Overwrite Portal Favourites

using a WAD in SAP Netweaver Portal i can create/delete Portal Favourites but I cannot overwrite them.
Let's say for example, if I create template "TEST" and in a second time I "Save as.." doing a seletion on "TEST", this action generates a second "TEST" favourite instead of overwriting.
Can somebody help me.
Thank you.

I keep updating my situation..
Both quality and production button calls the command SAVE_AS.
So I'm asking..
1) Is there the possibility to edit SAVE_AS command in any way?
2) In Sap Portal is there a way to avoid dialog box to be shown?
I really cannot find a reason to this problem.
Thanks again.

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    While trying to add a BI report in Portal Favourites, I am able to add the reports in portal favourites but when I click the reports(inside Portal Favourites) to open it , it will not open the reports but opens the very first page of the portal which we get after login to portal.
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    Doesnt seem to appear as a portal issue neither it is a reader issue. Might be some issues with the network which isnt allowing the entire file to get downloaded and hence causing the browser to hang.

  • Portal Favourites

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    Could you please advise me .
    Appreciate on your support.

    You don't need any java coding to create an entry point
    You just have to go to system administration --> System configuration --> Knowledge management -->content management -->repository managers --> (related areas) Entry point providers -->entry points for static folders
    You can there add the paths to the folders you want to see as entry points, the priority affects the order in which the folders are displayed
    Before you can make entry points, you first have to create the folders at a random place (for example /documents)
    You can change the pictures of the entry points by uploading images in the folder /etc/public/mimes/images/entrypoints and giving them the same name as your entry point with extension img (for example documents.img)
    Afterwards, you can adapt the portal favourites iview to your needs by adding the entry points iview
    For more information see http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/54/3d754067025537e10000000a1550b0/frameset.htm

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    Please check this thread.
    Changing Background color of the Lists area in Portal Favorites
    Good Luck!
    Sandeep Tudumu

  • Change the name from Portal Favorites to Portal Favourites

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    Can someone tell how we can change on global basis for every portal user.
    Deep Nain Kundra

    Hi there,
    The iView called "Favorites" in Content Provided by SAP > End User Content > Standard Portal Users > iViews > com.sap.km.iviews points to a KM folder which you can find in Content Administration > KM Content > root > Entry Points > Favorites. You can change the name of this folder: with Entry Points > Favorites selected choose Folder > Details and then Settings > Properties, set the name to whatever you like and click Save.
    Now this isn't 100% effective but if a user accesses the Organize Entries command from the Favorites context menu, they will now see your custom folder name. A preview of the iView will show the same.
    What this doesn't do is change the name of the Entry Point, so a user looking under Documents will still see the heading "Favorites". According to SAP Help this can be changed by creating a custom bundle file, but despite following the steps detailed in [Changing Labels and Symbols for Entry Points|http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70/helpdata/en/36/8b6b4066d9bf49e10000000a1550b0/content.htm] I have not had success with this.

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    Try it.
    Follow the Steps,
    Content Administration --> Portal Content --> Portal Users --> Standard Portal Users --> Default FrameWork Page --> Select the Desktop InnerPage and Open it --> Select the Portal Favourites iView  and Click the Properties  --> Select the Property "Launch in New Window ". In that Property having the option "Display in Separate Window", "Display in Separate Portal Window", "Display in Separate Headerless Portal Window".
    Do the changes and Refresh the portal and try to open the favourites.
    I hope it helps..
    Prakash T

  • Portal favourites for all users to be same

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    we have implemented ESS over portal and i have added some links to portal favourites.
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    Now the requirement is that i want all users to see the same links when they logon by their respective ids.
    but this is not happening. those links are in portal favourites for my id only.
    Kindly let me what to do.
    the way I added those links was to just click over the link in ESS workset and from the page title bar, selected the option, add to portal favourite.

    Hi Ankur,
    I guess you want one person to manage favorites for all the users of Portal. In such a case you can achieve this without any development work using KM. Just follow the below steps:
    1. Create a folder in KM inside documents folder (Content Admin > KM content > documents), say Favorites.
    2. Create links (external/Internal) inside the folder.
    3. Create a KM navigation I view by name Favorites and edit the property Path to Initially Displayed Folder = /documents/favorites (your folder path in KM)
    4. Add this I view to your homepage and page to the subsequent role
    5. Assign the role to the user.
    It works like custom favorites for all users using which you can centrally control user favorites just by adding or removing links in the KM favorites folder.

  • Translated content in Portal Favourites iView

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    I have Portal roles in two languages English and German. I set the browser language to check the translations. Initially the browser language is English.  When we add the role to Portal Favourites and then change the browser language to German, the text in the Roles is changed but the text in the Portal Favourites iview still remains in English. Can anyone tell me how to translate the content of Portal Favourites iview?

