.kde4/share/config but it did not make a change. Is there a different config file for monitor settings in KDE? How i could restore it back? Is there a way? I restored it by a chance (i just logged in, hit alt+f2, tried to type "terminal", and than type xrandr --auto but this metod is a metod that needs luck because we can't see anything with disabled screen). I deleted also xorg.conf but in Arch, in fact, it is not needed because udev.  I tried to log into tty by hitting alt+f1, but in terminal typing xrandr --auto won't make difference, it says that it can't start X window session so it works only in gui.
    Could somebody help? Maybe you have a fix for it?
    Last edited by firekage (2014-10-17 11:57:36)

    Hi firekage,
    I came across your post while trying to fix a similar issue on my laptop.  I don't have a krandrrc file.  However, I found that if I deleted the files in my ~/.kde4/share/apps/kscreen directory I was able to "start over" and configure my displays again.
    Hope that helps you out.

  • Monitor settings incorrect and can't get to system prefs to change them

    I was experimenting with screen resolution settings and somehow came up with one that doesn't allow me to get to any finder controls or to the apple icon. So I can't use my computer.

    Thanks BD. And thanks for the welcome.
    I couldn't get it to start in safe mode no matter when I depressed and released the shift key. I realized that the computer is behaving as if it has 2 monitors, which is what it had when I made the mess. I tried detect displays to no avail. BUT I logged out and signed in as another user and no problem! Thus, the monitor settings must somehow be a function of a users prefs. The upshot is that I can now use the computer albeit as a different user. A potential problem may be that the original (screwed up monitor) user is the administrator. My problem is no longer so critical, though and I really appreciate the help.

  • Iweb auto adjust for different computer monitor settings

    Nobody has the same display settings on their monitor, so how can I get iweb to auto adjust to different computer monitor settings?

    Are you referring to screen size? If so many prefer to have their browser window set to the size they want unlike PCs in which the browsers usually always fill the screen blocking out the desktop.
    Why not set your site width to a size that can be utilized by all, desktops, laptops and mobile devices. Apple recommends 980 pixel width for that.
    There was a post about this some time ago with, if I recall correctly, some code to do that. I think Cyclosaurus posted it but am not sure.
    I know its a personal preference but when I land on a site that forces my browser to fill the screen I leave and don't go back.

Maybe you are looking for