    You can upload an Image or an HTML file in the KM Repository and then create an iview pointing to that file. Assign that to a role and and make the entry point YES.
    Assign that role to user.
    Whenever that user logs in the image will be displayed.
    Hope this helps!
    Atul Shrivastava

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    In runtime error ...you will find a exception ID...
    Copy this exception ID and open below URL :
    Then navigate to Monitoring -> Logs and Traces...Select "Default trace" from drop down.
    Hete you will find that exception ID....open it and see actual error.

  • Background colour portal favourites

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    how can I change the background colour of the favourtites. I found the possibility to change the detailed navigation, but not the portal favourites. I thought I can do this with the Themeeditor.
    But that is wrong, isn't it?

    Hi Marco,
    Checkout the resolved posts about the same question as yours:
    Theme Editor - changing colour of Portal Favs highlight
    /thread/229389 [original link is broken]
    They have suceeded in changing the backgrouund colours for their fav..so you should be as well...Good Luck !!
    Hope that helps.

  • RE: Hiding portal favourites for all users..

    I would like to know how to hide the "Portal Favourites" column in the Portal screen for all the users.
    It works for a customized iview.when i tried to do in Default framework page..its not getting applied for all the users..
    Can somebody tell me how to do this ?...Thanks.

    Hi Addy
    Content Administration->Portal Content
    navigate to Portal Content->Content Provided by SAP->End User Content->Standard Portal Users
    You can see the default framework page
    Open the framework.
    Select the desktop inner page check box and click OPEN.
    Now you can see the portal favourities iview.
    Remove it from the page.
    Also check this forume link
    remove portal Favorites
    Hope this information will help you
    Edited by: Ruturaj Inamdar on Jul 29, 2009 7:52 AM

  • Portal favorites option does not add the iview or page to portal favourite

    Hi All,
    When I click on the option button in portal content area after opening a Iview or page,  the short cut menu is showing the option 'Add to Portal Favorites' . Clicking on 'Add to Portal Favorites' is not adding the iview or pages  to the portal favourites section below the detailed navigation.
    I checked the Page Title Bar Iview(com.sap.portal.pageToolbar) property in default framework page, to know whether 'Show Add to Portal Favourites' option is set to 'Yes', it was not set to 'Yes' and then I set the property to 'Yes' After this I tried adding to portal favorites but the functions are not getting added.
    Please let me know how to resolve this issue.
    H.K.Hayath Basha.

    I am facing the same issue, could you let me know, how did you fix this ,
    I have check the default framework and the settings for show add to buffer and also the context menu settings,
    favorites are not getting updated , unless we click on some other transac

  • Write Tray API property for Portal Favourites page.

    Hi All,
    Plz help me out for setting the "Write Tray API" property" in Portal, as when iam accessing Portal favourites tab iam getting the error "The property White Tray API of the page must be set to "TRUE"".
    Kindly help, as this is urgent.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Shailesh Nagar

    that link is reffered to SAP Note :1017186 i don't know why its not working suddenly i am just copying the SAP Note here
    When user tries to add a km document to the portal favorites iView, a pop up message appears on the screen: "The property 'Write Tray API' of the page must be set to 'true'"
    Other terms
    Add to portal favorites iView, favorites iView, Write Tray API
    Reason and Prerequisites
    NW04 - All versions.
    NW04S - All versions.
    -Open the framework page for edit.
    -Check the Desktop Innerpage (com.sap.portal.innerpage) and choose Properties.
    -In the Property Category, switch to "Show All".
    -Set the property "Use API of Tray" = to "Yes".
    -Save your changes.

  • Add iview/Pages to portal favourites?

    Dear Experts.
    I am new to EP. I want to know how to add iviews or pages to portal favourites.
    Appreciate your response.
    Shanmukha Rao Banisetti.

    go this location and add the page
    'portal content > portal user > Default Framework Page > com.sap.portal.innerpage'
    for more check this forum link as well
    Page to Favourites
    Add to Favorites Page Function
    adding iView to Portal Frame work page as a link

  • Deleting details from Portal Favourites

    Hi Experts,
    We're using EP to publish reports from BI.  We have saved reports loaded in EP which is shown in Portal favourites in left side.  We wanted to know how to delete those details.  Also, guide me I want to list few details in favourites, how to do it.
    If you need more details, kindly let me know. Hope you can suggest us with the above details.
    thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Hi Narayanan,
    For the question-1:
    1. You should download the sap.portal.navigation.masthead.par.bak from the Portal Server.
    2. Import PAR to your NWDS .
    3. Now you can find the JSP pages where you can remove the log-off links, can disable (commenting) the banner images, etc.
    4. After changing these stuff, upload the Par (without .bak) to portal.
    5. Now refresh/relogin to portal , you should see the changes.
    NOTE: Make sure you have the original masthead.PAR as a copy. If you want the original back then upload the original par back to Portal.
    Also refere - Portal Branding - Go beyond portal themes
    For question-2:
    1) you need to create specific ROLES and assign those worksets/roles.
    2) then create a GROUP assign those roles you want to
    3) then assign the user to the groups
    This is the standard way to do that.

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